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Logging Open Hole

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R. Griffiths, T. Barber, O. Faivre

Abstract In addition, advanced processing such as maximum

entropy and 2D inversion helps explain apparent differ-
One of the perennial formation evaluation questions is
ences in the formation resistivities derived from the two
that of selecting the optimal technique for determining
measurements. Several field log examples show both the
formation resistivities. Since the early days of well log-
practical application of the selection methodology and
ging two techniques have been in common use, induction
the effect of post-processing on formation resistivity
and laterolog. Each has strengths and limitations that tend
to complement the other. We review the latest selection
methods in light of recent advances in both hardware and
Estimation of formation resistivities by induction and lat-
Developments in both induction and laterolog technology erolog methods has seen significant advances in the last
have advanced the state-of-the-art from relatively simple several years. Both techniques have evolved through the
early tools to the sophisticated array measurements and dual measurement phase (dual induction and dual lat-
associated post-acquisition processing available today. erolog tools) to the latest array measurements.
With these improvements the overlap zone, where
environmental conditions allow valid measurements by The AIT* Array Induction Imager Tool (Hunka et al.,
both induction and laterolog tools, has increased. 1990; Barber et al., 1995) generates five inductive
Comparison of the tool responses in the overlap region responses which have their 50 percentile integrated radial
displays the complementary nature of the measurements. response points 10, 20, 30, 60 and 90 in. from the center
of the borehole. Likewise, the HRLA* High-Resolution
The primary selection criterion is based on borehole Laterolog Array tool (Smits et al., 1998; Griffiths et al.,
effects on the measurements. We have developed a Web- 1999) generates five galvanic responses with varying
based job planner which compares the operating ranges depths of investigation. The introduction of the HRLA
of the array induction and array laterolog tools. With the tool has addressed many of the limitations of the dual lat-
improved information content of the array measurements erologs (Smits et al., 1995) by
we can better define borehole effects and thus either flag
removing the need for a bridle
or more accurately correct the data. Development of
environmental log quality control for the induction meas- improving combinability
urements helps identify when the tool is out of its range. eliminating the Groningen and drillpipe effects
The result is improved accuracy and confidence in the reducing the shoulder-bed effect
resulting formation resistivities. This paper reviews the
increasing the resistivity operating range.
techniques and the improved data quality they yield.
Compared to the older dual-measurement tools, improve-
Sensitivity to hitherto neglected environmental effects
ments in materials, electronics and processing have
such as anisotropy and shale alteration have made com-
resulted in significant increases in the operating ranges
parison between induction and laterolog tools difficult in
of both the array instruments. The operational and petro-
many situations. With the number of measurements made
physical improvements delivered by these array tools
by array tools, one can now use the different sensitivities
have outdated the selection methodologies applicable to
of laterolog and induction measurements to sort out these
the dual-measurement tools (Suau et al., 1972).
environmental effects.

