Anti Zionism
Anti Zionism
Anti Zionism
This article is about opposition to and criticism of as a tactic to silence criticism of Israeli policies. Others,
Zionism. For criticism of Israeli policy, see Criticism of such as Steven M. Cohen and Todd Gitlin, see no corre-
the Israeli government. lation between the two.[1]
1 History
Main article: Timeline of anti-Zionism
See also: History of Zionism and History of antisemitism
2 Jewish Anti-Zionism
Main article: Jewish Anti-Zionism
Protest against the Gaza War in Melbourne, 2009 Opposition to a Jewish state has changed over time and
has taken on a diverse spectrum of religious, ethical and
political positions.
There is a long tradition of Jewish anti-Zionism that
has opposed the Zionist project from its origins. The
Bundists, the Autonomists, Reform Judaism and the
Agude regarded both the rationale and territorial ambi-
tions of Zionism as awed. Orthodox Judaism, which
grounds civic responsibilities and patriotic feelings in re-
ligion, was strongly opposed to Zionism because, though
the two shared the same values, Zionism espoused nation-
alism in secular fashion, and used Zion, Jerusalem,
Land of Israel, redemption and ingathering of ex-
iles as literal rather than sacred terms, endeavouring to
Protest against the Gaza War in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2009 achieve them in this world.[2] Orthodox Jews also op-
posed the creation of a Jewish state prior to the appear-
Anti-Zionism is opposition to Zionism. The term is ance of the messiah, as contradicting divine will.[3] By
broadly dened in the modern era as the opposition to contrast, reform Jews rejected Judaism as a national or
the ethnonationalist and political movement of Jews and ethnic identity, and renounced any messianic expecta-
Jewish culture that supports the establishment of a Jewish tions of the advent of a Jewish state.[4]
state as a Jewish homeland in the territory dened as Other objections relate to the maintenance of a Jewish
the historic Land of Israel (also referred to as Palestine, majority within the present state of Israel.
Canaan, or the Holy Land). Anti-Zionism is also dened
as opposition to the modern State of Israel as dened as Post-Zionism a related term has been criticized as being
a Jewish and democratic state. equivalent to anti-Zionism.[5]
The term is used to describe various religious, moral The legitimacy of anti-Zionist views has been disputed to
and political points of view, but their diversity of mo- the present day, including the more recent and disputed
tivation and expression is suciently dierent that anti- relationship between anti-Zionism and antisemitism.[6]
Zionism cannot be seen as having a single ideology or Other views regarding the various forms of anti-Zionism
source. Many notable Jewish and non-Jewish sources have also been discussed and debated.[7][8][9]
view that anti-Zionism has become a cover for modern- After some technical clarications the Gemara presents
day antisemitism, a position that critics have challenged collections of sayings illustrating attitudes to the Land
of Israel. The rst is dramatized as a conversation be- at the time of the Jews exile from ancient Israel, forbid-
tween Rav Yehuda bar Ezekiel and Rabbi Zeira, when ding the Jewish people from massively immigrating to the
the latter decided to emigrate from Babylonia to Israel; Land of Israel, and from rebelling against the nations of
in its present literary form it expresses ongoing rivalries the world.
between two centres of Jewish life. Yos bar anina's
'three oaths, including 'that they shall not go up in mil-
itary formation', have frequently been cited by religious 2.2 Jewish Orthodox religious groups
opponents to political Zionism; Zionists have been hap-
pier with the views of Rabbi Eleazar, a devoted advocate
of the Land.
The Talmud: A Selection[10]
Prior to the Second World War many Jews regarded Zion- anti-war, and anti-imperialist organization which calls for
ism as a fanciful and unrealistic movement.[18] Many lib- the dismantling of Israeli apartheid, the return of Pales-
erals during the European Enlightenment had argued that tinian refugees, and the ending of the Israeli colonization
Jews should enjoy full equality only on the condition that of historic Palestine.[29]
they pledge their singular loyalty to their nation-state and
entirely assimilate to the local national culture; they called
for the regeneration of the Jewish people in exchange 2.4 World War II and the creation of Israel
for rights. Those liberal Jews who accepted integration
and/or assimilation principles saw Zionism as a threat to Attitudes changed during and following the war. In May,
eorts to facilitate Jewish citizenship and equality within 1942, before the full revelation of the Holocaust, the
the European nation-state context.[19] Biltmore Program proclaimed a fundamental departure
from traditional Zionist policy of a homeland[30] with
The Jewish Anti-Zionist League, in Egypt, was a
its demand that Palestine be established as a Jewish Com-
Communist-inuenced anti-Zionist league in the years
monwealth. Opposition to ocial Zionisms rm, un-
19461947. In Israel, there are several Jewish anti-
equivocal stand caused some prominent Zionists to estab-
Zionist organisations and politicians, many of these are
lish their own party, Ichud (Unication), which advocated
related to Matzpen.
