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RSSL Training Good Distribution Practice

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Good Distribution Practice

This intensive one day course is intended to evaluate Good Additionally it is also recommended for those in logistics,
Distribution Practice (GDP) as required by Directive supply chain, warehousing, transport and distribution,
2001/83/EC, Directive 2004/27/EC, EU Guidelines on Good customer services and purchasing.
Distribution of Medicinal Products for Human Use 2013/C It may be modified to run in-house within client
343/01 and the new requirements included in the MHRA companies.
Orange/Green Guides. It offers a practical explanation of
the guidelines for those who are active in the field of
setting up and implementing GDP, as well as those
Learning Outcomes
involved in the management of quality systems for The course is a highly interactive ‘hands on’ learning
pharmaceutical products. experience, by the end of which you will:
It reviews GMP/GDP supply chain integrity and examines • Understand what GDP is and why is it so essential
the risk of counterfeit pharmaceutical products, a growing for patient safety
concern today. The course also reviews examples of • Be familiar with GDP as covered by EU Directives/
deficiencies found by regulators and how to improve Regulations and Guidelines (including the
compliance in these critical areas. Orange and Green Guides)
• Understand the MHRA perspective on the guidelines,
Suitability and their expectations with regard to GDP in practice
The course is aimed at any company that has, or is, • Have an insight in to current MHRA ‘Hot Topics’ in GDP
considering obtaining an MHRA/EU Wholesale Distribution • Appreciate the dangers and challenges posed by
Authorisation, wholesalers/distributors, manufacturers, counterfeit products
pharmaceutical suppliers, brokers, service/transport • Understand your GDP responsibility from product
providers and partners who carry out any GDP activities on sourcing through to final customer delivery
behalf of licence holders.
Responsible Persons (RP’s), deputy RP’s, quality managers,
auditors, and regulatory/compliance personnel will all
benefit from this course.

Tel: +44 (0)118 918 4076 E-mail: enquiries@rssl.com Bookings: bookings@rssl.com Web: www.rssl.com

RSSL Training
Reading Enterprise Centre, Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 6BU

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