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CYANEX For Selective Extraction of Ni and Co

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2 CYANEX 272 Extractant

Chemical Structure..............................................................................3
Typical Properties................................................................................3
Solubility Losses..................................................................................4
Suitability of Construction Materials...................................................4

Cobalt Nickel Selectivity......................................................................5
Sulfate Solution (Table 1).............................................................5
Chloride Solution (Table 2)...........................................................5
Solvent Extraction Reagent Calcium Rejection................................................................................6
Cobalt Extraction Isotherm.................................................................6
Cobalt Loading....................................................................................6
Selective for cobalt over nickel Scrubbing Isotherm.............................................................................7
from sulfate and chloride media. Stripping Isotherms.............................................................................7
Using H2SO4 (Table 7)..................................................................7
Using HCl (Table 8).......................................................................7
Continuous Separation of Cobalt from Nickel in
Selective for zinc in the presence Sulfate Solution...................................................................................7
of calcium and cobalt. Effect of Process Variables on Cobalt-Nickel
Separation Factor................................................................................8
Effect of Temperature (Table 9)....................................................9
Extracts other metal cations. Effect of Equilibrium pH (Table 10)..............................................9
Effect of Diluent Aromaticity (Table 11).......................................9
Effect of Phase Modifier (Table 12)..............................................9


Diluent Oxidation and Prevention.....................................................10
Recovery from Ammoniacal Solutions (Table 13).............................10
Extraction from Single Metal Sulfate
Solutions (Table 14)..........................................................................10
Extraction from Single Metal Chloride
Solutions (Table 15)..........................................................................11

In Organic Solvents by Titration........................................................13
In Organic Solvents by Gas Chromatography...................................14
In Aqueous Solutions by Gas Chromatography................................15

HEALTH AND SAFETY...............................................15

CYANEX 272 Extractant 3

INTRODUCTION Typical Properties

Bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid 85%

CYANEX 272 extractant has proven to be the reagent of choice for
the separation of cobalt from nickel from both sulfate and chloride Appearance Colourless to light
media. It is now being used to produce a major portion of the amber liquid
worlds cobalt.
Molecular Weight 290 g/Mol
Since the active component of CYANEX 272 extractant is a Specific Gravity at 24C 0.92
phosphinic acid, metals are extracted through a cation exchange
mechanism. Although CYANEX 272 extractant is selective for Viscosity, Brookfield at 25C 142cp
cobalt in the presence of nickel, a variety of other cations can also be 50C 37cp
extracted depending upon the solution pH.
Solubility in distilled H2O at pH 2.6 16 g/ml
CYANEX 272 extractant is totally miscible with common aromatic pH 3.7 38 g/mL
and aliphatic diluents, and is extremely stable to both heat and
Boiling Point >300C
Pour Point -32C
Chemical Structure Flash Point, closed cup >108C
The active component of CYANEX 272 extractant is Specific Heat @ 52C 0.48 cal/gm/C
bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid. Thermal Conductivity 2.7 x 10-4

The hydrolytic stability of CYANEX 272 extractant was examined
in several tests which involved equilibrating the reagent with
aqueous cobalt-nickel sulfate solutions at pH 5 and 50C.

The experimental procedure involved contacting the aqueous and

organic phases in a stirred vessel for one week and then stripping
the organic phase with sulfuric acid. The solvent was subsequently
returned to the vessel for a further one week contact with a fresh
aqueous solution. The procedure was repeated for a total contact
time of four weeks.

Analysis by titration and 31P NMR failed to detect any degradation

of the reagent, nor were any statistically significant changes in
cobalt-nickel selectivity observed.