an Arab Jewish Federation in Palestine. Opposition to
Noam Chomsky has reported a change in the boundaries the Biltmore Program also led to the founding of the anti-
of what are considered Zionist and anti-Zionist views.[20] Zionist American Council for Judaism.[31]
In 1947, in his youth, Chomskys support for a socialist
The full knowledge of the Holocaust altered the views of
binational state, in conjunction with his opposition to any
many who critiqued Zionism before 1948, including the
semblance of a theocratic system of governance in Israel,
British journalist Isaac Deutscher, a socialist and lifelong
was at the time considered well within the mainstream of
atheist who nevertheless emphasised the importance of
secular Zionism; today, it lands him solidly in the anti-
his Jewish heritage. Before World War II, Deutscher op-
Zionist camp.[21] Ruth Wisse wrote of liberal American
posed Zionism as economically retrograde and harmful to
group J Street as evidence of an anomalous pattern of
the cause of international socialism, but in the aftermath
internal defection created as a result of anti-Zionism.[22]
of the Holocaust he regretted his pre-war views, argu-
Alvin H. Rosenfeld in his much discussed essay, ing for Israels establishment as a historic necessity to
Progressive Jewish Thought and the New Anti- provide a refuge for the surviving Jews of Europe. In the
Semitism,[23] claims that a number of Jews, through 1960s, Deutscher renewed his criticism of Zionism, scru-
their speaking and writing, are feeding a rise in virulent tinizing Israel for its failure to recognise the dispossession
antisemitism by questioning whether Israel should even of the Palestinians.
exist.[24] Rosenfelds general claims are:
3.2 Muslim
Anti-Zionist Muslims consider the State of Israel as an
3 Outside the Jewish community intrusion into what many Muslims consider to be Dar al-
Islam, a domain they believe to be rightfully, and perma-
nently, ruled only by Muslims due the fact it was histori-
3.1 Secular Arab cally conquered in the name of Islam.[41][42][43]
Palestinian and other Muslim groups, as well as the
Anti-Zionism in the Arab world emerged at the end of the government of Iran (since the 1979 Islamic Revolution),
19th century, very soon after the First Zionist Congress insist that the State of Israel is illegitimate and refuse
was held in Basel in 1897.[37] However, only after the to refer to it as Israel, instead using the locution the
Young Turk revolution in 1908 opposition to Zionism in Zionist entity" (see IranIsrael relations). Islamic maps
Palestine and Greater Syria became widespread.[38] of the Middle East frequently do not show the State of
Israel. In an interview with Time Magazine in Decem-
According to philosopher Michael Neumann, Zionism ber 2006, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Everyone knows
as an expansionist threat has caused Arab hostility to- that the Zionist regime is a tool in the hands of the United
ward Israel and even antisemitism.[39] Anti-Zionist senti- States and British governments.[44]
ment has increased with ongoing Arab Israeli conicts:
after the June 1967 Six-Day War where Israel gained The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al Hus-
control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West seini opposed the Jewish immigration to Palestine before
Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights; during the the creation of the State of Israel, and in several docu-
1982 Lebanon War where Israel Defense Forces invaded mented cases expressed his hostility toward Jews in gen-
southern Lebanon, attacking the PLO, as well as Syria, eral and Zionists in particular.[45]
leftist and Muslim Lebanese forces, leading to Israeli oc- Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, whom the Anti-
cupation of southern Lebanon; the 2002 Operation De- Defamation League named the leading anti-Semite in
fensive Shield in the West Bank, including the attack on America,[46] has a long track record of hostility towards
the Jenin refugee camp; the 2006 Lebanon War; and the Jews in general and Zionists in particular.[47]
