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SS Tech Guide - Hand Pump Equipped Boreholes PDF

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Technical Guidelines
for the Construction and Management of
Borehole Hand pumps

A Manual for Field Staff and Practitioners

April 2009
Developed in partnership with
Table of Contents

Page No
Foreword.. 2

Acknowledgements. 5

Acronyms 6

Document Summary

1. Introduction. 7

1.1The purpose and the process of the development of the

technical guideline and manual 7
1.2 Mobilization of stakeholders 8
1.3 Technology options.. 8

2 Design considerations. 9

2.1 General 9
2.2 Hydrogeological classification of the aquifers of Sudan. 10

3 Guideline for selection of hand pumps. 14

4 Borehole design.. 15

4.1 General considerations in borehole design.. 15

4.2 Practical borehole design considerations for Sudan 16

5 Borehole drilling and Installation 23

6 Borehole hand pumps 32

6.1 Types of hand pumps 32

6.2 National standardized hand pumps for Sudan . 36

7 Management, operation and maintenance of the borehole hand pumps 36

7.1 Management of the water supply system. 36

7.2 Operation and maintenance.. 37
7.3 Capacity building. 38

8 Recommendations.. 38

Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Government of National Unity

Significant progress in the provision of water and sanitation services in Sudan has been
achieved in the last few years. This is attributed to the increased access to many remote
villages as a result of the three major peace agreements, the Comprehensive Peace
Agreement (CPA) between north and south Sudan, the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA)
and the Eastern Sudan Peace Agreement (ESPA), that were signed in 2005 and 2006
respectively. This access has allowed the Ministries of Irrigation and Water Resource
(MIWR) of the Government of National Unity (GoNU), state governments and sector
partners (including NGOs and the private sector) to expand water and sanitation services
in many areas. This prioritizing of the expansion and sustainability of water and
sanitation services in urban and rural areas throughout the county, including to the
nomadic population has resulted in a steady annual increase in water and sanitation
coverage for the citizens of Sudan.

With this expansion in implementation, the MIWR recognized the need to harmonize the
various methodologies utilized by the various actors in the implementation of water and
sanitation interventions. It was agreed that this could be best achieved through the
development and distribution of Technical Guidelines, outlining best practices for the
development of the 14 types of water supply and sanitation facilities in the Sudan. These
Technical Guidelines, compiled in a systematic manner will undoubtedly set standards
and provide guidance for all water and sanitation sector implementing partners.

The MIWR of the GoNU of the Sudan is grateful to UNICEF, Sudan for financial and
technical support in the preparation of the Technical Guidelines.

I believe these Technical Guidelines will go a long way to improving WES sector
programmes, allowing for scaling up implementation of activities towards achieving the
MDGs for water supply and sanitation in Sudan.

Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources
Government of National Unity, Khartoum


Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation Government of Southern Sudan
The historic signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in January 2005,
culminated in the establishment of an autonomous Government of Southern Sudan
(GOSS) and its various ministries, including the Ministry of Water Resources and
Irrigation (MWRI). The CPA has enabled the GOSS to focus on the rehabilitation and
development of the basic services. The processing of the Southern Sudan Water Policy
within the framework of the 2005 Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan (ICSS) and the
Interim National Constitution (INC) was led by the MWRI. This Water Policy is
expected to guide the sector in the planning and monitoring of water facilities during
implementation. The Water Policy addresses issues like Rural Water Supply and
Sanitation (RWSS) and Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (UWSS). The Southern
Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) of GOSS approved the Water Policy of Southern
Sudan in November 2007.
The importance of developing effective water supply and sanitation services is
universally recognized as a basis for improving the overall health and productivity of the
population, and is particularly important for the welfare of women and children under
five. Considering the current low coverage of safe drinking water supply and basic
sanitation facilities as a result of the protracted civil war in the country during the last
five decades, there are enormous challenges ahead. With the unrecorded number of IDPs
and returnees that have resettled in their traditional homelands and the emergence of new
settlements/towns in all ten states of SS, the demand for water and sanitation services is
immense. There is need for implicit policies, strategies, guidelines and manuals to ensure
provision of sustainable supply of quality and accessible water and sanitation services.
The preparation of these WES Technical Guidelines at this stage is very timely, as it
enables us to further develop our strategies and prepare action plans for the
implementation of the Water Policy. It will also allow us to strengthen existing best
practices as well as to test new experiences that will create room for future development.
During the development and finalization of these guidelines for water supply and
sanitation facilities, we have consulted WASH sector partners at State level and partner
non-government agencies through successive consultative meetings, and appreciate their
contribution, which has assisted in finalizing these documents.
The MIWR of the GOSS is thankful to UNICEF, Juba for financial and technical support
for the preparation of these Technical Guidelines.
We call upon our WASH sector partners to give us their continuous feedback from the
field for the improvement of these guidelines and manuals. We believe that successful
implementation and future sustainable service provision will depend on effective
coordination and close collaboration among all partners including government, non-
government and beneficiary communities.

Mr. Joseph Duer Jakok,
Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation
Government of Southern Sudan, Juba
Date .


Special thanks go to Mr Mohammed Hassan Mahmud Amar, Mr Eisa Mohammed and

Mr Mudawi Ibrahim, for their directions on GONUs sector policy; Engineer Isaac
Liabwel, on GOSSs water policy; Mr Sampath Kumar and Dr. Maxwell Stephen
Donkor, for their direction on the WASH sector from the UNICEF perspective, and for
the provision of relevant documents & information, and facilitating & organizing a
number of forums to discuss draft documents.

The author would also like to thank WES and UNICEF staff of North Darfur, North
Kordofan, South Kordofan, Sinnar, Gedaref, Kassala, Red Sea and Blue Nile States; the
staff of DRWSS, and UWC in Central Equatoria, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Warap and
Upper Nile States; and the staff of UNICEF Zonal Offices responsible for the
arrangement of meetings with sector partners and successful field trips to the various

Many thanks to Emmanuel Parmenas from MWRI, and Mr Mohammed Habib and Mr
Jemal Al Amin from PWC, for their contribution in collecting documents and
information at the national and state levels, facilitating field trips and contacting relevant
persons at state level and to the latter two for their support in translating documents and
information from Arabic into English.

The completion of this document would not have been possible without the contributions
and comments of staff of SWC, PWC, MIWR, MCRD, MWRI, MOH in GONU, MAF,
International NGOs like Oxfam GB, Pact Sudan, SNV, SC-UK, and Medair, and review
workshop participants at state and national levels and members of technical working

APO Assistant Project Officer
BS British Standard
CBO Community Based Organization
CPA Comprehensive Peace Agreement
DG Director General
DPA Darfur Peace Agreement
DRWSS Department of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in State Ministry of
Physical Infrastructure in Southern Sudan
ES (Es) Effective Size
ESPA Eastern Sudan Peace Agreement
GONU Government of National Unity
GOSS Government of Southern Sudan
IRC International Reference Center (International Water and Sanitation
MCRD Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development of GOSS
MIWR Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources of GONU
MPN Most Probable Number (Faecal coliform counts per 100ml)
MWRI Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of GOSS
NTU Nephlometric Turbidity Unit
PM Project Manager
PVC Polyvinylchloride
PWC Public Water Corporation (new name for former National Water
RPO Resident Project Officer
RWD Rural Water Department
SSMO Sudanese Standard and Measurement Organization
SWC State Water Corporation
SWL Static water level
TCU True Color Unit
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
UC Uniformity Coefficient
UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund
WATSAN Water and Sanitation
WES Water and Environmental Sanitation
WHO World Health Organization

Document Summary

This summary provides a brief overview of the document and is only meant as a quick
reference to the main norms. Reference to the whole document is advised for accurate

Borehole drilling should only begin after all stakeholders have agreed on the roles
and responsibilities of each actor.
Geophysical survey must be conducted to select good potential sites for drilling
before boreholes are drilled.
Minimum diameter of a borehole: 6 inch.
Outer diameter of borehole casing: minimum 4.5 inch.
Water quality should comply with Sudanese/WHO guidelines.
Disinfection of the borehole is required prior to commissioning of the water supply
system. Communities need to be informed about this as there might be
unsubstantiated flow of false information in regard to disinfection (chlorination of
Once a borehole is completed, a report must be filed with the PWC/SWC in North
Sudan or the MWRI in Southern Sudan for updating their database.
Types of hand pumps:
a) For shallow wells up to 15m depth Direct Action Pumps
b) For wells up to 45m depth IM2 or Afridev hand pumps. Afridev hand pumps are
appropriate for aggressive water. The connecting rods and connecting nuts should be
made from stainless steel.
c) For wells more than 45m and less the 90m depth Extra deep well IM2 or Dubba
hand pumps similar to the ones used in Southern Sudan, should be installed
Hand pump specification should be checked for its appropriateness to the quality of
water in the borehole.
Number of people to be served at 20 liters per person per day (l/p/d)
a) 250 people in North Sudan
b) 250-500 people in South Sudan
c) 500 people during emergencies at 15 l/p/d
Distance to water points should not be more than 1000m and 500m during normal and
emergency times respectively.
Note: factory tests show direct action pumps and IM2 (up to 45m depth) yield 35
liters per minute while field experience shows a yield of 17 liters per minute
Note: Be aware of different groundwater problematic zones in certain parts of Sudan.

1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this document:

The Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources (MIWR), GONU, and the Ministry of
Water Resources and Irrigation, (MWRI), GOSS, are responsible for the policy and
strategy development, coordination, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of
water supply and sanitation facilities in the country. In order to reduce disparities,
improve standards, accelerate implementation and to standardise design and costs, the
two ministries agreed to harmonize the methodologies utilised in the implementation of
WATSAN interventions Currently, there is no standardised document providing
Technical Guidelines for implementation by WES or other water and sanitation agencies
and this is detrimental to the longevity of structures and the sustainability of

In 2006 MIWR and MWRI decided to develop Technical Guidelines for the construction
and management of rural water supply and sanitation facilities. These Guidelines are a
collection of global and national good practices in water and sanitation that have been
collated. The process of the development of the Technical Guidelines is outlined in
Annex 7.

These simple Guidelines are primarily intended as a reference for field staff and
practitioners in the water and sanitation sector challenged by situations and conditions in
the field.

Updating of the Guidelines is recommended biennially; to ensure newer and better

practices are incorporated as they are developed/ introduced. Water and sanitation sector
implementing partners should contribute in providing feedback to the MIWR and MWRI
as necessary during the updating.

1.2 Mobilization of stakeholders

Identifying and mobilizing potential stakeholders is an important step in the realization

and sustainability of a rural water supply system. Various stakeholders play various roles
at different stages of a project cycle. Roles and responsibilities can be assigned using
participatory techniques like participatory rural appraisal. Involvement of the community
(including women) in decision making at all stages of the project will promote
sustainability. For example in , site selection, distance to water points, community
contribution for the construction, operation and maintenance of the water service,
selection of the village health committee (for the management of water , sanitation and
hygiene promotion activities in their villages) and village mechanics (that could be
trained?) The community should also be involved in the technical aspects of the water
service being provided such as technology choice, choice of preference design, platform
and drainage apron.

Local authorities also play a significant role in the facilitation of the implementation of
the water supply system. Problems that may arise during the implementation of the water
supply system such as for example, land ownership, could be easily solved if the local
authorities are brought on board and are involved in the decision making process.

Problems can only be identified by the active involvement of the stakeholders in the
decision making process. The long process involved in getting community engagement
will be decreased if the implementing agency uses a demand-driven approach.

In Southern Sudan, the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in regard to operation

and maintenance and hygiene promotion are outlined in separate guidelines which are
available for reference.

1.3 Technology options

There are a number of global technology options available for improved rural water
supply systems. However, not all can be applied everywhere. In rural North Sudan, and
Southern Sudan, the common choice is borehole hand pumps or motorized pumps (water
yards); hand dug well hand pumps, Hafirs (with a combination of filtration systems and
hand pumps), and from developed springs.
These Technical Guidelines focus only on borehole hand pumps. The following general
design considerations are recommended for the application of this technology option.

