Accessing The WAN
Accessing The WAN
Accessing The WAN
Prepared by
Cisco Learning Institute
Academies adopting all CCNA Exploration courses – The minimum required
equipment bundle for assured compatibility with all labs:
In order to be able to implement the different topologies that are used in the lab exercises of the
CCNA curricula, Academies teaching the four courses of either CCNA Exploration and/or CCNA
Discovery require as a minimum the following equipment:
- 3 Cisco 1841 routers with Base IP IOS
- 3 2960 switches
- 2 Linksys wireless routers (Linksys WRT150N is preferred, but other models like the
WRT54G, WRT300N, and WRT350N are alternatives) or SOHO equivalent
Note: The routers and switches in this equipment bundle can be substituted by other models of
Cisco routers and switches with equal or higher specifications. Older equipment may be used
as a substitute in some cases, but compatibility with labs is not guaranteed.
IOS Option:
In order to keep equipment investment to a minimum, the Product Development team designed
all lab exercises for CCNA Exploration using the BASE IP IOS 12.4. For those Academies that
wish to drill deeper into some of the routing functionalities, Cisco recommends an upgrade of
the BASE IP IOS to the Advanced Services IOS. In addition to the software itself, this upgrade
requires additional DRAM and Flash memories for the 1841 Routers.
CCNA Exploration: Accessing the WAN
Summary of Changes:
The CCNA Exploration: Accessing the WAN curriculum has some pedagogical changes that
have been applied to make the learning process more effective. The changes include the
• Access Control Lists have moved from semester 2 and are more advanced.
• ISDN has been removed.
• Work stations and servers have been removed.
• Network Security has been added.
• Tele-worker services and remote access security have been added.
• IP6 configuration has been added.
• Enterprise troubleshooting has been added.
• Converged network services has been added.