Furthermore, no degradation has been detected in plants which have

been operating continuously for as long as 25 years.
4 CYANEX 272 Extractant

Solubility Losses Suitability of Construction Materials

Losses of CYANEX 272 extractant by distribution to aqueous Metals: Samples of stainless steel (304 and 316), mild steel and
cobalt-nickel sulfate solutions were determined in a number of aluminum in the form of coupons (approximate dimensions 50mm
shake-out tests. The effect of two variables, pH and aqueous phase x 20mm x 3mm) were immersed in capped jars for 8 /2 months at
salt concentration, was studied. 50C (temperature was maintained only during working hours). No
corrosion was observed in the three steel samples but aluminum
Aliquots of the organic and aqueous phases were contacted for exhibited minimal corrosion at a rate of 1 mil/year.
5 minutes at 50C and A/O = 1. After coalescence, the aqueous
phases were analyzed for CYANEX 272 extractant using a gas Plastics and Rubbers: Samples of various plastics and rubbers were
chromatographic procedure. The solvent was composed of 12 v/o immersed in CYANEX 272 extractant and kept at 50C for a total
CYANEX 272 extractant in Kermac* 470B diluent. Ammonium of 424 hours. The following observations were made:
hydroxide was used for pH adjustment. The results of the extractant
solubility (truly dissolved data) are given below.

Aqueous Composition (g/l) CYANEX 272 Material Remarks

Ni Co Total Salt Equilibrium Extractant Butyl Rubber Unsuitable. Increase in dimensions
Conc. pH Solubility and softening.
100 2 300 3-5 0.5-1.5 Teflon Fluorocarbon Film** Suitable. No measured effect.
25 25 133 4.6 2
Polypropylene Suitable. No measured effect.
5.3 2

6.2 2 Natural and Black Latex Unsuitable. Complete dissolution
5 5 27 4.6 3 in less than 192 hours.
5.5 8
PVC Laboratory Grade Short term suitability. Loss of
6.5 25 plasticity in less than 192 hours.

The solubility losses follow the general pattern expected of an acidic PVC Solvent Grade Suitable. Only small change in
extractant. Distribution to the aqueous phase was found to be dimensions observed.
proportional to pH and inversely proportional to salt concentration.
Red Gum Rubber Unsuitable. 100% increase in
As can be seen, the losses are not excessive and this is corroborated by weight and dimensions and
operating plant experience where total annual losses from both solubility softening.
and entrainment are approximately 10-15% of the solvent inventory.
Viton Fluoroelastomer** Suitable. No measured effect.
The acute oral (rat) and acute dermal (rabbit) LD50 values for Silicon Unsuitable. Disintegrated after 56
CYANEX 272 extractant are >3.5 g/kg and >2.0 g/kg, respectively. hours.
The product produced only limited to mild eye and skin irritation
during primary irritation studies with rabbits. The acute LC50, (96 EPDM Unsuitable.
hr) for the bluegill sunfish and rainbow trout are 46 mg/L and 22
mg/L, respectively. When CYANEX 272 extractant was assayed for ** Dupont Dow Elastomers
mutagenic potential in the Ames Salmonella Test, it was determined
to be non-mutagenic.

CYANEX 272 extractant is considered as a non-toxic material.

* A product of Kerr McGee Refining Corp.

CYANEX 272 Extractant 5

Cobalt-Nickel Selectivity
The results of batch shake-out tests showing the effect of pH on
Co-Ni selectivity from both sulfate and chloride media are given in
Tables 1 and 2, respectively.


Solvent (v/o) 12% CYANEX 272 extractant, 5%
isodecanol in Kermac 470B diluent
Aqueous (g/l) 1.96 Co, 98.0 Ni as sulfates
Temperature 50C
Contact Time 5 minutes
A/O 1
pH Control NH4OH

% Extraction Equilibrium Separation

Co Ni pH Factor
21.5 0.04 3.8 700
43.7 0.08 4.2 1000
88.0 0.37 5.3 2000
96.7 1.05 5.7 2700
100 1.81 6.1


Solvent (v/o) 10% CYANEX 272 extractant, 5%
isodecanol in Kermac 470B diluent
Aqueous (g/l) 0.88 Co, 1.76 Ni as chlorides
Temperature 50C
Contact Time 5 minutes
A/O 1
pH Control NaOH

% Extraction Equilibrium Separation

Co Ni pH Factor
2.9 0.1 3.2 40
54.2 0.3 4.0 370
98.1 7.0 5.1 680
99.7 30.0 5.5 680
99.9 72.9 6.2 650
6 CYANEX 272 Extractant

