Jorda Schularick Taylor PDF
Jorda Schularick Taylor PDF
Jorda Schularick Taylor PDF
June 2015
What risks do asset price bubbles pose for the economy? This paper studies
bubbles in housing and equity markets in 17 countries over the past 140 years.
History shows that not all bubbles are alike. Some have enormous costs for
the economy, while others blow over. We demonstrate that what makes some
bubbles more dangerous than others is credit. When fueled by credit booms
asset price bubbles increase financial crisis risks; upon collapse they tend
to be followed by deeper recessions and slower recoveries. Credit-financed
house price bubbles have emerged as a particularly dangerous phenomenon.
Keywords: boom, bust, bank lending, debt overhang, crises, local projections.
∗ The views expressed herein are solely the responsibility of the authors and should not be
interpreted as reflecting the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System. This work is part of a larger project kindly supported
by a research grant from the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) administered by UC
Davis. Schularick is thankful for generous financial support from the Volkswagen Foundation.
We are indebted to Katharina Knoll who permitted us to use her cross-country database of histor-
ical housing prices. We are particularly grateful to Early Elias, Niklas Flamang, Lukas Gehring,
and Helen Irvin for outstanding research assistance. All errors are ours.
† Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; and Department of Economics, University of Califor-
What risk do asset price bubbles present to the economy? Naturally, in the wake of
the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression, the causes and consequences of
extended mispricing of financial assets have climbed to the top of the agenda for macroe-
conomists and policymakers. It has become harder to dismiss such bubble episodes as
rare aberrations and exclude them from macroeconomic thinking on axiomatic grounds.
In the pre-crisis consensus, to a large extent, policymakers and economists preferred
to ignore bubbles, arguing that they couldn’t exist, or couldn’t be detected, or not reliably,
or that nothing could or should be done, or there might be unintended consequences, and
so on. Researchers and central bankers imagined that the problem of depressions had
been solved and that the financial sector would be self-stabilizing. The financial stability
role of central banks was mostly regarded as secondary, if not quaintly vestigial. The
crisis exploded these and other myths which had taken hold based on very little firm
empirical evidence, and with scant regard for the lessons of history. The Former Fed
Chairman very publicly resiled from old beliefs: he stepped away from a benign neglect
approach to markets’ irrational exuberance, admitted the “flaw” in his worldview, and
began to entertain, as above, the possibility that central banks might need to pay heed to
bubbles, or at least some of them, rather more seriously than before.1
Where are we now? Among policymakers and economists a post-crisis consensus
seems to be emerging, and this new view worries a lot about leveraged bubbles. Yet, the
skeptic might well ask: Isn’t this new consensus just as detached from evidence-based
macroeconomics as the last one? Isn’t more empirical work needed before we rush to
embrace another approach? Sadly, as of now, if one seeks statistically powerful inference
based on data from large samples, then one can find little empirical evidence about
varieties of asset price bubbles and the damage they might wreak on the economy.
This paper aims to close this gap by studying the nexus between credit, asset prices,
and economic outcomes in advanced economies since 1870. We use a dataset that spans
the near universe of advanced economies in the era of modern economic growth and
finance capitalism over the last 150 years. Financial crises and asset price boom-busts are
relatively rare events. Thus, any empirical study requires very long time series and the
1 Forthe CNBC interview see Matthew J. Belvedere, “Bubbles and leverage cause crises: Alan
Greenspan,” October 23, 2013 ( For more depth see the
interview with Gillian Tett (“An interview with Alan Greenspan,” FT Magazine, October 25, 2013).
experience of more than one country to conduct any reasonable statistical analysis, as
our prior work has shown.
Our key result is that some bubbles matter more than others. What makes bubbles
dangerous is the role of credit, as was belatedly suspected by Greenspan. This finding
also fits with conjectures put forward by Mishkin (2008, 2009) and other policymakers
after the crisis: the idea that there are two categories of bubbles. Pure, unleveraged “irra-
tional exuberance” bubbles may pose a limited threat to financial stability or the macroe-
conomic outlook. “Credit boom bubbles,” on the other hand, may be a dangerous com-
bination. In such bubbles, a positive feedback develops that involves credit growth, asset
prices, and increasing leverage. When such credit boom bubbles go bust, in Mishkin’s
words, “the resulting deleveraging depresses business and household spending, which
weakens economic activity and increases macroeconomic risk in credit markets.” Ar-
guably, these deleveraging pressures have been a key reason for the slow recovery from
the financial crisis (Mian and Sufi 2014; Jorda, Schularick, and Taylor 2013).
The plan of the paper is as follows. First, we introduce the two historical datasets
underlying this study. In the second part, we study the role of credit and asset price
bubbles in the generation of financial crises. Using a comprehensive dataset, covering
a wide range of macroeconomic and financial variables, we demonstrate that it is the
interaction of asset price bubbles and credit growth that poses the gravest risk to financial
stability. These results, based on long-rung historical data, offer the first sound statistical
support based on large samples for the widely held view that the financial stability
risks stemming from of an unleveraged equity market boom gone bust (such as the U.S.
dotcom bubble) can differ substantially from a credit-financed housing boom gone bust
(such as the U.S. 2000s housing market). Third, analyzing the consequences of bursting
asset price bubbles for the macroeconomy, we show that the output costs in the depth of
the financial crisis recession, and the speed of the subsequent recovery, are shaped by the
interaction of asset price run-ups and the pace of credit growth in the prior boom phase.
Our conclusions align with the emerging post-crisis consensus, but add some actual
evidentiary basis for that view: asset price bubbles are harmful when accompanied by
credit booms. We find that the interaction of the two sows the seeds of severe economic
distress. The risk of a financial crisis rises substantially and subsequent recessions are
considerably more painful.
Our new discoveries also place a renewed and nuanced emphasis on our earlier work
on the causes of financial instability (Schularick and Taylor 2012; Jordà, Schularick, and
Taylor forthcoming). It is not only credit growth, but the interaction of credit and asset
prices that matters for financial stability risks and the economic costs of financial crises.
1. Data
Our study relies on the combination and extension of two new long-run macro-finance
datasets that have recently become available. In Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2014) we
presented the latest vintage of our long-run credit and macroeconomic dataset in the
form of an annual panel of 17 countries since 1870. To study asset price booms we
have then added equity price data from stock price index time-series data, as detailed
below. The second dataset underlying the study by Knoll (2014) and Knoll, Schularick,
and Steger (2014) covers house prices since 1870 on an annual basis for a panel of 16
countries. All these datasets were then merged for the present study. Table 1 gives an
overview of the underlying data for house prices, equity prices and bank credit.
The credit dataset covers credit aggregates, interest rates, equity prices as well as a
large number of real economic variables for 17 countries since 1870 on an annual basis.
We updated the dataset to include data up to 2012, which puts us in a position to include
the global financial crisis and its aftermath in our analysis. We have also widened the
coverage of equity prices to 17 countries, with data typically beginning in the late 19th
or early 20th century. At the core of this dataset are credit-aggregates (bank lending)
for 17 countries, both for total and disaggregated credit. Data on macroeconomic control
variables come from our previous work, where we relied on the efforts of other economic
and financial historians and the secondary data collections by Maddison (2005), Barro
and Ursúa (2008), and Mitchell (2008abc). Data on financial crisis dates come from the
now standard sources such as Bordo et al. (2001), Laeven and Valencia (2008, 2012), and
Reinhart and Rogoff (2009).
