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4th International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Computing Technology (ICMMCT 2016)

Simulation of HVDC control and transmission lines protection based on

ChaoQun Sheng1, a
North China Electric Power University, Hebei 071000, China;

Keywords: HVDC bus differential protection, PSCAD simulation

Abstract. HVDC control and protection system was introduced in this paper. The control generally
use fixed-current controlin rectifier and fixed arc angle controlin inverter. The short circuit
intransmission line is one of the most common faults in HVDC, so this paper choose HVDC bus
differential protection as research object,introduce the mechanism of bus differential protection and
use PSCAD software for simulation. This paper is mainly about thebus differential protection and
auto-reclosing after the breaker action.
In the simulation process, we encountered the following three questions:
1. How to convert current difference to logic signal;
2. How tocontrolthe action of circuit breaker with the control signal changing;
3. Why circuit breakers fail to function.
And we put forward concrete solutions towards the above three questions.

1. Introduction
1.1 The significance of study on HVDC [1]
China's natural resources and characteristics of energy and load distribution make long distance
and large-capacity transmission become inevitable. To lessenthe transmission line loss and save
precious land resources, we need aneconomical and efficient way of transmission.Precisely, HVDC
technology meet this requirement. At present, China has become the country with the world's
largestDC transmission capacity, most DC projects, and the highest levels of DC voltage. The next
20 years, with the acceleration of grid construction and the development and utilization of new
energy resources, HVDC technology in China will be further strengthened. HVDC has become the
most attractive and most notably development direction in present power industry.
Development of HVDC technology significantly promotethe development of power system,
mainly manifested in the following areas:
Expand applicativeadvantage in long-distance transmission and networking;
Promote the functioning of the electricity market;
Promote the development and utilization of renewable energy.
1.2 The structure of HVDC [2]
Basic principles of HVDC is shown in Figure 2-1. HVDC system includes two converter stations CS1
and CS2 and DC lines. Converter in converter station can achieve the interconversion between AC and DC.
Converter consists of one or more converter bridge in series or parallel. Now DC transmission
system use three-phase bridge converter circuit, each bridge has 6 arms. Due to the unidirectional
flux of the arm can be controlled, it is also known as valves. Arms consist of the mercury arc valves
or electronic switching devices (such as thyristor) in series. Modern HVDC has basically eliminated
the converter made by mercury arc valve.

2016. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 868

Fig.2-1 the basic principle of HVDC
WhenAC powersystem I transmit power to the AC powersystem II, converter station CS1 will
transformthe three-phase AC from system I into the DC, then send power via converter station in
HVDC transmission lines to converter station CS2, and CS2 convert DC to AC. In general, AC-DC
is calledrectifier, while DC-AC is called inverter. Thus CS1, also known as rectification, and CS2
called inverter station.
We set CS1 DC input voltage 1 and CS2 DC output voltage 2 ,then the DC line current is:
= (1 2 )/(1-1)
Where R is the resistance of the DC line. It should be noted that DC line only transfer active power
without reactive power. The 1 and2 respectivelyimply the supplying power in CS1 and the
absorbing power in CS2.
1 = 1 2 = 2 (1-2)
The difference between the two values is the loss of DC line:
= (1 2 )(1-3)
1.2 The control system of HVDC
The operating characteristics of HVDC system consists of DC current regulator, DC voltage
regulator and arc angle regulator three basic controller. Through the coordination among each
segment of the control regulation,under different operating conditions, it makes the whole DC
system operate steadily. In the pole control system, through configuring different parameters in the
rectifier and inverter,it makes the rectifier and inverter work by different regulator during actual
operation, thus getting the ideal Volt-Ampere characteristic curve.
The control input variables of DC transmission control system except the rectifier current set
value signal from main control layer, also haverectifier DC current , and inverter DC
current , and inverter DC voltage , and inverterextinction angle measured from
DC system. The output variables of DC transmission control system are only 2, respectively for
rectifier firing angle and inverterfiring angle

2. The protection of HVDC [3]

2.1The fault on DC line
Short circuit fault is one of the most common faults in HVDC, lightning, dirty, corrosion and
other factors will lower the insulation level of the line,arcing faultoccurs when serious, resulting in
DC line short circuit fault. The phenomenon is when occurring short circuit fault in DC
transmission line: in rectifier, DC voltage fall and DC current rise while in inverter, DC voltage and
DC current decline.
2.2 The DC bus protection
DC bus area is the link between overhead wiring, grounding wire and the converter. To
accurately distinguish between its external and internal fault and ensure the selectivity of relay
protection, differential protection principle is generally used to protect it. Common DC bus
protection include:
a) HVDC bus differential protection,used to protect HVDC bus to ground and neutral DC bus
b)Neutral DC bus differential protection, used to protect the neutral bus to ground short-circuit
c) DC backup differential protection, used to protect both the DC bus area fault and the converter
area ground fault, commonly used as a general backup protection for the ground fault in two areas.
The detailed description of HVDC bus protection is showed below [4].

