Contract Law PDF
Contract Law PDF
Contract Law PDF
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
This module guide is designed to help you to study the Contract law of England
and Wales. This guide is not a textbook and it must not be taken as a substitute for
reading the texts, cases, statutory materials and journals referred to in it. The purpose
of the guide is to take you through each topic in the syllabus for Contract law in a
way which will help you to understand contract law. The guide is intended to wrap
around the recommended textbooks and casebook. It provides an outline of the
major issues presented in this subject. Each chapter presents the most important
substantive aspects of the topic and provides guidance as to essential and further
reading. Each chapter also provides you with activities to test your understanding of
the topic and self-assessment exercises designed to assist your progress. Feedback
to many of these activities is available at the back of this guide. There are also sample
examination questions, with appropriate feedback, which will assist you in your
examination preparation and quick quizzes to measure your progress, with answers
on the virtual learning environment (VLE). The method of study described is the result
of the accumulated experience of highly experienced teachers and writers on this
topic. Your knowledge of the subject will be maximised when you use this guide in the
intended way. Any other approach (e.g. reading the feedback before or alongside the
self-assessment) might give false confidence in your knowledge and ability to answer
questions under examination conditions.
What do we mean by taking you through a topic? Very simply it is to spell out what
problems or difficulties the law is seeking to provide a solution for and to give a
structured guide to the materials (textbooks, cases and statutes). You must read these
in order to appreciate how English law has dealt with the issues and to judge how
satisfactory the solutions are in terms of overall policy.
Following that, the topic is divided into subsections. Each subsection provides a
reference to the recommended readings in McKendricks textbook and Pooles casebook
(see Section 1.2 below). At a minimum, you should read these; in many cases you will
probably find that you need to re-read them. It is often difficult to grasp some legal
principles and most students find that they need to re-apply themselves to some topics.
In addition, at the end of each chapter, there are recommendations for further
reading. This will always cover the relevant chapter in the most appropriate more
detailed text. You may find it desirable to review this second textbook from time to
time because it is sometimes easier to grasp a point that you have found difficult
when it is explained in a different, even if more detailed, fashion. Some recommended
readings are also included in the Contract law study pack.
The reasons for studying the principles of the law of contract are readily apparent: as
individuals we enter and perform contractual obligations every day of our lives and
contracts are the foundation of most commercial activity. Many specialist areas of
law are built upon a contractual foundation e.g. insurance law, employment law and
landlord and tenant law.
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Activity 1.1
How many contracts did you think about entering yesterday? Did you enter any
contracts yesterday? How many contracts did you (at least partially) perform
yesterday? Did any contracts to which you are a party end yesterday? If so why did
they end?
Reflection upon this series of questions will make you aware of how much the law
of contract lays behind everyday life. Perhaps you looked in a shop window or at
a website, rang up a shop or business to ask about the availability of some good or
service. All of these actions are preparatory to entering a contract. If you purchased
any good (newspaper, drink, lunch or shopping) or service (getting on a bus or train
with a ticket) you will have entered a contract. Remember that contracts may be
formal in the sense of a signed document or informal such as an oral agreement. If
you are employed to work you will have (hopefully) performed some contractual
duties yesterday. If you returned a purchase to a shop or posted it back to an
online supplier, if your contract with a mobile network supplier came to an end or
you were sacked from your employment you have participated in the termination
of a contract as a result of breach of contract (returned goods and sacking) or
performance (mobile phone).
Activity 1.2
Look at a newspaper and identify any stories/subjects/parts which might be better
understood with knowledge of contract law or where that area of law is the
essential background. How would you describe the status of the parties to these
Most newspapers carry advertisements which aim to persuade readers to purchase
goods and services. If untrue statements are made (called misrepresentations) the
law of contract may provide a remedy to the disappointed purchaser. The business
pages will directly discuss lucrative contracts concluded between businesses:
perhaps the purchase of valuable TV broadcasting rights or the takeover (by the
purchase of shares) of one company by another. Other sections of the newspaper
may less obviously involve contract law, for example the sports pages may discuss
the transfer of football players for large sums of money. Such a transfer is of course
a contract entered between (at least) the player, and selling and purchasing clubs.
Newspaper advertisements are often placed to stimulate sales by a business to
consumers (i.e. private individuals); these are known as B2C contracts. The purchase
of broadcasting rights and the takeover of companies are concluded between
businesses and so are known as B2B contracts.
1.2 Reading
You should begin your reading with this module guide. Start at the beginning and work
through the guide sequentially, reading the textbook and doing the activities as directed.
Activity 1.3
Review Activity 1.1 above to see if you can identify different stages in a contract,
especially a long term one such as a lease or mortgage.
A contract, particularly one between parties with equal bargaining power, is often
preceded by a period of negotiation. If successful, a contract may be agreed. It
must then be performed. If the contractual performance is to take place over a
long period of time, altered external circumstances, or the changing preferences of
the parties, may result in some agreed modifications. The contract may then end
when performance is complete or if it is breached in a serious way, in which case
the guilty party may be required to pay damages. This highly abbreviated account
of the life of a contract describes four important stages: negotiation, formation,
modification and termination.
Since a contract has distinct phases it must be studied and problems analysed in a
roughly chronological order. Until a contract comes into existence it is meaningless
to talk about its modification or termination. So while it may be tempting to start
with, say, illegality or incapacity, this is not a good idea. The subject builds on the basic
foundations, without which particular topics later in the subject cannot be understood.
You will also derive assistance from the selected readings provided in the Contract
law study pack and the Newsletters on the Contract law section on the VLE.
No feedback provided.
This text forms the foundation text for this subject. It sets out the law in a clear way and
examines all the major issues in reasonable, but not confusing, depth. It is advisable to
read and re-read this text to allow the material to be thoroughly understood.
You will find it most beneficial to refer from time to time to the more advanced texts
set out in the next section.
Two medium sized accounts by other authors you might wish to use are:
The areas covered by the standard textbooks are all very similar. The differences
between the various books are in their arrangement, depth, presentation and style. To
illustrate: Chen-Wishart above makes extensive use of flowcharts, diagrams and tables
while Halson analyses a contract as a transaction with distinct phases. The extent to
page 6 University of London International Programmes
which you will choose to refer to textbooks beyond the core text by Mckendrick will
depend upon your needs and your liking for the authors approach and style.
The following books contain an even greater depth of discussion. To illustrate this all
contract law textbooks will contain a discussion of the so called parol evidence rule
which states that parties to a written contract may not rely upon evidence outside
the contract, usually oral (parol) statements, to contradict the written document.
You will soon realise that all legal rules are subject to exceptions though some will
be more important than others. McKendrick, the recommended textbook for this
subject, describes seven major exceptions to the parol evidence rule. In contrast, the
compendious Treitel, below, adds a further 9!
Beatson, J., A. Burrows and J. Cartwright Ansons law of contract. (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2016) 30th edition [ISBN 9780198734789].
Peel, E. Treitel: the law of contract. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2015) 14th edition
[ISBN 9780414037397] (referred to as Treitel).
You may also find it useful to refer to a volume concerned with leading contemporary
issues in contract law:
You may also wish to consult a more detailed casebook. Here the choice lies between:
McKendrick, E. Contract law: text, cases and materials. (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2016) seventh edition [ISBN 9780198748397].
It is not suggested that you purchase the books mentioned in this section: they should
be available for reference in your college or other library.
Information about the statute books and other materials that you are permitted to use
in the examination is printed in the current Regulations, which you should refer to.
Please note that you are allowed to underline or highlight text in these documents
but you are not allowed to write notes etc. on them.
McVea, H. and P. Cumper Exam skills for law students. (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2006) second edition [ISBN 9780199283095].
Finch, E. and S. Fafinski Legal skills (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017) sixth
edition [ISBN 9780198784715].
Contract law 1 Introduction and general principles page 7
But do not be misled into thinking that any book will provide you with model answers
which can be learned by heart and reproduced from memory in the examination.
From a study of past papers you will be aware that certain broadly defined topics are
often examined. However, you will not be able to anticipate the exact questions that
will be asked and every examination question requires a specific answer. If you do
commit to memory and reproduce pre-packaged answers these will be to questions
other than the exact question posed. Such answers will contain irrelevant, and omit
relevant, material. The criterion of relevance is applied strictly by examiners and so
such pre-prepared answers will not score highly.
It is useful to consult journals regularly to improve your understanding of the law and
to be aware of recent developments in the law. Journals which may prove useful to you
for their articles and case notes are:
Legal Studies
Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (not available in the Online
Do not worry if you come across material that you do not understand: you simply need
to re-read it and think about it.
Online resources
As mentioned earlier, you will find a great deal of useful material on the VLE and Online
Library. These are both accessed through the Student Portal at
The Online Library provides access to cases, statutes and journals as well as
professional legal databases such as LexisLibrary, Westlaw and Justis. These will allow
you to read and analyse most of the cases discussed in this guide and the relevant
Students are also able to access newsletters on the VLE that deal with matters of
contemporary interest.
Use of the internet provides the external student with a great deal of information, as a
great deal of legal material is available online. Although the sites change on an almost
monthly basis, some useful ones at the time of writing this guide are:
page 8 University of London International Programmes
provides the full text of UK Acts back to 1991
the sitemap for the Parliament of the United Kingdom, which will provide you with
access to a range of legislative information
the Law Commissions website; this provides information about law reform.
Bailii is a freely available website which provides access to case law legislation and
also provides a recent decisions list ( and lists
new cases of interest (
It is suggested that the study of the cases should be approached in the following steps.
2. Read the relevant passages of McKendricks textbook and Pooles casebook it may
also be advisable to examine some cases in full following this.
A further description of the process in each of these steps is set out in further detail
Step 1
Start with the relevant section of this module guide this will give an idea of the points
you need to look for. Take one section at a time do not try to digest several at once.
Step 2
Read the textbook passage referred to. Look in particular for the cases upon which
the author places special emphasis. Typically these will be decisions of higher appeal
courts such as the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court (formerly the House of Lords).
Contract law 1 Introduction and general principles page 9
Read the cases in the casebook (together with any others mentioned in the module
guide particularly the more recent ones). You should generally be able to find the
case in the Online Library.
The importance of reading the primary materials of the law cases and legislation
cannot be overemphasised. Learn as much as possible about each case. Make a
special effort to remember the correct names of the parties, the court which decided
the case particularly if it is a Supreme Court (or House of Lords) or Court of Appeal
decision the essential facts, the ratio decidendi and any important obiter dicta. It is
also important to note any other striking features, such as, for example, the existence
of a strong dissenting judgment, the overruling of previous authority or apparent
inconsistency with other cases. It is most important that you understand not only
what the court has decided but also why it has decided that. Knowing the rules
is not enough: it is essential to study the judgments and understand the reasoning
which led the court in a particular case to uphold the arguments of the successful
party and reject the contentions put forward no doubt persuasively on behalf of
the unsuccessful party. It is also important to be critical when studying the cases: ask
yourself whether the result produces injustice or inconvenience; whether there are
any situations in which you would not want the result to apply and, if so, how they
could be distinguished. If it is an older case, you should also ask yourself whether the
reasoning has been overtaken by changes in social and commercial life generally.
Lastly, pay attention to the impact of other cases in the area. How strong is an
authority in light of subsequent decisions?
Step 3
Read the textbook passage again and ask yourself, Does the books statement of the effect
of the cases correspond with my impression of them? If it does not, read the cases again.
Step 4
You will find activities and self-assessment questions throughout the guide. These are
intended not only to build up your knowledge of the material but also to provide you
with an opportunity to measure your knowledge and understanding of the particular
section. An activity requires you to think about a particular question and prepare an
answer which extends beyond a simple yes or no. Feedback is provided for these
activities at the end of the guide. Self-assessment questions are designed to test your
memory of the material which you have covered. No feedback is provided for these
questions as they have sample answers available in the textbook or casebook. With
both forms of exercise, you will find that your knowledge is enhanced if you complete
the exercises as you encounter them in the particular section. You will note that each
chapter of McKendrick also includes some exercises for self-assessment: completing
these will further develop your legal knowledge and skills.
Step 5
Repeat the process for each section of the chapter in turn.
1.4.1 Statutes
Although most of the syllabus deals only with principles developed by the courts,
there are also a few statutory provisions which need to be considered because they
contain rules affecting contracts generally. Cases and statutes come into existence in
different ways and so must be treated differently. Judgments in cases consist of the
reported speech of judges and can be very lengthy. The challenge for the reader is
often to distil from these long judgments the exact point of law that was applied in the
case. Statutory provisions are often short (e.g. the Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts)
Act 1943 and Misrepresentation Act 1967 have three main sections), yet each effects
substantial changes in the law. Statutes are usually written by parliamentary
draftsmen, working in pairs, who spend a great deal of time trying to express in as few
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words as possible the change in the law they have been instructed to effect. Many
weeks might be spent drafting, criticising and then redrafting a single section. Statutes
therefore cannot be speed read because every word and even every punctuation mark
was inserted for a particular reason. When the topic of misrepresentation is studied
you will see that the inclusion of the word so in s.2(1) of the Misrepresentation Act
effectively dictates the measure of damages available under that section. Therefore,
it is suggested that you read and reread statutory sections from the perspective that
every word was likely included for a purpose. Ultimately though, we must remember
that in English law it is the judges who decide what Parliament meant by the words of
the statute.
