Aircraft Propeller Design
Aircraft Propeller Design
Aircraft Propeller Design
First Edition
Seventh Impression
Copyright, 1930, by the
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
Body and Propeller Interference 136
Expressions for efficiency with a bodyEffect of body size, shape,
and dragComparison of tractor and pusher arrangements
Practical use of body interference data.
The Effect of Propeller Characteristics on Airplane Perform
ance 159
Effect of propeller characteristics on speed, climb, take-off, cruising
performance, range, and enduranceEffect on performance at high
altitudes with ordinary and with supercharged engines.
The Variable-pitch Propeller 180
Effect on speed, climb, take-off, and cruising performance of air
planes with unsupercharged enginesPerformance with variable-
pitch propellers and supercharged engines.
The Gearing of Propellers 190
Example in which gearing greatly improves the performance
Example in which the performance is poorer with gearing than with
direct driveMethod of determining whether or not gearing is
Tandem Propellers 201
Calculation of operating conditions and air forces on rear propeller
Model tests with tandem propellersMethod of dealing with
tandem propellers in which each propeller is treated as a complete
unit, with examples.
Materials and Forms of Construction 213
Propellers constructed of wood, micarta, steel, and aluminum alloy
The construction of variable-pitch propellers.
The Strength op Propellers 229
Calculation of stressesApproximate method of stress analysis
Example showing approximate stress analysisEffect of deflection
on the stressesDestructive whirling test.
Summary of Factors to Be Considered in the Design op a Pro
peller 249
The selection of propellers to give the best high speed, climb, take
off, angle of climb, cruising, or all-around performanceLimita
tions imposed by airplane and engineChoice of the number of
bladesResume' of factors affecting propulsive efficiency.
Design Procedure, with Charts and Examples 257
Information furnished propeller designerA simple system for
selecting propellers of standard form, with examplesApproximate
method for propellers of any form, with examplesDesign by
means of the blade-element theory.
Symbols 285
Index 289
A Propeller disc area.
A Area of section.
A Cross-sectional area of wind tunnel air stream.
a Slope of lift curve = dCh/da, a being in radians.
a Inflow velocity factor.
a' Rotational interference velocity factor.
B Number of blades in a propeller.
6 Blade width.
b Final slipstream or wake-velocity factor.
c Chord length of airfoil.
c Velocity of sound in air.
CF Centrifugal force.
CP. Center of pressure.
Co German lift coefficient = 100CL.
C German drag coefficient = IOOCd.
Cl Absolute lift coefficient = L/qS.
Cd Absolute drag coefficient = D/qS.
Cd{ Induced drag coefficient.
Cd Profile drag coefficient = Cd Cd-.
Cm Pitching-moment coefficient = M/qcS.
Cp Power coefficient = P/pn*D6.
Cq Torque coefficient = Q/pn2Ds.
Cs Coefficient of resultant force = R/qS.
Cs Speed-power coefficient =
a Angle of attack.
ao Angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio.
at Induced angle = e/2.
0 Blade angle.
& Blade angle at 0.75ft.
y Angle between lift and resultant force vectors of an airfoil, where
tan y = D/L.
c Angle of downwash.
J7 Efficiency.
0 Interference angle.
v Kinematic viscosity.
p Air density, mass per unit volume.
po Mass density of standard air at sea level = 0.002378 slugs per
cu. ft.
4> Angle between direction of motion of a blade element and the
plane of rotation, where tan <p = V/2irrn.
w Angular velocity.
Fig. 1.Typical wood propeller and some terms which apply to propellers.
Germany, and France. From the propulsion point of view,
propeller seems the more fundamental term, but on the other
hand it may be said that the propeller operating in air is just
one form of airscrew, other types being the fan, the windmill,
and the anemometer. Either term is satisfactory, but the Ameri
can practice of using the term propeller is adhered to in this
The diameter D of a propeller is the diameter of the circle
swept by the blade tips, or the distance between the tips (Fig. 1).
The pitch of any screw is the advance per revolution. A
propeller of fixed geometrical form, since it operates in a fluid,
1 A complete nomenclature for aeronautics including propellers is given in
Technical Report 240 of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
(hereafter abbreviated to N.A.C.AT.B., also the Reports and Memoranda
of the British Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and its successor, the
Aeronautical Research Committee, are abbreviated to British R. and M.),
1927, and many of the definitions in this chapter are taken directly
.V VfUa) H VO+b)
P P'+Ap P
.V V
Fig. 3.
= MpAV*b(l + a)bV
= ViTbV
= TVa.
This energy is not regained from the air, and it represents a loss.
The efficiency is then
_ useful work
' useful work + energy lost in slipstream
= TV
TV + TVa
= 1
1 + a
This expression represents the ideal or limiting value of the
efficiency of a perfect propeller. It is never reached with actual
propellers because of the following additional losses :
1. The energy of rotation of the slipstream due to the torque.
2. The profile drag or friction of the propeller blades moving
through the air.
3. The loss due to the fact that the thrust is not actually
uniform over the disc area, but at best falls off near the perim
eter due to tip losses and at the center due to hub losses.
4. The loss due to the finite number of blades and the conse
quent variation of thrust at any one point with time.
Usefulness of the Ideal Efficiency.While the ideal efficiency
is never attained in practice, it represents a mark at which the
propeller designer can aim. The actual propeller efficiencies
obtained throughout the working range are usually from 80 to
88 per cent of the ideal efficiency, and so the ideal is useful in
determining approximately the actual efficiency which can be
obtained with a propeller under given conditions. The ideal
efficiency can be taken as a measure of how favorable the condi
tions for the operation of the propeller are, and the ratio of the
actual to the ideal can be taken as a measure of how well the
propeller works under the given conditions.
In examining the expression for the ideal efficiency it is interest
ing to note that the efficiency depends only on the ratio of the
velocity imparted to the air by the propeller to the forward
velocity of the propeller itself. It is instructive to examine this
expression to see how it is affected by variations in the forward
speed, the thrust, and the diameter of the propeller. Consider
the equation already obtained for the thrust,
T = APV%{l + a).
1 - v C'T
and the variation of efficiency with C't is shown in Fig. 4. It
will be observed that as the thrust coefficient, which represents
the thrust per unit area per unit dynamic pressure, increases,
0 I I I I I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 10
Lift coefficient = CL
qS }iPV2S
D _ D
Drag coefficient = CD
: qS MpV*S'
where L is the lift, D is the drag, q = }4pV2 is the dynamic
pressure due to the velocity of the air, and S is the projected
area of the airfoil in plan. The symbols CL and CD are used to
represent these particular coefficients only.
The Germans were the first to use the dynamic or impact
pressure in their lift and drag coefficients Ca and Cw. These
coefficients are the same as those used by the N.A.C.A.
excepting that they are made one hundred times as large in
order that whole numbers rather than small decimals may be
dealt with.
The British do not use the dynamic pressure in their coefficients
but use the density and velocity as such. Their coefficients are
therefore just one-half as large as the American NA.C.A.
coefficients and are given by the expressions
. _ L
L ~ oSV2
I. D
Kd ~ PSV2'
24 1.2
20 1.0
16 0.8
12 0.6
8 0.4
4 0.2
0 0
-4 0 4 8 12 16" 20
Angle of Attack, cc
Fig. 6.Airfoil characteristics plotted against angle of attack.
The curves in Fig. 6 are for a typical propeller section. It will
be noticed that the lift coefficient increases with increased angle
of attack up to a certain maximum value, after which it falls off
as the angle becomes still greater. The drag coefficient has a
minimum value near zero degrees and increases with change of
angle of attack in either direction, becoming very great for the
high angles beyond maximum lift. It will also be noticed that
the lift coefficient is not zero at zero angle of attack but at an
angle of attack considerably less than zero. The attitude of a
typical airfoil when producing no lift is shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.
0.6 /
-0.2 _ . . ,
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Fig. 8.-Polar curve for an airfoil.
is usually made four or five times as large as that for the lift
coefficients. If the lift and drag coefficient scales are made
equal, the length of a vector from zero to any point on the curve
represents the coefficient of resultant force (hence the name polar
diagram), and the slope of the vector is the ratio of lift to drag.
I 80
iool_L I 1 I I I
-4 0 4 8 12 16
Angle of Attack, cc
Fig. 9.
the lift coefficients are higher for the thicker sections at any
particular angle of attack, although the slopes of the lift curves
are lower for the thickest sections and the maximum lift coeffi
cients are lower than those for the sections of medium thickness.
The angle of attack for zero lift becomes lower as the upper
Upper Camber
-- - 0.04
^- 0.08
Angle of Attack, cc
Fig. 11.-Variation of airfoil characteristics with upper camber.
1 One of the best is The Determination of the Lift and Drift of Aerofoils
Having a Plain Lower Surface and Camber 0.10 of the Upper Surface, the
Position of the Maximum Ordinate Being Varied, British R. and M. 72,
1 The Aerodynamic Properties of Thick Airfoils, II, by F. H. Norton and
D. L. Bacon, N.A.C.A.r.B. 152, 1922. Other tests on the effect of lower
camber are: Experiments on Thick Wing Sections, Expt. Dept., Airplane
Eng. Div., U. S. Army Air Service Bull, for December, 1918. Experiments
on a Series of Airfoils Having the Same Upper Surface and Lower Surfaces
of Different Camber, by L. Bairstow and B. M. Jones, British R. and M.
60, 1911-1912.
Section No Maximum
Lower Camber
I + 0.05
2 0
4 -0.05
5 -0.07
5.i. ,-2 1.6
14 D >tTO ?f~
3 4 1.4
i' w\
I \( \ \ /
/hi i >
L j
0 10 I0
i \
h \
nH t! y \
?i' A \\ \
'/ Is
A 0.6
7/ 1
/. //
/ OA
1 , '//
0" 6 12 20 24"
Angle of Attack, cc
Fig. 12.-Variation of airfoil characteristics with lower camber.
Fig. 13.
(see Fig. 15). The mea/i direction of airflow past the wing is
indicated by the dotted arrow in Fig. 15 and has an angle equal
to half the downwash angle, or ^ ; and according to the induced-
drag theory, the angle of attack of the airfoil with respect to
this line of mean flow direction is the angle of attack which the air
foil would have if its span were infinite. The flow would then be
two dimensional and there would be no downwash, for the wing
would be acting upon an infinite mass of air. The flow about a
finite airfoil relative to the mean direction is assumed to be the
same as that for infinite span, and the components of the resultant
Fig. 15.
rt n L
ao = a s>
all of the angles being in radians.
Most model airfoil tests are made with airfoils having a rec
tangular plan form, for which the lift distribution across the span
is not elliptical. The above equations give values of the induced
drag which are as much as 5 per cent too low and values of
the induced angle as much as 25 per cent too low for wings of
rectangular plan form and aspect ratio 6, and since the angles are
important in dealing with propeller sections, the equations are
not satisfactory. More accurate expressions are used which were
developed by Betz for wings of rectangular plan form and
simplified to the following form by Glauert:1
ao = a j
1 The Calculation of the Characteristics of Tapered Wings, by H. Glauert,
British B. and M. 767, 1921-1922.
0 ' R 2 3
Fig. 16.
Fig. 18.
airfoil sections are different at different radii along the blade.
It is necessary, of course, in order to analyze the aerodynamic
performance of a propeller, section by section, to have some
knowledge of the airfoil characteristics of the sections along the
blade. Since it is not feasible to test a series of airfoils for every
propeller designed, it is customary either to adhere to a standard
form of blade, representative airfoils of which have been tested,
or to use data from a series of airfoils of varying thickness ratio
and interpolate for the actual thickness ratio at each section
of the propeller if necessary. The latter method allows the
propeller designer greater freedom, for it can be used with any
plan form and variation of thickness along the radius, and it is at
present in general use in the United States.
) V
0.025 0.05 0.10 0.ZO 0.J0 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0 80 0.90 1.00
Fig. 20.-Standard propeller sections based on R.A.F.-6. Aspect ratio = 6.
Fig. 22.
various amounts of lower camber in this manner to airfoil sections
of various thickness. The sections having convex lower camber,
however, being near the hub, are relatively unimportant, and it
ACL 0.2
/o * o 0
Angle of Attack, cc
Fig. 26.
propellers, and since the tip speeds were very low compared
with the speed of sound in air, this practically eliminated errors
iue to scale.
