Department of Psychology,
Table of Contents
Corresponding Author:
Muntazir Maqbool Kermane
Department of Psychology
HNBG Central University, Uttarakhand, IndiaTel: 07895479866
The article was received on January 04th, 2016 and accepted on February
17th, 2016. The article was published online on, February 26 th, 2016 after peer
Citations Report
Summary of introduction
The author reviewed six different studies which are similar and related to the
present topic
Sanlier and Arpaci [18] studied the effect of stress on women health. Results reveal
that employed women in the stress scale have a higher average score than that of
the non- employed women. It has been determined that total stress scores of
employed women were higher as compared to non- employed women and that
there was a significant difference between womens working status and total stress
scores. Employed women had higher level of stress than non- Employed women.
Hashmi et al. [19] found that working married women have to face more
difficulties in their lives like they experienced more stress and depression
journals-articles-ppts-list.php) as compared to non-working married women.
Cruess et al. [20,21], Field et al. [22], found that relaxation techniques such as
progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) [23], have been proven to be reliable
methods in reducing self-reported stress and stress-related physiological activity in
various non-pregnant clinical populations, as well as in healthy subjects.
Bastani et al. [24], Field et al. [25,26], Nickel et al. [27] and Teixeira et al. [28]
studied that the immediate impact of relaxation on pregnant
articles-ppts-list.php) women indicates a reduction in experienced stress or anxiety.
Chaudhari et al. [29] studied that increase in stress levels are found in female
health care professionals in the Eastern part of India due to shortage of manpower,
lack of infrastructure, long emergency duty hours and inadequate remuneration for
their hard work. Practicing relaxation exercises had decreased not only the stress
levels but also increased the quality of their life and most important patient care.
Patel [30] revealed that in pre test most of the nurses 53.3% had moderate stress,
40.0% had mild stress and 6.7% had severe stress. In post test most of the nurses
had mild stress 73.3% and no stress 26.7%. It is concluded that Progressive Muscle
Relaxation Therapy is effective in reducing the stress level of the staff nurses.
The author developed three Null- hypotheses for this study which as it seems are a
bit convenient
The null hypothesis states that there is no relationship between the two
variables being studied (one variable does not affect the other). It states results are
due to chance and are not significant in terms of supporting the idea being
The quota sampling method was used by the author. Sample consisted of
100 educated women 50 were employed and 50 House wives (unemployed). The
age of the subjects ranges from 25 to 40 years with the mean age of 34.3 for
employed and 28.5 for housewives.
All the participants of the study were individually informed about the
purpose of the study and were asked to complete Sings Personal Stress Source
Inventory. The scores of both the groups i.e., employed women and house wives
were statistically analyzed. After the pre-test the more stressed group (employed
women) were randomly divided in two equal groups of experimental and control
group. The experimental group was provided with the sessions of PMRT and
Mindfulness breathing twice a week for three months by the researcher. While on
other days they were instructed to practice the techniques by themselves twice a
day i.e. early in the morning, and at bed time. The participants were provided with
daily record sheets which they were required to fill up regularly and were checked
twice weekly. The control group was not provided with any interventions. After
three months, post-test was taken and the pre-test and post- test scores were
statistically analyzed using t test to test the significance of difference between the
After the study it was found that the stress level is high in employed women
in comparison to housewives. So the null hypothesis HO1 was rejected which
interprets that there is a significant difference in the stress level of employed
women and housewives.
The null hypothesis was accepted, which indicates that there was no
significant difference in the stress level of control group in the post test.
The null hypothesis was rejected. Which indicates that after the intervention
of PMRT and mindfulness breathing the stress level of employed women was
significantly decreased from moderate level of stress to low level of stress.
Critical Evaluation
The inferences of are logically drawn from obtained calculations. Tables also
indicate the findings. All the references are mentioned in APA format. Also, the
author does not mention his subjective view in any of the statement.
The author has taken up an interesting topic which relates to current lifestyle
issue especially in women. In recent years more and more women are coming to
take on many jobs. They have to manage their work as well as homely affairs
because of which they tend to go through more amount of stress as compared to
men. The paper shows the Psychological Study of Stress Among Employed
Women and Housewives & its Management through Progressive Muscular
relaxation Technique (PMRT) and Mindfulness Breathing.
The author tried to get positive outcome of the study because of which he gave
more emphasis on employed women who had stress level on the higher side than
housewives. Treatment was given only to employed women and not to housewives
because of that the number of participants in pretest and post test is not the same.
Outcome of the study would have been more productive if housewives were also
given the same techniques to practice.
Through the study of this paper it can be concluded that these two simple
methods i.e. Progressive Muscular Relaxation Technique and Mindfulness
Breathing proves the effectiveness of daily practice and also suggests indirectly
that if adopted as a part of our daily chores, we the human can beat the daily
stressors of our life.
These methods will also improve not only the physical health but also our
mental and emotional stability and understanding, so that we could live happily
then after.
Zinn, J.K. (1994). Wherever you go there you are. Experience life. Retrieved
on 24th October,2017, from, uploads/