The reception into English law of the European Directive on Unfair Terms in Consumer
Contracts was clearly complex and untidy but also illustrates a more general problem
with all European legislation. This arises from the distinct ways in which English and
continental courts approach statutory interpretation. Historically, the approach of
common law courts has been more narrow, with great emphasis upon the exact
words used as opposed to the inherent purpose or spirit of the legislative provision.
The European Court of Justice follows a continental, or civil law, approach and puts
greater emphasis on the underlying purpose of the provision even where this cannot
easily be supported by the actual words used. A question arose as to whether the 1994
Regulations applied to contracts for the sale of land. The 1994 Regulations derived
from the English text of the European Directive referred only to goods and services
and not to land. The usual English approach to legislative interpretation would lead to
the conclusion that contracts for the sale of land were not covered by the Regulations.
However, the French text of the Directive referred to the vendeur de biens which
Contract law 1 Introduction and general principles page 11
would cover a seller of goods or land. In London Borough of Newham v Khatun [2004]
EWCA Civ 55 the Court of Appeal avoided the possibility of different interpretations
of the same Directive being upheld in different member countries and held that
the Regulations (and so by inference now the Consumer Rights Act 2015) apply to
contracts for the sale of land. The episode illustrates the difficulties that can arise from
the implementation of EU law.
of a car worth 200 which I tell you is the only car I own. The law would, in words
usually attributed to Charles Dickens, be an ass if on these facts you had entered
a contract to buy the old wreck for 10k; fortunately it is not and you have not. The
contractual offer I will be held in law to have made is not the one that I secretly intend
(i.e. to sell the car round the corner), but rather is the offer that a reasonable individual
would think I was making (i.e. to sell the car which I was sitting on at that time).
The wide ranging freedoms which are guaranteed by the HRA might have a
considerable impact upon the law of contract depending on their so called horizontal
effect. HRA s.6(1) provides that it is unlawful for a public authority to act in a way that
is incompatible with a Convention Right and so clearly applies to the relationship,
including a contractual one, between a public body and an individual. The extent to
which the HRA will have impacted upon the law of contract is related to the extent
that the HRA has a horizontal effect (i.e. to the extent that it affects relationships,
including contractual ones between individuals, including companies). It has so far
been recognised that CRs have some horizontal effect (e.g. the House of Lords has
recognised that the Article 3 right to respect for private and family life required that
legislation regarding the succession to rented property must be applied in the same
way to same sex relationships as it is to heterosexual relationships). The precise extent
of the horizontal effect of the HRA is a contentious issue. Further development of the
extent of horizontal effect will, if it occurs, increase the importance of human rights
protection upon the law of contract.
An example of how the HRAs protection of CRs has affected contracting activity
is provided by the Court of Appeals recent decision in Dept of Energy and Climate
Contract law 1 Introduction and general principles page 13
Change (DECC) v Breyer Group plc [2015] EWCA Civ 408. When the DECC introduced
a subsidy scheme designed to encourage the small scale generation of electricity
from renewable resources it underestimated the likely take-up, and so the cost
to the Government, of the scheme. The DECC, contrary to earlier commitments,
sought to save 1.6 billion by reducing the level of subsidy to be paid for electricity
produced from such sources. Companies supplying this technology claimed that
they had suffered 195 million losses through abandoned installations. The Court
of Appeal held, based upon assumed facts, that the implementation of the changes
had unjustifiably interfered with the companies right to the protection of property
guaranteed by Article 1 of the First Protocol of the European Convention on Human
Rights (known as an A1P1 right) and so, in principle, those companies affected were
entitled to damages.
The only common law jurisdictions in Europe are England and Wales, Cyprus and
Ireland (Scotland is a mixed (i.e. common law and civil law) jurisdiction). With civil law
jurisdictions in the majority it was perhaps inevitable that there would be pressure
to enact a single contract code for all of Europe. To this end the private work of
page 14 University of London International Programmes
collections of lawyers aimed at producing such a code, the best known being Landos
Principles of European Contract Law (the PECL). This work was eventually supported
and endorsed by the European Commission with strong support from the European
Parliament. After other initiatives in 2011, 10 years after its first communication on
contract law, a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (CESL) was published
by the European Commission in order to facilitate contracting across national
boundaries. Current trade within the EU is said to be worth over 2 trillion. It was
asserted that different national systems of contract law impeded such trade and so
the potential gains from codification, especially in the context of European economic
recovery, seemed great. However, this potential reduction in transaction costs is
illusory for two reasons. The imposition of a single contract law in Europe is not
politically possible. Therefore, what has been proposed is an optional code that parties
may choose to adopt. The illusory nature of any supposed transaction cost saving is
clear when it is realised that the proposal, instead of replacing the 28 current domestic
contract regimes with a single new system, instead introduces a further (i.e. 29th)
possible contract framework.
An interesting perspective on this debate is provided by the World Banks annual Doing
Business survey which compares the ease of doing business in 190 countries. This is
judged by reference to 10 metrics including enforcing contracts and trading across
borders. Although common law jurisdictions comprise less than 20 per cent of the
countries surveyed, nevertheless five of the top eight rated countries for ease of doing
business were common law based (Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, US and UK) in
the latest 2017 survey. In contrast, the major European civilian jurisdictions of France and
Germany ranked respectively 29th and 17th. This preference on the part of business for
common law, noncodified, systems of law would appear to further support arguments
against the codification of contract law across Europe. It is perhaps not surprising that
the scope of the CESL has subsequently been reduced and will only apply in the main to
distance and online contracts and even then only if the parties so choose.
uu Part I of the guide deals first with the requirements for the making of a contract
(Chapters 2, 3 and 4).
uu Part II deals with the content of a contract and some of the regulations of the terms
of a contract (Chapters 5 and 6).
uu Part III deals with the capacity to contract the emphasis placed is upon minors
contracts (Chapter 7).
Contract law 1 Introduction and general principles page 15
uu Part V deals with the question of who can enforce the terms of a contract
(Chapter 11).
uu Part VI deals with illegality and public policy (Chapters 12 and 13).
uu Part VII deals with the discharge of a contract (Chapters 14 and 15).
uu Part VIII deals with remedies for a breach of contract (Chapters 16 and 17).
uu Agency.
Past examination papers can be a useful pointer to the type of questions which future
papers will probably include, but you should take care not to read too much into
the style and format of past papers. Remember that, in this as in other subjects, the
examiners may change the format from year to year for example, by requiring a
different number of questions to be answered, by splitting a paper into Part A and Part
B (with some questions to be answered from each part) or by making some questions
compulsory. You must always read and comply with the instructions for the particular
paper you are taking. The annual Programme handbook will normally give advance
warning of major changes in the format of question papers, but the examiners will
have no sympathy with a candidate who does not read the instructions properly.
Subsidiary (Indemnity)
Pao On Lao Yiu
Agreement Long
Fu Chip
Main agreement
Shing On Fu Chip
Shing On Shares
Figure 1.2
Pao On v Lau Yiu Long [1980] AC 614 presents as challenging a set of facts as you will
meet. Yet the case is really about a simple issue: the purchase of a factory by an
individual called Lao Yiu Long. However, this transaction was effected in a complicated
way. The factory was the principal asset of a private company called Shing On which
was owned by Pao On. A contract (the main contract) was entered to exchange all
the shares in Shing On (and so transfer the factory) in exchange for a large number of
shares in Fu Chip, a public company in which Lao Yiu Long was a major shareholder.
The legal issue in the case was whether a subsidiary agreement (called an indemnity)
was enforceable under which Lao Yiu Long agreed to make good any losses that
were caused by a fall in the value of Fu Chip shares before Pao On was entitled to
sell them. The last three sentences are a summary of the facts of a case which are
stated over many pages of the law report. It is a summary that most law teachers can
only assimilate with the use of a simple diagram such as that above. You should not
produce such a diagram in an examination answer but it is a valuable aid to study.
1. Write legibly, using a good dark pen. If necessary, write more slowly than normal
to improve legibility. If the examiners cannot read what you have written there is
nothing for them to mark. You may as well have left the answer book empty.
2. Read the question carefully and at least twice. Look for hints as to the particular
issues the examiners hope you will discuss. Think about what the examiners are
asking you to do: what is the question about? Treat it like a passage in a foreign
language. When translating, the sense of the text you are reading becomes much
clearer on the second reading. This also helps to avoid misreading. Read the rubric
or instruction many times. Sometimes it is broad (e.g. Discuss or Advise X), but
sometimes it is directed. Never start writing before you have finished reading,
Contract law 1 Introduction and general principles page 17
even if the person at the next desk has already completed one page of writing. It is
not the quantity you write but how well you analyse the question and identify the
relevant issues that will determine the quality of your answers.
3. Complete the required number of questions, including all parts of questions with
two or more parts.
4. Poor timing is the main cause of students not achieving their full potential. Plan
your time so that you spend about the same amount of time on each question.
One of the worst mistakes you can make is to overrun on the first two answers: you
are not likely to improve much on the quality of those answers and you will only
increase the pressure and tension while you are trying to finish the other questions
with inadequate time remaining.
5. Make sure that you answer the question which the examiners have asked. It is
often very inconsiderate of examiners not to ask the question you wanted them to
ask. However, never be tempted to answer the question you would have preferred
them to ask. The criterion of relevance is applied mercilessly: only relevant
material gains credit. There are no consolation marks. Think carefully about what
the question asks of you and provide an answer to that question not to a related
(or even worse, unrelated) topic.
6. It is very important to plan out your answer in a rough form (on separate pages)
before you begin to write your answer. An essential technique is to write out a
shopping list of the points and the cases which you intend to cover. If there is
a significant chronology in the question, make a list of the sequence of events with
their dates/times. You should develop a logical order of presenting your points:
many points will have to precede others.
7. Begin your answer with a very short but focused introduction. Show confidence
here as first impressions are important.
is bad, whereas,
is good.
8. Remember above all that the examiners are particularly interested in how well you
know the case law: always try to argue from named cases. Give an accurate and
concise account of the ratio decidendi and, if relevant, obiter dicta of the cases you
9. A good answer has balance. On the one hand it avoids the needless duplication of
authorities to support settled propositions of law but also investigates in detail areas
of open texture where the law is uncertain. In order to achieve this balance you might
find it helpful to distinguish points from issues. A problem raises a point if it is directly
covered by a case or statute which may be complicated but over which there is little
or no doubt. A problem raises an issue where either no case or statute directly covers
the problem, or where conflicting or unclear cases or statutory provisions need to be
considered. Issues justify more lengthy treatment than points.
10. Repetition of the facts of the problem gets no credit and irritates the examiners
who think you believe they cannot read! Also do not waste time setting out the
whole of the law on a topic when the question is only about part of it. Irrelevant
material not only earns no marks but actually detracts from the quality of the
answer as a whole.
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11. Remember that arguments the exploration of possibilities are more important
than conclusions, so you should not feel obliged to come down too firmly on one
side nor should you be inhibited by the fact that you are not sure what the correct
answer is. It is in the nature of the English system of judicial precedent that there
is nearly always room for argument about the scope of a previous ruling, even by
the House of Lords or Supreme Court, so that it is quite possible, even likely, that
more than one view is tenable. It is far better to put forward a reasoned submission
which the examiners may perhaps disagree with than to try and dodge the issue
by saying as surprisingly many candidates do As the law is unclear (or, the
authorities are conflicting) it will be for the court to decide.
uu where available, past examination papers and Examiners reports for the module
which give advice on how each question might best be answered.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Quick quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
The law of contract defines the circumstances when a promise or promises are
enforceable. However, not all promises are enforced by courts. For a promise or
promises to be initially enforceable as a contract certain elements must be present.
There must be:
uu consideration, being the mutual exchange of something which the law recognises
as having a value and
These are cumulative requirements (i.e. each must be present for a contract to exist).
However, the identification of a contract by reference to these elements is sometimes
a somewhat artificial process. Sometimes, courts will find that some agreements
simply look like contracts and they then reason backward and find the elements
necessary to form a contract.
If these elements are not present, a court will not find that a contract exists between
the parties. In the absence of a contract, neither party will be bound to the tentative
promises or agreements they have made. It is thus of critical importance to determine
whether or not a contract has been formed.