The current dataset builds on and extends the long-run credit data compiled by Schu-
larick and Taylor (2012), and the updated series in Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2014).
Compared to the older vintage, the coverage of financial institutions is broader. In ad-
dition to commercial banks’ balance sheets, the data now include credit extended by
savings banks, credit unions, and building societies. We have compiled a new series of
total bank lending to the private sector that replaces the older series from Schularick and
Taylor (2012). As before, data constraints mean that we cannot include direct borrowing
in capital markets and private credit contracts.2
The data come from a broad range of sources, including economic and financial his-
tory books, journal articles, publications of statistical offices and central banks. We also
2 Historical research has shown that those have been sizable in some countries in the early
19th century (see, e.g. Hoffman, Postel-Vinay, and Rosenthal 2000 for France). Yet a comparison
with Goldsmith’s (1969) seminal estimates shows that our series capture the largest part of total
private credit for most countries over the entire period.
Table 1: Data sources, period, and coverage details of the house price and equity price data
For each country, we show the period covered by the equitymarket index, the period
covered by the house price index, and the period covered by the bank loans series.
Country Equity prices House prices Bank loans
Australia 1875–2012 1870–2012 1870–2012
Belgium 1897–2012 1878–2012 1885–2012
Canada 1915–2012 1921–2012 1870–2012
Switzerland 1910–2012 1900–2012 1870–2012
Germany 1870–2012 1870–2012 1883–2012
Denmark 1915–2012 1875–2012 1870–2012
Spain 1874–2012 1970–2012 1900–2012
Finland 1922–2012 1905–2012 1870–2012
France 1870–2012 1870–2012 1900–2012
U.K. 1870–2012 1899–2012 1880–2012
Italy 1906–2012 1970–2012 1870–2012
Japan 1913–2012 1913–2012 1888–2012
Netherlands 1890–2012 1870–2012 1900–2012
Norway 1914–2012 1870–2012 1870–2012
Portugal 1931–2012 —— 1870–1903 / 1920–2012
Sweden 1870–2012 1870–2012 1871–2012
U.S. 1870–2012 1890–2012 1880–2012
Notes: Equity prices are broad indices. House prices are quality adjusted where possible. For
bank loans, the financial institutions covered include commercial banks (CB) and other financial
institutions (OFI) such as savings banks, credit unions, and building societies. Data generally
cover all monetary financial institutions.
Sources: Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2014) and Knoll, Schularick, and Steger (2014). See text.
consulted archival sources at central and private banks. The success of the data collec-
tion effort owes much to generous support of many colleagues at various research insti-
tutions, archives, central banks, and statistical offices. Details of the data construction
can be found in Jordà, Schularick, and Taylor (2014).
Figure 1 shows the total bank credit series from the new database compared with
the older series taken from our previous dataset relying mainly on credit by commer-
cial banks. For the post-WW2 period, the data can be compared to the credit database
maintained by the Bank for International Settlements (2013). Both series track each other
closely. The trends in long-run bank lending are well known by now: after an initial pe-
riod of financial deepening in the late 19th century the average level of the credit-to-GDP
ratio in advanced economies reached a plateau of about 50%–60% around 1900. Subse-
quently, with the notable exception of the deep contraction seen in bank lending in the
Great Depression and World War II, the ratio broadly remained in this range until the
Figure 1: Bank credit to the domestic economy, 1870–2011, with a comparison of data from three
different sources: Average ratio to GDP by year for 17 countries
Ratio of bank lending to GDP
1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Notes: Total Loans (new JST series) refers to new data on total loans to the non-financial private
sector (businesses and households) from the banking sector (broadly defined as explained in the
text) and compiled by us for this paper; Commercial bank loans (old ST series) refers data on total
loans to the non-financial private sector by commercial banks compiled by Schularick and Taylor
(2012); Total loans (BIS data) refers to data on total loans by the banking sector compiled by the BIS
(2013). All three series reported as a fraction to GDP and then averaged across all 17 countries in
the sample. See text.
1970s. The trend then broke: the three decades that followed were marked by a sharp
increase in the volume of bank credit relative to GDP. Bank lending on average roughly
doubled relative to GDP between 1980 and 2009 as average bank credit to GDP increased
from 62% in 1980 to 118% in 2010. Put differently, the data dramatically underscore the
size of the credit boom prior to the global financial crisis of 2008. This is only a lower
bound estimate as it excludes credit creation by the shadow banking system, which was
significant in some countries, such as in the U.S. and the U.K.
We merge this historical macro dataset with panel data covering long-run house
prices. Combining data from more than 60 different sources, Knoll, Schularick and Ste-
ger (2014) construct house price indices reaching back to the early 1920s in the case of
Canada, the early 1900s (Finland, Germany, Switzerland), the 1890s (Japan, U.K., U.S.),
and the 1870s (Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway). Compared
to existing studies such as Bordo and Landon-Lane (2013), the dataset extends the series
for the United Kingdom and Switzerland by more than 30 years, for Belgium by more
than 40 years, and for Japan by more than 50 years. Overall, the new dataset doubles the
number of country-year observations, allowing a more detailed study of long-run house
price dynamics.
Constructing long-run house price data requires pragmatic choices between the ideal
and the available data. A house is a bundle of the structure and the underlying land.
The price of the structure corresponds to its replacement value which is a function of
construction costs. The best possible index would measure, for each country, the ap-
preciation of the price of a standard, unchanging house. But houses are heterogeneous
assets posing particular challenges for the construction of price indices that are compa-
rable across countries. Typically, house price data exist for shorter periods and have
to be spliced to construct at a long-run index. With these caveats in mind, the series
reconstructed by provide the best available basis for empirical analysis.
The house price data collected and analyzed by Knoll, Schularick and Steger (2014)
show that the path of global house prices in the 20th century has not been continuous.
Real house prices, deflated with the consumer price index (CPI), remained stable from
1870 until the middle of the 20th century after which they rose substantially, as Figure
2 shows. Figure 2 also demonstrates that there are large swings in real house prices.
Periods of pronounced increases are often followed by abrupt corrections, as Knoll (2014)
discusses. In addition, Figure 2 demonstrates that there is considerable heterogeneity
in house price trends across economies that otherwise have similar characteristics and
comparable long-run growth performance.
Complementing Figure 2, Figure 3 displays the equity market data underlying our
empirical analysis. Just like house prices, real equity prices exhibit considerable cross-
country heterogeneity and volatility in the course of the 20th century. It is also notewor-
thy that, just as house prices, equity prices seem to share a general tendency to increase
faster than CPI in recent decades.
In total, the asset price dataset assembled for this study rests on 1998 country-year
equity price and 1818 house price observations. On average, we have per country 117
years of equity price information and 113 years of house price data. With sample size
comes statistical power: using this large historical dataset, we can perform more formal
benchmarking and statistical analysis for the near-universe of advanced-country macroe-
conomic and asset price trends, covering over 90% of advanced economy output. In
the next section, we will briefly present how we identify asset price bubbles in the data
before formally studying their economic consequences.
