Bill of Quantities: Proposed 3 Unit House at No. 40, St. Mary'S Lane, Colombo - 15
Bill of Quantities: Proposed 3 Unit House at No. 40, St. Mary'S Lane, Colombo - 15
Bill of Quantities: Proposed 3 Unit House at No. 40, St. Mary'S Lane, Colombo - 15
Excataion for the column footings in any type of soil except Cu. 7.20 2,600.00 18,720.00
rock.Rate to be inclusive of backfilling with available soil.
Excataion for the wall foundations in any type of soil Cu. 7.56 2,600.00 19,655.22
except rock.Rate to be inclusive of backfilling with
available soil.
Filling around the foundations up to the DPC level using Cu 11.88 3,700.00 43,937.50
imported Soil.Rate to be Inclusive of watering and
Rate to be inclusive of striking & removing
the form work.(15mm thk. Plywood to be used)
For the column bases and sides of Columns(up to FFL) sqr 3.36 23,000.00 77,280.00
for sides & Soffits of stair Case Sqr. 0.40 23,000.00 9,200.00
For the sides of Columns upto 1 st Floor level Sqr. 4.50 23,000.00 103,500.00
For the sides and soffits of beams at first floor slab level Sqr. 5.65 23,000.00 129,892.50
For the soffit of first floor slab Sqr. 9.87 23,000.00 226,952.50
Rate to be inclusive of cutting of reinforcement steel tying
with binding wire & fixing in position
10 mm dia tor steel - for column bases and staircase base Cwt 8.94 11,600.00 103,732.38
16mm & 12 mmTor Steel & 6mm dia. Mild Steel for the Cwt 5.65 11,600.00 65,491.86
columns up to FFL
16mm & 12 mmTor Steel & 6mm dia. Mild Steel for the Cwt 6.72 11,600.00 77,966.50
Columns up to 1 st Floor Slab level
16 mm & 12 mm Tor Steel & 6mm dia. Mild Steel for the Cwt 12.24 11,600.00 142,032.39
1 st Floor beams
10 mm dia tor steel - staircase from GL to 1 st Floor Level Cwt 2.97 11,600.00 34,469.40
10 mm Tor Steel for the 1 st Floor Slab Cwt 29.10 11,600.00 337,512.88
Page 2
Supply and placing 2" thick concrete(Gr.15) screed under Sqr. 1.35 9,500.00 12,825.00
the Column footings
Supply and placing 2" thick concrete(Gr.15) screed under Sqr. 5.04 9,500.00 47,880.00
the Wall Foundations
Supply and placing Grade 25 concrete for Column footings Cu 1.83 56,317.00 102,778.53
and columns from fdn. level to finished floor level.
supply and placing Gr. 25 Concrete for the Stair Case base Cu. 0.03 56,317.00 1,900.70
Ditto-Gr. 15 Concrete for the 2'' thk. Ground Floor Sqr. 11.75 9,500.00 111,625.00
Supply and placing Grade 25 concrete for Columns from Cu 0.95 56,317.00 53,501.15
finished floor level to the first floor slab level
Supply and placing Gr. 25Concrete for the Stair Case Cu 0.50 56,317.00 28,158.50
Supply and placing Gr. 25 Concrete for the beams at first Cu 1.73 56,317.00 97,463.61
floor slab level
Supply and placing Gr. 25 Concrete for the 5" thick first Cu 4.90 56,317.00 275,718.65
floor slab
Random Rubble Masonry Work to the foundation as per Cu 5.04 36,500.00 183,952.70
the detail
9'' thick. Solid cement blockwork in superstructure with Sqr. 18.44 34,100.00 628,889.25
cement and sand mortar 1:5 mix.
