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Section A QS1 (A) List Various Characteristics of A System. AS Characteristics of A System

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~QS1(a) List various characteristics of a system.

~AS Characteristics of a system:
1. Organization:
It implies structure and order. It is the arrangement of components that
helps to achieve objectives.
2. Interaction:
It refers to the manner in which each component functions with other components of the
3. Interdependence:
It means that parts of the organization or computer system depend on one another.
are coordinated and linked together according to a plan. One subsystem depends on
output of another subsystem for proper functioning.
4. Integration:
It refers to the holism of systems. It is concerned with how a system is tied together.
5. Central Objective:
A system should have a central objective. Objectives may be real or stated. Although a
stated objective may be the real objective, it is not uncommon for an organization to
one objective and operate to achieve another. The important point is that users must
the central objective of a computer application early in the analysis for a successful
design and conversion.

~QS 1(b) State the role of system analyst.
~AS A systems analyst may:

1. Identify, understand and plan for organizational and human impacts of planned
systems, and ensure that new technical requirements are properly integrated
with existing processes and skill sets.
2. Plan a system flow from the ground up.
3. Interact with internal users and customers to learn and document requirements
that are then used to produce business requirements documents.
4. Write technical requirements from a critical phase.
5. Interact with software architect to understand software limitations.
6. Help programmers during system development, e.g. provide use
cases, flowcharts, UML and BPMN diagrams.
7. Document requirements or contribute to user manuals.
8. Whenever a development process is conducted, the system analyst is
responsible for designing components and providing that information to the
~QS 1(c) What is technical and operational feasibility?
~AS Technical feasibility
This assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements, to determine
whether the company has the technical expertise to handle completion of the project.
When writing a feasibility report, the following should be taken to consideration:

A brief description of the business to assess more possible factors which could
affect the study
The part of the business being examined
The human and economic factor
The possible solutions to the problem
At this level, the concern is whether the proposal is both technically and legally feasible
(assuming moderate cost The technical feasibility assessment is focused on gaining an
understanding of the present technical resources of the organization and their
applicability to the expected needs of the proposed system. It is an evaluation of the
hardware and software and how it meets the need of the proposed system
Operational feasibility
Operational feasibility is the measure of how well a proposed system solves the
problems, and takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition
and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of
system development. The operational feasibility assessment focuses on the degree to
which the proposed development projects fits in with the existing business environment
and objectives with regard to development schedule, delivery date, corporate
culture and existing business processes.
To ensure success, desired operational outcomes must be imparted during design and
development. These include such design-dependent parameters as reliability,
maintainability, supportability, usability, producibility, disposability, sustainability,
affordability and others. These parameters are required to be considered at the early
stages of design if desired operational behaviours are to be realised. A system design
and development requires appropriate and timely application of engineering and
management efforts to meet the previously mentioned parameters. A system may serve
its intended purpose most effectively when its technical and operating characteristics
are engineered into the design. Therefore, operational feasibility is a critical aspect of
systems engineering that needs to be an integral part of the early design phases
~QS 1(d) Explain various System Design Principles
~AS Principles of Design

1. Simplicity
2. Modular Design
3. Being part of a Modular Design
4. Tolerance
5. Decentralization
6. Test of Independent Invention
7. Principle of Least Power

~QS 1(e) Explain the use of interviews as an information gathering technique.
~AS The interview is the primary technique for information gathering during the systems
analysis phases of a development project. It is a skill which must be mastered by every
analyst. The interviewing skills of the analyst determine what information is gathered,
and the quality and depth of that information. An interview is a conversation with
stakeholders to elicit or validate needs and requirements. An interview may include one
or more stakeholders. The interview may also involve a question and answer session
used to discover other potential stakeholders and any discrepancies between needs;
the high-level requirements derived from those needs; and the resulting detailed
requirements. Interviews facilitate obtaining approval from stakeholders on their needs,
requirements, and any changes to them.
Advantages :
Generally easy, because it can be done with minimal preparation.
Interviews of individuals and small groups require less planning and scheduling effort
than large workshops.
Interviews of individuals and small groups require less stakeholder commitment than
large workshops.
Interviews provide an opportunity to explore or clarify topics in more detail.
~QS 1(f) Explain master and transaction file.
The master file table (MFT) is a database in which information about every file and
directory on an NT File System (NTFS) volume is stored. There is at least one record
for every file and directory on the NTFS logical volume. Each record contains attributes
that tell the operating system (OS) how to deal with the file or directory associated with
the record.