Figure 2: Real house prices in the 20th century
-4 -2 0 2
Notes: Nominal house price index divided by consumer price index. See text. The years of the
two world wars are shown with shading.
Figure 3: Real equity prices in the 20th century
-4 -2 0
Notes: Nominal equity price index divided by consumer price index. See text. The years of the
two world wars are shown with shading.
2. Empirical identification of asset price bubbles
The term “bubble” is typically used when asset prices deviate from their fundamen-
tal value in an asymmetric and explosive way, often in conjunction with a subsequent
crash. Bubbles can occur even if investors have rational expectations and have identi-
cal information—so called rational bubbles—but also under asymmetric information, in
the presence of limits to arbitrage and when investors hold heterogeneous beliefs (e.g.,
Brunnermeier 2008).
Determining the presence of bubbles empirically, however, is no easy task. One
option is to follow Borio and Lowe (2002), as well as Detken and Smets (2004) and
Goodhart and Hofmann (2008), who have defined house price booms as deviations of
real house prices above some some specified threshold relative to an HP filtered trend
with a high smoothing parameter. We build upon this kind of definition, but it is not
the only approach. Bordo and Jeanne (2002), by contrast, focus on the explosive growth
dynamics instead of the level deviation from long-run assumed fair value. In their work,
an asset price boom episode is detected when the 3-year moving average growth rate
exceeds the series average by more than 1.3 times the series standard deviation. Other
definitions of bubbles based on sustained peak-trough or trough-peak changes appear in
works by Helbling (2005), Helbling and Terrones (2003), and Claessens et al. (2008) for
the IMF.
As this brief survey makes clear, there is no accepted standard definition of bubble
phenomena. Research has used both large deviations of price levels from some reference
level and also large rates (or amplitudes) of increase/decrease as indicative of the rise
and fall of bubble events. In the following, we propose a combination of both approaches
and apply two criteria for the detection of an asset price bubble episode. In essence, we
require that log real asset prices must not only diverge significantly from their trend—by
more than one standard deviation from a Hodrick-Prescott filtered trend (λ=100, annual
data)—but they must also involve large price corrections when the bubble bursts, by
more than 15% (a change of –0.15 log points) within a 3-year window looking forwards
at some point during the years in which prices are elevated. The precise signals we
use in each country-year observation are as follows, where pit is the log real asset price,
whether equity or housing, zit is the HP detrended log real asset price, and I is the
indicator function:
Table 2: Largest equity and housing price bubbles during business cycle expansions as measured
by price elevation, by country
Price Correction Signalit = I ( pi,t+3 − pit < −0.15 for some year t within the episode)
As a first cut of the data, Table 2 shows the most significant asset price boom episodes
in real housing and equity prices in the past 140 years of macroeconomic history for each
country in our sample when we look at asset price booms coincident with business cycle
expansions. The year of the episode’s expansion peak is listed, along with information
on the maximum degree of price elevation (the deviation from HP trend, as described
above, measured here in country-specific units of standard deviation) where the expan-
sion episode with the largest such deviation is the one listed for each country; we also
list in each case the corresponding magnitude of the associated asset price correction
(100 times 3-year log change, as described above).
Figure 4: Examples of the bubble indicator for six illustrative episodes
The figures show, for each 10-year window, the log real asset price (rebased to the start
year), a band of ±1 standard deviation (for that country’s detrended log real asset price),
and the years for which the bubble signal is turned on using our algorithm.
Housing bubble: AUS, 1884–1894 Equity bubble: JPN, 1984–1994
0 50 100 150
0 20 40 60
1889 1989
1888 18901891 1988
50 100
2006 1999
50 100
In every case, the most dramatic run ups in equity prices led to deviations from trend
of +2.1 to +3.2 in standard deviation units, with subsequent corrections exceeding 0.59
log points in all but one case, and over 1.00 log points in 4 out of 17 cases. The largest run
ups in housing prices are also dramatic, with deviations from trend of between +1.8 and
+4.7 in standard deviation units. Subsequent corrections are in the .19 to .51 range, with
one exception. The data show the wide range of historical episodes in extreme bubbles
of each kind, and also illuminate how heterogeneous country experiences are: not every
country has its most dramatic equity boom in the 1920s, and not every big housing boom
was in the 2000s, according to our metrics.
To provide a more granular view of our bubble signal algorithm, Figure 4 zooms in
on several 10-year windows surrounding well known asset price boom and bust cycles
Table 3: Amplitude, rate, and duration of bubbles
for several countries in our dataset. The line in each chart plots the log real asset price
for that country in the specified period, with the ±1 s.d. reference band centered on the
HP trend, and the markers on the line with year labels pick out those years which our
algorithm selects as “bubble” episodes. To the naked eye the algorithm seems to produce
reasonable signals for all these cases.
Finally, Table 3 provides a bird’s-eye view on the main features of equity and housing
bubbles from the point they start until they collapse. Start is defined as the moment when
the price elevation signal switches on at +1 s.d. Comparing columns (1) and (2) based on
the full sample, it is clear that fluctuations in equity prices are far more volatile, and on
average, about twice the size of those in house prices. As a result, the average duration
of equity bubbles is one third shorter on average (2 versus 3 years). These differences are
similar across eras, as the subsample analysis in columns (3)-(6) reveals.
Some of the most-well known historical episodes that our algorithm picks up include
the Australian real estate boom of the 1880s that came to an abrupt end in the early
1890s leading to a prolonged period of economic adjustment. We also pick up a major
speculative real estate boom that took hold in Copenhagen and spread to other Danish
cities in the early 1900s as well as the 1920s real estate boom in the U.S. The parallels to
the boom and bust of the 2000s have recently been analyzed by White (2014): housing
starts surged and, with large regional variation, prices rose strongly, fueled by easy credit
and financial innovations. The crash occurred in the mid-1920, well in advance of the
Great Depression. Yet it led to a surge in foreclosures that weakened the financial system.
The boom and bust of equity markets in the late 1920s is arguably the most famous
asset price boom and bust episode in modern economic history. From their trough in
1921, U.S. equity prices increased 6-fold in the course of the 1920s. Yet the Roaring Twen-
ties ended for good on October 24, 1929, on Black Thursday. The market lost 11 percent
of its value within a few minutes of trading. In the following week, Black Thursday was
followed by Black Monday and Black Tuesday. On both days, shares posted double-digit
losses. The Wall Street of October 1929 crash has ever since played a central role in
historical accounts of the Great Depression.
Turning to the second half of the 20th century, we include the Swiss housing boom
in the 1980s as well as the Scandinavian boom and bust episodes of the late 1980s and
early 1990s, often linked to the process of financial deregulation that swept the region at
the beginning of the decade. The Japanese asset price bubble accelerated strongly after
1985 (Okina et al. 2001). Initially, equity prices posted the strongest gains. Land prices
only followed the Nikkei index with a lag of a few years. Japanese urban land prices
doubled over a few years, while the price of listed equities tripled. Equity prices peaked
in 1989, while real estate peaked in 1991. While stock prices had fallen by 60 percent in
1992 already, land prices deflated more slowly and remained on a downward trajectory
for almost two decades after their peak. By 2012, the nominal value of real estate was
about half its 1991 value.
that years in which output declines are years of recession. The recession dates that we
use refer to the peak of the business cycle, that is, the first year of recession.
