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Switching Scheme For A FMCW-MIMO Radar On A Moving Platform

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Proceedings of the 9th European Radar Conference

Switching Scheme for a FMCW-MIMO Radar on a

Moving Platform
Johanna Guetlein, Sebastian Bertl, Andreas Kirschner, Juergen Detlefsen
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Fachgebiet Hochfrequente Felder und Schaltungen
Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Muenchen, GERMANY
Email: j.guetlein@tum.de

AbstractFor MIMO radar systems orthogonal waveforms f

are required to distinguish between the different transmitted
signals at the different receivers. A hardware cost efficient way
is the use of time-multiplexing, where the transmitters are active Tx1 Tx2 Tx3 Tx4
sequentially after each other. In the presence of platform or target
movement, the sampling theorem in the spatial domain (along
track) might not be fulfilled anymore which causes problems t
in the azimuth focusing. In this paper an interlaced switching t
scheme for a FMCW MIMO radar is proposed to overcome
this issue. To verify the proposed method measurements were Fig. 1: Time-varying frequency; Each slope for an individual
performed. transmitter Tx in sequence


A. FMCW signal model

Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar systems gen- In the implemented radar system a linear frequency modu-
erally consist of several transmitters and receivers. In the lated continuous wave (FMCW) signal is used. For an up-chirp
coherent MIMO case it is possible to synthesize an array the time-varying frequency is given by:
consisting of virtual elements [1]. Therefore a virtual array
with N M elements can be generated from a real setup of B
f (t) = f0 + t (1)
N transmitting antennas and M receiving antennas. Ts
An essential task for the coherent processing is to separate the
transmitted signals at the various receivers. A very easy and where t = 0, t, 2t, . . . , Ts are the discrete time samples, Ts
hardware cost efficient way is time-domain multiplexing [2]. A is the duration of a single frequency sweep, f0 is the starting
switch can be used to feed the signal to the individual transmit frequency and B is the bandwidth of the sweep.
antennas one after another in a known sequence, where as the In general n [1; N ] is the number of the transmitting
receiving channels receive simultaneously. antennas and m [1; M ] is the number of the receiving
In the case of a relative movement between platform and target antennas. The received time-delayed signal is down-converted
an additional phase term in the received signals occurs and has with the transmit signal. In a static scenario the complex signal
to be taken into account. Due to the movement the relations is given by [3]
between the virtual elements is varying during a measurement K
cycle. If the sampling theorem in along track direction is not Ak ej2(f (t) c rnkm )
sn,m (t) = (2)
fulfilled due to the motion, azimuth processing isnt possible k=1
To avoid this an alternative switching scheme is proposed for for B f0 . Here the signal is transmitted by the nth trans-
a FMCW MIMO system. Here the transmitters are not sending mitter Txn , reflected by K targets and received by the mth
their complete FMCW sweep in sequence, but the individual receiver Rxm . Each scatterer is represented by and individual
slopes are separated into parts, that are transmitted in sections. amplitude Ak . rnkm is the length of the path from Txn to the
For this switching scheme it is possible to focus in the azimuth object k and back to Rxm .
direction even for high velocities. In Fig. 1 the frequency is shown over time. Four slopes
Note that in this work all information is gained from a sin- are depicted, each according to an individual transmitter. For
gle measurement cycle. Additional information from various simplicity only a very small number of time samples are
cycles are not taken into account. displayed for each slope, in practice t Ts .

978-2-87487-029-3 2012 EuMA 91 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

