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Course Title: Industrial Management & Safety Course Code: 5001 Course Category: C Periods/Week: 4 Periods/Semester: 52 Credits: 4

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1 Principles of management
Human resources management 13
Wages and incentives
2 Quality planning and Development
Material and sales management
3 Project management techniques and quantitative techniques 13
4 Industrial safety , entrepreneurship 13



1 Understand the principles of management practices

2 Appreciate the significance of human resources management

3 Understand the principles of wage payment system and incentives

4 Appreciate the significance of quality planning and development

5 Understand the functions of material and sales management

6 Appreciate the role of project management techniques

7 Apply the principles of quantitative techniques in managenent

8 Understand the features of industrial safety

9 Appreciate the qualities of an entrepreneur



1.1.0 Understand the principles of management practices.

1.1.1 Explain the meaning of Management.
1.1.2 Explain the development of management theory of F.W.Taylor and Henry Foyal.
1.1.3 State and explain the functions of management .
1.1.4 State the forms of business organization.
1.1.5 Explain different types of ownership .
1.1.6 Explain different types of organizational structure .

1.2.0 Appreciate the significance of human resources management

1.2.1 Outline the importance of HRM.
1.2.2 State and explain the functions of HRM .
1.2.3 Explain the process of man power planning.
1.2.4 Explain Job analysis, job evaluation, merit rating, performance appraisal .
1.2.5 Describe the steps in selection of workers.
1.2.6 Explain the objectives of training.
1.2.7 State and explain the methods of training.
1.2.8 Define labour turn over.

1.3.0 Understand the principles of wage payment system and incentives

1.3.1 Define different types of wages.
1.3.2 Define incentives.
1.3.2 Identify financial, non-financial and semi financial incentives.
List different types of financial incentive plans.


2.1.0 Appreciate the significance of quality planning and development.

2.1.1 List the dimensions (characteristics) of quality.
2.1.2 List the objectives of quality planning.
2.1.3 Describe Three prong approach to quality planning.
2.1.4 List the developments in quality planning.
2.1.5 Explain the concept and role of ISO standards.
2.1.6 List the elements of ISO 9000 series.
2.1.7 List the steps for ISO 9000 installation.
2.1.8 List the objectives of quality audit.
2.1.9 Describe the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM).
2.1.10 Discuss the link between ISO and TQM.
2.1.11 List the ten manthras of TQM.
2.1.12 Explain mission, vision and quality policy.

2.2.0 Understand the functions of material and sales management.

2.2.1 List the objectives of purchase department.
2.2.2 State the buying techniques.
2.2.3 Describe purchase procedure.
2.2.4 Define inventory.
2.2.5 Classify the inventory.
2.2.6 Explain inventory models such as EOQ and ABC.
2.2.7 List the objectives of stores management.
2.2.8 Explain the functions of store keeping.
2.2.9 Describe the store keeping records.
2.2.10 Explain the concept of store layout.
2.2.11 Describe the centralised and de-centralised store.
2.2.12 Outline the importance of sales department.
2.2.13 List the functions of sales department.
2.2.14 Explain the process of sales forecasting.


3.1.0 Appreciate the role of project management techniques

3.1.1 Outline the network technique .
3.1.2 List different applications of CPM and PERT
3.1.3 Outline scope of PERT and CPM
3.1.4 Define the terms used in CPM .
3.1.5 Compute the project duration, slack and critical path by using AOA method only.
3.1.6 Distinguish between CPM and PERT.
3.1.7 Define the terms used in PERT .
3.1.8 Explain the terms pessimistic, optimistic and most likely time.
3.1.9 Calculate the expected time for each activity.
3.1.10 Compute the project duration ,slack and mark the critical path.

3.2.0 Apply the principles of quantitative techniques in management.

3.2.1 List different quantitative techniques.
3.2.2 Formulation of Linear Programming Problem (LPP).
3.2.3 Graphical solution of given LPP on maximisation and minimisation.
3.2.4 Explain the scope of transportation problem.
3.2.5 Compute the initial feasible solution of transportation problem by using Least cost method
3.2.6 Explain game theory.
3.2.7 Compute the saddle point, optimum strategy of the game, two - person - zero sum using
max- min and min-max principle.

4.1.0 Understand the features of industrial safety
4.1.1 Explain the importance and need for safety measures in industries
4.1.2 Define the meaning of the terms - factory, accident, frequency rate, severity rate,
incidence rate, performance index, accident proneness, unsafe acts, unsafe conditions,
job safety analysis, plant safety inspections, industrial safety policy.
4.1.3 Identify the various accident factors, mechanical factors, environmental factors, and
personal factors.
4.1.4 Discuss the 4 E's of accident prevention technique.
4.1.5 Discuss the role of safety council and safety officer.
4.1.6 Discuss emergency preparedness and response.
4.1.7 Discuss the precautions to be observed in preventing accident while working in
hazardous environment.

