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Y31 - Numerical and Statistical Methods

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Specializatio Master of Computer Lectur Tutorial Practice Credits

n Applications e
Subject Y31 3 -- -- 4

Y31 –Numerical And Statistical Methods

To learn basic concepts and gain knowledge in Numerical and Statistical methods.

The numerical solution of Algebraic and Transcendental equations- Bisection method-
Iteration method-Regula Falsi – Newton Raphson – Horner’s – Graffe’s Root Squaring
(8 periods)
Numerical Solutions of Simultaneous Linear algebraic Equations-Gauss Elimination-Gauss
Jordan-Crout’s Iterative Methods-Gauss Jacobi-Gauss Seidal-matrix Inversion by Jordon and
Crout’s method.
(8 periods)
Sampling Distribution-Random Sampling – Design of Experiments – Sampling distribution
concepts – Normal Distribution- t-Distribution- Standard error.
Estimation: Qualities of a good Estimator-Point and Interval estimate of Mean and
Proportions-Determining the optimal sample size.
(8 periods)
Testing of Hypothesis-Single and two tailed tests – errors in Hypothesis testing – Hypothesis
Testing of Mean and Proportions for one sample and two samples-Measuring the power of
hypothesis test.
Chi-Square Analysis-Estimation of Chi-square Distribution-Chi-Square Tests of
Independence and Goodness of Fit-Hypothesis testing of population variance.
(8 periods)
Regression and Correlation-Estimation of the Line of Regression-Correlation Analysis-
Standard Error of Estimate-Multiple Regression-Multiple Regression Equation-Making
Inferences about Population Parameters.

1. Kandasamy, Thilagavathy and Gunavathy, “Numerical Methods”, S.Chand &
Company, 2004.
2. S.C.Gupta, V.K.Kapoor, “ Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics” , Sultan Chand &
Sons, 1994.
3. Levin and Rubein, “Statistics”, Pearson Education,2002.
4. Lawrence et. All, “Statistics for Business and Economics”, Harper Collins
Publishers New York, 1993.
5. K.Murugesan, P.Gurusamy, “Probability, Statistics & Random Processes”,
Anuradha Publishers, 2003
Specialisatio Master of Computer Lecture Tutorial Practic Credit
n Applications e
Subject code Y32 3 1 -- 4

Y32 Internet And Java Programming

Objective: To learn the programming concepts of JAVA and its applications.

Unit I
Connecting to the Internet – Domain Name System - Exchanging E-mail – Sending and
Receiving Files - Fighting Spam, Sorting Mail and avoiding e-mail viruses – Chatting and
Conferencing on the Internet – Online Chatting - Messaging – Usenet Newsgroup – Internet
Relay chat (IRC) – Instant Messaging - Voice and Video Conferencing.
(8 periods)
Unit II
Java - Features—Introduction to JVM - Data types —Control Structures - Array, String,
String Buffer Vectors — Methods — Object Oriented Features- Classes, Inner Classes,
Objects Interface – Abstract Class – Inheritance – Packages and Access Specifiers.
(8 periods)

Unit III
Java Native Interfaces - Utilities and Collections - Multithreaded Programming – Exception
Handling. Java Applet Class - String Handling - I/O Streams – Object Serialization - Files -
AWT Controls - Layout Managers and Menus– Graphics - Event Handling.

(8 periods)
Unit IV
Database Handling – JDBC connectivity - Two Tier architecture overview - Driver basics -
Connection Interface - Statement - Prepared Statement – Callable Statement - Execute
Query - Execute Update - Execute Method.

(8 periods)
Unit V
Java Network Programming - Networking basics - Inet Address - TCP/IP client - Sockets -
Server Sockets - URL - URL Connections – Datagrams- RMI Technology - A simple
client/server application using RMI.

(8 periods)

1. Patric Naughton and Herbert Schildt - "Java the Complete Reference" - 3rd Edition,
TMH, 1999
2. Margaret Levine Young, “Internet and WWW”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
3. Bob Bredlovet all - "Web Programming Unleashed" - Sams Net Publishing, 1st
Edition, 1996
4. Harley Hahn - "The Internet - Complete Reference" - TMH, 1997
5. Ken Arnold and James Gosling - "The Java Programming Language" - Pearson
Education, 2nd Edition, 1998.
Specialisatio Master of Computer Lecture Tutorial Practic Credit
n Applications e
Subject code Y33 3 1 -- 4

Y33 Computer Networks

Objective: To teach the students the concepts of computer networks and inculcate other
recent trends.