An important reason to split the sample with WW2 is to recognize the dramatic
growth in mortgage lending that took place in many countries following this turning
point, sometimes facilitated by government programs designed to promote home owner-
ship. Home ownership rates in the U.K. before WW2 stayed well below 30% and barely
cracked 50% in the U.S., for example. In the eve of the Great Recession those numbers
more than doubled for the U.K. and would top up at 65% in the U.S. The implication for
the analysis is clear and well reflected in Table 4. As a larger portion of the population
invested in real estate, fluctuations in the price of this asset class had more widespread
economic implications.
The first noteworthy result in Table 4 is that financial crisis recessions in the pre-
WW2 era were just as likely to take place in association with a bubble episode in equities
and/or houses than not –10 out of 22 financial crisis recessions have this feature. In
part this likely reflects the observation that speculation took place in other asset classes,
primarily commodities. For example, the panic of 1907 in the U.S. is often associated
with speculation in copper prices by United Copper Co. When copper prices collapsed,
so did United Copper Co. and its main creditor, Knickerbocker Trust Co., at the time the
third largest financial institution in the U.S. The fall of Knickerbocker set off massive con-
solidation of the financial system (and subsequently the creation of the Federal Reserve
System), as well as one of the largest waves of bank failures in U.S. history.
After WW2, however, we find that all but one financial crisis recession (out of a total
of 22) were associated with a collapse of equity and/or house prices. The differences
do not stop there. Whereas equity price booms play a prominent role in those financial
recessions associated with a bubble episode before WW2 (8 out of 12 bubble related fi-
nancial crisis recessions involve equities alone), after WW2 it appears that most episodes
involved bubbles in both equity and house prices—11 out of 21 episodes are linked to
bubbles in both asset classes.
What about normal recessions? Is there a similar pattern pre- and post-WW2? Do
bubbles always lead to recessions? The bottom part of Table 4 contains the frequency
tally of bubble episodes in normal recessions. And just as with financial crisis recessions,
there are marked differences between the pre- and post-WW2 eras. Before WW2, the
vast majority of normal recessions have no links to bubbles in either equities or houses—
45 out of 52 recessions fit this mold. After WW2 only about one third –22 out of 62
recessions– fall in this category. About half of the post-WW2 era recessions –29 out of
62– are linked to bubbles in equities, and a smaller number is linked with a bubble in
Table 4: Relative frequency of asset price bubbles by type of recession
Normal Recessions
No Bubble 45 22 67
Bubble in equity prices only 3 29 32
Bubble in house prices only 2 5 7
Bubbles in both 2 6 8
Total 52 62 114
Notes: Recessions are the peaks of business cycles identified using Bry and Boschan (1971) al-
gorithm. A recession is labeled financial if it is associated with a financial crisis within a 2 year
window of the peak. Otherwise it is labeled normal. Bubble episodes are associated with reces-
sions by considering the expansion over which the bubble takes place and using the subsequent
peak. See text.
house prices or both house prices and equities (5 and 6 episodes respectively out of 62
total normal recessions).
It is useful to keep in mind that equity prices are far more volatile that house prices.
As a result, we find a larger proportion of equity price bubbles relative to house price
bubbles. For the full sample, there are 28 equity price bubble episodes out of 44 financial
crisis recessions versus 18 for house price bubbles. The contrast is starker in normal
recessions with 40 price bubble episodes relative to 15 house price bubbles out of 114
normal recessions.
Finally, financial crisis recessions happened regularly in the pre-WW2 era. Nearly
one third of all recessions (22 out of 74) have to be classified as a financial crisis recession.
After WW2 the incidence of these disruptive episodes wanes somewhat: 22 out of 84
post-WW2 recessions are classified as associated with a financial crisis.
Table 4 already reveals several important themes in the data that we will explore in
more detail in the next few sections. Importantly, the post-WW2 era appears to have
weathered numerous equity price bubbles that did not turn into financial crisis episodes.
House price bubbles, although less frequent, are more disruptive and are more likely to
be associated with a financial crisis episode.
In the next few sections we will elaborate further on this distinction. First, we will
ask under what circumstances do bubbles lead to financial crises. Second, we will aim
to quantify the economic consequences of asset price bubbles. We will show that credit
growth plays a central role both for the likelihood that a bubble leads to a financial
instability and for the costs of a bursting bubble on the economy as a whole.
Table 5: Logit models for financial recessions. Full and Post-WW2 samples
exp(αi )
Pr [ Fi,t( p) = 1|αi ] = . (1)
1 + exp(αi )
Next we consider a credit control. This variable is defined in similar fashion to the
credit variable in Jordà, Schularick and Taylor (2013). It measures the growth of credit
over the expansion preceding the pth peak in deviations from a country mean (again,
to soak up any cross-country variation that may unduly enhance the fit of the model).
The results of extending the benchmark model are reported in Table 5 column (2) for the
full sample, and column (5) for the post-WW2 subsample. The specification of the logit
model now becomes
The final specification interacts the credit variable with our bubble indicators. The
objective is to capture the interaction of having a bubble and credit expansion during
the expansion that precedes the recession in question. Here we consider a collection
of different scenarios: (a) recessions preceded by a house price bubble, di,t ( p) = 1; (b)
recessions preceded by a bubble in equities, di,t ( p) = 1; (c) recessions preceded by normal
asset price fluctuations, di,t ( p) = 1; and (d) recessions preceded by both a bubble in
B j
equities and a bubble in house prices, di,t ( p) = 1. The variables di,t( p) for j = H, E, N, B
are dummy variables. The results of this exercise are reported in column (3) and (6) in
Table 5 for the full and post-WW2 samples respectively. The specification of the logit in
this case becomes:
Pr [ Fi,t( p) = 1|αi , ( xi,t( p) − x̄i ), di,t( p) ]
exp(αi + β( xi,t( p) − x̄i ) + ∑ j γ j di,t( p) ( xi,t( p) − x̄i ))
= j
. (3)
1 + exp(αi + β( xi,t( p) − x̄i ) + ∑ j γ j di,t( p) ( xi,t( p) − x̄i ))
Figure 5: Correct classification frontiers for financial recessions: the interaction of credit and
asset price bubbles
True positive rate
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
True negative rate True negative rate
Benchmark, AUC = .67 Benchmark, AUC = .60
Credit only, AUC = .77 Credit only, AUC = .71
Full model, AUC = .80 Full model, AUC = .72
Reference Reference
Notes: The CCF for the post-WW2 corresponds to the estimates in columns (4)-(6) of Table 5
whereas the full sample CCF corresponds to the estimates reported in columns (1)-(3) of Table 5.
The more interesting set of results is reported in column (3). The interaction with
the different bubble scenarios is quite revealing. The coefficient estimates all have the
correct sign (they are positive). Moreover, all coefficients associated with the incidence
of either type of bubble or both at the same time have a statistically significant coefficient
whereas the coefficient on credit when there is no bubble in the preceding expansion
is not significant and close in value to zero. The AUC for this model is 0.72, hardly
an improvement on the simpler model in column (2) based on the credit variable alone.
