In Medias Res 2017
In Medias Res 2017
In Medias Res 2017
In Medias Res
c m s w . m i t. e d u fall 2017
The Magazine of
MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing
Building 14E, Room 303
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 02139
617.253.3599 / /
Edward Schiappa
Group Directors
Federico Casalegno, Design Lab
Ian Condry and T.L. Taylor, Creative Communities
Rik Eberhardt, MIT Game Lab
Kurt Fendt, HyperStudio
Fox Harrell, Imagination, Computation, and
Reich looks at large-scale learning systems propose a theoretical framework for artificial
rather than just online education content. intelligence to help game designers overcome
Or as Reich himself puts it, he looks at the the biases embedded in how their games
future of learning in a networked world. generate virtual identities.
Speaking of firsts, this past year we became Of course biases dont just exist in virtual
the first academic unit at MIT to offer a worlds. In other new research, lecturer
for-credit class on virtual reality, Hacking Andrea Wirth worked with MIT colleagues
VR: Exploring Oculus and Immersive this year to study how the Department of
Media Production, taught by Professor Mechanical Engineering was so successful in
William Uricchio and visiting scholar Sandra achieving gender parity amongst majors. (For
Rodriguez. Uricchio will often describe context: 13.2% of all U.S. mechanical engi-
himself as a history scholar; thats true but neering bachelor degrees went to women,
perhaps undersells the impact his work with while MITs number was 49.5%.) Their big
Sarah Wolozin and the Open Documentary lesson? Prove to female undergraduates that
Lab has had on using the history of media theres a career waiting for them in mechani-
reetings as we enter the change to separate the brilliance of some VR cal engineering, and do that by foreground-
2017-2018 academic year with projects from the hype of others. ing MITs own MechE women. Like most
some great news around the Becoming a home for faculty VR research good research, they discovered something
growth and vibrancy of Com- has inevitably supported breakthrough work counter-intuitive: would-be female mechan-
parative Media Studies/Writing: we have by students. Ainsley Sutherland, 15, wrote ical engineering majors at MIT largely arent
welcomed three new faculty members into her thesis on how VR can (or fails to) evoke looking for role models to guide them into
the fold, bringing a new breadth of research empathy, and filmmaker Deniz Tortum, 16, the majorinstead, they simply want to see
and educational opportunities at graduate and an interview with whom youll see in this the existence proof that women get jobs in
undergraduate levels. Youll learn more about issue, explored the advantages of getting past the field and that their studies wont be for
them on the next pages, but a brief introduc- VR as simply a way to reproduce reality naught.
tion is in order here. instead, the materiality of VR provides film- Meanwhile, youll see in this issue that
Professor Lisa Parks has joined us by makers with all sorts of new creative op- MIT undergraduates keep writing incredible
way of the University of California, Santa portunities. (Uricchio was Tortums thesis fiction and nonfiction; our research groups,
Barbara, and is best known for her work on advisor; Sutherlands advisor was Professor faculty, students, and alums keep racking
media infrastructure, notably in the context Fox Harrell, whose VR project with Karim up achievements, including a Jeopardy!
of satellites and surveillance. Were pleased Ben-Khelifa, The Enemy, was the cover college tournament championship by CMS
to have her teaching two core CMS subjects story in the last issue of In Medias Res.) minor Lilly Chin; and CMS/W keeps hosting
this fallCMS.701 Current Debates in Its worth mentioning too that our VR incredible speakers and other public events.
Media and CMS.796 Major Media Texts. work builds in part on the augmented reality We should highlight one event in par-
Assistant Professor Justin Reich and Professor work produced by CMS students more than a ticular: This years Julius Schwartz Lecture
Eric Klopfer both join us after time formally decade ago, when computing power couldnt features comics writer and five-time Eisner
based in another MIT unit but with deep in- yet generate todays immersive experiences. Award winner Brian Michael Bendis.
tellectual and professional ties to CMS/W Youll have a chance to learn more about that Previous Schwartz Lecture honorees include
through their work in education. Klopfer, history on November 16 at 5pm, just after our major fantasy/sci-fi figures Neil Gaiman and
in fact, has been a principal investigator in graduate program information session, when J. Michael Straczynski. Thats on April 12.
our Education Arcade research group since we host our annual alumni panel: one panelist Dont miss it!
its inception in 2003 and a long-time teacher this year is Dr. Karen Schrier, 05, who at Last, we want to thank those of you who
of subjects cross-listed with CMS and the MIT studied how augmented reality could be have already donated to MITs Campaign for
Department of Urban Studies and Planning, incorporated into history education and has a Better World, which just announced it has
such as Design and Development of Games taken that work into her career as an associate raised $589 million in new gifts and pledges
for Learning. Reich meanwhile is the first in professor in games and interactive media. in just the past year. Consider supporting
CMS/W to incorporate research into massive Elsewhere in this years magazine, youll our research labs and student fellowships by
open online courses; over the years, our find recent writing from Professor Harrell, visiting
faculty and researchers have taught MOOCs who with recent MIT computer science
and contributed over a 140 subjects worth Ph.D. graduate Chong-U Lim published
of materials to MIT OpenCourseWare, but Reimagining the Avatar Dream. They
fall 2017 3
Elise Chen
Over the past ten years, Comparative Media Studies/Writing Its not just a video game war, Parks, who joined Comparative
has grown from what, in effect, was a program of just two faculty Media Studies/Writing as a professor in 2017, says. There are also
membersco-founders Henry Jenkins and William Uricchioto one very physical, material things happening affecting the people living in
of more than twenty. The big jump came in 2013, when the Com- these different parts of the world. The drone war has changed peoples
parative Media Studies program merged with Writing and Humanis- relationship to the sky.
tic Studies, bringing science writers like Tom Levenson and Marcia To Parks, the air itself has become a medium controlled by this kind
Bartusiak, and creative writers like Helen Lee and Junot Diaz, of warfare.
together with exemplary media scholars like Uricchio, new hires like While much of the field talks about the impacts and implications
T.L. Taylor, and appointments shared with other parts of the School of the media we consume in the form of television, movies, or social
of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciencesmaking professors like Ian media, Parks takes a different approachshe prefers to study the in-
Condry and Jing Wang an essential part of CMS/W life. This year, frastructures that make this media possible and how an infrastructure
weve grown again. Were thrilled to introduce Professor Lisa Parks, itself affects the people around it.
new to MIT via the University of California, Santa Barbara, and, A lot of people in our field know narrative structure and how
shifting to us from other parts of MIT, Associate Professor Justin to read images and sounds and glean information from those media
Reich and Professor Eric Klopfer. formats, she says. But the electromagnetic spectrum is not unlike
a national forest or ocean space, because its publicly owned by the
American people. Its up to us as citizens to understand not just the
NEGLECTED PUBLIC PROPERTY:THE content, but the whole physical system and how its organized.
STUDY OF MEDIA INFRASTRUCTURES Parks first became interested in media infrastructures when she was
a graduate student at the University of WisconsinMadison studying
satellites and their relationship with television.
She continued work on the subject at the University of California,
Santa Barbara, where she joined the Department of Film and Media
Studies in 1998.
The editor of many collections1 most recently Life in the Age of
Drone Warfare2 Parks also wants to make sure that her work is also
4 in medias res
INCREASING EQUITY IN EDUCATION can dramatically increase the quantity and quality of teacher learning
thats available.
Having started off as a wilderness medicine instructor, Reich comes
from a hands-on teaching background. Now, he makes sure he and
his projects are constantly engaging with real classroom settings. He
co-founded EdTechTeacher, a professional learning consultancy that
focuses on finding thoughtful ways to use technology in teaching and
learning. He also keeps conversations going with classroom instruc-
tors through his Education Week-hosted blog, EdTech Researcher.
Reich has also created learning tools for teachers through two
online courses, Launching Innovation in Schools, done in collabora-
tion with Peter Senge of the Sloan School of Management, and Design
Thinking for Leading and Learning. Both courses were funded by
Microsoft with a $650,000 grant.
In CMS/W, he looks to explore the field of learning science and
the role that media plays in expanding human capacity, particularly
in a civic sense.
We investigate the complex technology-rich classrooms of the
future and the systems that we need to help educators thrive in those
fall 2017 5
Looking outside of MIT, Klopfer and his lab partnered with the parative Media Studies/Writing; with its long-standing games studies
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, using augmented reality to provide program, and a growing cadre in educational media, Klopfer sees it
supplemental information about endangered species and climate as well aligned with his academic goals. He says he appreciates the
change.3 The goal of this approach was to engage participants with
c opportunity for CMS/Ws Game Lab and the Educational Arcade to
the less visible issues connected to the zoo. However, he also noted work with each other in a more consolidated capacity and with new
that this digital experience should not take away from the physical perspectives on learning.
experience of people appreciating what is actually around them. In an How do we reach people who dont already know how to learn?
early iteration of the game, some of the kids trying it approached the he wonders, looking forward. I think thats going to be an important
lion exhibit as they tracked their progress in the game. But when they frontier when trying to expand these tools to a broader audience.
shushed a roaring lion only feet away from them as they tried to watch
the video playing out on-screen, Klopfer knew something had gone RECENT BOOKS
wrong in the design process, and it was back to the drawing board. He
noted that the game should enhance and deepen the experience but Lisa Parks
allow for appreciating the spontaneous real life experiences that are Life in the Age of Drone Warfare. With Caren Kaplan. Duke University
happening all the time. Press Books. 2017.
As a pioneer in the world of educational technology, Klopfer is
familiar with the process of working out the kinks in his games, simu- Signal Traffic: Critical Studies of Media Infrastructures. With Nicole Sta-
lations, and programming platforms. Later iterations of the zoo-based rosielski. University of Illinois Press. 2015.
AR game, based on a platform now known as Taleblazer, worked
harder to engage students with their surroundings by asking specific Down to Earth: Satellite Technologies, Industries, and Cultures. With James
questions of habitat and environment. Schwoch. Rutgers University Press. 2012.
Its about placing learners in challenging situations, he says of
designing educational games. Its about giving them agency and Justin Reich
autonomy, but within well-bounded constraints. Best Ideas for Teaching with Technology: A Practical Guide for Teachers, by
He finds that making educational environments more like games Teachers. With Tom Daccord. Routledge. 2015.
can make learning very intuitive, so he continues to explore the best
ways to design educational games and simulations through his work iPads in the Classroom: From Consumption and Curation to Creation. With
at MIT. He work focuses on both preparing and equipping teachers Tom Daccord. EdTech Teacher Inc. 2014.
for the challenges of teaching. As the director of MITs Scheller
Teacher Education Program and The Education Arcade, he teaches And totally the reason CMS/W brought in Justin Reich: Babys
prospective math and science teachers here at MIT, and works with First Book of Zombies. With Marc Scheff (illustrator). Learning From
many undergraduate and graduate students to create new playful 21st Zombies. 2015.
century interdisciplinary learning experiences. He also has recently
been appointed as the co-faculty director of The Abdul Latif Jameel
World Education Lab ( J-WEL), an incubator for change in education.
One of his most far-reaching endeavors was his involvement with
the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform, EdX. I was
initially skeptical of the MOOC platforms for courses outside of the
quantitative sciences, he said. He wasnt sure whether it would be
able to serve learners who were interested in topics with more sub-
jective course material. Seeing the potential impact on learners, he
spent some time while on sabbatical developing four courses for an
educational technology and game development series that ended up
attracting 200,000 people. He spent a lot of time working with his
team to ensure that these courses really were able to build a supportive Eric Klopfer
learning community. Resonant Games: Design Principles for Learning Games that Connect Hearts,
After 18 years as a professor in MITs Department of Urban Studies Minds, and the Everyday. With Jason Haas, Scot Osterweil, and Louisa
and Planning, Klopfer recently switched his appointment to Com- Rosenheck. The MIT Press. (In press.)
6 in medias res
THIS YEARS the City X Project, the organizer of San Franciscos first Youth Civic
Hackathon, and the writer and designer of Autodesks Maker Program
NEW GRADUATE Starter Kit. Libby completed her Bachelors degree at the University of
Wisconsin, where she studied communications and game-based
fall 2017 7
Annis Sands is interested in visual media (TV/ Summer Institute for Technical Studies in Art (SITSA). She also
film), Caribbean history and culture, and worked as Research and Special Projects Associate at the Peabody
streaming technology. She grew up in Elmont, Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts, with a focus on integrated
NY, and graduated from Dartmouth College, digital media and online storytelling. There Rachel partnered with
where she studied history. She wrote her senior the Google Cultural Institute to launch the museums presence on the
honors thesis on the Afro-Caribbean community Google Arts and Culture platform.
in post-World War II London. At MIT Rachel works with HyperStudio. She is interested in
At MIT, shes excited to continue her research interests in the exploring the potential for emerging learning technologies to disrupt
Caribbean diaspora and studying questions related to how visual education and create space for new teaching and learning methods. In
media can provide new opportunities for people in the Caribbean particular, she hopes to explore how online learning and digital tools
region. can improve and transform prison education.
Rachel has a passion for retrieving the past; in her spare time, she
Sultan Sharrief is a trans-media activist, works on restoring film cameras and mid-century modern furniture
filmmaker, educator, and social entrepreneur. and really just wants to talk to someone about The Twilight Zone.
His interest lies at the intersection of art, business,
and community impact. He graduated with SCIENCE WRITING
honors with a B.A. in film/video from the Uni-
versity of Michigan. His senior project was the Laura Castan has never managed to be just
design of a new filmmaking model, Student one thing. While growing up in Needham,
EFEX, which partnered metro Detroit youth with University of Massachusetts, her indulgent parents allowed her
Michigan students and working professionals to create a three-tiered to fill their home with collections of insect molts
mentorship program while simultaneously making a film and doing a and unidentified bones as well as the decon-
large scale community impact activation. structed remains of old TVs and a ships radar.
The film they made together, his directorial debut, Bilals Stand, She attended Washington University in St. Louis
premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2010 in the inaugural where she earned a major in theatrical design and technology and
program of the NEXT category. another in environmental studies, while spending her free time per-
He was a two-year fellow at the National Center for Institutional forming story-based comedy. After graduation, her job titles ranged
Diversity to further develop his youth program and study ways media from mad scientist to tall ship bosn to theatrical carpenter and electri-
impacted access to high education. He led three separate eight-month cian. She has repaired windsurfers, lectured about climate change,
research projects at University of Michigan studying new media, viral built elaborate golden candelabras, and taught preschoolers how to pet
culture, and potential business models for creating new media. a snail.
He has produced two other feature films, Moozlum, in 2011 with Laura sees science writing as the perfect intersection of these
Danny Glover, Nia Long, and Evan Ross, and Destined in 2016 with disparate interests. Her experiences in performance and education
Hill Harper, Cory Hardrict, Jesse Metcalfe, and Lala Anthony. have made her a lively communicator and storyteller, and her dual
In 2015 he was accepted as one of eight national finalists to the interests in technology and nature make MIT the ideal place to turn
National Black Programming Consortium NBPC360 incubator and, those skills into writing.
upon winning, had his youth reality show for PBS national funded. Laura has two dogs and a gecko to keep her company through her
The show, Street Cred, features Detroit youth learning entertainment- endeavors. The dogs are a constant delight and remind her that hiking
producing skills. is better than working. The gecko reminds her that she is slightly less
important than a piece of banana.
Rachel Thompson earned her bachelors degree
in Social Anthropology and Comparative Litera- TJ Dimacali grew up in Manila, the Philippines,
ture from Harvard University. Her honors thesis on a staple of vintage comics and classic sci-fi,
explored literatures evolving role in the digital which instilled in him a lifelong love for litera-
age through an ethnographic study of a west ture and science. After graduating with a creative
coast-based online literary magazine combined writing degree from the University of the Phil-
with formal textual analysis. She also co-found- ippines, TJ found himself pursuing a variety of
ed and directed the Harvard Organization for Prison Education and odd jobs, from financial news info editor to
Reform, a network of eight volunteer groups that tutor in prisons cultural commission speechwriter to advertising copywriter. He put
across Massachusetts and work on advocacy initiatives relating to mass this diverse experience to good use when he eventually landed a job as
incarceration and education. Science and Technology Editor at GMA Network, one of the countrys
Before joining CMS, Rachel served as coordinator for the Harvard largest media companies. He managed to secure some accolades along
Art Museums makerspace, the Materials Lab, as well as the Museums the way, including the Philippine governments Gawad Scriba Award
8 in medias res
for Science Communicators. He is also an alumnus of the Asia Jour- Prior to attending MIT, Heather could be found reporting on
nalism Fellowship, the Netherlands Fellowship Program, CERN murder, domestic violence, drunken driving, and other crimes as a
School Philippines, the Silliman University National Writers crime and courts reporter. Shes always been interested in psychology
Workshop, and the Iligan National Writers Workshop. His sci-fi short and medicine, but since working as a crime reporter, Heather has dis-
stories, which often blend Philippine history and mythology, have covered her interest in the science of crime, including the psychology
appeared in local and foreign anthologies. TJ is attending MIT as a behind criminal acts and domestic violence as a public health concern.
Fulbright scholarlike Dolph Lundgren, only a bit less buff. Heather is a self-described brain lover, and she enjoys chasing a good
story, reading, baking, and watching the Patriots and the Red Sox.