20082009 IsraelGaza conict.
Pan-Arabist narratives in the 1960s Nasser era empha-
3.3 Christian
sized the idea of Palestine as a part of the Arab world
taken by others. In this narrative, the natural means of
3.3.1 Palestinian Christians
combating Zionism is Arab nations uniting and attacking
Israel militarily. Palestinian Christian owned Falastin was founded in 1911
In contrast, a poll of 507 Arab-Israelis conducted by the in the then Arab-majority city of Jaa. The newspaper is
Israeli Democracy Institute in 2007 found that 75 percent often described as one of the most inuential newspapers
profess support for Israels status as a Jewish and demo- in historic Palestine, and probably the nations ercest
cratic state which guarantees equal rights for minorities. and most consistent critic of the Zionist movement. It
Israeli Arab support for a constitution in general was 88 helped shape Palestinian identity and nationalism and was
percent.[40] shut down several times by the Ottoman and British au-
3.4 Third Position, Fascist, and Right-Wing 5
thorities, most of the time due to complaints made by report further denied the belief among some Jewish peo-
Zionists.[48] ple that they have a right to the land of Israel as a com-
pensation for the suering of the Holocaust and argued
that it is a misuse of the Bible to use it as a topographic
3.3.2 Positions of the World Council of Churches guide to settle contemporary conicts over land. The
report was criticised by Jewish leaders in Scotland as
The World Council of Churches (WCC) has been de- biased, weak on sources, and contradictory. The pic-
scribed as taking anti-Zionist positions in connection ture it paints of both Judaism and Israel is barely even
with its criticisms of Israeli policy.[49] It is claimed a caricature.[65][66] Subsequently, the Church issued a
the council has focused disproportionately on activities statement saying that the Church had not changed its
and publications criticizing Israel in comparison with long held position of the rights of Israel to exist.[67] It
other human rights issues.[50][51] The council members also revised the report.[68]
have been characterized by Israels former Justice minis-
ter Amnon Rubinstein as anti-Zionist, saying they just
hate Israel.[52] The WCC has been charged with pri- 3.3.6 Methodist Church of Great Britain
oritising Anti-Zionism to the extent it has neglected ap-
peals from Egyptian Copts to raise their plight under Charles and John Wesley, founders of the Methodist
Sadat and Mubarak in order to avoid distracting world Church, held Restorationist views.[69] Following the sub-
attention.[49][53] mission of a report entitled 'Justice for Palestine and Is-
rael' in July 2010, the UK Methodist Conference ques-
3.3.3 Presbyterian Church of USA tioned whether 'Zionism was compatible with Methodist
beliefs.[70][71] Christian Zionism was characterised as be-
After publishing Zionism unsettled, which it initially lieving that Israel must be held above criticism what-
commended as a valuable opportunity to explore the po- ever policy is enacted, and conference called for a boy-
litical ideology of Zionism,[54] the Presbyterian Church cott of selected [72]
Israeli goods emanating from illegal
(U.S.A.) promptly withdrew the publication from sale on settlements. The UKs Chief Rabbi described the re-
its website[55] following criticism that it was Anti-Zionist, port as unbalanced, factually and historically awed,
one critic claimed it posits that the Israeli-Palestinian con- and said that it oered no genuine understanding of one
ict is fueled by a 'pathology inherent in Zionism.'[56] In of the most complex conicts in the world today. Many
February 2016, the General Assembly was lobbied by its in both communities will be deeply disturbed.[70][71]
Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP)
to lay aside a two state solution and support the Boycott,
Divestment and Sanctions movement.[57][58] Presbyteri- 3.4 Third Position, Fascist, and Right-
ans for Middle East Peace described this proposal as a Wing
one-sided, zero-sum solution.[59]
See also: Nation of Islam and antisemitism and Zionist
Occupation Government
3.3.4 Lausanne Committee for World Evangeliza-
Anti-Zionism has a long history of being supported by
In January 2015, the Lausanne movement, published various individuals and groups associated with Third Po-
an article in its ocial journal made comparisons be- sition, Right-wing and Fascist (or Neo-Fascist) politi-
tween Christian Zionism, the crusades and the Span- cal views. Whether its David Duke and the
ish Inquisition and described Zionism as apartheid on Ku Klux Klan, or lesser-known organizations like the
The Simon Wiesenthal Center de- Anti-Zionist League and various other Aryan / White-
scribed this last claim as the big lie, and rebutted the supremacist groups, Anti-Zionism (usually along
dismissal of the validity of Israels right to exist as the with adamant Anti-Semitism) has been entrenched in
Jewish State. [64] a signicant portion of those communities for years.