Fair Face Rubble Paving work to the Front Wall adjoining Sqr. 0.78 38,900.00 30,342.00
stair case as per the Drawing(GFL to 1 st floor level)
Supplying and fixing of D1 type Decorative Panelled Door No.s 1.00 68,850.00 68,850.00
as per the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame
and Iron mongary.Size4'-0" x 8'-6''(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of D2 type Panelled Door as per the No.s 3.00 51,637.50 154,912.50
detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame and
Iron mongary.Size 3'-0" x8'-6''(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of D3 type timber Door as per the No.s 3.00 42,525.00 127,575.00
detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame and
Iron mongary.Size 3'-0" x 7'-0''(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of D4 type Marine Plywood Door as No.s 1.00 17,400.00 17,400.00
per the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame
and Iron mongary.Size 2'-6" x 7'-0''
Page 3
Supplying and fixing of DW1 type Glazed Door window Nos 1.00 71,400.00 71,400.00
as per the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window
frame and Iron mongary.Size 6'-0" x 8'-6"(Teakwood )
Supplying and fixing of W1 type Glazed window as per No.s 2.00 42,900.00 85,800.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 6'-0" x 5'-6"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of W2 type Glazed window as per No's 1.00 28,600.00 28,600.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 4'-0" x 5'-6"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of W3 type Glazed window as per No.s 1 23,400.00 23,400.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 4'-0" x 4'-6"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of FL1 type Glazed Fanlight as per No.s 1.00 6,600.00 6,600.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 2'-0" x 3'-0"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying & fixing approved quality W.C. with low level No's 1.00 31,000.00 31,000.00
flushing cistern for the toilets.(European make)
Supplying & fixing approved quality GI shower with No's 1.00 4,300.00 4,300.00
necessary specials-for the toilets.
Supply & Install of a Wash basin (European Make) No's 1 26,200.00 26,200.00
Supplying & fixing a pipe system to toilet and water Lft. 90 110.00 9,900.00
supply pipes from the Supply source or Well to O/H tank
and delivery pipes from O/h tank All water pipes should
be PVC type 1000
4'' dia.uPVC type 600 pipes from toilet fittings including Lft 32.00 475.00 15,200.00
stacking upto vent dome with bents, tees,cleaning access
etc & fixing to walls ,ducts etc
63mm dia.uPVC type 600 waste water pipes with all Lft 25.00 240.00 6,000.00
specials fixed to walls,floors
Construction of sewer manholes 1'- 6'' x 1'-6'' using 9'' Item 2.00 14,500.00 29,000.00
thick brickwork. Base slab to be Gr.20 concrete &
forming channel & benching. Rate to be inclusive of
excavation, 1:3 C t:Sand plastering for internal walls &
2'' thick R.C.cover slab all complete as per the detail
All Builders work related to CMC Sewer Connection Prov Allow Allow 125,000.00
(Related CMC charges not included and to be seperately Sum
Page 4
born by the Owner)
Construction of a Waste water pit size 4'-6 x 4'-o''x 4'-6" Nos 1.00 64,200.00 64,200.00
by using brickwork.Rate to be inclusive for the excavation
work etc.
Plastering internal faces of walls,columns in 1/2'' thk.cement Sqrs 25.35 6,700.00 169,811.50
, sand mortar 1:5 mix, finished smooth with high Quality
wall filler(High mould plaster finish)
Do -for the soffit of 1st fl.slab & soffit of S/case Sqrs 11.75 8,100.00 95,175.00
Plastering external faces of walls,columns in 1/2'' thk.cement Sqrs 11.54 7,400.00 85,396.00
, sand mortar 1:5 mix, finished smooth with high
Quality wall filler (High mould plaster finish)
1'-0" x 1'-0'' non skid ceramic floor tilling on top of Sqrs 0.37 54,000.00 19,980.00
1/2'' thk.Cement Mortar bedding for the Toilet floor
1'-0" x 1'-0'' glazed ceramic floor tilling on top of 1/2'' Sqrs 10.56 58,000.00 612,480.00
thk.Cement Mortar bedding for the other areas including
Living,Dining Areas, bed rooms & Kitchen & Parking Area
8''x12'' ceramic glazed tilling work to toilet walls Sqrs 1.54 59,500.00 91,630.00
Electrical Installation
Installing main D/Board complete with necessary RCCBs No.s 1.00 29,200.00 29,200.00
& M.C.B.s complete to working order
Wall light points -including supplying & fixing wall lamps No.s 9.00 3,100.00 27,900.00
(as per the detail drawing )