Learning outcomes
This chapter introduces the topic of contractual agreement to enable you to discuss
and apply in problem analysis its key components (and supporting authority)
uu The definition of a contractual offer.
uu The distinction between a unilateral and a bilateral offer.
uu The difference between an offer and other communications.
uu The moment of effective communication of an offer.
uu What is (and is not) a valid acceptance.
uu The requirement of communication of acceptance and its exceptions.
Contract law 2 Agreement: offer and acceptance page 21
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 3 Offer and acceptance Section 3.1 Offer and invitation
to treat to Section 3.7 Acceptance.
Whether there is a binding contract between the parties and, if so, upon what terms
depends not upon their subjective state of mind, but upon a consideration of what was
communicated between them by words or conduct, and whether that leads objectively to
a conclusion that they had agreed upon all the terms which they regardedas essential.
It should be noted, however, that there is one circumstance when the courts will
depart from the usual objective approach and take account of the actual subjective
knowledge of the offeree. Under this approach, sometimes known as the snapping up
doctrine, an offeree is not allowed to accept an offer which he knows is mistaken as
to its terms (Hartog v Collins and Shields [1939] 3 All ER 566). This last factor is important
and is what limits the scope of this disapplication of the usual objective approach. It is
not enough to come within this exception that the offeree was aware that the offeror
had made a mistake; the exception will only apply where the offeree is aware that
the offeror is mistaken as to the terms he intended to offer (Statoil ASA v Louis Dreyfus
Energy Services LP (The Harriette N) [2008] EWHC 2257 (Comm)). The doctrine will apply
both where, as in Hartog, the offeree is aware of the offerors mistake as to the terms
he is offering but also where, as in Scriven Bros v Hindley [1913] 3 KB 564, the offeree
should know that the offeror is mistaken as to the terms he has offered perhaps
because, as in Scriven, the offeree induced that mistake by his own carelessness (in
Scriven, contrary to accepted trade custom, marking two distinct commodities with
the same shipping mark).
The Council decided to sell houses that it owned to sitting tenants. In two cases, the
claimants entered into agreements with the Council. The Council then resolved not
to sell housing unless it was contractually bound to do so. In these two cases the
question arose as to whether or not the Council had entered into a contract.
In one case, Storer v Manchester City Council [1974] 3 All ER 824, the Court of Appeal
found that there was a binding contract. The Council had sent Storer a communication
that they intended would be binding upon his acceptance. All Storer had to do to bind
himself to the later sale was to sign the document and return it.
In contrast, however, in Gibson v Manchester City Council [1979] 1 All ER 972, the Council
sent Gibson a document which asked him to make a formal invitation to buy and
stated that the Council may be prepared to sell the house to him. Gibson signed
the document and returned it. The House of Lords held that a contract had not been
concluded because the Council had not made an offer capable of being accepted. Lord
Diplock stated:
The words may be prepared to sell are fatal so is the invitation, not, be it noted, to
accept the offer, but to make formal application to buy on the enclosed application form.
It is a letter setting out the financial terms on which it may be the council would be
prepared to consider a sale and purchase in due course.
A key distinction between the two cases is that in Storers case there was an
agreement as to price, but in Gibsons case there was not. In Gibsons case, important
terms still needed to be determined.
It is very important to realise from the outset that not all communications will be
offers. They will lack the requisite intention to be bound upon acceptance. If they are
not offers, what are they? At this point, we will distinguish an offer from other steps
in the negotiation process. Other steps in the negotiation process might include
a statement of intention, a supply of information or an invitation to treat. We will
examine these in turn.
A statement of intention
In this instance, one party states that he intends to do something. This differs from an
offer in that he is not stating that he will do something. The case of Harris v Nickerson
[1873] 37 JP 536 illustrates this point. The auctioneers advertisement was a statement
that he intended to sell certain items; it was not an offer that he would sell the items.
You should examine the following instances where courts have found that the
communication was not an offer but an invitation to treat.
See Pharmaceutical Society v Boots [1953] 1 QB 401 (note the rationale behind
treating the display as an invitation to treat rather than as an offer) and Fisher v Bell
[1961] 1 QB 394. In contrast, where the display is made by a machine, the display will
probably be an offer (Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking [1971] 2 QB 163).
Contract law 2 Agreement: offer and acceptance page 23
Activity 2.1
Your local grocery shop places a leaflet through your letterbox. On the leaflet is
printed Tomorrow only, oranges are at a special low, low price of 9p/kilo.
Has the grocery shop made you an offer? If you visit the shop, must they sell you
oranges at this price?
b. An advertisement is an invitation to treat where a bilateral contract is anticipated.
See the Introduction above for the distinction between unilateral and bilateral
By way of background you should be aware that the broader law of consumer
protection prohibits misleading advertisements. In particular, the Unfair Trading
Regulations 2008/1277, Part 2, prohibits misleading advertisements aimed at
consumers. The European Court of Justice has said that it would be a breach of
European consumer protection law if in a shop a consumer was refused a product
under the advertised terms (Trento Svilippo srl v Autorita Garante della Concorrenza e
del Mercato [2014] 1 All ER (Comm) 113).
Activity 2.2
How were the facts of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company different from the usual
situation involving an advertisement?
c. A request for tenders is an invitation to treat and the tender is the offer. See
Harvela Investments Ltd v Royal Trust Co of Canada Ltd [1985] Ch 103.
Note, however, that the invitation to treat may contain an implied undertaking to
consider all conforming tenders, as in Blackpool and Fylde Aero Club Ltd v Blackpool
Borough Council [1990] 3 All ER 25.
The bid is an offer; when the auctioneer brings his hammer down he has accepted
the offer. In the case of auctions without a reserve price, the auctioneer enters into
a collateral (or separate) contract. The nature of the collateral contract is that the
auctioneer will accept the highest bid. See Warlow v Harrison [1859] 1 E&E 309 and
Barry v Davies [2000] 1 WLR 1962.
page 24 University of London International Programmes
Activity 2.3
A store mistakenly advertised Sony televisions for sale on its website for 2.99 each
rather than the 299 they intended. Has the store entered a contract to supply the
televisions at the mistaken price with customers who purported to buy the TVs
Self-assessment questions
1. How does an invitation to treat differ from an offer?
3. Do courts treat the display of goods in a shop window differently from a display
in an automated machine and if so, how?
A contract begins with an offer. The offer is an expression of willingness to contract on
certain terms. It allows the other party to accept the offer and provides the basis of the
agreement. An offer exists whenever the objective inference from the offerors words
or conduct is that she intends to commit herself legally to the terms she proposes.
This commitment occurs without the necessity for further negotiations. The first
step in finding a contract is to establish that there is an offer and who is making it.
Many communications will lack this necessary intention and thus will not be offers.
They may be statements of intention, supplies of information or invitations to treat.
Although the distinction between an offer and other steps in the negotiating process
is easy to state in theory, in practice, difficult cases arise.
Further reading
Winfield, P.H. Some aspects of offer and acceptance (1939) 55 LQR 499.
Contract law 2 Agreement: offer and acceptance page 25
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 3 Offer and acceptance Section 3.9 Acceptance in
ignorance of the offer.
The authorities are, however, divided on the need to communicate the offer. In
Gibbons v Proctor (1891) it seems as if a policeman was allowed to recover a reward
when he sent information in ignorance of the offer of reward. The better view is
thought to be expressed in the Australian case of R v Clarke [1927] 40 CLR 227:
there cannot be assent without knowledge of the offer; and ignorance of the offer is the
same thing whether it is due to never hearing of it or forgetting it after hearing.
The case of Tinn v Hoffman [1873] 29 LT 271 deals with the problem of cross-offers.
Activity 2.4
How might the decision have been different in R v Clarke if Clarke had been a poor
but honest widow?
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 3 Offer and acceptance Section 3.7 Acceptance.
For a contract to be formed, there must be an acceptance of the offer. The acceptance
must be an agreement to each of the terms of the offer. A communication which falls
short of this e.g. by merely expressing gratitude for instructions will not constitute
acceptance (Arcadis Consulting v AMEC (BSC) [2016] EWHC 2509 (TCC)). It is sometimes
said that the acceptance must be a mirror image of the offer.
See also Reveille Independent LLC v Anotech International (UK) Ltd [2016] EWCA Civ 443
where it was held that a draft agreement was accepted by subsequent conduct that
sufficiently indicated assent to its terms even though the draft expressly stated that it
was only binding when signed.
If the offeree attempts to add new terms when accepting, this is a counter-offer and
not an acceptance. A counter-offer implies a rejection of the original offer, which is
page 26 University of London International Programmes
thereby destroyed and cannot subsequently be accepted. See Hyde v Wrench (1840) 49
ER 132.
Where the offeree queries the offer and seeks more information, this is neither an
acceptance nor a rejection. It is merely an enquiry as to whether the offeror would be
prepared to vary the offer and the original offer stands. See Stevenson, Jacques & Co v
McLean [1880] 5 QBD 346.
The majority of the Court of Appeal in Butler Machine Tool v Ex-Cell-o [1979] 1 All ER
965 held that the last shot wins this battle of the forms. The minority judgment of
Lord Denning MR in Butler criticised the all or nothing approach of the old mirror
image rule whereby a contract was concluded on either the buyer or the sellers
terms. He preferred to look at the communications as a whole and hold there to be a
contract when there is substantial agreement on all material points. If the remaining
differences are irreconcilable Lord Denning thought they should be replaced by
reasonable implication. Lord Dennings radical approach has not been followed
elsewhere and in Tekdata Interconnections Ltd v Amphenol Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 1209 the
Court of Appeal reasserted the traditional approach emphasising the importance of
certainty in commercial transactions. If it is found that there is no contract between
the parties it does not follow that they will not have to pay for any benefits received.
A different branch of the civil law of obligation, known as the law of restitution, may
impose on the recipient of a benefit an obligation to pay something to the party who
conferred that benefit irrespective of whether a contract comes into existence to bind
the two parties (BSC v Cleveland Steel [1984] 1 All ER 504).
Note, also, that in some cases courts have held that particular relationships are not
capable of contractual analysis. In The Eurymedon [1975] AC 154 Lord Wilberforce noted
that English law having committed itself to a rather technical and schematic doctrine
of contract nevertheless takes a practical approach, often at the cost of forcing the
facts to fit uneasily into the marked slots of offer, acceptance On rare occasions the
traditional analysis is abandoned altogether. In President of the Methodist Conference v
Preston [2013] UKSC 29 the Supreme Court held that the manner in which a Methodist
minister was engaged was incapable of being analysed in terms of contractual
Activity 2.5
A wrote to B offering 300 bags of cement at 10 per bag. B wrote in reply that she
was very interested but needed to know whether it was Premium Quality cement.
The following morning, soon after A read Bs letter, B heard a rumour that the price
of cement was about to rise. She immediately sent a fax to A stating, Accept your
price of 10 for Premium Quality. Assuming that the cement actually is Premium
Quality, is there a contract? If so, does the price include delivery? Explain your
Activity 2.6
What is the position under the last shot rule if, after the exchange of forms, the
seller fails to deliver the goods?
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 3 Offer and acceptance Section 3.8 Communication of
the acceptance, and Section 3.10 Prescribed method of acceptance to Section
3.14 Termination of the offer.
The general rule is that acceptance is not effective until it is communicated to the
offeror. This is sometimes expressed by saying that the acceptance cannot be made
Contract law 2 Agreement: offer and acceptance page 27
through silence and Felthouse v Bindley is often cited to support this proposition.
Such a statement is, however, too broad and the true rule of law is discoverable by
reflection upon what is wrong with saying that silence cannot amount to acceptance.
Most people would agree that is inconsistent with the view of a contract as a
voluntarily assumed obligation to allow one party to force a contract upon a party
that that party does not want at the time of contracting. If a lecturer and author was
able to say to his contract class that he will assume that all his audience want to buy
a copy of his book unless they say not in the next five seconds it is perhaps obvious
that she should not be able to rely upon those five seconds silence as evidence of
acceptance of an offer to sell a copy of her book. The so called rule (i.e. that silence
cannot constitute acceptance) should extend only as far as the policy that justifies
it (i.e. that the law should not allow an offeror to force a contract on an unwilling
offeree). So qualified the proper rule becomes: silence will not constitute acceptance
when to so hold would involve forcing a contract on an unwilling party. It then follows
that silence can constitute acceptance when this does not involve forcing a contract
upon an unwilling party. In Rust v Abbey Life [1979] 2 Lloyds Rep 334 the Court of
Appeal, by way of obiter dicta, approved this more limited statement of the silence as
acceptance rule.
Activity 2.7
You offer to buy a kilo of oranges from your local shop for 9p. Nothing further is
said, nor do you receive any written correspondence. The next day, however, a kilo
of oranges arrives at your house from the local shop. Is there a valid acceptance of
the contract? Has there been a communication of the acceptance?
See Brogden v Metropolitan Railway Company [1877] 2 App Cas 666.
Self-assessment questions
1. What was the detriment to the offeree in Felthouse v Bindley?
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 3 Offer and acceptance Section 3.12 Exceptions to the
rule requiring communication of acceptance.