2 Design considerations

2.1 General
In order to ensure the supply of improved and adequate water to communities within the
design period of any water supply system, due consideration should be given by the
designers and planners to the following parameters:
The population number: A reliable forecast of the expected number of people
utilizing this service is important. This can be extrapolated from the current
population figure and the growth rate and/ or any other factors that might affect the
numbers to be served.
Population served by a hand pump: one hand pump serves 500 persons in
emergency and 250 person in normal situation.
The design period of components: The design period of each component should be
identified and their implementation period agreed upon at the beginning of the
planning stage as the life span of the different components varies. Components can be
implemented in phases depending on the availability of resources. Components like
boreholes could initially be designed for 20 years more or less, and hand pumps
should be designed for the same period with a regular replacement of components.
The per capita water demand: The per capita daily water demand should be in line
with the government development strategy. In Sudan, the current daily water demand
is set at 20 liter per capita per day (l/c/d). The Government of Sudan aims to reach to
50 l/c/d by 2015. As achieving 50 l/c/d requires huge amount of budget allocation, it
is advisable to maintain the minimum per capita of 20 l/c/d for some time to come in
the future.

The quality of water: The quality of water (in terms of physical, chemical and
bacteriological content) has a significant impact on public health. Since this varies
considerably from region to region in Sudan, the fluoride, sulphate and nitrate content
in the groundwater sources needs to be examined as it may be higher than the rates
allowed by the (name of the authority) in Sudan. According to Sudanese law, water
from all boreholes drilled has to meet the water quality standard before hand pumps
can be installed.
Distance to improved water supply facilities: To the extent possible, the distance of
the water supply facility should not be greater than 500m during emergencies and
1000m during normal times from the village or dwellings.
Choice of various technology options: Without compromising the quality, quantity
and sustainability of the system, a low-cost option should be prioritised.
Geophysical Survey: Borehole drilling must be preceded by a geophysical survey at
the potential site to reduce the risk of encountering dry boreholes.
Hydrogeological classification of aquifers: The knowledge of hydrogeological
classification of aquifers in the various parts of the country and the quantity and
quality of the groundwater in the various aquifers is vital. This is detailed below.

2.2 Hydrogeological classification of the aquifers of Sudan

The knowledge of the hydrogeological classification of aquifers in the various parts of

the country and the quantity and quality of the groundwater in the various aquifers is
vital, for an informed decision on the design of the water treatment system to be used.
According to hydrogeological information from 1989, Sudans hydrogeological units are
divided into three main groups:

A) Porous rocks of relatively high to low hydrogeological importance

B) Fractured rocks of relatively medium to low hydrogeological importance, and
C) Porous or fractured rocks with very low hydrogeological importance.

A) Porous rocks of relatively high to low hydrogeological importance: This group is

divided into three sub-groups:
1. Continuous aquifers of sub-regional to regional extent which are confined or
unconfined and consolidated or unconsolidated: Nubian Sandstone and Gedarif
Formations are categorized under this subgroup, whose saturated thickness is
generally high; permeability varies but it is generally high; water quality is generally
good and hydrogeological importance and potential is great.

Areas under this subgroup are: South Kordofan, North Kordofan, Gedarif, Khartoum
and Northern States, North Darfur, Baggara Basin of South and West Darfur, South
Darfur, Western Bahir el Ghazal, Northern Bahir el Ghazal and Unity States (refer to
map 1: Sudan Hydrogeological Map).

2. Continuous and sub-continuous aquifers of local to regional extent: Um Ruwaba,

Gezira, El Atshan, Butana, Nawa and Undifferentiated Paleozoic Formations are

categorized under this subgroup which are consolidated or unconsolidated; with
saturated thickness medium to high; and permeability low to high. The water quality
varies though it is generally good and hydrogeological importance and potential is
medium to great.

Areas under this subgroup are: All Southern Sudan except Western Bahr el Ghazal,
West Equatoria and Central Equatoria.

3. Continuous or sub-continuous aquifers of local to sub-regional extent: Alluvium,

Wadi fills and swamp deposits are categorized under this subgroup, which are
unconsolidated and their saturated thickness generally small; permeability varies and
the water quality is generally good; hydrogeological importance is generally great and
the potential is variable.

Areas under this subgroup are: In Southern Sudan, they are sub-continuous and are
found in Lakes and Central Equatoria States.

B) Fractured rocks of relatively medium to low hydrogeological importance: This

unit is characterized by local aquifers restricted to fractured zones. It could be unconfined
or confined. The permeability varies and it is generally low. The water quality is
generally good. Thermal saline waters may occur. Its relative importance is medium to
low and the potential is generally low. Undifferentiated volcanics are categorized under
this unit.

Areas under this hydrogeological unit are: Gedarif, Eastern part of Eastern Equatoria,
Jebel Mara area in Darfur and some pocket areas in North Darfur, (refer to map 1: Sudan
Hydrogeological Map)

C) Porous or fractured rocks with very low hydrogeological importance: This unit is
subdivided into two subgroups:
1. The Red Sea deposits are categorized under this subgroup, which are local aquifers
that may be confined or unconfined. They are found in thin arentic beds or lenses
consisting of consolidated or unconsolidated sediments. Their permeability is low to
very low. The water quality varies and near the coast it is often brackish or saline.
The relative hydrogeological importance is generally low and potential is low as well.

2. Undifferentiated Basement Complex and acid intrusions are categorized under this
subgroup which are rocks that are generally non-water bearing. Water occurs in
fractured or weathered zones. Local perched perennial or ephemeral aquifers may
occur as well as thin saturated layers at depth and hydrogeological importance and
potential is low.

Areas under this unit are: Blue Nile, Nuba Mountatins, Western Equatoria, Central
Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, Western Bahr el Ghazal, West Darfur, Eastern States
and some Northern part of Sudan (refer to map 1: Sudan Hydrogeological Map).

Practical problematic situations that are related to groundwater in different parts of Sudan
are expressed in terms of high salinity, fine sand, loss of circulation, running sand &
caving, thick mud-stone and other problems that will occur during drilling of boreholes
like the presence of boulders. Areas affected with these problems are indicated in Table
2. The salinity zone has been indicated in map 1: Sudan Hydrogeological Map.

Map1: Sudan Hydrogeological Map

High Salinity Fine sand Loss of Running sand Thick Others e.g.
circulation & caving mudstone Boulders
-Sud Basin -EnNhud Basin -Baggara Basin -Basement -Nubian Sandstone -Boulders
(Jonglei) (Some Nubian Sandstone, South Kordofan complex Fula Depression Upstream and
parts of Northern Northern Upper (Moo), South Fula midstream of Red
Upper Nile, Renk Nile Darfur in Umm West Omdurman Sea Wadis
County) Latitude Rawaba Arak and Debban emerging from
8-13 Formation, West North State escarpment (high
Longitude3130-33 EnNhud Nubian mount)
Umm Rawaba Formation, Sinkat

Formation, Unity Kapoyta area in Jabeit
State Eastern Equatoria Port Sudan area

-East Kordofan -Haskanita -East Kordofan -Umm Leuna -Gedarif Basin -Nuba Mountain
Basin East Darfur, Umm Basin Northern Darfur Mudstone below Waids
East Kordofan, Rawaba Umm Rawaba volcanic rock Upstream
White Nile, Formation Darfur
Latitude 13-14
Longitude 3130-
3230 (Tendalti)
-Blue Nile Basin -Baggara Basin -Blue Nile Basin -Nubian Formation -Malaha -Jebal Marra
Jezira Formation, Sennar (North Umm Hashaba West Darfur Volcanic and
West Managil, West) Nubian Northern Darfur Targmbout upstream of wadis
Abuguta, North West Darfur Nubian of Jebal Marra
Central Gezira Kulbus
State, South of Wadi Sediment
Khartoum (100m)
between Niles,
East of Nile
-Gedarif Basin -Blue Nile Basin -Central Darfur -Khartoum -Basalt sills
Southern part of (Singa near river) Basin East Nile South of Khartoum
the basin South of (Dabal) Um Dwit and Omdurman
Gedarif West Kordofan Nubian
East Darfur
-Aroma -South Darfur -West Omdurman -Basalt
-Delta Toker -Khartoum -Jezira State -Shagra Basin
Downstream East Nile, Kadarw Umm El Gora El fashir well field
(Nubian), Bageer (East of Blue Nile) (180-250m)
(Nubian) (Nubian)
-Red Sea -West Kordofan -River Atbara
Formation El Sederat (Boulders)
Red Sea at the Latitude 130858
shore line, Longitude 273488
downstream of
alluvial in wadis in
Red Sea m. system
-Sinkat -Alluvium
(Wadi sediment)
(Dali &
Table 2: Groundwater problematic Zones Sudan1

3 Guidelines for the selection of borehole hand pumps

A borehole hand pump has the following main components: A borehole (the source of
water); a platform with a drainage apron and soak away pit (protection from surface
water infiltration and contamination); and a hand pump (the water lifting device). The
method of borehole design and construction has been described in sections 5 and 6
respectively. It is of vital importance, however, to consider the following points during
the selection of hand pumps:

Source: Information Center (Kilo 10) Groundwater and Wadis Directorate, Ministry of Irrigation and
Water Resources, August 2007

a) Depths of static and dynamic water levels and discharge of the well: This
knowledge is important to determine the appropriate type of the hand pump to be

b) Quality of water: Depending on whether the water is corrosive or non-corrosive,

appropriate riser pipes and connecting rods could be identified. In case acquiring
appropriate riser pipes and connecting rods is not possible, knowing the quality of water
will help to establish an informed, appropriate and time-bound maintenance procedure for
the GI riser pipes and connecting rods. In Sudan, in general, most of the groundwater
quality parameters2 are as follows:
Water temperature: 30 400C
pH: 6.5 8.5
Total hardness: 200 300 mg/l
Total dissolved solids: 500-1000mg/l and at some places >1500 mg/l
Sand content: The water is moderately charged with sand particles

c) Ease of operation and maintenance: The pump design should allow for village level
operation and maintenance.

d) Local capacity for operation and maintenance: The building or strengthening of

community capacity to manage, operate and maintain their water supply systems is

e) Availability of spare parts: Spare parts should be available locally at affordable

prices. The responsibility for the supply of spare parts should be agreed upon during the
planning stage of the project. Whether taken on by WES, private sector, CBO or local
administration, issues to be considered include effectiveness, cost implication and
sustainability of the supply. In Southern Sudan, the supply chain of spare parts has been
dealt with under separate guidelines which are available for reference under the title of
Operation and Maintenance.

f) Government policy on standardization of hand pumps. Standard hand pumps

recommended by the GONU through the MIWR/PWC are IM2 including deep well IM2
pumps. In Southern Sudan IM2 and Afridev have been adopted for shallow wells and
Dubba for deep wells. This might change through time, however, as and when new
pumps are introduced, tested and proven to be more appropriate.

4 Borehole design

4.1 General considerations in borehole design

The design of the borehole aims to achieve the following:
Structural stability to prevent borehole collapse: The design will depend on the
stability of the aquifer strata. For example, a borehole in fissured hard rock need only
be cased over the thickness of the overburden. The remainder can be left open, as the

Source: NWC, Water Supply Design Criteria and Equipment Standardization

formation will not require support. A borehole in unconsolidated formations will,
however, require casing and screens to prevent collapse.
Prevention of ingress of fine material: Fine material (such as sand) in the water is
undesirable. It may damage the pump and it will silt up the well. Therefore a
combination of screens, gravel packs or geotextiles are used to prevent material from
the aquifer formation entering the borehole.
Low hydraulic resistance to flow into the borehole: Resistance to flow of water
from the aquifer into the well will restrict well yield. The correct screen length,
position, slot size of aperture and material will minimize losses due to friction,
encrustation and corrosion. It is necessary to ensure that the screen is placed against
the proper aquifer zone.
A reasonable lifespan: A borehole should last for 20-30 years, and many last longer.
The correct selection of casing/screen materials should ensure that the borehole will
not collapse or severely corrode within that time.
Good quality water: The borehole must be sealed at the top to prevent surface water
from contamination by the borehole water or saline water from saline zone. This is
usually achieved with a cement slurry or cement/bentonite grout seal.