*Mark of Schlumberger

Fundamentals The extent to which accurate compensation for the bore-
hole effect can be determined defines the extremes at
Formation resistivity evaluation depends on two basic
which each instrument will yield a valid response with
physical principles: galvanic physics, in which current is
sensitivity to the formation. Figure 3 shows the screen of
focused into the formation to be measured, and inductive
a Web-based job planner which indicates the valid oper-
physics, in which electromagnetic excitation of the for-
ating ranges for the AIT and HRLA tools in an infinite,
mation induces currents to flow.
homogeneous, uninvaded formation. The instrument
response limits vary according to the borehole size, tool
Galvanic measurements have evolved into the laterolog
position, and Rt/Rm ratio entered by the user. A red line is
family of tools. These require a conductive borehole
plotted between the Rt/Rm and Rxo/Rm values to indicate
environment so that the measure currents from the tool
the resistivity range expected in a given interval. This
can traverse the borehole and enter the formation.
allows the user to judge whether the resistivities fall in
Laterolog instruments respond to the series resistance of
the AIT range, the HRLA range, or the overlap zone
the various formation regions through which the measure
(as shown in the case in Figure 3), where environmental
currents pass.
conditions allow valid formation measurements by both
induction and laterolog instruments.
Induction measurements have evolved into the array-
induction family of tools. These can operate in a non-
Induction Response
conductive borehole environment, making them the only
option for formation resistivity evaluation in oil-based The borehole environment has different effects on the
mud (OBM). Induction instruments respond to the con- response of induction and laterolog instruments. The AIT
ductivity of the formation in which the tool response is tool measures R and X signals from eight arrays and
induced. Recalling that the addition of conductivities is forms logs that best distill the information content of the
equivalent to computing equivalent resistances in paral- raw array data. This processing (Barber and Rosthal,
lel, as shown in Figure 1, induction instruments can be 1991) uses the high spatial resolution of the shallow
regarded as being sensitive to the resistivities of the for- arrays to enhance the vertical resolution of the deeper
mation regions in parallel. measurements. Where the borehole environment
degrades the response of the shallow arrays, the high
This concept of series and parallel equivalent resistances spatial resolution data are lost. For this reason the verti-
is fundamental to understanding the response of laterolog cal resolution of the computed responses also degrades
and induction instruments. In the simplest model of the (Barber et al., 1999a). This is indicated by the three
borehole/formation environment, shown in Figure 2, the dashed lines on the chart in Figure 3. The region in the
resistivities to which these instruments respond are lower left corner of the chart indicates where all the AIT
lumped into three equivalent resistivities: Rm, Rxo and Rt. outputs are valid, including the 1-ft vertical resolution
To derive the equivalent formation resistivities, Rxo and curves. In conditions that plot above or to the right of this
Rt, it is first necessary to account for the influence of the line it is possible that the 1-ft logs are inaccurate because
borehole on the response of the instruments. of the borehole effect on the shallow arrays. Moving up
and to the right on the chart, the next line indicates the
Borehole Effects limit of validity of the 2-ft vertical resolution logs. Above
and to the right of the third line, the 4-ft vertical resolu-
The degree to which the borehole environment has an
tion logs are no longer valid and the induction instrument
effect on the response of the instruments is a function of
is out of its operating domain. Note that the HRLA
the ratio of formation to mud resistivity, borehole size,
domain covers the majority of the zone outside the
and position of the instrument in the borehole as well as
domain of valid AIT response (and vice versa).
the physics of measurement of the instrument. In the lim-
iting case of a nonconductive borehole (i.e., OBM),
The chart-based approach assumes a smooth borehole.
laterolog instruments will not work while induction
When the borehole is very rough or the tool standoff inad-
instruments will be almost unaffected by the borehole.
equate, the shallow arrays can be degraded, rendering the
At the other extreme, a large borehole with very salty
high-resolution logs unusable. A rugosity-detection algo-
water-based mud, the borehole environment will have
rithm has been developed to detect this situation. A best
considerably less influence on the laterolog instrument
resolution flag (R), shown in Figure 4, combines the
than on the induction. The latter will be strongly affected
chart logic and the rugosity algorithm to indicate the
by the conductive borehole in parallel with the formation.
highest valid resolution for the array-induction data.