A collection of transaction records. The data in transaction files is used to update the
master files, which contain the data about the subjects of the organization (customers,
employees, vendors, etc.). Transaction files also serve as audit trails and history for the

~QS 1 (g) What is Alpha and Beta testing?
~AS Alpha testing takes place at the developer's site by the internal teams, before
release to external customers. This testing is performed without the involvement of the
development teams.
Beta testing also known as user testing takes place at the end users site by the end
users to validate the usability, functionality, compatibility, and reliability testing.

Beta testing adds value to the software development life cycle as it allows the "real"
customer an opportunity to provide inputs into the design, functionality, and usability of
a product. These inputs are not only critical to the success of the product but also an
investment into future products when the gathered data is managed effectively.

~QS 1(h) List various system maintenance methods.
~AS i) Corrective Maintenance: - This type of maintenance implies removing errors in
a program, which might have crept in the system due to faulty design or wrong
assumptions. Thus, in corrective maintenance, processing or performance failures are
ii) Adaptive Maintenance: - In adaptive maintenance, program functions are changed
to enable the information system to satisfy the information needs of the user. This type
of maintenance may become necessary because of organizational changes which may

a) Change in the organizational procedures,

b) Change in organizational objectives, goals, policies, etc.
c) Change in forms,
d) Change in information needs of managers.
e) Change in system controls and security needs, etc.

iii) Perfective Maintenance: - Perfective maintenance means adding new programs

or modifying the existing programs to enhance the performance of the information
system. This type of maintenance undertaken to respond to users additional needs
which may be due to the changes within or outside of the organization. Outside changes
are primarily environmental changes, which may in the absence of system
maintenance, render the information system ineffective and inefficient. These
environmental changes include:

a) Changes in governmental policies, laws, etc.,

b) Economic and competitive conditions, and
c) New technology.
~QS 1(i) State the role of maintenance in System Development Life Cycle
~AS The Maintenance Phase occurs once the system is operational. It includes
implementation of changes that software might undergo over a period of time, or
implementation of new requirements after the software is deployed at the customer
location. The maintenance phase also includes handling the residual errors that may
exist in the software even after the testing phase. This phase also monitors system
performance, rectifies bugs and requested changes are made.a Maintenance, often
turned support, is a crucial activity for linking the experiences of users/customers with
the product delivery organization. We consider perspectives on high tech maintenance
from bug fixing through to design focused activities.

~QS 1(j) Describe post implementation maintenance process.
~AS After the installation phase is completed and the user staff is adjusted to the
change created by the candidate system evaluation and maintenance being. Like any
system there is an aging process that requires periodic maintenance of hardware and
software if the new information in inconsistent with the design specification then
changes have to be maid. Hardware also requires maintenance to keep in tune with
design specification. User property changes in organizational requirements or
environmental factors also call for system enhancements. To contrast maintenance with
enhancement, if a company decided to increase the functionality of the system then it
will cover under the post implementation.
~QS 2. What is a system? What are its different types? Explain various types of
Feasibility study required to be performed during the designing of system.
~AS A system is an orderly grouping of interdependent components linked together
according to a plan to achieve a specific objective. The study of system concepts has
three basic implications:
1. A system must be designed to achieve a predetermined objective.
2. Interrelationships and interdependence must exist among the components.
3. The objectives of the organization as a whole have a higher priority than the
objectives of its subsystems.
1. Conceptual Systems

a. Are theoretical and explanatory in the nature.

b. Provide the much needed clarification.
c. Provide theoretical framework for which there may or may not be any real life
d. E.g. of such systems can be philosophy, theology etc.

2. Empirical Systems

a. Are very practical, specific and also very operational in the nature.
b. Can be based on the conceptual system.
c. Examination system, surgery act as very good examples of the empirical systems.

3. Open Systems

a. Involve continuous interaction with the environment.

b. So exchanges the information, material, energy with the environment.
c. Is open and also self organizing in the nature.
d. Is also adoptive or adaptive to the changing environment as it is flexible.
4. Closed Systems

a. Shuns any kind of the exchange with the environment.

b. Is rigid in nature.
c. Is not at all amenable to the change.
d. Is also self contained.
e. Is somewhat isolated in the nature.
f. Is having a well defined boundary.
g. Is not at all adaptive in the nature.

5. Natural Systems

a. Such Systems exist and also abound in the nature.

b. Are also not at all the results of the human endeavors.
c. Rivers, mountains, minerals etc. are the major examples of the natural Systems.