As we saw above, the general rule is that for an acceptance to be valid it must be
communicated to the offeror. It must be brought to the offerors attention. To this
general rule there are certain exceptions situations where the law does not require
communication of the acceptance.
page 28 University of London International Programmes
In the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company (1893) it was established that full
performance is the acceptance of the offer and there is no need to communicate the
attempt to perform. Communication of the acceptance is waived because it would be
unreasonable of the offeror to rely on the absence of a communication which would
have been superfluous or which no reasonable person would expect to be made.
These decisions establish the postal acceptance rule, that is, that acceptance
is complete when posted. This puts the risk of delay and loss on the offeror. It is
important to understand that the rule is an exception to the general rule requiring
The postal acceptance rule will only prevail in certain circumstances. It will prevail
where use of the post was reasonably contemplated by the parties or stipulated by the
offeror. See Household Fire Insurance v Grant (1879).
It may be that the post is the only reasonable form of communication available. See
Henthorn v Fraser [1892] 2 Ch 27.
The postal acceptance rule will not allow a contract to be concluded by posting the
acceptance where the letter is incorrectly addressed by the offeree. The offer may
accept the risk of delay occasioned by the post but not the carelessness of the offeree:
LJ Korbetis v Transgrain Shipping BV [2005] EWHC 1345.
The operation of the postal acceptance rules creates practical difficulties. The greatest
problem is that contracts can be formed without the offeror being aware of the
contract. For example, an offeror makes an offer. Unbeknown to him, the offeree
accepts. The offeror then revokes the offer before receiving the postal acceptance.
The offeror contracts with another party over the same matter and then receives
the postal acceptance from the original offeree. The offeror is now in breach of his
contract with the original offeree.
be confining the scope of the postal acceptance rule. This is a rationale behind
the decision in Holwell Securities v Hughes [1974] 1 WLR 155. In this case, the postal
acceptance rule did not apply because the offeror did not intend that it would apply.
While this case is authority for the proposition that the terms of an offer must be met
for acceptance to be valid, it also illustrates the reservations modern courts have over
the postal acceptance rule.
In an early case involving a telegram, a form of the postal acceptance rule was applied
(Bruner v Moore [1903] 1 Ch 305) but in later cases involving telexes, the courts refused
to extend the application of the postal acceptance rules. See Entores v Miles Far East
Corp [1955] 2 QB 327 and Brinkibon Ltd v Stahag Stahl [1982] 2 WLR 264. As modern forms
of communication such as fax and email have become almost instantaneous, courts
have shown a marked reluctance to extend the postal acceptance rule to these new
forms of communication. In JSC Zestafoni Nikoladze Ferroalloy Plant v Romly Holdings
[2004] EWHC 245 (Comm) an acceptance by fax was held to be an instantaneous
communication. In Thomas v BPE Solicitors [2010] EWHC 306 Blair J said obiter that the
postal rule should not apply to contracts concluded through the exchange of emails
and this is supported by the Singapore decision of Chwee Kin Keong v Digilandmall.
com Pte Ltd [2004] 2 SLR 594. Regulations governing internet trading (i.e. the purchase
of goods or services from websites), principally the Electronic Commerce (EC
Directive) Regulations (2002) do not identify at what stage acceptance is effected.
However, Regulation 11(2) provides that in contracts with a consumer the order and
acknowledgment of the order are deemed to be received when the addressee is able
to access them. This reference to receipt in the Regulations would appear to indicate
that the default rule that acceptance is effective upon receipt, rather than as with the
postal rule on sending, should apply to all internet sales.
Activity 2.8
What rules do you think courts should adopt for communication by fax or email?
Self-assessment questions
1. What reasons have been given by the courts for the postal acceptance rule?
For a contract to be formed, the acceptance of an offer must be communicated.
There are exceptions to this general rule. The most significant of these exceptions is
the postal acceptance rule. The postal acceptance rule is, however, something of an
anachronism in the modern world and is unlikely to be extended in future cases.
Further reading
Gardner, S. Trashing with Trollope: a deconstruction of the postal rules (1992) 12
page 30 University of London International Programmes
OJLS 170.
Poole, J. Textbook on contract law. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) 12th
edition [ISBN 9780199687220] Chapter 2, Section 2.4 Acceptance.
Nolan, D. Offer and acceptance in the electronic age in Burrow and Peel
(eds) Contract formation and parties. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010)
[ISBN 9780199583706].
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 3 Offer and acceptance Section 3.10 Prescribed method
of acceptance.
In other cases the required method for communicating acceptance may also be
inferred from the making of the offer. See Quenerduaine v Cole [1883] 32 WR 185.
The problem that arises is this: if the offeree uses another method of acceptance, does
this acceptance create a contract? The answer is that if the other method used is no
less advantageous to the offeror, the acceptance is good and a contract is formed. This
is the result unless the offeror stipulates a certain method of acceptance and further
stipulates that only this method of acceptance is good. See Manchester Diocesan
Council for Education v Commercial and General Investments (1970).
Self-assessment questions
1. Where a method of acceptance has been prescribed by the offeror:
If an offeror intends that a certain method of acceptance is to be used, he must
stipulate this method and that only an acceptance using this method is to be used.
If he only stipulates a method, an offeree can use another method provided that the
other method is no less advantageous than the method stipulated.
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 3 Offer and acceptance Section 3.14 Termination of the
Contract law 2 Agreement: offer and acceptance page 31
Offers do not exist indefinitely, open for an indeterminate time awaiting acceptance.
Indeed, some offers may never be accepted. What we will consider at the conclusion
of this chapter is what happens to an offer before it has been accepted. There is no
legal commitment until a contract has been concluded by the acceptance of an offer.
In situations where an offeror has stipulated that the offer will be open for a certain
time period, he or she can nevertheless withdraw the offer within this time period.
This will not be the case, however, where the offeror is obliged (by a separate binding
collateral contract) to keep the offer open for a specified period of time: Routledge
v Grant [1828] 172 ER 415. If a time has been set by which to accept then the offer will
automatically lapse at the end of that period.
Unilateral contracts pose particular problems here. As the act stipulated as acceptance
of a unilateral offer may take some time to complete, the situation may arise where
the offeror tries to revoke the unilateral offer after the offeree has begun, but before
he has completed, performance of the stipulated act. Intuitively it might seem unjust
if revocation was allowed in these circumstances and in most cases it is not (see
Errington v Errington [1952] 1 KB 290 and Soulsbury v Soulsbury [2007] EWCA Civ 969).
However, the way in which such revocation is usually prevented means that revocation
is not always impossible. In Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v Cooper [1941] AC 108 the House of
Lords explained that the revocation of a unilateral offer after the offeree has begun
performance of the act stipulated would not be possible in most cases because a
term would be implied into the contract that the offeree would not seek to revoke his
offer (or otherwise prevent the completion of performance) once that performance
had begun (see also Daulia v Four Millbank Nominees [1978] Ch 231). Such a term will be
implied where it is necessary to make the agreement commercially effective (to give
it business efficacy). It follows that where it is not necessary to imply any such term,
as Luxor the offeror is free to revoke the offer after performance has begun. In Luxor
the House of Lords said that it would not be appropriate to imply such a term where
a very large consideration was being offered for a small amount of work. The Court of
Appeal in Schweppe v Harper [2008] EWCA Civ 442 emphasised that cases such as Luxor
where the offeror is able to revoke after performance has begun will be rare.
Activity 2.9
Your neighbour offers to sell you her car for 10,000. She tells you to think about it
and let me know by Monday. On Saturday, she puts a note under your door to say
forget it I want to keep my car. Can she do this? Explain.
By what process must the offeror of a unilateral contract revoke his offer? The problem
of an appropriate process exists when the offer is made to the world. In this situation,
what must the offeror do to alert the world? English law provides no answer to this
question, but it is thought that the principle of Shuey v USA [1875] 92 US 73 would also
apply in the UK (i.e. that revocation may be effected by giving the same prominence
to the revocation as was given to the original offer). If this is done then revocation,
contrary to the usual rule, may be effective even if it does not actually come to the
attention of the offeree.
If the offeree rejects an offer, it is at an end. A counter offer (i.e. an offer substantially
at variance with an earlier offer) is simultaneously a rejection of the original offer and
page 32 University of London International Programmes
Activity 2.10
Analyse all the communications in Hyde v Wrench (1840) and state whether they
are: an invitation to treat, a contractual offer, a counter offer, a rejection or an
Different problems arise when it is the offeree who changes his or her mind. For
example, if after posting a letter of acceptance, the offeree informs the offeror by
telephone, before the letter arrives, that they reject the offer, should the act of posting
an acceptance prevail over the information actually conveyed to the offeror? In the
absence of English cases the books refer to a number of cases from other jurisdictions
see Dunmore v Alexander [1830] 9 S 190 (Scotland) and Wenkheim v Arndt [1873] 1 JR 73
(New Zealand) but when citing them, it is important to emphasise that they are not
binding, and indeed have very little persuasive authority. The question must therefore
be answered primarily as a matter of principle. Treitel suggests that the issue is
whether the offeror would be unjustly prejudiced by allowing the offeree to rely on
the subsequent revocation.
In cases in which no time period is stipulated for the offer, an offeree cannot make an
offeror wait forever. The offeror is entitled to assume that acceptance will be made
within a reasonable time period or not at all. What a reasonable time period is will
depend upon the circumstances of the case. See Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore
[1866] LR 1 Ex 109.
Self-assessment questions
1. Why can the offeror break his or her promise to keep the offer open for a stated
3. How can the offeror inform all potential claimants that the offer of a reward has
Contract law 2 Agreement: offer and acceptance page 33
been cancelled?
4. Will there be a contract if the offeree posts a letter rejecting the offer but then
informs the offeror by telephone, before the letter arrives, that he accepts the
Until an offer is accepted, there is no legal commitment upon either party. Up until
acceptance, either party may change their mind subject to the next sentence. An
offeror may not revoke a unilateral offer after performance has begun whenever the
offeror has undertaken, perhaps impliedly, not to do so. An offeree may reject an offer
prior to acceptance and may do so by making a counter offer.
Further reading
Halson, Chapter 3 Agreement: offer and acceptance.
Examination advice
The detailed rules of offer and acceptance provide a ready source of problems and
difficulties on which examiners can draw. Here are some examples.
There are also several everyday transactions where the precise contractual analysis
is not immediately apparent the motorist filling up with petrol (gas), the passenger
riding on a bus, the tourist buying a ticket for the Underground (subway) from a
machine and so on. The fact that some of these problems are not covered by authority
does not make them any less attractive to examiners indeed, the opposite might well
be the case. The key to most problems of offer and acceptance is the idea that the law
should give effect to actual communication wherever possible.
Advise Alice.
Question 2
Cyril, a stamp dealer, had a rare Peruvian 5 cent blue for sale. He wrote to Davina,
a collector who specialises in Peruvian stamps, asking whether she would be
interested in purchasing it. Davina wrote in reply, I am willing to pay 500 for the
blue; I will consider it mine at that price unless I hear to the contrary from you
and will collect it from your shop on Friday next week.
Advise Davina as to the legal position:
a. if Cyril disregarded Davinas letter and sold the stamp to Eric for 600
b. if Cyril put the stamp on one side in an envelope marked Sold to Davina but
Davina decided that she no longer wished to buy it.
Question 3
a. On 1 January A writes to B saying, I am considering selling my horse, Philocretes,
and I wonder whether you would like to buy him. I would expect to receive
about 500 for him. On 2 January B writes back, I accept your offer and will send
you the money in a few days. On 3 January A writes to B: Dont be ridiculous,
I wasnt offering the horse for sale, and anyway I want 750 for him. To avoid
misunderstanding, do not write back unless you do not want the horse at this
price. B was so annoyed on reading the first sentence that he tore up the letter
without reading further and did not reply. Three weeks later A came round and
demanded 750, offering to deliver the horse.
Advise B.
b. Would your answer be any different if upon reading As second letter B decided
to purchase the horse for 750 and A now refuses to deliver it?
Question 1
The issues in this problem are:
a. What is the effect of Alice writing to Bill to offer to sell him shares?
b. What is the effect of Alices stipulation as to the time the offer is open?
d. What is the effect of Bills change of mind? Is there effective communication when
a message is left on an answering machine?
