BoQ For Boreholes and Shallow Wells Rehabilitation - Gedo
BoQ For Boreholes and Shallow Wells Rehabilitation - Gedo
BoQ For Boreholes and Shallow Wells Rehabilitation - Gedo
1 Trenching, laying and backfilling of pipeline 21/2'' (for 63mm OD uPVC pipe) m 200
for the Pumping mains with 450mm x 600mm trench
2 Trenching, laying and backfilling of pipeline (for 50 mm OD uPVC pipe) for the m 500
distribution system with 450mm x 600mm trench
300 mm thick approved hardcore filling spread, well rammed and compacted in m3 17.0
150mm layers
Concrete work
Mass Concrete class 15 (1:3:6) with 20mm thick maximum aggregate size in
20mm Diameter bars, ‘U’ shaped to form steps with ends embedded into No 11
retaining wall, average length 450mm
2 Procure and install, Pipe, Galvanized iron, 5.8 metres long, 3" (75 mm) nominal No 38.0
diameter, rated for 14 Bar pressure in borehole
3 Pipe, uPVC class D, 5.8 metres long, 90mm nominal diameter, rated for 10 Bar No 35.0
4 Pipe, Galvanized iron, 5.8 metres long, 1" (50mm)nominal diameter, rated for 14 No 20.0
Bar pressure
5 uPVC pipe class D, 50mm OD, 10 bar, 5.8m length No 90.0
SUBSTRUCTURE (Provisional)
Excavation including maintaining and supporting sides and keeping free from
water, mud and fallen materials by bailing, pumping or otherwise
Prepare site by stripping top 200 mm of soil to remove all debris including sand (if m2 18.9
any) from site and carting away spoil
Excavate for foundation strip commencing at stripped levels depth not exceeding m3 9.7
1.50m deep
300 mm thick approved hardcore filling spread, well rammed and compacted in m3 3.6
150mm layers to receive concrete surface bed
Insitu concrete: class 15: mix 1:3:6
50mm blinding layer under foundations,hardcore surfaces m2 25.0
Treat hardcore surface with approved insecticide m2 25.0
Concrete work
Reinforced Concrete class 25
Strip foundation m3 2.3
100mm thick floor slab with surface steel trowelled smooth m2 7.5
100mm thick sloping ramp m2 4.2
200 mm thick plinth m2 1.2
Reinforcement bars (all sizes) as shown on the drawings kg 50.0
Mesh fabric reinforcement ref. No. A142 laid in floor slab with minimum 150 mm m2 21.4
side allowance
Sawn formwork
Formwork to sides of foundation strip girth over 75mm but not exceeding m 38.0
150mm ,plinth over 150mm but not exceeding 225mm, edges of floor slab girth
over 75mm but not exceeding 150mm
150mm Thick masonry foundation walling in cement and sand mortar (1:3) m2 4.2
400mm Thick masonry foundation walling in cement and sand mortar (1:3) m2 7.3
One layer 1000gauge polythene sheet damp proof membrane under beds: m2 20.1
300mm laps
200mm wide Bituminous felt damp-proof course m 12.2
Supply and fix 600x600x50mm thick medium duty precast concrete paving slabs m2 1.6
in cement sand mortar
15mm thick cement sand rendering (1:3) to plinths m2 2.0
Prepare and apply three coats black bituminous paint to rendered plinths m2 2.0
150 Thick load bearing solid concrete block walling m2 26.9
Concrete Work
Vibrated reinforced concrete class 25 (1:1.5:3) with 20mm maximum aggregate
as described in:
Lintel m3 0.40
8mm Diameter high tensile reinforcement bar kg 30.0
Sawn Formwork
Formwork to sides and soffits of ring beam m2 1.8
Roof Structure
Sawn celcured cypress timber as described in:
200mm x 25mm Fascia Board m 15.0
l00x50mmRafters m 11.7
100mm x 50mm wall plate m 7.8
50 x 50 Purlins m 15.6
Roof Covering
30 Gauge galvanized corrugated iron sheets fixed to timber Purlins m2 15.2
Painting and Decorating
Knot prime stop and apply two undercoats and one gloss finishing coat oil paint m 15.2
to fascia board 200- 300 mm wide
Doors and Windows
Purpose-made Timber single door made of 1well seasoned timber, door No 1.0
complete with all the necessary locks overall size 1000 x 2100mm high
Purpose-made Timber window made of well seasoned timber complete with all No 1.0
the necessary ironmongery overall size 950 x 1100mm high
Precast concrete window cill size 260 x 50mm Thick sunk - weathered and m 1.0
throated and bedded and jointed in cement sand mortar
Prepare and apply two undercoats and one finishing coat oil paint to steel door m2 4.0
Floor Finishes
Cement and sand mortar (1:3) in:
30mm thick steel trowelled screed m2 14.9
100 x 25mm Thick skirting to junction with floor and wall finish m 11.0
Wall Finishes
13 mm Thick mortar rendering with steel float finish to masonry wall,walls and m2 60.0
Sawn formwork