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Quantum Love

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The Guide to Grounding

Get into a comfortable, seated position, close your eyes, and

take some deep breaths. As you breathe in, imagine a beautiful
light, whatever color you want, coming in through the top of
your head. As you exhale, imagine the light moving straight
down the center of your body and coming out through your tailbone,
going straight down deep into the earth and branching out
like the root system of a tree.
With each in-breath the light comes in and with each outbreath
it roots deep into the ground. Let the roots expand,
spreading out in all directions. Linda Hall taught me that just
as the roots of a tree in nature are double the width of its widest
branches, your grounding roots into the earth should be imagined
as two times as wide and deep as you are extending yourself
in that moment. For example, when Im about to go on television
to be seen by millions of people, I imagine my roots spreading
out in all directions across the United States. If Im staying in
home frequency with my family and need to ground, I imagine
my roots fanning out to double the size of our home.

Envision your body being anchored to the earth by the strength

and reach of your roots. This is how it feels to be grounded.
To hear a guided meditation for grounding yourself, go to
Heart-Opening Meditation
Once you have grounded yourself, I suggest moving directly
into opening your heart. By performing this exercise, you are
moving into home frequency. You are opening yourself to giving
and receiving love. It is this nal step that will move you into
coherence, which is a state of pure, unconditional love.
Just as we move through life outside of our bodies, we all too
often move through life outside of our home frequency. We close
or constrict our energy channels, partly out of self-defense from
this noisy world, and close our heart to others. When we are in
that state, we are in ego frequency, and as Ive mentioned, it is
not possible to even catch a glimpse of Quantum Love from that
place. Opening your heart is how you find home frequency.
Close your eyes and continue to breathe deeply. First, think
back to a time when you felt pure, unconditional love, when
all was right with the world. It could be when you held your
child in your arms for the rst time, or perhaps when someone
who loved you unconditionally held you. It could involve being
in a place you loved on a beautiful, sunny dayuse any memory
you have of a time when you felt like you and everything
around you were in perfect harmony.
Now, as you continue breathing in your grounded state,
focus on the scenario you are choosing, as if you were there right
now. Be there as if you are experiencing it in the first person.
You arent watching yourself in that situation; you are there,
employing all your senses. If your visual is holding your baby
for the first time, you can look down and see the baby in your
arms, feel what its like to hold him or her, imagine smelling that
sweet baby smell . . . What do you see? How do you feel? Be in
the emotions of that state as if it is happening in this moment.
Feel your heart opening up to receive the unconditional love that you are
experiencing in this moment. You will likely feel
a shift in your bodya lightness spreading in your chestor a
smile may come to your face. You are now in coherence.
To hear a guided meditation for opening your heart, go to

Interpreting the Results and Plotting Your EHFI
As with the Quantum Love Quiz, youll notice that the questions
are organized into different relationship domains. You may
find that the EHFI for your ability to work with your partner in
tackling the logistics of your life is in a place very different from
that of your sexual connection. Or you may see that your EHFI
sits at a high energetic frequency when it comes to communicating
with your partner, which means its probably pretty easy
for you to do. But your spiritual connection may be at a lower
frequency, meaning that you find it difficult to read him or her
at an intuitive level.
Also as with the Quantum Lovemap, you will use the results
of the EHFI Quiz as you move into the next chapters and learn
practical strategies to get to Quantum Love.
Each of the two mind-sets, which for simplicitys sake I refer
to as optimistic and pessimistic, will represent a different
point in your EHFI. Your most optimistic is how you feel when
you are the most hopeful and enthusiastic about that element
of your relationship. Conversely, your most pessimistic is how
you feel when you are at your lowest low regarding that aspect
of your relationship. Your most optimistic mind-set will be the

highest-frequency end point of your EHFI; your most pessimistic

mind-set will represent the lowest-frequency end point of your
EHFI. Plot each point on the Quantum Lovemap. Now determine
the middle point between your two ends, and plot it on the
Quantum Lovemap as well. This is your shift point.
Next draw a sideways infinity symbol (like the example in
Figure 3) connecting your three points, with the middle point
as your cross mark. As with the Quantum Love Quiz, you can
draw on these pages, copy the Quantum Lovemap on another
paper, or go to www.drlauraberman.com/quantumlove to use
the online version.
This sideways figure eight is your EHFI energy loop, uniquely
personal to you. Some peoples loops will be elongated, and some
short. Some will be more in home frequency, some more in ego.
The idea of the EHFI Quiz is to recognize your typical energetic
pattern so you can notice sooner rather than later when you
are moving into contraction (from home frequency) and then use
shift moves and other tools I will explain in the next chapter in
order to shorten the transition back to expansion. This awareness
is part of guring out how to harness your energy and build your
EHFI out to be as much in home frequency as possible. Remember:
no one is in home frequency all the time.
I want to bring special attention to your point of transition,
the middle of your EHFI. This is where you move from contraction
to expansion (and vice versa), so it is especially important to
be aware of this emotional state, what it looks like, how it feels to
you, and what usually sends you there. That way, if you nd yourself
in that state, you will be able to tell yourself, Oh, I might be
heading for a contraction or Im getting closer to expansion.
If you do notice that you are moving toward the low-frequency
end of your EHFI, dont judge yourself for it. If you can shift your
energy up in the moment (using techniques that I will teach you
in the coming pages), then thats great, but sometimes its best to
just surrender to the ebb. Let it carry you down, allow yourself to
feel the emotion that you need to feel, and then do what you can
to move yourself into a more coherent state Remember: these are just
patterns and not set in stone. Awareness
is the first key, and in the following chapters I will show you
everything you need to know about how to shift your energy
pattern to a higher frequency and greater Quantum Love.

Heart-Opening Energetic Feedback Exercise

1. Ground yourself and get into the openhearted state

as I described to you in the last chapter.
2. Now, move into constriction: Think about
something that really triggers your thorns, really
makes you feel scared or angry. Stay there for a few
moments and notice how you feel. You will likely
notice tightness in your chest, back, and jaw. You
wont be feeling bubbly and light anymore.
3. Now, move back into openheartedness.
4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times, and you will
notice that it becomes easier and easier to move
into openheartedness from a place of constriction.
Your body and your essential self are most aligned
when you are in home frequency. You will get
familiar with the sensations and build a mind-body
connection that will allow you to shift into home
frequency in a snap, whenever you desire

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