Subconscious Mind by VK (Update 15th Oct 2023)
Subconscious Mind by VK (Update 15th Oct 2023)
Subconscious Mind by VK (Update 15th Oct 2023)
Hello Reader,
Thank you for being the heart and soul of this community. Let's
continue to uncover the hidden potentials within us together.
You are the product of your thoughts. What you tell your
subconscious mind is what it believes. You can program it to give
you just about anything you want, but only if you know how to
“talk” to it. Saying affirmations to program your subconscious
mind is the most common way to train it. But affirmations must
be stated correctly, so knowing how the subconscious mind
thinks is critical to using it properly.
First, I put on some very relaxing music. This is optional. Try using
music at first to see if it helps you relax. If you relax better
without it, don’t use music. But you want your surroundings to be
quiet. If you have a family, tell your spouse and children not to
bother you for the next 20 minutes or for however long you plan
to spend. And before you begin, put the phone on silent mode.
Now, as I said, that’s how I do it. If this works for you, great. If not,
you can do it the way that works best for you. But you want to get
your body totally relaxed. You don’t have to make an effort to
relax your mind. It will relax along with your body. And don’t rush
through this.
And notice where I put... That’s where you pause and imagine that
part of your body relaxing. Just imagine it, pretend your body is
relaxing...feel your muscles relaxing. Then move on to the next
area to be relaxed.
You most likely won’t be able to do the relaxation later in the day
such as at work or while driving to work (certainly not then). And
you want to say your affirmation more than once. So it’s a good
idea to do the relaxation at least once a day followed by saying
the affirmation for a good 15 to 20 minutes to allow it to sink
deeply into your subconscious mind.