Boreholes can become magnetic through the use of iron- HRLA tool is within its operating domain and that the 4-
containing weighting materials. In addition, milling of ft vertical resolution AIT curves should also be valid.
casing to sidetrack can place the milled steel particles in Despite their validity the responses initially appear to
the mud or mudcake. The response of induction instru- indicate different uninvaded formation resistivities. The
ments can be affected by the presence of magnetic mate- pad measured Rxo (RXOZ) response indicates that a high
rial in the mud. A magnetic mud flag, M, also shown in resistivity zone exists near the borehole wall.
Figure 4, indicates when this condition exists. Special
processing which reduces the sensitivity to magnetic The HRLA and AIT radial response plots, also available
mud has been available for the past two years. from the Web-based planner, shown in Figures 6 and 7,
indicate that in these conditions the separation between
Laterolog Response the HRLA responses remains small until the invasion
front is at least 2 in. into the formation. In addition the
As with induction instruments, increasing borehole size
high-resistivity invaded zone affects all the laterolog
and mud conductivity degrades the shallower measure-
responses, since they respond to the resistivities in series.
ments. However, since it is the physical distance between
the monitoring electrodes on the sonde body that deter-
In contrast, the induction response is largely unaffected
mines the vertical resolution of laterolog instruments,
by the thin high-resistivity zone, with the majority of the
increasing borehole size or conductivity will render the
AIT curves indicating a value close to Rt until the inva-
shallow arrays unusable without affecting the vertical res-
sion radius becomes quite large. The induction instrument
olution of the deeper measurements (Smits et al., 1998).
is sensitive to the high conductivity of the uninvaded
In these conditions the shallower arrays become unusable
zone, rather than the low conductivity of the invaded
because they are electrically shorted through a large and
zone, and is relatively unaffected by the damaged layer.
conductive borehole. In the case of the HRLA array, the
It should be noted that in most situations neither tool will
shallowest curve, RLA1, will saturate or flat-top at a
read Rt directly, but will require some sort of inversion
value defined by the Rt/Rm ratio, borehole size, and tool
to determine Rt.
position. This shallow array saturation limit is displayed
as a vertical solid line on the planner plot. For example,
Rxo << Rt
in the conditions shown in Figure 5, this corresponds to
an RLA1 limit of 7370 ohm-m. RLA1 will be unreliable The majority of reservoirs drilled with water-based mud
in formation resistivities above this value. Formation have Rxo < Rt. Where Rt is greater than about 50 times Rxo
resistivities can be derived from the remaining four array the induction response is degraded by this extended zone
responses. of low resistivity in parallel with the high resistivity Rt.
This ratio is also a function of hole rugosity, with the
Invasion Effect induction tool supporting a lower ratio in bad-hole con-
ditions. Even in smooth-hole conditions, variations in
The job-planner chart plotted in Figure 5 considers the
invasion radius can excite 2D induction responses on the
formation to be infinite and uninvaded. The majority of
deep logs that make getting Rt problematic. In this case
real reservoirs, however, are invaded by some component
the laterolog is the preferred instrument because the
of the mud during the drilling process. This creates the
invaded zone degrades the induction response in much
near-wellbore annulus of altered resistivity called the
the same way as an enlarged borehole.
invaded zone, which is assigned the equivalent invaded
zone resistivity, Rxo.
Rxo < Rt
Consideration of the physics used in each of the instru- Where the contrast between Rxo and Rt is less than a fac-
ments leads to the general rule of thumb that where tor of 50 both the induction and laterolog instruments
Rt > Rxo a laterolog instrument is preferred, while when yield valid responses (provided the borehole conditions
Rxo > Rt an induction instrument is preferred. discussed earlier are met). However, this does not mean
that they will indicate the same formation resistivity
Rxo > Rt value. Differences between the two indicate that we need
to look in greater detail at the formation being measured
As an example of the invasion effect, Figure 4 shows a
to determine why the tools respond differently.
thick sand in which both array induction and array lat-
erolog data were computed. The job-planner plot for
There are a number of influences on the response of these
these conditions, shown in Figure 5, indicates that the