6. Artificial Systems

a. Are manufactured (man made).

b. Examples of such Systems are dams, canals, roads, machines, factories etc.

7. Probabilistic Systems

a. Based on the predictability of the behavior or the outcome.

8. Deterministic Systems

a. In such Systems, the interaction of the elements is known.

b. As the behavior of the elements is pre determined, it becomes possible to work upon
the reaction well in the advance.

A feasibility study is an analysis of how successfully a project can be completed,

accounting for factors that affect it such as economic, technological, legal and
scheduling factors.

Technical Feasibility - Does the company have the technological resources to

undertake the project? Are the processes and procedures conducive to project

Schedule Feasibility - Does the company currently have the time resources to
undertake the project? Can the project be completed in the available time?

Economic Feasibility - Given the financial resources of the company, is the project
something that can be completed? The economic feasibility study is more commonly
called the cost/benefit analysis.
Legal/Ethical Feasibility - What are the legal implications of the project? What sort of
ethical considerations are there? You need to make sure that any project undertaken
will meet all legal and ethical requirements before the project is on the table.

Operational Feasibility - This measures how well your company will be able to solve
problems and take advantage of opportunities that are presented during the course of
the project

~QS 3. Draw DFD for the Student Evaluation System. Make your own assumption
about the system.

~QS 4. Why is information gathering an important step of SDLC? Explain various
information gathering techniques with their merits and demerits.
~AS The purpose of information gathering is to support the planning of your
organization's work to become more fully inclusive. It is important to look at available
facts -- objective information, including demographics and best practices.
It is also important to look at stakeholder perspectives -- subjective information,
including the opinions of your clients, potential clients, staff, board members, donors,
etc. regarding the work that you do and how you do it.

There are a number of different kinds of tools for collecting information about the thoughts and beliefs
that different groups have about your organization. We focus on
three: surveys, interviews and focus groups. You can use one or more, or a combination, of the
following tools for different groups


Surveys can be widely disseminated and are the most time-efficient method of
collecting information from respondents. People generally respond to surveys
anonymously. Most surveys include some yes/no questions, some questions on a Likert
Scale (a commonly used numerical rating scale) (e.g., rate on a scale of 1 to 5), and a
few open-ended questions.

The disadvantage of surveys is that you may need someone with fairly sophisticated
computer skills to compile the information.


Interviews are useful tools for gathering in-depth information from your stakeholders.
Interviews are particularly valuable because they allow you to ask follow-up questions of
interviewees when you need clarification about a particular response.

However, it is easy to ask leading questions in an interview format. Therefore, it is

important that the interviewers be careful to ask value-neutral questions. (An example of
a leading question is, "Do you think people of color are disproportionately discriminated
against?" Another way to ask that question is, "Are people of color and white people
treated equally?")

It is also important that interviewers record the answers to questions carefully and that
the full meaning of a response is recorded. A third party with experience conducting
interviews is helpful for designing and leading interviews.

Focus groups

Focus groups are useful if you want to gather a lot of information from a group of
stakeholders during a short period of time. A typical focus group has 8 to 15 people in it
and lasts for approximately 90 minutes.
Focus groups are generally conducted by a third party. The sponsoring agency is
usually not present for the focus group so that respondents will be more frank with their

If you have a large budget, firms that specialize in doing market research can help you
organize a focus group. If you have a small budget, someone in your organization may
be able to manage the logistics of organizing a focus group. Then you can hire an
experienced consultant to facilitate or get a professional to donate his or her services.
Because of the importance of having an unbiased facilitator, avoid doing a focus group
if you do not have money to hire an outside consultant to conduct the focus group -- or
the ability to work with a pro bono professional facilitator.

~QS 5. What is input design? What are various methods of input design?
~AS The goal of designing input data is to make data entry as easy, logical, and free
from errors as possible .In entering data, operators need to known the following:
The allocated space for each field.
Field sequence, which must match that in the source document.
The format in which data fields are entered. For ex; filling out the date field is required
through the edited format mm/dd/yy.

Input media and devices

Source data are input into the system in a variety of ways. The following media and
devices are suitable for operation:

1.Punch cards are either 80 or 96 columns wide. Data are arranged in a sequential and
logical order. Operations use a keypunch to copy data from source documents onto
cards. This means that the source document and card design must be considered

2.Key-to-diskette is modeled after the keypunch process. A diskette replaces the card
and stores op to 325,000 characters of data-equivalent to the data stored in 4050 cards.
Like cards, data on diskettes are stored in sequence and in batches.