Calcium Rejection TABLE 4

Unlike other organophosphorus cobalt extractants, CYANEX 272 Solvent (v/o) 12% CYANEX 272 extractant,
extractant will extract cobalt preferentially to calcium when both are 5% isodecanol in Kermac 470B diluent.
present in the same feed stream. This performance characteristic is Aqueous (g/1) 5 Co as sulfate
demonstrated in Table 3 and Figure 1. Temperature 50C
Equilibrium pH 5.00.1
Solvent (v/o) 15% CYANEX 272 extractant, 10% Equilibrium Cobalt Concentration (g/l)
p-nonylphenol in Kermac 470B diluent A/O Solvent Aqueous
Aqueous (g/1) 1.60 Co, 77 Ni, 0.31 Ca as sulfates 10 6.32 4.68
Temperature 50C 5 6.13 4.13
Contact Time 5 minutes 2 5.54 2.58
A/0 1 1 2.72 0.06
pH Control NH4OH

% Extraction Equilibrium The actual loading capacity of this solvent was 6 g/l cobalt, whereas
Co Ni Ca pH the stoichiometric capacity is approximately 10 g/l cobalt.
3.1 0 0.95 1.99
17.2 0.04 1.24 3.34 Cobalt Loading
54.3 0.17 3.33 3.85
Loading studies were carried out at 50C and pH 6.0 0.1. The
91.7 1.03 12.0 4.84
pH was controlled by the addition of ammonia. Other details and
98.3 3.95 25.7 5.72
results are shown in Table 5.
100 13.4 5.16 6.63
Figure 1 Solvent (v/o) 30% CYANEX 272 extractant in
Kermac 470B diluent
Aqueous (g/l) 10 Co as sulfate
Theoretical Maximum (g/l) Approximately 24
Contact Time 5 minutes

Co % of Theoretical
A/O in Solvent (g/l) Maximum
0.5 5 21
1.0 10 42
1.5 15 63
3.0 23* 96
5.0 23* 96

Cobalt Extraction Isotherm *At this loading the solvent was judged to be too viscous for practical use. The 15 g/l
solvent did not exhibit this viscosity problem. The maximum practical loading for the
Procedural details and results of our extraction studies are given in conditions cited is probably about 65-75 % of theoretical. This would correspond to a
Table 4. CYANEX 272 extractant:cobalt ratio of 6:2.
CYANEX 272 Extractant 7

It should be noted that the loading capacity of CYANEX 272 TABLE 7 USING H2SO4
extractant will vary depending upon several parameters, notably pH, Solvent (v/o) 12% CYANEX 272 extractant,
temperature, and extractant concentration, and may be more or 10% p-nonylphenol in Kermac 470B
less than the figure cited. For example, with a 15% CYANEX 272 diluent
extractant solution at 50C and pH 5-5 the solvent can be loaded Solvent Loading (g/l) 3.26 Co (2 g/ml Ni)
to 100% of the theoretical maximum while remaining sufficiently Temperature 40C
mobile for practical use. Contact Time 5 minutes
Strip Feed (g/1) 20.5 Co (as sulfate), 24.5 H2SO4
Scrubbing Isotherm
As can be seen from the results in Table 6, even if a high quantity of Equilibrium Cobalt Conc. (g/l)
nickel is co extracted with the cobalt, it can be successfully scrubbed O/A Solvent Aqueous
from the loaded solvent. 6.67 0.58 38.4
5 0.22 35.7
TABLE 6 4 0.19 32.5
Solvent (v/o) 12% CYANEX 272 extractant, 3.33 0.03 31.3
5% isodecanol in Kermac 470B diluent 2.86 0 29.8
Solvent Loading (g/1) 1.9 Co, 1.9 Ni 2 0 27.0
Scrub Feed (g/1) 30 Co (as sulfate), initial pH 3.7
Temperature 50C TABLE 8 USING HCl
Solvent (v/o) 12% CYANEX 272 extractant,
Equilibrium Concentration 10% p-nonylphenol in Kermac 470B
in Scrubbed Solvent (g/ml) diluent
O/A Co Ni Co-Ni Ratio Solvent Loading (g/1) 9.26 Co
Temperature 50C
10 3820 4.5 850 Contact Time 5 minutes
5 3790 2.2 1720 Strip Feed (g/1) 19.4 Co (as chloride) 100 HCl
2 3740 1.3 2900
1 3730 1.1 3400
Equilibrium Cobalt Conc. (g/l)
O/A Solvent Aqueous
2 0 37.9
Stripping Isotherms 3 0 47.1
Stripping from a solvent modified with isodecanol tended to 5 0 65.7
produce hazing. Substituting p nonylphenol or TBP for the 7.5 0.01 88.8
isodecanol essentially eliminated this problem. 10 0.35 108.5

