8 Sri
8 Sri
8 Sri
DOI 10.1007/s11104-013-1612-5
population (Fageria 2007). In the Green Revolution (Stoop et al. 2002; Stoop 2011). SRI principles focus
era, global rice production increased remarkably, on neglected potentials to raise yields by changing
largely due to the widespread adoption of high- farmers agronomic practices towards more efficient
yielding varieties and increased use of chemical fertil- use of natural resources (Uphoff and Randriamiharisoa
izers in Asia (Tong et al. 2003). 2002). SRI was developed in Madagascar during the
Nitrogen (N) is the main yield-limiting nutrient in 1980s, and by now is being promoted in over 50
rice cropping systems worldwide (Jiang et al. 2004), and countries by governmental and non-governmental
the application of chemical nitrogen fertilizer is consid- organizations (http://sri.ciifad.cornell.edu/). It has gen-
ered one of the main ways to improve yield (Zhu and erated considerable interest among farming communi-
Chen 2002). However, since the 1990s, large N fertilizer ties and simultaneously intensive debates among
applications have contributed to severe degradation in agricultural scientists. Studies on SRI have frequently
the quality of air, soil and water, and there is high pointed to positive environmental and resource-
potential of N losses through various pathways (Ju et conserving effects due to a reduced use of external
al. 2009). Several studies in rice have focused on the inputs. The methods raise rice yield (Thakur et al.
consequences of excessive use of N fertilizer, including 2010a, 2011; Zhao et al. 2010) concurrently with a
decreases in crop quality, decreases in N use efficiency, considerable reduction in crop water requirements
and creation of environmental hazards (Aparicio et al. (Satyanarayana et al. 2007; Thakur et al. 2011), while
2008; Ju et al. 2009; Shindo et al. 2006; Tian et al. 2007; enhancing the productivity of applied inputs (Sinha
Yang et al. 2010; Zhao et al. 2009). and Talati 2007).
Increased fertilization rates have encountered de- Greater reliance on organic sources of nutrients is
monstrably diminishing returns with reduced fertilizer one of the SRI recommendations, seeking to enhance
use efficiencies. The marginal gain in grain yield per soil structure and functioning as well as soil microbial
kilogram of N nutrients applied has decreased, from abundance and activity. However, organic fertilization
15 kg in the 1950s to 810 kg in the 1970s, to only 6 is an option, rather than a requirement (Stoop et al.
7 kg in the 1990s (Xie 1998). In China, the produc- 2002). Where the availability of organic manure is
tivity of N fertilizer has declined from 15 to 20 kg of limited by insufficient supply of biomass and/or labor,
paddy rice per 1 kg of N before the Green Revolution mineral fertilizers can be used beneficially with the
to about 5 kg now (Peng et al. 2010). One earlier other SRI practices, in addition to or instead of organic
projection indicated that N fertilizer applications material.
would need to triple by 2030 to meet a target of One way to reduce N loss through leaching and
60 % increase in paddy production that would satisfy washing away from rice fields might be to practice
consumption demand (Cassman and Harwood 1995). alternate wetting and drying (AWD) forms of irriga-
This estimate did not attempt to assess fully the eco- tion, maintaining a shallow water depth with intermit-
nomic and environmental costs of such an expanded tent drying rather than continuous flooding. Reports
use of fertilizer, to ascertain whether such an increase indicate that the AWD method of irrigation enhances
would be in any way feasible. the grain yield with significant water savings as com-
Further increases in N application rates to meet future pared with traditional irrigation that uses 59 cm of
food demand therefore are hardly an option unless pres- standing water (Lin et al. 2005, 2006). However, the
ent production strategies are changed. Nitrogen losses impact of the overall set of SRI practices on N-uptake
will have to be reduced and fertilizer-N use efficiency and on the efficiency of N use by the crop (i.e. the
increased so that the environmental costs associated relationship between leaf chlorophyll and leaf-N con-
with denitrification and leaching of NO3 are controlled tents in relation to photosynthetic activity) is still not
(George et al. 1993). The development of efficient and known. Hence, there is a need to establish how a
environmentally-sound practices for N fertilizer use is of modified crop-soil-water management regime as pro-
utmost importance, which requires improved crop and posed by SRI theory and practice will affect N uptake
soil management practices (Cassman et al. 1998). by the root systems of SRI plants.