Fatima Husain was born in Houston, Texas, but
raised in West Des Moines, Iowa, where she Frankie Schembri was raised on snowy winters
spent most of her time caught between writing and long books in Ottawa, Canada. She began
and gardening. Fascinated by the soil and atmo- her undergraduate education at MIT in Mechan-
spheric chemistry that affected each seasons ical Engineering but realized that she was most
roses or hydrangeas, she studied biology and excited about explaining what she was learning
chemistry by day and posted actively in gardening to her friends and family. Frankie switched to
forums by night. She continued her study of nature and its stories at MITs undergraduate science writing program,
Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, where she performed where she was able to combine her background in STEM with her
arctic paleoclimate research for three years while she earned an Sc.B. love of communication, and graduated with a B.S. in June 2017.
in Geology-Chemistry. She has published her work in numerous Frankie has worked in an MIT mechanical engineering lab, as a
media, including The College Hill Independent, where she served as communications assistant at the Harvard Kennedy School (reporting
science editor for two years. Her other works have been published in on the intersection of technology and democracy), and as an intern at
the Catalyst, The Brown Daily Herald, Johns Hopkins Universitys a public relations firm writing content for software companies. Most
Imagine Magazine, the Lyrical Iowa journal, Closed Captioned magazine, recently, she was a communications fellow at MITs Office of Sustain-
and online at When shes not attempting to germinate ability, where she reported on efforts to use the university as a living
avocado seeds in her kitchen or researching geoengineering experi- laboratory by testing researchers work on MIT campus operations.
ments, she can be contacted at f or on Twitter Frankie is fascinated by the power of information technology and
@fatimagulhusain. computing to shape modern life and hopes to report on these subjects
in way that is inclusive to all, arming the public with the information
Lydia-Rose Kesich grew up in Portland, Maine, necessary to navigate an increasingly technology-driven world. She is
where she developed an early passion for life electrified by the opportunity to continue strengthening her skills at
science. She studied developmental biology at MIT. Recreationally, Frankie enjoys meeting cats, eating doughnuts,
Smith College, where a major part of her searching for the freshest memes, and watching baseball.
education included leading a research project on
disruption of neural crest development by envi- Kelsey Tsipis did not always aspire to be a science
ronmental hydrocarbons and the creation of a writer. She was a child with ardent aspirations,
new technique for studying protein turnover in yeast. prone to ever-changing interests and great im-
After graduation Lydia-Rose joined the gubernatorial campaign moderation in her passion. It wasnt until she
of a clean energy entrepreneur in her home state of Maine, where took her first science journalism class as an un-
her responsibilities included communications work, fundraising, and dergraduate at the University of North Caroli-
science policy. She hopes to use the skills she develops at MIT to na-Chapel Hill that she recognized that science
pursue a career at the interstices of science and politics, where smart, writing perfectly suited her inquisitive disposition. As an undergrad,
persuasive writing has the power to create real change. Kelsey focused primarily on a wide range of public health topics,
including the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, mental
Heather Mongilio first declared she was going health coverage, and research findings from UNC and Duke Univer-
to be a journalist walking home from the bus sitywinning her the North Carolina Medical Society Scholarship
stop in fifth grade. She grew up in Ellicott City, for Medical Journalism. After graduating with a bachelors degree in
Maryland, where she discovered how fascinating journalism and mass communication with a specialty in editing and
the brain is and the adrenaline high from graphic design, Kelsey worked as a medical editor for an independent,
breaking news. After deciding not to choose nonprofit global research institute and served on the executive
between her interests, she earned her bachelors committee of the American Medical Writers Association-Carolinas
degree from American University in journalism and psychology. Chapter. Kelsey is now beyond grateful to continue her passion for
Heather worked at The Eagle, American Universitys student-run science writing at MIT with fellow students and professors whom she
newspaper and served as editor-in-chief during her senior year. admires greatly.
fall 2017 9
10 in medias res
he central story I was thinking about when de- fiction feature film, Zayiat, which was selected for South by Southwest
veloping the idea of embodied montage for my and !F Istanbul Film Festivals. He recalls, I was meeting indepen-
thesis in Comparative Media Studies was the dent filmmakers and everyone was struggling with what the future of
myth of Orpheus. Eurydice dies and Orpheus cinema is. Through those times, I started not shooting film that much,
goes back to hell to save her. Hades says, Ok, you can take her, but and I got more interested in interactive mediaweb documentaries
the only thing is you are not allowed to look back until you leave. And or other new media work. And thats when I applied to MIT. The
if you look back, she will stay in hell forever. At the last moment, he Open Documentary Lab, in Comparative Media Studies, looks at a
looks back and she stays there. So, the act of looking has a big con- lot of nonfiction work that uses new technologies to tell stories. My
sequence. You can create these types of moments in virtual reality first year at Open Doc Lab, I was more focused on interactive web
very easily because it is a computational medium, and it tracks all docs, and then I started researching virtual reality. That did several
your bodily input. If someone looks back in a VR experience, it can things: I started understanding the language of these new media and
cause something. To Deniz Tortum (S.M., CMS, 16) this ancient their affordances, and I saw their limitsor the limits they have now.
myth speaks to something quintessential in VR projects, such as Oscar That made me see the advantages of film as a medium and what it
Rabys Assentlooking signals moving, and moving equals involve- can do better than these other things. So, looking at these new media
ment. To bear witness is no mere ocular event, but a physical and renewed my interest in film and informed my filmmaking.
emotional act. Tortum recently screened a new short film at True/False film
Tortum, an accomplished filmmaker and a VR practitioner, traces festival called If Only There Were Peace (co-directed by Tortum
the lineage of virtual reality back to the early days of cinema: VR is and Carmine Grimaldi). He also is a Creative Advisor for the CMS
a computational medium, and it is embodied computation. It is also course Hacking VR. Here, he speaks about his research and several of
the first dream of cinemathe total cinema. It is not just images, his virtual reality and documentary film projects.
and youre not just in the theatre. Youre actually in an environment.
Film theorist Andre Bazin wrote about thisthat film tries to move Sharon Lacey: Does your knowledge of film influence your
toward being total cinema. Its first black and white, its silent, and virtual reality projects? And vice versa?
then sound is introduced, then color is introduced. Then theres 3D,
stereoscopic, and the Sensorama with smell or movementtrying to Deniz Torum: When thinking about virtual reality, I am trying
be this complete, immersive environment. VR is almost like the real- to apply film history and film theory to virtual reality. Even though
ization of the fantasy of cinema. many people are against that, I think it is a fruitful thing. Revisiting
Tortum came to MIT after studying film at Bard College. As an each medium through other media is definitely helpfulespecially at
undergraduate, he was interested in international art house cinema keeping me motivated.
and avant-garde films that were in close dialogue with the video art Most VR practitioners or academics say, VR is not a filmic
world. At Bard, he made experimental films and one independent medium. It is not cinema. It is completely something else. It is its
fall 2017 11
own medium. But when they say it is not cinema, they are generally In film, you have one shot and a consequent shot, and from the
thinking of one particular strain of cinema, which is probably main- juxtaposition, a third meaning can appear. In virtual reality the third
stream Hollywood cinema. The thing to remember is that cinema is meaning can appear from the novel relationships between the body
not one unified medium. There are lots of different cinema histories. and the environment, between action and perception.
I think that several of them, especially the ones that are obscured
by mainstream cinema, the more experimental traditions, have much You received a 2016 Schnitzer Student Art Award and
more to inform VR practice today. exhibited a VR piece about a Turkish hospital in the Wiesner
That is what I am trying to figure out. Im looking at different Gallery as part of that awards show. Could you talk about the
traditions of cinema and how they can inform VR. For many prac- genesis of that project?
titioners, when doing cinema, they are imagining a different future
medium and not the cinema itself. For example, Hollis Frampton is Im both shooting a documentary about the hospital and making a VR
trying to make these automated computer-edited films. Hes trying to piece. I was really interested in how doctors relate to the hospital and
do computational media with film. Even how Jean-Luc Godard struc- to their profession. Its not something that we see that much; when a
tures his films has a lot in common with the interactive documentary piece is about a hospital, its generally about the patients or about the
world. Or, for example, Michael Snows film, Central Region (1971), institution itself. Television series about doctors tend to be much more
is basically this camera on top of a mountain connected to a machine sterile, and they dont really get into the mindset of being in a hospital
with no humans operating it, so the machine is operating the camera and being a doctor. So, I wanted to shoot a film with that in mind.
and the camera is shooting continuously attached to the machine. It I was also working with the Sensory Ethnography Lab at Harvard,
is a seeing entity without a human operator, creating an automated taking the class with Lucien Castaing-Taylor. I am continuing to work
filmic space. That definitely speaks to virtual reality and 3D virtual with the Film Studies Center at Harvard.
environments. Essentially, it is an experimental ethnographymore about bodies,
more about doctors. Its observational, but in an embodied way. It
What was the topic of your thesis for CMS? is not just the camera on a tripod taking these long shots. It is much
more about me as an observing subject, who is much more involved
My thesis was called Embodied Montage. 1 The new image is created
a with the film. It is also not shy in showing stuff, so there are a lot of
through 3D capture. You can capture the world as a computer graphic operation scenes.
and process these images of the world in game engines and create a
game-like interactive experience of the captured real world. And then with the VR piece, the user enters a hospital en-
In a virtual reality system, what happens is the images and sounds vironment that isnt populated with patients and doctors.
react to your bodys movement and position. VR can get input The hospital setting evokes a lot of human drama despite the
from your bodyit tracks your head movement or hand gestures or absence of people.
position. With VR you can decouple action and perception and make
new pairings. The environment can respond to the body in novel VR is more about spatial storytelling. Henry Jenkins, who is a founder
ways. of CMS, has a piece called Game Design as Narrative Architecture.
He says the space you choose is the essential part of the story. That is
the bone of the narrative; you build on that. Having a very charged
12 in medias res
space to build on is really an essential thing for film as well. mobs. The piece is a virtual reenactment of it. It places you in a pho-
For my process, I do a form of 3D capture, which is laser scanning. tographers studio and you hear things outside the shop and experi-
Laser scanners are mainly used by architecture firms or engineering ence it from the perspective of a local shop-owner.
firms. They send millions of lasers through a place and by calculat- If you put photorealistic people in the space, it breaks the essence of
ing the time the laser takes to return, it measures the distance. So it the whole projectthat this is a lost, long gone space. These people
generates a point cloud of the space and you can combine the points of are gone. They are not real. They were lost. So we decided to keep
capture to create unified spaces. them as ghosts. And moment to moment, you get to see the real
Similar to early photographylike with daguerreotypes, where people from Maryams photographs. So what we thought was, OK,
one exposure would take like 15-20 minuteslaser scanning requires if youre in that studio, we should be building up the story with the
a long exposure, which means you dont capture humans unless theyre photographs of people who are gone. That was the idea to use some
posing for like 10 or 20 minutes. So what it does is it gives you these abstract representation.
empty places without people.
I think the hardest thing about VR is to make pieces about people, If you could add something to your MIT experience, what
because we dont have a good way of capturing movement and the would it be?
world in real time. Film is great for capturing reality in passing. VR is
almost about the absence of people; you can do effective pieces about If there is any chance of getting a collection of Ed Pincus films here,
people with VR, but you should be aware of the limitations of the that would be great.
technology. Of course, that will probably change within 5-10 years. One thing I noticed when I came is that it seems like there is no film
archive. I thought Ed Pincuss 35mm films would be here. Making
In your VR documentary about the Istanbul Pogrom, a connection to the art tradition and history within MIT more
September 1955, which you presented in the Keller Gallery at visible would be valuable. Ricky Leacock, Ed Pincus, and Gloriana
MIT, you and your co-creators devised an interesting work- Davenport are great, and there are all these other great people like
around for depicting people, by making the figures amorphous Michael Naimark, who worked here and is a big pioneer in VR and
and ghost-like. The piece draws on the photographic archive projection mapping. With Gloriana Davenport, he worked on Aspen
of Maryam Sahinyan (1911-1996) and Osep Minasoglu (1929 Moviemap; they did the first experiments in interactive media.
2013), Armenian photographers who lived in Istanbul at the The first computer game was done here at MIT. It was the incred-
time of the attack. Could you describe this work and talk ible moment in video game history. But they were computer scientists
about the decision to abstract the figures? and their work wasnt understood as part of what would become a new
medium, so the information is not in one central archive. Its a quint-
I did this VR installation about the Istanbul Pogrom with two essential moment in the history of a medium. Also, VR started here.
friends, Cagri Hakan Zaman (Ph.D. Student, Design and Computa- The first headset was created by Ivan Sutherland when he was a
tion Group, Department of Architecture) and Nil Tuzcu (Research graduate student at MIT. How do you bring all those archives together,
Fellow, Department of Urban Studies and Planning). It was funded by or those traditions together?
the Council for the Arts at MIT.
In 1955, over two days, many shops and houses of the non-Muslim This piece originally appeared at
minorities in IstanbulGreeks, Armenians, etc.were destroyed by historical-perspective-new-medium
fall 2017 13
Professor Fox Harrell and Chong-U Lim, Computer Science Ph.D., 16
omputer science has long been intertwined with societys
technological dreams. The dream of automated homes This article introduces the term box
relates to ubiquitous computing, just as the dream of
sentient machines relates to artificial intelligence (AI).
effects to refer to the experiences of people
Another of societys dreams could be called the Avatar Dream, a that emerge from the failure of classification
culturally shared vision of a future in which, through the computer,
people can become whomever or whatever we want to be.
Our focus is not, however, on simply developing the technologies
that can support the Avatar Dream. We instead argue for the need to The current expression of the Avatar Dream in many contempo-
reimagine the Avatar Dream where the potential social and cultural rary societies includes using virtual identities to communicate, share
impacts of virtual identities are considered intrinsic to the engineer- data, and interact in computer-based (virtual) environments. We
ing practices of inventing them. This article is an overview of our can thus view a manifestation of this dream as the avatar,a or user-
endeavors toward this end and several key results and findings dem- controlled representations of self in virtual environments. Neal Ste-
onstrating our reimagining of the Avatar Dream. phensons 1993 novel Snow Crash provides a science-fictional vision
We first define the Avatar Dream, describe its current state, and of avatars as technologies to reimagine ones self. Stephenson wrote,
motivate our work by considering problems with current virtual Your avatar can look any way you want it to, up to the limitations of
identity systems. We then provide a theoretical framework for char- your equipment. If youre ugly, you can make your avatar beautiful. If
acterizing the relationships between virtual and real-world (physical) youve just gotten out of bed, your avatar can still be wearing beautiful
identities necessary for precise articulation of the sociocultural clothes and professionally applied makeup. You can look like a gorilla
phenomena we study. The remainder of the article focuses on two or a dragon or36 Another manifestation of the dream is the social-
key endeavors. The first is our computational approach to analyzing media profile. Even in the heady days of the 1990s, it was understood
sociocultural identity phenomena in virtual identity systems; these that these profiles were distinct from our physical selves. In one of
techniques support engineers developing systems that avoid or combat the most venerable social media sitesThe Wellb where users real
negative phenomena (such as discrimination and prejudice). For names were available, self imagination was a central part of the appeal.
example, we use AI to reveal how sexist and racist biases are embedded The Well purportedly offered the freedom of projecting whatever
in a bestselling computer game, demonstrating an approach applicable personality you wished, along with the intriguing possibility of high-
to other systems. The second is our approach to simulating sociocul- lighting subtle variations of your character.14 Virtual identities in
tural identity phenomena; it includes developing technologies (such digital media, including virtual worlds, videogames, and social media,
as an authoring platform called Chimeria and interactive narratives all hearken back to the Avatar Dream.
made using it that convey how individuals navigate social categories).
These technologies support the aims of creating richer experiences for Problems with current virtual identity systems
users, helping educate diverse learners, and conducting social-science The need for socio-culturally informed virtual identity research is
research studies. We conclude by reflecting on this reimagined Avatar urgent; nearly everyone today has social media accounts for connect-
Dream. ing with friends, e-commerce accounts for shopping, and videogame
characters for playing. One problem in designing virtual identity
Defining the Avatar Dream systems is the need for intuitive, appropriate, and robust tools for avatar
The Avatar Dream has two elements. One is technical, enabling users creation and customization. Just being able to edit avatar appearance is
to control a virtual surrogate for themselves in a virtual world. These not enough to support peoples needs for self-expression when using
computational surrogate selves are often computer-generated images virtual identities. It is important that avatars embody enough socio-
(CGI) but can range from text descriptions in games or social media cultural nuance to express facial expressions, body language, gait,
to virtual representations that engage all the senses in futuristic virtual
reality environments. The second is experiential, enabling users of
these virtual surrogate selves to have experiences beyond those they a Avatars, agents, and player characters each have slightly different definitions, although here
encounter in the physical world, ranging from having new abilities the term avatar is used as the most general one; for us, the term virtual identity is even more
to better understanding the experiences of others (such as of another general, including social-media profiles, e-commerce accounts, and other computational representa-
gender or even another type of creature). tions of users.
b The Well is short for Whole Earth Lectronic Link
14 in medias res
discourse style, and personality. Users should not need to program with the proliferation of increasingly immersive virtual environments
all these forms of self-expression from scratch and should, instead, and game worlds that enable interactions among multiple players at
be able to express themselves with their avatars through simple in- the same time. Each of these other selves can be viewed as an exter-
terfaces. Researchers Joseph Bates, Michael Mateas, Brenda Laurel, nalization of self 37 beyond our physically embodied selves. Hence,
Ken Perlin, and others1,24,31,32 have developed such tools and virtual despite the fact that avatars are sometimes narrowly regarded as mere
worlds for their deployment. Furthermore, some user groups are un- technically constructed visual artifacts, a more expansive view holds
derrepresented and/or unfairly stigmatized in virtual environments. that virtual identities serve as important ways through which people
Social-network usage percentages are often higher for underrepre- represent or express themselves.
sented U.S. racial groups and women than for white individuals and
men; 90% of African-American females and 40% of white females Blended identities
are depicted as victims of violence in games.7,8 Such phenomena We have highlighted aspects of the physical and virtual world identi-
are not only embedded in systems but also enacted by users. Julian ties we are seeking to better understand. However, rather than consid-
Dibbells classic 1996 article A Rape in Cyberspace,6 describing how ering each of them individually, this research is based on their inter-
a users female avatar in a text-based environment was taken over and relationships. We particularly seek to consider how values are socially
subjected to violent acts, presaged such negative repercussions of the and culturally constructed, enacted, and manipulated via blends
Avatar Dream. Such observations undergird an important motivation between physical and virtual identities.
for our work: Virtual identities can and should better serve the needs James Gees notion of the projective identity10 is a useful starting
of diverse users. point. His use of the term refers to the reflection of players values
in how they make sense of their avatars. However, while it provides
DEFINING PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, AND a high-level descriptive characterization of identity, it is insufficient
BLENDED IDENTITIES for our needs. It fails to capture important structural phenomena like
mappings between a users actions and a virtual identity being con-
Before describing our computational approaches, we clarify the ter- trolled. We thus enrich Gees model with an approach from cognitive
minology we use, in light of the ambiguities in terms like real and science called conceptual blending theory9 in which blending is a
virtual identity. proposed cognitive mechanism by which humans integrate concepts.d
We thus use Harrells notion of a blended identity17 in which aspects
Physical identities of a players physical identity (such as preferences, control, appear-
For identities in the physical world, our focus includes but also goes ance, and understanding social categories) are selectively projected9
beyond the notions often associated with identity like gender, race, with aspects of the virtual identity onto a blended identity, integrating
and age. We are instead concerned with users identity experiences, and elaborating aspects of each (see Figure 1). Blended identities can
which are informed by history, culture, and values in the physical be studied in light of the interrelationship between both worlds. We
world. While it is impossible to give a comprehensive definition later give examples of our approaches for analyzing blended identi-
of everything that affects peoples identities in the real world, we ties computationally to reveal how physical-world values can be both
offer a simplified overview useful for the discussion in this article. embedded in virtual identity systems and enacted by virtual identity
Identity experiences are informed by history, culture, and values that users.
exist in the physical world and manifest in the ways people behave. It is also important to note that a single blended-identity user is
Identity experiences include cognitively grounded,c material (such as not restricted to a single virtual world platform but often has multiple
resources), and social (such as power relationships) aspects. different virtual identities and behaves differently depending on the
platform, what we term cross-platform identities. For each platform,
Virtual identities there is a projection of a certain set of identity features from the user.