Fig. 27.
propeller blade elements of the same cross-sectional shape.1
The air flow around each element is considered two-dimensional
and therefore unaffected by the adjacent parts of the blade.
The independence of the blade elements at any given radius
-j 1 X,
Fig. 28.
with respect to the neighboring elements has been established
theoretically2 and has also been shown to be substantially true
for the working sections of the blade by special experiments3
1 In his book, Drzewiecki suggested that the airfoil characteristics could be
obtained from tests on special model propellers.
2 "Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory," by H. Glauert, Cambridge University
Press, 1926.
3 Experiments to Verify the Independence of the Elements of an
Airscrew Blade, by C. N. H. Lock, H. Bateman, and H. C. H. Townend,
British R. and M. 953, 1924.
made for the purpose. It is also assumed that the air passes
through the propeller with no radial flow (i.e., there is no contrac
tion of the slipstream in passing through the propeller disc) and
that there is no blade interference.
The Aerodynamic Forces on a Blade Element.Consider the
element at radius r, shown in Fig. 27, which has the infinitesimal
length dr and the width b. The motion of the element in an
aircraft propeller in flight is along a helical path determined
by the forward velocity V of the aircraft and the tangential
velocity 2wrn of the element in the plane of the propeller disc,
where n represents the revolutions per unit time. The velocity
of the element with respect to the air Vr is then the resultant
of the forward and tangential velocities, as shown in Fig. 28.
Call the angle between the direction of motion of the element
and the plane of rotation </>, and the blade angle /?. The angle
of attack a of the element relative to the air is then a = /3 <t>.
Applying ordinary airfoil coefficients, the lift force on the
element is ~7 , J
Let t be the angle between the lift component and the resultant
force, or 7 = arc tan D/L. Then the total resultant air force
on the element is
dR =
cos 7
The thrust of the element is the component of the resultant
force in the direction of the propeller axis (Fig. 28), or
dT = dR cos (4> + 7)
lApVSCjbdr cos Q + 7)
cos 7
and since Vr =
For convenience let
sin2 (t> cos 7
K cos O + 7).
dT y2PV*T4r,
* = 450 - i
The variation of efficiency with <t> is shown in Fig. 29 for
two extreme values of 7. The efficiency rises to a maximum
at 45 t/2 and then falls to zero again at 90 y. With
an L/D of 28.6 the maximum possible efficiency of an element
according to the simple theory is 0.932, while with an L/D of
.1o 0.60
uj 0.40
0 10" Z0 30' 40 50 60 70 8Q 90
Fig. 29.
9.5 it is only 0.812. At the values of <t> at which the most
important elements of the majority of propellers work (10 to
15) the effect of L/D on efficiency is still greater. Within
the range of 10 to 15, the curves in Fig. 29 indicate that it is
advantageous to have both the L/D of the airfoil sections and
the angle <t> (or the advance per revolution, and consequently
the pitch) as high as possible.
The Limitations of the Simple Blade-element Theory.
According to the momentum theory a velocity is imparted to the
air passing through the propeller, and half of this velocity is
given the air by the time it reaches the propeller plane. This
increase of velocity of the air as it passes into the propeller
disc is called the inflow velocity. It is always found where
there is pressure discontinuity in a fluid. In the case of a
wing moving horizontally, the air is given a downward velocity,
Fig. 30.
n =
= 30 r.p.s.
The path angle <t> = arc tan
= arc tan
2tt X 1.125 X 30
= 15.5.
The angle of attack is therefore
a = 0 - <fi
= 16.6 - 15.5
= 1.1.
From Fig. 21, for a flat-faced section of thickness ratio 0.107
at an angle of attack of 1.1, y = 3.0, ' and, from Fig. 20,
CL = 0.425. (For sections having lower camber, CL should be
corrected in accordance with the relation given in Fig. 23, and y
is given the same value as that for a flat-faced section having the
upper camber only.)
to as the thrust and torque grading curves. The areas under the
curves represent
these being the expressions for the total thrust and torque
per blade per unit of dynamic pressure due to the velocity of
advance. The areas may be found by means of a planimeter,
0.6 0.3
0.4 0.2
0.2 0.1
T = IipV*Bf*TJr
= MX 0.002378 X 58.652 X 2 X 0.9075
= 7.42 lb.,
and the torque is
Q = y2PV*B$*Qcdr
= HX 0.002378 X 58.652 X 2 X 0.340
= 2.78 lb.-ft.
The power absorbed by the propeller is
P = 2mQ
= 2 X x X 30 X 2.78
= 524 ft.-lb. per sec.
HP =
and the efficiency is
' 2-rnQ
= 7.42 X 58.65
= 0.830.
The above-calculated performance compares with that meas
ured in the wind tunnel as follows:
per cent low, and the efficiency is about 8 per cent high. Of
course, a differently calculated performance would have been
obtained if propeller-section characteristics from tests on the
same series of airfoils in a different wind tunnel had been used,
but the variable-density tunnel tests are probably the most
reliable of all.
Some light may be thrown upon the discrepancy between the
calculated and observed performance by referring again to the
pressure distribution tests on a model propeller.1 In these
Directmeasurement of forces on an aerofoil ofaspectratio 6 with square ends
o Calculated from the pressure distribution over the median section ofthe aerofoil
of aspect ratio 6
Calculated from the pressure distribution over the section C ofan aerofoilshaped
as an airscrew blade but without twist
Curvt s of ( /
a 1.0
/ -
Cu rves c
> 0.6
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 20
Angle erf Attack in Degrees
Fig. 32.{From R. and M. 681.)
of the simple theory were low. Since any amount of inflow would
reduce the effective angle of attack of the blade elements, the
power and thrust calculated by means of the combined theory
would be even lower.
It seems that the combined Froude-Drzewiecki theory, although
it has been widely used in the past, is gradually being abandoned
for more accurate methods of analysis and will probably soon
pass out of use entirely.
The Blade-element Theory with Multiplane Interference Cor
rections.As stated in Chap. IV and illustrated in Fig. 30, the
elements of the blades of a propeller at any given radius may be
considered as forming an infinite multiplane having negative
stagger. The interference effect on an element caused by the
corresponding elements of the other blades, and also by the posi
tion of the original element itself on previous and following
revolutions, is analogous to the downwash and other interference
effects on one plane of an infinite multiplane system.
A series of wind tunnel tests has been made by R. McKinnon
Wood and associates, in which the changes in lift and drag on an
airfoil, due to the interference of a cascade or multiplane series
of airfoils, were measured.1 From the multiplane interference
data obtained from these tests, factors have been derived with
which propeller elements may be corrected for blade interference.
The experiments show that the interference depends on the lift
of the airfoils but is practically independent of the drag and
therefore of the airfoil section. The interference also depends
on the spacing of the airfoils and the angle <t> between the airflow
and the line joining the cascade (Fig. 30). The results of the
experiments are given as a correction SCL to the lift coefficient
and another correction e to the angle of attack. The angle is
in the nature of a downwash angle and is defined by the relation
CV (CD - SCD\ = /CA
+ tan e,
cv \CL-5CL)a \CL),at
Fig. 34.
&nd since the corrected forces still refer to the original velocity
and angle of attack,
Vr =
sin <t>
%pV*CL'bdr cos (0 + 7')
dT =
sin2 4> cos (7' e)
K =
sin2 <t> cos (7' t)
Tc = K cos O + y').
dT = y2PV*Tcdr,
and the total thrust for the propeller (of B blades) is
T = y2PV*Bf*Tcdr.
'i he component of the resultant force on the element contributing
to the torque (Fig. 34) is
dF = dR sin(</> + 7'),
the torque on the element is
dQ = rdR sin(< + 7'),
and if
Qc = Kr sin(0 + 7O,
dQ = Y2PV*Qcdr.
Then the torque for the whole propeller is
Q = y2PV*BfQBQcdr.
(j, <(> 4,
Fig. 36.-Downwash correction for multiplane interference.
it follows that
y' = arc tan (0.0650 + tan 0.5)
= 4.2.
R _ Crib
sin2 4> cos (7' e)
= 0.455 X 0.198
0.26722 X 0.998
= 1.264,
Te = K cos (<*> + 7')
= 1.264 X cos 19.7
= 1.190,
r/R 0 15 0 30 0 45 0 60 0 75 0.90
r(ft.) 0 225 0 450 0 675 0 900 1 125 1.350
&(ft.) 0 225 0 236 0 250 0 236 0 198 0.135
hu/b 0 190 0 200 0 167 0 133 0 107 0.090
hL/b 0 180 0 058 0 007 000 000 000
0 (deg.) 56 1 36 6 26.4 20 4 16 6 13.9
2irrn 42 3 84 7 127.1 169.6 212.0 254.0
tan <t> = V/2hrrn. . 1 389 0 693 0 461 0 346 0 277 0.231
<t> (deg.) 54 2 34 7 24 7 19 1 15 5 13.0
a = 0 - <f (deg.) . 1 9 1 9 1 7 1 3 1 1 0.9
Cl , 0 175 0 535 0 680 0 600 0 490 0.410
S = 2irr/Bb 3 140 5 99 8 49 11 99 17 84 31.42
SCL.. 0 030 0 070 0 075 0 055 0 035 0.020
CjJ = Cjj bCjj. 0 145 0 465 0 605 0 545 0 455 0.390
(deg.) 0 9 1 7 1 4 0 9 0 5 0.2
a' = a e (deg.) . 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0.7
(D/L)* 0 0730 0 0792 0 7060 0 0652 0 0650 0.0662
tan e 0 0157 0 0297 0 0244 0 0157 0 0087 0.0035
tan 7' = (D/L)* 4 0 0887 0 1089 0 0950 0 0809 0 0737 0.0697
7' (deg.) 5 1 6 2 5 4 4 6 4 2 4.0
<(> + 7' (deg.) 59 3 40 9 30 1 23 7 19 7 17.0
sin <t> 0 8111 0 5693 0 4179 0 3272 0 2672 0.2250
sin2 <t> cos (7' e) 0 0496 0 339 0 868 1 203 1 264 1.041
COS (0 + 7') 0 5105 0 7558 0 8652 0 9157 0 9415 0.9563
Tc = Kcob (0 +y').. 0 0253 0 256 0.751 1 101 1 190 0.996
sin (0 + 7') 0 8598 0 6547 0.5015 0 4020 0 3371 0.2924
Qc = Kr sin (0 + 7') 0 0096 0 0998 0.294 0 436 0 479 0.411
Qc = Kr sin (<t> + 7')
= 1.264 X 1.125 X sin 19.7
= 0.479.
The computations of Tc and Qc for the six elements of the
propeller are given in Table II.
The procedure of plotting Tc and Qc against the radius, and
integrating for the total thrust and torque, is exactly the same
as with the simple blade-element theory and gives the following
values for thrust, power, and efficiency:
For this analysis it will be noted that the calculated values are
within one per cent of the model test results, but the fact that
they are closer than two or three per cent is merely fortuitous.
Modern Wing Theory Applied to the Blade-element Analysis ;
the Induction or Vortex Theory of the Propeller.The Lanches-
ter-Prandtl wing theory has been applied to propeller analysis by
Betz and Prandtl1 but not in a practical form suitable for the
designing of propellers. Glauert, with the aid of a simplifying
assumption, was the first to combine the wing theory with the
blade-element analysis in a form similar to that of the older
blade-element theories familiar to propeller designers,2 and
his method is followed in all essentials here. The method of
procedure is changed, however, to facilitate its use.
It will be recalled that, according to the wing theory, a finite
wing giving lift is accompanied by a change of direction or down-
1 Schraubenpropeller mit geringstem Energieverlust (The Screw Propeller
Having the Least Energy Loss) , by A. Betz, with an addendum by L. Prandtl.
Math.-phys. class paper, Gottingen, 1919. Also published in " Vier Abhand-
lungen zur Hydrodynamik und Aerodynamik," pp. 68-92, Gottingen, 1927.
Applications of Modern Hydrodynamics to Aeronautics, by L. Prandtl,
N.A.C.A.r./2. 116, pp. 53-59, 1925.
2 "Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory," by H. Glauert, Cambridge University
Press, 1926. An Aerodynamic Theory of the Airscrew, by H. Glauert,
British R. and M. 786, 1922. Notes on the Vortex Theory of Airscrews,
by H. Glauert, British R. and M. 869, 1922.