However, the more revealing part of this exercise is concentrated in the significance of
the individual components of this coefficient, as reported in column (3).
In order to assess the properties of these estimates before and after WW2 and in light
of the trends in mortgage credit discussed earlier, we turn or attention to the results
reported in columns (4)-(6) for the post-WW2 sample. The benchmark model is reported
in column (4) and attains an AUC of 0.67. Knowing the country is still informative, more
so given the smaller size of the sample. Next, column (5) confirms the Jordà, Schularick
and Taylor (2013) results reported in column (2). Credit remains an important factor in
understanding financial crises. The AUC climbs to 0.77 in the post-WW2 sample, a very
respectable value indicating high levels of sorting ability.
Finally, column (6) displays estimates for the full model in which the credit variable
is interacted with each of the bubble scenarios. These results suffer from having a small
sample but by and large support the findings reported in columns (1)-(3) using the full
sample. However, over this period the equity bubble scenario has a coefficient that is not
statistically significant. This is consistent with the summary statistics reported in Table 4.
In the post-WW2 era there are many instances of normal recessions preceded by equity
bubbles that did not trigger a financial episode. The AUC climbs further from 0.77 to
As a way to visualize the sorting ability of the different models we display in Figure
5 the correct classification frontiers (or CCFs) of the post-WW2 and the full sample models.
The CCF plots the rate of true predictions of financial crisis recession on the vertical
axis (true positive rate) against the rate of true predictions of normal recession (true
negative rate). A perfect classification technology would generate a CCF that would
hug the north-east corners of the unit square whereas a classifier no better than a coin
toss would generate a classification technology on the diagonal of this same unit square.
Jordà and Taylor (2011) provide a more careful and detailed explanation on how this
curve can be constructed and its statistical properties.
Both figures clearly show that there are considerable gains in classification ability
from using the panel logit estimates based on the covariates considered. More impor-
tantly, the results of this exercise support an important observation: credit fueled asset
price booms in the expansion tend to be associated with a higher likelihood of a subse-
quent financial crisis recession. In the next section we explore the interaction between
credit and asset bubbles over the business cycle in more detail.
refers to 100 times the log of output per capita in country i at the time of the pth peak
or recession. In other words, ∆h yi,t( p)+h measures the cumulative growth rate of output
per capita from period t( p) to period t( p) + h measured in percent. This is the left-hand
side variable whose fluctuations we are interested in characterizing.
Because of sample size limitations, we are unable to pursue as ambitious a specifica-
tion as we used in the previous section. Moreover, since the pre-WW2 sample contains
too few instances of housing bubbles, in the analysis that follows we focus solely on full
sample results and results based on the post-WW2 era only. Furthermore, we approach
the problem more modestly by examining recessions and their recovery on average in
the presence of bubbles in equities and house prices, but sorted depending on whether
credit during the expansion grew above or below the historical mean rather than with an
interaction term as we did in the previous section. Before we bring additional controls,
we set up the benchmark specification.
Using similar definitions to those in the previous section, define the following bubble
binary indicator variables, di,t( p) for j = ( E)quities, ( H )ouses. Next, define the indicator
variable δi,t( p) = 1[( xi,t( p) − x̄i ) > ( xi,t( p) − x̄i )], which is meant to capture when credit
grows above the historical mean (δi,t( p) = 1) or below the mean ((1 − δi,t( p) ) = 1). In
order to account for country fixed effects but still estimate an overall average constant
path, we define the fixed effects to add up to one and implicitly define them in reference
to the U.S. as follows. Di,t( p) = 1[i ]/I for i = 1, ..., I − 1 and Di,t( p) = 1[i ](1 − 1/I ) when
i = I. Hence the benchmark local projection specification is
∑ αi,h Di,t( p) + µh + ∑ γh
j,Hi j
∆h yi,t( p) = di,t( p) × δi,t( p)
i =1 j
and the coefficients of interest are µh , which captures the average path of output in a
recession and subsequent recovery, and the coefficients γh for j = E, H and k = Hi, Lo
with Hi indicating when credit grew above the mean in the preceding expansion, and Lo
when it grew below the mean. The coefficients γh capture how much worse the path of
the recession is whenever there is a bubble in either equities or house prices and credit
in the expansion grows above or below the historical mean. That is, the sum of µh and
γhH,Hi , for example, refers to the average path of the recession and recovery when the
preceding expansion is characterized by experiencing above average growth in lending
and a housing bubble.
Table 6 reports the estimates of expression (4) for the full sample that we consider.
That is, yearly data over the following periods, 1870–1909, 1920–1935, and 1948–2012—
basically, we exclude a 5 year windows around the two World Wars. The entry labeled
Recession corresponds to the average path when there are no bubble episodes. In the first
year of recession output declines by about 2%. By year 2, the economy has bounced back
into positive territory and it keeps on growing so that by year 5 the economy is nearly
7% above where it started. This pattern is consistent with Cerra and Saxena (2008) and
Jordà, Schularick and Taylor (2013).
How does the presence of an asset price bubbles affect these paths? We start with
bubbles in equity markets which, as we saw in Section 3, are more frequent events
than bubbles in housing markets. On their own, i.e, without a parallel credit boom,
equity bubbles appear to have virtually no effect on the depth of the recession and the
speed of the recovery. This is true in a statistical sense since none of the coefficients
estimates is significant, but also quantitatively as the coefficient estimates themselves are
small. When the equity bubble coincides with a credit boom, the effect is stronger. In
that case the recession lasts an extra year and the overall drag after five years is in the
neighborhood of 3 percentage points GDP per capita levels relative to the peak of the
Turning to house bubbles, it is immediately obvious that they are considerably more
damaging events. The drag on the economy is nearly twice as big when accompanied
by higher than average credit growth. In terms of the path of the recession and recovery,
we note that it can sink the economy for several years running so that even by year 5
the economy is still operating below the level at the start of the recession. These results
can be more easily visualized in Figure 6. The left-hand side panel shows the average
path of the recession along with the average path when there is an equity bubble and
below/above average credit growth, and the right-hand side panel shows a similar chart
using the housing bubble indicator instead. Each panel displays the average path of the
economy with a 90% confidence region.