Pendent light points -including supplying & fixing pendent No.s 12.00 2,900.00 34,800.00
lamps(as per the detail drawing )
13 Amp socket outlet including wiring work No.s 4.00 3,400.00 13,600.00
5 Amp socket outlet including wiring work No.s 7.00 2,900.00 20,300.00
Page 5
Supply and fixing of approved quality ceiling fans with No.s 4.00 15,100.00 60,400.00
regulator fixed complete.Rate to be inclusive of required
wiring work.(as per the detail drawing )
Installation of Earth Electrode (21/2'' Dia. GI pipe 7'-0'' No.s 1.00 8,900.00 8,900.00
long including earth pit and cover fixed complete)
Miscellaneous work
Timber hand railing to the Stair way Lft 14.5 1,875.00 27,187.50
Water proofing the toilet & Bathroom floor using Xypex Sqrs. 0.68 24,500.00 16,660.00
as per the manufacturers specifications
Page 6
Rate to be inclusive of striking & removing
the form work.(15mm thk. Plywood to be used)
for sides & Soffits of stair Case Sqr. 0.60 23,000.00 13,800.00
For the sides of Columns upto 2 nd Floor level Sqr. 4.50 23,000.00 103,500.00
For the sides and soffits of beams at second floor slab level Sqr. 5.90 23,000.00 135,700.00
For the soffit of second floor slab Sqr. 11.37 23,000.00 261,510.00
Rate to be inclusive of cutting of reinforcement steel tying
with binding wire & fixing in position
16mm & 12 mmTor Steel & 6mm dia. Mild Steel for the Cwt 5.67 11,600.00 65,772.00
Columns up to 2 nd Floor Slab level
16 mm & 12 mm Tor Steel & 6mm dia. Mild Steel for the Cwt 12.90 11,600.00 149,640.00
2 nd Floor beams
10 mm Tor Steel for the 2 nd Floor Slab Cwt 30.10 11,600.00 349,160.00
10 mm Tor Steel for the stair case from 1 st floor to Cwt 2.97 11,600.00 34,452.00
2 nd floor level
Supply and placing Grade 25 concrete for Columns from Cu 0.80 56,317.00 45,053.60
first floor level to the second floor slab level
Supply and placing Gr. 25 Concrete for the Stair Case (1 st Cu 0.50 56,317.00 28,158.50
Floor to 2 nd Floor level)
Supply and placing Gr. 25 Concrete for the beams at second Cu 1.95 56,317.00 109,818.15
floor slab level
Supply and placing Gr. 25 Concrete for the 5" thick second Cu 5.10 56,317.00 287,216.70
floor slab
9'' thick. Solid cement blockwork in superstructure with Sqr. 17.95 34,100.00 612,095.00
cement and sand mortar 1:5 mix.
4'' thick. Solid cement blockwork in superstructure with Sqr. 1.85 13,900.00 25,715.00
cement and sand mortar 1:5 mix.(for balconies)
Fair Face Rubble Paving work to the Front Wall adjoining Sqr. 0.78 38,900.00 30,342.00
stair case as per the Drawing(from 1st fl. Level to 2 floor level)
Supplying and fixing of G type Iron Grill Door as per the No.s 1.00 17,900.00 17,900.00
Page 7
detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame
and Iron mongary.Size 3'-0" x 8'-6'
Supplying and fixing of D2 type Panelled Door as per the No.s 3.00 51,637.50 154,912.50
detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame and
Iron mongary.Size 3'-0" x8'-6''(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of D3 type timber Door as per the No.s 3.00 42,525.00 127,575.00
detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame and
Iron mongary.Size 3'-0" x 7'-0''(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of D4 type Marine Plywood Door as No.s 1.00 17,400.00 17,400.00
per the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame
and Iron mongary.Size 2'-6" x 7'-0''
Supplying and fixing of DW1 type Glazed Door window Nos 1.00 71,400.00 71,400.00
as per the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window
frame and Iron mongary.Size 6'-0" x 8'-6"(Teakwood )
Supplying and fixing of W1 type Glazed window as per No.s 2.00 42,900.00 85,800.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 6'-0" x 5'-6"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of W2 type Glazed window as per No's 1.00 28,600.00 28,600.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 4'-0" x 5'-6"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of W3 type Glazed window as per No.s 1 23,400.00 23,400.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 4'-0" x 4'-6"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of FL1 type Glazed Fanlight as per No.s 1.00 6,600.00 6,600.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 2'-0" x 3'-0"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying & fixing approved quality W.C. with low level No's 1.00 31,000.00 31,000.00
flushing cistern for the toilets.(European make)
Supplying & fixing approved quality GI shower with No's 1.00 4,300.00 4,300.00
necessary specials-for the toilets.