R = CL&(1 + a)2
sin2 </>o cos ya
Tc = K cos (4>0 + To).
dT = Hp72rcdr,
and the total thrust for the propeller is
Now equating the two expressions for a', we get, after simpli
a _ cot 0o (tan 0o tan 0)
1 + a 1 + tan 0 tan (0o + 70)'
y v 5
Fig. 39.
and solving for 1 + a we get
j , a _ tan <t>o[l + tan <t> tan (</>0 + To)]
tan <I>[1 + tan <t>0 tan (<0 + To)]
suoipyyymi'j fo 9yf uotjanpuI j,o X3}X0j^ fLumu, fo J9jpdorP .
hcLi/Vi eth uoijacqdda J iiofare Xaohet erlledoad ^uemepe-adbl
1 = 40-8;
0, (70 = 0) = 1.2,
and repeating again for the third approximation,
a0 = -0.1,
CL = 0.445,
Si = 4-1'
0, (70 = o) = 1.2.
This is the same as our second approximation, and in general
it may be said that the second approximation usually gives
the final result within the limits of accuracy of our computations,
i.e., one-tenth of 1. We have, however, still to consider 70,
which affects 0 very slightly. From Fig. 25, for a0 = 0.1
and hu/b = 0.107, 70 = 1.9. Referring again to Fig. 39,
the value of 6 when 70 = 0, in our case 1.2, is projected vertically
upward to the sloping lines of 70, and then from the value of 70,
in our case 1.9, a horizontal line is projected to the right-hand
vertical scale for the final value of 6. In our case 0 is still
1.2, and in fact for nearly all practical cases the effect of 70
is negligible. Our final values of 0, a0, CL, and 70 are therefore
6 = 1.2,
a0 = -0.1,
CL = 0.445,
70 = 1.9.
Then, from Fig. 40, for <t> = 15.5 and 6 = 1.2, 1 + a = 1.076.
K = CLb(l + a)2
sin2 #0 cos 70
= 0.445 X 0.198 X (1.076)2
sin2 16.7 cos 1.9
= 1.234,
slight radial flow near the propeller axis due to the position of the
small guard body, but since this is in the region of the hub it is
unimportant. There is very little radial flow even through the
tip sections for the high-speed condition and also very little
contraction of the slipstream. For the high-speed condition,
therefore, which is usually near the point of maximum efficiency
of the propeller, it may be concluded that the neglect of radial
flow and contraction of the slipstream will not cause appreciable
errors in the computation of propeller performance. This is
not quite so true for the climbing condition and apparently
not true at all for the condition of zero advance, for which
calculations with any of the theories may be expected to be
seriously in error.
Return Passage
Experiment Chamber
Exit Cone ------ = =Z
Guide Vanes--
Fig. 46.-View of the 20-ft. Propeller Research Tunnel showing the experiment
chamber, balances, exit cone, and propeller fan.
way the results of tests on a propeller can be applied directly
to any geometrically similar propeller regardless of size or exact
revolutions or velocity of advance, due consideration being given
to scale and compressibility effects.
One of the most fundamental characteristic magnitudes
affecting propeller performance is the advance per revolution V/n.
This is made non-dimensional by giving it in terms of the diam
eter, in which case it is often called J and becomes
J =
where V is the velocity of advance, n the rate of rotation, and
D the diameter, all in consistent units (such as foot-pound-
second or kilogram-meter-second).
dT cc ovwf^y
or 11 p7c
0.12 1.2 1
0.10 1.0
0.08 0.8 l\
0.06 0.6 \\
0.04 0.4 \\
0.02 .0.2
0 0
0 0.2 0. 1- w 0. 5 0. 5 1.0
Fig. 47.
. 0.008 0.08
0.006 0.06
0.004 0.04
0.002 0.02
Fig.; 48.
of the expression the terms for either the velocity or the diameter.
The following coefficients are in terms of the revolution speed
instead of the velocity :
CT = Tc X (^j
= T
The coefficients are shown plotted against V/nD in Fig. 48.
They are extensively used in England, where they are called
kT and kQ.
0.4 0.02
0.2 0.01
Fiq. 49.
The efficiency may then be found from the thrust and power
coefficients as follows:
v = P
= CTpn2D*V
Coefficient = (ZZ^j
nW X P
= ell
This is sometimes called a speed-power coefficient because it
contains the rotational and forward speeds and the power
absorbed. The reciprocal of the coefficient as given above was
used by Drzewiecki. In this form, however, it covers a very wide
range of values, making its use impractical. Admiral Taylor,
in dealing with marine propellers,1 has made use of the square
root of the reciprocal of the above coefficient, but even in that
case it is necessary to use logarithmic or semilogarithmic scales
for plotting the data in order to obtain about the same degree of
accuracy throughout the entire range of the curves. For aero-
1 "The Speed and Power of Ships," by D. W. Taylor, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 1916.
5000 -f-30
1000- r-4.0
900 - 4500 4
700 - 4000
3500 -^26
400 -t 3000 -+
300 -i 2500 -F
HP. t3.0 HP '/5 R P M f-22 RPM^
200 -F 2000
150 -E 1700
100 -2.5 -18
90 1300
80 Scales of Hp'5 1200 -17
70 and R P M z/sfor 1100
60 Solution of 1000- -16
50 pV5
V Pn 2 -15
40 800
. Q.638xM PH
_E-2.0 ~ HP'/sxR P M2/s -14
30 700
for Standard
Atmosphere 600 -13
20 oitSea Level
500- -12
400 i-11
-t-1.5 -10
Fio. 53.
Log Cp
SO 40
60 70 80 90 100 lib
Velocity in Miles per Hour
' Fig. 55.-Logarithmic diagram for propeller 4412 set at 15.0 at 0.75R, with
efficiencies marked on curve of log Cp.
Fig. 57.Longitudinal section of slipstream. Increase in axial velocity caused
by propeller is shown by arrows. Four-blade propeller, p/D =0.9,V/nD =0.63.
of the slipstream in this region is quite sharply defined. At the
center the drag of the hub causes the velocity to become negative
In Fig. 58 the tangential or rotational component of the slip
stream velocity is shown for each of the above positions in front
of and in back of the propeller plane. While some rotational
velocity was measured in front of the propeller, it was very small
and in opposite directions at various radii, averaging about
zero. It seems, therefore, that the assumption of no rotation
in the inflow, as made in the vortex or induction theory of the
propeller, is true, at any rate for practical purposes. The
f '75l I I I I I I I I
01 2J45678
Distance Back of Propeller in Diameters
Tig. 59.Variation of axial and tangential components of slipstream velocity
with distance from propeller.
the values being obtained from the same data as Figs. 57 and
58. It is seen that for this propeller and rate of advance, the
increase of axial velocity begins about three-fourths of a diameter
forward of the propeller and reaches its maximum value at about
In this chapter the results of wind tunnel tests are used to show
how variations of the blade shape effect the aerodynamic per
formance. Only propellers operating without body interference
and at comparatively low tip speeds are considered, the effects
of tip speed and body interference being taken up in separate
chapters. Most of the effects could also be shown by means of
an advanced form of the blade-element theory, but not that of
tip shape or of pure size.
The Effect of Pitch on Propeller Characteristics.In Fig. 49
are given curves of efficiency and power coefficient as a function
of effective pitch V/nD. When V/nD is zero, the efficiency is
also zero, which results from the definition of efficiency for a
moving vehicle; for when the forward velocity is zero, no useful
work is being done even though the thrust may be quite large.
The efficiency for a given propeller increases with increase of V/nD
up to a certain maximum point and then falls off with increasing
rapidity as the V/nD is increased further, until it finally reaches
zero again at the value of V/nD for zero thrust. The thrust and
efficiency, of course, become zero at the same value of V/nD.
When the propeller is operating at a V/nD between zero and
that for zero thrust, it is said to be in the propeller state. When
it is between the values of V/nD for zero thrust and zero torque
or power, it is in the brake state, for the thrust is negative but
power is required to produce it. At values of V/nD above that
for zero torque, the propeller is in the windmill state, for it then
receives energy from the air and helps to turn the engine. This
condition may have serious consequences in the case of an
airplane in a steep dive where the speed of advance becomes
very great and the engine is rotated more rapidly than is safe.
Curves of efficiency vs. V/nD for a series of model propellers
varying in pitch are given in Fig. 60. 1
1 Tests on Thirteen Navy Type Model Propellers, by W. F. Durand,
N.A.C.A.r.fl. 237, 1926.
_ 2p X -j- X T-
= T ( 7V
0.16 ,
Both the thrust and power coefficients increase with the pitch
ratio throughout the ordinary range.
0liiii ' iiiiiiiii
tant thing. The above Navy wood models were designed with
uniform or constant pitch at all sections, for this has been found
to give very nearly the best efficiency for all cases without body
interference. A slightly greater efficiency can be obtained,
however, by having the pitch increase with the radius so that
it is somewhat higher than the average at the tip and lower at the
This point is well illustrated by some British tests1 on a family
of model propellers. These propellers had detachable blades
which could be turned in the hubs. The blades of one propeller
0.60 w
0.40 II
0.8 I I I I I I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 65.-Approximately best pitch distribution for thin metal propellers
without body interference.
The blade is more effective near the tip because of its greater
speed there relative to the air. The radius which best represents
the average of the thrust and torque grading curves is usually
at from 70 to 75 per cent of the tip radius. We shall therefore
take as a measure of the mean effective blade width the blade
width at 0.75R. This is expressed non-dimensionally in a ratio
called the width ratio WR, which is denned by the relation
WR = ^gLR.
WR 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14
TOR 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28
Fig. 66.Variation of power and efficiency with blade width.
0.02 0.2
the same V/nD, and due to the higher drag the efficiency is
slightly less. The range between the thinnest and thickest wood
propellers is not great, and the thickest propeller of Fig. 67 is
only a little over one per cent less efficient than the thinnest.
Aluminum-alloy propeller blades can be made much thinner,
and the gain in efficiency over wood blades is appreciable but not
great at ordinary tip speeds (up to about 900 ft. per sec). In
Fig. 68 a curve of the maximum efficiencies obtainable with a
series of full-scale standard wood propellers is given along with
a similar curve for a series of standard thin-bladed metal pro
pellers, both being plotted against C, so that they are on a fair
Propeller No. 5
and the other had a tapering blade with rounded tip. With this
extreme difference in plan form the difference in maximum
efficiency was only 3 per cent.
The two plan forms most commonly used with detachable-
blade aluminum-alloy propellers are shown in Fig. 71. They
are known as the wide-tip and narrow-tip plan forms. Tests
on full-scale propellers in the N.A.C.A. Propeller Research
Tunnel have been made at moderate tip speeds with propellers
of both plan forms, the actual blade thickness in each case
being the same so that the tip sections of the wider propeller
had lower values of TR. The efficiency was found to be about
1 per cent greater with the wide-tip plan form.
1.0 r
1 |
^ Wide Tip
| 0.8
jC -T3V 0.6 Narr
BV | 0.4
a 0.2
0.4 R
0.7 R 0.6 R aeR
Fig. 71.-Plan forms of wide and narrow tip aluminum alloy propellers.
Full Scale
12J4 in- m diameter, an air stream having any velocity from 550
to 1,000 ft. per sec. being supplied by means of a large centrifugal
compressor.1 Model airfoils having a chord of 3 in. and extend
ing entirely across the airstream were used. The aspect ratio
effect is therefore questionable, especially at high angles of
attack. Six airfoils were tested, all having standard propeller
sections based on the R.A.F.-6 (see Fig. 19) but varying in thick
ness ratio from 0.10 to 0.20.
An extension of the above investigation was made in which the
pressure distribution over the same six airfoil sections was meas
ured on models of 1-in. chord extending entirely across a 2-in.
air jet with velocities up to 1,250 ft. per sec.2
A still further extension was finally made in which force tests
were made on 24 1-in. chord model airfoils in a 2-in. air jet.3
The 24 airfoils included the original series of standard propeller
sections with the addition of three thinner sections, the thinnest
having a thickness ratio of 0.04. There were also five sections
based on the Clark-Y, the ordinates all having been scaled up or
down to give thickness ratios varying in even steps from 0.04
to 0.20, and a few other miscellaneous sections.