3.MICR translates the special fonts printed in magnetic ink on checks into directed
computer input.

4.Mark-sensing readers automatically convert pencil marks in predetermined locations

on a card to punched holes on the same card.
5.Optical character recognition (OCR) readers are similar to MICR readers, except
that they recognize pencil, ink, or characters by their configuration rather than their
magnetic pattern. They are often used in remote locations as free standing input
preparation devices or direct input media to the system.

6.Optical bar code readers detect combination of marks that represent data. The most
widely known system is the Universal product code (UPC), Which codes retail items in
stores. Automatic tag reading is a major breakthrough in speeding up customer service
and eliminating costly data input errors at a point of sale.

7.Cathode-ray tube (CRT) screens are used for online data entry. CRT Screen display
20,40, or 80 characters simultaneously on a television like screen. They show as many
as 24 lines of data.

In addition to determining record media, the analyst must decide on the method of input
and the speed of capture and entry into the system. Processings may be

Batched ( a group of records handled as a unit)

Online ( records that are processed directly)

Sequential ( sorted records)

Random (unsorted records).

Online data entry

CRT screens are used mostly for online data entry. As terminal prices decline and
microcomputers are commonly used, entering data directly through the keyboard is
becoming popular.

Examples: Automated teller machines (ATMs) in banking Point of sake (POS) in


Online data entry makes use of a processor that accepts commands and data from the
operator through a keyboard, touch sensitive screen or a voice input. The input is
analyzed by the processor and is accepted or rejected. There are three major
approaches for entering data into the computer:

1. Menu
2. Formatted forms
3. Prompts.

Menu: A menu is a selection list that simplifies computer data access or entry. Instead
of remembering what to enter, the user chooses from a list of options and types the
option letter associated with it. A menu limits a users choice of responses but reduces
the chances for error in data entry.

In the above example the user can select any option manipulate on customer files.

The formatted form: A formatted form is a preprinted form or a template that requests
the user to enter in appropriate locations. It is a Fill-in the blank type form. The form is
flashed on the screen as a unit. The cursor is usually positioned at the first blank. After
the user responds by filling in the appropriate information, the cursor automatically
moves to the next line and so on until the form is completed. During this routine, the
user may move the cursor up, down, right, or left to various locations for making
changes in the response.
The above example shows how to add customer details

The prompt. In prompt the system displays one inquiry at a time, asking the user for a
response. After giving response the system will again display another inquiry, askng the
user for a response. Most systems edit the data entered by the user.

In the above example the words in bold denote the system generated messages and
the others represent user generated messages.
CRT Screen Design:

Many online data entry devices are CRT screens that provide instant visual verification
of input data . The operator can make any changes desired before the data go to the
system for processing CRT screen is actually a display station that has a buffer for
storing data. A common size display is 24 rows of 80 characters each or 1920

There are two methods for entering data on CRT screens

1.Manual method: The manual method uses a worksheet similar to a printout chart.
The menu or the data to be displayed is blocked out in the reserved areas.

Example: In dBase the command to print Hello in the 10th row and 10th column is as

@ 10,10 SAY HELLO

The main objective of screen display design is simplicity and accurate and quick data
capture or entry. Some of the guidelines to be followed are:

1.Use the same format throughout the project.

2.Allow ample space for the data. Overcrowding causes eyestrain.

3.Provide help or tutorial for technical terms or procedures.

2.Software utility method: This method designs screen layouts through software
Example: IBM provides a Screen Design Aid (SDA) package that allows the designer
to modify the display components.

~QS 6. Why is system testing required? Explain in detail the formation of testing
plans for a system.
~AS the system is important because:

a) In Software Development Life Cycle the System Testing is perform as the first level of
testing where the System is tested as a whole.

b) In this step of testing check if system meets functional requirement or not.

c) System Testing enables you to test, validate and verify both the Application
Architecture and Business requirements.

d) The application/System is tested in an environment that particularly resembles the

effective production environment where the application/software will be lastly deployed.

test plan: A document describing the scope, approach, resources and schedule of
intended test activities. It identifies amongst others test items, the features to be tested,
the testing tasks, who will do each task, degree of tester independence, the test
environment, the test design techniques and entry and exit criteria to be used, and the
rationale for their choice,and any risks requiring contingency planning. It is a record of
the test planning process.

master test plan: A test plan that typically addresses multiple test levels.

phase test plan: A test plan that typically addresses one test phase.


Make the plan concise. Avoid redundancy and superfluousness. If you think you do not
need a section that has been mentioned in the template above, go ahead and delete
that section in your test plan.