The following may also be considered when designing a borehole hand pump:
The expected depth of the well is usually determined by the hydrogeological structure
of the area where the well will be drilled. It is important to identify the appropriate
drilling method to be employed in order to achieve the required depth of the well.
If a uniform diameter of well is required to be maintained, the drilling should be done
to accommodate casings of outside diameter 5.5 (or 4.5) inches of PVC pipe.
However if a telescopic method of drilling is required, the drilling should be done to
accommodate surface casings of diameter 5.5 inches of PVC pipes to a required depth
and casings of diameter 4.5 inches of PVC pipes in hard rock. In both cases casings
should be extended by one full length of casing pipe (about 3m) above ground for the
safety of the borehole from any possible damage until the installation of the pump is
An apron/platform should be constructed around the top of the lining (at least 1m
Hand pump specification should be checked for appropriateness to the quality of
water in the borehole.
Position of the screen as per conditions and designs of section 4.2.should be ensured.
Disinfection of the borehole is required prior to commissioning of the water supply
system. Communities need to be informed about this as there might be
unsubstantiated and false flow of information in regard to disinfection (chlorination
of water).
Surface water diversion ditches should be provided to protect against inundation.
Waste water from the hand pump/borehole needs to be drained away from the
platform through a proper drainage apron and soak away pit, evaporation beds (where
infiltration is difficult due to texture of the soil) or to nearby individual/ community
With community consensus, the area around the borehole drainage apron should be
fenced for the longevity of the system.

4.2 Practical borehole design considerations for Sudan
The first step in designing of boreholes is in understanding the various hydrogeological
conditions of the aquifers in Sudan particularly in the area in which the borehole is to be
drilled. Various borehole designs have been illustrated for different aquifer systems in
Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the following pages.

Stratified aquifers: In stratified aquifers (both confined and unconfined) of non-

homogenous formations, screen sections are positioned against each reasonably
permeable/thick individual stratum within the aquifer. Slot openings of the different
sections of the well screen are also chosen according to the gradation of the material of
the different strata by sieve analysis of corresponding samples obtained as shown in
Figure 1. Two rules should apply as shown in Figure 4:
If fine sand material overlies coarse sand it is necessary to extend not less than 25 cm
of screen with the slot size designed for the fine material down into the coarse layer
The slot size of the screen section to be installed in the coarse layer should not be
more than double the slot size for the overlaying fine layer. Any deviation from these
two rules will result in pumping sand.

Some feasible areas for design application: Nubian and Um Rwaba Aquifers in
Northern and Central Sudan and Renk Sedimentary Aquifer in Upper Nile State, near
the river banks, all channels in Central Equatoria along the Nile.




coarse and fine sand

Alternate layers of
Figure 1: Suggested positioning of well screen in various stratified water bearing sand formation

Fine sand

Fine sand

Coarse material
above fine sand


Coarse part is thin

Fine sand


formation is thick
Coarse part of
Fine sand

Shallow aquifers in Wadi fill deposits: Best result can be obtained for well drilling
within a wadi coarse (in the case of non flowing Wadis) or the terraces along its bank by
completing the well up to bed rock and screening the bottom portion of the water bearing
thickness as shown in Figure 2 (a). The top protective casing pipe should be cemented
from ground surface to about 3m above the top of the screen.

Some feasible areas for design application: Wadi Kaja (Northern Darfur), Wadi Nyala
and Bulbul (Southern Darfur), River Atbara, River Gash, Khor Sallum, Wadi Arab, Khor
Arab (Eastern States), Wadi El Milak (Northern States), Red Sea Wadis, Nuba Mountain
Wadis, Blue Nile Wadis, North Kordofan Wadis and North of Western Bahir el Ghazal

Top soil Top soil

Sand layer

Cement grout material
Packer or cement seal

Cement grout
Protective casing
Water bearing Sand rock
Sand trap

water bearing
Open hole
Bed rock rock

b) Well Design in Fractured Rock Basement

a) Well design in Shallow Wadi Course Deposits

Figure 2

Shallow aquifers in weathered basement: Experience has shown that fair amount of
groundwater is available in consolidated weathered or fractured basement rocks. The
intake portion of the well is usually an open borehole of an adequate depth in the
fractured water bearing formation as shown in Figure 2 (b). The protective upper casing
should be completely cemented from top to bottom using packer or cement seal to protect
the intake portion from the cement grout to leak downward.

Some feasible areas for design application: Um Keddada District (Eastern Darfur), Nuba
Mountains (South Kordofan), El Mazroub Area (North Kordofan), Sodari District
(Northern Kordofan), Northeast of Kerma (Northern Region), South El Damazine
(Central Region), Butana District (Central and Eastern Region), Red Sea, Tambura in
Western Equatoria, Kagwada in Central Equatoria, in parts of Lakes State

Water table/unconfined aquifers: For water table wells, two designs can be applied:
either by using a long screen as much as possible to allow for horizontal flow of water at
low entering velocity as shown in Figure 3 (a); or screening the bottom portion of the
water bearing thickness to allow for more available drawdown as shown in Figure 3 (b).
Both designs are satisfactory but the latter is preferred for cost effectiveness. Another
reason for screening the bottom portion is that it is a custom that water table wells are
usually pumped with water levels maintained slightly above the top of the screen.

Some feasible areas for design application: The Nubian Basin of Northern Darfur close to
the intake area, Baggara Basin (Western Kordofan), Damgamad (Sug El Gamal) Basin
(Western Kordofan), El Nahud Saata Basin (Western Kordofan), Umm Ruwaba Basin
(Eastern Kordofan), Nubian Basin (Northern Kordofan), Nubian Basin underlying Gezira
Formation (Khartoum State): and Jonglei, Lakes, Warap and Upper Nile States in
Southern Sudan

Figure 3: Water Table Aquifer Design
Cement grout
Cement grout

Protective casing

Protective casing

Unconsolidated layers
Pumping level
Pumping level
Long screen

Short screen
Aquifer thickness

Sand trap
Sand trap

a) Well Design for Water Table Aquifer

b) Well design preferable for water table
with Long Screen Section for Horizontal
Aquifer with short screen at bottom
Flow at Low Velocity

Figure 4: Well design in Non-Homogeneous Formation
Top soil

Cement grout

Cement grout

Protective casing

Gravel pack Protective casing
Gravel pack

Impermeable formation

Fine water Screen Fine water
Screen bearing sand bearing sand

Coarse water
bearing sand

Screen Coarse water Screen

bearing sand

Sand trap Sand trap

a) Well Design for Non-Homogeneous b) Well Design for Non-Homogeneous Formation

Formation of individual stratum of Fine Sand overlying Coarse Sand

Aquifer with upper saline zones: In such conditions the upper saturated layers of saline
water should be completely isolated by cement grout from the lower fresh water bearing
layers as shown in Figure 5 (a). This operation dictates the use of electric logging to
verify and supplement the descriptive logging of the different strata penetrated in terms
of depth and thickness and water quality contained in the various layers. The most
permeable bottom half of lower fresh water bearing thickness needs to be screened with
optimum screen area selected according to the sieve analysis of the corresponding
respective samples taken from the good water bearing horizon.

Some feasible areas for design application: Area south of Um Ruwaba (Eastern
Kordofan), area west of White Nile, area between the Blue and White Nile, Western Area
of the Central States, Gadarif district with thick upper basalt rocks; and , Sedimentary
Aquifers of Unity State Bentiu and Rubkana areas and northern part of Upper Nile
State, in Southern Sudan.

impermeable material

b) Well Design With Lower Poor Water Quality

Protective casing
Cement grout

Backfilling with
Sand trap
Figure 5: Well design in Different Saline Water Quality Situation

Poor Quality Water Horizon

Water Horizon
Good Quality

Unconsolidated layers
Fresh Water Zone
Saline Zone

Saline Zone


a) Well Design With Upper Saline Zones

Sand trap
Protective casing

Cement grout

Aquifers with lower saline zones: In case water of poor quality or high saline content is
expected to be found in the lower part of an aquifer, the well should be completed to a
depth which will avoid the undesirable water as shown in Figure 5 (b). Any part of the
hole that may be drilled in the part of the aquifer containing poor water quality should be
completely backfilled so that the water will not migrate upwards when the well is
pumped. The backfilling should be from impermeable material and well tamped solidly
so that it supports the casing without settlement.

Some feasible areas for design application: Atbara Basin (Northern States), Toker Area
(Eastern States).

5 Borehole drilling and installation

Borehole drilling and hand pump installation process will involve the following:
Hydrogeological/geophysical survey, drilling of a borehole, developing of a borehole,
pumping test (if required), water quality testing, installation of casings/screens, gravel
packing (if required), sanitary sealing of a borehole, platform and drainage apron
construction, disinfection of the well, hand pump installation,

Hydrogeological/Geophysical Survey.
The survey can only give an indication of where groundwater may be found and how
much there might be. Hydrogeological survey may include the review of the
hydrogeological setup of the area, examination of the outcropping rocks, detection of
suitable geological structure, availability of exposed/buried channels etc.

There are a number of choices for geophysical survey where the choice or combination of
choices is determined by hydrogeological conditions. These include: electromagnetic
survey, grounded electrical resistivity survey, seismic refraction survey, magnetic survey
etc. It is advised that a hydrogeologist is consulted for specific situations.
Electromagnetic and grounded electrical resistivity surveys are recommended for their
simplicity and relatively cheaper cost.

Electromagnetic survey: The electromagnetic method is based on the variation in

electromagnetic conductivity of different rock formations. Since it can be carried out
using portable equipment, it is a useful method for quick location of fractures and
faults that may bear water. Promising sites identified by the electromagnetic method
can be verified by a grounded electrical survey.

Grounded electrical resistivity survey (or electric logging): This method involves
applying an electric current to the ground through electrodes. Any sub-surface
variation in resistivity is measured and correlated with possible water bearing zone.
The equipment for this type of survey is relatively portable.

Electric logging is a geophysical operation that serves to verify and supplement the
description of the hole. It consists of the record of the apparent resistivity of the
surface formation and the spontaneous potential in terms of depth below the ground
surface. These two properties are related indirectly to the character of the subsurface
formation and to the quality of water contained in them.

Dry formations show high resistivity. But when they are saturated with water, their
resistivity is reduced to a different degree in each material. This is because water is a
good conductor of electricity and its presence within the voids of the formation
provides a conductive medium that lowers the resistance of the dry formation. The
degree of reduction depends on the level of minerals dissolved in the formation water
which affect the electrical conductivity of the water.

Clay formations show relatively low resistivity whilst sand saturated with fresh water
shows relatively high resistivity. Gamma Ray Logging is sometimes used to indicate
shale and clay beds by measuring the natural radiation of Gamma rays from certain
radioactive elements that occur in varying amounts in a subsurface formation.
Changes in radiation are commonly associated with differences between the types of
materials making up successive strata. Clay and shale contains more radioactive
elements than limestone, sandstone and sand. Therefore in most cases Gamma Ray
Logging is a more distinct indicator of clay and shale formation than electric logging.
Gamma Ray Logging can also be conducted whether the borehole is cased or not. The
best way of interpreting a well logging is by correlating the curves with drillers
lithology log of the penetrated strata. With this correlation, it is possible to get the
tangible information that formulates the optimum well design.

The sites identified by the geophysical survey should be ratified for suitability by the
users before any drilling activity is started. In general, if the geophysical survey is done
for a number of sites, it should guarantee at least 80% successful productive boreholes.

Drilling of a borehole:
Taking into consideration the formations identified by the hydrogeological/geophysical
survey and understanding the hydrogeological conditions of the area, the next step is to
select an appropriate drilling method and drilling rig. Table 2 shows the different
methods in use and their appropriate application.

Table 2: Well drilling methods
No Method, well diameter Suitable unsuitable Advantages Disadvantages
and depth formation for formation for
drilling drilling
1 Hand-drilled wells Clays, sands, Rock Low capital Limited depth,
Diameter: 100-200mm fine gravels formations, cost, portable limited range of
Depth <30m cobbles, equipment suitable formations
Example: in boulders
Warap State
2 Jetted wells Clays, sands, Rock Very quick and Limited depth,
Diameter: 50-200mm fine gravels formations, easy in right limited range of
Depth <40m cobbles, conditions, low suitable formations,
boulders capital cost, water required to
portable drill
3 Percussion (cable tool) Soft rock, Running sand, Reasonable Experienced driller
Diameter: 100-1100mm sands, gravels, flint (or chert), capital and needed, temporary
Depth up to 600m silts and clays hard rock, running costs, casings needed in
boulders simple loose formations,
Example: in maintenance, slow in hard rock
Eastern good sampling may be 2m/day
Equatoria, during drilling,
Central up to 30m/day
Equatoria, and in soft rock
4 Direct circulation rotary Soft rock, Running sands, Little drill High capital and
drilling metamorphic fractured rock, casing needed, operating costs, high
Diameter: 100-750mm and igneous some shales, 100-150m/day demand on skill,
Depth >1000m rock boulders in soft ground, maintenance and
10-20m/day in spares, drilling fluid
rock can damage aquifer
5 Reverse circulation rotary Unconsolidated Hard rock, 80-100m/day Heavy drilling
drilling sediments, soft boulders in equipment, large
Diameter: 400-1750mm rock unconsolidated quantity of water
Depth up to 350m sediments, drill needed for drilling
casing not
6 Down-the-hole hammer Hard rock Sands, gravels, Up to 5m/hour High skill, capital
Diameter: 100-450mm clays,, soft in hard rock, and maintenance
Depth up to 400m Example: in rock, loose good sampling
Eastern boulders during drilling
Equatoria and
Western Bahir
el Ghazal
Adapted from Hamill and Bell, 1986 and depth indicated are those expected under normal conditions

To summarise, a borehole can be drilled either by Percussion Drilling or Rotary Drilling.