When the issues are listed in this form it is apparent that the biggest issue is whether or
not a contract has been formed. This is dependent upon whether Alices offer has been
accepted. This, in turn, depends upon whether Bill has communicated his acceptance or
his rejection.
a. Alices letter appears to be an offer within the criteria of Gibson v Manchester City
Council and Storer v Manchester City Council. You should outline these criteria and
apply them to the facts sometimes the designation of an offer in a problem
question or in everyday life turns out not to be an offer in the legal sense.
b. Alices stipulation that the offer is open for one week is not binding (apply the
criteria in Offord v Davies) unless there is a separate binding contract to hold the
offer open. There does not appear to be such a separate binding agreement.
c. Because Bill posts his letter of acceptance, we need to consider whether or not the
postal acceptance rules apply. Consider the criteria in Household Fire Insurance v
Grant. Does the case apply here? In the circumstances, it probably does. Alice has
initiated communications by post and thus probably contemplates that Bill will
respond by post. In these circumstances, the acceptance is good when Bill posts
the letter it is at this point that a contract is formed. It does not matter that the
letter does not arrive until Monday (at which point the offer will have expired,
given Alices stipulation as to the time period).
A possible counter argument to this is that Alice asked Bill to let her know by
Saturday and this let me know means that there must be actual knowledge of
his acceptance that it must really be communicated. This necessity for actual
communication means that Bills acceptance is not good until Monday when
Alice actually opens the letter. To apply this counter argument, one needs to
consider the criteria set out in Holwell Securities v Hughes. One might also note
that since that decision, courts are reluctant to extend the ambit of the postal
acceptance rule.
d. Bill changes his mind. Here there is no authority as to the effect of his change of
mind. In addition, given the two possible positions in point (c) above, two possible
outcomes exist. If the postal acceptance rules apply, then a contract has been
formed and Bills later change of mind cannot upset this arrangement. However,
this seems a somewhat absurd result since Alice learns almost simultaneously
of the acceptance and the rejection. Bill has attempted to reject the offer by
a quicker form of communication than the post. In these circumstances, you
could apply the reasoning of Dunmore v Alexander and state that no contract
has been formed between the parties. In addition, given the reservations of the
court in Holwell Securities v Hughes, it seems improbable that a court would rely
upon the postal acceptance rule, an unpopular exception to the necessity for
communication, to produce an absurd result. The second possible outcome
here is that the postal acceptance rules never applied and no contract could be
formed until Alice opened the letter. Since she received the rejection at almost
the same time, she is no worse off (see reasoning above) by not having a contract.
You might also wish to consider the application of the rules for instantaneous
communications in Entores v Miles Far East Corp and Brinkibon v Stahag Stahl [1983]
2 AC 34. Should the communication made by telephone be deemed to have been
the first received? If so, there is no contract.
e. This is really the answer to the question. For the reasons stated above, the rejection
should be determinative. Accordingly, no contract arises in this situation and Bill is
not obliged to buy the shares in Utopia Ltd.
Question 2
Note at the outset that in two-part questions such as this you must answer both parts
(unless clearly instructed that candidates are to answer either a or b).
Again, your approach should be to break down the question into its constituent parts:
uu The effect of Davinas letter is it an acceptance? Does the postal acceptance rule
apply? Is Davinas letter a statement of intention?
uu Is Davinas letter an offer? Can she waive the necessity for the communication of
the acceptance?
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By considering these issues, you can determine whether a contract has been formed
or not. With respect to part (a), if a contract has been formed, then Cyril is in breach
of this contract when he sells the stamp to Eric. You need to consider whether Cyril
has made an offer has he exhibited a willingness to commit on certain terms within
Storer v Manchester City Council (1974)? Or is his communication an invitation to treat or
a step in the negotiation of a contract? If his letter is an offer, it seems reasonable that
he expects an acceptance by post and the postal acceptance rules will apply: Household
Fire Insurance v Grant (1879).
On balance, it seems unlikely that his letter is an offer it is phrased in terms that seek
to elicit information and not to be binding upon further correspondence from Davina.
Davina may have made an offer and waived the necessity for further communication
see Felthouse v Bindley (1862). It is, however, possible that either Davina never made
an offer to buy the stamp (she was merely giving an indication of her top price) or that
Cyril never accepted the offer. In these circumstances, no contract has been formed
with Davina and Cyril is free to sell the stamp.
With regard to part (b), if Davina has (and can, given the law in this area see Felthouse
v Bindley (1862) and Rust v Abbey Life (1979)) made an offer, then Cyril has (if possible)
accepted the offer when he takes the step of setting aside the stamp. In these
circumstances, a contract has been formed and Davina is obliged to buy the stamp.
There are, however, significant weaknesses in reaching this conclusion primarily
that she seems to be indicating the top price she would pay for the stamp and that
if a broad interpretation is taken of Felthouse v Bindley (1862) (but this would be
contrary to the obiter dicta in Rust v Abbey Life) she cannot waive the necessity for
communication of the acceptance.
Question 3
A-B Jan 1 Is this an offer or an invitation to treat? You should define each and consider
Gibson v Manchester City Council and Storer v Manchester City Council. On the authority
of Gibson words such as considering, wonder, expect are likely to be considered
too equivocal to support the existence of an offer so this communication will be an
invitation to treat.
B-A Jan 2 This is phrased as acceptance but the law looks to the substance not the form
of communications. For example, in Hyde v Wrench a purported acceptance was held
to amount to an offer only and in Pickford v Celestica [2003] EWCA Civ 1741 a purported
acceptance was held to be a counter offer. Here the purported acceptance must be an
offer to buy.
A-B Jan 3 This is a counter offer as it is substantially different to the previous offer, see
Hyde v Wrench; it cannot be a mere enquiry as in Stevenson v McLean.
Was this offer accepted? Bs silence cannot constitute acceptance: Felthouse v Bindley.
If Bs silence amounted to acceptance then this would involve forcing a contract on
an unwilling party. This is the wrong which the rule that silence should not amount to
acceptance aims to avoid.
What if? In this variation the offeree B wants to waive the protection usually offered
by the Felthouse v Bindley rule, so here Bs silence could constitute acceptance on the
authority of Rust v Abbey Life.
Quick quiz
Question 1
Which of the following statements provides the most appropriate definition of an
offer in a contract?
a. Where one party (A) offers the other party (B) the opportunity to enter into
negotiations for the purchase of property.
b. Where one party (A) puts a proposition to another party (B) which is coupled by
Contract law 2 Agreement: offer and acceptance page 37
an indication that they (A) are willing to be held to that proposition.
c. Where one party (A) sees an advert in a newspaper by (B) offering for sale a wild
live bird.
d. Where one party (A) thinks the other party (B) will accept a lower price for
property that he is preparing to sell.
e. Dont know.
Question 2
How did Parker LJ in the case of Fisher v Bell (1961) explain the status of an article as
part of a display in a shop window?
a. Contract law has never been clearer as to the fact that any display in a shop
window must constitute an offer. To decide otherwise would place shoppers in
peril as it would entice them into shops to purchase goods, only to discover the
goods were on sale for a different, probably higher, price.
b. In the case of an ordinary shop, although goods are displayed and it is intended
that customers should go and choose what they want, the contract is not
completed until, the customer having indicated the articles which he needs, the
shopkeeper, or someone on his behalf, accepts that offer.
c. It is perfectly clear that according to the ordinary law of contract the display of
an article with a price on it in a shop window is merely an invitation to treat. It is
in no sense an offer for sale, the acceptance of which constitutes a contract.
d. The display of goods constitute an offer which could not be accepted before the
goods reach the cashier. Until then the customer is free to return an article to
the shelf even though they have put it in the basket.
e. Dont know.
Question 3
Which of the following statements explains how the law of contract treats auction
a. The advertising of the auction sale is the point at which the contract begins. If
the claimant presents themselves for auction to discover there is no longer any
property for auction they can claim damages from the auctioneer for loss of
b. Once the auction begins the auctioneer is bound to sell to the highest bidder
even if the reserve price is not met.
c. Once the auction has begun the highest bidder has the right to enforce the
contract even if they acquire property for 200 which is actually worth 14,000.
d. Once the auctioneers hammer has fallen then the highest bidder has the first
opportunity to enter into negotiations with the auctioneer as to what price they
should pay for the property up for sale.
e. Dont know.
Question 4
Which of the following statements was specifically made by Bowen LJ in Carlill v
Carbolic Smoke Ball Co (1893) and attempts to defeat claims in that case that the
advertisement was an invitation to treat rather than an offer?
a. Any act of the plaintiff from which the defendant gains any benefit or advantage,
or any work, detriment, or inconvenience suffered by the plaintiff, provided
such act is performed or such inconvenience sustained by the plaintiff, with the
consent, express or implied of the defendant.
page 38 University of London International Programmes
b. In the advertisement cases ... there never was any problem with thinking that
the advertisement was a promise to pay the money to the person who first gave
information. The difficulty suggested was that it was a contract with all the
world. But that of course was soon overruled.
c. It follows from the nature of the thing that the performance of the condition is
sufficient to acceptance without the notification of it and a person who makes
an offer in an advertisement of that kind makes an offer which must be read by
the light of that common sense reflection.
d. I am of the opinion that an offer does not bind the person who makes it until it has
been accepted, and its acceptance has been communicated to him or his agent.
e. Dont know.
Question 5
Which of the following statements about unilateral contracts are true?
a. A unilateral offer can never be revoked after it has been made.
e. A unilateral offer can never be revoked once the offeree has begun performance
of the stipulated act.
f. A unilateral offer cannot be revoked once the offeree has begun performance
of the stipulated act whenever a term or collateral promise to that effect can be
Question 6
Which of the following statements is made by Denning LJ in Entores Ltd v Miles
Far East Corporation [1955] 2 QB 327 to explain the requirement, or not, of
communication of an acceptance to an offer made in a contract?
a. He who shouts loudest, shouts longest and if someone shouts their acceptance
and the Concorde aeroplane flies over and their acceptance is muffled by the
breaking of the sound barrier then that acceptance has still been delivered.
b. To err is human, to forgive divine and just because the other party has faithfully
conveyed the acceptance to the offer, if that acceptance is not communicated
effectively, a contract is not formed.
e. Dont know.
Part I Requirements for the making of a contract
3 Consideration
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.1 Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Quick quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
The concept of consideration is the principal way in which English courts decide
whether an agreement that has resulted from the exchange of offer and acceptance
(as explained in Chapter 2) should be legally enforceable. It is only where there is
an element of mutuality about the exchange, with something being given by each
side, that a promise to perform will be enforced. A promise to make a gift will not
generally be treated as legally binding. It is the presence of consideration which
makes this promise binding as a contract. It is possible to see consideration as an
important indication that the parties intended their agreement to be legally binding
as a contract. Although there is a separate requirement of an intention to create legal
relations (discussed in Chapter 4), it is clear that historically this requirement was also
fulfilled by the requirement of consideration. While the doctrine of consideration is
crucial to English contract law, it has been applied with some flexibility in recent years.
At common law a promise is only enforceable if supported by consideration.
A promises to paint Bs garden fence. The promise to do this is consideration moving
from A to B. For this to form the basis of a binding agreement there must be a promise
from B, perhaps to pay A for the work, for this to be a binding agreement. There is then
consideration moving from B to A.
In some circumstances, English courts will find that a promise given without
consideration is legally binding and this chapter concludes with an examination
of these instances. These instances are decided upon on the basis of the doctrine
of promissory estoppel and in this area the courts are concerned to protect the
reasonable reliance of the party who has relied upon the promise. These instances
arise where there is a variation of existing legal obligations.
This chapter introduces the doctrine and requirement of consideration to enable
you to discuss and apply in problem analysis its key components (and supporting
authority) including:
uu The basic definition of consideration.
uu The significance of consideration to the English law of contract.
uu The acts which the courts have recognised as sufficient to constitute good
uu Situations where the performance of, or promise to perform, an existing
obligation amount to consideration for a fresh promise.
uu The definition of past consideration and its exceptions.
uu The role of consideration in the modification of existing contracts.
uu The essential elements of the doctrine of promissory estoppel.
uu How the doctrine of promissory estoppel lead to the enforcement of some
promises which are not supported by consideration.
Contract law 3 Consideration page 43
3.1 Consideration
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 5 Consideration and form Section 5.1 Requirements of
form, Section 5.20 Reliance upon non-bargain promises, Section 5.21 The role
of consideration and Section 5.29 Conclusion: the future of consideration.
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 5 Consideration and form Section 5.2 Consideration
defined to Section 5.6 Consideration must be sufficient but it need not be
adequate and Section 5.19 Consideration must move from the promisee.
Look at the traditional definition of consideration as set out in Currie v Misa (1875):
a valuable consideration, in the sense of the law, may consist either in some right, interest,
profit or benefit accruing to the one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss of
responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other.
You will see that it is based around the concept of a benefit to the person making the
promise (the promisor), or a detriment to the person to whom the promise is made
(the promisee). Either is sufficient to make the promise enforceable, though in many
cases both will be present.