resistivity instruments that are not taken into account in and array induction responses needs to be taken into
the real-time quick-look processing available at the account when considering which instrument to use for
wellsite. These include formation resistivity evaluation. The computed HRLA
and AIT responses to an 8-ft layer with Rt = 100 ohm-m,
shoulder-bed effects
Rxo = 10 ohm-m, and an invasion radius of 20 in., sur-
dipping beds rounded by shoulder beds of 1 ohm-m, can be seen in
formation anisotropy. Figure 12. Despite the job planner, shown in Figure 13,
indicating that both instruments yield valid results, it is
Shoulder-Bed Effects obvious that further processing is required to extract
accurate formation resistivities since the real-time pro-
All formation resistivity instrument responses assume a
cessing of neither induction nor laterolog tools takes into
basic formation model. In the simplest of cases this
account all the possible influences on the measurements.
involves an infinitely thick bed, such as is shown in
The results of the advanced processing are shown in
Figure 8, with invasion as the only explanation for sep-
Figure 14. Maximum Entropy Resistivity Log INversion
aration of the curves. All resistivity interpretation prod-
(Merlin), coupled with 1D radial inversion, produces a
ucts available at the wellsite today apply this model to
close estimate of the formation parameters, while 2D
extract Rt and Rxo values from the instrument responses.
inversion of the HRLA data yields a result even closer to
The use of bucking, or focusing, currents in laterolog tool
the initial model.
design and signal processing in induction response com-
putation ensures that the instruments respond primarily
It should be noted that the HRLA 2D inversion technique
to the formation directly in front of the tool. In most cases
inverts the data into a rectangular bedding profile of the
these focusing methods are sufficient to ensure that the
same type used in the model, while the Merlin inversion
1D formation approximation is sufficiently accurate to
model assumes a sequence of very thin layers. This lat-
explain the tool response and thus derive an accurate
ter assumption produces transitions at the bed bound-
resistivity profile.
aries, as seen in Figure 14. Work to extend the 2D inver-
sion software to include the AIT-family tools in vertical
However, in layers with high resistivity contrast to their
wells is under way. However, for deviated wells with
adjacent layers, this 1D assumption can lead to errors,
invasion, Merlin processing followed by 1D radial inver-
since the shoulder-bed effects are not taken into
sion will remain the only way to interpret invasion with
account by the simple formation model. This is a partic-
induction tools.
ular problem for laterolog-type tools, where a 2D model
is required to describe the interaction between the tool
AIT log response can show anomalies in the presence of
and the formation (Figure 9). The HRLA current flow
high shoulder-bed contrast coupled with high-conduc-
assumed in the 1D radial inversion is close to that in a
tivity (< 2 ohm-m) shoulders. This is a result of the use
homogeneous formation, shown in Figure 10. For lat-
of the Born approximation to define the responses used
erologs, the presence of significant resistivity contrast
for the current real-time log processing. This focusing,
between layers results in defocusing of the currents from
which includes contributions from many depth intervals
the tool. The currents follow the path of least resistance,
around the tool, works best when the instrument is in a
as shown in the antisqueeze example in Figure 11. In
low-to-moderate contrast environment. With shoulder
this case the comparatively low resistivity of the beds
resistivities below 2 ohm-m coupled with shoulder-bed
above and below the interval of interest allow the currents
contrasts above 50:1, the Born-based tool response is
to leak off into the shoulder beds, distorting the current
poor. A new field processing which does not use the Born
distribution. Since the 1D computation of formation resis-
approximation has been developed to address these
tivity assumes that the current distribution is as in Figure
issues, especially in high-contrast formations when OBM
9, this distortion will result in significant underestima-
has been used. An example of the new processing com-
tion of the formation resistivity and hence reserves-in-
pared to the Born-based processing is shown in Figure 15.
place. In this case a more complex formation model is
The high contrast between the reservoir resistivity
required to account for the shoulder beds. Application of
(100 ohm-m) and that of the conductive shoulder beds
a 2D-formation model simultaneously accounts for bore-
(0.7 ohm-m) causes the standard AIT responses to over-
hole, shoulder-bed and invasion effects when solving for
shoot in the resistive reservoir. The new logs are well
Rt, yielding a more accurate formation resistivity.
behaved in these difficult induction-logging environ-
ments. It should be noted that, if water-based mud is used,
The effect of finite bed thickness on both array laterolog
the HRLA tool is the tool of choice for this difficult envi-

ronment. However, when OBM is used, we have to rely differences between the laterolog and logs should allow
on induction measurements. us to detect such vertical anisotropy.