The system of rice intensification (SRI) could po- As compared with standard practices, SRI plants
tentially be a sustainable approach to enhance rice have been shown to develop a profuse root system
productivity with reduced rates of external inputs (Thakur et al. 2011; Barison and Uphoff 2011), which
Plant Soil
is likely to affect both nutrient (N) uptake and and TFR plots, as was the entire amount of P, while the
utilization. N and K were applied in three installments: 25 % at
This study compares rice yields and factor produc- 10 days after transplanting, 50 % at maximum tillering
tivity for plants grown with SRI methods with those stage, and 25 % at panicle initiation stage. The plot
under standard management practices of transplanted sizes were 10 m5 m.
flooded rice (TFR), assessing the effects of different
N-fertilizer application rates on these parameters. Crop management and irrigation
Possible cultivation system N interaction effects that
would bear on N uptake and N-use efficiencies were The rice variety used in the experiment was medium-
also studied to assess whether N-fertilizer applications duration, Surendra (IET-12815; 130135 days), which
could be reduced through SRI methods without sacri- usually gives yields of 3.55.0 tha1 (DRD 2006).
ficing grain yield. Germinated seeds were broadcasted for nursery estab-
lishment on January 4, 2009 in the first year and on
January 3, 2010 in the second year. Twelve-day-old
Materials and methods single seedlings were transplanted 12 cm deep
(shallow) into puddled SRI plots without any standing
Study site and soil water on January 16, 2009 and January, 15, 2010 at
spacing of 20 20 cm (25 plants m2). Based on
The experiments were conducted over two seasons in results in an earlier study with the same rice variety
2009 and 2010 at the Deras Experimental Research under the local soil conditions (Thakur et al. 2010b), it
Farm (20 30 N, 87 48 10 E), Mendhasal in Khurda was decided to make the plant spacing under SRI 20
district, Orissa, India, during the dry season (January 20 cm as compared with the original recommendation
May). Soils at the experimental site are classified as of 2525 cm (Stoop et al. 2002). For the TFR plots,
Aeric Haplaquepts, sandy clay-loam in texture (63 % 25-day-old seedlings (three seedlings per hill) were
sand, 16 % silt, and 21 % clay) with a pH of 5.6. transplanted 25 cm deep into a puddled field with
Organic carbon content was moderate (11.8 gkg1). 56 cm of ponded water at a spacing of 2010 cm
The nutrient content of the soil was as follows: total (150 plants m2) on January 29, 2009 and January 28,
nitrogen 1.03 gkg1, available P (Olsen) 12 mgkg1, 2010. The SRI plots were weeded by mechanical
exchangeable K 0.24 cmol kg1 soil, exchangeable Ca weeder (cono-weeder) at 10, 20 and 30 days after
4.7 cmol kg1 soil, available S 18 mgkg1, Zn 12 mg transplanting, and the TFR plots had three hand weed-
kg1, and Fe 390 mgkg1. ings at the same intervals, so there was active soil
aeration along with weed control under SRI method,
Experimental design and treatments and only removal of weeds under TFR.