B. Virtual array concept x
The path length rnkm can be written as rnkm = |rk
rn | + |rm rk |. Where rn , rm and rk are the position of the vx Ts
transmitter Txn , the receiver Rxm and the scatterer k respec-
tively. This can be approximated by rnkm 2|rk rnm |, if the
distance between transmitter and receiver is small compared to
the distance to the observed objects [4]. Here rnm is the center y
of gravity between Txn and Rxm . Therefore its possible to
Fig. 2: Positions of the virtual elements of an array with
represent each pair of Txn and Rxm by a virtual element at
4 transmitters and 4 receivers if the platform is moving at
the position rnm .
constant speed in x-direction. The active elements are marked
The path length from each virtual element to the object can
with .
be divided into two parts. The first one is due to the distance
between the observed object and the reference point of the
array. The second part is due to the position of the virtual
element relative to the reference point. For a linear array the r = f0 vrk TBs for f0 B. This term can be compensated
total path length can be written as if the radial velocity vrk = cos k vx + sin k vy is known.
In Fig. 2 an example of a moving platform is displayed. The
rnkm = 2rk0 + 2 sin k dnm (3) locations of 16 different virtual array elements are shown. This
array is synthesized by four real Tx elements and four Rx
where dnm is the distance of the virtual antenna element
elements. In the static case where the platform is not moving
(corresponding to the transmitter receiver pair Txn Rxm ) to
the location of the virtual elements would correspond to an
the reference point and rk0 is the distance between the target
uniform linear array denoted by the circles in the first line of
k and the reference point of the array.
the picture (x = 0).
If (1) and (3) are applied to (2) the received signal can be
If the platform is moving the location of the elements, that
are not belonging to the first active transmitter, have changed
until the appropriate transmit elements are active. In the figure
Ak ej2((f0 + Ts t)( c rk0 + c dnm sin k ))
X B 2 2
sn,m (t) = (4) the location of the virtual elements are shown at the beginning
of the FMCW slopes. The platform is moving in x-direction.
It is possible to gain the range and azimuth information of each The active elements are marked with .
object from these signals. In a first step a Fourier transforma- This additional spatial displacement is taken into account in
tion is performed on each of the different signals to obtain the receiving signal (5) by the last term in the exponent
the information in range direction, afterwards the conventional v (n 1).
beamformer is used to obtain the azimuth information. In In order to compensate these terms redundant array elements
the conventional beamformer the signals are multiplied by a are used in [2] [5]. Two redundant elements receive the
steering vector to compensate for the delay along the array same signal in the static case. In the presence of motion
and are added afterwards. the phase of the two signals differs only by the previous
C. Platform motion described additional phase term. Therefore the phase term
can be compensated by using the phase difference of two
In the presence of motion (platform or target) additional redundant measurements.
terms have to be taken into account for the received and down- Without redundant elements the crucial part is the azimuth
converted signal. processing. If the phase term is to be compensated from a
The new signal for a moving platform is given by: previously estimated velocity vrk the sampling theorem in the
X spatial domain has to be fulfilled.
sn,m (t) = Ak ej2f (t)(r +m,n ) ej2(D t+v (n1)) (5) For frequencies in the GHz range and slopes with a duration
k=1 in the millisecond range this would only be the case for very
where r = 2rk0 /c and m,n = 2dn,m sin k /c. low velocities.
The Doppler shift induced by the motion is given by
D = 2vcrk f0 . D. Alternative switching scheme
On the other hand an additional phase term v = 2vcrk f0 Ts A possibility to overcome this issue is to divide the FMCW
due to the sequential transmitter activation has to be taken ramps into smaller parts. The first part of the sweep is
into account. The relation of the different virtual elements to transmitted by all transmitters in sequence afterwards the next
the reference point of the array are changing in the presence part is transmitted by all elements and so on. The shorter
of motion [2]. This is also influenced by the used sequential the sub-ramps are the faster velocities can be compensated.
switching scheme. In the following it is assumed, that the Therefore the limit for the length of the sub-ramps is one
transmitters are active in the order Tx1 , Tx2 , . . . , Txn . samplepoint.
The radial displacement due to the Doppler shift is This case, which is also realized in the system that is used