Tables 7 and 8 show stripping isotherms obtained with a

p-nonylphenol modified solvent. Continuous Separation of Cobalt from Nickel in
Sulfate Solution
In continuous countercurrent tests (four extraction and two scrub
stages) carried out at Warren Spring Laboratory (Stevenage, U.K.),
more than 99.5% of the cobalt in the feed was recovered as a
product containing a Co-Ni ratio of greater than 1000 to 1.
8 CYANEX 272 Extractant

The experimental conditions are shown below. A circuit flowsheet Effect of Process Variables on Cobalt-Nickel
and the relevant assays are given in Figure 2. Separation Factor
Solvent (v/o) 20% CYANEX 272 extractant (NH4 The effect of pH, temperature and diluent aromaticity on the
salt)*, 10% p-nonylphenol in the diluent cobalt-nickel separation factor in sulfate solutions was measured
MSB 210** in a series of statistically designed tests and the data fitted to the
Aqueous Feed (g/l) 2 Co, 100 Ni as sulfates, 20 following mathematical model:
(NH4)2O4, pH 5 log10S = 1.8827 + 0.0332T + 0.01249A + 0.0033PT -
Scrub Feed (g/l) 40 Co as sulfate, pH 3 0.002151PA - 0.0003405T2
Temperature 50C Where:
Phase Ratios Extraction A/O = 2 S = Co Ni Separation Factor
Scrubbing O/A = 32 T = Temperature (C)
Mixer Residence Time 3.5-4 minutes (Based upon total A = % Aromatics in diluent
liquid flow)
P = Equilibrium pH
*The phosphinic acid contained in the solvent was converted 70% to the ammonium
salt by reaction with concentrated ammonium hydroxide solution (S.G. = 0.88). A
phase modifier was used since converting more than 50% of the free acid to a salt
(NH4+ or Na+) usually requires a modifier to prevent third phase formation.

** A product of Shell Chemical Co.

Figure 2 Continuous Testing of Cyanex 272 Extractant

CYANEX 272 Extractant 9

The effect of these process variables on the separation factor is TABLE 11 EFFECT OF DILUENT AROMATICITY
shown in Tables 9 through 11. Temperature 50C
TABLE 9 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE Diluent (v/o) 100% MSB 210 (aliphatic) to
Solvent (v/o) 22% CYANEX 272 extractant in the 100% Aromatic 150
diluent (95% MSB 210* diluent, 5% pH 5.5
Aromatic 150** diluent).
Other Conditions See Table 9
Aqueous (g/l) 2 Co, 100 Ni as sulfates
pH 5.5
A/O 1 Co-Ni Separation Aromaticity
Factor v/o

Co-Ni Separation Factor Temperature C 3970 0

4030 10
1320 30 4090 20
1850 35 4160 30
2480 40 4220 40
3220 45 4280 50
4000 50 4350 60
4790 55 4420 70
5510 60 4480 80
4550 90
* A product of Shell Chemical Co.
4620 100
**A product of Exxon Co., USA.

The effect of the phase modifiers TBP, p-nonylphenol, isodecanol

and TOPO (tri-n-octylphosphine oxide) on the separation factor is
Temperature 50C shown in Table 12.
Diluent (v/o) 95% MSB 210, 5% Aromatic 150
Other Conditions See Table 9 TABLE 12 EFFECT OF PHASE MODIFIER
Extractant (v/o) 22%
Co-Ni Separation Factor pH Modifier 10 v/o (TBP, isodecanol,
p-nonylphenol) 10 w/o TOPO
2810 4.5
3010 4.7
3230 4.9 Aqueous (g/l) 10 Co, 100 Ni as sulfates
3470 5.1 A/O 1
3730 5.3
4000 5.5 Temperature 55C
Equilibrium pH 5.5
Contact Time 5 minutes
Diluent MSB 210

Co-Ni Separation
Modifier Factor
None 6700
TBP 3400
p-Nonylphenol 1800
Isodecanol 1000
TOPO 1000
10 CYANEX 272 Extractant