Our definition of virtual identities focuses on their components as
technical systems. A virtual identity in this model is characterized by Box effects
its data structures and algorithms that are deployed to provide both This article introduces the term box effects to refer to the experi-
representation and control to the user. In videogames, a common ences of people that emerge from the failure of classification systems.
virtual identity type is the player character, or avatar, players take Box effects include, but are not limited to, such related phenomena as
control of. Computers have long been a medium for humans to create stereotypes, social biases, stigmas, discrimination, prejudice, racism,
such second selves37 or even many selves. Such use of computers as and sexism. In the phrase classification system, as used here, system
digital media for self-representation has become even more pervasive does not refer to a technical computer system but rather to the notion
c Embodiment recognizes that cognition depends on the kind of experience that comes from having d Conceptual blending theory has been criticized for using ad hoc, overly broad explanations.11
a body. Situatedness highlights the role of the context or social situation for cognitive process-
The theory has also been defended as being supported by a convergence of data from psychology, AI,
ing.25 Distributed cognitive processes are projected onto aspects of environments (such as artifacts22), sociology, literature, and philosophy and focus on exemplary phenomena resulting in a theory that
members of social groups, and time (such as animated CGI4). comprehensively covers even challenging cases.5
fall 2017 15
Figure 1: A blended-identity diagram; cross-space mappings reveal aligned characteristics of the physical and virtual
identities (called input spaces in conceptual blending theory).
of classification put forward by Geoff Bowker and Susan Leigh Star, users behaviors in relation to categories from the physical world;
who said, A classification is a spatial, temporal or spatiotemporal seg- for example, users might create stereotypical female characters in a
mentation of the world, and a classification system is a set of boxes game based on their own preconceptions about categories of physical-
(metaphorical or literal) into which things can be put in order to then world gender. Finally, beyond needing techniques to understand and
do some kind of workbureaucratic or knowledge production.3 identify box effects in virtual environments, developers need tools
Our term box effects is useful because there is no common term to support addressing them (such as through more nuanced models
for social phenomena with roots in classification systems. It is also of identity in games and interactive narratives) like those we provide
useful to have an overarching term like box effects because specific with the Chimeria platform.
terms (such as stereotyping and prejudice) have multiple definitions in
different academic disciplines, as well as general, popular uses. ANALYZING VIRTUAL IDENTITY
Better understanding existing systems and designing new systems PHENOMENA
that take box effects into account cannot be accomplished within
a narrowly technical vision of the Avatar Dream. Our reimagined Since 2010, Harrell has led a research initiative to better understand,
Avatar Dream recommends addressing box effects in several ways. design, and develop virtual identities called the Advanced Identity
First, developers must understand the ways box effects from the Representation (AIR) Project. We use the term advanced with
physical world persist in virtual environments in terms of system humility. Our computational systems cannot completely express the
structure. Second, we must look at how box effects emerge from nuances of physical-world identities. Yet they provide advances over
16 in medias res
current systems in their emphasis on physical-world identity catego- the k-means algorithm, principal component analysis, non-negative
ries social scientists have identified as important for modeling user matrix factorization, and archetypal analysis for social analysis using
experiences (such as of gender, race, and ethnicity) in addition to per- virtual identities.28 Our focus here is on archetypal analysis, identify-
sonality, values, and preferences. In this way, we can achieve advances ing a set of key observations in a dataset called archetypes, or certain
in modeling phenomena (such as box effects), goals that increase the external points in the dataset. Other observations can be represented
expressive range and utility of virtual identities. Our resultant systems as mixtures of these archetypes. This approach provides insight into
are often necessarily reductive (from vast real-life experience to more definable characteristics of highly distinctive virtual representations
limited data structures and algorithms) in order to be implementable. or behaviors. It is also useful for revealing patterns of users behavior
Yet this reduction is done knowingly with the benefit of expanding that either conform to or subvert conventions.28 In addition, as it
the expressive capacity of computational systems to address social- provides a visible way to identify marginalized individuals, defined as
identity phenomena. As mentioned earlier, this work includes two observations notably distant from all archetypes,e we find archetypal
types of computational modeling: analyzing sociocultural phenomena analysis to model more effectively than other clustering techniques.27
involving virtual identities using AI/machine learning techniques;
and simulating sociocultural identity phenomena. We next describe Analyzing systems: revealing values embedded in technologies
our work in sociocultural phenomena involving virtual identities, We created a system called AIRvatar to perform fine-grain telemetric
including values built into systems (embedded) and patterns discov- data collection of users virtual identify creation and customization
ered (emergent) from users. behaviors. Named for an initiative called the Advanced Identity Rep-
resentation (AIR) Project, AIRvatar also implements the clustering
Limitations of current approaches approaches described earlier and has been deployed in videogame and
There are many survey-based studies of how behavioral patterns by social media data systems.28,29 Here, we provide an example of how
users in virtual environments replicate identity experiences based in we reveal race and gender stereotypes through archetypal analysis.
the physical world, but they have notable limitations. While useful We analyzed the critically acclaimed and commercially successful
for assessing subjective notions of identities expressed by users (such as videogame The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion that features an exemplary
preferences), self-reported survey data is often difficult to evaluate and diverse roster of player character types; we cite it here as one example
subject to survey bias.2 Also, while useful for understanding certain of a general phenomenon, not to single it out as especially inequi-
user characteristics (such as articulated reasons for choosing among table to diverse users in contrast to other games. The upshot is we
options), some aspects of users experiences (such as tacit knowledge) found and validated several forms of race and gender inequity. Players
cannot be articulated, are intrusive, or are mentally or physically may choose to play as one of ten different races available. Though
strenuous for participants or interviewers, and are often better suited fictional, some of the races are based on physical-world national,
to automated data collection and analysis. racial, and ethnic groups through their textual descriptions and visual
appearances; for example, Redguards represent people broadly of
New approaches to analyzing blended identities African descent (a single country or subgroup is not suggested); Nords
Here, we present our approach to using AI for computationally represent Norwegians; Bretons represent French people; and so on.
modeling categorization, focusing on the novel use of these algorith- Player characters possess eight attributes representing abilities (such
mic techniques to address aspects of social identity often deemed chal- as strength and intelligence). Based on the players choice of race and
lenging to quantify due to the subjectivity of their manifestations. gender, these attributes are initialized with a set of default values. In
Clustering for computational categorization. In the field of AI, cluster previous work, Harrell observed several forms of racial and gender
analysis, or clustering, is the algorithmic process of grouping obser- inequity in the game (see Figure 2). For example, Bretons are twenty
vations into categories (clusters) based on measurements of similarity points more intelligent than Redguards and Nords of either gender;
between individual observations. An observation refers to a data point females Orcs and Argonians are ten points more intelligent than males
within the set of observations (dataset) and is represented through of the same race.
measurements of one or more of its properties, or features. Ob- Examples of system-embedded biases (stereotypes of race and gender).
servations often correspond to players, each characterized by features While Harrell previously highlighted inequity and biases in Oblivion,17
that describe aspects of their physical identities (such as biological sex) such insight is typically anecdotal and requires manual assessment. In
or virtual identities (such as avatar appearance and behaviors). Cluster order to quantitatively model these effects, we performed archetypal
results are based on the definition of a cluster, or which features analysis on Oblivions distribution of statistical attributes for characters
determine membership, and the similarity measure of observations, or within the game based on gender and race, as in Figure 2. All races
how features are used to measure the similarity or differences between relationships to these archetypes can be presented using a ternary plot
observations. Clustering is appropriate for our aims, as it enables quan- of the results (see Figure 3). This analysis automatically revealed the
titative analysis and can reveal new or unknown categories. typical archetypal roles developers intend for players to conform
There are many different approaches to clustering users according
to their behavior in systems using virtual identities (such as video-
e Drawing on definitions from sociological and cognitive theories of classification and categoriza-
games).27 Our own experience includes investigating techniques like
fall 2017 17
Figure 2. Initial racial attribute values in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion; interesting discrepancies are highlighted between races (blue) and genders (red).
18 in medias res
Figure 4. A screenshot of the interface of Heroes of Elibca, a custom avatar-creation system implemented in AIRvatar.
components of computational identity systems16 static media assets, 44%) self-identified as female. We studied how they assigned statistical
flat text profiles, modular graphical models, statistical/numerical rep- attributes to their avatars based on gender.
resentations, formal annotation, and procedural/behavioral rules The results reveal the phenomenon of gender stereotyping in how
the results in the following subsections focus on statistical/numerical some of these avatars were customized. In Figure 5, observe that
representations.g Players customized their avatars by modifying the female players gave male avatars significantly higher values for phys-
values of six statistical attributesstrength, endurance, dexterity, ical-related traits (such as strength, endurance, and dexterity)
intelligence, charisma, and wisdomon a seven-point scale; see the while giving them significantly lower values for intellect-related traits
online appendix h for descriptions based on commonly used conven- (such as intelligence, wisdom, and charisma). Female players
tions in role-playing videogames. Each attribute had default values of here appear to be projecting aspects of an identity experience from
4; there were 27 allocatable points for each avatar. the physical world (such as stereotypes of gender) onto the avatars.
Examples of user-enacted biases (stereotypes from gender-category ex- This demonstrates a kind of box effect, as it reflects a players cognitive
pectations). While previous research has shown that players exhibit formation of categories of gender roles, along with associated as-
gender bias toward avatars controlled by others in a virtual environ- sumptions and expectations. Interestingly, we did not observe these
ment,39 here we present findings showing how biases can be modeled effects in avatars created by male users, as in the online appendix. We
when constructing ones own avatar. We conducted a user study with observed this asymmetry in earlier results of a smaller sample size29
185 participants who were asked to customize their avatars using and also by other researchers.21 Such results are not meant to portray
the avatar creator Heroes of Elibca. The demographic breakdown female players negatively; factors like the genre of the game may
included 104 participants (or 56%) self-identified as male and 81 (or reward traditionally male behaviors like physical aggressiveness.35
These user-enacted social-identity phenomena reflect the situated
g We do not cover our experiments analyzing other components; for example, in analyzing text nature of cognitively forming categories.
profiles and tags, we find avatars clustered into three categories of narrative theme and genre: personal
stories (such as gender, age, and family relationships); functional stories (such as occupation, geo- SIMULATING SOCIAL IDENTITY
graphical location, and work); and fantastical themes (such as magic and power). Image analysis
reveals patterns of players conforming to gender stereotypes when creating avatars for themselves.30 The last section focused on techniques for identifying and analyzing
fall 2017 19
Figure 5. Plot of how female players allocated statistical attributes of conventional role-playing games based on the gender of their avatar ( female/male); note, the error bar
for male avatars intelligence is zero because all were assigned a value of 4 on a 7-point scale.
box effects, but analysis alone is not enough for reimagining the category using virtual identity, it is possible to use virtual identities
Avatar Dream. Developers need tools that are better able to model so- to convey some of the patterns of experience people in other catego-
cio-cultural-identity categories and the experiences that people have ries face and that exist structurally in societies. Enabling users to be
based on them. Here, we provide an overview of our platform devel- a virtual female superhero or even just a more suave and dandy self
opers can use to design and implement virtual identity systems that requires techniques to help them imagine the subjective experience
help users better understand box effects and/or enable more nuanced of those types of identity. Our platform demonstrates representational
identity-category models that avoid them. Modeling box effects is benefits of a gradient model of social identity; our examples demon-
necessary for the first part of the dreambeing whomever you want strate applications that aim to engender critical awareness about the
using a virtual identitybecause being someone is not just a matter nuances of social identity.
of graphical appearance, but of modeling systematic experiences. The Computational models of social identity are found in a wide range
second part of the Avatar Dreamunderstanding the experience of of digital-media works. In computer role-playing games, racial cat-
othersrequires modeling social experiences more robustly to avoid egorization is typically used to style the visual appearance of a players
box effects. While one may not be able to directly experience what avatar or trigger several different canned reactions when convers-
it means to live a physical-world life as a member of another social ing with a non-player character. In social media, users typically join
20 in medias res
Being someone is not just a matter of graphical appearance, but of modeling systematic
experiences. The second part of the Avatar Dreamunderstanding the experience of others
requires modeling social experiences more robustly to avoid box effects.
groups based on shared taste or categorize each other as colleagues model of users degrees of membership across multiple categories.
or family members using privacy settings. In such systems, category The Chimeria engine is designed to calculate, modify, and simulate
membership is determined in a top-down fashion; members often slot changes to these memberships, acting as the systems logical process-
into single, homogeneous groups with no hybrid identities, identities ing component. It models users category memberships as gradient
at the margins of groups, or identities that change over time. They values relative to the more central members,3,17,23 enabling more
neither provide developers and users elegant ways to avoid box effects representational nuance than binary status of member/nonmember
nor simulate them to create via more expressive virtual worlds. commonly used in applications; for example, on the social network
Facebook, being someones friend can be viewed as a basic Boolean
Simulating and avoiding box effects flag; in the physical world, however, there are varying types and levels
Our Chimeria platform (hereafter Chimeria) is a system that supports of friendship people have with others.k Chimeria is intended to enable
simulating of physical world identity phenomena in virtual identity both a greater range of expression of such nuances and representations
systems ranging from social-media accounts to videogames. Such that better serve users.
simulation augments virtual identity models with gradience and Chimeria application interface. This is a visual interface for user in-
dynamics, increasing their sociocultural nuance. Such additional teraction and for experiencing the narratives of category member-
nuance supports demonstrating how box effects are detrimental. And ship changes, or game or story interfaces. The separation between the
demonstrations are performed by creating expressive systems (such back-end (Chimeria engine) and the front-end (Chimeria application
as videogames) that reveal how forms of discrimination function interface) provides the flexibility to go through the same narrative tra-
or avoiding box effects in utilitarian systems (such as social-media jectory in relation to membership shifts with varying visuals. Chimeria
platforms). It does so in two primary ways: modeling the underlying narratives are authored by developers using an XML file format with
structure of many social categorization phenomena with a computa- a narrative structure, as described in Harrell et al.19
tional engine; and enabling users to build their own creative applica- Chimeria domain epistemologies. An epistemology is an ontologyl
tions about social categorization using the engine as a backbone. The that describes cultural knowledge and beliefs.18 In Chimeria, they are
underlying engine allows for the movement of individuals within, the knowledge representations of the categories being modeled. Assets
between, and across social categories. used to present these categories can be author-contributed (such as
It also allows for category members to have varying degrees of graphics and text) or data-driven (such as retrieved YouTube videos).
centrality to each group, assimilate or naturalize in relation to a
hegemonic group, and be members of multiple groups. These aspects Chimeria applications
of the system are grounded in theories from sociolinguistics,33 To better illustrate the capabilities of the components within Chimeria,
cognitive science,23,i and the sociology of classification. 3 The system is we describe two very different simulations of social experience created
thus capable of modeling complex social behaviors (such as impres- using Chimeria. These are Chimeria:MusicNet, a social-networking
sion management, addressed later). We next describe the architecture simulation application that models social categories in the domain of
of Chimeria and two applications built with it. musical preferences15 and Chimeria:Gatekeeper, a computer role-play-
ing-game scenario that models a conversational narrative between the
Chimeria authoring platform player and a non-player character.
Chimeria supports simulating experiences based on social-group mem- Chimeria:MusicNet. This application, the name of which is an ab-
bership using a data-driven approach and consists of three main com- breviation of Chimeria:Musical-Identity-Social-Network, uses the
ponents (see Figure 6). Simulations may take different forms (such as Chimeria engine to model social experiences based on categories of
a 2D visual novel game, a fictitious social network chat narrative, or music preference. Psychologists David Hargreaves, Dorothy Miell, and
3D virtual environment j).