The TFR plots were kept continuously flooded (5
The experimental design was a split-plot with three 6 cm depth of water) during the entire vegetative
replications. In the main plots, there were two alterna- stage. In SRI plots, intermittent irrigation was fol-
tive crop management systems: the System of Rice lowed, with irrigation water applied 23 days after
Intensification (SRI), and transplanted flooded rice the disappearance of ponded water. After panicle ini-
(TFR) based on standard management practices tiation, all plots were kept flooded with a thin layer of
(ICAR 2006). Sub-plot treatments were four nitrogen water (12 cm) and were fully drained at 15 days
rates: no N fertilizer (N0), 60 kgN ha1 (N60), 90 kgN before harvest in both SRI and TFR. Crops were
ha1 (N90), and 120 kgN ha1 (N120). Nitrogen was harvested on May 18 and May 14 during 2009 and
applied in the form of urea. Phosphorus and potassium 2010, respectively.
fertilizers were applied at same rate to all plots: 40 kg
P2O5 ha1 as single super phosphate (16 % P2O5), and Sampling and analysis
40 kg K2O ha1 as muriate of potash (60 % K2O).
Fully decomposed cow dung manure (0.37 % N, Root samples were collected from each sub-plot of three
0.19 % P2O5 and 0.17 % K2O) was applied at the rate randomly-selected hills with an average number of till-
of 5 tha1 at the time of land preparation for both SRI ers at flowering stage (105 days after germination; 16
Plant Soil
18 April), using a core sampler (diameter: 10 cm) which day reduction in photosynthesis. Next, the same leaves
removed 30-cm deep soil cores along with the hills to were collected and used for determining chlorophyll
take a uniform soil volume from each treatment. Roots content through dimethyl sulfoxide extraction method
were carefully washed, and dry weights were measured. (Hiscox and Israelstam 1979) and were expressed as mg
Xylem exudation rates were measured at the flower- g1 fresh leaf weight (FW). Leaf samples were dried in
ing stage, as a parameter that reflects the activity of the an oven at 60 C for 4 days. After weighing, dried
plants root systems (Soejima et al. 1995). Three hills samples were powdered, and the total N concentration
each with an average number of tillers were selected of each sample was determined using the standard
from each sub-plot. The stems were cut at 10 cm from Kjeldahls method.
the soil surface, and pre-weighed cotton wool packed in All plants in an area of 3 m3 m for each sub-plot
a polythene bag was attached to the cut end of each stem were harvested (excluding the border rows) for deter-
with tape. After 24 h, each bag was detached, sealed and mination of straw and grain yield per unit area. Dry
weighed, and the weight of the exudates was calculated weight of plant samples was determined at harvest
by subtracting the weight of the bag and pre-weighed after oven-drying at 80 C for 72 h to reach a constant
cotton wool (San-oh et al. 2004). weight. Final grain yield was adjusted to 14.5 % seed
In order to assess N utilization in relation to photo- moisture content.
synthetic activity, three hills with an average number of Panicle numbers, spikelet number per panicle, and
panicles were selected from each sub-plot. For each hill, number of filled grains were determined at harvesting
3 flag leaves and 3 fourth-leaves were selected at the for one square meter area of each sub-plot. The per-
milk-grain stage (111 days after germination; 2226 centage of filled spikelets was calculated by dividing
April) and late-ripening stage (123 days after germina- the number of filled spikelets by the number of total
tion; 46 May) to measure the photosynthetic rate by spikelets panicle1.
using a portable photosynthesis system (CIRAS-2; PP Total N content in the above-ground parts were
Systems Ltd., Hertfordshire, UK). Measurements were determined using the standard Kjeldahls method,
taken on a clear sunny day (solar radiation >1,200 mol and the following parameters (Zhao et al. 2009) were
m2 s1) between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. before the mid- calculated:
Where: done after Duncans range test. The data sets for all
parameters were statistically analysed considering
GY0 grain yield without N application (N0)
year as a source of variation in addition to practice
GYF grain yield with fertilizer N application (N)
(SRI vs. TFR) and N application rates, as well as the
NF fertilizer N applied.