The results obtained for the same section in the three different
ways do not agree in value, indicating that the aspect ratio effects
and probably also the effect of Reynolds number at high speeds
are very large. As pointed out by the authors of the reports,
the results cannot be considered as having quantitative value,
at any rate not until more is known regarding the effect of
Reynolds number and regarding corrections for the aspect ratio
condition occurring with a 1-in. chord airfoil extending entirely
through a 2-in. jet of air. The tests no doubt have some qualita
tive value, however, for they all indicated the following effects :
1. The lift coefficient decreases with increase of velocity, very
slightly for thin sections but rapidly for thick ones.
1 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils at High Speeds, by L. J. Briggs,
G. F. Hull, and H. L. Dryden, N.A.C.A.r.ft. 207, 1925. An earlier investi
gation was made in a wind tunnel capable of air speeds up to about 600 ft.
per sec, which is reported in Wind Tunnel Studies in Aerodynamic Phenom
ena at High Speed, by F. W. Caldwell and E. N. Fales, N.A.C.A.T.R. 83,
2 Pressure Distribution over Airfoils at High Speeds, by L. J. Briggs
and H. L. Dryden, N.A.C.A.r.K. 255, 1927.
3 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Twenty-four Airfoils at High Speeds,
by L. J. Briggs and H. L. Dryden, N.A.C.A.T.ft. 319, 1929.
.Calculated Curve
Tip Spet ds
0.06 e.
// r- 0.75c.
0-05 '0.57c.
\\ \\. x \v
0.04[ . \\
\ \\ ^1
0.1 02 03 _V OA 0.5 OS
Fig. 73.Thrust. Coarse pitch R.A.F.-31o airscrew, Curves of kt measured
at various tip speeds.
0.004 \\
0.001 >\
Calcufa+ed <\
0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 OA
Fig. 74.Torque. Coarse pitch R.A.F.-31a airscrew. Curves of fcg (measured)
at various tip speeds.
In all of the model propeller tests the efficiency fell off as the
tip speed was increased, throughout the entire range of the tests.
The drop in efficiency was small at the lower tip speeds but
became greater and of fairly constant rate at tip speeds above
about 0.75c or 0.80c.
05 0.6 0.7 0.B0.9 1.0 1.1
Fig. 78.-Comparison of tip-speed effect on typical model and full-scale propellers.
ratios. Of the six special propellers, three had standard propeller
sections based on the R.A.F.-6 and the other three had sections
based on the Clark-Y. In each case the three propellers made
a series of different thicknesses, all of the sections in the outer
half of the blade having thickness ratios of 0.06 in one propeller,
0.08 in another, and 0.10 in the third.
The full-scale tests gave results somewhat different from those
of the model tests, although in both cases there was a great
reduction of efficiency at the highest tip speeds. In the full-scale
tests the efficiency was constant throughout the entire usual
range of tip speeds, from the lowest at which the tests could
be run, up to a critical speed of about 0.9c. Above this critical
1 Full-scale Tests on a Thin Metal Propeller at Various Tip Speeds, by
Fred E. Weick, N.A.C.A.T.R. 302, 1928. Full-scale Tests of Metal Pro
pellers at High Tip Speeds, by Donald H. Wood, N.A.C.A.r.B. 378, 1930.
Fig. 80.Efficiency curves for a full-scale metal propeller at various tip speeds.
Figure 82 shows the effect of section-thickness ratio on both
the critical speed and the rate of decrease of efficiency beyond the
critical speed. The ratio of the maximum efficiency at any tip
speed to that at low tip speeds is plotted against tip speed for
the series of three 9 ft. 6-in. propellers having Clark-Y type
sections and thickness ratios of 0.06, 0.08, and 0.10. The
critical tip speed for the 0.06 thickness ratio is 90 ft. per sec.
higher than that for the 0.10 thickness ratio, and above the
critical speed the maximum efficiency decreases at the rate
of about 11 per cent per 100 ft. per sec. increase for the 0.06
thickness ratio as compared with 13 per cent for the 0.10. These
results are in agreement with the indications of the model airfoil
and model propeller tests which all showed a greater high speed
or compressibility effect on thick than on thin airfoil sections.
Since in the full-scale tests the critical speed varies only from
about 0.85c to 0.95c, and since the velocity of the air passing
just over the upper forward part of the airfoil is somewhat
greater than the velocity of the section with respect to the air
"5 i.o
.S 0.7
tan 0( = ^D'
This expression for the tip speed takes into account not only
the peripheral speed in the plane of rotation but the speed of
advance as well. Propellers operating at higher values of
V/nD reach the critical tip speed at lower revolutions, assuming
constant diameter. For convenience in computing the tip
speed, Fig. 84 gives a curve from which the value of cos <j)t may be
obtained for a propeller operating at any V/nD. Although the
value of cos <j)t has practically no effect on the tip speed at low
values of V/nD, its effect reaches a value of about 10 per cent or
100 ft. per sec. at high values of V/nD.
As an example showing the use of the tip-speed correction chart
(Fig. 83), let us assume a metal propeller having a diameter of
10 ft. 6 in. operating at 2,100 r.p.m. on an airplane traveling at
From Fig. 83, for a tip speed of 1,167 ft. per sec. and a V/nD
of 0.44, the correction factor for efficiency is 0.86. The efficiency
of our propeller operating at the above V/nD but with a tip
speed under the critical would be, we shall say, 0.70. The
efficiency at a tip speed of 1,167 ft. per sec. is then
v = 0.70 X 0.86
= 0.60.
The high tip speed in this case causes a loss of 14 per cent in
the useful or thrust power available.
As shown in Fig. 83, thin-bladed aluminum-alloy propellers of
average form can be run at tip speeds up to 1,000 ft. per sec.
without an efficiency loss due to high tip speed. Figure 85
shows directly the maximum propeller diameter which can be
used at any revolutions and speed of advance to keep within the
limit of 1,000 ft. per sec. and thereby avoid tip-speed loss.
Airpijne Speed
,100 M PH
^,220 M.P. H
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000
R.P. M.
Fig. 85.Maximum diameters for average metal propellers to operate without
tip-speed loss.
and 0.06
0 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 86.Comparison of thrust and power coefficient curves for a propeller
alone and with a VE-7 airplane.
Effect of Body on Propeller Characteristics.A body moving
through the air has a resistance, and a certain amount of air is
dragged or moved along with it. Also, even though the body
were moving through a perfect non-viscous fluid, the velocity
would be reduced near the nose. If a propeller is operating
in the air affected by the body it will in effect be working at a
lower rate of advance than if it were in free air. Thus, with
0 4 8 12 16 20 24.
Radius in Inches
Fig. 87.-Survey of velocity in propeller plane. VE-7 model.
- = a + bTc
. IT
~ a ~t~ PV2D2'
The net efficiency is always lower than the free propeller efficiency
or the apparent efficiency, fairly typical curves of each being
shown in Fig. 89. The net efficiency is useful for showing the
effectiveness of engine-propeller units which are rather isolated
from the rest of the aircraft, such as the power nacelles used on
Fig. 90.Propulsive efficiency of an average propeller with various sized
in the ratio d/D (see Fig. 92). This is the same general tendency
as, but to a greater degree than, the results of the tests with the
blunt-nosed model bodies which showed a variation of about 1
per cent in efficiency for a 10 per cent change of d/D. It is
thought that the full-scale tests give good results for practical
use within the limited range of the tests but that a mean value of
1 per cent change in efficiency with an 8 per cent change in
diameter is probably a more accurate figure to use if the range is
considerably larger.
Effect of Body Shape and Drag.With the smooth blunt-
nosed bodies used in the model tests shown in Fig. 90, the pro
pulsive efficiency is lower with any of the bodies than the efficiency
of the propeller alone. This is not necessarily the case with all
Diam. 10 -S
-Diam. 9-11 \ s
Diam. 9'-S -,\
Diam e'-n"
Diam 9'-5"a nd9lh 311
Diarr JO'S
0 0.2 0.4 v 0.6 0.8
Fig. 92.Propulsive efficiencies with different sized propellers on an average
of taper at the propeller end. It will be noticed that with all of
the bodies except that having the greatest taper, the propulsive
efficiency is higher than the efficiency of the propeller alone.
Also, for all of the bodies with a cylindrical portion the propulsive
efficiency is greater for the bodies with greater resistance. This is
partly because the bodies are small enough to be almost entirely
in the central portion of the propeller where the poor propeller
sections have the effect of decreasing rather than increasing the
velocity of the air over the body, and partly because the poorer
bodies close to the central portion of the propeller partially
blank off or shield this poor portion of the propeller which
1 The Effect of Slipstream Obstructions on Air Propellers, by E. P. Lesley
and B. M. Woods, N.A.C.A.r.ft. 177, 1924.
Direction of
Air Flow
Fig. 93.-Some bodies with which the propulsive efficiency is higher than the
efficiency of the propeller alone.
with the blunter rounded nose, probably because with the pointed
nose the propeller is located farther forward of the main portion
of the body. For the two rear positions the efficiency is greater
with the rounded nose.
The same tendency of the propulsive efficiency to become
greater as the propeller is moved forward with respect to the
body has been shown to be true for actual fuselage shapes, by
Maximum from Eff. Ro
Propulsive ofPropeller
Efficiency Alone ~qA
0.699 -4.07. 0.066
both model and full-scale tests. The model tests were made at
Stanford University with a 3-ft. propeller and a model DH-4
fuselage.1 The DH-4 airplane had a water-cooled Liberty
engine with a large flat-nosed radiator and no spinner. Moving
the propeller from % to 4 in. ahead of the radiator increased
the propulsive efficiency 4 per cent with a propeller having a
pitch-diameter ratio of 0.7, and 5 per cent with one of 0.9.
1 Interaction between Air Propellers and Airplane Structures, by W. F.
Durand, N.A.C.A.r.ft. 235, 1926.
Direction of
A ir Flow
Fig. 98.Comparison of propulsive efficiency with pusher and tractor bodies.
reduced from 1 to 3 per cent by the presence of the wings, the loss
being about the same for the biplane and monoplane wings
tested. The loss was slightly greater with high-pitch than with
low-pitch propellers.
Typical curves of propulsive efficiency and power coefficient
are given in Fig. 99 for a cabin monoplane with and without the
wing. The power coefficient CP is slightly greater with the wing
1 The Effect of the Wings of Single Engine Airplanes on Propulsive
Efficiency as Shown by Full-scale Wind Tunnel Tests, by Fred E. Weick
nnd Donald H. Wood, N.A.C.A.T.AT. 322, 1929. Full-scale Tests of Wood
Propellers on a VE-7 Airplane in the Propeller Research Tunnel, by Fred E.
Weick, N.A.C.A.T./2. 301, 1929.
0.42D. The tests were made with two propellers having pitch-
diameter ratios of 0.7 and 0.9, and with each propeller located at
three different distances in front of the wing. Figure 100 shows
the percentage loss in propulsive efficiency compared with the
efficiencies of the propellers alone. It will be noticed that while
the loss is great if the propeller is very close to the wing, there
should even in this extreme case be little loss if the propeller were
located at a distance of D/5 or more ahead of the leading edge.
As in the case of the smaller wings and most bodies, the loss in
1 Interaction between Air Propellers and Airplane Structures, by W. F.
Durand, N.A.C.A.r.ft. 235, 1926.
Fig. 101.-Central section of proposed night bomber with extreme propeller
Max.Eff. Propulsive Percentage
Propeller Eff-witt) Losswith
i or P/o=0.7fc_ Alone VE-7 Body
" '
The curves of power required vs. air speed are of more or less
similar form for all airplanes.1 For showing the effect of pro
peller characteristics pn airplane performance it is convenient
to take as an example a typical airplane having a normal per
formance, such as the Vought VE-7. The curve of power
required2 vs. airspeed for the VE-7 is given in Fig. 103.
1 The manner of obtaining the power required may be found in books on
airplane design, such as "Airplane DesignAerodynamics," by E. P. War
ner, or "Engineering Aerodynamics," by Walter S. Diehl.
* The curve was obtained from flight tests reported in Characteristics
of Five Propellers in Flight, by J. W. Crowley, Jr., and R. E. Mixson,
N.A.C.A.T..R. 292, 1928.
140 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
1100 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 ZOOO
Fig. 104.Full-throttle horsepower vs. r.p.m.
is specified by the engine manufacturer as the maximum revolu
tion speed for service use, the propeller is designed so as to absorb
the full engine power (200 hp.) at the maximum horizontal
sea-level speed and 1,800 r.p.m. These are often called the
maximum horsepower and revolution speed, although they are
actually merely the maximum specified for safety.
