X Block
X Block
X Block
Calculator Input
Thank you for choosing the DMC Xbloc Calculator for determining the required Xbloc size for your breakwater
and/or revetment project. To calculate the required Xbloc size for the Xbloc armour layer various factors that
affect the design have to be taken into account. These factors are used as input for the calculator which then
calculates the required minimum theoretical Xbloc size. The minimum required theoretical Xbloc size is
rounded off to come up with an Xbloc standard size.
Please find in Table 1 the input parameters with which the calculation was executed. In Figure 1 a typical
cross-section of a breakwater is given in which the input parameters are indicated.
Calculator Output
From the input parameters output values are determined by the calculator.
In Table 2 the output values are given. The correction factors together with the applied factor used in the
calculation are shown in Table 3. Please note that the results generated by the online calculator are still only
indicative and should only be used as an initial approach. After a design is made physical model tests are
always recommended by DMC to verify the stability of the design.
If assistance or advice is required for the design of a Xbloc breakwater and/or revetment do not hesitate to
contact DMC at:
+31 182 590 610
Calculator Information
For the design of typical cross sections of breakwaters and shore protections, the required Xbloc size depends
on the design wave height and is determined with the Xbloc Calculator which is based on the following formula:
Calculator parameters
For the design of typical cross sections of breakwaters and shore protections, the required Xbloc size depends
on the design wave height, concrete and water density and other parameters like the armour slope and
seabed slope. The calculator uses these parameters to determine a theoretical Xbloc volume. The theoretical
Xbloc volume is then rounded off to a standard Xbloc size. Other parameters like freeboard, core permeability,
etc. affect the required size and thus have to be taken into account.
If the parameters as presented here above are outside the limits, please feel free to ask for advice from DMC:
dmc@dmc.nl or xbloc@xbloc.com.
For further information concerning input and output parameters, do not hesitate to contact DMC: dmc@dmc.nl
or xbloc@xbloc.com.
DMC is holder of several patents and patent applications in relation to the XBLOC Unit and the XBLOC Unit is
known and legally protected by the trademark XBLOC.
Client shall not use XBLOC without a signed Xbloc agreement between Client and DMC in place. The use of
XBLOC shall be carried out according to the XBLOC Specifications.
The following conditions apply to the use of the Xbloc Internet Calculator.
DMC shall exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in the performance of the Xbloc Internet
Calculator. The result of the Xbloc Internet Calculator is based on current professional insights. Changes
in these insights may lead to changes in DMCs advice.
DMC shall not be not liable for any direct and/or indirect or consequential damages or losses such as loss
of revenue, loss of profit, loss of anticipated profit, loss of use, production, product, productivity, facility
downtime and business opportunity resulting from the Xbloc Internet Calculator.
The advice provided by DMC is subject to confirmative physical model tests to be carried out by Client
prior to the use of XBLOC.
All information provided by DMC concerning (the application of) XBLOC is proprietary information of DMC.
It shall not be disclosed by Client to any third parties.
The relationship between Client and DMC shall be governed by the law of The Netherlands and any
disputes arising out of or in connection with the work carried out by DMC shall finally be settled by the
competent courts in The Hague.