Carpet Plot
Carpet Plot
Carpet Plot
Abstract: The main objective of the present composite material systems are usually subjected
work is to perform stress analysis on composite to complex loading that leads to multi-axialstress
laminates under uniaxial/biaxial loading to serve and strain fields at critical surface locations
as a preliminary data for test verification. A which leads for the need of a reliable design
detailed calculation based on the Classical procedure validated rigorously by multi-axial
Lamination Theory was performed for a laminate experimental data in order to ensure satisfactory
with stacking sequence [90/45/-45/0]s. The performance over the predefined service period
material used in the analysis was carbon epoxy and to avoid the use of high safety factors to
(AS4/3501-6). We started by applying a pure cover the high level of uncertainty. The
uniaxial followed by a biaxial load. The finite development of the field of composite materials
element software COMSOL was used to model in structural applications relies on the ability to
the geometry, material, loading conditions, and model and simulate the behavior of these
to perform the stress analysis to validate the materials successfully. Numerous theories have
output results of the analysis. Experimental been proposed to predict the response of
results available in the literature were also used composite materials, but in order to apply these
to validate the results of the analysis. Computer analysis tools for structural design, experimental
software was also developed that enables the validation under a variety of complex loading
user to study general composite layup including conditions is mandatory. As composite materials
hybrid composites under uniaxial/biaxial loading generate complex biaxial and multi-axial stress
conditions. Moreover, several carpet plots were states [1], even for simple uniaxial loading, the
also conducted to show the interacting behavior current practice of using solely uniaxial analysis
of two independent variables such as Youngs is not suitable and, consequently, analysis closer
modulus, Poissons ratio and Shear modulus. to reality is of paramount importance. The
composite testing community has successfully
Keywords: Composite Materials, Biaxial load. developed the ability to characterize the uniaxial
response of fibre-reinforced composite materials.
1. Introduction Several standardized test methods have been
developed to evaluate the in-plane shear, the
Composite material systems are increasingly axial and transverse tensile, and the axial and
used in almost every industrial branch. Several transverse compressive response [2].
applications could be found in the automotive,
aeronautical, and sports sectors, additionally, 2. Macromechanical Analysis of Lamina
there are numerous and ever increasing industrial
uses, including wind turbines, storage tanks, The main difference between a lamina and a
high-speed and precision machinery, gas turbine laminate, where a lamina is a thin layer of a
engines, and medical diagnostic equipment. composite material that is generally of a
Their outstanding mechanical performance thickness on the order of 0.005 in. (0.125 mm),
added to their lowweight and other unique and and a laminate is constructed by stacking a
tailorable physical properties make composites number of such lamina in the direction of the
the material system of first choice for many lamina thickness. Mechanical structures made of
applications. The properties of a composite these laminates are subjected to various loads,
material depend on the properties of the such as bending and twisting. The design and
constituents, their geometry, and the distribution analysis of such laminated structures demands
of the phase. The constituent parts of the knowledge of the stresses and strains in the
structural components manufactured from these laminate. Also, design tools, such as failure
theories, and stiffness models need the values of five. In most structural applications, composites
these laminate stresses and strains. materials are used in the form of thin laminates
Understanding the mechanical analysis of a loaded in the plane of the laminate. Thus,
lamina precedes understanding that of a composite laminae and laminates can be
laminate. A lamina is unlike an isotropic considered to be under a condition of plane
homogeneous material. For example, if the stress, with all stress components in the outof-
lamina is made of isotropic homogeneous fibers plane direction being zero. An isotropic material
and an isotropic homogeneous matrix, the is characterized by an infinite number of planes
stiffness of the lamina varies from point to point of material symmetry through a point. We
depending on whether the point is in the fiber, summarize the number of independent elastic
the matrix, or the fibermatrix interface. constants for various types of materials as
Accounting for these variations will make any follows
kind of mechanical modeling of the lamina very Anisotropic: 36
complicated. For this reason, the Orthotropic: 9
macromechanical analysis of a lamina is based Transversely isotropic: 5
on average properties and considering the lamina Isotropic: 2
to be homogeneous.
