The Role of Motivation in Education Through Sport: Cicma Ioan Teodor
The Role of Motivation in Education Through Sport: Cicma Ioan Teodor
The Role of Motivation in Education Through Sport: Cicma Ioan Teodor
This work presents a study that shows the share in percentage , of the education components , in accomplishing the complex
process of education through sports . After an observational and experimental study , the beneficial effects of sports in
accomplishing an optimum child education , but also the importance of the role that the motivation has in this process. Practicing
a sport and accomplishing education through this, wouldn't be possible without a strong motivation, motivation given by a
multitude of factors and given situations. Education is a factor which also maketh intercession interaction between hereditary
conditions and environmental conditions, to direct the process of making and the development of personality in perspective some
clear formative purposes. The purpose of the work is to as the following the investigation results in the future to be chosen the
most efficacious way of action in order to achieve optimal of education through sport.
Selection and peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hafize Keser.
2013 Themotivation,
Keywords: Authors. Published by Elsevier
education, Ltd. Open access
sport, motivational under CC BY-NC-ND license.
2013 and/or peer-review
Published under responsibility
by Elsevier of Prof.
Ltd. All rights Dr. Hafize Keser Ankara University, Turkey
1. Introduction
One of the main human feature, besides that of being a result of the natural biological evolution, is that of being
first of all, a result of social and cultural modelling of the personality.
Although there would be a physical surviving outside a social and cultural environment, the human individual, still
y meaning of the notion, but a
existence battle, with features such as thinking, will, language this not being considered main features of biotype but
of social intervention.
The sports psychology has interests both in psychological factors field that have an impact towards the
participation and performance in sports, as in the psychologycal consequences field that derive of it.
The psychologist researchers study and investigate the motivation, personality, the agresive and violent behaviour,
the movement and athlete physical condition, the emotional processes and those related to intelect, as well as other
ways of participation to the sports activity, that have the role to facilitate the executions, the quality of the sports act
and of the athletic skill in training.
Education represents a factor that bonds the hereditary premises and the environment conditions, it orientates and
guides the process of training and developing the personality in order to achieve some formative and explicit results.
Another vision upon education shows that it represents a sistematic process organised and continuous of
humanization and socialisation, of assimilation and progressive storage of the multitude of socio-cultural
environmental elements.
1877-0428 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hafize Keser Ankara University, Turkey
Cicma Ioan Teodor and Mereua Claudiu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 83 (2013) 1054 1058 1055
Taking into account the invaluable help given by education, the human individual assimilates, internalises and
stores, synthesising and transposing them in compartiments, certain rules, models, values, knowledge and attitudes,
that make the conection between the biological reality and the socio-human one.
The premises of the educational actions have their role in the natural condition of the individual/child, that has a
multi-valent and undetermined attitude at the moment of birth, this feature implying with no doubt a long period of
development and formation, a period that has a direct conection to the final results of education.
-valent feature and lack of determination, is par excellence an educandum animal, a being
Another study target is to establish the most fair evaluation possible of the athletes motivational subcomponents,
for practicing the performance handball and obtaining good and the best results, this comming in parallel with the
natural course of classes in school pragramme.
The study hypothesis is that we can reach a conclusion regarding the sports and intelectual activity of the players
on the basis of the sum of the motivational subcomponents.
The methods that were used for accomplishing this study were the observation method, the investigation method
(in order to reveal if and how motivated are the players for the activity they are involved in), the questionnaire
method, the mathematical, statistical and graphic method.
formation, credible
and true in the same time related to the individual differences in sports and the implications of those differences in
the sports performance and in the sports behaviour, that is why the theories regarding the personality, the researches
in the sports psychology field, in the field of personality features and sports behaviour represent a very important
and up to date domaine.
Human evolution takes place on external factors structure, structure that adjusts and optimizes the mental
development stage order and based on the external factors structure that leads to orientation and content and may as
well accelerate the development rythm as the progress in purchasing behaviour and knowledge in a certain field.
The formative action of education is in direct conection and implies the goal of 'human of society' , that anticipates
a given model of personality, that is to be obtained or achieved in practice with the education help.
To reach this ideal, the educational action is organised, institutionalised and rationalised through school, the school
being the most important educational institution of the society.