Many of these groups Anti-Zionist views often revolve
around the conspiracy theories discussed below (See:
3.3.5 Church of Scotland Anti-Zionist Conspiracy Theories).
During the last years of Stalins rule, ocial support for philosopher Cornel West wrote: Jews will not compre-
the creation of Israel in 1948 was replaced by strong anti- hend what the symbolic predicament and literal plight of
zionism. The level of confrontation with those deemed Palestinians in Israel means to blacks.... Blacks often per-
as anti-Soviet Jewish nationalists was toned down after ceive the Jewish defense of the state of Israel as a sec-
Stalins death in 1953, but the ocial position of opposi- ond instance of naked group interest, and, again, an aban-
tion to Zionism remained in force: the Anti-Zionist Com- donment of substantive moral deliberation.[85] African-
mittee of the Soviet Public, as well as numerous other American support of Palestinians is frequently due to the
initiatives, were state-sponsored. consideration of Palestinians as people of color political
scientist Andrew Hacker writes: The presence of Israel
As outlined in the third edition of the Great Soviet Ency-
clopedia (19691978), the Communist Party of the So- in the Middle East is perceived as thwarting the rightful
status of people of color. Some blacks view Israel as es-
viet Union's position during the Cold War became: the
main posits of modern Zionism are militant chauvinism, sentially a white and European power, supported from the
outside, and occupying space that rightfully belongs to the
racism, anti-Communism and anti-Sovietism, [...] overt
and covert ght against freedom movements and the original inhabitants of Palestine.[86]
dialogue with the Gentile world is to prove that the dis- serves the function of discrediting the people leveling the
tinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is not a charge. Its no longer Israel that needs to leave the Oc-
distinction at all..[98] cupied Territories; its the Arabs who need to free them-
In response to a working draft Statement of Princi- selves of the anti-Semitism.
ples Against Intolerance at UCLA which contained the Brian Klug
claim that 'historic manifestations of antiSemitism have Brian Klug argues that equating anti-Zionism to anti-
changed and that expressions of antiSemitism are more
semitism poisoned the debate regarding Israel and their
coded and dicult to identify', that opposition to Zion- policies, stating,
ism often asserts prejudice and intolerance towards Jews,
and that 'antiSemitism, antiZionism and other forms of
We should unite in rejecting racism in all
discrimination have no place at the University of Califor-
its forms: the Islamophobia that demonises
nia,' Rabbi Brant Rosen, an alumnus of UCLA replied
Muslims, as well as the anti-semitic discourse
that while some anti-Semites lurk behind the label of anti-
that can infect anti-Zionism and poison the
Zionism, 'it is incorrect and even disingenuous of the re-
political debate. However, people of good-
port to make the unsupported claim that anti-Zionism is
will can disagree politically - even to the ex-
often expressed (as) assertions of prejudice and intol-
tent of arguing over Israels future as a Jew-
erance toward Jewish people and culture, and blithely
ish state. Equating anti-Zionism with anti-
conate anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism as a form of
semitism can also, in its own way, poison the
discrimination. .'[99]
political debate.[106]
Tariq Ali, British-Pakistani historian
Tariq Ali, a British-Pakistani historian and political On January 15, 2004, Klug wrote:
activist, argues that the concept of new antisemitism
amounts to an attempt to subvert the language in the in- Nonetheless, the inference is invalid. To
terests of the State of Israel. He writes that the campaign argue that hostility to Israel and hostility to
against the supposed new 'anti-semitism'" in modern Eu- Jews are one and the same thing is to conate
rope is a cynical ploy on the part of the Israeli Govern- the Jewish state with the Jewish people. In fact,
ment to seal o the Zionist state from any criticism of its Israel is one thing, Jewry another. Accord-
regular and consistent brutality against the Palestinians ... ingly, anti-Zionism is one thing, anti-Semitism
Criticism of Israel can not and should not be equated with another. They are separate. To say they are
anti-semitism. He argues that most pro-Palestinian, anti- separate is not to say that they are never con-
Zionist groups that emerged after the Six-Day War were nected. But they are independent variables that
careful to observe the distinction between anti-Zionism can be connected in dierent ways.[101]
and antisemitism.[100][101] Others go the other way and
claim anti-Zionism has become a requisite proof of Further discussion
progressive conviction today, and is similar to Jews con- In the early 21st century, it was also claimed that a "new
verting to Christianity a century ago.[102] antisemitism" had emerged which was rooted in anti-
Norman Finkelstein Zionism.[6][7][8][9][91][107][108] Advocates of this concept
argue that much of what purports to be criticism of Israel
According to Norman Finkelstein: Every time Israel and Zionism is demonization, and has led to an interna-
comes under international pressure, as it did recently be- tional resurgence of attacks on Jews and Jewish symbols
cause of the war crimes committed in Lebanon, it steps and an increased acceptance of antisemitic beliefs in pub-
up the claim of anti-Semitism, and all of Israels critics lic discourse.[109] Critics of the concept as Noam Chom-
are anti-Semitic.[103] sky, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Marder, and Tariq Ali
Finkelstein argues that anti-Zionism and often just crit- have suggested that the characterization of anti-Zionism
icism of Israeli policies have been conated with anti- as antisemitic is inaccurate, sometimes obscures legiti-
semitism, sometimes called new antisemitism for politi- mate criticism of Israel's policies and actions and trivial-
cal gain: Whenever Israel faces a public relations db- izes antisemitism.