Supply & Install of a Wash basin (European Make) No's 1 26,200.00 26,200.00
Supplying & fixing a pipe system to toilet and water Lft. 75 110.00 8,250.00
supply pipes from the Supply source or Well to O/H tank
and delivery pipes from O/h tank All water pipes should
be PVC type 1000
4'' dia.uPVC type 600 pipes from toilet fittings including Lft 28.00 475.00 13,300.00
Page 8
stacking upto vent dome with bents, tees,cleaning access
etc & fixing to walls ,ducts etc
63mm dia.uPVC type 600 waste water pipes with all Lft 25.00 240.00 6,000.00
specials fixed to walls,floors
Plastering internal faces of walls,columns in 1/2'' thk.cement Sqrs 23.90 6,700.00 160,130.00
, sand mortar 1:5 mix, finished smooth with high Quality
wall filler(High mould plaster finish)
Do -for the soffit of 2nd fl.slab & soffit of S/case Sqrs 13.25 8,100.00 107,325.00
Plastering external faces of walls,columns in 1/2'' thk.cement Sqrs 11.54 7,400.00 85,396.00
, sand mortar 1:5 mix, finished smooth with high
Quality wall filler (High mould plaster finish)
1'-0" x 1'-0'' non skid ceramic floor tilling on top of Sqrs 0.37 54,000.00 19,980.00
1/2'' thk.Cement Mortar bedding for the Toilet floor
1'-0" x 1'-0'' glazed ceramic floor tilling on top of 1/2'' Sqrs 12.06 58,000.00 699,480.00
thk.Cement Mortar bedding for the other areas including
Living,Dining Areas, bed rooms & Kitchen & Balcony Area
8''x12'' ceramic glazed tilling work to toilet walls Sqrs 1.54 59,500.00 91,630.00
Electrical Installation
Installing main D/Board complete with necessary RCCBs No.s 1.00 24,500.00 24,500.00
& M.C.B.s complete to working order
Wall light points -including supplying & fixing wall lamps No.s 9.00 3,100.00 27,900.00
(as per the detail drawing )
Pendent light points -including supplying & fixing pendent No.s 12.00 2,900.00 34,800.00
lamps(as per the detail drawing )
13 Amp socket outlet including wiring work No.s 4.00 3,400.00 13,600.00
5 Amp socket outlet including wiring work No.s 7.00 2,900.00 20,300.00
Page 9
Supply and fixing of approved quality ceiling fans with No.s 4.00 15,100.00 60,400.00
regulator fixed complete.Rate to be inclusive of required
wiring work.(as per the detail drawing )
Installation of Earth Electrode (21/2'' Dia. GI pipe 7'-0'' No.s 1.00 8,900.00 8,900.00
long including earth pit and cover fixed complete)
Miscellaneous work
Timber hand railing to the Stair way Lft 14.5 1,875.00 27,187.50
Water proofing the toilet & Bathroom floor using Xypex Sqrs. 0.68 24,500.00 16,660.00
as per the manufacturers specifications
Supply & Fixing Concrete Pergolas at Open to Sky Area Lft 80 215.00 17,200.00
(including Roof Terrace Work)
Rate to be inclusive of striking & removing
the form work.(15mm thk. Plywood to be used)
for sides & Soffits of stair Case Sqr. 0.60 23,000.00 13,800.00
Page 10
For the sides of Columns from 2 nd Floor to roof terrace level Sqr. 4.50 23,000.00 103,500.00
For the sides and soffits of beams at roof terrace slab level Sqr. 5.90 23,000.00 135,700.00
For the soffit of roof terrace floor slab Sqr. 11.37 23,000.00 261,510.00
Rate to be inclusive of cutting of reinforcement steel tying
with binding wire & fixing in position
16mm & 12 mmTor Steel & 6mm dia. Mild Steel for the Cwt 5.67 11,600.00 65,772.00