In selecting the appropriate size and type of drilling rig consideration must be given to
cost implications, the time lag before water is pumped out of the ground, and the
logistical, technical and administrative support required to maintain the drilling activity.

Table 3: A comparison of drilling rig size and complexity3
Drilling rig size and complexity Advantages Disadvantages
Large and complex Capacity in reserve to drill a Relatively more expensive to
range of formations and to operate and maintain. Large rigs
overcome drilling difficulties. require more support vehicles
Can drill to depth, if necessary and more people. In rough and/or
wet terrain a large heavy rig may
have problems moving about and
getting access to sites.
Lightweight Cheaper and easier to operate A lack of capacity to drill deep
and maintain. Easier to move boreholes (beyond about 100m),
about and get access to awkward to overcome drilling difficulties,
sites. Feasible to airfreight to cope with hard rock drilling.
Boreholes may not be truly
vertical (but usually straight
enough for most pump

The suitability of a rig for a particular job will partly depend on its lifting capacity and,
for a rotary rig, the torque it can impart to the drill bit. When rotary drilling is selected
and down to the hole (DTH) method is applied the borehole should be drilled using
compressed air as a drilling media.

Figure 6: Borehole drilling in Juba, Southern Sudan

Engineering in Emergencies

The drilling contractor should record the drilling cutting samples (lithology log) in the
borehole completion report using the format suggested in the annex. For boreholes drilled
in hard rock, sampling can be done at change of formation and the it should be labeled

Installation of casing and screen pipes

Casing and screen pipes should be installed after drilling a borehole as per the
hydrogeological formation of the borehole, following the instructions provided in the
section 4.2 for blind and screen casings. A proper casing guide shoe should be fitted to
the bottom of the casing before lowering. It is important to install a bottom up cup during
installation of the polyvinylchloride (PVC) casing, to avoid fine sand and silt soil getting
into the PVC.

Gravel packing:
In case gravel packing is required, it is usually chosen according to certain geologic
conditions in order to provide a more permeable zone surrounding the screen by
replacing artificially graded coarser materials. The net result from such a design is an
increase in the effective diameter of the well, which also allows the use of a bigger slot
opening to make the zone immediately around the well screen more permeable. The
geologic conditions which tend to favor artificial gravel pack construction are as follows:
a. Fine uniform sand aquifer: Gravel packing should be used for this type of formation
to allow a larger slot opening, allowing for greater open area, resulted in increasing
the hydraulic efficiency of the well.
b. Thick artesian aquifer: In this type of aquifer where a long screen is required and
where the pump is installed above the screened section of the well, a small diameter
of screen can be installed and the annular space filled by gravel.
c. Loosely cemented sandstone: Poorly cemented sandstone aquifers usually contain
fine-grained materials. In such formation it is better to design the gravel packing
using artificially graded gravel or sand envelope to prevent sloughing of sand
particles and to allow the use of large screen opening. Another reason for gravel
packing of a loosely cemented sandstone aquifer is to give support for the screen in
the loose formations that does not provide lateral support for the screen.
d. Laminated formation: Some aquifers consist of alternating thin-medium and coarse
layers. In such a situation it is rather difficult to determine the position and thickness
of each layer and to choose the proper lengths of each section of multiple slot screens
corresponding to the stratification. It is most advisable to reduce the error by gravel
packing of the well. The gravel grading should be based on the layer of the finest
material in the water bearing section.

The calculation of gravel pack size and screen slot size needs to be graphically
demonstrated. Gravel pack thickness should not be less than 3 inches. In Southern Sudan,
the size of the gravel pack is between 1.5 and 2 cm for a borehole of diameter 6 inches.
Table 4 lists the different sizes of boreholes and outer diameter (OD) of casing.

Table 4: Required volume of gravel pack for different outside diameters of well
screen and inside diameters of boreholes4
Outside Volume of gravel pack
diameter ID of pipe or borehole
of well
203 254 305 406 508 610 762
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
8 inch 10 12 inch 16 20 24 30
inch inch inch inch inch
4 inch ft3/ft 0.27 0.47 0.70 1.30 2.10 3.05 4.85
102 mm m3/m 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.20 0.28 0.45
6 inch ft3/ft 0.15 0.36 0.60 1.20 2.00 2.95 4.70
152 mm m3/m 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.19 0.27 0.44
8 inch ft3/ft - 0.20 0.45 1.05 1.90 2.80 4.60
203 mm m3/m - 0.02 0.04 0.10 0.18 0.26 0.43
10 inch ft3/ft - - 0.24 0.86 1.65 2.60 4.40
254 mm m3/m - - 0.02 0.08 0.15 0.24 0.41
12 inch ft3/ft - - - 0.62 1.40 2.35 4.15
305 mm m3/m - - - 0.06 0.13 0.22 0.39
16 inch ft3/ft - - - - 0.80 1.75 3.50
406 mm m3/m - - - - 0.07 0.16 0.33
18 inch ft3/ft - - - - 0.42 1.40 3.15
457 mm m3/m - - - - 0.04 0.13 0.29
20 inch ft3/ft - - - - - 1.00 2.75
762 mm m3/m - - - - - 0.09 0.26

Developing of a borehole

Drilling of a borehole is not complete until the borehole has been developed to give
maximum yield, and sediments and cuttings are removed to produce clear water.
Development is necessary to:
Remove fine material from the aquifer in order to improve permeability in the
immediate vicinity of the well screen.
Remove the remains of any drilling fluid. (If the borehole is coated in bentonite mud,
for example, its yield will be significantly reduced)
The development should be done immediately after the completion of drilling and
installation of the casing.

A production pump should not be used to develop a borehole as it would be severely

damaged by the abrasive material pumped. Standard methods for borehole development
include surging and jetting. Boreholes drilled in hard rock formations must be developed

Source: Groundwater and wells, second edition, Fletcher G. Driscoll, Published by Johnson Division, St.
Paul, Minnesota 55112

with compressed air after the completion of the well and until such time as clean water
(without drill cuttings or clay) is obtained.

The air lift method can be used for testing boreholes before the installation of hand
pumps. After development the well should be pumped using compressed air to obtain a
steady flow of water from well. The static and dynamic water levels in the borehole can
be measured by electric water level indicators. Testing for sand content is also a
requirement in the development of a borehole.

Pumping Test
After development, a pumping test is required, to determine whether it is possible to
install a hand pump in the borehole. This is positive if the well produces a minimum of
1200 liters per hour. The test is done by installing a pump inside the well at a depth above
the well screen. The following measurements must be taken: static water level before
pumping; the rate of discharge; dynamic water levels at various intervals during the
pumping period; the time the pump is started; the time any change in the discharge rate is
noticed; and the time the pump is stopped.
Measuring pump rates: Control of the pumping rate during the testing requires an
accurate device for measuring the discharge rate of the pump and a convenient means
of adjusting the rate to keep it at as nearly constant as possible. A valve in the
discharge pipe provides the best control. The size of the discharge pipe and the valve
should be such that the valve will be from one half to three fourths open when
pumping is at the desired rate. The simplest and most accurate method of determining
the pump rate is to observe the time required to fill a container of known volume.
Water level measurement: The depth to water must be measured many times during
the pumping test. Readings must be taken at close intervals during the first two hours
of the test with the time between readings gradually increasing as the test continues:
every minute during the first five minutes after starting the pump, then every 5
minutes for an hour, and every 20 minutes for about 2 hours. Reading at hourly
intervals is sufficient after the 2 hours, until the well reaches the state of equilibrium
i.e. there is no change in drawdown. The best way of measuring the water level is to
use an electrical sounder. This is an electrode suspended by a pair of insulated wires.
A light or ammeter indicates a closed circuit and flow of current when the electrode
touches the water surface. Data for factors such as the coefficient of transmissibility
of the aquifer can be obtained from the pumping test. Step drawdown test is the most
practical method of determining the factor that allows a proper understanding of the
behavior of the aquifer.

Water quality testing

The quality of the water from the borehole should be tested for physical, bacteriological,
and chemical contamination before commissioning for public consumption. The physical
and bacteriological contamination can be checked at field level with portable equipments
like H2S vials, Oxfam/Delagua Water Testing Kit or similar. Chemical contamination
should be verified by the Sudanese institute authorized to do this at state or national level.
The quality of water should be checked against Sudanese/WHO guidelines for drinking

water under normal conditions, or against Minimum Sphere Standards and /or
Sudanese/WHO guidelines during emergencies. Guidelines for the quality of water in
Southern Sudan are being developed for stakeholder reference.

A sample of water should not be less than 2 liters, preferably two samples from each
borehole. The sample should be sent to the authorized institute in a clean and sealed
water container, for chemical testing. Three samples of water in clean, sterilized and
sealed plastic or glass containers, not less than 100ml each should be sent for
bacteriological analysis. The guideline values for drinking water quality standard are
attached in the annex.

Sanitary sealing of a borehole

In a completed well, polluted water from surface drainage or from formations other than
an aquifer, can move downward through the annular space and contaminate the water
being pumped from the well. It is advisable that the well casing should terminate above
ground to allow surface water to drain away from the well in all directions. Provision
must be made in the design of a well for grouting the well casing in the ground from the
surface down to an adequate depth not less than 6 meters (depending on the geological
and site conditions), to provide a means for sealing an opening outside the casing. A
grouting method suitable to local condition should be applied.

Undesired bad quality water, from water bearing formation that is overlying good water
horizons, should be completely sealed off in order to keep the good water aquifer free
from harmful bacteria or other contaminating factors.

Platform and drainage apron construction

A platform and drainage apron should be constructed as shown in Figures 6 & 7, or
modified as per consumer needs. Users should be consulted for the design of the platform
and drainage apron to ensure proper usage and maintenance of the water point.
Figure 6: Platform and drainage apron construction for India Mark II hand pump

Hand pump installation

An installation manual must be ordered with the hand pump. Installation, as per the
guidelines of the manufacturer, can begin when the quality of the water in the borehole is
found to comply with the Sudanese/WHO standard. It is important to ensure that all
standard hand tools are available with the team that is installing the pump.

Figure 7: Hand pump installation by women in Torit, Eastern Equatoria, Southern Sudan

Disinfection of the well

Disinfection is necessary initially during pump installation and if and when the well gets
polluted. The well should be disinfected or sterilized with a chlorine solution yielding at
least 50mg/l of active chlorine in all parts of the well. The chlorine solution may be
prepared from calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite. In case bleaching powder is
used for disinfection, 300g of bleaching powder should be mixed thoroughly in 15 liters
of water and poured into the well.

The disinfectant should stay in the well for at least four hours at the specified
concentration, after which water should be pumped out and discarded until the water
smells strongly of chlorine. At this point, no more water should be pumped out for at
least 24 hours, after which water should be pumped out and discarded until the taste of
chlorine is just noticeable in the water. A sample of water should be collected in a sterile
bottle and sent for bacterial analysis.

6 Borehole hand pumps

6.1 Types of hand pumps

Available hand pumps that are used worldwide can be categorized in two major classes:.
Hand pumps for shallow wells, and
Hand pumps for deep wells.

All hand pumps have the following components as shown in Figure 9 ( typical set up for
deep well hand pumps):
Pump Head Assembly: The above ground mechanism operating the plunger.
Cylinder Assembly: Contains plunger, check valve, etc which lifts the water upward
in each stroke.
Connecting Rod: Provides linkage between the pump head and cylinder.
Riser pipe: Carries water from the cylinder to the water tank

Handle Assembly

Modified Head Assembly

Water Tank Assembly

Stand Assembly

Cement concrete foundation

Slope 1 : 50

Rising pipe

63.5 mm I.D. cylinder Assembly

Casing pipe

Figure 9: India Mark II Pump system details

Hand pumps for shallow wells can be used in wells of depth 12-15m. These include
direct action pumps like Tara, Niara, etc.as options. These kinds of pumps are good for
aggressive soil and water as the mechanism below ground is constructed from corrosion
resistant components. These pumps can withdraw water up to 35 liters per minute.
Typical pump head and cylinder assembly of these types of pumps is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Direct action pump in use in Southern Sudan

Hand pumps for deep wells are further categorized into standard and extra deep well hand
pumps. These hand pumps are for wells of depth 45m and 60m-90m respectively.