2.2 Stress-Strain Relations for a Thin Lamina
2.1 Stress-Strain Relations (Two-Dimensional)
The state of stress for general anisotropic A thin, unidirectional lamina is assumed to
material can be represented by nine stress be under a state of plane stress and the equations
components, ij (where i, j=1, 2, 3) acting on the that govern the stress and strain are shown in Eq.
sides of an element cube. Similarly, the state of (4) where Qij is the reduced stiffness coefficients.
deformation is represented by nine strain For a unidirectional lamina, these engineering
components, ij. Applying symmetry of the stress elastic constants are E1, E2, 12 and G12.
and strain tensors
ij = ji (1) 1 Q11 Q12 0 1
ij = ji (2)
= Q Q22 0 2 (4)
2 12
Thus the stress-strain relation for anisotropic 12 0 0 Q66 12
body is given as follows for a three-dimensional
body in a 123 orthogonal Cartesian coordinate
3. Macromechanical Analysis of
= ij Cijkl kl ( where=
i, j 1, 2, 3, , 6 ) (3)
Where the 6 6 [C] matrix is called the stiffness It is apparent that the overall behavior of a
matrix which contains 36 constants. For multidirectional laminate is a function of the
Orthotropic material which have three mutually properties and stacking sequence of the
perpendicular planes of material symmetry. The individual layers. The so-called classical
stress-strain relation have the same form as lamination theory predicts the behavior of the
anisotropic material, however, the number of laminate within the framework of several
independent elastic constants are reduced to nine, assumptions and restrictions. Figure 1 shows two
because the stiffness and the compliance terms cross sections before and after loading, we can
are interrelated. An orthotropic material is called observe the deformation that has occurred after
a transversely isotropic when one of its principal loading. Assume u0, v0, and w0 to be the initial
planes is a plane of isotropy, that is at every displacements in the x, y, and z directions,
point there is a plane on which the mechanical respectively, at the midplane and u, v, and w are
properties are the same in all directions. The the displacements at any point in the x, y, and z
stress-strain relations for transversely isotropic directions, respectively. At any point other than
materials are simplified for a two-three planes of the midplane, the two displacements in the xy
isotropy; thus, the stress-strain relations for a plane will depend on the axial location of the
transversely isotropic material are reduced to
point and the slope of the laminate midplane stiffness matrices, respectively. The extensional
with the x and y directions. stiffness matrix [A] relates the resultant in-plane
forces to the in-plane strains, and the bending
stiffness matrix [D] relates the resultant bending
moments to the plate curvatures. The coupling
stiffness matrix [B] couples the force and
moment terms to the midplane strains and
midplane curvatures.
4. Failure Theories
0 Uniaxial _ Load
1 Biaxial _ Load
n= (7)
0 n 1 Biaxial _ Load
n 1 Biaxial _ Load
1 2 6 F1c F2c F6
(ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) Figure 6. Carpet Plot for Youngs modulus of
90 -12.4 28.4 -0.3 250 33 11
[90/45/-45/0]s carbon epoxy laminates (AS4/3501-6)
45 -67 -6.8 12.4 250 33 11
-45 -67 -6.8 -12.4 250 33 11
0 -189 -0.04 -0.3 250 33 11
8. Carpet Plots
Figure 7. Carpet Plot for Poissons ratio of
[90/45/-45/0]s carbon epoxy laminates (AS4/3501-6)
Carpet plot is one that illustrates the interacting
behavior of two independent variables, which
among other things facilitates interpolation in
both variables at once, mainly used as a design
tool. A designation of a certain layup is
[0m/90n/+-45p]s, where m, n, p denote the number
of 0,90,+-45 plies, respectively. The in-plane
Figure 9. Carpet Plot for Shear modulus of
[90/45/-45/0]s carbon epoxy laminates (AS4/3501-6)
Figure 8. Main Interface of the program
9. Computer Software
addition to experimental verification. Computer
The Composite Analyzer is an engineering software was also conducted that enables the
program that analyzes laminated composite user to analyze a broad variety of composite
plates under uniaxial and biaxial loading layups. Also, carpet plots for youngs modulus,
according to classical laminated plate theory. poissons ratio and shear modulus were
Familiarity with such analysis is assumed. Input introduced.
consists of ply material properties, material
strengths, ply fiber orientation and stacking 11. References
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the number of angle plies [ 90 /+-/0]). The [4] Sandhu, R.S., A survey of failure theories of
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[5] Darwish,F., Shivakumar, K.N., Hamoush, S.,
This paper presented a general approach in FATIGUE AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC
analyzing composite laminates under uniaxial Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials
and biaxial loading using two different failure Conference (2006).
criterias. It was observed that the failure [6] Daniel, I.M., Ishai, O., Engineering
occurred in the 90 ply when applying a uniaxial Mechanics of Composite Materials Oxford
load while the failure occurred in the 45 / -45 University Press (2006).
plies in the biaxial case which obtains the least
resistance in that case. Verification using the
FEA software COMSOL was performed in