Columns from 2 nd Floor Slab level to roof terrace level
16 mm & 12 mm Tor Steel & 6mm dia. Mild Steel for the Cwt 12.90 11,600.00 149,640.00
Roof terrace Floor beams
10 mm Tor Steel for the roof terrace Floor Slab Cwt 30.10 11,600.00 349,160.00
10 mm Tor Steel for the stair case from 2 nd floor to Cwt 2.97 11,600.00 34,452.00
roof terrace floor level
Supply and placing Grade 25 concrete for Columns from Cu 0.80 56,317.00 45,053.60
second floor slab level to roof terrace level
Supply and placing Gr. 25 Concrete for the Stair Case (2 nd Cu 0.50 56,317.00 28,158.50
Floor to roof terrace Floor level)
Supply and placing Gr. 25 Concrete for the beams at roof Cu 1.95 56,317.00 109,818.15
terrace floor slab level
Supply and placing Gr. 25 Concrete for the 5" thick Roof Cu 5.10 56,317.00 287,216.70
Terrace floor slab
9'' thick. Solid cement blockwork in superstructure with Sqr. 17.95 34,100.00 612,095.00
cement and sand mortar 1:5 mix.
4'' thick. Solid cement blockwork in superstructure with Sqr. 1.85 13,900.00 25,715.00
cement and sand mortar 1:5 mix.(for balconies)
Fair Face Rubble Paving work to the Front Wall adjoining Sqr. 0.78 38,900.00 30,342.00
stair case as per the Drawing(from 2nd fl. Level to terrace
floor level)
Supplying and fixing of G type Iron Grill Door as per the No.s 1.00 17,900.00 17,900.00
detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame
and Iron mongary.Size 3'-0" x 8'-6'
Supplying and fixing of D2 type Panelled Door as per the No.s 3.00 51,637.50 154,912.50
detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame and
Page 11
Iron mongary.Size 3'-0" x8'-6''(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of D3 type timber Door as per the No.s 3.00 42,525.00 127,575.00
detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame and
Iron mongary.Size 3'-0" x 7'-0''(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of D4 type Marine Plywood Door as No.s 1.00 17,400.00 17,400.00
per the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of door frame
and Iron mongary.Size 2'-6" x 7'-0''
Supplying and fixing of DW1 type Glazed Door window Nos 1.00 71,400.00 71,400.00
as per the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window
frame and Iron mongary.Size 6'-0" x 8'-6"(Teakwood )
Supplying and fixing of W1 type Glazed window as per No.s 2.00 42,900.00 85,800.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 6'-0" x 5'-6"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of W2 type Glazed window as per No's 1.00 28,600.00 28,600.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 4'-0" x 5'-6"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of W3 type Glazed window as per No.s 1.00 23,400.00 23,400.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 4'-0" x 4'-6"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying and fixing of FL1 type Glazed Fanlight as per No.s 1.00 6,600.00 6,600.00
the detail drawing.Rate to be incliusive of Window frame
and Iron mongary.Size 2'-0" x 3'-0"(Teakwood to be used)
Supplying & fixing approved quality W.C. with low level No's 1.00 31,000.00 31,000.00
flushing cistern for the toilets.(European make)
Supplying & fixing approved quality GI shower with No's 1.00 4,300.00 4,300.00
necessary specials-for the toilets.