Chimeria engine. This is our implementation of a mathematical k For example, using features related to tie strength,12 the Chimeria engine could be used to dy-
namically compute friend centrality.
i Lakoff cited a convergence of work in multiple fields, suggesting a need for more nuanced catego- l Unlike its use in philosophy regarding the nature of existence, we use the term ontology here
rization models. For example, from computer science, he cited Zadehs fuzzy logic,40 which is useful in its computer-science sense, referring to the AI notion of computational-knowledge representations.
for formalizing our models of gradient membership but unnecessary for the current implementation. Ontologies provide ways to specify conceptualizations of aspects of some domain (such as using
j We also made a demo integrating Chimeria with a 3D game interface, using the Unity game objects, types of objects, attributes, relations, and events) and can be represented informally, semi-
engine; see formally (such as markup languages), or very formally (such as first-order logic).
fall 2017 21
Raymond MacDonald note that the music people listen to becomes a plain-spoken, and wearers of rough-spun clothing. To gain access into
venue for the expression and formulation of their sense of self-identity the castle, the player must exhibit behaviors that convince the guard
and identity portrayed toward others, or a musical identity.15 The that she or he should be admitted; most players try to demonstrate
system models category membership using musical preferences that that the player character fits in the accepted category, a social-identity
are automatically constructed from a users set of music likes, or phenomena known as passing.13 Figure 8 depicts choosing a dialog
binary indications of positive valuation, on a social-network profile. option to fit into the accepted category. Actions (such as slouching
These likes are musical artists from which the Chimeria engine ex- to adopt the posture of a prototypical Brushwood or displaying fine
trapolates (using commercially available musical-classification data) Sylvann clothing) shift the non-player characters model of the player
moods (such as cheerful and gloomy), themes (such as adventure and characters category memberships, rendering the outcome closer to
rebellion), and genres (such as film score). This extrapolation leads gaining access or being rejected. Chimeria handles alternatives to the
to a set of musical-identity categories, that is, musical-affinity groups common strategy of intentionally passing, simulating experiences of a
that provide the context for non-binary group membership and variety of box effects based on Goffmans notion of impression man-
passing, or the ability of a person to be regarded as a member of agement.13 Other simulated experiences include voluntary disclosure
social groups other than his or her owngenerally with the purpose of stigma and slipping, or trying to pass as an accepted member but
of gaining social acceptance.34 Each users set of moods, themes, and failing. They capture trade-offs between gaining utilitarian access
genres then affect the generated narrative in fundamental ways. The versus loss of self-identity.
focus for Chimeria:MusicNet is not on categorizing music but on the User testing has revealed Chimeria overcomes limitations common
modeling of musical preferences using a knowledgebase aggregated in virtual identity systems while enabling critical examination of how
from external data. These models are used to dynamically construct a identities are negotiated in the physical world.20,m While this fantasy
narrative conveyed through a social network interface, or conversa- scenario may seem far removed from physical-world experiences of
tional narratives, structured by a model of conversation from socio- stigma like sexism and racism on the job, such tensions exist and are
linguistics.33 common; for example, in the U.S, speakers of southern dialects of
Figure 7 is a screenshot of Chimeria:MusicNet. A dynamic collage English have described needing to change their speech patterns to
of photos, or photowall, is procedurally generated to represent the suitably impress an employer, and female entrepreneurs and politicians
users musical-taste preferences; a feed of recent updates, posts, and in- have described pressure to de-emphasize stereotypically feminine
vitations appears in an adjacent vertical timeline, as in Figure 7. Using characteristics to be taken more seriously by those in positions of
musical preferences from the users Facebook music likes or by manual power. Such people have described having to get past gatekeepers as
entry, a hybrid real/fictitious conversational narrative experience an apt metaphor for their experience.
progresses over time in a manner described as follows. Dynamically
generated posts by the users non-player character friends comment FUTURE WORK
on the users membership in multiple musical-affinity groups, as in
Youre a raucous rock fan now? or Want to hear some airy jazz The outcomes of the work we have described here have led to several
music? The user may like, dislike, or simply ignore these posts, new projects at the intersection of computing, sociocultural identity,
resulting in group-membership changes. Some friends question newly and imaginative cognition. The projects further model dynamic
discovered interests while others pass judgment on prior affiliations. relationships between virtual identities and sociocultural identity
The resulting narrative may describe passing or assimilating as a phenomena in the physical world. These projects aim to, respec-
member of a new group of music listeners, reinforcing a prior group tively, use avatars to support public high school students from groups
affiliation, or even being marginalized in every group. currently underrepresented in STEM fields in seeing themselves as
Chimeria:Gatekeeper. This application models a common role-play- powerful learners and doers of computer science and to excite them
ing-game scenarioa player trying to gain access to the inside of a about the field; better understand global culturally specific everyday
castle. The scenario illustrates a phenomenon noted by Harrell,16 who uses of virtual identities in social media and videogames; and create
wrote, There exists a perceived appropriateness of particular ways to a virtual reality system that helps engender empathy in the midst of
present ones self in different situations, as well as social avenues that global conflict (a collaborative project directed by war photojournalist
may be closed off or accessed only with more difficulty due to exter- Karim Ben Khelifa).n
nally defined social prejudices and biases. This perceived negative dif- Technologies we use to imagine ourselves can be powerful
ference between diverse individuals and socially defined, desirable and media for social empowerment through critical thought and social
privileged norms is called stigma. The Chimeria:Gatekeeper scenario awareness. For us, this is a more urgent dream. Like dreams of ubiq-
is based on sociologist Erving Goffmans work on stigma.13 The unseen uitous computing and AI, the most important aspect of the Avatar
player character is initialized in a discredited (stigmatized) category,
and the non-player character is initialized in an accepted category.
m For example, a majority of players perceived that identity was central to the interaction in the
The discredited category is prototypically defined as the Sylvanns
game scenario and that it affected conversation more than in other games in the genre.
racetall, well-spoken, and wearers of fine clothing. The accepted
category is prototypically defined as the Brushwoods raceshort,
22 in medias res
fall 2017 23
we live in is rife with individual, social, and cultural histories that entails supporting users in realizing and negotiating constraints rooted
affect peoples capacities to determine their own identities. Such in the physical world. This is our reimagined Avatar Dreama socially
histories constrain our ability to directly understand the experience of and culturally informed vision that would be good if achieved.
others. As human-created artifacts, virtual identities reflect historical,
social, and cultural constraints from the physical world. Achieving ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the Avatar Dream requires a better understanding of the relation-
ships between the constraints imposed by our social-identity expe- This material is based on work supported by the National Science
rience in the physical world and our potential for self-imagination Foundation Grant #1064495 and extended under NSF Grant
in virtual worlds. Ignoring these constraints on our social identi- #1542970 and a QCRI-CSAIL Collaboration. We thank the
ties results in both system-embedded and user-enacted box effects, anonymous reviewers, as well as Dominic Kao and Pablo Ortiz, for
rendering the Avatar Dream unachievable. While the existence of their helpful feedback.
negative box effects has been forcefully argued in anecdotal terms,
we have demonstrated a method for empirically demonstrating their REFERENCES
existence through computational modeling. If virtual identities are
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if possible.
A child growing up in poverty imagining herself as a future suc- 2. Bauckhage, C., Kersting, K., Sifa, R., Thurau, C., Drachen, A., and
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to the resources to become an engineer, then structural constraints Spain, Sept. 1114). IEEE, 2012, 139146.
have limited her ability to take on a social identity she aspires to. If
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perience of social identity have limited her capacity to self-imagine.
Our work using AI to analyze blended identities aims to reveal both 4. Chow, K.K.N. and Harrell, D.F.Elastic Anchors for Imaginative Con-
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emerging from users. We seek to support individuals capacities to es.CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, 2013.
self-imagine in empowering ways while negotiating oppressive social
constraints they face. At times, this may entail supporting users to 5. Coulson, S. and Oakley, T. Blending basics.Cognitive Linguistics 11,
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24 in medias res
6. Dibbell, J. A rape in cyberspace; or how an evil clown, a Haitian 19. Harrell, D.F., Kao, D., and Lim, C.-U. Computationally modeling
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into a society. Chapter inHigh Noon on the Electronic Frontier: Concep- InProceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative,
tual Issues in Cyberspace, P. Ludlow, Ed. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, Volume 32 of OpenAccess Series in Informatics, M.A. Finlayson, B. Fisseni,
1996, 375. B. Lwe, and J.C. Meister, Eds. (Hamburg, Germany, July 31-Aug.
3). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl,
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Makivic, J., and Olson, D. Authoring conversational narratives in
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John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014.
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Literacy.Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2007.
23. Lakoff, G. Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things. University of
11. Gibbs, R.W. Jr. Making good psychology out of blending Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1987.
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14. Hafner, K. The epic saga of The Well.Wired(May 1, 1997);wired. of players identities and values from videogame avatars. In Proceed-
com/1997/05/well/ ings of the 10th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital
Games(Pacific Grove, CA, June 2225). Society for the Advancement
15. Hargreaves, D.J., Miell, D., and MacDonald, R.A., Eds. What are of the Science of Digital Games, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015.
musical identities, and why are they important? Chapter in Musical
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players perceptions of gradient membership in avatar categories.
16. Harrell, D.F. Computational and cognitive infrastructures of In Proceedings of the Second AIIDE Workshop on Experimental AI and
stigma: Empowering identity in social computing and gaming. Games (Santa Cruz, CA, Nov. 1418). AAAI Press, Palo Alto, CA,
In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Cognition and 2015, 11, 4955.
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4958. 28. Lim, C.-U. and Harrell, D.F. Revealing social identity phenomena
in videogames with archetypal analysis. InProceedings of the Sixth Inter-
17. Harrell, D.F. Toward a theory of critical computing.CTheory(May national AISB Symposium on AI and Games(Kent, U.K., Apr. 2022).
13, 2010); Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of
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18. Harrell, D.F.Phantasmal Media: An Approach to Imagination, Com-
putation, and Expression. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2013. 29. Lim, C.-U. and Harrell, D.F. Toward telemetry-driven analytics
for understanding players and their avatars in videogames. InProceed-
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ACM Press, New York, 2015, 11751180.
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using image clustering. InProceedings of the First Joint International Con-
ference of DiGRA and FDG(Dundee, U.K., Aug. 16). Digital Games
Research Association, Tampere, Finland, 2016;
26 in medias res
Study co-authored by CMS/W lecturer Andrea Wirth examines MIT Department of
Mechanical Engineerings success in recruiting female majors.
n 2015, comments from a Nobel Prize-winning biochemist number of women and minorities at the school.
claiming female scientists distract their male colleagues in the Programs like the Womens Technology Program (WTP), run
lab immediately led to backlash across social media. Women through MechE and MITs Department of Electrical Engineering and
shared selfies going about their routine conducting research to Computer Science, also encourage young women to pursue STEM
demonstrate just how distracting they are. Months later, individu- studies. The WTP invites female high school students to live on
als around the world responded to off hand comments about a female campus over the summer and gain hands-on engineering experience
engineer with the hashtag #ILookLikeAnEngineer. Earlier this year, in labs and classes.
General Electric envisioned a reality in which female scientists, such Highlighting the ratio of women in the student population is a
as the late MIT Professor Emerita Millie Dresselhaus, are revered just chicken-and-egg cycle, as Schmill puts it in the study. MIT is able
as much as celebrities and athletes. to attract female applicants by showcasing the number of women on
These events reflect a wider movement to combat sexism and campus, which then begets even more women on campus. Once these
encourage women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineer- women are at MIT, they often gravitate toward female faculty for
ing, and math (STEM). The gender gap in these fields is pronounced, guidance and mentorship.
to be sure. In mechanical engineering, for example, only 13.2 percent
of bachelors degrees in 2015 were earned by women, according to AN EXISTENCE PROOF
the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). However,
this number is in stark contrast to the undergraduate population in Seeing the effect female faculty members have on the women they
MITs Department of Mechanical Engineering (MechE), which as of teach helped former head of MechE Rohan Abeyaratne, who was also
fall 2016, comprised 49.5 percent women. interviewed for the study, realize just how important it is to have
So how did MechE achieve a gender split that far surpasses the women in leadership positions. One such faculty member is Anette
national average? Its a question that a team of researchers, including (Peko) Hosoi, the Neil and Jane Pappalardo Professor of Mechanical
Kath Xu, 16, senior lecturer in mechanical engineering Dawn Engineering and the first woman to be named associate department
Wendell, 04 S.M. 06, Ph.D. 11, and lecturer in Comparative Media head in MechE.
Studies and writing Andrea Walsh sought to answer. They presented One thing I remembered greatly soon after Peko was hired was
their results in June at the 2017 American Society for Engineering the number of female students who were going to her office hours
Education Annual Conference.1 a was striking, recalls Abeyaratne. The comfort level female students
have with female faculty demonstrates the necessity for having more
GENDER PARITY AS A RECRUITMENT women in teaching roles.
TOOL In the study, the researchers found what female undergraduates are
most interested in is assurance that they will have job prospects in the
The team found gender parity starts before students set foot on future. When we talk to undergrads, they are not looking necessarily
campus. MITs Office of Admissions has employed a variety of tactics for role models, explains Hosoi in the study. They are looking for an
to recruit female applicants. We have to fight against conventional existence proof. They want to know, If I go down this path, is there
wisdom, says Dean of Admissions Stuart Schmill in an interview going to be a job for me?
with the researchers. Schmill and the rest of MIT Admissions have As students, both Xu and Wendell were able to find such existence
to combat the popular assumption that the Institute is predominately proof on day one of majoring in mechanical engineering. Xus very
male. In actuality, MITs undergraduate population is 46.1 percent first class was taught by Principal Research Scientist Simona Socrate,
female. S.M. 90, Ph.D. 95. Meanwhile, Wendells first class was taught by
Admissions utilizes various channelsincluding blogs and Campus Professor Emerita Mary Boyce, S.M. 84, Ph.D. 87, who became
Preview Weekendto dispel the myth that women are not repre- MechEs first female department head in 2008.
sented on campus. What made MIT stand out to me as an applicant At the end of the semester, I emailed Professor Boyce to ask her
were the student blogs, recalls Xu, who graduated with a degree about being a mechanical engineer, recalls Wendell, who now is a
in mechanical engineering. They do a good job of showcasing the senior lecturer in the department. She met with me for over an hour,
telling me about her career and her passion for engineering.
fall 2017 27
28 in medias res
fall 2017 29
MIT has one of the worlds great collections of public art. As the images on the next pages testify, though, one virtue
is how much visual power its pieces retain outside their campus context. Thats luck, perhaps. Alexander Calder,
in 1965, didnt design his monumental stabile La Grande Voile in anticipation of Photoshops find edges tool
creating the digital sketch below thats missing the sculptures black-painted steel or environment of concrete, greenery,
and sky. Each of the images that followas well as this magazines coverhave something like that: a kind of
unintended artistic diairesis that uses technology to study the collections constituent parts.
Source pieces:
Previous page: Yingni Wang, Fatty, from The Borderline Mural project @ tunnel from buildings 66 to E17
Alexander Calder, La Grande Voile (The Big Sail) @ McDermott Court
Ralph Helmick, Schwerpunkt @ Building 46, McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Meghana Bhat, S.B., 17, Untitled, from The Borderline Mural project
Jasmine Quigley, Dragons, from The Borderline Mural project
Jaume Plensa, Alchemist @ Building W20
30 in medias res
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fall 2017 39
Katherine J. Igoe, MIT Alumni Association
heres a small but powerful graduate program thats
quintessentially MIT in rabid pursuit of scientific
knowledge and discovery, but set apart by its focus
on telling the story of that discovery. Alumni publish
in Buzzfeed and Esquire, in Science Magazine and Popular Science,
on subjects ranging from dinosaurs to global warming; they
include a Pulitzer Prize winner, a Carson Book Prize winner,
and a Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storyteller. The
MIT Graduate Program in Science Writing (GPSW), housed
in Comparative Media Studies/Writing, prepares students for a
lifelong career in science writing.
The program is smallthis years class has eight students
and its compact, clocking in at a year long. But it packs a lot
into that year. Each student completes an internship, thesis, and
video documentary, all while coming up with potential story
ideas, writing articles, and taking classes with faculty who are
New York Times bestselling authors and renowned journalists.
Students will be published in GPSWs own publication, Scope,
and some faculty members also accept article pitches for their GPSW Class of 2015 alumni. From left: Sarah Schwartz, MIT Ph.D. student;
publications. Anna Nowogrodzki, freelancer; Michael Greshko, National Geographic; Josh
Tim De Chant, who teaches GPSWs news writing section Sokol, freelancer; Chris Couch, freelancer/MIT Communications Forum; Rachel
and is founding editor of Nova Next, emphasizes that the scope Becker, The Verge; Cara Giaimo, Atlas Obscura.
gives students basic tools for writing success. Every news story
the students write is not just an assignmentits also a pitch.
That experience is critical. When they graduate, students will since the first class graduated in 2003, there are just over 100 alumni.
pitch editors story ideas regularly, and its helpful to know what will Academic Administrator Shannon Larkin recently started a private
set their ideas apart. Slack channel so alumni could communicate in real time. Within
Some students come with a specialty in hand, like astronomy or minutes, they had set up their own meeting rooms and started con-
robotics, in which case theyre encouraged to use their electives to necting with each other and complaining about deadlines, she says.
branch out and enlarge their exposure. Other students seek to transi- Sokol loves that community connection. Im often interviewing
tion into science writing, in which case their study will fill holes in sources and talking to editors. Sometimes Im desperate to have peer
their background. In all cases, the writing is grounded in research: contact and share information.
each student spends twelve hours in one of MITs labs and publishes a Christina Couch (S.M., 15), a freelancer who used the program
profile about it in Technology Review. to transition to technology and robotics writing, says the community
Former program member Josh Sokol (S.M., 15) is branching out has helped her with mentoring, getting work, and even helping find
from writing about astronomy into more diverse, long-form storytell- people to interview.
ing. He points out that GPSW also facilitates advanced science writing The GPSW faculty and staff are the linchpin for connectivity.
like non-linear multimedia methods of storytelling. The program is Shannon is happy to put you in touch with other alumni and help
full of aspirational workwhich you often cant do in your first few you problem-solve when you have a writing challenge. She knows
years as a science writer, he says. Its like a tasting plate for what everyone, and she cares very deeply, says Couch.
being a science writer will be like. De Chant teaches students to think from the readers perspective
Many graduates go on to a freelance writing career, which can be a so, no matter their focus, they can learn how to communicate the
lonely, challenging experience with no guaranteed income, rejection excitement of science and new research. You have to be able to tell
from editors, and stiff competition. The program staff champion your story in one line, there has to be an easy way to describe it, the
former students and connect them to resources and potential work. imagery has to be good, and you have to think in terms of active,
GPSW keeps alumni connected through their mailing list, formal forward statements.
and informal social events, a mentoring program with current Were teaching students how to be reporters, for news stories,
students, and invitations to attend the GPSW graduations. GPSW also today.
promotes published work by alumni on Facebook and Twitter. The
small size of the program helps make room to spotlight everyone: First published at
40 in medias res
Edited this year by lecturers Lucy Marx and Cynthia Taft, CMS/W when the stores had just opened.
publishes Angles, an annual collection of the best writing from MIT As long as I can remember, I have been drawn to forgotten places
introductory writing subjects. In various forms over the decades, those odd concrete structures you see by freeways or in the middle
MIT has required undergraduates to take communications-intensive of a roadside farm, those abandoned warehouses and stores, those old
subjects, and one of those is Reading and Writing Autobiography, foundations of cabins still sitting in the woods. I feel a painful ache
from which this piece by Kathryn Mohr comes. Her assignment was for places like that. With pretty much anything thats been forgotten
to stretch creativelyto try something new in style or genre. or abandoned, my mind immediately thinks back to its origin, when
Support for Angles comes in part from the Umaer Basha Fund in it was first built, who might have used it and appreciated the space, or
Writing and Humanistic Studies, and we encourage you to learn more called it home. I feel a need to honor and understand these abandoned
about the fund and contribute at places, to go into them and remember their origins. I guess I want, in
some way, to warm the lonely spirit of a place through comprehesion.
was always one of those kids who could take a road trip and At home, on the peninsula south of San Francisco, I devoted a
just stare out the window and never be bored. I remember we lot of my free time to finding all of the oddities, secret places and
took a road trip to Texas when I was about six, and as we forgotten parts of the land and cities. I remember once walking down
drove through Pacheco Pass, where the wind farms covered Marsh Road after high school, and stopping by an old railroad track
the golden hills, I would imagine what it would be like to ride on and seeing an odd scar through the land. The railroad cut through
one of the huge arms, and when we passed through Arizona, I would the suburban area like a knife, but there was also an oddly straight
imagine living in the plateau-filled desert and making pots out of the line of open plots and parking lots aimed at a totally different angle
clay I could find, and when we passed through half-abandoned, dust- through the houses. I stood on the corner and looked back and forth
blown towns in Texas, with their fading signs and rusted cars, I would at this, wondering why on earth this narrow strip of land was empty. I
imagine what it must have been like when the people were still there, went home and spent hours studying satellite images of the area. This
fall 2017 41
where the water in the Hetch Hetchy pipeline finished its journey
from the snow melt in the High Sierras, down the golden foothills,
across the endless central valley, through the East Bay hills, over the
bay and right though my neighborhood. Above those aging pipes,
pumping water for miles and miles, is only this odd scar through the
land that no one ever questioned and no sign explained. I had never
expected to connect the water flowing through our kitchen sink and
out of the showerhead to this scar in the land.