Components – Direction of Data flow – networks – Components and Categories– types of
Connections – Topologies –Protocols and Standards – ISO / OSI model – Transmission
Media – Coaxial Cable – Fiber Optics – Line Coding – Modems – RS232 Interfacing
(8 periods)

Error – detection and correction – Parity – LRC – CRC – Hamming code – low Control and
Error control - stop and wait – go back-N ARQ – selective repeat ARQ- sliding window –
HDLC. - LAN - Ethernet IEEE 802.3 - IEEE 802.4 – IEEE 802.5 - IEEE 802.11 – FDDI -
SONET – Bridges.
(8 periods)

Internetworks – Packet Switching and Datagram approach – IP addressing methods –
Subnetting – Routing – Distance Vector Routing – Link State Routing - Routers.

(8 periods)

Duties of transport layer – Multiplexing – Demultiplexing – Sockets – User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) – Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – Congestion Control – Quality of
services (QOS) – Integrated Services

(8 periods)
Domain Name Space (DNS) – SMTP – FTP – HTTP - WWW – Security –Cryptography.

(8 periods)


1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data communication and Networking”, Tata

McGraw-Hill, 2004.
2. James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Approach Featuring the Internet”, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, PHI, Fourth Edition, 2003.
4. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Sixth Edition,
Pearson Education, 2000.
Specialization Master of Computer Lecture Tutorial Practice Credits
Subject Code Y34 3 -- -- 4
Y34 - Software Engineering

Objectives: To learn the Different life cycle models, Requirement Analysis, modeling and
specification,Architectural and detailed design methods, Implementation and testing
strategies, Verification and validation techniques, Project planning and management,Use of
CASE tools

Introduction – Nature of Software and Software Engineering - life cycle models (water fall,
incremental, spiral, WINWIN spiral, evolutionary, prototyping, object oriented, Aspect
oriented) – Agile Process Models – Metrics : Process, Product and Technical metrics.

(8 Periods)
Requirements Engineering tasks – Requirements Elicitation – Use cases development –
Requirements negotiation – Requirements validation – Data Modeling – OO analysis –
Scenario based modeling – Flow-oriented modeling – Class based modeling – creating
behavioral models.
(8 Periods)
Design process – Design concepts – Design model – Data design elements : Architectural
design – user interface design – Component level design elements – Deployment level
design elements – Pattern based Software Design – Creating architectural design –
Component level design – User-interface design.
(8 Periods)
Strategic approach to software testing – Test Strategies for conventional and OO software –
Validation testing – System testing – Debugging Vs. Testing – Testing Tactics – White Box
Testing – Black Box testing – OO testing methods
(8 Periods)
SCM Resources -The SCM Process/Standards -Version Control –Software Project
Management - Planning and Estimation -Scheduling Methods and Tools -Risk Management
(8 Periods)
1. Roger S.Pressman, “Software engineering- A practitioner’s Approach”, McGraw-Hill
International Edition, 6th edition, 2005.
2. Ian Sommerville, “Software engineering”, Pearson education Asia, 6th edition, 2000.
3. Pankaj Jalote, “An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering” , Springer Verlag,
4. James F Peters and Witold Pedryez, “Software Engineering – An Engineering
Approach”, 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi, 2000.
Specialisation Master of Computer Lecture Tutorial Practice Credit
Subject code Y35 3 -- -- 4

Y35 Advanced Database Management Systems

Objective: To teach advanced concepts of DBMS and introduce specialized database type
to the students with a basic knowledge of DBMS