Because lately, Dr. Amika Singh from V.U. University Medical Center from Amsterdam, observed that the accent
is on studying and less on outdoor activity that imply movement, from studies on this topic, it led to the clear
conclusion that there is an implicit relationship between physical activity and educational performances.
Although there is well known that physical exercises have a positive contribution in increasing blood flow and
oxygen flow at brain level , the field researchers give an explanation to this relation also by the fact that physical
exercises lead to an improvement of general condition of human body and to reduce the stress level, also.
Dr. , they learn how to obey rules, and so they become more
disciplined and they can better
As a conclusion, the majority filed experts say that for a child to be active at least one hour per day as
As a social activity, sports enjoys a wide interest and has the purpose to accomplish a special efficiency, becoming
a social phenomenon with aplicative targets. As important basic fundamental feature of sports is competition , race
but also the formative character present in the performance sports but also in the every day sports.
The bond between practicing physical education and sports, in its diverse forms, its impact having echoes in social
life and this bringing a structural continuity for the whole educational and formative system.
The youth's desire to compete, to participate to different sports activities, the desire to overcome the space, time,
own limits, artificial and natural barriers, but also to conquer a competitor, would be fully satisfied through sports
1056 Cicma Ioan Teodor and Mereua Claudiu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 83 (2013) 1054 1058
education. A champion mentality must be inoculated from childhood as it is shown in the entire course of life and in
all activity fields.
The tendency and the desire to overcome oneself represents a basic condition that contributes to the progress of the
society, and can be developed through sports this leading to the development of the individual's personality.
The study and sistematic research have a well determined role in imposing psycological discipline of sports, the
main target of psychologists advances the basis of knowledge in sports psychology through experimental research.
The great interest in sports cognitive psychology field, is reflected in progress made in sports psychology research
field, the research being focused or directed on themes such as identifing the most efficient training methods, as well
as optimising the skills achieved, the abilities and personality development, and of the techniques of homogenization
the team, of comunication types, of the psychological particularities of future sportsmen.
As branch of psychology, the sports psychology addresses specific problems from four direction and points of
- experimental leaded abordation that takes place on experimental facts of domaines that represent the base of
sports activity psychology, thanks to these researches being obtained results related to time of reaction, to
personality reaction, results that can be written to informative facts obtained through special techniques;
- leaded study that has a well determined role, as it takes place in a reference determined environment;
- the third type of study is represented by the leaded scholar homework. From the point of view of the primary
tasks, it is alike to the second method , the only difference being that the tasks are grouped in classes;
- the study focused on a certain concept that implies the intention to identify the fundamental mental variables of
human behaviour, these fundamental concepts being used in order to direct the performance athlete's observations
and to maximise the effciency of diagnose and forecast by comunication, by let-down, motivation and limit
As to optimise the performance and to cultivate the skills and the abilities of those who take part to physical
activity, the sports applied psychology is based on identification and understanding the psychological theories and
techniques that can be applied in sports.
The psychological training has the purpose to constantly make a mental tension that leads to boosting those
physical qualities that can allow sportsmen to make performance.
The main problems that the sports psychology bring into discussion are the psychological features of sports
activity, the psychological features of training, the training demands regarding the sportsman, the training
contribution to the mental development and physical education of sportsman , the psychological aspects of the
training factors, the psychological features of the sports competitions, the athlete's psychology in competition, the
contest psychological training, the psychological features of different types of sports, the psychological help for the
athlete, the psycho-social problems of sports , sports psychopathology and mental restoration of the athlete.
As an aplicative branch of psychology, the sports psychology studies and researches the sportsmen's personalities,
problems of motrical teaching taking into account the psychological basis, general preparation for competion,
psychological support, selection, orientation and sportsmen leading, groups psychology, for certain sportsmen but
also the training psychology and competition.
1.2. Motivation
The actions and reactions are triggered also by internal causes, the ensamble of these causes being named
Some specialists trigger the motivation as a mental phenomenon that leads, directs and sustains from energetical
point of view the individual activity, the motivational system components being numerous, variable as origin, way
of satisfing the needs and functions and all of these lead to controversial explanation and classification.
Motivation implies and includes needs, wishes, intentions, tendencies, interests, motifs, conviction, aspirations, in
order to describe motivation in psychology by using certain metaphors structured on notions borrowed from physics.
Kurt Lewin asserts that motivation acts as a force field that has inside the persons as well as the objects and
activities done but also the subject brought into discussion.