The useful or thrust horsepower available at maximum speed
at sea level is the product of the maximum brake horsepower
and the propulsive efficiency of the propeller.
1 To find this it is first necessary to assume a trial value for the propulsive
efficiency, from which the approximate thrust horsepower is calculated and
an approximate value of the maximum speed obtained from the power-
required curve of Fig. 103. This speed is then used in selecting the propeller.
If the efficiency does not check that assumed, the process is repeated.
can draw a curve of r.p.m. vs. C, (curve 1, Fig. 105). Now, for
each of the above three values of C,, we can find from Fig. 51
or 52 the value of V/nD for our propeller, which has a blade-angle
setting of 22 deg. at 0.75/2, and then, knowing V/nD, V, and D,
we can solve for the revolutions. This gives us another set of
values of r.p.m. vs. C,, which when plotted give curve 2, Fig.
105. At the intersection of the two curves, r.p.m. = 1,618
and C, = 0.939, which are the values for our propeller at full
throttle and 80 m.p.h.1 At 1,618 r.p.m. the engine develops
ol 1600
Fig. 105.
179.9 hp. (Fig. 104), and for C, = 0.919 the propulsive efficiency
is 0.715 X 0.989 = 0.707 (Fig. 51 or 52). The useful or thrust
power available at 80 m.p.h. is therefore
179.9 X 0.707 = 127.2 hp.
Following the same procedure, the revolutions and the power
available have been found for several air speeds and the curves
drawn in Fig. 103. The maximum horizontal speed is shown
by the intersection of the curves of power required and
power available. The vertical distance between the power-
required and power-available curves shows the excess of power
available above that required for horizontal flight, and this excess
can be used for climbing. At speeds higher than the maximum
horizontal speed (higher speeds can be attained by diving) the
1 The tests on which these figures are based were made with the propeller
axis parallel to the direction of airflow, whereas in actual flight the propeller
axis assumes angles as high as 10 or 12 deg. with respect to the flight path.
Full-scale tests in the 20-ft. Propeller Research Tunnel of the N.A.C.A.
have shown, however, that the propeller characteristics are practically
unaffected within that range. Other tests confirming this conclusion are
reported in Experimental Investigation of Aircraft Propellers Exposed to
Oblique Air Currents, by O. Plachsbart and G. Krober, N.A.C.A. T.M.
562, igso.
--8.11 , \ .
160 6.53i, 20
fiA1 nt ~V*
140 ' 10 ISi 12'5'-'
Powt r
Availab le
u 120
Ig 100 /
jE 80
Fig. 106.Curves of power available with metal propellers of various diameters
and pitches.
fc* 120
o 100
f 80
60 TO 80 90 100 110 120 130
Velocity , M.P.H.
Fig. 107.-Curves of power available with wood propellers.
used as a propeller for all-around service on airplanes of this
power and speed. It gives a maximum speed only 0.7 m.p.h.
lower than that with the best high-speed propeller.
The propeller having the lowest pitch setting, which setting
is considerably lower than would ordinarily be used in practice,
2 800
| 600
60 70 80
90 100 110 IZ0 110
Velocity, M.P.H.
Fig. 108.Rates of climb vs. air speed with wood propellers.
60 70 80
90 100 110 120 130
Velocity, M. P. H.
Fig. 109.-Rates of climb vs. air speed with metal propellers.
on the VE-7 are shown in Fig. 109. These curves show that for
these propellers the lower the pitch the lower is the maximum
climb, which is the reverse of the case with the wood propellers.
Another interesting point is that there is a difference of only 30 ft.
per min. between the best and the poorest maximum rates of climb.
The reason for this difference in climb between the performance
of the wood propellers and the metal propellers is made clear by
a study of the curves in Fig. 1 10. The top set of curves shows the
' 0.90 0.7 Q'>-
<- _4 >- - 2
0.85 r-- ~Z
12.5 /.
'.4-O 0.75
0.75 12.56
l / .5
, 2r '
Cu 0.65 16 c .7
*- 0.60 0. 8
0.5 0.6 0.7 , 0.8 a9 1.0
Fig. 110.
maximum rates of climb obtained with both the wood and metal
propellers with the various pitch ratios. Unfortunately, the low
est-pitch wood propeller tested was not low enough to give the
maximum possible climb with that type of propeller, and so the
point for p/D = 0.5 has been calculated from tests on model
propellers of similar form. The wood propeller giving the maxi
mum climb would from the top set of curves of Fig. 110 have a
pitch ratio of about 0.56 and would give a rate of climb of 1,100
ft. per min. The metal propeller giving both the highest speed
and the best climb gives a rate of climb of 1,150 ft. per min.,
which is about 5 per cent better than that with the wood pro
peller giving the best climb and about 13 per cent better than with
the best high-speed wood propeller.
The middle set of curves on Fig. 110 shows the reduction of
engine revolutions at a speed of 75 m.p.h., which is about the
average speed for maximum climb with all of the propellers being
investigated. The ratio of the r.p.m. at 75 m.p.h. to the r.p.m.
at maximum horizontal speed is plotted against pitch ratio.
Since the engine torque is approximately constant, the ratio
of the revolutions is also an indication of the fraction of the
maximum permissible brake horsepower which is being used at
climbing speed. With both the wood and the metal propellers
the reduction in revolutions is less for the propellers of high than
low pitch, but the variation with pitch is much more pronounced
with the metal propellers. The highest-pitch metal propeller
makes use of a larger portion of the maximum horsepower
than any of the wood propellers, and the lower-pitch metal
propellers make use of considerably less than any of the wood
propellers. Thus the high-pitch metal propeller has a great advan
tage over the lower-pitch metal propellers in the amount of engine
power used in climb, while the high-pitch wood propeller has but
a very slight advantage over the lower-pitch wood propellers.
The bottom set of curves in Fig. 110 shows the variation of
propulsive efficiency with pitch ratio at a climbing speed of 75
m.p.h. The metal propellers are decidedly more efficient in
climb than the wood propellers. From the curves in Fig. 110,
it is seen that in climbing flight the drop in engine revolutions is
less for the higher-pitch propellers but that the efficiency is
greater with the lower-pitch propellers. Since with the wood
propellers the change in efficiency with pitch ratio is greater
than the variation in revolutions, the low-pitch wood propellers
are better in climb. Conversely, since with the metal propellers
the variation of revolutions is greater than that of efficiency, the
higher-pitch metal propellers are better in climb.
A simple and useful formula for quickly finding the effect of
changes in propeller characteristics on the rate of climb is as
A one-point change (i.e., from 0.71 to 0.72) in either the pro
pulsive efficiency or the fraction of the maximum revolutions
results in a change in the rate of climb, in feet per minute, of
330 X HPm. r 330
W ' power loading
gave the highest speed and the best climb, gives the poorest
take-off. The shortest distance, however, is only 18 per cent
less than the longest, which in this case makes a difference of
only 64 ft. This is practically negligible with ordinary airplanes
operating from average fields but might, of course, become
important in the special cases of small fields or heavily laden
The problem of a seaplane taking off from the water is some
what different from that of a land plane, for the resistance of the
water rises to a very large value at a speed called the "hump"
speed which is usually in the neighborhood of one-half the take-off
speed. It is often difficult to get sufficient propeller thrust
to push over the hump speed with heavily loaded seaplanes, and
sometimes it is necessary to design the propeller to absorb the
maximum permissible power of the engine at the hump speed.
In that case, as in the case where the full power is used in climb,
the pilot is relied upon to throttle the engine at higher air speeds.
Effect of Propellers on Cruising Performance.After an
airplane has taken off and climbed to a reasonable altitude it is
usually flown at reduced throttle, both because it is easier on the
engine, which has a limited life, and because the fuel consumption
is lower and the range and endurance are greater.
A reasonable cross-country cruising speed for our VE-7, which,
with the 8.17-ft. propeller has a maximum speed of 128.5 m.p.h.
at 1,800 r.p.m., would be about 100 m.p.h. The power required
for horizontal flight at 100 m.p.h. is found from Fig. 103 to be
83.2 hp. Assuming that the propulsive efficiency is the same at
cruising speed as at high speed (the reason for this assumption
will appear later), the brake or engine power required is
83.2/0.824 = approximately 100 hp.
The revolution speed to which the engine is throttled to give
100 hp. at 100 m.p.h. can be found in the same manner as for
full-throttle flight at reduced speeds, i.e., by (1) assuming three
revolution speeds which cover the likely range, say 1,300, 1,400,
and 1,500; (2) computing the value of C, for each; (3) from the
curves of C, vs. Vn/D finding the value of V/nD corresponding
to each value of C,; (4) calculating the r.p.m. corresponding to
each V/nD; (5) plotting curves similar to those of Fig. 105 of
both the original and final values of r.p.m. vs. C; and (6)
finding the actual values of r.p.m. and C, at the intersection of
the two curves. The values for cruising at 100 m.p.h. with
100 hp. are r.p.m. = 1,420 and C, = 1.39. The efficiency for
C = 1.39 is 0.821, which checks the assumption of 0.824 closely
enough so that another trial would still give 1,420 r.p.m.
It will be noticed that the C, for cruising, 1.39, is nearly the
same as that for high speed, 1.42. This is also true of the values
of V/nD at high speed and cruising, for the drop in revolutions
is very nearly proportional to the drop in air speed. The most
efficient propeller at high speed is therefore also very nearly
the most efficient at cruising speeds. Actually, the most efficient
of our series of metal propellers for cruising at 100 m.p.h. with
the engine throttled to 100 hp. at 1,420 r.p.m. would have a
diameter of 8.20 instead of 8.17 ft., a blade angle at 0.7522 of
21.9 instead of 22 deg., and an efficiency about one-tenth per
cent greater, which is negligible.
At a cruising speed of 80 m.p.h., the 8.17-ft. propeller would be
throttled to 1,193 r.p.m., and its propulsive efficiency would be
0.818 as compared with 0.820 for the most efficient propeller
under the same conditions.
The revolutions of all of our five metal and three wood pro
pellers would be nearly enough the same at any cruising speed so
that the wear on the engine can be considered the same for all.
The more efficient ones would actually turn a little more slowly,
for they would require less engine power to give the same thrust
power. The fuel consumption is also less in about the proportion
that the efficiency is greater.
The VE-7 cruising at 100 m.p.h. requires approximately 100
hp. from the engine, and except for the limitations imposed by
the propeller, it would be possible to obtain this at any r.p.m.
above that at which the engine is held down to delivering 100 hp.
at full throttle, or in this case from 900 to 1,800 r.p.m., the latter
being the upper limit for safety. A curve of the specific fuel
consumption in pounds per horsepower per hour for our 200-
horsepower engine developing 100 hp. at various revolutions is
given in Fig. 111.1 The specific consumption with the 8.17-ft.
metal propeller throttled to 1,420 r.p.m. is 0.524 lb. per hp. per hr.
With a propeller which would absorb the 100 hp. at 1,050
r.p.m. or below, the fuel consumption would be reduced to 0.495
lb. per hp. per hr. There would be no advantage in going lower
1 This figure was drawn from data given in Cruising Performance of Air
planes, by E. E. Wilson and B. G. Leighton, Navy Dept. Bur. Aeronautics
Tech. Note 133, 1924.
than 1,050 r.p.m., for the fuel consumption would not be any less
and it would be harder on the engine.
The metal propeller of our family having the highest efficiency
while absorbing 100 hp. at 1,050 r.p.m. and a cruising speed of
100 m.p.h. would have a diameter of 9.65 ft., a blade angle at
0.75ft of 24 deg., and a propulsive efficiency on the VE-7 of
0.851 X 1.010 = 0.859. The actual fuel consumption at 100
m.p.h. with this propeller, considering its higher efficiency as well
as the lower specific consumption at 1,050 r.p.m., is 9.5 per cent
better than with the best cruising propeller throttled to 1,420
.2 x
tfc 0.5Z
E 9-
m 3= 0.51
- S 0.50
V -4
VyC. W*
Velocity, M.P.H.
Fig. 113.Power available and power required curves for sea level and 10,000
ft. with 8.17-ft. metal propeller.