Hand pumps can also be categorized by Village Level Operated and Maintained (VLOM)
and non-VLOM types. India Mark III, Afridev, Aquadev, Tara, Niara etc fall into the
VLOM category, India Mark II is a non-VLOM type. The main difference between
VLOM (eg. India Mark III) and non-VLOM hand pumps (eg India Mark II) is that the
former allows the withdrawal of the cylinder components without the disassembly of the
rising mains.

The difference between India Mark III and other VLOM hand pumps (like Afridev and
Aquadev) is in the type of riser pipe. India Mark III has galvanized iron pipes while the
others have PVC pipes with solvent cement joints.

India Mark II & III are good for non corrosive water while the other types of VLOM
pumps are good for corrosive waters (except the galvanized connecting rods).

Table 5 below, lists the differences between the non-VLOM (India Mark II) and VLOM
(Afridev) types.

Table 5: Comparison between the India Mark II and Afridev5
Criteria India Mark II Afridev
International Specified through Indian Standards. Specified through an International Standard. The pump is
Specification The pump is produced in several produced in several countries to these standards. The
countries to these standards. The specifications are in the public domain and the
design is in the public domain and the specifications are available to everybody.
specifications are available to
Ease of 19 different tools are required for 8 different tools are needed for installation. Skilled crew
installation installation. Skilled crew is needed. is needed.
Ease of repair The cylinder components can not be All routine repairs can be performed by the community
(routine repairs) withdrawn without the disassembly with a single spanner and a fishing tool
of the rising main and pump rods. A
trained village mechanic equipped
with special tools is required.
Ease of repair A trained village mechanic equipped A skilled mechanic is required for the replacement of
(major repairs) with special tools is required. For perforated riser pipe and fishing of dropped rods.
fishing dropped components special Retrieval of PVC pipes and rejoining them in the field
equipment is needed. needs proficiency and special equipment.
Reliability Reliable in non-corrosive water with Reliable, but frequency of maintenance interventions
few breakdown interventions. will be comparatively higher due to preventive
maintenance requirements. Reliability can suffer badly if
used in unlined borewells. When breakdowns occur, in
most cases, it can be repaired quickly by the village
mechanic. However results from the field indicate that
the PVC rising main can fail if they are in contact with
the rods.
Corrosion Galvanized rising mains and carbon All below ground components including rising main are
resistance steel galvanized rods are not corrosion resistant with the exception of galvanized
corrosion resistant in water with pH pump rods. Corrosion resistant stainless steel rod option
values below 6.5. Stainless steel available is standard to the specification.
pipes are available but at a very high
cost and are not standard to the
specification. Corrosion resistant
stainless steel rod option available is
standard to the specification.
Abrasion Riser main and rods have shown The bearings and the seal have a service life of about one
resistance excellent abrasion resistance in non- year, but they are less expensive and easy to replace.
corrosive water. The ball bearings Rubber centralizers prevent the rods coming in contact
generally last for 3-4 years. The with the PVC pipes. They need regular replacement.
introductions of nitrile rubber cup Hook and eye connectors on the rods are subject to wear
seal in place of leather cup seals and frequent replacement of rods may be expected. Riser
reduce the frequency of below main perforation can reach unacceptable levels when
ground repairs by over 50%. used in unlined borewells.
Suitability for Can be installed in unlined borewells. Should not be installed in unlined borewells.
unlined borewells
User preference Acceptable discharge and Acceptable discharge and ergonomics. Acceptable
ergonomics. discharge and ergonomics.
Cost of pump For 36m setting ,in 1996, (with For 36m setting (with galvanized pump rods): USD 250,
galvanized pump rods): USD 200 FOB Bombay, plus packing and freight.
FOB Bombay, plus packing and
Cost of spares Spare parts are affordable. Spare parts are affordable.
Suitability for It is manufactured in several It is manufactured in Africa and Asia. Can be
local manufacture countries in Africa and Asia. Can be produced in a country where industrial
produced in a country where infrastructure for steel fabrication, hot dip
industrial infrastructure for steel galvanizing, electro-galvanizing, extrusion of
fabrication, hot dip galvanizing, uPVC pipes and moulding of nylon/polyacetal
electro-galvanizing, ferrous and non- components and familiarity with quality control

Sudan Hand pump Mission Report (January 1996)

ferrous foundry and galvanized steel practices and mass production techniques exist.
pipes and familiarity with quality A substantial investment has to be made in
control practices and mass production tooling. The production of the plastic
techniques exist. A substantial components requires special skills and extensive
investment has to be made in tooling. tooling.
Pumping lift Can be used up to 45m, extra deep Can be used up to 45m.
well version for over 45m available.

6.2 National standard hand pumps for Sudan

The nationally accepted standard hand pumps for North Sudan are Indian Mark II
standard and extra deep well hand pumps. India Mark II has been used in Sudan since the
mid seventies. Its technical standard specifications have been improved from time to time
and the latest version conforms to Indian Standard (IS) 15500, 2004.

Pump details of Indian mark II, including the head, handle, cylinder and valve assemblies
are shown in Figures 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 in the annex section.

Minimum delivery of a hand pump is estimated to be 20 l/minute (from 15-70m depth)

for operational time of about 8-10 hours per day. One hand pump will serve 500 people
during emergency and 250 people during normal situation.

In Southern Sudan, the hand pumps of choice are India Mark II standard hand pumps and
Afridev hand pumps (Figure 25 in the annex) for depth of wells up to 45m and Dubba
deep well hand pumps for depth of wells over 45m. Direct Action Hand Pumps (Figure
24 in the annex) are used for shallow wells of depth less than 15m.

7 Management, operation and maintenance of hand pumps

7.1 Management of the water supply system

The Village Health Committee (VHC) in North Sudan and Water Committee (WC) in
Southern Sudan are responsible for the management of their water supply system with the
technical support of a village mechanic. The WC in Southern Sudan states, counties and
payams is guided by the recently developed operation and maintenance guideline, which
was developed to address problems related to operation and maintenance of the water
supply system.

Figure 11: Water Committee members in Bor, Jonglei, Southern Sudan

VHCs and WCs are elected by community members through the facilitation of WES
Rural Council Unit in North Sudan and DRWSS at county/payam level in Southern
Sudan. VHCs comprise equal representation by men and women from the village.
Community leaders and representative from local administration could be included in the
committee. VHCs comprise 10 members while WCs have at least 5. The committees
roles include: operation and maintenance of the water supply system at village level,
mobilizing the community at village level and raising awareness of important issues,
encouraging positive participation and effective contribution, managing the caretaker
(guard) and purchasing all necessary spare parts. In cases where a fee is charged for the
water the committee is responsible for collecting revenues and managing the accounting,
salary/ incentive payments etc. They also report back to the WES Rural Council Unit or
Payam Water Supply and Sanitation Committee for follow-up and to the community as
well on all aspects of the water supply system.

A caretaker/guard should be employed to overlook the system, carry out routine

maintenance and report the need of major works to the VHC or WC, and secure the
safety of the system during day time.

7.2 Operation and maintenance

An India Mark II hand pump is easy to operate and can even be done by children. It
involves raising and lowering the handle attached to the pump.

The pump and the site around it must always be kept clean. This is part of preventive
maintenance which also involves a daily function check. The pump should be greased
weekly and all parts of the pump stand must be checked monthly. Pump rods that have
corroded must be replaced; under normal conditions, a galvanized steel pump rod needs
to be replaced every five to six years. Rising mains consisting of galvanized iron should
be dismantled and checked, and pipes with badly corroded threads must be replaced.
Small repairs include replacement of bearings, cup seals and washers, straightening bent
pumping rod etc. Major repairs may involve the replacement of the plunger, foot valve,
cylinder, pump rods, rising main, pump handle, fulcrum etc.

Hand pumps should generally be maintained according to the factorys operation and
maintenance manual. Trained village mechanics should be responsible for routine and
regular maintenance of the hand pumps and need should have the necessary standard and
special tools for maintenance. External support should be sought for any major repairs.

Borehole hand pumps need to be protected from flooding the entry of pollutants. The
well site should be protected by a flood diversion ditch from the surface runoff. In case
the well is flooded, the first step is to halt the water supply, clean and disinfect the well,
check for the presence of pathogens and restart the supply if no substances harmful to
public health are found.

Continuous turbidity of the water from a borehole, after some years of service, indicates
that the well needs to be cleaned. To do this, one needs to dismantle the pump and the
riser pipes from the well and follow the procedure outlined for the development of the
well in section 5 until the emerging water is clear. The pump and the riser pipes can then
e reinstalled into the well.

7.3 Capacity building

For proper operation, maintenance and sustainability of any water supply system,
capacity building of the village mechanics and the communities (through their VHC or
WC) and is vital. Periodic refresher training for community based hand pump mechanics
is important to ensure the availability of hand pump mechanics at the community level.

The VHC or WC members need to be trained in basic management of the water and
sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion activities so that they can operate and
maintain the pump in good working condition. Based on community needs, training may
include: pump care taker on basic maintenance, village mechanics on operation and
maintenance and the supporting agency like WES or Department of Rural Water Supply
and Sanitation (DRWSS) on microbial analysis and extension work. Availability of spare
parts is one of the determining factors for the sustainability of the water supply system.
The spare part supply chain that includes the responsibility, location and current price
also needs to be worked out. A list of hand pump spare parts should be made available in
Arabic to hand pump mechanics to ensure that standard and recognizable names are used.
Once these factors are in place, the hand pump can be handed over to the community.

8. Recommendations

Site selection is important. Figure 12 demonstrates how the wrong site can be
detrimental. The pump site being on the seasonal surface drainage route, the
surrounding was eroded and washed away.

Figure 12: Inappropriate site selection

Addition of protective devices: Figure 13 demonstrates a protection mechanism

against injury ( e.g a childs finger could get caught in the pump head assembly
without the protective shield)

Figure 13: Child finger protection mechanism adapted by North Darfur

It has been demonstrated that the spout of the hand pump is not compatible with the
containers used by the community to collect water, resulting in the unnecessary wastage
of water. UNICEF is in discussion with the manufacturers to get the spout modified..

1. Sudanese/WHO guidelines for drinking water
2. Borehole Completion Report Format
3. Detail diagrams of hand pumps
4. Technical specifications of hand pumps
5. Standard tools required for installation and or maintenance
6. Recommended spare parts for a hand pump
7. The processes of the development and finalization of technical guidelines
and manuals
8. List of contacted persons
9. Technical working group members
10. Some bibliography and references
11. Unit conversion tables

Annex 1: Drinking Water Standards
No Dissolved substances in water Sudanese maximum WHO guideline value
permissible (mg/l ) by (mg/l), 2006
SSMO, 2008
1 Antimony 0.013 0.02
2 Arsenic 0.007 0.01 (P)
3 Barium 0.5 0.7
4 Boron 0.33 0.5 (T)
5 Cadmium 0.002 0.003
6 Chromium (total) 0.033 0.05 (P)
7 Copper 1.5 2
8 Cyanide 0.05 0.07
9 Fluoride 1.5 1.5
10 Lead 0.007 0.01
11 Manganese 0.27 0.4 (C)
12 Mercury (for inorganic Mercury) 0.004 0.006
13 Molybdenum 0.05 0.07
14 Nickel 0.05 0.07 (P)
15 Nitrate as NO3 50 50 Short term exposure
16 Nitrite as NO2 2 3 Short term exposure
17 Selenium 0.007 0.01
18 Uranium 0.01 0.015 (P,T)

Microbiological contents
No Organisms Sudanese guideline value WHO guideline
by SSMO value
1 All water intended for drinking Must not be detectable in Must not be
a) E-coli or thermotolerant coliform any 100ml sample detectable in 100ml
bacteria sample
b) Pathogenic intestinal protozoa
2 Treated water entering the distribution Must not be detectable in Must not be
system any 100ml sample detectable in 100ml
a) E-coli or thermotolerant coliform sample
b) Total coliform bacteria
c) Pathogenic intestinal protozoa
3 Treated water in the distribution system Must not be
a) E-coli or thermotolerant coliform detectable in 100ml
bacteria Must not be detectable in sample
b) Total coliform bacteria any 100ml sample
Must not be detectable in
any 100ml sample. In the
case of large supplies where
sufficient samples are
examined, must not be
detectable in 95% of
samples examined through
out any consecutive 12
months period.

c) Pathogenic intestinal protozoa Must not be detectable in

any 100ml sample.

