Pharmig Publications
Pharmig Publications
Pharmig Publications
1 Guide to Disinfectants & their use in the Pharmaceutical Industry 6 LAL Fact Sheets
The objective of this Guide is to review current standards to aid in the selection and validation of disinfectants. Key topics include: Types & selection of disinfectants Validation of disinfectants detailing the BSEN current test methods Practical use of disinfectants Member 60 / 80 Non Member 85 / 105
Pharmig publications have been written by industry leaders and some endorsed by the MHRA. They contain key information relating to GMP standards and regulations.
A series of Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) laminated Fact Sheets on pyrogen/ endotoxin testing have been produced by the LAL Action Group. The series of 6 LAL fact sheets (as a package) currently available are: What is LAL/BET? Calculation of Endotoxon Limits Medical Devices Gel Clot Methods Photometric Methods Product Validations Quantitative Methods
Purchase ction in conjun ices for ct ra p st with Be Endotoxin l ia er ct the Ba LAL de to the Test: A Gui ceive the re nd a Assay sheets LAL Fact arge ch of e fre
This Guide details what Pharmig considers to be best practice for establishing and operating microbiology laboratories in pharma and associated industries. The Guide describes considerations to be applied to the design, set up and running of the microbiology unit. Topics range from: Test methods Environmental monitoring Documentation Method verication and validation Member 60 / 80 Non Member 85 / 105
This CD provides an overview of the most efcient practices in maintenance of the QC aspect of the microbiology laboratory and its associated documentation with reference to current regulatory expectations. Topics range from: General documentation Equipment documentation Laboratory test documentation Electronic documentation management systems Non conformance documentation Example documents are also included to assist companies in improving their documentation practices.
This publication is relevant to pharmaceuticals/ cosmetics & toiletry industries and aims to provide guidance around GMP. Topics include: Facility, design and requirements Micro control Cleaning & disinfection Risk assessment & management Microbiological monitoring Member 60 / 80 Non Member 85 / 105
Setting up & Managing an Effective Training Programme in the Micro Laboratory Electronic Pack Two
This training pack aims to help you gain a clear understanding of the structure of a regulatory acceptable and compliant training programme and includes example documents to assist companies in improving / aiding their current training programmes. Topics range from: Employee development & appraisal GMP introduction Training in microbiological techniques & non conformances Train the trainer Training matrix Member 75 / 95 Non Member 99 / 119
This review surveys some of the current practices, trends and approaches to environmental monitoring. Technical articles include: Constructing an environmental monitoring programme Particle monitoring & control Environmental monitoring & risk assessment Microbiological risk assessment case study Member 60 / 80 Non Member 85 / 105
Best practices for the Bacterial Endotoxin Test: A Guide to the LAL Assay
This guide to the Bacterial Endotoxin Test (BET) provides the reader with an overview of the history, regulation and practical use of the different BET assays. Information on method development, validation and routine testing are discussed as well as more advanced subjects such as depyrogenation, medical devices, trouble shooting and problem samples. The guide should provide a useful reference document for LAL users and laboratory management. Member 50 / 70 Non Member 75 / 95
Note: euro fee is higher to cover bank charges to convert
The microbial enumeration test and test for specied microorganisms can represent a challenging area for pharmaceutical microbiology. To act as a training aid for new staff, and an aide memoire for more experienced staff, Pharmig have produced eight fact sheets. Seven of the fact sheets prole each one of the key microorganisms (or microbial groups), using colour photographs illustrating growth on agar and by Gram-stain. These are supported by facts relating to the organisms prole and methods for identication. The eighth sheet offers some useful guidance about the interpretation of the test. Member 30 / 40 Non Member 50 / 65
60 / 80
85 / 105
60 / 80
85 / 105
60 / 80
85 / 105
60 / 80
85 / 105
Best practices for the Bacterial Endotoxin Test: A Guide to the LAL Assay LAL Fact Sheets (Free if purchased in conjunction with Best practices for the Bacterial Endotoxin test.) Best Practices in Microbiological Documentation Electronic Pack One Setting up & Managing an Effective Training Programme in the Micro Laboratory - Electronic Pack Two A series of 8 Microorganisms Fact Sheets
Note: euro fee is higher to cover bank charges to convert
50 / 70
75 / 95
20 / 40
35 / 60
7 8 9
75 / 95 75 / 95 30 / 40
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Post: Pharmig, T5 The Maltings, Roydon Road, Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire, EN10 7LN If you have any queries/questions please contact Maxine on +44 (0) 1920 871 999