Dipping Layer Effect Recent work has shown that in the overlap zone, the
responses of the array laterolog and array induction can
The focusing mechanisms of both laterolog and induction
be integrated to yield an estimate of the resistivity
instruments assume that the layers are perpendicular to
anisotropy. Figure 19 shows the modeling of an invaded
the axis of the tool. The presence of relative dip between
anisotropic formation with Rtv > Rth > Rxo. The AIT and
the axis of the tool/borehole and the formation layers
HRLA responses to this formation are also shown.
introduces further complexity to accurate resistivity eval-
Solving for Rt using a step-invasion profile model on the
uation. This relative dip can be due to a vertical borehole
AIT data, we see that the AIT tool responds primarily to
through dipping layers, a deviated borehole through hor-
the horizontal resistivity, Rth, as shown in Figure 20.
izontal layers, or a combination of the two. In this case
Using the Rth found, we now solve to find the value of Rtv
a 3D-formation model, such as that shown in Figure 16,
at each level that accounts for the RLA5 response of the
must be applied to explain the responses from the resis-
HRLA. The Rxo, Rth, and Rtv found by this processing are
tivity instruments and hence extract a more accurate Rt.
shown in Figure 21. While there are obviously shoulder-
For the array laterolog 3D processing is available in the
bed effects at the edges of the invaded zones, the ability
HRLA2D software. Modeling for AIT tools in 3D for-
to detect the presence of resistivity anisotropy in vertical
mations is available with the SLDMINV modeling code
wells is clearly displayed. Although logging conditions
(Anderson et al., 1999).
were not ideal for the AIT tool, Figure 22 shows AIT
and HRLA logs in a well in a sand reservoir. Figure 23
For AIT responses the maximum-entropy Merlin inver-
shows the results of the anisotropy inversion. Ongoing
sion (Barber et al., 1999b) can be used to account for the
development of this methodology should allow quantita-
effect of dipping layers on the response of the instrument.
tive evaluation of resistivity in vertical wells where bore-
Figure 17 shows Merlin processing of AIT data in a well
hole and formation conditions fall in the overlap region
with 65 relative dip between the formation layers and the
of the two tools.
tool/borehole axis. The field processing (designed for
0 dip) shows artifacts and we know it does not read cor-
Other Complex Formation Models
rectly. The processed results show coherent resistivity
separation in the top zone and a dramatic increase in The data content of array measurements also allows
estimated Rt. detection and evaluation of complex invasion profiles
such as ramp and annulus profiles. In addition to account-
Anisotropy ing for shoulder-bed, dipping-bed, and anisotropy effects,
future processing using these array measurements will
The borehole and formation resistivities to which resis-
enable the evaluation of more complex subsurface
tivity instruments respond have traditionally been subdi-
geometries, such as the azimuthal variation in resistivity
vided into the equivalent resistivities, Rm, Rxo, and Rt, as
often seen in horizontal wells.
shown in Figure 18. However, this allocation of equiv-
alent resistivities may not be sufficient to accurately
describe the resistivity distribution in the formation. The
uninvaded formation resistivity, Rt, for example, may Selection of the appropriate resistivity evaluation tool is
vary in each of the three spatial dimensions, as indicated crucial to ensuring that the best estimate of formation
graphically in Figure 18. In a vertical borehole with resistivity is delivered in real time. Improvements in
horizontal layers, induction instruments will be more electronics, materials, and processing have significantly
sensitive to Rh1 and Rh2, while laterolog instruments, with increased the operating range of the latest array-resistivity
currents returning to the tools above and below the cen- instruments in comparison to their dual-measurement
ter of the instrument, will be sensitive to a combination predecessors. New selection aids such as a Web-based job
of Rh1 and Rv. For the known sources of anisotropy, sand- planner and real-time LQC flags have been developed
shale layering and clean-sand grain-size layering (Klein to further aid in determining the appropriate ranges of
et al., 1995), the anisotropy of the invaded zone will be operation.
greatly reduced. Modeling of cases with isotropic inva-
sion and anisotropic uninvaded zones show that sensi- In some cases, the simplifying assumptions used to
tivity of the RLA5 curve to anisotropy is little affected enhance wellsite-processing speed do not produce the
by isotropic invasion. Using these observed responses, optimum answer, such that even the tool best fitted to the