Maximum permissible limit for other parameters which affect the acceptability of water
Parameter Levels likely to give rise to
consumer complaints by
SSMO, 2008
1 Physical parameters
Colour 15 TCU
Taste & odour Acceptable
Temperature Acceptable
Turbidity 5 NTU
pH 6.5 8.5
2 Inorganic constituents
Aluminum 0.13 mg/l
Ammonia 1.5 mg/l
Chloride 250 mg/l
Hydrogen sulfide 0.05 mg/l
Iron (total) 0.3 mg/l
Manganese 0.27 mg/l 0.4 mg/l
Sodium 250 mg/l
Sulfate 250 mg/l
Total dissolved solids (TDS) 1000 mg/l
Zinc 3 mg/l
3 Organic constituents
2-Chlorophenol 5 g/l
2,4-Dichlorophenol 2 g/l

Parameter Permissible level in g/l by WHO guideline value

SSMO, 2008 in mg/l, 2006
Carbontetrachloride 2.7 0.004
Dichloromethane 14 0.02
1,2-Dichloroethane 20 0.03
1,2-Dichloroethene 33 0.05
Trichloroethene 13 0.02 (P)
Tetrachloroethene 27 0.04
Benzene 7 0.01
Toluene 470 0.7(C)
Xylenes 330 0.5 (C)
Ethylbenzene 200 0.3 (C)
Styrene 13 0.02 (C)
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 700 1 (C)
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 200 0.3 (C)
Di(2-ehylhexyl) phthalate 5.4 0.008
Acrylamide 0.3 0.0005
Epichlorohydrin 0.3 0.004 (P)
Edetic acid (EDTA) 400 0.6 Applies to the free acid
Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) 130 0.2
Hexachlorobutadiene 0.4 0.0006
Dioxane 33 0.05
Pentachlorophenol 7 0.009 (P)

Parameter Maximum Permissible WHO guideline
level in g/l value in mg/l, 2006
Alachlor 15 0.02
Aldrin/Dieldrin 0.02 0.00003 For combined
Aldrin and Dieldrin
Aldicarb 7.5 0.01 Applies to Aldicarb
Sulfonide and Aldicard Sulfone
Atrazine 1.5 0.002
Carbofuran 4.5 0.007
Chlordane 0.15 0.0002
Chlorotoluron 20 0.03
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropane 0.7 0.001
DDT 0.7 0.001
2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acitic 20 0.03
1,2-Dichloropropane (1,2 DCP) 26 0.04 (C)
1,3-Dichloropropene 13 0.02
Isoproturon 6 0.009
Lindane 1.3 0.002
MCPA 1.3 0.002
Methoxychlor 13.5 0.02
Metholachlor 7 0.01
Molinate 4 0.006
Pendimethalin 13.5 0.02
Pentachlorophenol 7 0.009 (P)
Permethrin 200 0.3
Simazine 1.3 0.002
Trifluralin 13.5 0.02
2,4-DB 60 0.09
Dichlorprop 66 0.1
Fenoprop 6 0.009
Mecoprop 7 0.01
2,4,5-T 6 0.009
Cyanazine 0.4 0.0006
1,2 Dibromoethane 0.27 0.0004 (P)
Dimethoate 4 0.006
Edin 0.4 0.0006
Terbuthylazine 5 0.007
Chlorpyrifos 20 0.03
Pyriproxyfer 200 0.3
Disinfectants and disinfectants
Chlorine 3 5
Monochloroacetate 13 0.02

Bromate 6.6 0.01 (A,T)
Chlorate 470 0.7 (D)
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 135 0.2 (C)
Bromoform 70 0.1
Dibromochloromethane 70 0.1
Bromodichloromethane 66 0.06
Chloroform 200 0.3
Dichloroacetate 33 0.05 (T,D)
Trichloroacetate 133 0.2
Dichloroacetonitrile 13 0.02 (P)
Dibromacetonitrile 50 0.07
Cyanogen Chlorides (CN) 50 0.07
Chlorote 470 0.7 (D)
Disinfectants byproducts
Gross alpha activity 0.07
Gross beta activity 0.7
P= Provisional guideline value as there is evidence of a hazard, but the available information on health
effects is limited.
T= Provisional guideline value because calculated guideline value is below the level that can be achieved
through practical treatment methods, source protection etc.
C= Concentration of the substance at or below the health-based guideline value may affect the appearance
taste or odor of the water, leading to consumer complaints.
A= Provisional guideline value because calculated guideline value is below the achievable quantification
D= Provisional value because disinfection is likely to result in the guideline value being exceeded.
TCU = True Colour Unit
NTU = Nephlometric Turbidity Unit

Annex 2: Borehole Completion Report Format adapted from Southern Sudan

PROJECT .......................................................................................................................
Location Sketch map
State .................... Borehole N .............
County ....................
Payam .................... Long. E .....................
Boma ................... Latit. N ......................
Village .................. Elevation ...................
Site ..
Borehole ID

Community water supply Health facility
Domestic water supply Education
Community center Test well
Private compound ....................
Property or handed over to .............................
Geophysics ................................................
Other : ...................................................... Approximate scale :

Drilling consumption
Drilling data
Start date ................... End date .................Diesel[Lt]
Total depth ........... [m] SWL ..................[Engine Oil.[Lt]
Main water strike . [m] Yield ............ [ .....Hydraulic Oil.[Lt]
Drilling operation

Dynamic water level .[m] Hammer Oil..[Lt]

Drilling diameter inch mm
........... From ..... [m] To ...... [m] Method .............
........... From ..... [m] To ...... [m] Method .............
........... From ..... [m] To ...... [m] Method .............
........... From ..... [m] To ...... [m] Method .............
Method of drilling
Percussion Hand-drilled
Air rotary Mud rotary

Casing type Filter pack (gravel pack)


uPVC Composition ................ Source ......

Threaded Units bags [ . kg] kg ...

Bottom plug Height above/below Amount used .......... Depth to
ground level [m] top...................... [m]
Plain casing & Screen installation
inch mm
............ Type From ........... [m] To ............. [m] yes no Cement
............ Type ....... From ........... [m] To ............. [m] Slot ......... Type... From ....... [m] To ...... [m] Amount .
............ Type ....... From ........... [m] To ............. [m] Slot ......... Type... From ....... [m] To ...... [m] Amount .
............ Type ....... From ........... [m] To ............. [m] Slot ......... Type... From ....... [m] To ...... [m] Amount .
............ Type ....... From ........... [m] To ............. [m] Slot ......... Backfilling ........................................

Air-lift Over-pumping Surging Backwashing Jetting
Duration........[hr] Water: Limpid Turbid Other .......................................
Comment .....................................................................................................................
Water level * H.a.g.l. = height above ground level

Measurement from ................ H.a.g.l* ........ = Static water level (SWL) ... [m] Date .
........................................... [m]
Test pumping
Air-lift cap. Evaluation Step Drawdown Test Constant RateTest-CRT
Short CRT
Duration ............. [hr] Discharge ..... [ ...........] Dynamic water level (final
drawdown) ..........[m]

IM2 Afridev Submersible Date installed
IM2 x-deep Mono Depth of pump intake [m]
Duba Type of pipes
Pump & platform

Make ................................................................
of pipes
Well head and platform completion
Pump stand Welded on casing Fitted around casing
Apron Concrete slab Drainage Soak-away pit
Comment .....................................................................................................................

Physical quality Bacteriological quality


Faecal coliform
Color ........ Taste ............. Turbidity .. [MTU]
cfu per 100 ml

T ......... [C] TDS ....... [mg/lt] CE ......... [S/cm] E. coli total ................... cfu per 100
Sample taken .......... Yes No .... Date Lab .................................................
Chemical used ................................................. Volume ............................................
Nearest sources of possible contamination
........................................................................ Distance ...........................................
Remarks ......................................................................................................................

Borehole completion date

Comments .....................................................................................................................

PROJECT ......................................................................................................................

Borehole log and construction details Construction
From To Litho logy Thickness Log

Log = Lithology drawing

Time Drawdown(m) Yield(l/m) Recovery(m)




Company name: Organization name: Authorities:

Signatory: Signatory: Signatory:

Date: Date Date:

Signature: Signature: Signature

Annex 3: Detail diagrams of India Mark II Hand Pumps











24. Direct Action Pump 25. Afridev Hand Pump

Annex 4: Technical Specifications for Hand Pumps

Technical Specifications for India Mark II Standard and Extra Deep Well Hand Pumps
conforming to Indian Standard (IS) 15500, 2004 are outlined below. Every India Mark II
hand pump imported into Sudan must have an Inspection Seal. It is important to ensure
this when purchasing this type of hand pump.

Dimensions and tolerances

The material, dimensions and tolerances for different components/assemblies must
comply with the specifications provided in respective figures given in Parts 2 to 8 of
IS 15500, 2004.
Unless otherwise specified, the tolerance on the un-machined dimensions relating to
the following items used in the pump production, should be governed by their
respective Indian Standards:
Hot/cold rolled carbon steel plates, sheets, flat and bars.
Steel sections
Brass tube, and
Cast iron/bronze castings
For all other linear and angular dimensions where tolerances are not specified, the
tolerance as per Class C (coarse) of IS 2102 (Part 1) should be followed for the
manufacturing of the components.
The tolerance of metric thread should conform to IS 14962 (Part 3), Class 6g for bolts
and 6H for nuts.
Standard parts like fasteners, ball bearings, etc used in the hand pump assembly and
sub-assemblies should match specifications in Annex B of IS 15500
All bolts, nuts and washers except high tensile bolts should be electro-galvanized to
conform to IS 1367 (Part 11)

Raw materials
All raw materials for use in the manufacturing of the pump parts like steel, stainless
steel, cast iron, brass, rubber should conform to specifications in point 5 of IS 15500
(Part 1).
Anti-corrosive treatment
Connecting rod (mild steel), bearing spacer, and washer should be electro-galvanized
and passivated conforming to service condition No 4 of IS 1573.
The stand, water tank, head, cover, handle, third plate, T-bar (for extra deep well),
counter weight (for extra deep well), and socket for riser pipe should be hot dip
galvanized according to IS 4759.
Galvanized assemblies should be chromate conversion coated according to point 5.9
of IS 2629.
Exterior surfaces of cast iron components should treated with
-One coat of red oxide primer, conforming to IS 2074.
-Two coats of synthetic enamel paint conforming to IS 2932
Chain coupling should be coated with epoxy primer and paint.
Chain assembly should be boiled in graphite grease for better anti-corrosion

All components should be free from rough edges, burrs and other surface defects.
Sharp machined edges should be filed smooth.
Casting should not be repaired or welded and should conform to Grade PG 200 or
higher grade of IS 210.
Welding of mild steel components should be done in accordance with IS 9595.
Welding for stainless steel components should conform to IS 2811.
All welding should be free from blow holes, pin holes, cracks, etc.
All other workmanship must be carried out in accordance with point 7 of IS 15500
(Part 1)

Riser pipes
Riser pipes shall be hot dipped galvanized, screwed and socketed conforming to IS
1239 (Part 1) medium class with special emphasis on the instructions in point 6.4.
Pipe ends should have a smooth finish and should be free of burrs or sharp machining
chip. The internal surface of pipes should not have any lump of zinc. One end of each
riser pipe should be fitted with a hot dipped galvanized socket and the other end with
a thread protector. The nominal bore and length of each pipe for both Standard and
Extra Deep Well Hand pumps should be 32mm and 3000mm. respectively.
The socket for the riser pipe should be manufactured from a seamless pipe according
to IS 1239 (Part 2), or machined from a solid bar conforming to Grade A of IS 2062
and should be hot dipped galvanized. The dimensions of the socket should conform to
Fig 4.28 of IS 15500. Sockets should be tightly screwed into the rising main thread to
avoid disconnection during transportation.
Poly-tetra-flouro-ethylene (PTFE) tape or similar shall be used on the riser pipe joints
before installation.