cle such as the Intifada or international pressure to re-
solve the Israel-Palestine conict, American Jewish or-
ganizations orchestrate this extravaganza called the 'new 4.2 Alternate theories
anti-Semitism.' The purpose is several-fold. First, it is to
discredit any charges by claiming the person is an anti- David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United King-
Semite. Its to turn Jews into the victims, so that the vic- dom
tims are not the Palestinians any longer. As people like According to David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the
Abraham Foxman of the ADL put it, the Jews are be- United Kingdom, there has been an insidious, creeping
ing threatened by a new holocaust. Its a role reversal attempt to delegitimize the state of Israel, which spills
the Jews are now the victims, not the Palestinians. So it over often into anti-Semitism.[110]
Joschka Fischer, German Foreign Minister and the mosques; between an increasingly anti-
In July 2001, the Simon Wiesenthal Center reported that American Europe and an endemically anti-
during a visit there, German Foreign Minister Joschka Western Arab-Muslim Middle East; a point of
Fischer stated that anti-Zionism inevitably leads to convergence between conservatives and radi-
antisemitism.[111] In 2015, the Center observed in a cals and a connecting link between fathers and
newsletter introducing its report on North American cam- sons.
pus life, that 'virulent anti-Zionism is often a thinly-veiled
disguise for virulent anti-Semitism'.[112] Ben-Dror Yemini, Israeli journalist
Israeli journalist Ben-Dror Yemini maintains that anti-
4.3 Interlinked Zionism is "politically correct antisemitism" and argues
that the same way Jews were demonized, Israel is demo-
Robert S. Wistrich, Israeli professor nized, the same way the right of Jews to exist was denied,
the right for Self-determination is denied from Israel, the
Professor Robert S. Wistrich, head of the Vidal Sassoon same way Jews were presented as a menace to the world,
International Center for the Study of Antisemitism at the Israel is presented as a menace to the world.[114]
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is the originator of Mar-
cuss second view of anti-Zionism (that anti-Zionism and Germany
antisemitism merged post-1948) argues that much con- In the 2015, a German court in Essen ruled that anti-
temporary anti-Zionism, particularly forms that compare Zionism and antisemitism were equivalent. "'Zionist in
Zionism and Jews with Hitler and the Third Reich, has the language of anti-Semites is a code for Jew, Judge
become a form of antisemitism: Gauri Sastry said in a groundbreaking legal decision.
