Quantum Love
Quantum Love
Quantum Love
Interpreting the Results and Plotting Your EHFI
As with the Quantum Love Quiz, youll notice that the questions
are organized into different relationship domains. You may
find that the EHFI for your ability to work with your partner in
tackling the logistics of your life is in a place very different from
that of your sexual connection. Or you may see that your EHFI
sits at a high energetic frequency when it comes to communicating
with your partner, which means its probably pretty easy
for you to do. But your spiritual connection may be at a lower
frequency, meaning that you find it difficult to read him or her
at an intuitive level.
Also as with the Quantum Lovemap, you will use the results
of the EHFI Quiz as you move into the next chapters and learn
practical strategies to get to Quantum Love.
Each of the two mind-sets, which for simplicitys sake I refer
to as optimistic and pessimistic, will represent a different
point in your EHFI. Your most optimistic is how you feel when
you are the most hopeful and enthusiastic about that element
of your relationship. Conversely, your most pessimistic is how
you feel when you are at your lowest low regarding that aspect
of your relationship. Your most optimistic mind-set will be the