Supply & Install of a Wash basin (European Make) No's 1.00 26,200.00 26,200.00
Supplying & fixing a pipe system to toilet and water Lft. 75 110.00 8,250.00
supply pipes from the Supply source or Well to O/H tank
and delivery pipes from O/h tank All water pipes should
be PVC type 1000
4'' dia.uPVC type 600 pipes from toilet fittings including Lft 28.00 475.00 13,300.00
stacking upto vent dome with bents, tees,cleaning access
etc & fixing to walls ,ducts etc
63mm dia.uPVC type 600 waste water pipes with all Lft 25.00 240.00 6,000.00
specials fixed to walls,floors
Page 12
Plastering internal faces of walls,columns in 1/2'' thk.cement Sqrs 23.90 6,700.00 160,130.00
, sand mortar 1:5 mix, finished smooth with high Quality
wall filler(High mould plaster finish)
Do -for the soffit of roof terrace fl.slab & soffit of S/case Sqrs 13.25 8,100.00 107,325.00
Plastering external faces of walls,columns in 1/2'' thk.cement Sqrs 11.54 7,400.00 85,396.00
, sand mortar 1:5 mix, finished smooth with high
Quality wall filler (High mould plaster finish)
1'-0" x 1'-0'' non skid ceramic floor tilling on top of Sqrs 0.37 54,000.00 19,980.00
1/2'' thk.Cement Mortar bedding for the Toilet floor
1'-0" x 1'-0'' glazed ceramic floor tilling on top of 1/2'' Sqrs 12.06 58,000.00 699,480.00
thk.Cement Mortar bedding for the other areas including
Living,Dining Areas, bed rooms & Kitchen & Balcony Area
8''x12'' ceramic glazed tilling work to toilet walls Sqrs 1.54 59,500.00 91,630.00
Electrical Installation
Installing main D/Board complete with necessary RCCBs No.s 1.00 24,500.00 24,500.00
& M.C.B.s complete to working order
Wall light points -including supplying & fixing wall lamps No.s 9.00 3,100.00 27,900.00
(as per the detail drawing )
Pendent light points -including supplying & fixing pendent No.s 12.00 2,900.00 34,800.00
lamps(as per the detail drawing )
13 Amp socket outlet including wiring work No.s 4.00 3,400.00 13,600.00
5 Amp socket outlet including wiring work No.s 7.00 2,900.00 20,300.00
Supply and fixing of approved quality ceiling fans with No.s 4.00 15,100.00 60,400.00
regulator fixed complete.Rate to be inclusive of required
Page 13
wiring work.(as per the detail drawing )
Installation of Earth Electrode (21/2'' Dia. GI pipe 7'-0'' No.s 1.00 8,900.00 8,900.00
long including earth pit and cover fixed complete)
Miscellaneous work
Timber hand railing to the Stair way Lft 14.5 1,875.00 27,187.50
Water proofing the toilet & Bathroom floor using Xypex Sqrs. 0.68 24,500.00 16,660.00
as per the manufacturers specifications
Supply & Fixing Concrete Pergolas at Open to Sky Area Lft 80 215.00 17,200.00
4" thick Guard Wall to be construct with solid cement Sqr 5.55 13,950.00 77,422.50
Plastering Work for the 4" thick Guard Wall Sqr 11.1 7,400.00 82,140.00
6'' thick. Solid cement blockwork with cement and sand Sqr. 5.06 21,500.00 108,790.00
mortar 1:5 mix.