Taylan Can, a German citizen of Turkish origin, yelled
Anti-Zionism has become the most danger- death and hate to Zionists at an anti-Israel rally in Es-
ous and eective form of anti-Semitism in our sen in July 2014, and was convicted for hate crime.[115]
time, through its systematic delegitimization, In contrast, in February 2015, a court in Wuppertal con-
defamation, and demonization of Israel. Al- victed two German Palestinians of an arson attack on a
though not a priori anti-Semitic, the calls synagogue, but denied that the crime was motivated by
to dismantle the Jewish state, whether they antisemitism.[116]
come from Muslims, the Left, or the rad-
Dina Porat, head of ISAR
ical Right, increasingly rely on an anti-
Semitic stereotypization of classic themes, Dina Porat (head of the Institute for Study of Anti-
such as the manipulative Jewish lobby, the semitism and Racism at Tel-Aviv University) contends
Jewish/Zionist world conspiracy, and Jew- that anti-Zionism is antisemitic because it is discrimina-
ish/Israeli warmongers.[113] Nevertheless, I tory:
believe that the more radical forms of anti-
Zionism that have emerged with renewed force ...antisemitism is involved when the be-
in recent years do display unmistakable analo- lief is articulated that of all the peoples on
gies to European anti-Semitism immediately the globe (including the Palestinians), only
preceding the Holocaust....For example, anti- the Jews should not have the right to self-
Zionists who insist on comparing Zionism and determination in a land of their own. Or, to
the Jews with Hitler and the Third Reich ap- quote noted human rights lawyer David Matas:
pear unmistakably to be de facto anti-Semites, One form of antisemitism denies access of
even if they vehemently deny the fact! This is Jews to goods and services because they are
largely because they knowingly exploit the re- Jewish. Another form of antisemitism denies
ality that Nazism in the postwar world has be- the right of the Jewish people to exist as a peo-
come the dening metaphor of absolute evil. ple because they are Jewish. Antizionists dis-
For if Zionists are Nazis and if Sharon re- tinguish between the two, claiming the rst is
ally is Hitler, then it becomes a moral obliga- antisemitism, but the second is not. To the an-
tion to wage war against Israel. That is the bot- tizionist, the Jew can exist as an individual as
tom line of much contemporary anti-Zionism. long as Jews do not exist as a people.[117]
In practice, this has become the most potent
form of contemporary anti-Semitism....Anti-
Zionism is not only the historic heir of earlier Liel Leibovitz, Israeli American journalist
forms of anti-Semitism. Today, it is also the Israeli American journalist Liel Leibovitz says that 21st
lowest common denominator and the bridge century anti-Zionists do not like Jews whether they live
between the Left, the Right, and the militant in Israel or anywhere else in the world. He cites the exam-
Muslims; between the elites (including the me- ple of the anti-Zionist professor at Oberlin who posted
dia) and the masses; between the churches antisemitic conspiracy theories on her website and the
anti-Zionist Stanford University student who claimed Semitism may have been less than Korey suggests.[132]
that many of the classical antisemitic conspiracy theories Accusations have been made regarding Zionism and the
are not antisemitic.[118] 2003 invasion of Iraq, claiming that prominent Zionists
were forcing Western governments into war in the Middle
East for Israels interests.[133][134][135]
5 Conspiracy theories The Sudanese government has alleged that the Darfur up-
rising (in which some 500,000 have been killed) is part of
a wider Zionist conspiracy.[136] Egyptian media have al-
See also: Antisemitic conspiracy theories, Zionist
leged that the Zionist movement deliberately spreads HIV
Occupation Government, The Protocols of the Elders of
in Egypt.[137]
Zion, Andinia Plan, and Conspiracy theories in the Arab
world Zionist conspiracies According to the Anti-Defamation League, Neo-Nazi
and radical Muslim groups allege the US government is
controlled by Jews, describing it as the "Zionist Occupa-
The antisemitic hoax The Protocols of the Elders of
tion Government".[138]
Zion came to be used among Arab anti-Zionists, al-
though some Arab anti-Zionists have tried to discour- Article 22 of the 1988 Hamas charter claims that the
age its usage.[119]: 186[120]: 357 Antisemitic sources have French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, colonialism
claimed that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were and both world wars were created by the Zionists or forces
read at the First Zionist Congress. Neil J. Kressel as- supportive of Zionism. Article 32 alleges that the Zionist
serts that for many years the line between antisemitism movement seeks to create an Empire stretching from the
and anti-Zionism has been blurry.[121]: 102 Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates river in Iraq.[139]
A number of conspiracies involving the Holocaust have In April 2010, Abd Al-Azim Al-Maghrabi, the Deputy
been advanced. One advanced by the Soviets in the 1950s Head of Egyptian Arab Lawyers Union, stated in an inter-
claims that Nazis and Zionists had a shared interest or view with Al-Manar TV (as translated by MEMRI) that
even cooperated in the extermination of Europes Jewry, the Hepatitis C virus was produced by the Zionists and
as persecution would force them to ee to Palestine, then that this virus is now spreading in Egypt like wildre.