Be specific. For example, when you specify an operating system as a property of a test
environment, mention the OS Edition/Version as well, not just the OS Name.

Make use of lists and tables wherever possible. Avoid lengthy paragraphs.

Have the test plan reviewed a number of times prior to baselining it or sending it for
approval. The quality of your test plan speaks volumes about the quality of the testing
you or your team is going to perform.
Update the plan as and when necessary. An out-dated and unused document stinks
and is worse than not having the document in the first place.

~QS 7. What are the various steps in System Implementation Process? Explain in
detail with the help of an example
~AS Implementation is a process of ensuring that the information system is operational.
It involves

Constructing a new system from scratch

Constructing a new system from the existing one.

Implementation allows the users to take over its operation for use and evaluation. It
involves training the users to handle the system and plan for a smooth conversion.


The personnel in the system must know in detail what their roles will be, how they can
use the system, and what the system will or will not do. The success or failure of
welldesigned and technically elegant systems can depend on the way they are operated
and used.

Training Systems Operators

Systems operators must be trained properly such that they can handle all possible
operations, both routine and extraordinary. The operators should be trained in what
common malfunctions may occur, how to recognize them, and what steps to take when
they come.

Training involves creating troubleshooting lists to identify possible problems and

remedies for them, as well as the names and telephone numbers of individuals to
contact when unexpected or unusual problems arise.

Training also involves familiarization with run procedures, which involves working
through the sequence of activities needed to use a new system.

User Training

End-user training is an important part of the computer-based information system

development, which must be provided to employees to enable them to do their own
problem solving.

User training involves how to operate the equipment, troubleshooting the system
problem, determining whether a problem that arose is caused by the equipment or
Most user training deals with the operation of the system itself. The training courses
must be designed to help the user with fast mobilization for the organization.

Training Guidelines

Establishing measurable objectives

Using appropriate training methods

Selecting suitable training sites

Employing understandable training materials

Training Methods

Instructor-led training

It involves both trainers and trainees, who have to meet at the same time, but not
necessarily at the same place. The training session could be one-on-one or
collaborative. It is of two types

Virtual Classroom

In this training, trainers must meet the trainees at the same time, but are not required to
be at the same place. The primary tools used here are: video conferencing, text based
Internet relay chat tools, or virtual reality packages, etc.

Normal Classroom

The trainers must meet the trainees at the same time and at the same place. They
primary tools used here are blackboard, overhead projectors, LCD projector, etc.

Self-Paced Training

It involves both trainers and trainees, who do not need to meet at the same place or at
the same time. The trainees learn the skills themselves by accessing the courses at
their own convenience. It is of two types

Multimedia Training

In this training, courses are presented in multimedia format and stored on CD-ROM. It
minimizes the cost in developing an in-house training course without assistance from
external programmers.

Web-based Training
In this training, courses are often presented in hyper media format and developed to
support internet and intranet. It provides justin-time training for end users and allow
organization to tailor training requirements.


It is a process of migrating from the old system to the new one. It provides
understandable and structured approach to improve the communication between
management and project team.

Conversion Plan

It contains description of all the activities that must occur during implementation of the
new system and put it into operation. It anticipates possible problems and solutions to
deal with them.

It includes the following activities

Name all files for conversions.

Identifying the data requirements to develop new files during conversion.

Listing all the new documents and procedures that are required.

Identifying the controls to be used in each activity.

Identifying the responsibility of person for each activity.

Verifying conversion schedules.

Conversion Methods

The four methods of conversion are

Parallel Conversion

Direct Cutover Conversion

Pilot Approach

Phase-In Method

Method Description Advantages Disadvantages

Old and new systems Provides fallback Causes cost

are used when new system
Conversion simultaneously. fails. overruns.

Offers greatest New system may

security and not get fair trail.
ultimately testing of
new system.

Forces users to No fall back if

New system is make new system problems arise with
Direct work new system
implemented and old
system is replaced Immediate benefit Requires most
completely. from new methods careful planning
and control.

Allows training and A long term

installation without phasein causes a
Supports phased unnecessary use of problem of whether
Pilot approach that gradually resources. conversion goes
Approach implement system well or not.
across all users Avoid large
contingencies from
risk management.

Provides Gives impression

experience and line that old system is
Working version of test before erroneous and it is
system implemented in implementation not reliable.
one part of organization
Phase-In When preferred
based on feedback, it is
Method new system
installed throughout the
organization all alone or involves new
stage by stage. technology or
drastic changes in


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