interaction between these factors. Correlation and re-
gression analysis for selected variables was conducted
by using the data analysis tool pack of MS-Excel. To
Statistical analyses understand the difference in the slope of the regression
line between cultivation practices, a homogeneity test
All data were statistically analyzed using procedures of regression coefficients was conducted.
described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). The analysis
of variance (ANOVA) was conducted using SAS 9.2
for Windows (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Results
Significance of the treatment effect was determined
by using F-test. Mean differences between treatments The main effects of year and of interaction effects
were compared using the least significant difference between year practice, year nitrogen and
(LSD) method, and the ordering of treatments was three-factor interaction (year practice nitrogen)
Plant Soil
were not significant at 5 % probability for any of the under SRI (ave. 0.46; range: 0.430.49) as compared
parameters considered in the study (Table 1). with TFR management (ave. 0.37; range: 0.350.38).
Therefore, the data reported in this paper are calculat- Number of panicles m2 increased significantly
ed as the averages for the 2 years of field trials. under SRI methods, by 15.5 % compared with TFR
(Table 2). Other yield components like spikelet num-
Grain yield, straw production and yield components ber panicle1, % of filled spikelets, and 1,000-grain
weight were also significantly greater with SRI meth-
Grain yield of SRI was significantly (p<0.05) greater ods, by 27.8 %, 9.7 % and 3.5 %, respectively, com-
than that of transplanted flooded rice at all levels of pared with TFR. There were differences in the
nitrogen application (Fig. 1). Over the whole range of recorded grain yield and calculated yield for all the
N application rates, average yield under SRI manage- treatments, mainly because various yield components
ment increased by 49 % as compared with TFR. N were measured on smaller area basis than the area
fertilizer applications always increased the grain yields from which actual grain yield was recorded.
over the zero-N control. Among N treatments, the max- Nitrogen application rate had a significant impact on
imum yield under SRI was 6.31 tha1 with 90 kgN ha1, yield components under both cultivation methods.
while the maximum yield under TFR was 4.37 tha1 Panicle number was significantly higher with increasing
with 120 kgN ha1. The grain yield achieved under TFR N doses from 0 to 90 kgha1 under SRI, and from 0 to
with application of 90120 kgN ha1 was equivalent to 120 kgha1 under TFR. However, spikelet number pan-
the yield achieved with half or two-thirds as much N icle1 and 1,000-grain weight only increased up till
fertilizer under SRI method, i.e., 60 kgN ha1. Average 90 kgN ha1 under both sets of practices and beyond
TFR yield was within the expected range for Surendra this application rate, there were no significant changes.
variety, while average yield with SRI was 26 % above It did not significantly affected grain-filling.
the expected maximum.
Under TFR, nitrogen applications increased the Root development: dry weights and root activity
straw weight at a greater rate than did grain weight.
In contrast, with SRI management, nitrogen applica- Roots collected from similar soil volumes under both
tions proportionately increased the production of both methods showed that with SRI practices, hills had a
grain and straw. Under both cultivation practices, significantly larger amount of roots as indicated by
straw weight significantly increased with increases in increased root dry weight per hill. Root dry weight per
N fertilizer rate. Yet, the effect of the cultural practices hill was 66 % higher for SRI compared to TFR at the
on straw production was non-significant. As a conse- flowering stage (Table 3), even though SRI had only
quence the Harvest index (HI) was significantly higher one plant hill1 whereas TFR had three plants. Root
Table 1 Computed F values from analysis of variance (ANOVA) of major parameters measured in this study
ns not significant
* and **significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively
Plant Soil
dry weight was significantly increased at 90 kgN ha1 plant population being six times higher. However, the
under SRI. Under TFR, no significant increase in root total amount of exudates and rate of transport per m2
dry weight per hill was observed beyond 60 kgN ha1. were higher in SRI plots than TFR plots, by 7 %.