The procedure given in IS 2500 (Part 1) should be followed for sampling inspection.
The single sampling plan with general inspection level1 and AQL of one percent as
given in Table I and II-A of IS 2500 (Part 1) should be followed for the
characteristics given in testing clause 9 of IS 15500 (Part 1) of all the parts.
Stroke length and discharge of pumps should be as follows:
o For Standard Deep Well, stroke length :1254mm and minimum discharge:
15 liters per minute or 40 strokes.
o For Extra Deep Well, stroke length: 1004mm and minimum discharge:12
liters per minute or 40 strokes.

Criteria for Conformity

A lot shall be considered conforming to the requirements of the standard, if the batch
selected according to 9.3 of IS 15500 (Part 1) satisfy the criteria for conformity given
in the corresponding part (Part 2 to Part 7) of IS 15500 depending on the assembly,
sub-assembly or component it is comprised of .


All pumps and accessories should have a guarantee for 12 months from the date of
installation or 18 months from the date of supply whichever is earlier against bad

The pump head assembly should have a name plate incorporating the name and
address of the manufacturer, date of manufacturing and a serial number correlating it
with the production records.
A code/serial number should be punched on the raised portion of the cylinder body,
correlating it with the production records.
The connecting rod should have a steel punch impression indicating rhe
manufacturers identification mark, month and year of manufacture on the 50mm
long hexagonal coupler.
For Standard and Extra Deep Well Hand pumps, a number 32 shall be marked on
the upper side of bottom flange of the water tank in minimum 10mm size ensuring
that it is legible after galvanizing.
All other markings should be done according to clause of 11 of IS 15500 (Part 1)

The packing procedure in Annex C of IS 15500 should be followed.
External threads of all the threaded components should be fitted with suitable thread
protectors to avoid transit damage.
The riser pipe should be packed as per instructions in IS 4740.
In addition to the requirements given in 12.1 and 12.2 of IS 15500 (Part 1), the
following conditions apply for the head assembly:
o The handle should be locked in position with some suitable arrangement
before packing the head assembly.
o An extra hexagonal nut (Std 04 in Annex B of IS 15500) should be attached to
the chain to lock the last connecting rod with the chain coupling.
o The chain should be smeared with graphite grease and covered with a
polyethylene bag prior to dispatch.

Annex 5: Standard tools required for installation and or maintenance and repair

The various kinds of tools required for maintenance and repair are categorized under
standard tools for routine maintenance and special tools for major repair work. Village
mechanics should always have a set of standard tools available.

The following table shows the list of items required under the standard tools category for
both modified Deep Well and modified Extra Deep Well Hand Pumps.

Table 4: List of standard tools

No Description of the standard tools Unit Quantity
1 Button Die to suit M12x1.75 threads No 1
2 Die set for 32/40mm NB pipe set 1
3 600mm pipe wrench (stilson type) No 2
4 450mm pipe wrench (stilson type) No 1
5 M 17 x M19 double ended spanners (10mm x 12mm) No 2
6 Screw Driver 300mm long No 1
7 1 kg (approx) ball pein hammer with handle No 1
8 Hacksaw frame with spare blade 300mm No 1
9 Pressure type oil can with oil No 1
10 Wire brush No 1
11 250mm half round file with handle No 1
12 250mm flat file with handle No 1
13 Lithium base/multipurpose grease Kg 1
14 Graphite grease Kg 1
15 0-9 number punch (6mm) set 1
16 Nylon rope (3mm thick) M 75
17 Adjustable spanner No 1
18 Pipe stands set 1

The following items, as listed down in Table 5, are required as part of special tools.

Table 5: List of items of special tool kit

No Description of the special tools Unit Quantity
1 Self locking clamp No 1
2 Water tank (or Tank pipe) lifter No 1
3 Rod coupler (or Coupling) spanner No 2
4 Axle (or Handle axle) punch No 1
5 Connecting rod lifter No 1
6 Crank spanner No 2
7 Pipe lifting (or Lifting) spanner No 3
8 Connecting (or Connections) rod vice No 1
9 Chain coupling (or coupler) supporting tool No 1
10 Bearing pressing tool No 1
11 Tool box No 1

Self-locking clamp is required for clamping of the riser pipe. It grips the pipe as
soon as the handle is released.
Water tank lifter handles the water tank during assembly and dismantling of the
Rod coupler spanner is required for easy fitting of the connecting rods.
Axle punch helps in driving the handle axle out of the head assembly.
Connecting rod lifter facilitates in lowering or lifting of the connecting rods.
Crank spanner is required for fastening of M12 and M10 bolts and nuts specially
the chain bolt.
Pipe lifting spanner helps in lifting or lowering riser pipes.
Connecting rod vice is required to clamp the connecting rod.
Chain coupling supporting tool facilitates the disconnection of the chain from the
Bearing pressing tool is required for pressing the bearings in the bearing housing,
Tool box to keep all above tools except water tank lifter, pipe lifting spanner and
self-locking clamp

Annex 6: Recommended spare parts for a hand pump

The following spare parts are recommended for two years as per the current Indian Mark
II Technical Standard (IS 15500) Technical Specification.

Table 6: Recommended spare parts for two years

No Description of the spare part Unit Quantity
Spares for pump head
1 Hexagonal bolts M12 x 20mm long No 8
2 Hexagonal nuts M12 No 18
3 Washers M12 No 10
4 Hexagonal bolt M10 x 40 No 1
5 Prevailing Torque Type Hexagonal nuts M10 No 2
6 Handle axle (stainless steel) No 1
7 Washer (4mm thick) for handle axle No 1
8 Bearing single side shielded No 2
9 Bearing Spacer No 1
10 Chain with coupling No 1
Spare for cylinder
1 Pump bucket (Nitrile rubber) No 4
2 sealing ring (Nitrile rubber) No 6
3 Check valve seating No 2
4 Upper valve seating No 2
Spares for connecting rods and G.I. riser pipe
1 Hexagonal coupling M12 x 1.75 x 50mm No 2
2 Pipe sockets (32mm NB medium grade hot dip galvanized No 4

Annex 7: The Development of these Technical Guidelines

The Technical Guidelines development process was completed in two stages: preparation
and finalization.

A. The Preparation Stage

The preparation stage began in April 2006 with the agreement to select eight WASH
facilities. At the request of the GONU, 3 additional water supply facilities were added,
making the total eleven. The preparation stage that included information collection and
analysis was completed in December 2006.

Collection of Information:
Technical and managerial information related to the development of the 14 Technical
Guidelines was collected from the following sources:
UNICEF, WHO, World bank and NGOs
National institutions like SSMO
International institutions like IRC and WEDC
Donors like DFID.
Different countries standards like BS, IS, DIN, etc.
Field trips to 14 states in the northern and southern states of Sudan to visit the
different existing facilities and to have live discussion with the sector
professionals and community members.

Analysis of collected information:

The Steering Committee, which comprised senior staff from PWC, WES and UNICEF
together with the consultant analyzed the collected information, which led to the
development of the outlines of the documents in a zero draft. The draft documents were
shared with the Steering Committee at Khartoum level. The committee met to discuss the
drafts, and provided comments, which were incorporated, resulting in the first draft. .

The first draft was widely circulated to PWC, UNICEF, various SWCs, INGOs and GoSS
for information and feedback. All relevant feedback from the sector actors were
incorporated into the documents and the second draft prepared and presented to the first
national review workshop in December 2006. The relevant recommendations and
comments of the national review workshop were incorporated into the documents
resulting in a third draft.. The first National Review Workshop recommended that this
draft of the Technical Guidelines be shared with a wider range of stakeholders, including
specific technical working groups.

B. The Finalization Stage

The finalization of the 14 Technical Guidelines involved wider consultation with WASH
sector partners through technical working group discussions, 3 regional review
workshops, wider consultation and revision by GoSS and a national review workshop at
the final stage.

Technical Working Group Discussions:
Professionals from various ministries participated in these technical working group
discussions. MIWR, MOH, University of Khartoum, Sudan Academy of Science, private
sector, NGOs, PWC/WES, UNICEF and Khartoum Water Corporation were also
represented in these groups. This technical consultation process started in July 2007 and
continued up to December 2007 resulting in the fourth draft of Technical Guidelines.

Regional Review Workshops:

Three Regional Review Workshops were conducted in Nyala, Wad Medani and Juba in
November-December 2007 for GoSS and state level inputs into the documents. The Juba
workshop recommended that the need for wider consultation within Southern Sudan to
review the documents and to incorporate Southern Sudan specific contexts into the
documents such as information relating to the location and different hydrogeological
situations. These 3 workshops, resulted in the fifth draft.

Wider Consultation by GoSS:

Based on the recommendation of the Juba Review Workshop, a wider consultation
process was started in July 2008 and completed in October 2008. The process included
state level consultation with sector actors, technical working group discussions and a
final consultation workshop in Juba. The process was concluded by the finalization and
the approval of the final draft documents which were reviewed at a final National

Final National Workshop:

The final National Workshop was conducted in April 2009 in Khartoum under the
guidance and the presence of H.E. Eng. Kamal Ali Mohamed, Minister of Irrigation and
Water Resources of GONU, Eng. Isaac Liabwel, Undersecretary, Ministry of Water
Resources and Irrigation of GoSS, Eng. Mohammed Hassan Mahmud Amar, DG of PWC
and Eng. Adam Ibrahim, Minister of Physical Planning and Public Utilities of South
Darfur State.

The workshop was attended by ninety two participants representing MIWR, MWRI,
MOH, PWC, WES, GWWD, Engineering Council, SWCs, SMoH, University of
Khartoum, UNICEF, WHO, IOM, ICRC, NGOs, USAID and private sector.

The National Workshop reviewed the 14 WASH Technical Guidelines and approved
them as the national WASH Technical Guidelines.

The workshop recommendations included:

Publication and wide distribution of the Guidelines;
Translation of the Guidelines into Arabic and other major Sudanese languages;
Organization of training and advocacy courses/workshops related to the
Adoption of supportive policies, strategies, laws and regulations to ensure best
utilization of the Guidelines;

Development of a system for feedback from implementing partners for inclusion
in future updates of the Guidelines. MIWR/PWC, MWRI and SWCs were
selected as focal points for that purpose.

Annex 8: People contacted

At Khartoum level
1. Mr Mohammed Hassan Mahmoud Amar, Director General, PWC
2. Mr Eisa Mohammed, National WES Coordinator, WES/PWC
3. Mr Mohammed Habib, National Project Coordinator, PWC
4. Mr Sampath Kumar, Chief WASH Section, UNICEF
5. Mr Vishwas Joshi, PO, UNICEF
6. Mr Zaid Jurji, PO, UNICEF
7. Mr Stanely Hall, SPO, UNICEF
8. Mr Fouad Yassa, PO, UNICEF
9. Mrs Awatif Khalil, APO, UNICEF
10. Mr Samuel Riak, PO, UNICEF
11. Mr. Mohammed El Hassan Eldori, Director of Department of Groundwater, MOIWR
12. Mr Mohammed Ahmed Bukab, Mechanical Engineering Department, PWC
13. Mr Mohammed Salih Mahmoud, Mechanical Consultant, PWC
14. Mr. Yassir Ismael, WES/PWC
15. Mr Al Amin Ahmed Ibrahim,PWC
16. Mr Mohy El Deen Kabeer, Groundwater and Wadis, MOIWR.