environment requires post-processing. In such cases the Hunka, J.F., et al.: A New Resistivity Measurement
additional information available in the array measure- System for Deep Formation Imaging and High-
ments is critical for post-processing algorithms which Resolution Formation Evaluation, paper SPE 20559,
more accurately accounts for influences on the tool presented at the 65th SPE Annual Technical Conference
responses. Processing such as HRLA2D for the HRLA and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (Sept.
data and Merlin for the AIT data can substantially 2326, 1990).
enhance formation resistivity evaluation and hence
reserves-in-place calculations by accounting for influ- Klein, J.D., Martin, P.R., and Allen, D.F., 1995, The
ences such as shoulder-bed and dipping-bed effects. Petrophysics of Electrically Anisotropic Reservoirs, in
Transactions of the SPWLA 36th Annual Logging
The recent introduction of the array laterolog tool has Symposium, Paris, France, June 2629, paper HH.
delivered a new wave of resistivity evaluation informa-
tion to complement the array induction instruments. Smits, J.W. et al.: High Resolution From a New
Where borehole environment conditions permit, differ- Laterolog With Azimuthal Imaging, paper SPE 30584,
ences in their responses can yield a great deal of infor- presented at the 1995 Annual Technical Conference and
mation about formation resistivity distributions and hence Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
hydrocarbon saturations which may otherwise have been
missed. Smits, J.W. et al.: Improved Resistivity Interpretation
Utilizing a New Array Laterolog Tool and Associated
References Inversion Processing, paper SPE 49328, presented at the
1998 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the
Anderson, B., Barber, T., Druskin, V., Lee. P., Dussan, L.,
Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Knizhnerman, L., and Davydycheva, S.: The Response
of Multiarray Induction Tools in Highly Dipping
Suau, J., Grimaldi, P., Poupon, A., and Souhaite, P.: The
Formations with Invasion and in Arbitrary 3D Geom-
Dual Laterolog-Rxo Tool, paper SPE 4018, presented at
etries, The Log Analyst, Vol. 40, No. 5 (September
the 1972 Annual Fall Meeting of the Society of Petroleum
October 1999), pp. 327344.
Engineers of AIME.
Barber, T., et al.: A Multiarray Induction Tool Optimized
About the Authors
for Efficient Wellsite Operation, paper SPE 30583, pre-
sented at the 70th SPE Annual Technical Conference and Roger Griffiths graduated in mechanical engineering
Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA (Oct. 2225, 1995). from Melbourne University in 1987. Since that time he
has worked in a variety of field and managerial positions
Barber, T. and Rosthal, R.: Using a Multiarray Induction with Schlumberger Wireline & Testing. He is a member
Tool to Achieve Logs with Minimum Environmental of the SPE and SPWLA and is currently working in the
Effects, paper SPE 22725, presented at the 66th SPE Tool Evaluation group at Schlumberger-Riboud Product
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Center in Clamart, France.
Texas, USA (Oct. 69, 1991).
Tom Barber is an Engineering Specialist in the
Barber, T. Sijercic, Z., Broussard, T., and Wu, X.: Formation Evaluation Department at Schlumberger
Interpreting Multiarray Induction Logs in Difficult Sugar Land Product Center. He joined Schlumberger in
Environments, presented at the SPWLA 40th Annual 1976. He developed the first commercial signal process-
Logging Symposium, Oslo, Norway, May 30June 3, ing algorithm for resistivity logging, Phasor Processing,
1999, paper YY. and the signal processing and log products for all the AIT
tools. Tom has published numerous papers on induction
Barber, T. et al., Interpretation of Multiarray Induction logging and interpretation and has received eight patents
Logs in Invaded Formations at High Relative Dip for induction tools and processing. He is a member of
Angles, The Log Analyst, Vol. 40, No. 3 (MayJune APS, IEEE, SPE and SPWLA. Tom served as an SPWLA
1999), pp. 202217. Distinguished Lecturer in 19881989 and 19941998,
and received the SPWLA Distinguished Technical
Griffiths, R. et al.: Better Saturation from New Array Achievement Award in 1993 for contributions to elec-
Laterolog, presented at the SPWLA 40th Annual tromagnetic logging.
Logging Symposium, Oslo, Norway, May 30June 3,
1999, paper DDD.

Ollivier Faivre graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in
1973. After working as a field engineer and log analyst
he joined the Schlumberger-Riboud Product Center in
1981 in new tool interpretation. He is currently manager
of the Tool Evaluation group.