1.0 1
r ~
C' - \Pn2
where HP is the actual horsepower developed at altitude and
p/po is obtained from Fig. 112. The one-fifth power of the whole
factor r- may be found from the HP scale in Fig. 53 (Chap. VI).
The performance of the VE-7 with the 8.17-ft. propeller is
tabulated below for an altitude of 10,000 ft. and also for sea
1 Figure 114 is based on. data from The Variation in Engine Power with
Altitude Determined from Measurements in Flight with a Hub Dynamom
eter, by W. D. Gove, N.A.C.A.T.B. 295, 1928; and The Determination of
the Horsepower Height Factor of Engines from the Results of Type Trials of
Aircraft, by J. D. Coales and A. L. Lingard, British R. and M. 1141, 1927.
The value of the C, for high speed is very nearly the same for
10,000 ft. as for sea level, from which it follows that the propeller
giving the greatest efficiency at the maximum sea-level speed
will also give approximately the highest efficiency at maximum
horizontal speed at 10,000 ft. Also, the maximum revolutions
at 10,000 ft. are only 3 per cent lower than at sea level, so that
very nearly all of the permissible engine power is used at 10,000 ft.
Our example therefore leads to the conclusion, which is fortu
nately true in practically all cases, that with an unsupercharged
engine the best propeller for a given purpose (high speed or
climb) at sea level is also the best for that purpose at altitudes.
The ceiling, or the altitude at which the rate of climb is zero, is
about 21,000 ft. for our VE-7 with the 8.17-ft. metal propeller.
Ordinarily, the propeller giving the greatest rate of climb at
sea level will give the best climb at all altitudes and also the
highest ceiling.
Performance at Altitude with Supercharged Engine.In
order to overcome the loss of power at high altitudes, engines
are sometimes fitted with superchargers, or blowers which supply
air to the carbureter at sea-level pressure, up to a certain "criti
cal" altitude. Above the critical altitude the power falls off in
about the usual manner.
We shall now consider the performance of the VE-7 on the
assumption that the engine is fitted with a supercharger having
a critical altitude of 20,000 ft. (p/p0 = 0.5327). We shall assume
for convenience that the sea-level power curve (Fig. 104) also
applies at 20,000 ft., although this is not strictly true, for the
actual sea-level conditions are not reproduced. At altitudes
lower than the critical, it is usually necessary to reduce the
amount of supercharging to avoid excessive cylinder pressures
and temperatures, so that approximately the same power is
p.Av iihb e
140 > &t //
V 10.0
fe ioo 9.5 c
* - V
-- 9.0 'is
o 80 Bes+nu 8.5 |
5.0 S
60 22"
PA .r-
.' " tl 20 *
B ,. \is; ade
40 "Ar sr/e 18" 5
V- 16. %>CD
to 14
B 12 St
60 TO 9060 100 110 120 110
Velocity, M.P.H.
Fm. 115.Power available with variable pitch and diameter propellers.
.| 1000
Sl. 800
G15 600
60 TO 80 90 100 110 120 110
Velocity, M.P.H.
Fig. 116.Rates of climb with variable pitch and diameter propellers.
^. - -
Ideal Efficient
Actual P -opulsive
Efflci ?ncy
Noi'AT1 ON
1. Var able Pitch and Variat le Diamete r
2. Var 'able Pitd 1
3. Fix 'J Pitch
60 70 80 90 100 no 120 130
Velocity, M. P. H.
Fig. 117. Comparison of actual and ideal efficiencies.
lower values of V/nD, the low-pitch are more efficient than the
high-pitch propellers. Ordinarily, however, as in the case of our
example (illustrated by curves 2 and 3 in Fig. 117), the opposite
is truethe efficiency of the variable-pitch propeller is lower than
that of the fixed-pitch propeller throughout practically the entire
flying range. In our case the efficiency of the fixed propeller is
even higher than that of the variable-pitch and -diameter pro
peller, between the maximum speed and the speed for maximum
Two useful conclusions may be drawn from the above dis
cussion and a study of Fig. 117:
1. Any gain in climbing performance at sea level with a
variable-pitch propeller will usually be entirely due to the use
of greater engine power than can be obtained with a fixed pro
peller designed to hold the engine down to the specified maximum
revolutions at high speed; also, the variable-pitch propeller will
usually be slightly handicapped by a slightly lower efficiency;
2. While propeller characteristics plotted on a basis of V/nD
are satisfactory for showing the comparative values of the
characteristics themselves, the V/nD basis is unsatisfactory
and in many cases misleading when used for showing the relative
performances of propellers on aircraft.
It is interesting to compare the ideal efficiencies of the three
propellers according to the momentum theory. This may be
obtained from the expression (explained in Chaps. II and
w(V/nD)3 _ ttC.5
2CP 2{V/nDY
The curves of ideal efficiency for the three propellers are shown
as dotted lines in Fig. 117. It will be noted that the ideal effi
ciency of the fixed propeller, curve 3, is also greater than that
of the variable-pitch propeller, curve 2. This is due to the
lower V/nD and the greater power input with the variable-
pitch propeller. With the best possible propeller of the metal
series, however, in which the diameter is varied as well as the
pitch, the ideal efficiency is higher than for either of the other
Effect on Take-off.In order to see the effect of the variable-
pitch propellers on the take-off run, we shall find the best of our
metal propellers for producing static thrust while absorbing the
\ 10 1000
8 800
6 600
4 400
2 200
Blade Angle ai 0.75 R
Fig. US.Static thrust for various blade-angle settings.
is also given in Fig. 118. The torque of our 200-hp. engine at
1,800 r.p.m. is 584 lb.-ft. Then, since for any blade angle D, Q,
and TD/Q are known, it is easy to solve for T. The static
thrust obtained in this manner is also plotted in Fig. 118. The
maximum static thrust is obtained with a 9.5-ft. propeller set
to 10.4 deg. at 0.75^.' This maximum static thrust is 1,275
lb. as compared with 950 lb. for the 8.17-ft. variable-pitch
propeller set to 19.4 deg. (from Fig. 118) and 731 lb. for the
1 The fact that the static thrust decreases with diameters greater than
9.5 ft. and blade settings lower than 10.4 deg. is partly due to the poor pitch
distribution of these propellers at very low pitches. With propellers having
uniform pitc'h the diameter for the best static thrust would be somewhat
suitable for both high and low altitudes when used with a super
charged engine. If reasonable advantage of the supercharger
is to be obtained it is necessary to use a propeller having change
able characteristics.
We found in Chap. X that the best high-speed propeller for the
supercharged VE-7 at the critical altitude of 20,000 ft. had a
diameter of 9.15 ft. and a blade angle at 0.75R of 23.6 deg. This
diameter is nearly the same as that of our 9-ft. compromise
variable-pitch propeller for all-around sea-level performance.
As a matter of fact, a variable-pitch propeller having a diameter
of either 9 or 9.15 ft. would make a satisfactory all-around pro
peller for all altitudes. If the climb at 20,000 ft. and above were
important, it would be advisable to use a slightly larger diameter,
say 9.5 ft., sacrificing about 2 m.p.h. more in maximum speed at
sea level.
The supercharger is very limited in usefulness with a fixed
propeller, for the performance is either mediocre at all altitudes
or very poor at high or low altitudes, but the variable-pitch
propeller and the supercharger make a happy combination for
high-altitude flying without sacrificing low-altitude performance.
The supercharger enables the engine to develop full power at
altitudes, and the variable-pitch propeller makes it possible to
use the full power under all flying conditions. It must not be
forgotten, however, that they add both weight and complication
and also extra duties for the pilot. Since the pilot already has
much to absorb his attention, it is highly desirable that the con
trol of the variable-pitch propeller be made automatic but subject
to control by the pilot if necessary or desired.
Other Uses for Variable-pitch Propellers.Some variable-
pitch propellers are constructed in such a manner that the pitch
can be reversed for the purpose of giving a braking action or
backward thrust. This is particularly advantageous in the
maneuvering of lighter-than-air craft such as dirigibles while
landing or taking off.
The effectiveness of the reversible-pitch propeller as an air
brake to shorten the landing distance of an airplane has been experi
mented with by both the Army and the Navy in this country.
There is no doubt that the reverse thrust substantially reduces
both the gliding angle and the distance run on the ground before
stopping. Difficulty was experienced, however, with the effect
on the controllability, both in the air and on the ground, where it
was very difficult to hold the airplane straight and keep it from
ground looping. These tests were made several years ago, and
1 it is likely that the ground looping could be overcome by the use
of modern individually operating wheel brakes.
With reversible propellers, it is advisable to have the engine
throttle connected with the pitch-changing mechanism in such
a manner that the throttle is closed while the propeller blades are
passing through zero pitch. If this is not done and the throttle
is accidentally opened when the pitch is at or near zero, the engine
will race and may destroy itself.
Often dirigible airships, and sometimes multi-engined air
planes, cruise with one or more engines cut out. Sometimes the
engine and propeller stop, and sometimes the propeller acts as a
windmill with sufficient torque to keep the engine rotating. In
either case, and particularly in the latter, the drag is high and
could be reduced appreciably if the propeller blades could be
turned fore and aft so that their average pitch was infinite.
With multi-engined airplanes having fixed propellers, if one
engine fails the speed of the airplane is reduced and the other
propellers do not allow their engines to turn at full revolutions and
deliver full power. The condition is similar to that of a normal
airplane in climb, and variable-pitch propellers would improve
the performance in the same way as in normal climb.
0 II I I
60 70 60 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Fig. 119.-Power available with various gear ratios. Transport airplane.
A 2 per cent loss in power in the gears is assumed for all ratios.
This value is not the result of accurate measurements, which are
difficult to make, but seems reasonable from data on gears
and also from the comparative measured power outputs of direct-
drive and geared engines of the same design.
In regard to body interference, it is assumed that the data
from the VE--7 tests are correct for the direct-drive propeller
and that for the geared propellers the propulsive efficiency is
1 per cent higher for each 8 per cent increase in propeller diameter
(see Chap. IX).
5:3 ratio, and 400 lb. for the 5: 2 ratio. The resultant stalling
speeds given in Fig. 121 show an increase of about 1 m.p.h.
with the 5 : 2 ratio.
Gear Ratio
140 136 Ma t/m 'ipeed
110 a
121 s
. 120 11 '.Bz Cnnsir gStjeec
x m0
* 110
u 100
Gear Ratio
800 Direct 5:4 5:3 5:2
. 700 6
J3 6
5 600
2000 1500 1000
Propeller R.P.M.
Fig. 122.-Variation of maximum rate of climb with gear ratio. Transport
various reduction ratios are given in Fig. 122, the extra weight
with gearing being allowed for. The maximum rate of climb
with the 5 : 2 ratio is 180 ft. per min. or approximately 30 per cent
greater than that with the direct drive, and apparently with
greater gear reduction the climb would increase at an even
greater rate.
In order to calculate the relative take-off distance obtained
with the different gear ratios, the static thrust is obtained by-
means of the curve of TD/Q given in Fig. 118. As is apparent
from this curve, the static thrust is very low for the highest-pitch
Sear Ratio
900 B7C
81 '0
c 800 7<12--'
a 75 7
? 700
2000 1500 1000
Propeller R.P.M.
Fig. 123.-Effect of various gear reductions on take-off run. Transport
propellers, and this tends to limit the gear reductions which can
be satisfactorily used. Assuming a take-off run of 800 ft. with
the direct-drive propeller, the lengths of run required with the
various gear reductions are calculated in the manner shown in
Chap. X and are given in Fig. 123. The shortest take-off run
is obtained with a propeller having a maximum revolution speed
of about 1,500, and with less than 1,100 r.p.m. the take-off is
poorer than with direct drive.
An examination of Figs. 120 to 123 shows that for the case
of our example, gearing the propeller increases the performance
to an extent which would more than justify the additional cost
and weight. Just what gear ratio is best is difficult to say, but it
would probably be between 5:3 and 5:2. The 5:3 ratio escapes
all tip-speed loss and gives an increase in all of the performance
items considered excepting stalling speed. The 5:2 ratio gives
slightly larger gains in most items but gives a loss in take-off,
and with greater reductions this loss would become prohibitive.
Also, the propeller size has approached, if not exceeded, the
Propeller R.P.M.
Fig. 125.-Effect of various gear ratios on maximum speed and on cruising
speed. VE-7 example.
an engine delivering 200 hp. at 1,800 r.p.m. We shall take the
8.53-ft. direct-drive propeller of Chap. X, having a blade-angle
setting of 20.0 deg. at 0.75/2, and select the geared propellers
to operate at the same relative portion of their efficiency curves.