Diluent Oxidation and Prevention Although CYANEX 272 extractant is designed primarily for cobalt-
nickel separations, the data in Tables 14 and 15, and Figures 3 and
Hydrocarbon diluents oxidize readily to carboxylic acids in the
4 show that it will extract a variety of metal cations and indicate its
presence of a cobalt (Co2+) catalyst. The formation of carboxylic potential for other selective separations.
acids, which are active nickel extractants, can seriously reduce the
cobalt-nickel selectivity obtained with CYANEX 272 extractant. TABLE 14 EXTRACTION FROM SINGLE METAL SULFATE
However, inhibitors such as BHT can be used to prevent this SOLUTIONS
oxidation. Plants following this practice have run for many years
Solvent 0.6 M CYANEX 272 extractant, 10 v/o
without loss of selectivity.
p-nonylphenol in Kermac 470B
Recovery from Ammoniacal Solutions Aqueous 0.015 M metal as sulfate
CYANEX 272 extractant can be used to recover cobalt from Temperature 50C
ammoniacal as well as acidic solutions. The data in Table 13 show pH Control NH4OH or H2SO4 as appropriate
that it outperforms other organophosphorus extractants. Contact Time 5 minutes
A/O 1
SOLUTIONS Metal % Ext. Final pH Metal % Ext. Final pH
8.8 0.25 27.6 6.33
Solvent (v/o) 20% extractant, 5% isodecanol in
Kermac 470B diluent 23.6 0.85 36.0 6.59
Fe3+ 2+
61.2 1.33 Ni 52.3 6.72
Aqueous (g/L) 0.97 Co3+, 0.95 Ni2+, (NH4)2SO4 for
88.1 1.75 84.0 7.22
a total SO42- concentration of 16
98.7 2.31 92.8 7.47
Temperature 50C 14.6 0.90 14.5 3.00
pH Control 11.6 with NH4OH 24.2 1.42 29.7 4.20
Contact Time 5 minutes Zn2+ 53.3 1.88 Mg2+ 67.1 4.76
87.7 2.40 82.0 4.99
A/0 1
99.4 3.08 97.4 5.81
% Extracted Co/Ni 6.4 1.73 23.9 1.11
Extractant Co Ni Separation Factor 17.7 2.64 41.9 2.50
2+ 3+
CYANEX 272 91.5 15.6 58 Cu 21.7 2.90 Al 87.5 2.92
73.9 3.56 97.2 3.14
PC-88A 91.4 22.0 18 85.7 3.84
94.8 4.08
D2EHPA 90.4 46.9 7
9.2 1.78 42.3 3.40
Co2+ 19.0 3.34 Mn2+ 86.1 3.96
70.8 4.11 99.8 5.66
99.8 5.98
Ca2+ 3.4 4.15 7.9 1.11
20.4 4.53 V4+ 21.1 1.34
81.7 5.38 46.5 1.44
99.6 6.52 85.1 1.81
4.2 2.00
19.7 3.00
Cd2+ 63.1 3.51
91.0 4.00
99.5 5.00
CYANEX 272 Extractant 11


Solvent 0.6 M CYANEX 272 extractant in
Exxsol D-80
Aqueous 0.015 M metal as chloride
Temperature 50C
pH Control NH4OH or HCl as appropriate
Contact Time 5 minutes
A/O 1
Metal % Ext. Final pH Metal % Ext. Final pH
0.0 3.33 32.6 0.2
25.7 4.36 35.2 0.3
Ca2+ 3+
48.9 5.00 Fe 66.4 0.7
91.9 5.90 95.2 1.1
99.4 6.45 99.0 1.4
1.9 2.8 0.0 2.0
48.0 3.5 8.5 2.6
Co2+ 2+
86.7 4.1 Cu 51.9 3.1
95.9 4.4 86.2 3.5
100.0 5.5 97.6 3.9
0.0 3.6 12.6 0.9
19.3 4.9 22.6 1.2
Ni2+ 2+
44.7 5.2 Zn 54.2 1.6
84.8 5.9 67.9 1.7
95.1 6.3 76.2 1.8
99.7 7.0 92.9 2.1
1.2 3.4
41.2 4.4
Mg2+ 66.2 5.0
89.1 5.4
99.0 6.4
99.9 6.6
12 CYANEX 272 Extractant