Table 6: LP recession/recovery path, no controls. Full sample, 1870–2012
Dependent variable: cumulative percentage change in real GDP per capita (100 × ∆ log)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Sum
Recession -1.93 0.46 3.21 5.41 6.59 14.19
(0.21) (0.48) (0.69) (0.94) (1.02) (3.43)
Equity bubble, low credit 0.18 -2.09∗∗ -2.63∗ -2.89∗ -1.27 -8.30
(0.46) (0.87) (1.38) (1.40) (1.79) (5.47)
Housing bubble, low credit -0.27 -1.22 -2.69 -3.10 -2.04 -9.15
(0.71) (0.92) (1.64) (2.35) (2.17) (7.33)
Equity bubble, high credit 0.11 -1.57 -3.52∗∗ -4.38∗∗∗ -4.05∗∗ -12.82∗∗
(0.64) (1.03) (1.40) (1.45) (1.64) (5.27)
Housing bubble, high credit -0.77 -5.03∗ -6.79∗∗ -7.95∗∗ -8.20∗∗ -29.80∗∗
(1.64) (2.73) (2.35) (3.69) (3.15) (13.22)
Macroeconomic controls no no no no no no
R2 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.21 0.24 0.23
Observations 139 132 131 131 123 123
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗
p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01. The dependent
variable is the cumulative change in real GDP per capita from the peak of the business cycle
(the start of the recession). Peaks are identified using Bry and Boschan (1971) algorithm. Bubble
episodes are associated with recessions by considering the expansion over which the bubble takes
place and using the subsequent peak. The bubble indicators are binned depending on whether
bank lending (credit in the table) grew above (high) or below (low) the historical mean. See text.
set as much as possible to try to account for macroeconomic conditions existing at the
start of the recession.
In order to do this, we expand the specification of the benchmark local projection in
expression (4). First, in order to account for whether higher than average credit growth
has a negative effect on output beyond its interaction with the bubble indicators, we
include δi,t( p) directly as a regressor. Note we cannot enter (1 − δi,t( p) ) simultaneously as
a regressor since then we would have perfect colinearity with the constant term.
Next, we include the value at the peak and one lag of the following controls: (1)
the growth rate of real GDP per capita; (2) the growth rate in investment per capita; (3)
the CPI inflation rate; (4) real private loan growth per capita; (5) the short-term interest
rate (usually measured as the 3-month rate on government securities); (6) the long-term
interest rate (usually measured as the 5-year rate on government securities); and (7) the
current account to GDP ratio. Notice that we include the loan growth variable to stack
the odds against finding an independent channel through which credit matters when it
Figure 6: Recession and recovery paths: the role of bubbles and credit, no controls. Full sample
Bubble, low credit
Bubble, high credit
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 Year
Notes: The figure displays the coefficients reported in Table 6. The solid blue line reports the
average path. The grey area represents the 90% confidence region around the average path. The
green dashed line is the sum of the average recession path and the bubble coefficient when credit
is below the mean, whereas the dotted red line is the sum of the average recession and the bubble
coefficient when credit is high. Full sample: 1870–2012, excludes de World Wars and a window
of 5 years around them.
∑ αi,h Di,t( p) + µh + β h δi,t( p) + ∑ γh
j,Hi j
∆h yi,t( p) = di,t( p) × δi,t( p)
i =1 j
Selected coefficient estimates of expression (5) are reported in Table 7 for the 1870–
2012 (excluding 5 year windows around the World Wars), whereas estimates based on
shorter sample from the post-WW2 period (1948–2012) are reported in Table 8. Figure
7 presents in graphical form the estimates from both tables by appropriately combining
the coefficients in expression (5).
The basic lessons from the naive analysis in expression (4) and Table 6 remain largely
Figure 7: Recession and recovery paths: the role of bubbles and credit, with controls
Bubble, low credit
Bubble, high credit
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 Year
Bubble, low credit
Percent (100x log)
Percent (100x log)
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 Year
Notes: Panel (a) in the figure displays the coefficients reported in Table 7, whereas panel (b)
corresponds to the coefficients in Table 8. The solid blue line reports the average path. The grey
area represents the 90% confidence region around the average path. The green dashed line is
the sum of the average recession path and the bubble coefficient when credit is below the mean,
whereas the dotted red line is the sum of the average recession and the bubble coefficient when
credit is high. The full sample, 1870–2012, excludes de World Wars and a window of 5 years
around them.
Table 7: LP recession/recovery path, with controls. Full sample, 1870–2012
Dependent variable: cumulative percentage change in real GDP per capita (100 × ∆ log)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Sum
Recession -2.00 -0.72 1.18 4.41 4.48 6.63
(0.31) (0.77) (0.66) (1.58) (1.49) (4.68)
Equity bubble, low credit 0.16 -1.40 -1.98 -2.78∗ -0.96 -6.26
(0.54) (0.95) (1.22) (1.43) (1.40) (4.97)
Housing bubble, low credit -0.45 -1.79 -3.21∗ -4.06 -3.32 -12.55
(0.69) (1.07) (1.73) (2.51) (2.33) (7.64)
Equity bubble, high credit -0.36 -1.52 -4.00∗∗∗ -4.08∗∗ -4.22∗ -13.48∗∗
(0.50) (1.56) (1.30) (1.67) (2.12) (5.71)
Housing bubble, high credit -0.66 -4.68 -5.89∗∗ -7.56∗ -7.56∗∗ -26.82∗∗
(1.91) (2.80) (2.37) (3.80) (2.78) (12.53)
Macroeconomic controls yes yes yes yes yes yes
R2 0.23 0.30 0.44 0.39 0.50 0.43
Observations 139 132 131 131 123 123
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗
p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01. The dependent
variable is the cumulative change in real GDP per capita from the peak of the business cycle
(the start of the recession). Peaks are identified using Bry and Boschan (1971) algorithm. Bubble
episodes are associated with recessions by considering the expansion over which the bubble takes
place and using the subsequent peak. The bubble indicators are binned depending on whether
bank lending (credit in the table) grew above (high) or below (low) the historical mean. See text.
unchanged with the additional controls. Equity based bubbles are damaging (making
the recession worse and the recovery slower), but by relatively small amounts so that
the paths are largely indistinguishable from the typical path in recessions. Although
equity bubbles have little effect overall, they are clearly more damaging if accompanied
by above average growth in credit.
Meanwhile, bubbles in house prices have noticeably negative effects on the recession,
more so, when credit expands above the historical mean during the preceding expansion.
Panel (a) of Figure 7 makes this difference readily apparent. The coefficient estimates are
negative and statistically significant. A useful cross-check is to consider the coefficient on
the δi,t( p) term, which in Table 7 is labeled as Credit (high). Notice that all the coefficient
estimates are relatively small and except for one, not significant. Therefore, the effect
of rapid credit growth appears to be mediated by the presence of a bubble. Again, this
effect endures despite having included in our control set the value of credit growth at
the peak and one lag.
Table 8: LP recession/recovery path, with controls. Post-WW2 sample
Dependent variable: cumulative percentage change in real GDP per capita (100 × ∆ log)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Sum
Recession -1.50 -0.13 2.50 4.86 7.88 12.86
(0.36) (0.70) (1.04) (1.80) (1.51) (4.44)
Equity bubble, low credit 0.40 -0.32 0.09 -0.05 -0.67 0.58
(0.63) (0.85) (1.34) (1.97) (1.62) (4.87)
Housing bubble, low credit -0.47 -2.14∗ -2.99 -3.62 -3.25 -11.74
(0.72) (1.18) (1.89) (2.45) (3.37) (9.90)
Equity bubble, high credit -0.91∗ -2.33∗∗ -2.17 -2.62 -1.41 -8.92
(0.44) (0.95) (1.57) (2.06) (2.54) (6.81)
Housing bubble, high credit 0.62 -3.38∗∗ -6.39∗∗∗ -8.35∗∗∗ -9.96∗∗ -27.37∗∗
(0.71) (1.48) (1.98) (2.81) (4.27) (12.34)
Macroeconomic controls yes yes yes yes yes yes
R2 0.40 0.61 0.64 0.67 0.70 0.67
Observations 84 77 76 76 68 68
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗
p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01. The dependent
variable is the cumulative change in real GDP per capita from the peak of the business cycle
(the start of the recession). Peaks are identified using Bry and Boschan (1971) algorithm. Bubble
episodes are associated with recessions by considering the expansion over which the bubble takes
place and using the subsequent peak. The bubble indicators are binned depending on whether
bank lending (credit in the table) grew above (high) or below (low) the historical mean. See text.