12 a-
. 1200
Hi 11
U 1100
1800 1500 1200 900
Propeller R.P. M.
Fig. 126.Effect of gear reductions on maximum climb. VE-7 example.
400 98
1800 1500 1200 900
Propeller R.P.M.
Fig. 127.Effect of gear reductions on take-off distance. VE-7 example.
1.04 for the transport example), the gains in both maximum speed
and cruising speed are very slight even with large gear reductions.
They would be even less than shown if the necessary increased
landing-gear height were considered.
The maximum climb is less with small gear reductions than
with direct drive, due to the power loss in the gears and the extra
2w = 2a'(2irrn) = . ,
7, _ (l^V/nDYr, + Q v + 0.50)
F V c-'
+ 1
JV 5(7/nD)
iV, = (7/nP)'
JV 5C.6 f 1.
The coefficients CV, Cp, n, C and V/nD apply, of course, to the
entire front propeller.
If rii is the efficiency of the rear propeller with respect to 7i
and Ni, the actual efficiency of the rear propeller is
_ 7 tfi
= 1.170
Ni = (V/nD)*
+ 1
N 5C6
= 1.0135.
The velocity and revolutions of the rear propeller with respect
to the air in which it works are therefore
7i = 1.170 X 120
= 140.4 m.p.h.
Ni = 1.0135 X 1,800
= 1,824 r.p.m.
Then for the rear propeller C>i = 1.28, and assuming that the
curves of Figs. 51 and 52 apply also to pushers, which is true
within practical limits, we find that (V/nD)i = 0.687, D = 9.86
ft., the blade angle at U75E is 20.5 deg., and 171 = 0.816. The
actual efficiency of the rear propeller is then
1 = X 0.816
= 0.707,
and the average efficiency of the front and rear propellers is
0.742. This is a trifle higher than the best efficiency which can
be obtained with a single propeller of the same family absorbing
the whole 1,000 hp. at 1,800 r.p.m. and 120 m.p.h.
Since the efficiency of the rear propeller is greatly reduced
by the axial velocity added by the front propeller, it might
reasonably be thought that the overall efficiency could be
increased by using a front propeller of greater diameter, thereby
reducing the slipstream velocity. A small gain would result if the
diameter could be increased by the use of narrower blades. If,
however, the larger diameter is obtained by the use of lower
pitch, as would normally be done, the efficiency of the front
propeller drops more than the ratio Vi/V, so that the overall
efficiency is reduced slightly.
The thrust horsepower available at various air speeds has been
computed for the above tandem propellers, on the assumption
that the full-throttle engine torque is constant, and plotted in
Fig. 129. The front propeller yields from 10 per cent more
useful power at 120 m.p.h. to 22 per cent more at 60 m.p.h.
It is interesting to compare the tandem arrangement with a
side-by-side arrangement having two engine-propeller units
similar to the front one. The thrust horsepower available with
two propellers similar to the front one is shown by the top curve
in Fig. 129. This does not make a fair comparison with the
tandem arrangement, however, for the side-by-side arrangement
would necessitate the use of two engine nacelles instead of one.
Taking the difference between the drag of two nacelles and that
of one long nacelle housing both engines as being 150 lb. at 100
m.p.h., which appears to be a reasonable value for this sized
0I I I I I I I
60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Air Speed, M.P.H.
Fig. 129.Thrust horsepower available with direct-drive tandem propellers.
Annl I I I I I I I
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Air Speed, M. P. H.
Fig. 131.Comparison of tandem and side-by-side, geared and direct-drive
is less for the geared installation. Also, at high speed the geared
tandem arrangement has more advantage over the side-by-side
than is the case with the direct drives, and the geared side-by-side
arrangement has less advantage over the geared tandem in climb
and take-off.
In Fig. 131 the geared tandem and side-by-side arrangements
are compared with the direct-drive tandem and side-by-side
arrangements. Both geared sets are better than either of the
direct-drive ones throughout the entire range.
A fter Glueing ^_
After Finishing
The best propeller woods are walnut, birch, oak, and Honduras
mahogany. Walnut is probably the best all-around wood and
has the special advantage of holding its shape well. Birch is the
toughest and is best used in experimental propellers of doubtful
- Ends of .
\ Laminations
hub are squeezed tightly down around the blade shanks by means
of clamp rings, which are shown separately in Fig. 145 and on a
N0.O0-0T0 50HP. 2495 -tO.000
-0.003 <uuu -0.010 0 500
U-5UU +0 002
-0.000 04375 +0-O1C i-iio
l">'< +0.010
-0.010 3/32
NO.O-50T0 250HP 3.000 1 , 25D 0 000 9C9C
2625 +0.010
-0.010 uwa -o ooo uw -0.010 1687 40010
056Z +0.010 -0.010 %
. +0.000
NO.1-25070500HP 1 flit +0.000 *M5 ,,7n<S +0.010
-0.003 .5-3 -0.010 riA-rc -0.000 0.750 1JS8 ,
-875 +0.002 +0.010
"'5 -0.010 S/32
a qnr +0.000
NO.2-500T0800HP a.soo 18885 ,9 1A7C +0X510
-0.003 3876 l9cn +0.0OZ
-0.010 123U -0000 1.000 iggfg x,a 3,25 +0.0iO
-0.010 %2
FlQ. 146.Department of Commerce standard ends for detachable blades for
aluminum-alloy propellers.
Due to the fact that the blades are not symmetrical about a
radial center line, the centrifugal force produces a twisting
moment which is much larger than and opposite to that produced
by the air force and which tends to turn the blades in the hub,
making it necessary to apply an undesirably large force to change
the pitch in one direction. To overcome this the Army, which
has undertaken the development of the Hart-type propeller, has
designed small counterweights which project forward from the
blade roots near the hub and which produce twisting moments
due to centrifugal force approximately balancing those on
the blades themselves. These are shown in Fig. 150, which is a
The loading on the section due to the air forces on the portion
of the blade between the section and the tip may be represented
1. A bending moment which may be represented by the two
a. MT, due to thrust, about the axis OA.
b. Mq, due to torque forces, about the axis OB.
2. A twisting moment MA about the axis OC, due to the fact
that the resultant air forces for the various sections along the
blade do not pass through the axis OC.
3. A shearing force across the section.
Fig. 152.
Fig. 153.
y = x ~ tan X.
If A is the area of the section, the uniform tensile stress across the
section due to the centrifugal load is
bt - -x-
Total S6 = Mcos
/ A
There is at present no way of knowing the accuracy of the
stress calculated in this way, for there is no strictly rigorous
method to compare with.
Calculation of Loads.The air forces are calculated by means
of the blade-element theory, the unit resultant force for each
section being obtained from the thrust and torque per unit radius.
Bending stress ~
Thus at any one value of V/nD, and neglecting scale effect, all
of the stresses in geometrically similar propellers of like material
vary as n2D2 and therefore as the square of the tip speed.
An Approximate Method of Stress Analysis.The above
method of stress analysis is very laborious as well as of doubtful
accuracy. An approximate method, which for all practical
purposes is as accurate as the more complete method, will now
be given, based on the following simplifications:
1. The resultant air force is assumed to be perpendicular to
the chord at all sections. This is essentially true and causes
negligible errors.
2. The chords of all sections are assumed to lie in a plane, so
that the resultant air forces also lie in a plane. This neglects
the change of blade angle along the radius and results in the cal
cNeutral Axis-,.
I Assumed Resultant
Air Force
Fig. 154.
culated stress being slightly too high, an error on the safe side.
The error is negligible in propellers of ordinary and low pitch
and is never likely to be greater than 5 or 10 per cent even in the
worst case of the hub sections of a very high-pitch propeller.
3. The neutral axis is assumed to be parallel to the chord
(Fig. 154). This, as shown by calculations in R. and M. 420,
causes no error in the maximum compressive stresses, but the
computed maximum tensile stresses due to bending are 25 to
30 per cent low for the ordinary range of angles between the
actual neutral axis and the assumed one parallel to the chord.
The tensile stresses due to bending as found by this approximate
method are therefore multiplied by the factor 1.30.
4. Twisting forces are neglected.
Example of Approximate Stress Analysis.We shall make an
approximate analysis of the stresses in the standard aluminum-
alloy propeller shown in Fig. 176 (Navy Bureau of Aeronautics
Drawing 4412, set at 15 deg. at the 42-in. radius, giving a medium
pitch). The blades have standard propeller sections based on
the R.A.F.-6 airfoil (Fig. 19). The blade widths, thicknesses,
and angles are given in the first part of Table IV. The centers
of gravity of all of the blade sections lie on a straight radial
line perpendicular to the axis of rotation, and so, neglecting
deflection in operation, there are no bending moments due to
centrifugal force. The areas and the locations of the centers of
gravity of the standard (R.A.F.-6) propeller sections may be
found from Fig. 155.
We shall analyze the stresses for the case where the propeller
is absorbing 170 brake hp. at 1,700 r.p.m. and 82 m.p.h.
>~dJ!ii6h .
k 0A46b
Single Camber
2000 i
OR 0.1 5R 03 )R \
0 1JR 02OR OAi5R 0.(i
1 Z J 4 5
Radius in F+.
Fig. 156.Centrifugal-force loading curve.
CF = 2^00 X 8.86
= 17,700 lb.
= 17,700
= 3,830 lb. per sq. in.
The thrust and torque grading curves for one blade of the
propeller are shown in Fig. 157, having been computed by means
of the blade-element theory and modified slightly to agree with
// rque . \ 11
> fit h
80 // . \\
r / V
/ \
/ \
t ,
-L e. I
40 A' y 'Force in Direction of Torque
0 O.JOR 0.45R 0.60R 0.751 R 0.901 R
1 E.J
Radius in F+.
Fig. 157.-Air-loading curves.
air load is found at each section, and this is also shown in Fig.
The shear at each section is then found from the area under
the curve of the resultant air loading. For the section at 0A5R
400 r
this area is 7.18 squares and the shear is 40 X 7.18 = 287 lb.
The shear for each section is then plotted against radius (Fig.
158), and the integration of this curve gives the bending moment.
Thus for the 0.45jB section, the area under the shear curve
Fig. 159.-Maximum tensile stress at each section.
1 2 3
Radius in Ft.
Fig. 160. Deflection of propeller in operation.
force bending moments; thus the stresses are actually lower than
the values found by assuming no deflection.
The unit bending moment at the 0.45/2 section due to the
centrifugal loading at the 0.60/2 section is the loading at the
latter section (Table IV) multiplied by the difference in forward
" * 2000
deflection at the two sections (it being assumed that the for
ward deflections are the same as those in the assumed plane of
the resultant air loading), or
cheaper, simpler, and more efficient will be the propeller; and two
is the smallest number of blades with which proper balance of
mass and air forces can be obtained. Three or four blades are
used if the diameter is limited to a size where a two-bladed pro
peller is unsuitable, or in cases where the operation is not smooth
with a two-bladed propeller due to unsymmetrical body inter
ference or the slipstream of another propeller. If there is an
unsymmetrical airflow through a two-bladed propeller, ordinarily
one blade is at its highest angle of attack and load at the same
time that the other is at its lowest, and this is likely to cause
undesirable vibrations. With three or more blades the uneven
load distribution is spread more evenly around the propeller disc
and the vibrations are greatly reduced. Vibrations are also set
up in two-bladed propellers when the airplane is turning, due to
the varying gyroscopic moment of the two-bladed arrangement
and, when the airplane is sideslipping, due to the uneven air
loading. These effects are too small to be noticed in ordinary
installations, but with very large and slowly turning geared
propellers the pulsations may become so great as to necessitate
the use of three or more blades, which will remedy the situation.
Vibration difficulties considered, it is usually advisable to have
three or more blades in the rear propellers of tandem series, in
large geared propellers, in propellers operating very close to a
body which is far from symmetrical about the axis of rotation,
and in propellers which operate partially in the slipstream of
other propellers.
Metal propellers are seldom made with more than three blades,
but wooden propellers are usually made with either two or four,
due to the ease of construction.
Resume of Factors Affecting Propulsive Efficiency.In order
to collect the various factors, such as the geometric proportions
of propellers, which are directly connected with the propulsive
efficiency, the important ones are given briefly here.