Figure 3 Extraction of Metals by CYANEX 272 Extractant from Sulfate Solutions

Figure 4 Extraction of Metals by CYANEX 272 Extractant from Chloride Solutions

CYANEX 272 Extractant 13

Analysis for Active Component in CYANEX 272 4. Note the initial pH and begin to titrate with 0.1N NaOH.
Extractant in Organic Solvents by Titration Record the pH as a function of the volume of NaOH added.
Three endpoints should be observed. As each endpoint is
The active component of CYANEX 272 extractant is bis(2,4,4-
approached, the incremental addition of NaOH should be
trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid. Its concentration in an organic
reduced to 0.1 ml to facilitate calculation of the titer by the
solvent is determined by titration with standard caustic solution.
method of second differences.

A typical potentiometric curve is as follows:

The extractant contains small quantities of a dibasic impurity (2,4,4-

trimethylpentyl phosphonic acid) which also titrates with caustic.

The endpoints are detected potentiometrically.

pH meter
Magnetic stirrer
Standard laboratory glassware
75 v/o 2-propanol in distilled water The titer T1 corresponds to the neutralization of sulfuric acid
0.1N Standard NaOH solution in 75 v/o 2-propanol dissolved in the solvent. T2 represents the neutralization of the
100 g/l H2SO4 phosphinic acid plus the reaction of the first of two replaceable
hydrogen ions associated with the phosphonic acid. The phosphonic
All reagents are AR grade. acid is totally neutralized at T3.

Procedure 0.1N NaOH First Second

1. Contact approximately 50 ml of the solvent to be analyzed (ml) pH Differential Differential
with 50 ml of 100 g/l H2SO4 for 5 minutes at 50C. Separate 9.8 7.50
the phases and allow to stand for 15-30 minutes. Centrifuge the 50
solvent or filter through PS paper* to remove entrained aqueous. 9.9 8.00 +40
2. To prepare the analyte solution, pipette a 25 ml aliquot of the 10.0 8.90 +90
solvent and dilute to 200 ml in a volumetric flask with the 180
appropriate diluent (Escaid**, Kermac*** etc.). Alternatively, the 10.1 10.70 -130
75 v/o solution of 2-propanol may be used for volume make-up. 50
10.2 11.20 -40
3. Pipette 25 ml of the analyte solution into a 150 ad tall-form 10
beaker. Dilute to approximately 50 ml with the 2-propanol 10.3 11.30
solution. Insert the pH electrodes and begin stirring.

* Phase separation paper available from Whatman Inc.,Clifton, NJ.

Then, T2 = (10.0 + 0.1) x ____90___ = 10.04 ml
** A product of Exxon Chemical Co., USA
90 + 130
*** A product of Kerr McGee Refining Corp.
14 CYANEX 272 Extractant

T1 and T3 may be calculated in an analogous manner. Procedure

When all three titers are known, the concentration of bis(2,4,4- 1. Pipette a 400 L aliquot of the organic phase and transfer
trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid may be determined. it into a HP autosampler vial. Add 400 L of Methyl-8
Concentrate* (dimethylformamide dimethyl acetal) and 400
bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid (g/1) = L of toluene.

[T2 (T3 T2) T1] x N(NaOH) x 290 x 1000 2. Prepare standard solutions of CYANEX 272 extractant in
1000 x 25 x 25
200 3. Pipette a 400 L aliquot of the standard solutions and
transfer it into a HP autosampler vial. Add 400 L of
Similarly the concentration of the phosphonic acid and dissolved Methyl-8 Concentrate and 400 L of toluene.
sulfuric acid may also be calculated. 4. Analyze the methylated sample and standard solutions by
gas chromatography as described under chromatographic
2,4,4-trimethylpentyl phosphonic acid (g/1) =
T3 T2 x N(NaOH) x 194 x 1000 * A product of Pierce Co., USA