Table 8 repeats the estimation of expression (5) but restricting the sample to the post-
WW2 period. As we discussed earlier, there are some differences in the incidence of
bubble episodes before and after WW2. However, the pre-WW2 sample is too short to
provide reliable estimates. Hence, the comparison between Tables 7 and 8 and panels
(a) and (b) of Figure 7 provide the best way to assess the stability of our findings across
samples. By and large the differences are small, although there is perhaps one noticeable
difference. In the post-WW2 sample it makes a big difference whether the bubble, either
in equities or in houses, is accompanied by higher than average growth in credit. And
even more than in the full sample, the coefficient on the δi,t( p) term is not significant
except in year 5. It cannot be said that credit affects the path of the recession through an
independent channel.
Before we examine the robustness of our results, we summarize the main findings
so far. Recessions tend to last for one year and the average loss of output is about 2%
in real per capita terms. The recovery starts in year 2 by which time most of the loss in
the first year is made up, and the economy continues to grow at about the same yearly
rate for the next three years. If the economy experiences an asset price boom during
the preceding expansion, the recession tends to be deeper and the recovery slower. The
detrimental effects of an asset price boom depend on two factors: whether the boom
happens in equities or in houses, and whether the boom happens to coincide with a
credit boom as well. The worst outcome is clearly when the boom is in asset prices and
credit. In that case, even after five years, the economy may have not yet quite recovered
from the recession.
Several factors could affect these preliminary conclusions and the next section con-
ducts a number of robustness checks. In Section 4 we saw that credit fueled bubbles
have classification ability for whether the recession is normal or associated with a finan-
cial crisis. Therefore, the next section evaluates whether allowing for a different average
path depending on whether the recession is normal or not will undo our main results.
The second important robustness check has to do with the differences we have reported
all along between the pre- and post-WW2 periods. The pre-WW2 period is characterized
by the preponderance of equity bubbles over housing bubbles and to a great extent, this
result could be driven by the volatile period between World Wars. Thus, we check how
sensitive are our results when we exclude this particularly tumultuous decade. Finally,
many of the conclusions from this section are an almost too perfect description of the
Global Financial Crisis. Naturally, we ask to what extent the results on how the economy
responds are driven by the recent experience. To that end, we cut-off the sample in 2008
to examine whether the main results survive when we omit this influential episode.
∑ αi,h Di,t( p) + µh + β h δi,t( p) + θhHi Fi,t( p) δi,t( p) + ∑ γh
j,Hi j
∆h yi,t( p) = di,t( p) × δi,t( p)
i =1 j
Table 9: LP recession/recovery path, normal/financial, with controls. Full sample: 1870–2012
Dependent variable: cumulative percentage change in real GDP per capita (100 × ∆ log)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Sum
Recession -1.81 -0.03 1.83 5.01 4.93 9.10
(0.38) (0.97) (0.86) (1.62) (1.48) (5.11)
Equity bubble, low credit 0.44 -0.76 -1.34 -2.21 -0.56 -4.39
(0.47) (0.70) (0.95) (1.58) (1.37) (4.32)
Housing bubble, low credit -0.20 -1.44 -2.80 -3.72 -2.63 -9.46
(0.85) (1.11) (1.66) (2.64) (2.31) (7.83)
Equity bubble, high credit -0.34 -1.03 -3.62∗∗∗ -3.69∗∗ -4.17∗ -12.70∗∗
(0.59) (1.49) (1.22) (1.56) (2.05) (5.00)
Housing bubble, high credit -0.44 -2.21 -3.88∗ -5.59 -6.65∗ -20.02
(1.67) (2.07) (2.10) (3.21) (3.14) (11.98)
Financial recession, -1.44 -3.70∗∗ -3.61∗ -3.25 -3.52 -17.45∗
low credit (0.82) (1.66) (1.90) (2.62) (2.28) (9.67)
Financial recession, -0.53 -4.46∗∗ -3.70∗∗∗ -3.60∗∗ -2.13 -14.21∗∗
high credit (1.03) (1.67) (1.20) (1.56) (2.33) (5.90)
Macroeconomic controls yes yes yes yes yes yes
R2 0.27 0.42 0.49 0.42 0.52 0.48
Observations 139 132 131 131 123 123
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗
p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01. The dependent
variable is the cumulative change in real GDP per capita from the peak of the business cycle
(the start of the recession). Peaks are identified using Bry and Boschan (1971) algorithm. Bubble
episodes are associated with recessions by considering the expansion over which the bubble takes
place and using the subsequent peak. The bubble indicators are binned depending on whether
bank lending (credit in the table) grew above (high) or below (low) the historical mean. See text.
That is, we interact the financial crisis recession indicator Fi,t( p) with the indicator that
determines whether credit grew above or below the historical mean, δi,t( p) . The results
of this estimation are reported in Table 9. The financial crisis recession indicator picks
up on the fact that this type of recession tends to be worse than normal recessions, a fact
already documented in Cerra and Saxena (2008), for example. However, even though
we are soaking up this source of variation from the data directly, estimates associated
with the bubble indicators are largely unchanged with respect to the estimates reported
in Table 7. The difference between equity versus housing bubbles remains. The latter are
worse, more so when associated with a credit boom as well.
Table 10: LP recession/recovery path, with controls. Sample: 1870–1909 and 1948–2012
Dependent variable: cumulative percentage change in real GDP per capita (100 × ∆ log)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Sum
Recession -1.46 0.47 1.75 6.25 6.79 12.66
(0.45) (1.12) (0.95) (2.07) (1.59) (6.24)
Equity bubble, low credit 0.25 -1.12 -0.29 -2.33 -0.99 -1.56
(0.65) (1.30) (1.59) (2.63) (1.62) (7.00)
Housing bubble, low credit -0.94 -2.73∗ -4.58∗ -5.77∗ -5.68∗ -18.62∗
(1.02) (1.30) (2.16) (3.11) (2.72) (9.80)
Equity bubble, high credit -0.34 -0.46 -2.79∗∗ -2.36 -3.05 -9.77∗
(0.54) (1.49) (1.22) (1.45) (1.80) (5.30)
Housing bubble, high credit -1.48 -5.00∗ -6.09∗∗ -7.05∗ -7.23∗∗∗ -25.64∗∗
(1.85) (2.67) (2.21) (3.45) (2.42) (9.88)
Macroeconomic controls yes yes yes yes yes yes
R2 0.36 0.37 0.49 0.47 0.58 0.54
Observations 123 116 115 115 107 107
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗
p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01. The dependent
variable is the cumulative change in real GDP per capita from the peak of the business cycle
(the start of the recession). Peaks are identified using Bry and Boschan (1971) algorithm. Bubble
episodes are associated with recessions by considering the expansion over which the bubble takes
place and using the subsequent peak. The bubble indicators are binned depending on whether
bank lending (credit in the table) grew above (high) or below (low) the historical mean. See text.
