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Subconscious Mind by VK (Update 15th Oct 2023)

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Message For You All

Hello Reader,

With deepest gratitude, I dedicate this short summary on the

subconscious mind to each one of you.

Your unwavering support and enthusiasm have been the driving

force behind this endeavor. As a token of my appreciation, I offer
you this book as a free gift, hoping it will serve as a guiding light
on your journey to explore the profound mysteries of the

Thank you for being the heart and soul of this community. Let's
continue to uncover the hidden potentials within us together.

With heartfelt thanks,

Vaibhav Kadnar,
Keep Inspiring
Let’s get straight to the point
How Your Subconscious Mind Works

You are the product of your thoughts. What you tell your
subconscious mind is what it believes. You can program it to give
you just about anything you want, but only if you know how to
“talk” to it. Saying affirmations to program your subconscious
mind is the most common way to train it. But affirmations must
be stated correctly, so knowing how the subconscious mind
thinks is critical to using it properly.

1. The Subconscious Mind only thinks in the present. It does not

think in the past or the future as the conscious mind can. So when
saying affirmations to get something you want, say...”I AM”, of “I
HAVE”, not “I’m GOING TO BE”, or “I WILL have”. The second set
of examples is about something that will happen in the future.
The subconscious mind only gives you what it sees. The key to
tricking it into giving you what you want is telling your
subconscious mind that you have it NOW. If you say you’ll have it
or get it in the future, your subconscious mind will see you as
presently NOT having it now, and that’s what it will deliver to

2. The Subconscious Mind does not know the difference between

what is real and what is imagined. Have you ever got into a heated
argument with someone and noticed that your heart started to
beat quickly? It was your subconscious mind – which controls all
your bodily functions – that caused that. Has someone ever made
you mad but you were afraid to confront them at the time? So
you practiced how you were going to tell them off the next
chance you got? Did you notice
your heart started to beat faster?
Your subconscious mind also caused it because it believed the
confrontation was happening. You were only imagining it. But
your subconscious mind could not tell the difference.

3. The Subconscious Mind learns by repetition...over and over

again. When you learn any new skill, you have to practice it a lot,
not a little. When learning to harness the power of your
subconscious mind, you’re learning a new skill, so you have to use
it over and over again. When you say affirmations to get what you
want, you can’t just say them once and expect them to work. You
have to say them over and over again until your subconscious
mind acts upon them. But as with all skills, the more you use your
subconscious mind to get what you want, the easier it works.

4. The Subconscious mind thinks in infinite or absolute terms, not

in finite or partial terms.

5. The Subconscious Mind gives you what you want quicker if

when saying affirmations you feel the emotion you would feel
when you got it. I said earlier that the key to harnessing your mind
power is to trick the subconscious mind into thinking that you
have what you want NOW. And since the subconscious mind does
not know the difference between what is real and what is
imagined, pretend you feel happy when you affirm you have what
you want. Isn’t that how you would feel if you had it? Just imagine
those happy feelings.

6. Your conscious mind is your logical, rational mind. It will never

accept an idea that does not make 100% logical, rational sense. If
you noticed just 1% of an idea did not make logical sense, you
would question it. And you might reject the entire idea if that 1%
didn’t make sense. But your Subconscious Mind is your illogical or
ir-rational mind.
It will believe ANYTHING whether it makes logical sense or not. It
never questions or analyzes anything you tell it. So when using
your subconscious mind to get what you want, set your sights as
high as you can...don’t think what you’re affirming doesn’t make
logical sense. Your subconscious mind will not think that.

I call those “The 6 Key Points to Your Subconscious Mind Power”.

You don’t need to know anything else. But training your
subconscious mind to give you what you want takes time and
practice. I can’t give you a time frame as to how long it will take
you to master your mind power. It depends on how much effort
you make and to what degree you believe in it. But I can say that
if you give it enough time and effort and believe 100% in the
power you already have, you’ll be amazed at how quickly it starts
to work.
Before you start to develop your new skill of harnessing your
subconscious mind power, there’s another skill you need to learn.
While learning and performing it are extremely easy, it is very
important to the process. It’s called relaxation.

Before you begin an affirmation session, you want to relax your

body because you also want to relax your mind...clear all the junk
out of the way and get your brain wave activity to a minimum so
you can focus on the ONE thing on which you want to focus. The
subconscious mind is more susceptible to receiving and acting
upon suggestions when it is relaxed and focused on that one

Here is how I do my relaxation.

First, I put on some very relaxing music. This is optional. Try using
music at first to see if it helps you relax. If you relax better
without it, don’t use music. But you want your surroundings to be
quiet. If you have a family, tell your spouse and children not to
bother you for the next 20 minutes or for however long you plan
to spend. And before you begin, put the phone on silent mode.

I sit in a chair and breathe at a normal pace for about 30 seconds

and get my mind off of things. Then I take a deep breath, hold it
for 5 seconds, then slowly release the air and as I do, I imagine my
body is becoming relaxed, as if it dropped down to the next level.
Then I return to normal breathing for about 10 seconds,
imagining that my breathing is slightly lighter than when it was
when I started.
I repeat that process 4 or 5 times, then while I exhale the last
time, I close my eyes, and say to myself quietly and slowly...

“The muscles around my eyes are totally and completely

relaxed... I couldn’t open my eyes if I wanted to because the
muscles are soooo relaxed....now I see coming from the sky a
beam of light, shining on the muscles around my eyes relaxing
them even further... the light of relaxation is penetrating deeply
into every muscle, nerve and fiber around my eyes, making them
even more relaxed... my breathing is soooo light, my heart and
pulse are beating sooooo slowly, every part of my body is totally,
and completely relaxed”.

Now, as I said, that’s how I do it. If this works for you, great. If not,
you can do it the way that works best for you. But you want to get
your body totally relaxed. You don’t have to make an effort to
relax your mind. It will relax along with your body. And don’t rush
through this.

I spend about 5 minutes doing the relaxation. Spend at least that

amount of time. Also, I recommend that you do this in the
morning before you go to work. If you do it in the evening after
working all day and then eating dinner, you may fall asleep and
miss out on practicing your new skill and throw your night sleep
schedule off. So try it at a time when you’re less likely to fall
asleep, and do it in a sitting position.

I also recommend doing it on an empty stomach or waiting at

least an hour after eating a big meal. If you do it right after eating,
the food you ate will sit in your stomach like a blob because your
metabolism will drastically slow down.

And notice where I put... That’s where you pause and imagine that
part of your body relaxing. Just imagine it, pretend your body is
relaxing...feel your muscles relaxing. Then move on to the next
area to be relaxed.
You most likely won’t be able to do the relaxation later in the day
such as at work or while driving to work (certainly not then). And
you want to say your affirmation more than once. So it’s a good
idea to do the relaxation at least once a day followed by saying
the affirmation for a good 15 to 20 minutes to allow it to sink
deeply into your subconscious mind.

Your Subconscious Mind Power is not “way down there at the

very depth of your psyche”. It’s right beneath the surface, just
one step down from your conscious mind. Relaxation helps you
get to it.



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