Logging Tool
Invaded Zone
Uninvaded Zone
Ra Rb Rxo ponse
Rm log Res


Requivalent = Ra + Rb Cequivalent = Ca + Cb
1/Requivalent = 1/Ra + 1/R b
Series Equivalent Parallel Equivalent Rm


Figure 1. Electrical equivalent for resistances in series ion Res
and parallel.
Figure 2. Laterolog instruments are sensitive to the series
of resistivities that the measure currents encounter.
Induction instruments are sensitive to formation conduc-
tivities, which can also be expressed as being sensitive
to the parallel resistivities.

Figure 3. Web-based job planner that indicates the valid

operating ranges for the AIT Array Induction Tool and
HRLA High-Resolution Laterolog Array tool in an infi-
nite, homogeneous, uninvaded formation. The limits vary
according to the borehole size, tool position and Rt/Rm
ratio entered by the user. A red line is plotted between the
Rt/Rm and Rxo/Rm values to indicate the resistivity range
expected in a given interval. This allows the user to
judge whether the resistivities fall in the AIT range, the
HRLA range or in the overlap zone (as is shown in this
case), where environmental conditions allow valid meas-
urements by both induction and laterolog instruments.


Figure 5. Resistivity job planner indicating that both the

HRLA and 4-ft AIT responses should give valid forma-
tion resistivity information in this borehole and tool con-

Figure 4. Differences in the laterolog and induction

responses in this formation can be explained by a thin
zone of high resistivity near the wellbore, possibly caused
by formation damage during drilling.

HRLA Array Response vs Radius of Invasion AIT Log Response vs. Radius of Invasion
Rxo Rt
Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)

Rt Rt
RLA5 A 90
RLA4 A 60
RLA3 Rxo
A 30
RLA2 A 20
1 RLA1
Rt A 10
Rxo 1
R xo

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0.1
Invasion Radius (in.) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Invasion Radius (in.)

Figure 6. HRLA array response in a piston invasion pro-

file with Rt = 0.5 ohm-m and Rxo = 3 ohm-m. Figure 7. AIT array response in a piston-invasion profile
with Rt = 0.5 ohm-m and Rxo = 3 ohm-m.


Figure 9. A 2D-formation model simultaneously accounts

for borehole, shoulder, and invasion effects (as in Fig. 11).
Figure 8. Simple 1D radial formation model.
HRLA currentlines plot, mode 2

Figure 11. Current lines showing antisqueeze shoulder

effect. Rt = 10 ohm-m; Rxo = 1 ohm-m; invasion radius
Figure 10. HRLA current flow lines in a homogeneous
= 20 in.; and bed thickness is 3 ft. Log on right shows
array laterolog response in this case, indicating severe
shoulder effect.

Figure 13. Operating envelope for the center bed condi-
tions shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Finite bed thickness effects on HRLA and AIT


Figure 15. AIT logs in a high-contrast, low-resistivity

shoulder situation. Born-based field logs overshoot; new
Figure 14. Results of 2D inversion on the HRLA data non-Born logs behave well.
compared with Merlin processing followed by a 1D radial
inversion of the AIT data.
Figure 16. 3D formation model showing layers and inva-
Figure 17. AIT field logs in a 76 deviated well compared
sion around a deviated wellbore.
with Merlin logs processed at 65 relative dip.

Figure 18. The equivalent uninvaded formation resistivity, Rt,

may be an oversimplification of an anisotropic formation
resistivity distribution. Induction and array instruments will
respond differently to the resistivity components because of
the difference in the physics of the instruments.

Figure 20. Inversion of AIT data from the scenario shown
Figure 19. AIT-H and HRLA data in a 2D formation with in Figure 19 using a step-invasion profile model.
invaded, anisotropic layers of varying thickness.

Figure 21. Rtv in the vertical-well formation model of Figure

18 extracted from a transform using AIT and HRLA data.
Figure 23. Results of the inversion of AIT and HRLA data
for anisotropy in the well of Figure 22.
Figure 22. AIT and HRLA data in a well through a sand


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