Intro Op Amp
Intro Op Amp
Intro Op Amp
Simrandeep Singh
The operational amplifier:
The intermediate stage of OPAMP is another differential amplifier which is driven by
the output of the first stage. This is usually dual input unbalanced output.
level shifting circuit
Because direct coupling is used, the dc voltage level at the output of intermediate stage is
well above ground potential. Therefore level shifting circuit is used to shift the dc level at
the output downward to zero with respect to ground.
The output stage is generally a push pull complementary amplifier. The output stage
increases the output voltage swing and raises the current supplying capability of the OPAMP.
It also provides low output resistance
Level Translator:
Because of the direct coupling the dc level at the emitter rises from stages to stage. This
increase in dc level tends to shift the operating point of the succeeding stages and
therefore limits the output voltage swing and may even distort the output signal.
i(-) _
vid Output
vO = Advid
i(+) +
i(+), i(-) : Currents into the amplifier on the inverting and noninverting lines
vid : The input voltage from inverting to non-inverting inputs
+VS , -VS : DC source voltages, usually +15V and 15V
Ri : The input resistance, ideally infinity
A : The gain of the amplifier. Ideally very high, in the 1x1010 range.
RO: The output resistance, ideally zero
vO: The output voltage; vO = AOLvid where AOL is the open-loop voltage gain
Que:For Cascaded DA Determine
1)The collector current and collector to emitter voltage for each transistor.
2)The overall voltage gain
3)The input resistance.
4)The output resistance.
The first stage is a dual input, balanced output differential amplifier, therefore,
its voltage gain is
Ri2 = input resistance of the second stage
The second stage is dual input, unbalanced output differential amplifier with
swamping resistor R'E, the voltage gain of which is
Hence the overall voltage gain is Ad= (Ad1) (Ad2) = (80.78) (4.17) = 336.85
(c).The input resistance of the cascaded differential amplifier
stage. Hence,
RO = RC = 1.2 k
Pin diagram op amp 741
The input offset current Iio is the algebraic difference between the
Iio = | IB1 IB2 |
The Iio for the 741C is 200nA maximum. As the matching between two
input terminals is improved, the difference between IB1 and
IB2 becomes smaller, i.e. the Iio value decreases further.For a precision
OPAMP 741C, Iio is 6 nA
Parameters of OPAMP
3. Input Bias Current:
The input bias current IB is the average of the current entering the
IB = (IB1 + IB2 ) / 2
Ri is the equivalent resistance that can be measured at either the inverting or non-
inverting input terminal with the other terminal grounded. For the 741C the input
resistance is relatively high 2 M. For some OPAMP it may be up to 1000 G ohm
1012ohm .
Input voltage range is the range of a common mode input signal for which a
between the inverting and noninverting input terminals. For the 741C, the range of
the input common mode voltage is 13V maximum. This means that the common
mode voltage applied at both input terminals can be as high as +13V or as low as 13V.
Parameters of OPAMP
CMRR = Ad / ACM.
For the 741C, CMRR is 90 dB typically. The higher the value of CMRR the better is the
matching between two input terminals and the smaller is the output common mode
Parameters of OPAMP
SVRR is the ratio of the change in the input offset voltage to the corresponding change
defined as
SVRR = D Vio / D V
Where D V is the change in the input supply voltage and D Vio is the corresponding
change in the offset voltage.
For the 741C, SVRR = 150 V / V.
For 741C, SVRR is measured for both supply magnitudes increasing or decreasing
simultaneously, with R3 10K. For same OPAMPS, SVRR is separately specified as
positive SVRR and negative SVRR.
Parameters of OPAMP
10. Large Signal Voltage Gain:
Since the OPAMP amplifies difference voltage between two input terminals, the
Because output signal amplitude is much large than the input signal the voltage gain is
commonly called large signal voltage gain. For 741C is voltage gain is 200,000 typically.
Parameters of OPAMP
11. Output voltage Swing:
The ac output compliance PP is the maximum unclipped peak to peak output voltage
that an OPAMP can produce. Since the quiescent output is ideally zero, the ac output
voltage can swing positive or negative. This also indicates the values of positive and
negative saturation voltages of the OPAMP. The output voltage never exceeds these
limits for a given supply voltages +VCC and VEE. For a 741C it is 13 V.
Parameters of OPAMP
12. Output Resistance: (RO)
RO is the equivalent resistance that can be measured between the output terminal of
the OPAMP and the ground. It is 75 ohm for the 741C OPAMP.
Parameters of OPAMP
13. Output Short circuit Current :
zero. Even its output impedance is 75 ohm but cannot supply large currents. Since
OPAMP is low power device and so its output current is limited. The 741C can supply a
Power consumption (PC) is the amount of quiescent power (vin= 0V) that must be
If 'i' is more, capacitor charges quickly. If 'i' is limited to Imax, then rate of change is
also limited.
Slew rate indicates how rapidly the output of an OPAMP can change in response to
changes in the input frequency with input amplitude constant. The slew rate
changes with change in voltage gain and is normally specified at unity gain.
If the slope requirement is greater than the slew rate, then distortion occurs. For the
741C the slew rate is low 0.5 V / m S. which limits its use in higher frequency
Slew Rate Distortion
desired output
waveform SR = v/t = m (slope)
actual output
because of slew
rate limitation
The picture above shows exactly what happens when the slew rate limitations
are not met and the output of the operational amplifier is distorted.
Parameters of OPAMP
18. Input Offset Voltage and Current Drift:
It is also called average temperature coefficient of input offset voltage or input offset
current. The input offset voltage drift is the ratio of the change in input offset voltage
to change in temperature and expressed in m V / C.
Input offset voltage drift = ( D Vio / D T).
Similarly, input offset current drift is the ratio of the change in input offset current to
the change in temperature. Input offset current drift = ( D Iio / D T).
For 741C,
D Vio / D T = 0.5 m V / C.
D Iio/ D T = 12 pA / C.
Parameters of OPAMP
19. Power Supply Rejection Ratio
One of the reasons op amps are so useful, is that they can be operated from a wide
variety of power supply voltages.
The 741 op amp can be operated from bipolar supplies ranging from 5V to 18V with
out too many changes to the parameters of the op amp.
The power supply rejection ratio (SVRR) refers to the slight change in output voltage
that occurs when the power supply of the op amp changes during operation.
SVRR = 20 log ( Vs / Vo)
The SVRR value is given for a specified op amp. For the 741 op amp, SVRR = 96 dB
over the range 5V to 18V.
Example 1 A 100 PF capacitor has a
maximum charging current of 150 A. What is
the slew rate?
C = 100 PF=100 x 10-12 F
I = 150 A = 150 x 10-6 A
As for output free of distribution, the slews determines the maximum frequency of
operation fmax for a desired output swin
Example 3 For the given circuit in fig. 1. Iin(off) = 20 nA. If
Vin(off) = 0, what is the differential input voltage?. If A = 105,
what does the output offset voltage equal?
Iin(off) = 20 nA
Vin(off) = 0
(i) The differential input voltage = Iin(off) x 1k = 20 nA x 1 k
= 20 V
(ii) If A = 105 then the output offset voltage Vin(off) = 20
V x 105 = 2 volt
Output offset voltage = 2 volts.
Example 4 R1 = 100, Rf = 8.2 k, RC = 10 k. Assume that the
amplifier is nulled at 25C. If Vin is 20 mV peak sine wave at 100
Hz. Calculate Er, and Vo values at 45C for the circuit shown in fig