I loved discovering connections like this and learning the hidden
past to be found through the cryptic clues that the land held.
I must have been age thirteen, sitting in the back seat of our black
Volvo station wagon as we drove down the 280 Freeway near Portola
Valley, California, when I first noticed the grate. We used to drive
down that freeway nearly every day, but the metal gutter settled in the
long snaking island in the middle of the eight-lane highway had never
caught my eye before. I found myself filling with the excitement of a
The strip of land where the Hetch Hetchy pipeline passes through is visible high schooler in need of some sort of release and adventure.
running from the top left to the lower right hand side. Later that day, I opened up satellite images and observed the area.
On one side of the freeway, there was a county road that came to
an abrupt end where I could see the blurry brown smudge of an old
bridge over a small brook and, farther down a trail, what looked like a
concrete mouth opening just below the asphalt freeway. On the other
side of the freeway was a similar structure, surrounded by trees and
a mess of wooden fences separating two properties. When I saw that
hint of a tunnel under the 280, I couldnt help but wonder what it had
been used for.
I used to go on long bike rides almost every weekend, and I
would stop at Roberts Market, a very old general store right at the
base of Windy Hill, in the Santa Cruz mountains. Inside, among the
crammed aisles of canned food and cold drinks, were old photos of
the Portola Valley area. Dirt roads crossed each other next to little
wooden houses and stores. Horses drew carriages down the dusty
streets, and the beautiful hills rose behind, covered with grazing
cattle. Now the roads were kept smoothly paved, and the land was
dotted with high-end houses, little community centers and well-kept
odd strip of undeveloped land cut straight through the entire eastern
side of the peninsula, continued on for hundreds of miles across the
bay, through the central valley, and then disappeared into the Sierra
Nevada Mountains. I began to get a clue as to what it was when I
saw what it became as it passed over the bay: two thick black lines. I
figured it must have been an underground pipeline, one that couldnt
be built upon because of its importance or age. I thought back to
driving down a steep, winding hill right next to Crystal Springs, the
reservoir that served nearly the entire peninsula. There had been a
blue painted pipeline that dove in and out of the hillside right next
to the road; I remembered my mom telling me that that was Hetch
Hetchy, Californias most important and longest water pipeline.
Several years before, my dad had taken me to ride my bike at the
Pulgas Water Temple, a large, concrete circular structure held up by The tunnel from above
ornate pillars with water rushing beneath it. That, it turned out, was
42 in medias res
hiking areas. This was west of the 280. But east of the 280, where I This was the height of the rainy season amid a drought that had
lived, was a relentlessly built-up suburban sprawl that grew thicker been going on for years; it always seemed like the sky was holding
and thicker with people and buildings as you got closer to the bay. itself back, growing darker and darker without any release. What little
Built in 1955, the 280 Freeway had created a boundary between the water dusted the ground would instantly dry up, as the deprived soil
growing suburbs, industries and companies expanding on the east side sucked the water into the cracks. I used to wonder how every year the
and the Santa Cruz mountains, big, spread-out houses on expansive grass still managed to turn green, even if for only a few months.
plots and the grazing cattle and horse ranches that still existed on the I crossed the freeway, and the sidewalk came to an abrupt end at
west side. the place where Sand Hill sloped upwards and a tiny county road
One overcast day, I decided I would walk over to the tunnel and turned off back towards the freeway. Sand Hill was smooth, dark and
investigate. It was late winter, the California kind of winter, with well-paved, as the high-end cars of those who lived in Portola Valley
sixty-degree weather, dead trees and lush green hills. I emerged from shot by, but the county road that branched off was practically dirt, the
my neighborhood onto the main road, Sand Hill, wearing cheap flip- asphalt so weathered it resembled rough, cracked skin. This odd little
flops covered in teeth marks from my dog, running shorts, a baggy road ran between the freeway and some open grassy hills partially
shirt and a sweatshirt. I had just finished track practice, and now covered with oaks. The road looked abandoned, but I could see the
had the rest of the day to put off my homework by walking. Sand mark of peoplebeer bottles thrown on the side of the road, and
Hill Road approached the 280 perpendicularly and went over it on a a hardhat left next to the PG&E antenna halfway down the roads
bridge. To my right and left, oleanders lit up the green and grey sur- length. Across from the antenna was a large wooden cross that looked
roundings with bright pink, white and magenta. The wind was warm dark against the grey sky. A white tank top with the Corona beer
and inviting, and the familiar smell of the green hills mixed with the brand on the front was hanging on one side, flapping feebly in the
exhaust from the freeway. The eucalyptus trees bent and swayed in the wind.
wind and the sky spat down occasional drops of rain. The sidewalk I walked down the hill the road followed and saw where the road
beneath me began as a well-kept footpath dotted with a line down the came to an end at a bramble of bushes and wide oak trees. On the right
middle, separating runners and walkers passing on each side, before side of the road, a sign that read No dumping was half-buried under
thinning to a narrow concrete path. Here, the curb was much higher piles of gravel, broken-up concrete, wood chips and rock. The sweep
than normal, as though the sidewalk had been thrown on at the last of tires over the freeway had filled my ears for a while and lulled me
moment beside the busy road. into a false state of calm, countering the adrenaline building up as I
When I got to the on-ramp of the freeway and had to cross, the approached the end of the road. The sun was setting, casting a yellow
sidewalk turned into a mess of concrete chunks with dry weeds haze through the cracks in the clouds. I stood still at the end of the
poking out from between the cracks, and shards of glass pressed into road, watching the grass sway and the clouds churn, still withholding
the fine sand that had built up as water carried it onto the street. The their rain, before following a thin trail that lead into the bushes and
bridge over the freeway was unprotected; the cracked sidewalk lifted over the small wooden footbridge. I stopped for a moment, thinking
twenty feet above the rushing cars, with a railing only about as high of the brown smudge I had seen in the satellite image and the chipped,
as the middle of my thigh. The sky was growing heavier and heavier peeling wood under my thin flip-flops.
with moisture, although I felt pretty sure the imminent downpour A concrete structure stood like open arms beneath the freeway,
would never come. and I slowly turned toward them, following the trail. I stopped, this
fall 2017 43
This 1948 image, taken before I-280 was built, shows Sand Hill Road In this 2016 image, Sand Hill Road is dwarfed by the I-280 interchange.
running from the upper left to the lower right.
The 1991 image shows a field very close to where I lived. My mom used to The same field in a 2016 photograph
walk on the trails that ran through the field with our labrador, George. She
would tell me about the burrowing owls that lived there.
For the next few months I dreamt of that tunnel and watched with
curiosity as it grew another meaning in my mind that stuck out like a
time unable to move as I saw the tunnel ahead of me. Its corners were tumor every time I saw it in my head. Between homework problems,
pitch black, and a dim light shot at an angle through the metal gutter. I would go onto my computer and look at the satellite images, turning
I could see the other side, a small doorway into a lighter area, suggest- them back in time and seeing how the land had changed.
ing the outline of a fence covered in vines, and grass swaying in the One image, taken in 1948, was a black-and-white photo with the
wind. The floor of the tunnel was rock-hard dirt that had to have been stunning clarity of film. In this image there was no freeway, and
mud at some point. Now frozen in time were the hoof marks of horses the golden hills extended far into where the budding suburbs were
that had passed through however long ago. The walls held patches of growing. In 1948, a square of land down the street from where I lived
graffiti that were chipping and wearing off. I could not see what could held two little homes surrounded by an orchard and a large, beautiful
be leaning against the wall, or sleeping on the ground, or crawling meadow. In 2016, the same square of land held 39 houses, packed
about the darkest parts of the tunnel. I could hear the occasional drip together with their tiny backyards and short front lawns.
of water, the sound so clear and sharp that it cut through the rush of Before the freeway was built, there were only grassy hills with
the trucks and cars whizzing past right above me. I stared for a bit cattle grazing and paths into the Santa Cruz Mountains. The tunnel,
longer, feeling my eyes being drawn inwards towards the streaks of I guessed, must have been made so that cattle could pass through to
light coming through the gutter. I turned and walked away. graze on the other side. Now, of course, houses and yards, parted by
44 in medias res
big fences and paved roads, filled the area. There was no purpose for
the tunnel now. I didnt think anyone had entered it for years.
One evening, I was feeling gloomier than normal. I was inside our
cramped apartment, the food my mom was cooking was hissing on
the stove, my dad was fuming on the couch, the TV was blaring,
and my brother was off hiding in the closet of our room, fingers on
his video game. My phone was buzzing nonstop with texts from my
friend who was panicking over something, and I was failing to calm
her. I was lying on the dirty carpet, the stress of life pressing down
on my lungs and filling my throat and eyes. My mom was silent, but
I knew if she had been in a better mood, she would have told me to
go take a walk. When I told her I was going out, she nodded without
a second thought. I turned off my phone and left quietly so my dad
would not hear.
Outside, it was beginning to get dark; the sun was already below
the Santa Cruz Mountains and shadows were engulfing the neighbor-
hood. I walked up Alameda de las Pulgas, through the little shops and
thick neighborhoods, watching the orange gradient in the sky above
the black silhouettes of trees and roofs slowly turn to the deep hues of
twilight. Around me dogs were being walked, baby strollers pushed
and windows in houses lit up. I looked in at families sitting down for
dinner, children playing with their toys and lonely people watching
their televisions.
I had an idea of where I was going when I turned off the Alameda
onto a dark, twisting road where there was only one street lamp every
two blocks and the houses were large and spread out. The occasional
black SUV or loud sports car shot through the darkness. It was pitch
black now; the sky was clear and I knew the moon would rise any
moment now.
I turned down a road with a sign that read No Outlet. It seemed
here the city had given up on installing street lamps altogether and
instead let the little lights above mail boxes lead the way. The moon
rose above the East Bay hills and cast long organic shadows across
the asphalt. I could hear the rush of the freeway, the thick tires on
gravel, the roar of truck engines, the gurgle of motorcycles, and the
sweep of air being displaced. I saw the open arms of concrete just
beyond someones property, and I ducked under their old-fashioned
wooden fence, the kind you see at the edge of ranches that is too high
for horses to jump over, but is easy for smaller animals to scamper
through. I rushed, crouched down, through the long grass surround-
ing their house and weaved through their small, overgrown orchard of
olive trees, their waxy leaves white as if frosted in the cold moonlight.
I heard the barking of dogs erupt from another persons house, and I
broke into a sprint over the uneven ground, thistles combing across
my bare legs. I jumped into the air and grabbed the wooden rungs of
a locked gate and threw myself over it.
fall 2017 45
I landed in a small pen, tall fences on three sides and the tunnel
ahead of me. Plants had overtaken each of the fences, some dry and
thistle-covered and others thorny and nd vine-like. The tunnel was
thick and dark, parted in its center by streaks of pale moonlight,
making a crumpled square of light on the uneven ground. On the
other side of the tunnel, I could see the face of a hillside bathed in the
moons light. I stared through for a while, letting the growl and howl
of dogs behind me die down. I thought I could see something moving,
not in the tunnel but on the other side, way up on the hillside. White
like a sheet, the shape of a figure stood as tall as a human. It moved
ever so slightly, wavering thgrate reflectione way things do in the
dark. My eyes were failing me; grey spots were engulfing parts of my
vision the same way colors burst into your eyes when you rub them
too hard. Now the dogs were silent, and I entered the tunnel quickly
and quietly. The walls echoed and shook each time a car went over.
When I stood in the light of the moon in the center, I looked down
and could see my reflection against the metal grate looking back at me
on the still water. I thought briefly back to the sunny day in the car
when we had driven by and I had seen the grate from above. mind in awe. We looked at each other, the singing of the tree frogs
That odd frame of the hillside that had been so small at the other and crickets fading into the back of my mind. I was terrified but
end slowly grew larger as I got closer to the opening. The white figure warmed; I was not alone.
seemed to grow smaller and smaller on the hillside as the landscape I backed away and ran down the hillside, turning every other
around it expanded. I couldnt see where I was stepping, as if I were moment to see it standing still there on the ridge top, calm and serene,
walking through a black fog that went up to my hips. I felt the tickle of staring at me with knowing eyes. As I ran back towards the tunnel, the
moths grasping my ankles and then fluttering off. The walls groaned chorus of tree frogs returning to my ears, the figure resolved itself in
with echoing noise that seemed to express enigmatic longing. As I left my head into what it wasa white horse, ever focused and facing me,
the darkness of the tunnel and emerged onto the thin trail beside a the rest of its four-legged body hidden by my perspective. I looked
single oak, before me lay the quiet open landscape of the hills and the back once more and saw for the first time the vague outlines of darker
oak forests with the black Santa Cruz Mountains looming above them. colored horses standing half-asleep on the hillside. As I paused by the
The grass was silvery and moved in shining waves as the wind passed mouth of the tunnel, hands on my knees, breathing heavily, the lizards
over. Cars burst into and out of the quiet soundscape of crickets and lying on the warm cracked ground crawled away from me. Maybe it
wind through leaves and rustling in the bushes. The white figure was didnt matter what the tunnels purpose had been all those years ago.
still standing on the hill, blurry in the low light. I didnt feel threat- I entered it silently and then broke into a sprint. Maybe, for the
ened at all; I doubted they could see me, but there was something forgotten tunnel, it was enough to be filled with life again for just this
so calming and comfortable knowing I was not alone. I continued one night.
forward, straight off the trail, losing sight of the figure as I went down
a steep grassy hill, the stalks brushing against my shins and the hard,
dusty ground crumbling under my feet. I moved quickly into a little
valley that curved away from the freeway. Soon all I could hear were ANGLES 2017 EDITORIAL STAFF
the high-pitched ribbits of the thousands of tree frogs in a neighbor-
ing grove of trees and the crush of crisp, drought-laden ground under Co-Editors
my feet. Cynthia Taft
I started up a steep hill again and came onto a ridge where every- Lucy Marx
thing was darker than before. The moon was behind a cloud and so
every stump, every fallen branch, every jutting rock and thick shrub Student Editorial Assistant
became a vague shadow in front of me. I thought of the coyotes and TojumiOluwa Adegboyega
bobcats I had seen wandering the hills, and wondered if I would see
the green reflection of their eyes in one of the shadows. To my left, the Editorial Board
lights of the cities surrounding the bay flickered and blinked, reflect- Jared Berezin
ing off the black water. I heard a soft shuffle and sigh from down the Karen Boiko
ridge and saw, once again, the white figure, standing still with two Louise Harrison Lepera
faintly clear legs and a long silvery body, dimmer now that the moon Lucy Marx
was gone. I was transfixed, my muscles tight, my teeth clenched, my Cynthia Taft
46 in medias res
Kishore Patra, 18
We award the Ilona Karmel Writing Prizes each May. The competi- Can you keep an eye on the rice cooker for a few minutes? When
tion was named in honor of the late Ilona Karmel, a novelist, poet, and it gives out another whistle, turn this knob off like this, Aryas
Senior Lecturer in MITs writing program. Throughout her teaching mother pretended to twist the knob on the kerosene stove. Do not
career, Karmels outstanding contributions to creative writing at MIT touch anything else! I am going to Mantus for some green chillies.
were her inspirational teachings and relationships with students. Maa! Maa! Ill come with you. Barbie wants to go out as well.
She is so sad inside the house, Arya begged jumping up and down,
There are 17 prizes, for everything from poetry and fiction to engi- ignoring her mothers instructions.
neering writing and writing on the arts. The piece published here, by No Arya! Your father will be back soon and I need to get the
MIT physics major Kishore Patra, was his winning submission for chillies before the lentil soup boils. Did you hear what I said about the
the Robert A. Boit Writing Prize for short stories. You can read more stove? Aryas mother asked as she reached out for a small hand-towel
selectionsand see a list of all winnersat drying on the window grill to wipe her hands.
No! I want to go outside. I can buy the chillies for you.