1000 x 25 x 25 Chromatographic Conditions

Instrument: Hewlett-Packard 6890
H2SO4 (g/l) = T1 x 49 x N(NaOH) x 1000
Oven Parameters
1000 x 25 x 25
Initial Temperature: 50C
Final Temperature: 300C
Notes Maximum Temperature: 310C
1. A minimum net titer, i.e. [T2 (T3 T2) T1], of 10 ml is Rate: 10C per minute
recommended to obtain reproducible results. In this procedure, Initial Time: 0 min.
10 ml of 0.1N NaOH is equivalent to approximately 100 g/l Final Time: 10 min.
concentration of phosphinic acid. Where necessary, the size of the Run Time: 35 min.
aliquots and dilutions may be varied to ensure a sufficient volume of
titrant is consumed. Inlet Parameters
2. Approximate pHs corresponding to the T1, T2 and T3 endpoints are Mode: Split
4, 9 and 11, respectively. However these values may vary depending Initial Temperature: 300C
upon the composition of the solvent. After gaining experience with Pressure: 4.7 psi
a system, the NaOH may be added rapidly until the particular Split Ratio: 10:1
endpoint pH is approached and then added in 0.1 ml increments to Split Flow: 68.9 mL/min
define the point of inflexion in the curve.
Total Flow: 78.3 mL/min
3. The concentrations of sulfuric and phosphonic acids in the solvent Gas Saver: On
are usually small and these endpoints may not be observed. In this Saver Flow: 15.0 mL/min
case T1 and T3 should be assigned a value of zero in the calculations. Saver Time: 2 min
Typically, T1 and T3 - T2) will be < 0.2 and < 0.1 ml of 0.1N
Gas Type: Helium
NaOH, respectively, corresponding to <0.3 g/l H2SO4 and < 0.6 g/l
phosphonic acid Column Parameters
Type: J&W capillary column type DB-5
Analysis for Active Component in CYANEX
(5% phenyl-methylpolysiloxane)
272 Extractant in Organic Solvents by Gas Model Number: J&W J125-5032 DB-5
Chromatography Maximum Temperature: 300C
The concentration of the active component, bis(2,4,4- Nominal Length: 30 m
trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid in the organic solvent is determined Nominal Diameter: 540 m
by gas chromatography of its methylate derivative. Nominal Thickness: 1.50 m
Mode: Constant flow
Initial Flow: 6.9 mL/min
Nominal Initial Pressure: 4.7 psi
Average Velocity: 47 cm/sec
CYANEX 272 Extractant 15

Detector Parameters Health and Safety

Type Flame Ionization Detector (FID) The oral and dermal toxicity of CYANEX 272 extractant is low.
Temperature 300C CYANEX 272 extractant produces moderate eye and skin irritation
Helium Flow 8 mL/min upon contact. CYANEX 272 extractant did not produce an allergic
Hydrogen Flow 35 mL/min dermal reaction in guinea pigs after repeated dermal exposure.
This product did not produce mutations in bacteria. CYANEX
Air Flow 400 mL/min
272 extractant is toxic to fish and invertebrates and care should be
Makeup Flow 35 mL/min exercised to avoid environmental exposure.
Makeup Gas Type Helium

Sample Injection Technical reference list available upon request.

Volume 0.1 L
Peak Areas Electronic integration. The compound has a
retention time of about 17.8 minutes.

Analysis for Active Component in CYANEX

272 Extractant in Aqueous Solutions by Gas
The concentration of the active component, bis(2,4,4-
trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid in water is determined by gas
chromatography of its methylated derivative.

1. Transfer approximately 1 L of the aqueous solution into a
plastic container and place it in a water bath set for 45C for
a few hours.
2. Remove the solution from the water bath and allow to cool to
room temperature.
3. From the bottom of the plastic container, dispense 600 g of
the solution into a 1 L separatory funnel.
4. Add to the solution 5 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid, 50
mL of toluene and approximately 100 g of sodium chloride.
5. Separate both aqueous and organic phases.
6. Pipette a 1000 L aliquot of the organic phase and transfer
it into a HP autosampler vial. Add 200 L of Methyl-8
7. Prepare standard solutions of CYANEX 272 extractant in
8. Pipette a 1000 L aliquot of the standard solutions and
transfer it into a HP autosampler vial. Add 200 L of
Methyl-8 Concentrate.
9. Analyze the methylated sample and standard solutions by
gas chromatography. The chromatographic conditions
are identical to those previously described in the section
Analysis for Active Component in CYANEX 272 Extractant
in Organic Solvents by Gas Chromatography, except the
volume injected by the GC autosampler is 1.0 L.
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