Translating SQL Queries into Relational Algebra - Algorithms for External Sorting -
Algorithms for SELECT and JOIN Operations - Algorithms for PROJECT and SET Operations -
Implementing Aggregate Operations and OUTER JOINS - Combining Operations Using
Pipelining - Using Heuristics in Query Optimization - Using Selectivity and Cost Estimates in
Query Optimization Semantic Query Optimization.
  (8 periods)
Database Recovery Concepts - Recovery Techniques Based on Deferred Update - Recovery
Techniques Based on Immediate Update - Shadow Paging The ARIES Recovery Algorithm -
Recovery in Multi-database Systems - Database Backup and Recovery from Catastrophic
Failures - Overview of the Object Model of ODMG -The Object Definition Language ODL -
The Object Query Language OQL
(8 periods)
 Introduction to Database Security Issues - Discretionary Access Control Based on Granting
and Revoking Privileges - Mandatory Access Control and Role-Based Access Control for
Multilevel Security -Introduction to Statistical Database Security -Introduction to Flow
Control - Encryption and Public Key Infrastructures - Privacy Issues and Preservation -
Challenges of Database Security
(8 periods)
Distributed Database Concepts -Data Fragmentation, Replication, and Allocation Techniques
for Distributed Database Design - Types of Distributed Database Systems - Query
Processing in Distributed Databases - Overview of Concurrency Control and Recovery in
Distributed Databases - An Overview of 3-Tier Client-Server Architecture - Distributed
Databases in Oracle
(8 periods)
Parallel Databases : Introduction, I/O Parallelism, Interquery Parallelism, Intraquery
parallelism, Interoperation parallelism, and Interaoperation parallelism-Time in database,
Spatial and geographic data: Representation-Application-Spatial queries-Spatial Indexing
Multimedia databases: Data Formats- Continuous media data- Similarity based Retrieval,
Mobility and Personal Databases
(8 Periods)

Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe - Fundamentals of Database Systems –Fifth Edition -

Addison Wesley Higher Education – 2007

Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke - Database Management Systems - Third Edition -

McGraw-Hill - 2006

Henry F. Korth, Abraham Silberchatz, S.Sudarshan , Database System Concepts, McGraw-

Hill - 2006

C.J.Date, Longman, Dr.S.Swamynathan, Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson

Education - 2007

Hoffer, Prescott & McFadden - Modern Database Management – Eighth Edition - Prentice
Hall – 2007

Kifer, Bernstein & Lewis - Database Systems: An Application Oriented Approach, Compete
Version – Second Edition - Addison Wesley Higher Education  - 2006

Connolly & Begg - Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and
Management – Fourth Edition - Addison Wesley Higher Education – 2005.
Specialisatio Master of Computer Lectur Tutorial Practic Credit
n Applications e e
Subject code Y36 -- -- 3 2

Y36 Internet and Java Programming Laboratory

Objective: To enable the students to practice the concepts of java programming language
and develop solutions for real world problems.

1.Programs illustrating the use of Objects.

2.Programs using classes and inheritance
3. Programs using JNI concepts.
4.Programs to achieve Inter thread communication and deadlock avoidance.
5. Programs to implement Exception handling
6. Programs implementing packages, access specifiers and interfaces
7. A Game Program implementation using multithreading
8. Programs using streams
9. A JDBC program using different statements
10.An Applet program for Animation text, images and sounds
11. Program for Events and interactivity using Layout Manager.
12. A socket program for network chatting
13. A client server application using RMI techniques

Total no.of periods: 40

Specialisatio Master of Computer Lectur Tutorial Practic Credit
n Applications e e
Subject code Y37 -- -- 3 2

Y37-COBOL Programming Laboratory

Objective: To enable the students to design business applications using COBOL



1. Basic mathematical functions
2. Income Tax calculation and generation of a tax payable report for a given financial year
3. Hall ticket preparation for a given student
4. Students exam results management
5. Addition and Multiplication of two matrices.
6. To find the simple interest, compound interest for a given principal amount, rate of
interest and no. of years.
7. To read the scores of two cricket teams and display the comparative study of these two


1. Prepare a payroll/salary slip for an employee, given the employee details and his salary
particulars including the deductions and allowances etc. and generate a report.
2. Prepare a Railway Reservation System that will enable passengers to book and cancel
their tickets. Present a Railway Reservation chart for a specified train and generate a report.
3. Prepare an Inventory Management System for a manufacturing industry and present a
stock report for a given product, for a given date.
4. Design a Hospital Management System for a hospital to enhance their services to their
customers and generate suitable reports.
5. Prepare a Banking system with features such as creation of new accounts for the new
customers, maintaining their savings bank account, current account and other transactions
such as deposits and payments and generate suitable reports wherever necessary.
Total No. of periods: 40

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