This is generally quite straightforward where one side performs its part of the
agreement. This performance can be looked at as detriment to the party performing
and a benefit to the other party, thus providing the consideration for the other partys
promise. More difficulty arises where the agreement is wholly executory (that is, it
is made by an exchange of promises, and neither party has yet performed). It is clear
that English law treats the making of a promise (as distinct from its performance)
as capable of being consideration see the statement of Lord Dunedin in Dunlop
Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v Selfridge & Co Ltd (1915) p.855. Thus, in a wholly executory (i.e.
unperformed) contract, the making of the promise by each side is consideration for
the promise made by the other side (so rendering both promises enforceable). This
leads to a circular argument. A promise cannot be a detriment to the person making
it (or a benefit to the person to whom it is made) unless it is enforceable. But it will
only be enforceable if it constitutes such a detriment (or benefit). For this reason it is
perhaps better to regard the doctrine of consideration as simply requiring mutuality
in the agreement (that is, something being offered by each side to it, the exchange
principle) rather than trying to analyse it strictly in terms of benefits and detriments.
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Activity 3.1
Suppose that A arranges for B to clean As windows, and promises to pay B 30 for
this work. B does the work. How does the analysis of benefit and detriment apply
in identifying the consideration supplied by B for As promise of payment?
Activity 3.2
As in 3.1, but this time A pays the 30 immediately, and B promises to clean the
windows next Tuesday. What is the consideration for Bs promise?
Activity 3.3
As in 3.1, but A and B arrange for the windows to be cleaned next Tuesday, with A
paying 30 on completion of the work. Suppose B does not turn up on Tuesday. Is B
in breach of contract?
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 5 Consideration and form Section 5.6 Consideration
must be sufficient but it need not be adequate to Section 5.9 Compromise and
forbearance to sue.
These words can seem interchangeable at first glance but they actually mean
something very different in this context. The requirement that consideration must be
sufficient means that what is being put forward must be something which the courts
will recognise, or have recognised as legally capable of constituting consideration.
The fact that it need not be adequate indicates that the courts are not generally
interested in whether there is a match in value between what is being offered by each
party, so no need for proportionality. Thus in Thomas v Thomas (1842) the promise to
pay 1 per annum rent was clearly sufficient to support the promise of a right to live
in a house: the payment of, or promise to pay, money is always going to be treated
as being within the category of valid consideration. On the other hand, the fact that
1 per annum was not a commercial rent was irrelevant, because the courts do not
concern themselves with issues of adequacy.
Consider the case of Chappell v Nestl (1960). You will see that Lord Somervell justifies
the courts approach to the issue of adequacy by reference to freedom of contract:
A contracting party can stipulate for what consideration he chooses. The courts
will not interfere just because it appears that a person has made a bad bargain. The
person may have other, undisclosed, reasons for accepting consideration that appears
inadequate. In the case of Chappell v Nestl the reasoning was presumably that the
requirement to send in the worthless wrappers would encourage more people to buy
the companys chocolate.
Activity 3.4
Read the case of Ward v Byham (1956). Identify the consideration supplied by the
mother. Does the consideration meet the requirement of having economic value?
Activity 3.5
Read the case of Edmonds v Lawson (2000). What consideration was supplied by the
pupil barrister? Does the consideration meet the requirement of having economic
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 5 Consideration and form Section 5.10 Performance of a
duty imposed by law to Section 5.18 Past consideration.
Luther, P. Campbell, Espinasse and the sailors: text and context in the common
law (1999) 19 Legal Studies 526.
There are three aspects to this topic, dealing with three different types of existing
obligation which may be argued to constitute consideration.
The third situation is, essentially, concerned with the variation of existing contractual
obligations as between the parties and the extent to which such variations can
become binding.
An example of the first type of existing obligation would be where a public official
(such as a firefighter or a police officer) agrees to carry out one or more of their
duties in return for a promise of payment from a member of the public. In that
situation the promise of payment will not generally be enforceable. This is either
because there is no consideration for the promise (the public official is only
carrying out an existing duty) or, more probably, because public policy generally
suggests that the law should not encourage the opportunities for extortion that
enforcing such a promise would create.
Where, however, the official does more than is required by the existing obligation,
then the promise of payment will be enforceable, as shown by Glasbrook Bros Ltd
v Glamorgan CC (1925). This position at common law is now, in relation to police
services, enshrined in statute. Section 25 of the Police Act 1996 distinguishes
between performing their duty of doing what is necessary to prevent crime for
which they cannot charge and doing something else at the request of an individual
for which they can charge. This provision and its identical predecessor has been
considered in a number of cases concerning undertakings by football clubs to
pay for police services on match days. In the latest case of Leeds United FC v Chief
Constable of West Yorkshire [2013] EWCA Civ 113, the Court of Appeal held that the
police were under a duty to prevent crime, maintain law and order and protect
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Activity 3.6
In Collins v Godefroy (1831), why was the promise of payment unenforceable?
Activity 3.7
In Ward v Byham (1956), why was the fathers promise enforceable?
In the second type of situation, which regards the performance of, or promise
to perform, an existing obligation owed under a contract with a third party, the
position is much more straightforward. The courts have consistently taken the
view that this can provide good consideration for fresh promise. Thus it has been
applied to the fulfilling of a promise to marry (Shadwell v Shadwell (1860) such a
promise at the time being legally binding) and to the unloading of goods by a firm
of stevedores, despite the fact that the firm was already obliged to carry out this
work under a contract with a third party (The Eurymedon (1975)). The Privy Council
confirmed, in Pao On v Lau Yiu Long (1980), that the promise to perform an existing
obligation owed to a third party can constitute good consideration.
A promises B to teach for one hour at the University.
C, one of the university students, promises to pay Y for the hour of teaching.
In this situation if A does the promised hour of teaching they can claim both X
from B and Y from C. Although A has done no more than contractually obliged to
do under the contract with B, this is held to be valid consideration for the promise
by C to pay Y.
The consideration from A can be seen as the detriment of being open to liability
for breach of contract to both B and C should A fail to perform.
Activity 3.8
What other explanation can there be for the decision in Stilk v Myrick?
Activity 3.9
How can Stilk v Myrick be distinguished from the factually similar case of Hartley v
Ponsonby (1857), where the recovery of additional payments was allowed?
However, this rule has now become less certain since the important decision of the
Court of Appeal in Williams v Roffey Bros & Nicholls (Contractors) Ltd (1991). This case
raised the question of whether Stilk v Myrick could still be said to be good law. The
plaintiff carpenters, in completing the work on the flats, appeared to be doing no
more than they were already obliged to do under their contract with the defendants.
How could this constitute consideration for the defendants promise of additional
payment? The application of Stilk v Myrick would point to the promise being
Yet the Court of Appeal held that the plaintiffs should be able to recover the promised
extra payments for the flats which they had completed. The Court came to this
conclusion by giving consideration a wider meaning than had previously been thought
appropriate. In particular, Glidewell LJ pointed to the practical benefits that would be
likely to accrue to the defendants from their promise of the additional money. They
would be:
uu ensuring that the plaintiffs continued work and did not leave the contract
uu avoiding a penalty clause which the defendants would have had to pay under their
contract with the owners of the block of flats
uu avoiding the trouble and expense of finding other carpenters to complete the work.
The problem is that very similar benefits to these could be said to have accrued to the
captain of the ship in Stilk v Myrick. The main point of distinction between the cases
then becomes the fact that no pressure was put on the defendants in Williams v Roffey
to make the offer of additional payment. In other words, the alternative explanation
for the decision in Stilk v Myrick, as outlined in the feedback to Activity 3.8, above, is
given much greater significance. The effect is that it will be much easier in the future
for those who act in response to a promise of extra payment, or some other benefit,
by simply doing what they are already contracted to do, to enforce that promise
(it is important to cross reference your reading here with Chapter 10 in relation to
economic duress).
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You should note that Glidewell LJ summarises the circumstances where, in his view,
the practical benefit approach will apply in six points, which relate very closely to
the factual situation before the court and emphasise the need for the absence of
economic duress or fraud.
There is no reason, however, why later courts should be restricted by these criteria in
applying the Williams v Roffey approach.
It was previously thought that Williams v Roffey had not affected the related rule that
part payment of a debt can never discharge the debtor from the obligation to pay
the balance see Re Selectmove (1995). However, in MWB Business Exchange Ltd v Rock
Advertising Ltd [2016] EWCA Civ 553 the Court of Appeal held that a property owner
was bound by an oral agreement with the occupier who had failed to make payments
as provided by the parties original written agreement to accept a late payment and
a revised schedule of further payments. It was said that the subsequent agreement
conferred practical benefits upon the land owner who recovered some of the arrears
immediately and benefitted because the premises would not now be left empty for
a period. Arden LJ alone characterised the subsequent agreement as a collateral
unilateral contract. It was collateral because it was distinct from the original licence to
occupy the premises agreed between the parties; it was unilateral because, so long as
the licensee did an act i.e. occupied the premises and paid the renegotiated fees, the
land owner would be bound by his promise to accept the deferral of the arrears.
This common law rule has been regarded with some disfavour over the past 100
years and in some circumstances its effect can be avoided by the equitable doctrine
of promissory estoppel (discussed below, at Section 3.2). It was seen above that it is
further qualified by the interpretation of Williams v Roffey which was used by the Court
of Appeal in MWB Business Exchange Ltd v Rock Advertising Ltd (2016) because in many
situations it may be to the creditors practical benefit to get part of the debt, rather
than to run the risk of receiving nothing at all. In such circumstances, the agreement
to accept less will be supported by consideration and so will be contractually binding.
Some doubt surrounds the decision in Williams v Roffey. Most recently in MWB Business
Exchange Ltd v Rock Advertising Ltd (2016) the Court of Appeal expanded its area of
application when in the past the same court in Re Selectmove (1995) confined the ambit
of the decision. Further, South Caribbean Trading Ltd (SCT) v Trafigura Beeher BV (2004)
Colman J doubted the correctness of the decision in Williams v Roffey. In particular,
Colman J noted that the decision was inconsistent with the long-standing rule that
consideration must move from the promisee.
Contract law 3 Consideration page 49
Activity 3.10
Read the case of Foakes v Beer, preferably in the law reports (1884) 9 App Cas 605
(although extracts do appear in Poole). Which of the judges expressed reluctance to
come to the conclusion to which they felt the common law (as indicated by Pinnels
case) bound them? What was the reason for this reluctance?
Activity 3.11
Why do you think that in the past the Court of Appeal has been reluctant to
overturn the decision in Foakes v Beer? Do more recent cases exhibit a more flexible
Essential reading
McKendrick Chapter 5 Consideration and form Section 5.18 Past
A further rule about the sufficiency of consideration states that generally the
consideration must be given after the promise for which it is given to make it
enforceable. A promise which is given only when the alleged consideration has been
completed is unenforceable. The case of Re McArdle (1951) provides a good example. The
plaintiff had carried out work refurbishing a house in which his brothers and sister had
a beneficial interest. He then asked them to contribute towards the costs, which they
agreed to do. It was held that this agreement was unenforceable, because the promise
to pay was unsupported by consideration. The only consideration that the plaintiff could
point to was his work on the house, but this had been completed before any promise of
payment was made. It was therefore past consideration and so not consideration at all.
As with many rules relating to consideration, there is an exception to the rule about
past consideration. The circumstances in which a promise made after the acts
constituting the consideration will be enforceable were thoroughly considered in
Pao On v Lau Yiu Long (1979). Lord Scarman laid down three conditions which must be
satisfied if the exception is to operate.
1. The act constituting the consideration must have been done at the promisors
request. (See, for example, Lampleigh v Braithwaite (1615).)
2. The parties must have understood that the work was to be paid for in some way,
either by money or some other benefit. (See, for example, Re Caseys Patents (1892).)
3. The promise would be legally enforceable had it been made prior to the acts
constituting the consideration.
The second of these conditions will be the most difficult to determine. The court
will need to take an objective approach and decide what reasonable parties in this
situation would have expected as regards the question of whether the work was done
in the clear anticipation of payment.
Activity 3.12
Why was the approach taken in Re Caseys Patents not applied so as to allow the
plaintiff to succeed in Re McArdle, since it was obvious that the improvement work
would benefit all those with a beneficial interest in the house?
Activity 3.13
Jack works into the night to complete an important report for his boss, Lisa. Lisa
is very pleased with the report and says I know youve worked very hard on this:
Ill make sure theres an extra 200 in your pay at the end of the month. Can Jack
enforce this promise?
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Self-assessment questions
1. What is an executory contract?
The doctrine of consideration is the means by which English courts decide whether
promises are enforceable. It generally requires the provision of some benefit to the
promisor, or some detriment to the promisee, or both. The value of the consideration
is irrelevant, however. The performance of existing obligations will generally not
amount to good consideration, unless the obligation is under a contract with a third
party, or the promisee does more than the existing obligation requires. This rule is less
strictly applied following Williams v Roffey. Part payment of a debt can never in itself be
good consideration for a promise to discharge the balance. Consideration must not be
past, unless it was requested, was done in the mutual expectation of payment and is
otherwise valid as consideration.
Further reading
Anson, Chapter 4 Consideration and promissory estoppel.