Fig. 5-1 the structure of DC bus area
High voltage DC bus differential protection tests high voltage terminal current and
overhead lines current at inverter DC export. Under normal conditions, as well as HVDC bus
fault outside the DC bus area, the both currents are essentially equal. When occurring to ground or
to neutral short circuitinside, there is a big difference between and .
The basic criteria for HVDC bus differential protection is showed below:
| | > (2-1)
Where is the start current setting value.The character considering the minimum action
current and the braking characteristics is:
> max( , )(2-2
Where = | | is action current; = max( , ) is braking current; is ratio
braking coefficient, which need to be considered to avoid inverter area, the current through the filter
when the most serious fault on DC lines and maximum measuring through current error of the two
current transformers, it generally takes about 0.2; isthe minimum action current,
considering transformer stray noise and the unbalance value between and caused by ground
fault inside filter, soit generally takes about 0.3.
2.3Automatic reclosing
For non-permanent faults, automatic reclosing is undoubtedly an important means to improve the
quality of power supply, but differs from the AC system protection, before closing, it needs to be
confirmed whether non-permanent faults occurin the line, so adding the line detection. DC bus
primary protection, circuit detectionand automatic reclosing ensure the requirements for DC
protection: rapidity, selectivity and reliability.The simulation only study on transient fault, so we
omit the line detection device.

3. Simulation
3.1 The model
International Council on Large Electric systems(CIGRE) standard DC transmissiontesting
systems (CIGRE HVDC Benchmark Model) is used for the study of HVDC control system. It is
easy to use simulation program or emulator to study on different DC main circuit control devices
and comparative performance of control strategies in similar model, its DC main circuit structure is
fairly simple, but its operational conditions are difficult [5].

Fig. 3-1 the simulation circuit of DC bus fault and protection

In the simulation circuits, we set short circuit fault occurs at time point 0.2s and the fault lasting
time is 0.1s.

Fig. 3-2 the protection control system of HVDC bus
In the control system showed in the figure 3-2. We let the two measured signal go throughthe
element: Summing/Difference Junction, Absolute Value, Wait for an Event,
MonostableMultivibrator, Single Input Comparator, Two Input Selector in sequence. We let
time signal firstly go through Range Comparator and then to the ctrl terminal of Two Input

Fig. 3-3 rectifier bus outlet current

From the figure 3-3, we can clearly see that breaker acts after fault occurring, the current goes to
zero. After some time, at about time point 3.0s, automatic reclosing acts, the current regain.

4. Summary
Throughout the whole implementation process, we encountered the following problem:
a) Circuit-breaker opening and closing control is achieved through the signal "ON=1" or
"OFF=0" to the node, but the differential protection principle is two current differencewhich is real
value, we need to convert real numerical values to logical value 0 or 1. By introducing a single
input comparator has perfectly solve this problem.
b) The breaker is controlled by the current difference measured by values on both sides of power
meters. It means working normally when the difference is small andopen the breaker when the
difference is too great. But after opening the breaker, the current on both sides are 0, the difference
is also 0.This immediately meets the circuit breaker closing conditions, causing circuit breakers
sometimes openedor closed. Monostable multi-frequency oscillator can solve this problem.

[1] Li Jiaman. DC protection response and exit timing characteristics of AC fault [d]. South China
University of technology, 2015.
[2] King week. Fault analysis and protection for high voltage AC and DC power systems [d].
Zhejiang University, 2014.
[3] Xing Luhua. Study on high voltage direct current transmission line protection and fault location
principle [d]. Shandong University, 2014.
[4] Xu min. DC circuit analysis method of relay protection and research on protection principle [d].
South China University of technology, 2014.
[5] Qi Yan. Fault analysis and protection scheme of HVDC transmission system [d]. East China
Jiaotong University, 2012.


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