Mba H&P
Mba H&P
Mba H&P
The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1985.
Today it serves the educational aspirations of about two million students in India and abroad
through 21 Schools of Studies and an elaborate network of 58 regional centers, more than 1800
study centres, and 49 overseas centres. The University is making all efforts to take higher education
to the doorsteps of the hitherto unreached. As of now, it caters to about 10% of all students
enrolled in higher education in the country. Apart from teaching and research, extension and
training form the mainstay of its academic activities. It also acts as a national resource centre,
and more importantly, functions as an apex body to promote and maintain standards of distance
education. The University has its presence in 32 countries. The Commonwealth of Learning has
recognised it as a centre of excellence.
Indira Gandhi National Open University, the national resource centre for open and distance
learning with international recognition and presence, shall provide seamless access to
sustainable and learner-centric quality education, skill up gradation and training to all by
using innovative technology and methodologies and ensuring convergence of exiting systems
for massive human resource required for promoting integrated national development and
global understanding.
In order to fulfill the vision of democratizing higher education and providing access to all segments
of people, the University
• imparts education and knowledge through various flexible means suited to the open and
distance education mode, including information and communication technologies;
• provides higher education and training to large sections of population, particularly the
disadvantaged segments of the society;
• promotes national integration and integrated development of human personality;
• encourages, co-ordinates and assists open universities and distance learning systems to
improve standards in such systems.
School of Management Studies
Starting its operation in 1987, with the launch of Diploma in Management as the pilot programme
of the University, the School of Management Studies (SOMS) today offers 10 programmes in
Management and 13 programmes in Commerce. The Management Programme offered by the
School currently consists of 50 courses. In terms of the spread and enrolment, IGNOU
Management Programme is one of the leading Management Programmes in the world. It also
offers MBA programme in Ethiopia at Addis Ababa University and Hermaya University at
Alemaya as part of the Pan-African e-network project.
The various programmes offered by the School are as follows:
• Master of Business Administration (MBA)
• Diploma in Management (DIM)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDIM)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (PGDFM)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management (PGDOM)
• Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management (PGDMM)
• Master of Business Administration (Banking & Finance)
• Ph.D in Management
• Certificate in NGO Management (CNM)
• Master of Commerce (M. Com)
• Master of Commerce in Finance and Taxation(M. Com F & T)
• Master of Commerce in Business Policy and Corporate Governance (M. Com BP & CG)
• Master of Commerce in Management Accounting and Financial Strategies (M.Com MA
and FS)
• Ph.D in Commerce
• Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations (PGDIBO)
• Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
• Bachelor of Commerce with major in Accountancy and Finance (B.Com A & F)
• Bachelor of Commerce with major in Corporate Affairs and Administration (B.Com CA & A)
• Bachelor of Commerce with major in Financial and Cost Accounting (B.Com F & CA)
• Diploma in Retailing (DIR)
• Diploma in Finance, Budget and Accounting for Panchayati Raj Institutions (DFBA)
• Certificate in Business Skills (CBS)
Delivery System/Instruction System
The School follows a multimedia approach in programme delivery. It comprises of self-
instructional printed course material packages sent to the student directly by post, supporting
audio-video programme, face-to-face interaction with academic counselors at study centers,
assignment for assessment and feedback, telecast of video programmes on Doordarshan, broadcast
of audio programmes on All India Radio, teleconferencing and phone-in programmes.
Management Programme
Successful completion of the following courses would lead a student to MBA (Social
1. MS-1 Management Functions and Behavior
2. MS-2 Management of Human Resources
3. MS-3 Economic and Social Environment
4. MS-4 Accounting and Finance for Managers
5. MS-5 Management of Machines and Materials
6. MS-6 Marketing for Managers
7. MS-7 Information Systems for Managers
8. MS-8 Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
9. MS-9 Managerial Economics
10. MS-10 Organisational Design, Development and Change
11. MS-11 Strategic Management
12. - Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
13. - Social Entrepreneurship Issues and Concerns Specialization courses
14. - Social Entrepreneurship Tools and Techniques to be offered from
15. - Communication for Social Transformation July 2010 session
16. - Social Entrepreneurship in Action
17. MS-91 Advanced Strategic Management
18. MS-92 Management of Public Enterprises
19. MS-93 Management of New and Small Enterprises
20. MS-94 Technology Management
21. MS-95 Research Methodology for Management Decisions
22. MS-96 Total Quality Management
23. MS-97 International Business
24. S-100 Project Course (Equivalent to two courses)
Programme Structure
The MBA (Social Entrepreneurship) programme comprises of 21 courses in all. These include
Five Integrative Course : MS-91, MS-95, one elective course to be opted from MS-92, MS-
93, MS-94, MS-96 and MS-97 and a project course (MS-100)
equivalent to 2 courses .
Duration : 2½ years
How to Apply
Information Brochure and Entrance Test application form are available on the University website . Candidates are required to download the application form from the website.
Filled in form for entrance test along with a DD of Rs. 550/- drawn in favour of IGNOU and
payable at New Delhi shall be submitted to Registrar (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New
Delhi – 110068 on or before 30th June 2009. Please do not send any other document along with
the application form for entrance test. Complete prospectus and other relevant details will be
sent to you after the admission.
Entrance Test
Admission to Management Programme is through an entrance test conducted by the University
at 5 centres only i.e. Delhi, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kolkata & Guwahati. The entrance test is
scheduled to be held on 19th July, 2009.
i) Graduation in any discipline with 50% marks for General Category and 45% marks for
reserved category.
Bachelor’s degree with 3 years of supervisory/managerial/professional experience.
ii) Clearance of entrance test conducted by IGNOU. .
‘Experience’ means work experience of a person during or after acquiring the qualification as
specified above.
Note: Candidates who are appearing or have appeared in any qualifying examination but their
results are not declared on or before the last dates for submission of Application Forms
for Admission to Management Programme will not be eligible.
Fee Structure : Rs. 1000 per course (Rs.2000 for MS-100 course)
Form No
1) Please read the Information Brochure before filling up the form.
2) Use BLACK BALL POINT PEN in boxes using English Capital Letters or English numerals
3) Do not make any stray marks on the sheet.
4) Do not staple, pin, wrinkle scribble, tear or wet this sheet
5) Write in CAPITAL LETTERS only within the box, without touching the lines as shown in the
sample below:
1 2 3 4 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P
1. Name of the Candidate (Leave one box empty between First Name, Middle Name and Surname)
A1 Unemployed
B2 IGNOU Employee
C3 Employed
D4 KVS Employee
I hereby declare that I have read and understood the conditions of eligibility for the Programme for which I seek admission.
I fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria and I have provided necessary information in this regard. In the event of any information
being found incorrect or misleading, my candidature shall be liable to cancellation by the University at any time and I shall
not be entitled to any claim for admission.
1. Please send your Application form by Registered/Speed Post to the following address:
Registrar, Student Evaluation Division (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068
2. Last date for receipt of filled in application is 30th June, 2009
3. Application form received after the due date will not be accepted.
4. Please retain photocopy of the filled in application form for future reference.
10. Write name & complete Mailing Address 12. Photograph
(in BLACK BALL Point Pen only)
Name: Affix your latest
Address: passport size
(4 cm x 5 cm)
duly attested
11. Signature of Condidate by Gazetted Officer
Pin Code