4.2.0 Appreciate the qualities of an entrepreneur

4.2.1 Describe the profile of an entrepreneur
4.2.2 List the functions of an entrepreneur
4.2.3 Identify the risk taking qualities of an entrepreneur
4.2.4 Explain the concept of student entrepreneur.
4.2.5 List the different factors contributing to the failure of entrepreneurial ventures
4.2.6 Identify industrial support needed programs existing in India, Kerala
4.2.7 State the concept of DSIR,TBI, MSME.etc.
4.2.8 State the steps involved in starting small-scale industry
4.2.9 Describe the procedure for the registration of SSI
4.2.10 Identify the net work of financial assistances given to an entrepreneur
4.2.11 Identify the different constituents of feasibility study
4.2.12 Prepare the feasibility report / project report



1. Principles of management

Introduction - meaning of management - development of management theory: - Taylor's scientific

management,- Modern approaches-compare F.W. Taylor and Henry Fayol's contributions
Functions of management- Different types of ownership: - Sole proprietorship, partnership, private Ltd
company, public Ltd company, co-operative society-transnational organizations (brief description only)
Organizational structure: - Definition of organization-components of organizational structure- different
types of organizational structure-line, functional, line & staff organization (brief description)

2. Human Resource Management (HRM)

Concept of HR Management - functions of HRM - requirements of manpower planning - factors affecting

the manpower planning - job evaluation - steps required for job evaluation - methods for job evaluation
- merit rating - objectives and methods - performance appraisal - training - importance of training -
methods of training - advantages of training (brief description only) , labour turn over.

3. The principles of a good wage payment system

Importance of good wage plan-types of wages - nominal, real, living, fair, and minimum wages -
requirement of a good wage payment system - Incentives - definitions, types of incentive plan for dire

1. Quality Planning and its developments

Definitions of quality- dimensions of quality- ISO 9000 & Installation -Concept and role of ISO 9000,
elements of ISO 9000, steps for installation of ISO 9000 - preparatory step, implementation step,
registration and certification step-Quality Audit - objectives
list the objectives of quality planning -three prong approach to quality planning-
Documentation-Quality management system.
TQM -Concept, ten mantras of TQM, the link between ISO 9000 and TQM -mission, vision and quality

2. Materials and sales management.

objectives of purchase department.-State the buying techniques.-Describe purchase procedure.

classification -spot quotation -floating the limited enquiry -tenders -single and open -earnest money -
security deposit
Inventory management -definition and -inventory models -EOQ and ABC.
Stores management -introduction -store keeping functions -duties of store keeper -store layout -
centralised and decentralised store -store records -indent forms -bincard -store ledger. Sales -
importance -functions of sales department -sales forecasting


1. Project Management Techniques .

Introduction to Network analysis - application of CPM and PERT -scope of CPM and PERT -commonly
used terms in CPM: - Operation, pre-operation, post operation, concurrent operation, earliest finish
time (EFT), latest finish time (LFT), critical activities, critical path, event, slack or float, dummy activity -
procedure for CPM -simple problems on CPM (by AOA method only).
PERT - comparison between CPM and PERT -procedure for PERT - calculation of expected time -
commonly used terms in PERT, event, activity, successor event, predecessor event, Earliest expected
time, Latest allowable time, slack - simple problems in PERT.

2. Quantitative techniques in management.

Introduction -methods -Linear programming: - Formulation of LPP -solution of given LPP using graphical
method -transportation problem -meaning -initial feasible solution of transportation

1. Industrial safety.

Importance of safety in work place -increasing trends in industrial accidents -terminology -factory -
accident -incident -severity rate -- frequency rate -incidence rate -safety performance index -accident
proneness -unsafe acts
list the causes of accidents: - Mechanical, Environmental, personnel factors -accident prevention
techniques - 4 E'S of accident prevention technique .
organizing safety -role of management -safety officers -government norms -factories act of 1948 -
factories rule 1960 -emergency preparedness and response -precautions to be observed in hazardous
situations like toxic ,,flammable ,,electrical shock and material handling.

2. Concept of entrepreneurship- profile of an entrepreneur- functions-risk taking qualities-concept

of student entrepreneur.- factors contributing to the failure of entrepreneurial ventures- industrial
support needed programs existing in India, Kerala-concept of DSIR, TBI, MSME. etc.- steps involved in
starting small-scale industry- registration of SSI-agencies for financial assistances - feasibility study -
Preparation of feasibility report and project report.


1. O P Khanna-Industrial Engineering and management- Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi
2. N D Vohra -Quantitative techniques in management- TMH, New Delhi


1. LS Srinath -PERT and CPM principles and applications -Eeast West Press Pvt Ltd. New
2. Dr.Deepak Kumar Battachariya-Industrial Management- Vikas Publishing
3. S K Hajra Choudhury, Nir jhar Roy, A K Hajra Choudhury -Production Management-
Media Promoters and publishers pvt Ltd, Mumbai
4. L M Deshmukh -Industrial safety management - TMH New Delhi
5. Dr. A K Singh Entrepreneurship Development and Management Laxmi Publications

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