under British administration.[122]: 237 Claims also have He also called for it to be classied as one of the war
been made that the Zionist movement inated or faked crimes perpetrated by the Zionist enemy.[140]
the impact of the Holocaust.[123]: 2122 The President of In June 2010, Egyptian cleric Musid Anwar gave a
the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas wrote in his 1983 speech which aired on Al-Rahma TV (as translated by
book, "The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between MEMRI) in which he alleged that the game of soccer (as
Nazism and Zionism" based on his CandSc thesis com- well as swimming, bullghting and tennis) was in fact a
pleted in 1982 at the Moscow Institute of Oriental Stud- Zionist conspiracy, stating that:
ies, with Yevgeny Primakov as thesis advisor.[124][125]
In 1968, the East German communist paper Neues As you know, the Jews, or the Zionists,
Deutschland justied the Warsaw Pact invasion of have The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Czechoslovakia with the headline In Prague Zionism Over 100 years ago, they formulated a plan
is in power.[129] In 1995, William Korey released a to rule the world, and they are implementing
work entitled Russian antisemitism, Pamyat, and the de- this plan. One of the protocols says: Keep
monology of Zionism. Koreys central argument is that the [non-Jews] preoccupied with songs, soccer,
the Soviet Union promoted an ocial Judeophobic and movies. Is it or isn't it happening? It is
propaganda campaign under the guise of anti-Zionism [...] the Zionists manage to generate animos-
from 1967 to 1986; after this program was shut down ity among Muslims, and even between Muslim
by Mikhail Gorbachev, a populist and chauvinist group countries, by means of soccer.[141]
called Pamyat emerged in the more open climate of
Glasnost to promote an openly anti-Semitic message.[130]
Korey also argues that much ocial late-period Soviet
anti-Semitism may be traced back to the inuence of Pro- 6 See also
tocols of the Elders of Zion. He notes, for instance, that a
1977 Soviet work entitled International Zionism: History Anti-globalization and antisemitism
and Politics contains the allegation that most major Wall
Street nancial institutions are large nancial-industrial Israel and the apartheid analogy
Jewish monopolies exercising control over many coun-
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel
tries in the world.[131] Russian antisemitism was reviewed
by Robert O. Freedman in the Slavic Review; while he Jewish assimilation
concurs with the books central thesis, Freedman nev-
ertheless writes that the actual extent of Soviet anti- Jews Against Zionism (book)
[7] Said, Edward (NovemberDecember 2000). Americas [22] Wisse, Ruth R. (October 2008). Forgetting Zion.
Last Taboo. New Left Review. New Left Review. II (6): Commentary. 126 (3): 3035.
4553. Retrieved 26 February 2007.
[23] Alvin H. Rosenfeld. 'Progressive' Jewish Thought and the
[8] Zipperstein, Steven J. (2005). Historical Reections New Anti-Semitism. American Jewish Committee. 2006.
on Contemporary Antisemitism. In Derek J. Penslar;
Michael R. Marrus; Janice Gross Stein. Contemporary [24] Patricia Cohen. Essay Linking Liberal Jews and Anti-
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8 External links
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9.2 Images
File:2009_Anti_Israel_Protest_Tanzania8.JPG Source:
Protest_Tanzania8.JPG License: GFDL Contributors: Own work Original artist: Muhammad Mahdi Karim
File:A_coloured_voting_box.svg Source: License: Cc-by-
sa-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Anti_Israel.jpg Source: License: GFDL Contributors:
fa::Anti Israel.JPG Original artist: fa::Komeil 4life
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
File:Edit-clear.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: The
Tango! Desktop Project. Original artist:
The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the le, specically: Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
File:Flag_of_Israel.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: Original artist: The Pro-
visional Council of State Proclamation of the Flag of the State of Israel of 25 Tishrei 5709 (28 October 1948) provides the ocial
specication for the design of the Israeli ag.
File:Flag_of_Palestine.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work. Based on Law No. 5 for the year 2006 amending some provisions of Law No. 22 for the year 2005 on the
Sanctity of the Palestinian Flag Original artist: Orionist, previous versions by Makaristos, Mysid, etc.
File:Melbourne_Gaza_protest_Zionist_Criminals,_End_the_Palestine_Holocaust.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/7/76/Melbourne_Gaza_protest_Zionist_Criminals%2C_End_the_Palestine_Holocaust.jpg License: CC BY-SA 2.0
Contributors: originally posted to Flickr as Melbourne Gaza protest: Zionist Criminals, End the Palestine Holocaust Original artist: Takver
File:NKUSA.ORG_at_AIPAC_protest_2005.JPG Source:
AIPAC_protest_2005.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Carolmooredc
File:P_history.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Own work Original artist: User:Kontos
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3.0 Contributors:
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