Table 11: LP average recession/recovery path, with controls. Sample: 1870–2008
Dependent variable: cumulative percentage change in real GDP per capita (100 × ∆ log)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Sum
Recession -2.26 -0.27 1.65 5.17 5.55 9.85
(0.37) (0.84) (0.77) (1.59) (1.32) (4.36)
Equity bubble, low credit 0.44 -1.64 -2.25 -3.13∗∗ -1.47 -8.05
(0.53) (1.11) (1.42) (1.42) (1.39) (4.93)
Housing bubble, low credit -0.35 -1.57 -3.02 -4.00 -3.18 -12.12
(0.63) (1.14) (1.77) (2.54) (2.38) (7.83)
Equity bubble, high credit 0.06 -1.01 -3.89∗∗ -3.62∗ -3.87 -12.34∗
(0.47) (1.48) (1.55) (1.77) (2.28) (6.01)
Housing bubble, high credit -0.73 -4.57 -5.80∗∗ -7.40∗ -7.25∗∗ -25.74∗
(1.77) (2.83) (2.25) (3.64) (2.85) (12.64)
Macroeconomic controls yes yes yes yes yes yes
R2 0.29 0.30 0.44 0.40 0.49 0.42
Observations 123 123 123 123 123 123
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗
p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01. The dependent
variable is the cumulative change in real GDP per capita from the peak of the business cycle
(the start of the recession). Peaks are identified using Bry and Boschan (1971) algorithm. Bubble
episodes are associated with recessions by considering the expansion over which the bubble takes
place and using the subsequent peak. The bubble indicators are binned depending on whether
bank lending (credit in the table) grew above (high) or below (low) the historical mean. See text.
6. Conclusion
In recent years, central banks typically stayed on the sideline when asset price bubbles
inflated. This hands-off approach has been criticized, among others, by institutions such
as the BIS that took a more sanguine view of the self-equilibrating tendencies of finan-
cial markets and warned of the potentially grave consequences of asset price busts. The
critical assumption was that central banks would be in a position to manage the macroe-
conomic fall-out. They could clean-up after the mess. While the aftermath of the dotcom
bubble seemed to offer support for this rosy view of central bank capabilities, the 2008
global financial crisis dealt a severe blow to the assumption that the fall-out of asset
price bubbles was always and everywhere a manageable phenomenon. This observation
meshes well with the key finding of this paper: not all bubbles are created equal.
In this paper, we turned to economic history for the first comprehensive assessment
of the costs of asset price bubbles. We provide evidence on which types of bubbles matter
and how their economic costs differ. From a monetary and macroprudential policy point
of view, our findings help understand the trade-offs involved in the “leaning against the
wind” and “mopping up after” strategies. We show that when credit growth fuels asset
price bubbles, the dangers for the financial sector and the real economy are much more
substantial. The damage done to the economy by the bursting of credit-boom bubbles is
significant and long-lasting. These findings can inform ongoing efforts to devise better
guides to macro-financial policies at a time when policymakers are searching for new
approaches in the aftermath of the Great Recession.
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A. Appendix: House price data
Geographic Type of
Country Period coverage real estate Method
Australia 1870-1889 Urban Existing Median
(Melbourne) Dwellings Price
1900-2002 Urban (6 Capital Cities) Existing Dwellings Median Price
2003–2012 Urban (8 Capital Cities) New & Existing Dwellings Mix-adjustment
Belgium 1878-1950 Urban (Brussels Area) Existing Dwellings Median Price
1951-2003 Nationwide Existing Dwellings Mean Price
2004–2012 Nationwide Existing Dwellings Mix-adjustment
Canada 1921-1949 Nationwide Existing Dwellings Replacement value
1956-1974 Nationwide New & Existing Dwellings Average Prices
1975–2012 Urban (5 Cities) Existing Dwellings Average Prices
Denmark 1875-1937 Rural Existing Dwellings Average Prices
1938-1970 Countrywide Existing Dwellings Average Prices
1971–2012 Countrywide New & Existing Dwellings SPAR method
Finland 1905-1946 Urban (Helsinki) Building Sites Average sqm prices
1947-1969 Urban (Helsinki) Existing Dwellings Average prices
1970–2012 Nationwide Existing Dwellings Mix adj. hedonic
France 1870-1935 Urban (Paris) Existing Dwellings Repeat sales
1936-1995 Nationwide Existing Dwellings Repeat sales
1996–2012 Nationwide Existing Dwellings Mix adj. hedonic
Germany 1870-1902 Urban (Berlin) Developed & Undeveloped Average Prices
1903-1922 Urban (Hamburg) Developed & Undeveloped Average Prices
1923-1938 Urban (10 Cities) Developed & Undeveloped Average prices
1962-1969 Nationwide Building Sites Average prices
1970–2012 Urban New & Existing Dwellings Mix adjustment
Japan 1880-1913 Rural Residential Land Average Prices
1913-1930 Urban Residential Land
1930-1936 Rural Paddy Fields
1936-1955 Urban Residential Land
1955–2012 Urban Residential Land Mix adjustment
Netherlands 1870-1969 Urban (Amsterdam) Existing Dwellings Repeat sales
1970-1996 Nationwide Existing Dwellings Repeat sales
1997–2012 Nationwide Existing Dwellings SPAR Method
Norway 1870-2003 Urban (4 cities) Existing Hedonic, Repeat Sales
2004–2012 Urban (4 cities) Existing Hedonic
Switzerland 1900-1929 Urban (Zurich) Developed & Undeveloped Average price
1930-1969 Nationwide New & Existing Hedonic
1970–2012 Nationwide New & Existing Mix adjustment
Sweden 1870–2012 Stockholm, Gothenburg Existing Repeat sales
U.K. 1899-1929 Urban Existing Dwellings Average Prices
1930-1938 Nationwide New & Existing Dwellings Average Price
1946–1952 Nationwide Existing Dwellings Average Prices
1953–1967 Nationwide New Dwellings Average Prices
1968–2012 Nationwide Existing Mix adjustment
United States 1890–1934 Urban (22 Cities) New & Existing Dwellings Repeat sales
1935–1952 Urban (5 Cities) Existing Dwellings Median Prices
1953–1974 Nationwide New & Existing Dwellings Mix adjustment
1975–2012 Nationwide Existing Dwellings Repeat sales
Source: Knoll (2014) and Knoll, Schularick, and Steger (2014).
B. Appendix: Equity and house prices by country
Figure 8: House prices relative to income per capita in the 20th century
Notes: Real CPI-based house price divided by real income per capita. See text. The years of the
two world wars are shown with shading.
Figure 9: Equity prices relative to income per capita in the 20th century
-2 0 2 4 6
Notes: Real CPI-based equity price divided by real income per capita. See text. The years of the
two world wars are shown with shading.