North Darfur, El Fashier

1. Osman Bukhari Ibrahim SMOH DG Envoronmental Health

2. Abdul Azim Ahmed SWC Mechanical Engineer
3. Abdella M. Adam WES Drilling Engineer
4. Mohammed Mohammedein WES Mechanical Engineer
5. Omer Abdurahman Adam GWWD Hydrogeologist
6.Nour Eldin Adam WES Surveying Engineer
7. Abdella Adam Ibrahim WES Geologist
8. Tayalla El Medomi UNICEF Water Engineer
9. Mohammed Mohammedein Subi SWC Acting DG & Manager of RW
10. Salma Hassan WES Social Mobilzer
11. Ahmed Abu Elgasim WES Acting GM
12. Hassan Sheik Nur Oxfam GB Public Health Engineering Coord.
13. Jaka Magoma IRC Environmental Health Manager

North Kordofan, El Obeid

1. Hassan Adam Suleiman ACU WES Monitoring Officer

2. Ahmed El Abeid RWD Surface Water Section
3.Alehmin Ahmed WES Mechanical Engineer
4. Saeed Elmahdi WES Programme Manager
5. Asia Mahmoud Mohmed ACU WES W Coord. Kordofan Section
6. Yassin Abbas NWC, NK RWC Manager
7. Mahgoup Dahia WES, NK Mini Water Yard Officer
8. Abeer Ali Elnour WES, NK Civil Engineer

9. Mutasim Hamad WES, NK Monitoring Officer
10. Makin Mohammed Toto WES, NK Drilling Engineer
11. Salah Mohammed GWWD Director General

South Kordofan

1. Adil Awad Farog SWC Geologist

2. Jakob Jebbrel SWC Engineer
3. Haidar Ariah Abdel Bari SWC Geologist
4. Mohammed Morgan Yhya SWC WES PA
5. Gamaa Aziz UNICEF APO
6. Fatima Toto SWC Urban Water Management
7. Sunaya Zroog SWC Urban Water Management
8. Mymona Taha SWC Urban Water Management
9. Adam Mohammed Ibrahim SWC Urban Water Management
10. Ali Gabaur Ahmad SWC Urban Water Management
11. Elzaki Eisa WES Drilling Engineer
12. Kamal Bashir SC/USA Watsan
13. Osman Elnour SWC DG
14. Dr Abdel Rahim Ahmed UNICEF APO
15. Hassaballa Hamad SWC Rural Water Management
16. Absaida SWC Mechanic
17. Awatif Elhag WFP Field Monitor
18. Al Amin Shawish Sudan Aid Coordination Officer

People Contacted in Southern Sudan, July 2008

1. Juma Chisto, Operator of Kator Emergency Water Supply, Juba

2. Habib Dolas, Member of Watsan committee, Hai Jebel
3. Andew Wan Stephen, Member of Watsan committee, Hai Jebel
4. Francis Yokwe, Member of Watsan committee, Hai Jebel
5. William Ali Jakob, Member of Watsan committee, Hai Jebel
6. William Nadow Simon, Member of Watsan committee, Hai Jebel
7. Ali Sama, Director General, Rural Water Department, Central Equatoria State (CES)
8. Engineer Samuel Toban Longa, Deputy Area Manager, UWC, CES
9. Sabil Sabrino, Director General UWC, WBeG
10. James Morter, Technician, UWC, Wau
11. Carmen Garrigos, RPO, Unicef Wau
12. Sevit Veterino, Director General, RWC, WBeG
13. Stephen Alek, Director General, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure (MPI), Warap
14. John Marie, Director of Finance, MPI, Warap State
15. Angelo Okol, Deputy Director of O&M, Warap State
16. Santino Ohak Yomon, Director, RWSS, Upper Nile State
17. Abdulkadir Musse, RPO, Unicef Malakal
18. Dok Jok Dok, Governor, Upper Nile State

19. Yoanes Agawis, Acting Minister, MPI, Upper Nile State
20. Bruce Pagedud, Watsan Manager, Solidarites, Malakal
21. Garang William Woul, SRCS, Malakal
22. Peter Onak, WVI, Malakal
23. Gailda Kwenda, ACF, Malakal
24. Amardine Atsain, ACF, Malakal
25. Peter Mumo Gathwu, Care, Malakal
26. Engineer John Kangatini, MPI, Upper Nile State
27. Wilson Ajwek Ayik, MoH, Upper Nile State
28. James Deng Akurkuac, Department of RWSS, Upper Nile State
29. Oman Clement Anei, SIM
30. Abuk N. Manyok, Unicef, Malakal
31. Jakob A. Mathiong, Unicef, Malakal
32. Emmanuel Badang, UNMIS/RRR
33. Emmanuel Parmenas, DG of O&M, MCRD GOSS
34. Cosmos Andruga, APO, Unicef Juba

Annex 9. Technical Working Group Members

A) At Khartoum level

1) For Slow Sand Filters

Dr Mohammed Adam Khadam, University of Khartoum

Dr V. Haraprasad, UNICEF
Mr. Ibrahim Adam, PWC
Mr Eshetu Abate, UNICEF - Consultant

2) For Borehole Hand pumps, Hand dug well Hand pumps, Hand dug well Water yards,
Mini Water yards and Water yards

Mr. Mohamed Hassan Ibrahim, GWW

Mr. Mohy Al Deen Mohamed Kabeer, GWW
Mr. Abd el Raziq Mukhtar, Private Consultant
Mr. Mohamed Salih Mahmoud, PWC
Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Bukab, PWC
Mr. Mudawi Ibrahim, PWC/WES
Mr. Yasir Ismail, PWC/WES
Mr Eshetu Abate, UNICEF - Consultant

3) For Improved Small Dams

Dr. Mohamed Osman Akoud, University of Khartoum

Professor Saif el Deen Hamad, MIWR
Mr. Mohamed Salih Mohamed Abdulla, PWC
Mr Eshetu Abate, UNICEF - Consultant

4) For Improved Haffirs

Mr. Mohamed Hassan Al Tayeb, Private Consultant

Mr. Hisham Al Amir Yousif, PWC
Mr. Hamad Abdulla Zayed, PWC
Mr Eshetu Abate, UNICEF - Consultant

5) For Drinking Water Treatment Plants, Drinking Water Distribution Networks and
Protected Springs & Roof Water Harvesting

Dr Mohamed Adam Khadam, University of Khartoum

Mr. Burhan Ahmed Al Mustafa, Khartoum State Water Corporation (KSWC)
Mr Eshetu Abate, UNICEF - Consultant

6) For Household Latrines, School Latrines and Rural Health Institution Latrines

Mr. Sampath Kumar, UNICEF
Mr. Fouad Yassa, UNICEF
Dr. Isam Mohamed Abd Al Magid, Sudan Academy of Science
Mr. Badr Al Deen Ahmed Ali, MOH
Ms Awatif Khalil, UNICEF
Mr Eshetu Abate, UNICEF - Consultant

B) At Juba level:

For all facilities:

Mr. Nyasigin Deng, MWRI-GOSS

Ms. Maryam Said, UNICEF- Consultant
Dr. Bimal Chapagain, UNICEF- Consultant
Mr. Marto Makur, SSMO
Ms. Jennifer Keji, SSMO
Ms. Rose Lidonde, SNV
Mr. Elicad Nyabeeya, UNICEF
Mr. Isaac Liabwel, MWRI
Mr. Moris Monson, SC UK
Mr. Peter Mahal, MWRI
Mr. Alier Oka, MWRI
Mr. Emmanuel Ladu, MWRI
Mr. Menguistu T. Mariam, PACT
Mr. Manhiem Bol, MWRI-GOSS
Mr. Eshetu Abate, UNICEF- Consultant
Ms. Rose Tawil, UNICEF
Mr. Sahr Kemoh, UNICEF
Mr. John Pangech, MCRD
Mr. Joseph Brok, MAF
Mr. Gaitano Victor, MAF
Dr. Lasu Joja, MOH-GOSS
Mr. Kees Van Bemmel, MEDAIR
Mr. Lawrence Muludyang, MHLPU
Ms. Anatonia Wani, MARF
Mr. Acuth Makuae, MCRD-GOSS
Mr. Martin Andrew, RWD/CES
Mr. Feliciano Logira, RWD/CES
Mr. Philip Ayliel, MHLPU
Mr. James Adam, MWRI

Annex 10: Selected bibliography and references:

1. Indian Standard, Deep well Hand Pumps, Components and Special tools
Specification: IS 15500, December 2004
2. Project profiles for Rural and Urban Water Supply, Ministry of Irrigation &
Water Resources, National Water Corporation, September 2005.
3. Linking Technology Choice with Operation and Maintenance for low-cost Water
Supply and Sanitation, Operation & Maintenance Group, Water Supply and
Sanitation Collaborative Council, World Health Organization, IRC International
Water and Sanitation Centre
4. Low-cost rural water supply and sanitation, a design manual for the government
of Baluchistan, Pakistan - UNICEF
5. The development of effective community water supply systems using deep and
shallow well hand pumps, Derek G Hazelton
6. Engineering in Emergencies
7. Contract document for Borehole Drilling, National Water Corporation, March
8. Balaji Industrial and Agricultural Castings, Technical Data on Direct Action
9. Sudan Hand Pump Mission, UNICEF, January 1996
10. WHO guideline for Drinking Water, 2004
11. Sudanese Drinking Water Standard, Sudanese Standard and Measurement
Organization, 2002
12. Water supply design criteria and equipment standardization, National Water
Corporation, November 1998
13. Technical guideline series: Towards better programming, A Water Handbook,
UNICEF, 1999.
14. Technical Design Manual, Ethiopian Social Rehabilitation and Development
Fund (ESRDF), April 1997
15. Sphere Minimum Standards
16. Technical Specification for Drilling Shallow Water Wells, UNICEF

Annex 11: Unit conversion tables

m ft in
1m 1 3.281 39.37
1 ft 0.3048 1 12
1 in 0.0254 0.0833 1

m2 ft2
1m 1 10.76
1 ft2 9.29 x 10-2 1

m3 litre ft3
1 m3 1 1.0 x 103 35.32
1 litre 1.0 x 10-3 1 3.532 x 10-2
1 ft3 2.832 x 10-2 28.32 1

l/s m3/s m3/d ft3/s
1 l/s 1 1.0 x 10-3 86.40 3.531 x 10-2
1 m3/s 1.0 x 103 1 8.640 x 104 35.313
1 m3/d 1.157 x 10-2 1.157 x 10-5 1 4.087 x 10-4
1 ft3/s 28.32 2.832 x 10-2 2.447 x 103 1

m/s ft/s
1 m/s 1 3.281
1 ft/s 0.3048 1

kg lb t
1 kg 1 2.205 1 x 10-3
1 lb 0.454 1 4.536 x 10-4
1 metric ton (t) 1000 2205 1

g/m3 kg/m3 lb/in3 lb/ft3
1 g/cm 1 1000 0.0361 62.43
1 kg/m3 1 x 10-3 1 3.61 x 10-5 0.0624

1 lb/in3 27.68 27.68 x 103 1 1728
1 lb/ft3 0.016 16.02 5.787 x 10-4 1

kgf/cm2 bar kN/m2 lbf/in2 (psi)
1 kgf/cm 1 0.981 98.1 14.223
1 bar 1.02 1 100 14.504
1 kN/m2 0.01 0.0098 1 0.145
1 lbf/in2 (psi) 0.07 0.0689 6.89 1
1 Pa (pascal) = 1 N/m2
1 N/mm2 = 1 MN/m2 = 1 MPa
101325 Pa = 1 standard atmosphere (atm) = 1.01325 bar
100 kPa = 1 bar
10.33 m head of water = 1 atm
2989 Pa = 1 ft head of water = 22.42 mm of mercury (mmHg)
1 mmHg = 0.0394 inch of mercury (inHg)
1 MPa = 145 lbf/in2 (psi)

N kgf lbf pdl
1N 1 0.1019 0.2248 7.2330
1 kgf 9.8066 1 2.2046 70.9316
1 lbf 4.4482 0.4536 1 32.1740
1 poundal (pdl) 0.1382 0.0141 0.0311 1
1 N = 1 kg m/s2
1 pdl = 1 lb ft/s2

kW CV bhp
1 kilowatt (kW) 1 1.3596 1.3410
1 metric horsepower (CV) 0.7355 1 0.9863
1 brake horsepower (bhp) 0.7457 1.0139 1
The metric horsepower, Chavel Vapeur, is variously denoted as CV, ch and PS.

Contact Addresses for Feedback by WASH Sector Partners

Mr Mohammed Hassan Mahmud Amar

Director General
Public Water Corporation
Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources
El Sahafa South-Land Port West
P.O. Box 381, Khartoum
Tel: +249 (0)83 417 699
Fax:+249 (0)83 416 799
Email: nwcarm@sudanmail.net

Eng. Isaac Liabwel

Under Secretary
Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI)
Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS)
Hai el Cinema, Juba
Phone: Office: +249 811 823557
Cellular: +249 912 328686
E-mail: Isaac.liabwel@gmail.com

Mr Sampath Kumar
Chief, WASH Section
Water and Environmental Sanitation (WASH) Section
UNICEF Sudan Country Office
House 74, Street 47, Khartoum 2
P.O.Box 1358 Khartoum - Sudan
Tel.: +249 1 83471835/37 ext 350
Fax: +249 1 834 73461
Mobile: +249 912390648
Email: skumar@unicef.org

Dr Stephen Maxwell Donkor

Chief, WASH Section
Water and Environmental Sanitation (WASH) Section
Southern Sudan
Tel. : +249 126 537693
Email: smdonkor@unicef.org


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