The motivation components were described by using the vector concept that represents in physics the dimension,
direction and sense, motivational vectors being described through intensity , direction and sense, features that can be
Cicma Ioan Teodor and Mereua Claudiu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 83 (2013) 1054 1058 1057
measured and quantified through certain psychological methods. Between motivations active at a certain point, as
well as between physical forces there can be diverse but more complex relationships.
In mental activity and the personality development, motivation is an essential condition, as it represents the first
chronological element of any activity, (internal cause), signals mental and physiological shortcomings, makes a
selection and triggers the activities specific to own needs having an energetic support, contributes with resuming
certain activities and avoiding others , to forming and building some personality features.
The sports activity motivation. Because practising sports brings strong and diverse satisfactions, the young are
motivated to practice numerous branches and sports phases.
The various reasons that are at the root of sports activity were systematized by Rudik P.A. in direct and mediated
reasons. The direct motifs are presented by the specific feeling that the athlete has and is the satisfaction produced
by the muscle activity filled during the exercises, producing positive afective states, by the aesthetic satisfaction
generated by the beauty and the skills in execution of various movements, this satisfaction being present especially
in branches of sports that have more harmony in movements, tendency of manifestating in a courageous way and
determined during difficult and dangerous exercises, by contest elements , the race being a stimulus for activity,
often looking for it in particular , participation, no matter the result obtained, the tendency to obtain valuable
records and performances.
Mediated reasons are represented by the desire to become powerful , strong , healthy by practicing sports , by the
tendency to train for professional activity through sports , by duty feeling , the necesity to obey rules imposed by
activity participation , by understandig the social importance of sports activity.
The study took place at the Sports Programme Highschool from Braila , and it took one year on the handball junior
girls, team.
1 1 1
Motivation skills Motivation subcomponents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n.a. %
0 1 2
Success x x x x x x x x x x 10 83,33%
The desire to win
Glory, financial rewards x x x x x x x x x 9 75%
The need of success x x x x x x x x 8 66,66%
The need to compare to
x x x x x x x 7 58,33%
The interest in
The desire of unknown x x x x x x x 7 58,33%
The pleasure of competition
x x x x x x x x x x 10 83,33%
The need to opose another x x x x x x x x 8 66,66%
The desire to integrate x x x x x x x x x 9 75%
Social tendencies
The needs to affliate x x x x x x x 7 58,33%
Combativeness Adversity x x x x x x x x 8 66,66%
Searching for reward Searching for reward x x x x x x x x x 9 75%
The desire for the unknown x x x x x x x 7 58,33%
The attraction for
The desire to solve limit
adventure x x x x x x x 7 58,33%
The desire to become Requirement, self-
x x x x x x x x 8 66,66%
champion affirmation
Self affirmation Self affirmation x x x x x x x x x x x 11 91,66%
The need to spend energy x x x x x x x x 8 66,66%
The motrical need
The need to move x x x x x x x x 8 66,66%
The need of being in special
The risk taste x x x x x x x 7 58,33%
The desire to prove courage x x x x x x x x x x 10 83,33%
In the table are presented the answers of the twelve team players. The team has been observed during the a
n.a. numer of subjects, x answers.
1058 Cicma Ioan Teodor and Mereua Claudiu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 83 (2013) 1054 1058
83.3 83.3 83.3
% % %
75 75 75
% % %
66.6 66.6 66.6 66.6 66.6 66.6
% % % % % %
58.3 58.3 58.3 58. 58.3 58.3
% % % 3% % %
to prove courage
Self affirmation
self affirmation
The desire to
The pleasure
The desire
The graphic presents percentage variation compared with the subcomponents of the motivation.
Conclusions. We can assert the fact that for having optimum results in sports activity there is necessary a pretty
strong motivational system and all of these in parallel to the educational intelectual activity , that fills other forms
of education besides the education through sports .
This study gives us an image to motivational components share during education through sports and give us the
opportunity to choose the most efficient ways of accomplishing the best possible this form of education taking into
account these results.
The University of Bucharest. Faculty of history Technical Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing House,
Abraham, H., & Maslow, A., & Longman, W., (2007), Motivation and personality, (3rd ed.), USA, by Addison-Wesley: Educational Publishers
Ine, Three Publishing House, edition in Romanian language.