Pitch Ratio.For a series of propellers differing only in pitch,
the maximum or peak efficiencies become greater as the pitch
is increased, within the range of present-day aircraft practice.
Since the propeller must operate reasonably near its peak effi
ciency range at the maximum speed of the airplane, the pitch
depends largely on the relative values of the maximum air
speed, the revolutions, and the power absorbed by the propeller,
all of which are conveniently combined in the coefficient C.
proved form, however, since the stresses vary as the square of the
tip speed regardless of the size, a limiting tip speed can be found
below which any propeller of the family can be operated safely.
This may even be applied to different pitch settings with reason
able accuracy if the actual tip speed at maximum air speed is
used, and not merely the tip speed in the plane of rotation. For
the commonly used family of aluminum-alloy propellers shown
in Figs. 176 and 177, the limiting tip speed below which the
calculated stresses will not exceed the fatigue strength is about
1,100 ft. per sec. For ordinary, routine design procedure it is
more satisfactory to use the more conservative value of 1,000 ft.
per sec. Thus if a propeller of this form operates under the
critical tip speed for efficiency loss at the maximum speed of the
aircraft, it should be safe from the strength point of view. It
should also, however, operate smoothly, without flutter or exces
sive vibration.
r = 0.638 X MPII
the values of HP^ and RPM$~ being obtained from scales given
in Fig. 163 (also Fig. 53).
Working charts, in which curves of V/nD and propulsive
efficiency are plotted against C, for even blade-angle settings,
are given for a standard form of aluminum-alloy propeller
operating with six different engine and fuselage combinations in
1 The Eiffel logarithmic diagram is also convenient for this purpose but
requires the use of simple drawing equipment.
900- r 4500-
800- i
700-L 4000 -:
50CH:E-3.5 it
40 0-. 3000-=
30CHF 2500-
E-3.0 2'i
* HPi/5 2000
HP RPM 1900 R P M 2/S
1800 ir 20
150-F 1700
2.5 1400
100- 18
90- 1300
80- 1200 17
70- pV5
Pn 2 )
60- 16
and in Engineering
Units for Standard 900 15
40- Atmosphere at 800
Seoi Level
E-2.0 14
30^E 0.638 x M P H 700 -i
HPVsxR PM2/s 600 -.r 13
500 -+- 12
400 -Hi
-t-1.5 300 t-
Fig. 163.Scales for finding HPH and RPMH.
Figs. 164 to 175. These charts are drawn from full-scale wind
tunnel test data published by the N.A.C.A.1
A drawing of the blade of the 9-ft. propeller used in all of the
tests is given in Fig. 176, and the blade form is given in non-
dimensional ratios which can be applied to any diameter, in Fig.
177. Airfoil sections based on the R.A.F-6 are used. The
various pitches were obtained by merely turning the whole blade
in the hub, the pitch being approximately uniform for a pitch-
diameter ratio of 0.5. As shown in Chaps. VII and IX, this
Fig. 166.Complete VE-7 airplane with wings and tail surfaces. Open-
cockpit fuselage with 180 hp. Wright E-2 water-cooled engine and nose radiator.
Maximum cross-sectional area of fuselage 9.6 sq. ft. Data in Fig. 167.
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Z.O
Fig. 169.Open-cockpit fuselage with J-5 engine. Propeller 4412.
3. Find the V/nD for the above C, and pitch setting, from the
lower curves.
4. Knowing V/nD, n, and V, calculate D.
If the diameter of the propeller is fixed to start with, V/nD is
also fixed, and the pitch setting can be found directly from the
curves of V/nD vs. C,.
Examples.Several typical examples showing the use of this
system for the selection of propellers of this standard form are
given here.
Then from Fig. 169, which is the working chart based on body
conditions similar to those specified, we find that the maximum
possible efficiency, and therefore the highest speed, will be
obtained for a C, of 1.29 with a propeller operating at a V/nD
of 0.705. This will, however, give a poor take-off, as was shown
in the example in Chap. X. A good average take-off would be
obtained with a propeller operating at the peak of its efficiency
curve at the high-speed condition, but this would mean a slight
sacrifice of speed. The V/nD for the propeller operating at
.V 0.9,
Fiq. 174.Cabin fuselage with J-5 radial air-cooled engine and N.A.C.A. type
complete cowling. Maximum cross-sectional area 21.3 sq. ft. Data in Fig. 175.
Fig. 175.Cabin fuselage with completely cowled J-5 engine. Propeller 4412.
from Hub 2.S7S J^~ T*.." n'M
Curve ofMaximum Thickness
Fig. 176. Metal blade for 9-ft. diameter standard propeller 4412.
b h.
D b
0.075 0.30
0.070 0.28
0.065 0.26
0.060 0.24
0.055 0.22
0.050 0.23
0.045 0.13
0.040 0.16
0.035 0.14
0.030 0.12
0.025 0.10
0.020 0.08
0.015 0.06
0.010 0.04
0.005 0.02
0 0
15.0 deg. at 0.75R, the V/nD (from Fig. 169) is 0.61, and the
diameter is
88 X 115
2,000 X 0.610
= 8.30 ft.
The propulsive efficiency at maximum speed is about 5 per cent
less with this propeller than with the other, and if the maximum
9 10 11
Diame+er in Ft.
Fig. 178.Difference between the blade angle at a radius of 42 in. and
that at 75 per cent of the tip radius, for propellers of the form shown in Figs.
176 and 177.
speed of 115 m.p.h. is obtained with the first propeller, the speed
with the take-off propeller would be about 0.37 X 5 per cent =
1.9 per cent less (see Chap. X), or about 113 m.p.h. Using this
maximum speed the value of C, is 1.26, and for a blade angle of
15 deg. at 0.75/2 the V/nD is 0.600, and the diameter is
88 X 113
D =
2,000 X 0.600
= 8.30 ft.
Diame+er in Ft.
Fig. 179.Approximate weights of two-bladed aluminum-alloy propellers
of the form shown in Figs. 176 and 177; based on actual propellers with hub
and blade root sizes most likely to be used.
-t\ I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
TR = Thickness Ratio of Section at 0.75 R.
Fig. 180.-Correction to blade angle for section thickness ratio at 0.75.R.
Blade angle of standard propeller to be greater than that of special propeller
by above amount. Suitable for R.A.F.-6 or Clark-Y type sections.
The angle of attack for zero lift can be obtained from airfoil
tests made in wind tunnels, or they can be calculated with equal
accuracy by means of a very simple method devised by Dr.
Max M. Munk.1 The corrections of the blade angle due to
R.A.F.-6 or Clark-Y type sections of various thickness ratios may
be found from Fig. 180.
The effect of different airfoil sections may be taken into
account in the same manner as the different thickness ratios, i.e.,
by considering only the difference between their angles of zero
lift. Fortunately the two airfoils most commonly used in pro
pellers in this country, the R.A.F.-6 and the Clark-Y types,
happen to have the same angles of zero lift for sections of the
1 The Determination of the Angles of Attack of Zero Lift and of Zero
Moment, Based on Munk's Integrals, by Max M. Munk, N.A.C.A.T.iV. 122,
Now from Fig. 171, for C. = 1.36 and V/nD = 0.721 we find
that the blade angle at 0.75.R is 20.0 deg., and that the propeller
is about halfway between that giving the highest possible effi
ciency and that operating at the peak of its efficiency curve.
Thus the high speed, cruising speed, and rate of climb will be
slightly better than with the all-around propeller, but the take-off
and angle of climb a little poorer.
The blade thickness and twist corrections to the blade angle
are the same as before, or 0.3 and 1.0, respectively. For
our 9-ft. propeller, assuming the standard pitch distribution,
Pu in. 180.75B = 0.5. The blade angle at the 42-in. radius
is therefore 20.0 - .3 - 1.0 - .5 = 18.2.
Example 7. Analysis of Flight Tests.It is often desired to
analyze the results of flight tests made with one propeller in order
to find the horsepower developed by the engine and to use this
value for the design of another propeller. This is one of the best
methods of finding the horsepower to use in designing a propeller
to fit accurately a particular airplane, for any errors which may
be in the design system will cancel out. For our example we
shall find the power developed by a radial air-cooled engine in a
full-throttle flight test in which it turned its propeller at 2,050
r.p.m., with the airplane, which was a cabin monoplane, making
Now, from Fig. 171, for /0.76b = 18.9 and V/nD = 0.746
we find that C, = 1.46. Then from our equation for C,
NpH _ 0.638 X MPH
= 0.638 X 165
1.46 X 21.2
= 3.40,
and from Fig. 163 the horsepower for the standard propeller is
450. Finally the power absorbed in the flight test by our special
0 055
propeller of WR = 0.055 was 450 X = 467 hp. This is
close enough to the rated 480 hp. that our angle of twist of 1.4
is satisfactory. The tip speed is slightly over 1,000 ft. per sec.
but not enough to affect the power appreciably.
Design by Means of the Blade-element Theory.The full-
scale wind tunnel propeller test data given in convenient chart
form provide an accurate and simple means for selecting pro
pellers of a certain blade shape. Even with propellers of some
what different shape, such as the ordinary run of aluminum-alloy
propellers used in this country at the present time, the approxi
Ideal efficiency, 7 L
computation of, 7
effect of diameter, thrust, and Laminations, metal propellers, 218
forward speed on, 9 wood propellers, 213
usefulness of, 8 Leitner-Watts propellers, 218
Inclined propeller axis, effect of, 162 Lift coefficient, engineering, 14
Independence of blade elements, 79 English, 14
Induced drag, 24 N.A.C.A., 14
calculation of for rectangular coefficients, conversion factors for,
plan form, 25 15
example, 26 Lighter-than-air craft propellers, 251
Induction theory, 64 Limitations of blade-element theo
Inertia, forces, 229 ries, 41, 54, 57, 72
moments of, 231 to diameter, 252
Inflow, 65 Loading curve, air, 237
axial, 52 centrifugal force, 236
calculation of, 52 Loads on propeller blades, 229
empirical factors for, 51 calculation of, 232
' Speed, accurate values of, 257 Sweepback of wood propeller blades,
as affected by gearing, 191, 195, 198 247
cruising, 172 Symbols, list of, xi
high, effect of on airfoil character
istics, 119 T
practical corrections for, 130 Take-off, best propellers for, 250
maximum airplane, effect of pro effect of propeller on, 170
peller, 163 of pitch and diameter on, 171
of pitch, 164 of reduction gearing on, 196,
propeller for, 249 '199
variation with propulsive effi of variable pitch on, 184
ciency, 165 of tandem vs. side-by-side ar
tandem vs. side-by-side arrange rangements on, 209
ments, 209 Tandem propellers, 201
Speed-power coefficient, 91 air forces on rear propeller, 202
with altitude term, 177 comparison with side-by-side, 208
use of, 91, 95 diameter of front propeller, 208
Split hubs, 219, 222 effect of gearing, 210
Splitting, of wood propellers, 247 efficiency of rear propeller, 203,
Spray, erosion due to, 224 207
Standard form, use of, 258 example calculations, 207
metal blade, 272 ' flow at rear propeller, 202, 206
Static balance, 244 model tests, 203
thrust, 170 simple method of design, 206
effect of variable pitch, 185 Taper of blade, effect of, 116
Steel propellers, 217 on efficiency, 255
failures of, 218 of plan form (airfoil), 23
Strength, 229, 256 Tensile force, 230
fatigue, 213 Terms, propeller, 2
of wood, 213 Terne-plate tipping, 215
Stress, analysis, accuracy of, 232 Test results, coefficients used, 86
approximate, 234 methods of plotting, 86
example, 234 Tests, model propeller, 83
on propellers, 82
effect of flutter, 243 flight tests, 82
of weaving, 244 whirling, 247
when safe to apply, 245 Theory, airfoil, 23
Stresses, calculation of, 231 Glauert, 64
effect of deflection, 241 induction, 64
of rake or tilt, 242 momentum, 5
variation with tip speed, 233 Prandtl, 23
Strobometer, 79 resume' of blade-element theories,
Supercharged engines, 178 77
propeller requirements, 179 vortex, 64
Thickness, blade, effect of, 112
use with variable-pitch propellers, ratio, 112
187 angle correction for, 278
Surface irregularities, effect on fa blade, 4
tigue failures, 245 effect on efficiency, 254
5 AA A 30