f 0


N t


x (m)
t 20

Fig. 3: Interlaced switching scheme for N = 4 different 25

2 30

0 35
for the measurement, is visualized in Fig 3. Each frequency 4 2 0
y (m)
2 4

samplepoint is transmitted by all Txn antennas before the next

frequency point is transmitted. (a) Photo (b) Measurement result
The total time of one measurement cycle remains N Ts . Fig. 4: Measurement of a static scenario with a nonmoving
The time between the different frequency points for the platform
individual transmitters becomes N t which influences the
induced doppler shift. The received signal with this alternative
switching scheme is: For the first experiments the radar is mounted on a moveable
K 2N vrk 2(n1)vrk
 table and is shifted by hand to realize a moving platform.
j2 f0 t+ f0 t
sn,m (t) = ej2f (t)(r +m,n ) e c c
The scenario is assumed to be stationary and the platform
k=1 is moving in the direction of = 0 . Therefore the motion
(6) has only a x-component and the radial velocity in different
The radial displacement due to the Doppler frequency is directions can be calculated by vr = vx cos .
now r = f0 N vrk TBs , which is N times the displacement The velocity of the platform is estimated by a continuous
compared to the usage of the sequential activation of the wave (CW) Doppler measurement, which is performed before
transmitters. This term can be compensated for if the radial the FMCW measurement. A single transmitter radiates a CW-
velocity is known. Note that this displacement is equal for all signal with the frequency f0 and a duration of 5 ms and all four
channels and therefore it has no effect on azimuth processing. receivers record the Doppler signal. Therefore it is possible to
The additional phase term due to the displacement of the array focus the measurement to the direction of = 0 .
elements is very small. It can be compensated for as long A trihedral is placed in the corridor in which the measurements
as vr t < /4. For the speeds that are considered for this are performed, the scene is shown in Fig. 4a. The measurement
system, the phase term can be even neglected. result for a nonmoving platform is displayed in Fig. 4b. The
Therefore it is possible to achieve proper azimuth focusing results are essentially the same for both switching schemes.
even in the presence of a relative motion between platform For clarity the measurements that are done with a moving
and object. platform are only depicted around the location of the trihedral.
Note that for the proposed interlaced switching scheme the First the results of the measurements with sequential switching
following condition has to be fullfilled: The time between two are considered.
sample points t has to be larger than the time needed to The platform was moved towards the trihedral with a speed
switch between two transmit channels plus the maximum delay of 1 m/s.
time max = 2rmax /c. Note that the measurement for Fig. 4b are performed at
the starting point of the system movement. Since a specific
distance is needed to accelerate the platform to the desired
The proposed interlaced switching scheme, with a sub- velocity the trihedral is located at a distance of about 2.5 m
sweep length of a single sample point is now verified and com- in the following pictures, where it is depicted at a distance of
pared with the sequential switching by some measurements. about 4 m in Fig. 4b.
A MIMO radar system with four transmitting and four receiv- In Fig. 5 the measurement is shown when no motion compen-
ing antennas is used. The location of the antennas lead to a sation is performed. In Fig. 6 the result is shown when the
uniform linear array with 16 different virtual elements [6] [7]. two last terms in the exponent of (5) are compensated by the
The frequency ramp is tuned from 75 GHz to 78 GHz, which velocity, that is estimated from the CW-measurement.
corresponds to a bandwidth of 3 GHz. The duration of one Since the platform is moving towards the target the calculated
FMCW slope is 6 ms. t = 2 s or 3000 samples are recorded range to the target without motion compensation is smaller
for each ramp. The resolution in range is 5 cm and 2 in than the true range. This fact can be easily compensated for
azimuth direction, the field of view is about 35 . as it can be seen from the figures 5 and 6.

0 0

1 1
5 5

0.5 0.5
10 10
y (m)

y (m)
0 0
15 15
0.5 0.5

20 20
1 1

25 25
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x (m) x (m)

Fig. 5: Sequential switching for a moving platform without Fig. 7: Interlaced switching scheme for a moving platform
motion compensation without motion compensation

0 0

1 1
5 5

0.5 0.5
10 10

y (m)
y (m)

0 0

15 15
0.5 0.5

20 20
1 1

25 25
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x (m) x (m)

Fig. 6: Sequential switching for a moving platform with Fig. 8: Interlaced switching scheme for a moving platform
motion compensation with motion compensation

Furthermore it can be noted that a proper azimuth focusing IV. C ONCLUSION

isnt possible even with compensation. The real target position An interlaced switching scheme for FMCW MIMO radar
is around y = 0. In the uncompensated case the highest peak systems was proposed to overcome the problems in the az-
is located at a wrong angle and there are also high sidelobes imuth focusing for sequential switching if motion is taken
in other directions. If the motion is compensated it is possible into account. The method was tested with an MIMO radar
to distinguish a target at the right position, but there are still system consisting of four receivers and four transmitters. The
peaks under wrong angles, too. That is because the sampling results of measurements for the sequential and the interlaced
theorem in along track direction is not fulfilled for the used switching scheme were compared in the case of a moving
motion. platform. It has been shown that the proposed scheme is
In the performed measurement the used velocity is relatively superior in terms of azimuth processing.
small. For larger velocities the azimuth focusing will become
even worse.
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