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 5 Consideration and form Section 5.22 Estoppel to
Section 5.29 Conclusion: the future of consideration.
These procedures are a cumbersome way of dealing with the not uncommon situation
where the parties to a continuing contract wish to modify their obligations in the light
of changed circumstances. It is not surprising, therefore, that the equitable doctrine of
promissory estoppel has developed to supplement the common law rules. This allows,
in certain circumstances, promises to accept a modified performance of a contract to
be binding, even in the absence of consideration.
The origin of the modern doctrine of promissory estoppel is found in older cases such
as Hughes v Metropolitan Railways but was more widely developed in the judgment of
Denning J (as he then was) in the case of Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees
House Ltd (1947).
The facts of the case concerned the modification of the rent payable on a block of
flats during the Second World War. The importance of the case, however, lies in the
Contract law 3 Consideration page 51
statement of principle which Denning set out to the effect that a promise intended
to be binding, intended to be acted on, and in fact acted on, is binding so far as its
terms properly apply. Applying this principle, Denning held that a promise to accept a
lower rent during the war years was binding on the landlord, despite the fact that the
tenant had supplied no consideration for it. You should read this case in full.
The common law long recognised the concept of estoppel by representation. Such
an estoppel only arises, however, in relation to a statement of existing fact, rather than
a promise as to future action: see Jorden v Money (1854). The concept of waiver had
also been recognised by both the common law and equity as a means by which certain
rights can be suspended, but then revived by appropriate notice. See, for example,
Hickman v Haynes (1875), Rickards v Oppenheim (1950) and Hughes v Metropolitan
Railway (1877). It was this last case upon which Denning J placed considerable reliance
in his decision in High Trees House. The concept of waiver, however, had not applied to
situations of part payment of debts. Note the suggestion of Arden LJ in Collier v P & MJ
Wright (Holdings) Ltd (2007), based upon the obiter dictum of Denning J, that promissory
estoppel has the effect of extinguishing the creditors right to the balance of a debt
when he has accepted a part payment of the debt. Under the modern law the concept
of waiver has been effectively subsumed within promissory estoppel.
Drawing the threads together, it seems to me that all of these cases are best understood
as illustrations of the broad principle that if one party to a contract makes a promise to
the other that his legal rights under the contract will not be enforced or will be suspended
and the other party in some way relies upon that promise, whether by altering his position
or in any other way, then the party who might otherwise have enforced those rights
will not be permitted to do so where it would be inequitable having regard to all of the
promissory estoppel. The Court of Appeal, however, including Lord Denning, held
that promissory estoppel could not be used as the basis of a cause of action in this
way. Its principal use was to provide protection for the promisee (as in High Trees
House providing the lessees with protection against an action for the payment of the
full rent). As Lord Denning put it: consideration remains a cardinal necessity of the
formation of a contract, though not of its modification or discharge.
English courts have resisted attempts to found an action on a promissory estoppel. See
Baird Textile Holdings Ltd v Marks & Spencer Plc (2001) although note the different approach
taken by the High Court of Australia in Waltons Stores (Interstate) Ltd v Maher (1988).
Activity 3.14
Why was Dennings statement of principle in High Trees House seen as such a
potentially radical development in the law?
Activity 3.15
Do you think that the doctrine of promissory estoppel is still needed, now that
Williams v Roffey has made it much more likely that a modification of a contract will
be found to be supported by consideration?
Self-assessment questions
1. How does promissory estoppel differ from common law estoppel, and from
2. What is the meaning of the phrase a shield not a sword in the context of
promissory estoppel?
3. What important statement of principle did Denning J make in the case of Central
London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd?
Generally the modification of a contract requires consideration in order to be binding.
The doctrine of promissory estoppel, however, provides that in certain circumstances
a promise may be binding even though it is not supported by consideration. The
main use of the doctrine has been in relation to the modification of contracts, but it
is not clear whether it is limited in this way. The doctrine is only available as a shield,
not a sword; there must have been reliance on the promise; it must be inequitable to
allow the promisor to withdraw the promise; but it may well be possible to revive the
original terms of the contract by giving reasonable notice.
Further reading
Anson, Chapter 4 Consideration and promissory estoppel.
There are three separate issues which you will need to consider.
uu Was Simones promise to pay the extra 500 a binding variation of the contract?
If Peter has provided consideration for Simones promises, then he will be able to
hold her to them. The answer to the third question will depend to some extent on the
answer to the first two. If there has been no binding variation of the original contract,
then Peter is not entitled to more than 5,000 in any case. If there has been a binding
variation, then the question will arise as to whether he is precluded from recovering
the extra money because of the doctrine of promissory estoppel.
As to the promised 500, you will need to consider whether the fact that Peter is buying
additional materials is good consideration for this promise. Simone may argue that it was
implicit in the original contract that the cost of all materials needed would be included
in the 5,000. The fact that Peter has made an underestimate is not her responsibility.
Similarly, in relation to the promised extra 1,000, is Peter doing any more than he is
contractually obliged to do, in that it seems likely that the original contract was on
the basis that the work was to be done by the end of August? In answering both these
questions you will need to deal with the principle in Stilk v Myrick and the effect on this of
Williams v Roffey. This will involve identifying any practical benefit that Simone may have
gained from her promises. If such a benefit can be identified and there is no suggestion
of improper pressure being applied by Peter, then the variations of the contract will be
binding on Simone. The effect of the subsequent decisions in cases such as Re Selectmove,
SCT v Trafigura and MWB Business Exchange Ltd v Rock Advertising Ltd (2016) upon Williams v
Roffey could also be considered.
In relation to the third issue, assuming that there has been a binding variation, you
will need to decide whether Foakes v Beer applies (in which case Peter will be able
to recover the 1,500), or whether Simone can argue that Peter is precluded from
recovery by the doctrine of promissory estoppel. In relation to the latter issue, one of
the matters which you will need to consider is whether promissory estoppel can apply
in a situation of a debt of this kind, as opposed to money payable under continuing
contracts such as those involved in High Trees House and Tool Metal Manufacturing v
Tungsten Electric. You will also need to consider whether the fact that Simone may have
not been fully truthful about her financial position may make it inequitable for her
to rely on promissory estoppel (see D & C Builders v Rees). The suggestion of Arden LJ in
Collier v P & MJ Wright (Holdings) could also be considered.
Quick quiz
Question 1
In Currie v Misa (1875) it was said that a valuable consideration, in the sense of the
law, may consist either in some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to the
one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or
undertaken by the other. Which of the following statements best represents what
this statement means?
a. Consideration involves the signalling of equal exchange of goods to ensure that
all contracts are fairly enforceable.
b. Consideration allows all promises to be enforced by showing that one party was
thoughtful about the other when they entered into negotiations.
Contract law 3 Consideration page 55
e. Dont know.
Question 2
Which of the following scenarios, in light of the law on consideration, would most
likely allow K, in contract law, to enforce a contract for a new mobile phone?
a. J promises K a brand new mobile phone.
b. J promises K a brand new mobile phone if he takes it out of the box that it came in.
c. J promises K a brand new mobile phone for 5 which is far below its market
d. J promises K a brand new mobile phone worth 150 because he gave him
150 worth of compact discs last year. K had no idea of this when he gave the
compact discs to J.
e. Dont know.
Question 3
Which of the following statements represents the common law view of part
payment of debt?
a. If one party (A) suggests that (B) be let off part of the payment of an existing
debt then (A) cannot then sue for recovery of that debt.
b. If one party (A) suggests that (B) be let off part payment of an existing debt then
(A) cannot sue for recovery of that debt before 25 years have passed.
c. If one party (A) suggests that (B) be let off part payment of an existing debt then
(A) can only sue for recovery of that debt if she can show that (B) was lying about
his financial situation.
d. If one party (A) suggests that (B) be let off part of the payment of an existing
debt then (A) can sue for recovery of that debt.
e. Dont know.
Question 4
In the case of The Eurymedon (1975) Lord Wilberforce said: An agreement to do
an act which the promisor is under an existing obligation to a third party to do
may quite well amount to valid consideration and does so in the present case: the
promise obtains the benefit of a direct obligation which he can enforce. Which of
the following scenarios best reflects this view?
Choose one answer.
a. If a carpenter has a contract with a builder who has a contract with a
homeowner to fit the kitchen in that house then if he receives 500 in addition
to his original fee, just to get the job done on time, he will have provided
sufficient consideration for this additional 500.
b. If a carpenter has a contract with a homeowner to fit the kitchen in that house
then if he receives 500 in addition to his original fee, just to get the job done on
time, he will have provided sufficient consideration for this additional 500.
d. If the carpenter has a contract with a builder and he finishes the fitting of the
kitchen of the householder and the builder says I will give you a bonus for
fitting the kitchen. The builder later refuses.
e. Dont know.
Question 5
Which of the following statements is made by Russell LJ in Williams v Roffey Bros
& Nicholls (Contractors) Ltd (1990) to reflect the current view of the courts in the
requirement of consideration in any contract?
Choose one answer.
a. Consideration remains the cornerstone of English contract law. Any attempt to
remove the requirement of its presence has always been defeated.
e. Dont know.
8. How does the doctrine of promissory estoppel lead to the enforcement of some
promises which are not supported by consideration?
Part I Requirements for the making of a contract
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Quick quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
We have examined many of the basic requirements necessary for the formation of an
enforceable contract: offer and acceptance (Chapter 2) and consideration (Chapter 3).
To these requirements we must add three more:
2. That the terms of their agreement are certain and not vague; and
3. That their agreement is a complete agreement that does not need further
development or clarification.
Once all of these requirements are present, courts will, in the absence of any vitiating
elements, recognise an agreement as an enforceable contract. We will examine each
of these new requirements in turn.
This chapter introduces the other formative requirements: intention to create
legal relations, certainty and completeness to enable you to discuss and apply in
problem analysis its key components (and supporting authority) including:
uu Why courts require an intention to create legal relations.
uu The difference between domestic agreements and commercial agreements with
regard to an intention to create legal relations.
uu The key factors in determining whether or not an intention to create legal
relations exists.
uu What is meant by certainty of terms and the difference between contracts
where there is certainty of terms and those where there is not.
uu Why courts insist upon certainty of terms.
uu The concept of vagueness in relation to contractual provisions.
uu The rationale behind the requirement of contractual completeness.
uu Whether, and if so when, a court may complete an agreement.
Contract law 4 Other formative requirements: intention, certainty and completeness page 59
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 6 Intention to create legal relations.
Hedley, S. Keeping contract in its place Balfour v Balfour and the enforceability
of informal agreements (1985) 5 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 391. This article
can be found in HeinOnline using the Online Library.
Traditionally, the law has distinguished between domestic and social agreements
and commercial agreements. In the case of domestic and social agreements, it
is presumed that there is not an intention to create legal relations. In the case of
commercial agreements, it is presumed that there is an intention to create legal
In either instance, the facts of the case may displace the presumption the law would
otherwise make. For example, it may be that when neighbour A agreed to mow
neighbour Bs lawn in exchange for the apples on Bs apple tree, both parties intended
that this agreement would be legally enforceable.
The determination of whether or not the parties intended to enter into legally binding
relations is an objective one and context is all-important. What this means is that the
courts will not examine the states of mind of the parties to the agreement (a subjective
approach), but will ask whether or not reasonable parties to such an agreement would
possess an intention to create legal relations. See Edmonds v Lawson [2000] EWCA Civ69.
In President of the Methodist Conference v Preston [2013] UKSC 29 the Supreme Court
held that it was necessary to consider the appointment of a Methodist minister in
the context of the factual background. In so doing, the Court found that there was no
contractual intention.
the agreement was one which could be sued upon. The judgment of Atkin LJ really
seems to rest upon public policy arguments that as a matter of policy, domestic
agreements, commonly entered into, are outside the jurisdiction of the courts. His
judgment also highlights a judicial concern that if such agreements could be litigated
in the courts, the courts would soon be overwhelmed by such cases.
Similar reasoning was applied in the case of Jones v Padavatton [1969] 2 All ER 616
to find that the agreement between a mother and her adult child did not create
a contract. See also Coward v MIB [1963] 1 QB 259 where the court found that an
agreement to take a friend to work in exchange for petrol money was an arrangement
which lacked contractual intention.
It can be seen that in many of these cases between spouses the usual presumption is
rebutted after the breakdown of the marriage relationship. A modern development
concerns the legal enforceability of an agreement that precedes, rather than follows,
the entering of a marriage known as a pre-nuptial agreement (colloquially a pre-nup).
In Radmacher v Granatino [2010] UKSC 42 the Supreme Court upheld a decision that the
husband was not entitled to an award of 5.5 million after the breakup of the marriage
because such an award would give insufficient weight to the pre-nuptial agreement.
This agreement acknowledged that neither party would acquire any benefit from the
others property during the marriage and its execution was a condition of a substantial
transfer of family wealth to the wife. Lady Hale dissented, arguing that there
remained important policy considerations sufficient to justify a different approach to
agreements made before and after marriage.
