Background of The Study
Background of The Study
Background of The Study
Schools are doing creative ways to increase job satisfaction of its teachers.
The belief that satisfied teachers are more productive than those which are dissatisfied
had been an ideology of schools for many years. Today, the main concern of organization
is to provide jobs which are challenging and rewarding rather than purely material
Job satisfaction is defined as an individuals general attitude toward his or her job.
ones job or job experience (Rainey, 2003) which range from working condition, salary
and benefits, roles and functions, interpersonal relations, participation in policy making
and its eventual implementation, communication, contingent rewards and training and
career development.
productivity as well as to personal wellbeing. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one
enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably rewarded for ones efforts. Job satisfaction
further implies enthusiasm and happiness with ones work. It is considered the key
ingredient that leads to recognition, income, promotion, and the achievement of other
Researchers will conduct the study, since senior high school just started last year
2016 to avoid number of jobs turnover management will provide trainings/seminars for
This research is to determine the job satisfaction on senior high school teacher in
1. What profile can be drawn from the respondents in terms of age, sex, and
2. Is there any significant difference between job satisfaction in terms of age, sex,
This study aims to determine the relationship between the selected factors associated
with job satisfaction of senior high school teachers in Central Philippine University
1. The profile of the Central Philippine University senior high school teachers in
2. The level of job satisfaction of Central Philippine University senior high school
teachers if they are classified in age, sex, and employee status of Central Philippine
This study will be anchored on the theory of Motivation of Herzberg, Mausner and
Syndeman (1993). They believe the theory contends that motivation come from the
individual and not from the manager. The proponents of this theory believed that workers
can be motivated best by satisfying the need of the individuals for satisfiers. The needs of
the workers include working condition, salary and benefits, roles and function,
Considering personal characteristic, when the teacher is still young he or she has
definite work goal which relates to his or her life goal. He or she may find his or her job
not so satisfying, particularly if he or she sees is not good enough for him or her to
accomplish his or her life goal the earliest time possible. On the other hand, relatively
older people, who have stayed in the job for sometimes may already find it satisfying
enough to maintain or improve his performance so that he can remain with his present job
The variables in this study are presented into two groups the independent variables
which include age, sex, employee classification, the dependent variable which is job
Job Satisfaction
Definition of Variables
To give understanding to the study, the following terms are defined as they use in the
Age. A period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually marked by a certain
stage or degree of mental or physical development and involving legal responsibility and
capacity ( In this study, refers to the length of time that a person
Employee Classification. Are often based on the number of hours worked and job duties
study employee classification is divided into full time and part time. Full time is an
employee who works 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. Part time is an employee who
works less than 8 hours a day and less than 5 days of week.
Full Time one who works a normal workweek for an indefinite period of time
Part Time employed on an ongoing basis and typically receive some benefits,
but work fewer hours than the normal full-time schedule (
This study will help the senior high school teachers of Central Philippine University
in their level of job satisfaction, on how the study will be intend to be useful for the
improvement needed and to enhance the following: implements good policies, certain
policies, and relationship among teachers and administrators. Considering that the senior
high school just started more than a year, the result of our study will help to the following
School. The school will benefit from the outcome of the study in terms of job satisfaction
Teachers. The result of this study can help the teacher/s to decide whether to stay or leave
the work place. It would serve as instrument to evaluate if they meet their needs regarding
salary, reward/s, good working place, bonuses, and remuneration. It allows them to create
a strategic plan when it comes to teach their students, and it will guide as basis of
Students. The result of study benefit the students because the teachers can be encouraged
to guide the students. When the teacher is satisfied they can implement various learning
Future Researchers .This study would serve as a guide to those interested in conducting
further studies on senior high school teachers of Central Philippine University level of
The respondents of this study will be the senior high school teachers among Central