Plastering Work For 6" Block work Sqr. 10.12 7,200.00 72,864.00
Column Formwork (Roof terrace level to Roof Slab level) Sqr 1.32 23,000.00 30,360.00
Column Reinforcement(Roof terrace level to Roof Slab ) Cwt 1.26 11,600.00 14,624.87
Column Concrete G25 (Roof terrace level to Roof Slab level) Cu 0.25 56,317.00 13,938.46
5" thick Roof Slab Formwork- 15 mm thick plywood Sqr 1.28 23,000.00 29,440.00
Page 14
Roof Slab Reinforcement -10 & 12 mm dia Tor Steel Bars Cwt 3.32 11,600.00 38,518.19
Waterproofing work of Roof Terrace using approved type Sqr 9.53 14,500.00 138,221.25
Waterproofing Chemical
1'-0" x 1'-0'' glazed ceramic floor tilling on top of 1/2'' Sqr 9.53 59,500.00 567,183.75
thk.Cement Mortar bedding for the other areas including
Living,Dining Areas, bed rooms & Kitchen & Balcony Area
Electrical wiring work for the Roof terrace Area Sum
sum allow 25,000.00
Fair Face Rubble Paving work to the Front Wall adjoining Sqr. 0.84 38,900.00 32,676.00
stair case as per the Drawing(from roof terrace level to
Roof slab level
Page 15
D.H.Jayawardena C.Eng,MIE(S.L.),CCE
180,Henamulla Road
Page 16
No.s L B H
Reinforcement (Foundations)
w 3 5.00 5.50
1 3.00 5.50
2 4.00 5.00
2 1.50 2.00
d 1 3.50 7.00
2 3.00 6.50
1 3.00 6.50
2 2.75 6.75
Floor concrete
(Acad area)
internal Plaster
external Plaster
2 49.00 9.25
2 23.25 9.25
3 5.00 5.50
2 4.00 5.00
2 3.00 6.50
1 3.00 6.50
S/case concrete
Form work
colmns 4 15 0.75 10.00
Slab 47 25.00
Columns 15 0.75 0.75 9.50
Columns(Y 12 & R6)
Slab(Y 10)
720.00 7.20 Cubes
755.97 7.56 Cubes
1187.50 11.88 Cubes
135.00 144
1304.25 906.5
888.00 860.25
-348.00 -16.5
1844.25 18.44 Sqr 1538.75
319.13 319.125
319.13 3.19 Sqr 319.125
60.00 60
80.00 80
50.00 50
40.00 40
-15.00 -15
215.00 2.15 Sqr 215
48.00 48
20.00 20
68.00 0.68 Sqr 68
1012.00 1012
-48.00 -48
-20.00 -20
-40.50 -40.5
903.50 9.04 Sqr 903.5
906.50 906.5
430.13 430.125
-82.50 -82.5
-40.00 -40
-39.00 -39
-19.50 -19.5
0.00 0
1155.63 11.56 Sqr 1155.625
50.00 50
50.00 0.50 Cubes 50
165.00 110
82.50 82.5
211.50 141
105.75 105.75
564.75 5.65 Sqr 439.25
1175.00 1012
-82.50 -82.5
-105.75 -105.75
986.75 9.87 Sqr 823.75
93.75 61.875
79.31 79.3125
173.06 1.73 Cubes 141.1875
272.21 KG 290.358
685.67 KG 559.384875
1454.80 KG 1020.215
1.1.1 1'-0" x 1'-0'' non skid ceramic floor tilling on top of Sqrs 2.50 48,100.00 120,009.50
1/2'' thk.Cement mortar bedding for the living Area
including internal corridor
1.1.3 -do- at the Bed Room (1) Sqrs 0.86 48,100.00 41,125.50
1.1.4 -do- at the Bed Room (2) Sqrs 1.13 48,100.00 54,112.50
1.1.5 -do- at the Bed Room (3) Sqrs 1.16 48,100.00 55,555.50
1.1.7 Tile Skirting (4" High) for the above mentioned areas Lft 134.00 135.00 18,090.00
Page 23
1.1.8 1'-0" x 1'-0'' non skid ceramic floor tilling on top of Sqrs 0.68 48,100.00 32,708.00
1/2'' thk.Cement Mortar bedding at the outside of the
living room -at the main entrance
1.2.1 8''x12'' ceramic glazed tilling work to toilet walls Sqrs 0.88 49,250.00 43,093.75
1.2.2 Tilling work at the Worktop wall up to 3'-0" height Sqrs 0.30 49,250.00 14,775.00
(at the Kitchen)
Page 24
List of Major materials
Sand 27 Cubes
Sqrs -minimum