When agreements are entered between non-family members with respect to what
might be considered more trivial subjects such as the division of the proceeds of
joint betting, the cases are less clear. In Simpkins v Pays [1955] 3 All ER 10 it was found
that there was a contract where three co-habitees entered a competition together,
whereas in Wilson v Burnett [2007] EWCA Civ 1170 it was held that there was no binding
agreement to share bingo winnings.
Activity 4.1
Think of the last three promises you have made to friends or family. Did these
promises form agreements intended as contracts? Why (or why not)?
Activity 4.2
How does Simpkins v Pays differ from Coward v MIB?
Activity 4.3
A and B are married to each other. They agree that A will make all the mortgage
payments on the marital home and that B will pay all other household bills. This
arrangement carries on for two years whereupon A refuses to make any more
mortgage payments. Can B sue A?
Contract law 4 Other formative requirements: intention, certainty and completeness page 61
Activity 4.4
A and B are married to each other. They agree that A will pay all the household
expenses and that B will remain at home to care for their children. B subsequently
takes up paid employment outside the home and another person cares for the
children. Must A continue to pay the household expenses?
Commercial agreements
In relation to commercial agreements, courts will generally presume that an intention
to create legal relations is present. See Esso Petroleum Ltd v Commissioners of Customs
and Excise [1976] 1 All ER 117. This is an especially strong inference when the commercial
context is an ongoing employment relationship (Dresdner Kleinwort Ltd v Atrill [2013]
EWCA Civ 394).
Exceptionally, the facts may disprove such an intention. In a sale of land, agreements
are normally made subject to contract. This wording expressly displaces any
presumption of contractual intention. In other situations, courts have found that the
specific wording of the agreement in question displaced any contractual intention.
See, for example:
uu a comfort letter Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Malaysia Mining Corporation Berhad [1989]
1 All ER 785
uu an honour clause Rose and Frank Company v JR Crompton and Brothers Ltd [1925] AC
In most cases where the parties deal at arms length (i.e. they have no existing ties of
family, friendship or corporate structure) the court will find a contractual intention.
See Edmonds v Lawson (2000).
Activity 4.5
Why might a commercial party not want an agreement to be an enforceable
contract? Is such an agreement of any practical value?
Ultimately, the question of contractual intention is one of fact. The agreement
in question must be carefully scrutinised to determine the nature of the parties
Self-assessment questions
1. To what extent are courts examining whether or not the parties intend to take
any dispute to a court for resolution? To what extent are the courts determining
whether or not the agreement has certain terms?
2. Are courts influenced by the reliance of one party upon the promise of another
in determining that a contractual intention is present?
Further reading
Freeman, M. Contracting in the Haven: Balfour v Balfour revisited in Halson,
R. (ed.) Exploring the boundaries of contract. (London: Dartmouth Publishing
Company, 1996) [ISBN 9781855217126].
page 62 University of London International Programmes
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 4 Certainty and agreement mistakes Section 4.1
Certainty and Section 4.2 Vagueness.
In some circumstances, particularly where the parties have relied upon an agreement,
courts will more readily imply or infer a term or find that the essentials of a contract
have been established. This can be seen in the decision in Hillas v Arcos [1932] All ER
494. Here, the agreement had been relied upon and the court was able to infer the
intention of the parties based upon the terms in their agreement and the usage in the
trade. Similarly, in RTS Flexible Systems Ltd v Molkerei Alois Muller Gmbh & Co KG [2010]
UKSC 14 agreement had been reached on all terms of economic significance and
performance commenced. The Supreme Court said that an objective interpretation of
the parties words and deeds suggested that they intended to enter a binding contract
despite the fact that certain terms were not yet confirmed. Even if performance is
almost complete and the parties throughout confidently expected to agree upon key
terms, their actual failure to do so will mean that no contract comes into existence
(British Steel Corp v Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co Ltd [1984] 1 All ER 504).
Activity 4.6
You agree with Z that you will buy a shirt from Zs summer collection for 25. No size
is specified in your agreement. Have you a contract? Explain.
Activity 4.7
What is the difference between the decisions in Hillas and Scammell? Are there
convincing reasons for deciding these cases differently?
It may be that the agreement provides a mechanism, or machinery, to establish the
term. In such a situation, there is certainty of terms. Thus, if interest on a loan is to
be set at 1% above the Bank of Englands base rate on a certain date, then this is a
certain term. It cannot be stated at the outset of the contract what the interest rate
is, but certainty of terms exists because, on the relevant date, the interest rate can be
determined by an agreed mechanism.
There is a difference between a term which is meaningless and a term which has yet to
be agreed. Where the term is meaningless, it can be ignored, leaving the contract as a
whole enforceable. See Nicolene Ltd v Simmonds [1953] 1 QB 543.
Contract law 4 Other formative requirements: intention, certainty and completeness page 63
If the terms of an agreement are uncertain or vague, courts will not find a contract
exists. Courts will not create an agreement between the parties. In a number of
circumstances, courts will use various devices to ensure that terms which might
appear uncertain are, in fact, certain. It may be possible to determine what the term is
from the usage in the trade. A vague or meaningless term may be ignored.
Self-assessment questions
1. Would an agreement to use all reasonable endeavours to achieve a certain
objective be enforceable?
2. What are the arguments in favour of allowing a court to establish the essential
terms of an agreement?
Essential reading
McKendrick, Chapter 4 Certainty and agreement mistakes Section 4.3
To create an enforceable contract, parties must reach an agreement on all the major
elements of their contract. The agreement must, in other words, be complete. There
must be nothing left outstanding to be agreed upon at a later date. Completeness is
an aspect of certainty of terms: unless an agreement is complete, a court is unable
to state with certainty what agreement has been made between the parties. If there
is no agreement on all of the essential elements of a bargain, there is no contract.
There must be an agreement on matters such as price, either by fixing the price or
establishing a mechanism to fix the price. What is essential in a contract will depend
upon the nature of the contract. It is not possible to turn an incomplete bargain into a
legally binding contract by merely adding together express and implied terms. Rather,
a complete bargain must exist which may be supplemented by further implied terms
Wells v Devani [2016] EWCA Civ 1106.
There is no such thing as an agreement to agree. In Courtney & Fairbairn Ltd v Tolani
Brothers (Hotels) Ltd (1975) it was held that there was no contract where the parties
had simply agreed to negotiate. Their agreement was not enforceable as a contract.
In Barbudev v European Cable Management Bulgaria EOOD [2012] EWCA Civ 548 a
communication offering investment on terms to be agreed was said to be no more
than an unenforceable agreement to agree.
The reason for this probably lies in the practical consideration that if the agreement
is incomplete, it is not for the court to complete the agreement because the court
would then be creating, rather than interpreting, the contract. In Walford v Miles [1992]
2 AC 128 Lord Ackner noted that the parties to negotiations had diametrically opposed
aims and so their opposing interests could not be reconciled sufficiently to support in
Walford an implied obligation to continue to negotiate in good faith with a particular
party. In contrast, an undertaking not to negotiate with third parties (called a lock-
out agreement) was, if for a fixed period, sufficiently certain to be enforceable (Pitt v
PHH Asset Management Ltd [1994] 1 WLR 327).
Activity 4.8
Your milkman leaves you a note to ask if you would like an order of bread at some
point in the future. You reply that you would and you agree to pay his price of 1 per
loaf. Is your agreement a contract? When will the bread be delivered?
page 64 University of London International Programmes
Activity 4.9
You offer to pay 200,000 for a house subject to contract. Although the house
looks fabulous on a first viewing, subsequent inspection of it reveals that it suffers
badly from damp. The vendor insists that you must buy the house as she has
accepted your offer. Must you?
In some instances, legislation or case law will enable the court to add the necessary
term to the agreement. An example of this can be seen in s.8(2) of the Sale of Goods
Act 1979 which provides that where the price in a contract for the sale of goods has
not been determined the buyer must pay a reasonable price. Where this occurs, the
agreement can be completed and an enforceable contract exists.
In other instances, where the parties have acted in reliance upon what otherwise
might be considered to be an incomplete agreement, courts have found that they
were able to imply the necessary terms. For examples of this, see the decisions in Foley
v Classique Coaches Ltd [1934] 2 KB 1 and British Bank for Foreign Trade Ltd v Novinex Ltd
[1949] 1 KB 623. There are two different ways of rationalising what courts are doing in
these instances.
uu The first is that courts are protecting the parties reasonable reliance upon an
uu The second is that, because the parties have relied upon the agreement, it is easier
to imply with certainty what the parties would originally have agreed upon as the
essential terms.
Activity 4.10
What elements have courts found essential in determining whether the agreement
is complete? Why are these elements essential?
Activity 4.11
In what instances have courts been prepared to imply or insert what appears to
be an otherwise missing essential element? Why was the court prepared to do this?
The agreement must contain all the essential terms necessary to execute the
agreement with certainty. If the agreement does not contain all the necessary terms,
it will not be an enforceable contract. Courts will not create the contract between the
Self-assessment questions
1. Once the parties have begun to perform an agreement, are courts concerned to
protect the reliance of the parties?
2. How do the previous dealings of the parties or the custom within a particular
trade assist the court? See Scammell v Ouston (1941).
Examination advice
The matters considered in this chapter are unlikely to appear as a separate question
on the examination paper. This does not mean that they are not important. They must
be present in order to form an enforceable contract. The fact that the law insists upon
their presence (and the circumstances in which the law creates these elements) tells
us a lot about the consensual nature of contract law.
For examination purposes, however, the matters covered in this chapter are likely
to appear as issues in a larger question involving a bigger issue. You must think
about how these smaller issues fit within the larger issue. Thus, for example, does an
intention to create legal relations also indicate a greater problem with the adequacy
of consideration?
Contract law 4 Other formative requirements: intention, certainty and completeness page 65
When you read examination questions that refer to an agreement, check to see if the
agreement is domestic or social in nature will intention to create legal relations be
an issue in the context of that question? A party seeking to avoid contractual liability
may do so on the ground that there was no intention to create legal relations. Where
the agreement is between commercial parties, consider whether or not there are
factors which displace the presumption of intention.
With respect to certainty and completeness, situations will arise where the words
may be ambiguous. You must ask yourself whether this ambiguity creates a problem of
certainty, or possibly a mistake.
Quick quiz
Question 1
Which of these statements was made by Denning LJ in Merritt v Merritt (1970) to
indicate the view of the courts when deciding whether parties had an intention to
create legal relations?
a. A husbands word is his bond. Even if a man promises his wife flowers daily at
the beginning of their marriage there is no reason why a wife could not sue on
that promise 25 years later when all he brings her is complaints of the quality of
her cleaning.
b. Contracts should not be ... the sports of an idle hour, mere matters of pleasantry
and badinage, never intended by the parties to have any serious effect
d. In all these cases the court does not try to discover the intention by looking into
the minds of the parties. It looks at the situation in which they were placed and
asks itself would reasonable people regard this agreement as intended to be
e. Dont know.
Question 2
Which of these statements best summarises the reasons why the House of Lords
refused to enforce the husbands promise to his wife in Balfour v Balfour (1919)?
a. The law does not interfere in the relations between family members and
promises made between family members are binding, if at all, only as a matter
of honour and not law.
b. When the husband made the promise to his wife, the couple had not yet
separated and the husband was not bound to pay his wife any money.
c. When the husband promised to pay his wife an allowance he did so without any
intention to create legal relations.
d. When the husband promised to pay his wife an allowance he did so without any
intention to create legal relations and his wife provided no consideration for his
e. Dont know.
Question 3
In Jones v Padavatton (1969) Fenton Atkinson LJ found that the presumption against
an intention to create legal relations in domestic agreements was not rebutted
a. A promise by a parent to pay a child an allowance during the course of their
studies was no more than a family arrangement not intended to give rise to
legal consequences.
c. In examining the subsequent history of events between the mother and daughter,
it was apparent that the parties had not exhibited an intention to create legal
relations at the time the mother promised to fund the daughters studies.
Contract law 4 Other formative requirements: intention, certainty and completeness page 67
d. While there was an intention to create legal relations when the mothers
promise was made, the subsequent alterations in the method by which the
mother funded the daughters studies removed this intention.
e. Dont know.
Question 4
Which of the following most accurately states the position in relation to uncertain
and incomplete agreements?
a. A court will never enforce an agreement which omits any term.
d. Courts will not enforce an agreement unless all the terms are written.
e. Dont know.
Question 5
Which of the following is not a method by which a term, seemingly uncertain or
vague, can be given certainty?
a. That the parties agree that one of the parties resolve the issue.
c. That the agreement provides that the term be resolved by judicial decision.
e. Dont know.
4. What are the most important factors in determining whether or not an intention
to create legal relations exists?
6. What is the difference between contracts where there is certainty of terms and
those where there is not?