But beta,3 I cannot let you out alone and somebody has to look
h! I forgot the green chillies again! Aryas after the rice. Your father will be angry if the food is not good. You
mother exclaimed in disappointment, still know that. Also Das uncle and Sabhar uncle are joining us for lunch.
rinsing the yellow lentils. Like a raging bull, What will they say if the food is not good? Hmm? Be my good girl
the rice cooker hissed and puffed before going and watch the stove, will you?
into a loud whistle with a jet of hot steam rushing out of its nostrils. Maa, you always let Rishi bhai go out alone but not me, Arya said
Sweet smell of onions, garlic paste and ginger pervaded the small, in a disappointed low voice, while tapping the metallic rice container
two-room apartment situated among the living quarters of Pathankot with her little fingers.
military cantonment. Like the bedroom and the living room, the You are too young beta! I promise well go to the park in the
kitchen was small and congested just spacious enough for Aryas evening. Now will you watch the stove for me?
mother. A kerosene stove stood carefully balanced on a concrete slab No! I am not too young. See I can already count all the way to
protruding out of the wall. A cylindrical container for storing rice hundred. One! Two! Three! Four Arya began counting on her
was placed in the corner below the stove. Onions, potatoes, tomatoes, fingers. Her mother quickly glanced at the clock again. It read seven-
and a box of spices were neatly arranged on a layer of old newspa- teen-past one.
pers on the ground slab. The sink had an old plastic tap that leaked Uff oh! This girl is so stubborn. Its all her fathers fault! Giving the
water continuously, spraying a small stream onto the floor where she Queen all she demands.
stood. Having gathered multiple layers of grease, a dim incandescent Aryas mother walked out of the kitchen and into the bed-room,
light bulb struggled to keep the kitchen well-lighted, but an iron grill diligently followed by Arya. She took out a five-rupee note from her
window let just enough daylight into the cramped kitchen. Between red velvet purse and handed it to Arya, who clapped in excitement
quickly chopping the vegetables and washing the lentils, she frequent- and accepted her prize for being persistent. Her mother opened a small
ly glanced at the dust-laden clock on the wall behind her. Usually she box of kohl and applied it around Aryas eyes. She also put a little dot
would start cooking at twelve in the noon, but today she had started of kohl on her forehead, to protect her from the evil spirits outside.
an hour earlier. Aryas father had invited two of his friends for lunch, Arya was delighted as she felt the cool kohl in her eyes.
as a celebration for his promotion from a sepoy1 to a lance naik.2 They
a b
Mantus shop was two blocks away but Arya had never gone to the
were expected to arrive at two and the wall clock read ten-past one. shop on her own; she instead accompanied her mother on Sunday
Arya? Arya? Could you come here for a second? Her mother evenings. Together they would buy the same set of vegetables a kilo
called, slowly reducing the heat on the kerosene stove. Five-year-old of tomatoes, two kilos of potatoes, a few green beans, a cauliflower,
Arya who was playing with her Barbie doll in the bed-room, came and a few green chillies. After shopping for the weekly ration, Arya
running into the kitchen, her arms extending out as if she were an and her mother would take a walk in the cantonment park that stood
airplane. in between two rows of apartments. The cantonment was securely
Watch out Arya! The floors slippery, her mother scolded. Arya guarded by military personnel and nobody was allowed in or out
slowed down and tiptoed through the wet floor towards her mother of the barbed fences. While men were on their duty, women would
and stood next to the big rice container. prepare food for their husbands and their children who would return
from schools in the afternoon. Only in the evenings, women and
1 The lowest military rank in Indian Army, equivalent to a private.
2 The lowest rank for a non-commissioned officer. 3Son/daughter
fall 2017 47
48 in medias res
then, her father would be angry at mother for not making good food. Arya could not hold on anymore. Her eyes filled with warm
Her mother would be upset with her for failing to bring the chillies. tears. Mantus laughing face looked bigger and bigger through the
She might never get to go out again, not for shopping, not even to tear-filled eyes. The images of the women clad in colorful saris, the
the park. tomatoes, the potatoes, the torn pieces of notes and the buzzing bees,
No! We must bring the chillies home, she told her Barbie. all seemed distorted and mixed together into an ugly painting. The
Her mother needed the chillies before the lentil soup began boiling. colors, blue, black, green, yellow and red all seemed to flash in front
She could not lose any more time. Going back home for the exactly of her eyes blinding her from the laughing faces. She could hear the
two rupees was not an option anymore. She looked at the note again, raucous laughter of Mantu, followed by giggles and claps from the
carefully. Suddenly a neat idea popped into her mustard-oil-smelling women. Even her friendly Barbie seemed to be laughing at her. She
head. She counted on her fingers again and beamed with pride. She remembered the clown show, where everyone laughed at the clown
carefully tore the five-rupee note into two equal halves. And then uncontrollably at his stupid actions. But this time, she was the clown
each piece into two more halves. in the middle of relentless laughter. She waited for what seemed like
She counted the pieces, One, Two, Three, Four. Four? Realizing eons, for the first tear drop to run down her red cheeks. And then she
that she had only four pieces, she tore one of the pieces into two, began wailing first softly and then loudly.
making three large pieces and two small pieces in total. Arya ran back After regaining some of his composure, Mantu picked up the
to the shop and squeezed past the women still struggling to decide onions he had fumbled onto the ground while laughing. He took a
which tomatoes to pick. She went up to Mantu, who was still explain- fresh white polyethene bag and dropped a handful of green chillies
ing the details of the strike in Mumbai. She carefully separated out into the bag. He put his left hand into his shirt pocket and searched
two large pieces from the five she had torn the note into, and placed inside until he found a crisp new five rupee note. Tearing a piece of
them onto the counter. paper from his billing pad, he wrote in his semi-legible handwriting
I brought exactly two rupees for you. Now quickly, can you Mrs. Jena, you owe me five rupees for the new note I gave to your daughter.
give me the chillies? A confident Arya demanded. Consider the chillies free. Underneath the message he scribbled a couple
Mantu stopped telling the story. He looked stunned, his mouth of symbols that were supposed to be his initials. Still laughing, he
wide open and his eyes fixed in astonishment at the torn pieces of the folded the paper and looked up at Arya. Her face had shriveled up
note. like a dry tomato. She was wailing uncontrollably her eyes swollen
Uncle, I need the chillies now! thick. Dark smudges of kohl mixed with tears, had smeared over her
Mantu picked up the two pieces and looked at them suspicious- face. Some kohl even made it to her lips and into her crying mouth.
ly through the thick glasses resting on his nose. Arya was growing Mantu looked at the piece of paper he was about to give to Arya. He
impatient. She could not understand why Mantu was not giving her paused and looked at Arya again. He seemed lost for a moment, as he
the chillies. She had given him what he wanted, she thought. In fact turned his head towards the family photo hanging near the image of
she had given him the two large pieces, which were probably worth Goddess Laxmi. He was standing beside his wife, holding in his arms
more than the exactly two rupees and yet he was not ready to budge. their three- year-old daughter, who seemed to be crying as well. He
Uncle! The chillies! Arya shouted. smiled gently and shook his head to and fro as he slowly crumpled the
Mantu stared at Arya for a while with a twisted eyebrow. He piece of paper in his hands and dropped it onto the floor.
continued gawking at Arya and the torn pieces of notes. Meanwhile Aye, Shh. Dont cry little Arya. Dont cry, Mantu said, holding
Arya was growing more anxious. Her mother would be waiting for Aryas hand.
her to get the chillies. She hoped that the soup hadnt began boiling He handed her the chillies in the polyethene bag and the crisp new
yet. She just wanted to get the chillies and run towards home, as fast five rupee note, along with the torn pieces and said with a benign
as she could. smile, Take these home and tell your mother what happened. She
Suddenly, she heard Mantu burst into a wild laughter. He fumbled wont be angry, trust me.
the onions from his scales onto the ground but he could not contain What happened? Thats what I dont know! Arya thought. Without
himself. Arya looked around. All other women around the counter saying anything, she took the bag and notes from Mantu. She clasped
joined Mantu and began pointing at Arya and laughing hysterically. the notes tightly into her palm, still unsure of what was wrong with
Some women clapped vociferously, while others held the side of the her note in the first place. Did she count the exactly two rupees
charpoy to avoid falling over. correctly? She could count all the way to one hundred. How could she
Aryas face turned red like the tomatoes in the basket. The air fail to count till two? Or was it the size of the notes that was wrong?
around her felt prickly hot. Thick sweat appeared on her forehead, She wondered, as she squeezed past the laughing women in colorful
mixing with the mustard oil. Drops of oily-sweat stuck on her thick saris once again. There was a brief moment of silence as she left the
black eyebrows. A couple of honey bees hovered and buzzed on her shop.
head again. But this time, she did not want to scare them away. She Then suddenly everyone burst into another round of laughter. But
tried to focus on the buzz instead of the laughter, but her concentra- Arya only wailed louder and louder, still unable to comprehend what
tion broke when someone from the crowd yelled. had gone wrong. Wearing bright pink but oversized sandals, she
Your mother is going to beat the hell out of you today! walked briskly towards home.
fall 2017 49
Elizabeth Durant
Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education
ets be honest: Even the most disciplined college students which tend to get asked about more on Jeopardy!
dont pay attention all the time during their classes. The A native of Decatur, Georgia, Chin is no stranger to trivia com-
temptations of a hushed conversation with a classmate, a petitions; she participated in quiz bowls from 5th grade through high
daydream, or any number of digital distractions can be school. She prepared for Jeopardy! in myriad ways, like reviewing
hard to resist. her old trivia books, reading web comics, listening to Top 40 music,
But one could argue that senior Lilly Chin had an excellent excuse and generally spending lots of time goofing off on the internet.
for tuning out during one of her comparative media studies classes last She found creative ways to bolster her knowledge of subjects she
October: She was taking a ten-minute online test to qualify for the didnt know well; to address a weakness in history, she crammed The
popular TV quiz show Jeopardy! It was only offered on one specific Cartoon History of the Modern World.
date, at one specific timewhich happened to be during classso she Chin enlisted the help of MIT friends to study and practice her
had little choice. I was trying not to get caught by the teacher while I gameplay, including playing Protobowl,1 a real-time, multi-player quiz
was answering the questions, she later confided to a Jeopardy! film bowl application created by her classmate, senior Kevin Kwok. She
crew, barely suppressing a giggle. also sought advice from two MIT connections who had Jeopardy!
In the end, it was worth the risk. Chin went on to become a con- experience: her former graduate resident tutor, Philip Arevalo (who
testant on the show, made it to the finals, and walked away with the motivated her to apply for the show), and Pranjal Vachaspati, 14.
college championship title and the tidy sum of $100,000. Sworn to Preparation aside, Chin also had a few tricks up her sleeve. One of
secrecy since the shows January taping, Chin was able to savor the them was buzzer strategy. I think the game is actually more about
victory tonight at a final episode screening held in Room 4-237, buzzer strategy than trivia, she says. Timing is everything: buzz too
where she was cheered on by dozens of friends and other fans from soon, before the shows host Alex Trebek finishes reading the clue, and
the MIT community. your buzzer will get locked out for a fraction of a secondenough
time for an opponent to buzz in. The key is to time it precisely when
THE MAKING OF A JEOPARDY! Trebek is done speaking.
CHAMPION Her board strategy paid off, too. In the more conventional
approach, contestants work their way through one category, moving
Chin was one of thousands of students from schools around the U.S. from lower-value clues at the top of the board to higher-value clues
who applied in October to be contestants on the show. Of those, 250 at the bottom. Others, like Chin, prefer to jump between categories
were invited to in-person auditions in New York City in November, and choose clues further down the board. Its a bit of a controversial
which consisted of a written test, gameplay, and an interview. She strategy, she says. But the advantage is that skipping around the board
Photo credit: Jeopardy Productions
learned shed made the cuta total of 15 students and one alternate can throw off your opponents and increase your odds of finding the
in December, and the show was taped Jan. 10-11 in Los Angeles. clue with the Daily Double. The Daily Doubles arent evenly distrib-
Chin, an electrical engineering and computer science major with uted, Chin explains. People have run stats and found they tend to be
a minor in mechanical engineering, credits part of her success to her in the fourth row or so.
curiosity about media, which led her to also minor in comparative Being on the show was surreal, Chin recalls, smiling broadly.
media studies. She loves investigating different forms of media, There was a moment when all the contestants realized that this was
whether its film, video games, or childrens literature[its] the same
curiosity which leads me to seek out factoids about these media, and
50 in medias res
J E O PA R D Y !
game gets off and you miss everything. So I think that really helped.
In retrospect, Chin admits she feels a bit bad about taking the Foundation, Corporate, and Public Support
Jeopardy! online test during a CMS class last fall, adding, That is Support from private foundations, industry sponsors, and the
one of my favorite classes. Luckily, her professor, T.L. Taylor, who public sector has been a cornerstone of CMS/Ws success over
also followed her progress on Jeopardy! (and is now privy to Chins its history. Join the likes of Cisco Systems, the MacArthur
secret about the test), loves the anecdote. How very apropos, she Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
says, considering it was a class on games and culture!
Chin, who is now pursuing a Ph.D. at MIT in Electrical Engineer- Research Partners
ing and Computer Science, says shell use the prize money to pay off CMS/W regularly partners with other universities, profession-
college loan debt and to travel to a few research conferences around al organizations, and independent research and development
the world on video game studiesa media that continues to pique her groups. Current and past collaborators include Massachusetts
boundless curiosity. General Hospital, the National Film Board of Canada, and
many groups across MIT.
Listen to our podcast with Lily Chin at
fall 2017 51
initiative FOLLOW
The Creative Communities Initiative had an
active year working across several domains.
CCI remains committed to using fieldwork
and ethnographic insights to explore the
The Centerwith CMS/W research frontiers of social and cultural change through @mit_cmsw
assistant Mariel Garcia-Montes and faculty various media communities. On the gaming @mit_sciwrite
affiliates Edward Schiappa, Jing Wang, front, Professor T.L. Taylor, with several @civicMIT
Ian Condry, William Uricchio, and Sasha graduate students, continue to work with @MITGameLab
Costanza-Chock and based as a group within the AnyKey initiative, a partnership between @mit_tsl
the MIT Media Labhad a productive year. Intel and the Electronic Sports League to
It supported the Civic Media Collaborative foster and support diversity in competitive /MIT.CMSW
Design Studio, taught by Costanza-Chock. digital gaming, also known as esports. Full /MITSciwrite
Projects focused on youth media and gentrifi- information can be found at Also,
cation by partnering with local youth arts and in March 2017, CCI organized a Dissolve
media organizations and a local innovation Inequality Visual Art Summit called Art /
school for middle and high school students. Protest / Value, featuring NYC artists and
Researchers wrote extensively on media writers to explore politics, Feminism, and
issues surfaced by the 2016 elections, including arts potential to bring about progressive
fake news, online anonymity, polarization, change. CCI also participated in a weekly and system thinking through the creation
and bias in technology design. Garcia-Mon- Bridge Wednesday protest events in Lobby of their own applications. These tools
tes wrote about podcasting for movement 10 at MIT featuring the Mobile Protest include StarLogo Nova, a web-served tool
building and, in November, about the role of Disco and live music. Plans are underway for building 3D simulations, TaleBlazer,
civic media in the emotional response to lost to develop a Dissolve Music summit in the which facilitates the creation of location
elections. Research scientist Rahul Bhargava spring of 2018 as well. based mobile games, and GameBlox, an
used the Media Cloud platform to unpacked all-purpose game development tool. These
race-freighted media coverage of NFL quar- projects have all involved contributions from
terbacks. UROPs, computer science masters students,
The Center also received international and CMS/W research assistants.
attention for director Ethan Zuckermans Work continues with the Smithsonian
work on establishing a Media Lab Disobe- Institution on the creation and testing of a
dience Award; in March, a donor provided new game promoting greater understanding
$250,000 to fund a prize for responsi- In conjunction with the Office of Digital of both American history and engineering,
ble, ethical disobedience. After receiving Learning the Education Arcade has continued focusing on upcoming 150th and 50th anni-
more than 7,800 nominations, Zuckerman, assisting the Tata Institute for Social Sciences versaries respectively of the transcontinen-
Costanza-Chock, and ten other judges in Mumbai in the CLIx project which is tal railroad (1869) and the first moon walk
honored scientists Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha developing innovative, inquiry-based high (1969). The Ed Arcade is also partnering with
and Professor Marc Edwards for facing ha- school curricula for government schools in University of California, Irvine in founding
rassment and ridicule for their work and India. It has undertaken similar efforts to a new annual conference dedicated to
risk[ing] academic sanctions for defying assist the XQ schools in re-imagining high connected, exploratory, and playful learning,
conventions of peer review as they sought to school curriculum in the U.S. filling a gap left in the field by the abandon-
bring attention to Flints water crisis before Working with colleagues in the Scheller ment of several previously well-attended
more people were affected. Teacher Education Program, Ed Arcade conferences.
continued the development of several tools that enable students to learn programming
52 in medias res
fall 2017 53
Idea Space, that connects the close reading/ A new collaboration with WBURs identity: (1) the National Science Founda-
annotation process to academic writing. Idea The Artery seeks to expand HyperStu- tion (NSF) funds his work using avatars to
Space allows students to select, filter, and dios mobile art discovery app Artbot and support local middle and high school students
organize their annotations and use them as integrate it with new art-related offerings for from groups typically underrepresented in
the basis for essays, class discussions, and pre- Bostons art community. Artbot uses infor- STEM fields in seeing themselves as learners
sentations. Both projects have been presented mation extracted from museum and gallery and doers of computer science, (2) an MIT
at invited talks at international conferences in websites and uses sophisticated machine CSAIL-Qatar Computing Research Institute
Germany, Switzerland, and Spain as well as learning techniques to suggest related art (QCRI) collaboration funds his research on
numerous workshops and conferences in the events based on users interests. culturally-specific everyday uses of virtual
US. HyperStudio will be offering a second, identities in social media and videogames
Work on Prof. Kenneth Mannings project advanced Digital Humanities subject starting (with the Persian Gulf region as a case study),
Blacks in American Medicine project has in AY2018. Based on the successful, currently and (3) an MIT Center for Art, Science, and
resulted in an online prototype that features offered, project-based Digital Humanities Technology (CAST) grant helps fund The
more then 23,500 biographies of black subject, the new course offering will focus on Enemy project using virtual reality technolo-
doctors along with tools for data filtering machine learning and critical data visualiza- gies to help engender empathy in the face of
and visual representation, including a new tion techniques for humanities-related data. global conflict (e.g., in Gaza, Congo, and El
version of HyperStudios advanced, open The subject will be taught by HyperStudios Salvador). Support for these projects totals
source timeline tool Chronos. Goal of this executive director Kurt Fendt with support $1.35 million.
collaboration is to bring Prof. Mannings by one of HyperStudios Research Assistants. Outcomes of ICE Lab projects have taken
extensive research on Blacks in American During the next academic year, HyperStu- the form of interactive narratives, video-
Medicine online. Based on biographical data dio will be hosting a course six undergradu- games, and social media systems that can
of black doctors from 1860 - 1980 along with ate student as part of the newly established adapt to the cultural needs of diverse users
tens of thousands of personal and institu- SHASS-EECS SuperUROP program. The and help educate diverse learners. Examples
tional documents as well as audio interviews, selected student, will be working on the inte- include Grayscale, an interactive narrative
the project aims to tell the unique history gration of machine learning techniques into modeling ambivalent sexism, Mimesis, an
of black medical professionals in America. HyperStudios existing and new archives, online game that models social and psycho-
Blacks in American Medicine will be part of tools, and projects. logical impacts of a subtle form of racism,
HyperStudios new Active Archives Initia- HyperStudios weekly email newsletter and MazeStar, an educational computer
tive and seeks to engage diverse audiences in for Digital Humanities h+d insights has game creation platform to engage students
the understanding of a marginalized narrative further solidified its role as one of the key in learning computer science concepts while
within Americas history by exploring how information sources in the field and about seeing themselves as powerful STEM learners
these professionals interacted and engaged HyperStudios work. Produced by one of Hy- and doers.
with both the black community and the perStudios Research Assistants, the newslet- The ICE Lab has also developed an AI tool
American public at large. ter has now more than 950 active subscribers. called AIRvatar to analyze and reveal patterns
HyperStudios new Active Archives Ini- HyperStudios Twitter account now has more in how people develop and use virtual identi-
tiative aims at rethinking how users will than 2,300 followers. ties. For example, it has used AIRvatar to em-
interact with digital archives. Based on pirically discover and demonstrate statistical
many years of experience in building online patterns of racial and gender discrimination
archives and tools for the humanities, this in videogames, including a hit that has sold
initiative seeks to empower users to engage over 9.5 million units globally.
in story-making, by discovering, interpret- To disseminate such results, the ICE Lab
ing and organizing archived materials to has produced a number of publications that
construct new representations of the past. have been presented at multiple interna-
Simple and enjoyable to use, and designed tionally recognized conferences and venues,
with a wide range of prospective users in The Imagination, Computation, and Ex- including the ACM, AAAI, Digital Hu-
mind, from professional scholars to high pression Laboratory (ICE Lab), established manities, AERA, IEEE, and Harrells work
school students, Active Archives combine at MIT in 2010 by Associate Professor D. and ideas have been featured in publications
rich sets of standards-based resources along Fox Harrell, researches and develops artifi- including New York Times,, the
with novel user interface designs and a set of cial intelligence and cognitive science-based New Yorker, the Guardian, Nieman Reports,
rich scholarly and educational tools. The first computing systems for creative expression, Boston Business Journal, and the Communi-
projects as part this initiative are new versions cultural analysis, and social change. cations of the ACM.
of the Blacks in American Medicine and the Harrell is currently pursuing several
US-Iran Relations projects. endeavors advancing his research on virtual
54 in medias res
In March, our Mobile Experience Lab (now Design Lab) joined the launch of the new Atlas
Service Center, MITs central office for everything from computer repair to employee orientation
even background checks and tax treaty guidance. The Lab installed a tangible 3D campus map
tap two buildings and the map shows you the walking path between them. Top: map detail.
Middle: a screen for location-specific information. Bottom: Center staff prep for visitors as Will
Walker demos the tangible map for MIT senior leadership.
The Mobile Experience Lab will soon revert
to its original name of the MIT Design Lab, a
vision of co-founders Bill Mitchell and
Federico Casalegno. This name better reflects
the research and methods of the lab. Directed
by Federico Casalegno, Associate Professor of
the Practice, the Design Lab will seek to
reinvent and creatively design connections
among people, information, and places.
Using cutting-edge information and mobile
technology, the lab will improve peoples
lives through the careful design of new social
spaces and communities.
In January, the lab began a three-year
sportswear project with Puma. It will include
exploring smart material to improve per-
formance for shoes and creating unique
connected shoes which ultimately improve
users performances and connectivity.
In March, the labs MIT Tangible Map was
installed in the new Atlas Service Center in
E17. The map provides personalized infor-
mation for visitors and community members
to better navigate the MIT Campus and
resources. It is open source to allow for future
In April, the lab held the third Make Me
++ Hackathon in memory of Bill Mitchell.
BNP Paribas Cardif sponsored the event
with the theme of Connected Care. More
than sixty hackers of various backgrounds
assembled for a weekend to develop new and
creative embodiments of caring and received
eight thousand dollars in prizes.
In partnership with ENI, within the MIT
Energy Initiative, the lab has continued its
research in the field of the internet of things
applied to wearable technology for safety in
the workplace. Creating smart clothing that
monitors and advises on the physical condition
of workers has required extensive testing and
research. The lab was able to develop smart
vests, jackets, shoes and gloves equipped with
multiple kinds of sensors and haptic feedback
to prevent accidents in the workplace. The
final phase of the project culminated in pre-
fall 2017 55
sentation of concepts and prototypes to ENI egies and concepts for digital documentary online courses (MOOCs) for school
in Milan. Related research was presented at with experts from a wide range of disciplines leaders: Launching Innovation in Schools
the PETRA conference and received a prize including digital art, games, technology, and and Design Thinking for Leading and
for best system design. archiving. Learning
The lab continues to collaborate with Prof. In June, the lab received a $125,000 grant
Casalegnos Designing Interactions class. from the Ford foundation to write a white Funding, developing, and piloting a series
The class worked with the New England paper on co-creation history, methodologies, of Google-funded online and blended
Aquarium to imagine new interactive and and best practices. This work began in June learning experiences to help teachers
didactic displays and installations. 2017 and will be completed by May 2018. address the negative effects of unconscious
Professor Casalegno also taught an MIT ODL continued to develop Docubase, a bias
Professional Education course, Innovation: curated, interactive database of the people,
Beyond the Buzzword, which introduced projects, and tools transforming documentary Regularly testing new innovations with
participants to concepts in design thinking in the digital age. It also updated its Moments pre-service teachers, in-service teachers,
and innovation. The course was customized of Innovation site, Uricchios visual white teacher educators, and present our work
for the United Arab Emirates and presented paper about the history of documentary and widely at conferences and other scholarly
to ministers in Dubai in October 2016. technology. In September, the lab launched venues
a Medium publication together with Tribeca Film Institute, Immerse: Creative Discussion Developing new partnerships with
of Emerging Non-fiction storytelling, with schools, systems, and networks to deploy
contributions by MIT faculty, researchers and more of our innovations out in the field
The labs faculty, staff, students and fellows Providing continued support to the devel-
continued to speak, present and showcase opment of the Woodrow Wilson Academy
their work at premiere festivals and confer- of Teaching and Learning
ences around the globe.
Supporting online learners across Harvard, MIT, and Stanford by develop-
The MIT Open Documentary Lab (ODL) in ing and delivering targeted psychological
September began developing its Co-Creation supports based on social psychology and
Studio after being awarded $85,000 from the behavioral economics
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur foun-
dation for a planning grant. The studio re- SYSTEMS LAB We won a $650,000 grant from Microsoft
searches and incubates co-creation method- to develop two courses for school leader-
ologies. As part of this work, ODL began a ship. In their first runs, these courses had a
project exploring the future of work and AI Newly incorporated into CMS/W, the combined enrollment of 18,000 students
together with MIT CSAILs lab. MIT Teaching Systems Lab investigates the from over 160 countries. We published two
Supported by a three-year $750,000 complex, technology-rich classrooms of research reports demonstrating how the
grant from the John D. and Catherine T. the future, and the systems we need to help courses led to tangible impacts on educator
MacArthur Foundation, the lab continued its educators thrive in those settings. Broadly practices; for instance, one participant
fellows program, lecture series, convenings, speaking, our efforts fall under three efforts: committed to bringing design thinking to the
and resource development. 1) designing and researching the future of reform efforts in Worcester and published an
In the spring, Professor William Uricchio online and blended learning for educators, 2) op-ed in the Worcester Telegram and Gazette
and Dr. Sandra Rodriguez offered MITs developing a series of teacher practice spaces We also won a $150,000 grant from Google
first course on Virtual Reality, CMS S60, that allow educators to rehearse for and reflect to test the use of our mobile simulation
Hacking VR. Through a grant from MITs upon important decisions in teaching, and 3) platform, TeacherMoments, with computer
CAST, the course was accompanied by a VR leading pilot efforts to see the future first science teachers addressing issues of uncon-
lecture series open to the MIT community to identify future trends from academia and scious bias. We developed multiple scenarios
and the public. Oculus Story Studio supplied the working worldand to identify how to and developed partnerships with,
the equipment. support K-12 systems in preparing for those the College of St. Scholastica, Hartford,
In May, the lab hosted a two-day con- futures. TSLs aims for this year included: CT, and the Explore Computer Science and
ference, Update or Die, Future-Proofing Mobile Computing Science Principles com-
Emergent Documentary Forms. The confer- Funding, developing, and launching munities for field-testing these efforts.
ence explored preservation and access strat- two Microsoft-funded massive open We hosted 6 lab playtest events at the
56 in medias res
fall 2017 57
design of an online peer review platform that Professor Vivek Bald is on sabbatical this opposite sides of long-running conflicts:
also functions as an analytical tool for col- year, working on his documentary film, In Israel/Palestine, the Congo, and El Salvador.
lecting and studying data about how students Search of Bengali Harlem, and developing a The combatants deliver testimonials directly
provide, and respond to, peer review. The digital oral history platform titled The Lost to the viewer, Ben Khelifas voice promping
platform incorporates natural language pro- Histories Project. them with questions. He developed the ar-
cessing and sentiment analysis to analyze tificial intelligence and cognitive science-
students responses in cognitive, interperson- Excerpts from two books of poetry in senior based interaction models with CMS/W and
al, and intrapersonal domains. lecturer Ed Barretts Boston Trilogy, Kevin CSAIL professor Fox Harrell. The exhibit
WRAP received a three-year grant of White (2007) and Bosston (2008), have been runs through December 31st. Learn more at
$240,000 from the Davis Educational Foun- published in City of Notions, An Anthology
dation to collaborate with science and en- of Contemporary Boston Poems (Boston,
gineering faculty to produce disciplinary MA: 2017), edited by Boston poet laureate Kristina Bjoran (S.M., Science Writing, 11)
reasoning diagrams of six different STEM Danielle Legros Georges. Publication of has had a busy year. She and her fianc were
fields. These reasoning diagrams visualize the anthology was supported by a generous engaged in September, and she will join the
relationships between concepts. Students can grant from the Boston Mayors Office of Arts Microsoft team in late October as a content
use the diagram throughout the composing and Culture. The title City of Notions is developer.
process to map the relationship of concepts a reference to a nickname Boston earned in
in an experiment; to scaffold the process of the early 19th century for being a font of in- Lindsay Brownell (S.M., Science Writing,
reading background literature in the field; novation and ideas. Its editor Danielle Legros 13) joined the Wyss Institute at Harvard
to storyboard a slide presentation or design Georges said she sought out poems that depict University as a Science Writer in April 2017
a poster; and to outline paths of explanation Boston in a completely unvarnished light, and writes press releases and other articles
for communicating technical knowledge to including those that address head-on such for the Institute. She also got her first real
various audiences. Because these diagrams are issues as race, social tensions, and cultural and freelancing piece published in Scientific
visual and schematic, they can be remembered class differences and positions. American; ironically, after she started her
easily. WRAP has presented elements of its full-time job at the Wyss.
methodology, the existing diagrams, and the Taylor Beck (S.M., Science Writing, 12) is
associated pedagogy at the Professional Com- a freelance journalist based in Brooklyn. He Professor Ian Condry is currently on sab-
munication Society, the American Society writes mostly about the brain, mental illness, batical to work on his new book tentatively
for Engineering Education, the Writing and the history of science & medicine. His titled Everything is Free Now, and Why
Research Across Borders conference, and the work has appeared in The Atlantic, Fast Thats Good for Music and Musicians. He
Recontextualizing Knowledge conference. Company, Scientific American, and The is conducting fieldwork in Tokyo, Boston,
Finally, with the aid of an Alumni Funds Los Angeles Review of Books, among other and Berlin, and recently returned from
grant, ArchiMedia has been developing publications. His essay Love On Lithium, Backnang, Germany, where he observed
Metalogon, an online tool for rhetorically published by the Washington Post, was new spatial mixing technology at d&b
analyzing speeches and oral presentations. adapted into an audiobook by Amazon. As a audiotechnik. He, along with DJ Rekha,
The platform allows teachers and students researcher, he worked on the National Geo- recently performed at the Museum of Fine
to upload video recordings of presentations graphic documentary Sleepless in America, Arts, Boston, for the opening of the Takashi
and then to embed commentary on rhetorical on several books and routinely for The New Murakami exhibit. He is organizing a confer-
elements, which plays back in real time. The Yorker and The New York Times Magazine. ence called Dissolve Music @ MIT, March
tool provides a framework of concepts about 7-9, 2018, which will be an exploration of
the development of ideas, structure, style, Jason Begy (S.M., CMS, 10) is now the leading edges of sound experimentation,
and delivery, and as students and instructors working as a scholarly indexer, focusing on music studies, and audio technology. More
use these concepts to provide feedback, the manuscripts and edited collections in the hu- info at
tool also captures annotated segments of the manities. His website is at
videos for an on-line library of examples. indexing.html. Will Dowd (S.M., Science Writing, 07) will
publish his first book, a collection of essays Visiting Artist and war photographer titled Areas of Fog, with Etruscan Press in
Karim Ben Khelifa unveiled The Enemy, a November.
PERSONAL UPDATES groundbreaking virtual reality installation
at the MIT Museum, in October. Wearing Over the summer, Kevin Driscoll (S.M.,
With the support of the 2017 Levitan headsets, museum visitors walk through a CMS, 09) and his long-time collaborator
Prize and a 2017-18 Whiting Foundation multi-room 360-degree experience: they Julien Mailland published a book with the
Public Engagement Fellowship, Associate stand face-to-face with combatants on MIT Press about platforms and the public
58 in medias res
fall 2017 59
National Geographic Storytelling Fellow, Professor Lisa Parks published book called social Communication. In Mike Allen, ed.,
writing and illustrating stories for Nat Geo Life in the Age of Drone Warfare co-edited with The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communica-
about extraordinary efforts to save seabirds Caren Kaplan for Duke University Press. tion Research Methods (Thousand Oaks,
here in the seabird capital of the world. Download the introduction at CA: Sage, 2017): 1179-1182. Also, his essay,
You can follow @sketchbiologist (Twitter, parksdronewarfare (PDF). The Greeks, Pragmatism, and the Endless
Facebook, Instagram) to keep up on the trip. With Hannah Goodwin and Lisa Han, Mediation of Rhetoric and Philosophy, will
Parks also co-authored I Have the Gov- appear in a special 50th anniversary issue of
Seth Mnookin, who was promoted to full ernment in My Pocket: Social Media Users Philosophy & Rhetoric 50.4 (2017).
professor this year, saw his piece I told in Turkey, Transmit-Trap Dynamics, and
my doctors my drug history. Yet they gave Struggles over Internet Freedom. It was Nick Seaver (S.M., CMS, 10) and Christina
me opioids without counseling named published in Communication, Culture, & Agapakis welcomed their new child, Calliope
the finalist for the National Association Critique in August. Virginia Agapakis, born September 18, 2017.
of Science Writers Science in Society
Opinion category. This spring he was one of Sara Rafsky (CMS, 18) was a Google News Jesse Sell (S.M., CMS, 15) started a job
the Harvard Medical School media fellows Lab Fellow this summer at the Witness Media in business development at Twitch this year
for a week-long fellowship called The Quest Lab. Her report on the use of drones by working primarily in content acquisition and
for Immortality. He is the science and media activists at Standing Rock will be published esports.
critic for the Undark podcast, and in March, by Witness in November.
the New York Times Book Review published Sultan Sharrief (CMS, 19) won a Knight
his review of Sharon Begleys Just Cant Stop: Justin Reich was appointed Assistant Foundation Grant with the Detroit Knight
An Investigation of Compulsions. Professor in Comparative Media Studies. He Arts Challenge. It is $42,000 with a match,
will continue to lead the Teaching Systems for a total of $84,000.
Professor of Digital Media Nick Montfort Lab in that role. He was also appointed as The work is with Sharrief s youth program
presented his computational poetry in Faculty Associate of the Berkman-Klein in Detroit, Street Cred, which empowers
readings in Athens, Porto, and Krakow. He Center for Internet and Society at Harvard youth to tell their stories through new media
also completed The Truelist, the first book in University. strategies. When It All Changed is a new
a new series of computer-generated literary interactive, Afro-Futurist 360 video per-
work, by a wide range of authors, that he is Jason Rockwood, (S.M., CMS, 09) based formance piece that uses VR to facilitate
editing and that will be published by Coun- in Miami, is now Chief Information Officer conversations about race, class, and police
terpath Press beginning in December. His of Oasis, a global leader in full-service short- brutality in urban communities. In the year
digital art, based on his poetic practices with term home rentals. 2072 two sisters, Nia and Eve, cant get
language and computation, was shown this enough people to unplug from technology
summer at Babycastles in New York and Talieh Rohani (S.M., CMS, 09) is still to join their compassion movement. So they
in Boston City Hall. He presented similar working at Apple as a Senior Product find a way to send a memory back to the past
work in the more underground context Manager. She is busy envisioning the future that they hope will inspire people to start the
of the demoscene in Somerville and Pitts- of e-commerce and also planning the new compassion movement sooner. The film puts
burgh as well as in Saarbrcken, Germany. product introductions. In Feb, she and her the viewer in the body of a sixteen year old
He organized a unique demoscene event husband welcomed their first child Landon Black girl in Detroit as she tries an ambitious
in January, which began with a concert in Shahangian. Landon has started imitating project to bring several sparring groups in her
New York City, continued on a train, and sounds (Dada, Baba, Mama). neighborhood together. Its Eves memory of
concluded with screenings of the creative the day when it all changed for her future.
works that were submitted in Montreal. His Aviva Hope Rutkin (S.M., Science Writing, The grant will allow his team to do a
multi-year Renderings project to translate 13) is now an editor at The Conversation US. community design process working with
digital literary art from other languages into She and fellow alum Alison Bruzek (S.M., high school students around Detroit; Sharrief
English, most of which has been published Science Writing, 13) are getting married! currently plans to use this process as a live
in a literary magazine and The Electronic case study for his thesis.
Literature Collection, volume 3, is conclud- Professor Edward Schiappa, Persis-
ing. Finally, MIT Press will publish his short tent Questions in the Historiography of Morgan Sherburne (S.M., Science Writing,
Essential Knowledge series book The Future, Early Greek Rhetorical Theory. In Robin 10) left her job as a science writer at Univer-
which offers ideas for future-making based Reames, ed., Logos without Rhetoric: The sity of Florida Health in December to join
on concepts from the avant-garde, utopian Arts of Language Before Plato (U. of South University of Michigan News as a science
writing, science fiction, digital media, and Carolina Press, 2017), pp. 133-142, 168-169. writer/lead public relations representative in
design fiction. Peter B. Gregg and Edward Schiappa, Para- January. Her husband returned from deploy-
60 in medias res
fall 2017 61
62 in medias res
Parmesh Shahani (S.M., CMS, 05) was selected as senior TED fellow. He partnered
with the UN to launch the global corporate standards of conduct to tackle LGBTI discrimi-
nation in Mumbai at their Godrej group headquarters, spoke at Pride and Prejudice the
Economist Summit in Hong Kong on LGBT inclusion in corporate India, and gave an
opening address at Kashish Indias leading LGBT film festival.
fall 2017 63
Sue Ding, Re-Enchanting Spaces: Location-based Media, Participatory Doc- Giorgia Guglielmi, Media of Mass Destruction: How Fake News is Killing
umentary, and Augmented Reality. In keeping with an emphasis on new Italys Olive Trees. A bacterium is devastating centuries-old olive trees
forms of storytelling, Ding proposes a taxonomy for location-based in Salento, Italy. But olive groves have to face a more threatening
media that distinguishes three different levels of participation and user enemy: fake news. After a vilifying media campaign, a court halted
agency: Consumption, Interaction, and Participation. the measures to contain the spread of the disease and accused the sci-
entists who first detected the bacterium as having caused the problem.
Chris Kerich, Critical Breaking. Utilizing Critical and Feminist Science and Left unchecked, the epidemic may spread to the entire Mediterranean
Technology Studies Methods. This thesis offers a new framework, called basin, with catastrophic economic consequences.
critical breaking, to allow for reflective and critical examination and
analysis of instances of error, breakdown, and failure in digital systems. Kate Telma, Senses Lost: The Impossible Dilemma of Usher Syndrome,
and its Possible Solutions. With Usher Syndrome, identifying the exact
Evan Higgins, The Allure of Choice: Agency and Worldbuilding in genetic letter isnt enough to predict how soon someone will lose their
Branching-Path Transmedia Universes. Agency is often taken as a given sight. How does a person make decisions about an inevitable future
in branching-path stories because they, almost by definition, allow when their genetic data doesnt yet have answers?
for enhanced user involvement. But this truism hasnt changed as the
structure of the worlds that these branching texts exist within have. Robin Kazmier, The Parataxonomist Revolution: How Rural Costa Ricans
Discovered 10,000 New Species. Parataxonomists have been inventory-
Josh Cowls, From Trump Tower to the White House, in 140 Characters: ing species for thirty years. Hiring local people, rather than students
The Hyper-Mediated Election of a Paranoid Populist President. Trumps or academics, as permanent field researchers upset traditional research
political communications reached a wider audience, on a sturdier structures but has paid off for science and local communities.
basis, than earlier paranoid populists.
Bennett McIntosh, SuperAgers: Do Octogenarians with Exceptional
Maya Wagoner, Technology Against Technocracy: Toward Design Strate- Memory Hold the Key to Fighting Old Age? That older relative who stays
gies for Critical Community Technology. This thesis develops an intersec- preternaturally sharp long into their 80s or 90s may hold within their
tional, critical analysis of the field of practice known as Civic Tech and skull the secret to understanding how we lose, and keep, our memories.
highlights other relevant community-organizing and activist practices Will the craniums of SuperAgers give science some leverage in the
that utilize technology as a central component. battle against dementia, or even the process of aging itself?
George Tsiveriotis, Everything Is Awful: Snark as Ritualized Social Raleigh McElvery, Trial and Error: Medical Marijuana, the Absence
Practice in Online Discourse. Snark can adopt a pro-social role in online of Evidence, and the Allure of Anecdote. Christy Shake gives her son
environments whose architecture rewards vapid or deceptive content. marijuana extract to ease his epilepsy. Her story highlights the benefits
of cannabis, but given antiquated legislation, anecdotes like hers are
Katie Arthur, Frontlines of Crisis, Forefront of Change: Climate Justice as all we have. As patients gain access to cannabis, neither they nor their
an Intervention into (Neo)colonial Climate Action Narratives and Practices. physicians understand what theyre receiving from local dispensaries.
Radical media strategies, on the streets and on the airwaves, are central
to the articulation of climate justice and the contestation of hegemonic Brandon Levy, The Angelman Approach: Hacking DNA to Treat a Rare
meanings of climate action that legitimise colonial violence. Disease. Recent advances in medicine are allowing clinicians to treat
genetic illnesses by manipulating patients DNA, and scientists are
Nathan William Saucier, Operational Images and the Interpretive Turn. now investigating ways to leverage those discoveries.
So-called deep learning allows for a new development in the opera-
tional image - not only are humans excluded but machines are per- Greta Friar, Ghost Forests of the Mid-Atlantic: How Sea-Level Rise is
forming inscrutable assessments; they interpret images and provide Killing Our Coastlines. Up and down the eastern seaboard of the United
conclusions while their rationales remain opaque. This sort of image States, ocean levels are rising at rates higher than just about anywhere
use is difficult to demystify, confront, and confound. To contemplate in the world. Coastal forests are dying off as a result of the disruptive
effective strategies, it helps to look at the broader context of subversion changes in store for both natural ecosystems and human habitation.
of the logistical image.
Maria Temming, Melvin Calvin: Nobel-Winning Chemist and SETI
Yao Tong, Narrative as an Aid for the Doctor-Patient Relationship in China. Scientist Wannabe. Calvin discovered how plants use carbon dioxide
The aim of this intervention is to help promote perspective taking, to manufacture carbohydrates. But astrobiology efforts peppered his
increase awareness, and foster understanding toward medical profes- career, from inspecting moon rocks to attending the first Search for
sionals in China. Extraterrestrial Intelligence conference.
64 in medias res
Thursdays at 5pm (unless noted)
Sep 7 | 56-114 Oct 19 | 56-114
Playful Practice: Designing the Future of Teacher Mapping Climate Change: Contested Futures in New
Learning York Citys Flood Zone
The MIT Teaching Systems Lab is developing new forms of teacher Liz Koslov explores how certain places come to be seen as at risk in
practice spaces, technology platforms inspired by games and simula- anticipation of climate change, and what this way of seeing means for
tions that provide the opportunity for teachers to rehearse for and their inhabitants.
reflect on important decisions in teaching. In this participatory
session, Justin Reich and the audience will play samples of some of Oct 26 | 56-114
the practice spaces that TSL is developing and discuss the theoretical Cloud Policy: Anatomy of a Regulatory Crisis
foundations of its vision for the future of teacher learning. Jennifer Holt examines the legal and cultural crises surrounding the
regulation of data in the cloud. The laws and policies governing
Sep 14 | 56-114 digital data are rife with unresolvable conflicts. The challenges of dis-
Engineering Virality: BuzzFeeds Scientific Approach tributing and protecting data in a policy landscape that is simultane-
To Creating Content ously local, national, and global have created problems that often defy
BuzzFeeds Walter Menendez: This talk will detail how BuzzFeed legal paradigms, national boundaries, and traditional geographies.
thinks about and creates content, highlighting our paradigms for the
function and role of our content. Nov 16 | 56-114
Alumni Panel: Matthew Weise, Karen Schrier
Sep 21 | 56-114 Shaenfield, Ainsley Sutherland, and Beyza
Platforms in the Public Interest: Lessons from Boyacioglu
Minitel Join us for this years alumni panel, when we hear from four alums of
Scholars Julien Mailland and Kevin Driscoll (S.M., CMS, 09) discuss the graduate program in Comparative Media Studies as they discuss
how after thirty years in service, Minitel offers a wealth of data for their experience at MIT and what their careers have looked like in the
thinking about internet policy and an alternative model for the inter- fields a CMS degree prepared them for.
nets future: a public platform for private innovation.
Nov 30, 6pm | 56-114 | Communications Forum
Sep 28 | 56-114 Has Silicon Valley Lost Its Humanity?
The Mediated Construction of Reality: From Berger Author Noam Cohen and Northeastern University assistant professor
and Luckmann to Norbert Elias Jeff Howe discuss the rise of Silicon Valley and whether the drive for
Sociologist Nick Couldry radically rethinks the implications of social innovation degrades our humanity.
constructivism for a work saturated not just with digital media, but
with data processes. Dec 7 | 56-114
The Emotional Politics of Piracy, Or Why We Feel
Oct 5, 6pm | 26-100 | Communications Forum Intellectual Property Infringement as National
An Evening with Sarah Vowell Trauma
Thursday, October 5 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Anjali Vat: The everdayness and banality of piratical trauma fuels
Overthrown Hawaiian queens, religious zealots, swindlers, cranky desires for intellectual property maximalism and intellectual property
cartographers, presidential assassins, and the people who visit their criminalization, which reproduce the very conditions which gave rise
memorials on vacation are all fodder for historian and humorist Sarah to the trauma.
Vowell. Her seven books explore Americas not-so-squeaky-clean past
and creates a framework for understanding our modern day values. Next semester: Apr 12 (Time/location announced in spring)
Vowell brings her wit to the MIT Communications Forum to discuss Brian Michael Bendis: The 2018 Julius Schwartz
what makes the past so funny. Lecture
MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing is thrilled to welcome
Oct 12 | 56-114 award-winning comics creator Brian Michael Bendis, a New York
Ecological Criticism in the Age of the Database Times bestseller and one of the most successful writers working in
Sean Cubitt asserts the value of anecdotal evidence against the rise mainstream comics, for the 2018 Julius Schwartz lecture.
of statistics, but at the same time wants to confront the difficulties in
bringing about an encounter between readers (human or otherwise) A full schedule, including special events, is available at Miss an
and the mass image constructed by social media and search giants. event? Catch up at
fall 2017 65
From Taft to Trump: How Conservative Media Barbie and Mortal Kombat 20 Years Later
Activists Wonand Lostthe GOP Yasmin Kafai and Gabriela Richard expand the discussions on gender,
As early as the 1950s, conservative media activists were organizing race, and sexuality in gaming. This event was co-hosted with MIT
third-party tickets, promoting presidential candidates, and encourag- Womens and Gender Studies, part of its Diversifying Barbie and
ing their audiences to cast votes based on ideology rather than party. Mortal Kombat panel discussions.
But the centrality of conservative media to presidential politics is not
a new development. In this talk, Nicole Hemmer explains how con- The Networked Sensory Landscape Meets the
servative media activists won the GOP for the rightand how in the Future of Documentary
era of Trump, they lost it.
The story experience expanded as media makers incorporate compu-
The Contingencies of Comparison: Rethinking tational interactive interfaces into their work. However, the docu-
Comparative Media mentary impulse continued to be defined by the primary sensors of the past: motion images and (synchronous) sound. Glorianna Davenport
Brian Larkin and Stefan Andriopoulos point out that we know cinema presents DoppelMarsh, data from a dense network of diverse environ-
arrived in Shanghai and Calcutta at the same time as it did in London mental sensors mapped to deliver a sense of being there.
and evolved in those locations to produce different institutional and
aesthetic forms. We also know that currently Seoul is far more wired The Exit Zero Project: A Transmedia Exploration of
than New York and that Lagos is developing a film industry that is Family and Class in Postindustrial Chicago
rapidly becoming dominant in all of Africa. Future media centers will
emerge in places far outside their traditional Western centers. Christine Walley talks about her research into the traumatic effects of
the loss of the steel industry in Southeast Chicago and how it found
The Conservative Canon Before and After Trump expression in a book, website, and documentary film.
Michael J. Lee charts the vital role of canonical postWorld War II Knowledges Allure: Surveillance and Uncertainty
(19451964) books in generating, guiding, and sustaining conserva-
tism as a political force. Conservatives have argued that the movement Sun-ha Hong on how the present struggles with big data and surveil-
was a product of print, rather than a march, a protest, or a pivotal lance are not just a question of privacy and security, but how promises
moment of persecution. Mid-century texts became influential not of knowledge and its bounty enact a redistribution of authority, cred-
only among conservative office-holders, office-seekers, and well- ibility and responsibility: it is a question of how individuals become
heeled donors but also at dinner tables, school board meetings, and the ingredient for the production of truths and judgments about them
neighborhood reading groups. by things other than themselves.
The Spiciest Memelord An Interview with Jeopardy! Innovation and Engagement Experiments with
Champ Lilly Chin What Industry Buzzwords Can Mean in Practice
MIT student and Jeopardy! College Tournament champion Lilly Chin Alum Sam Ford and Fusion colleague Federico Rodriguez Tarditi
showed that the right education, whether the enlightening kind one discuss what they have learned from their experiments exploring new
gets as a CMS student or the self-guided (or self-inflicted) type gotten ways of telling stories, new approaches to building relationships with
through years of trawling the darker corners of the internet, can help key publics, new ways of working internally, and new types of roles/
anyone prepare for their fifteen minutes of uninvited fame: or as she positions in the company.
put it, for the surreality of becoming other peoples media object.
From Stereopticon to Telephone: The Selling of the
An Evening With Aparna Nancherla President in the Gilded Age
Named one of Varietys Ten Comics to Watch, Aparna Nancherla has Yale Universitys Charles Musser says that contrary to our received
racked up appearances on Conan, Last Comic Standing, Inside Amy notions on the newness of new media, the presidential campaigns of
Schumer, and The Jim Gaffigan Show. A former writer on Late Night the late nineteenth century witnessed an explosion of media forms as
with Seth Meyers and Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell, Nancherla advisers and technicians exploited a variety of forms promote their
discussed her career and tackling tough topics with humor. candidates and platforms.
66 in medias res
Sexual Harassment and Gender Equity in Science Black + Twitter: A Cultural Informatics Approach
Four scientists and journalists, including BuzzFeed News reporter Andr Brock unpacks Black Twitter use from two perspectives:
Azeen Ghorayshi, discuss barriers to gender equality in the sciences analysis of the interface and associated practice alongside discourse
and steps to overcome them. analysis of Twitters utility and audience.
Desktop Reveries: Hand, Software, and the Space of Fall 2016 Alumni Panel, with Andres Lombana-Ber-
Japanese Artist Animation mudez, Colleen Kaman, Abe Stein, and Lily Bui
Paul Roquet on how the physical and perceptual affordances of in- Hear from four alums of the graduate program in Comparative Media
terfaces appear reimagined in the textures, movements, and tactility Studies as they discuss their experience at MIT and what their careers
present in the animations. Through a phenomenology of the contem- have looked like in the fields a CMS degree prepared them for.
porary desktop, Roquet seeks to ground the contemporary audiovi-
sual imagination in the materiality of the tools and techniques at hand. An Evening with John Hodgman
Race and Racism in the 2016 Presidential Election New York Times best-selling author, former Daily Show correspon- dent, stand-up comic, and podcaster John Hodgman brought his wit
The 2016 presidential election brought issues of race and racism to the to MIT for a discussion on his career and the state of comedy today.
forefront of American politics and forced journalists to confront how
to cover these topics without providing a platform for hate groups. Illuminating 2016: Using Social Listening Tools to
Slate chief political correspondent and CBS News political analyst Understand the Presidential Campaign
Jamelle Bouie joined MIT Communications Forum director Seth
Mnookin to explore how race and ethnicity framed the election and Syracuse Universitys Jennifer Stromer-Galley describes the large
how journalists and content creators can improve coverage of these scale collection and machine learning techniques she and her team
issues moving forward. have used for the Illuminating 2016 project to study the ways the
presidential candidates and the public have used social media.
Authoritarian and Democratic Data Science in an
Experimenting Society The Turn to Tween: An Age Category and its Cultural Consequences
Media Lab alum Nathan Matias asks, how will the role of data science
in democracy be transformed as software expands the publics ability How are tweens represented in popular culture? And how does this
to conduct our own experiments at scale? In the 1940s-70s, debates relatively new category deal with race, class, and gender identity?
over authoritarian uses of statistics led to new paradigms in social psy-
chology, management theory, and policy evaluation. Today, large- Time Traveling with James Gleick
scale social experiments and predictive modeling are reviving these
debates. Democratic methods for data science may offer an alternative In conversation with Alan Lightman, international best-selling author
to this corporate libertarian paternalism. and science historian James Gleick discusses his career, the state of
science journalism, and his newest book Time Travel: A History.
Exploratory Programming for the Arts and
Humanities This Land Is Our Land: Mobile Media, Protest, and Debate in Maasai and Mongolian Land Disputes
MIT professor Nick Montfort talks about his new book and how
learning to explore code isnt just for the tech-inclinedprogram- How has mobile media changed how nomadic communities share in-
ming can be a way for arts and humanities scholars to discover formation, engage states, and join international deliberations?
answersand questionstheyve never seen before.
Next Stage Planning for the Digital Humanities at
#Misogynoir, #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen, and MIT
other forms of Black Digital Feminisms Douglas OReagan updates the audience on his efforts and invite sug-
MLK visiting scholar Kishonna Gray discusses how marginalized gestions and ideas concerning the future of digital humanities at MIT.
women persevere and resist hegemonic realities operating under the
structures of masculinity, heterosexuality, and Whiteness sustained in Ready for more podcasts and videos? Catch up, or subscribe for just-posted ones, at
digital spaces. and
fall 2017 67
68 in medias res
In July 2016, Lecturer B. D. Colen left his Boston life behind and moved to London, Ontario to
live with a woman he married this past July. But he continues to teach 21W.749 and 21W.778,
and so each week he undertakes what he calls The Endless Commute. Leaving London at 7:30
a.m. on train 70 for Toronto, he arrives at 10:10. Then to Billy Bishop airport, for the Porter Air
1:30 to Boston to teach photography from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday its teach science journalism
from 10-1, then Porters 3:40 to Toronto, and at 7:30 p.m., train 79 back to London, arriving at
9:45. And over the course of the 38 hours, he photographs because thats what I do, posting
images to Facebook and Instagram under the hashtag #TheEndlessCommute.
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