The amount of xylem exudates and the exudation These parameters significantly increased up to N90
rate are parameters that indicate the extensiveness and doses under SRI.
activity of root systems. Under SRI, the amounts of
exudates hill1 and the rate of exudate transport were Nitrogen uptake, use efficiency, and factor
twice as high as for TFR (having 3 plants hill1). productivity
Under both cultivation practices, the exudate amount
and its rate of transport towards the shoot significantly The N uptake by rice plants differed significantly accord-
increased with increasing N doses up to 90 kgha-1. ing to cultivation practices and N application rates. N
Root dry weights per unit area were 20 % higher in uptake across the four N rates was significantly higher
TFR compared to SRI, mainly resulting from the TFR under SRI management than with TFR, by 51.8 %
Table 2 Effects of cultivation practices and fertilizer N rates on yield components in rice crop
N rate Panicle number m2 Spikelet number panicle1 % Filled spikelets 1000-grain weight (g)
Mean values followed by different letters denote significant (P<0.05) difference between treatments by DMRT
ns not significant
* and **significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively
Plant Soil
Table 3 Effects of cultivation practices and fertilizer N rates on root dry weight and xylem exudation rates at flowering stage of rice
Root dry weight Exudate amount Rate Root dry weight Exudate amount Rate
(g hill1) (g hill1) (g hill1 h1) (gm2) (gm2) (gm2 h1)
N0 5.9 d 4.8 e 2.4 d 1.4 e 0.10 d 0.06 e 147.4 e 237.8 d 59.4 f 67.8 e 2.5 f 2.8 e
N60 11.6 b 6.8 c 6.6 b 2.5 d 0.27 b 0.10 d 290.2 c 338.4 b 164.9 c 124.8 d 6.9 c 5.2 d
N90 12.7 a 7.3 c 8.7 a 4.2 c 0.36 a 0.17 c 318.5 b 363.9 a 218.2 a 207.8 b 9.1 a 8.7 b
N120 12.9 a 7.3 c 8.9 a 4.4 c 0.37 a 0.18 c 324.3 b 364.8 a 221.6 a 220.5 a 9.2 a 9.2 a
Av. 10.8 6.5 6.6 3.1 0.28 0.13 275.1 326.2 166.0 155.2 6.9 6.5
Analysis of variance
Cultivation practice (CP) ** ** ** ** ** **
Nitrogen level (N) ** ** ** ** ** **
CP N ** ** ** * ** **
Mean values followed by different letters denote significant (P<0.05) difference between treatments by DMRT
SRI refers to 1 plants hill1 and 25 plants m2
TFR to 3 plants hill1 and 150 plants m2
* and **significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively
(Table 4), and this with an SRI plant population six times Highest ANUE was found with the application rate of
lower. As N application rates increased, total N uptake 90 kgN ha1 under both SRI and TFR.
by rice plants under both SRI and TFR increased signif- Partial factor productivity (PFP) from applied nitro-
icantly. Agronomic N use efficiency (ANUE) ranged gen was estimated to be 49 % higher with SRI manage-
from 31.3 to 44.3 kg grain kg1 N under SRI, and from ment when compared to TFR. Under SRI, 64 kg grain
23.3 to 31.6 kg grain kg1 N under TFR. ANUE with was produced with the application of 1 kgN, whereas
SRI was 3440 % higher than in TFR plants (Table 4). with TFR, only 43 kg grain resulted per kgN applied,
Table 4 Effects of cultivation practices and fertilizer N rates on N uptake, agronomic N use efficiency (ANUE), and partial factor
productivity of applied N (PFP) in rice crop
N rate N uptake (kgNha1) ANUE (kg grain kg1 N) PFP (kg grain kg1 N)
N0 27.4 g 24.2 h
N60 71.2 d 38.6 f 32.6 b 23.3 c 71.2 a 45.9 c
N90 98.3 b 64.3 e 44.3 a 31.6 b 70.1 a 46.6 c
N120 102.5 a 76.8 c 31.3 b 25.1 c 50.6 b 36.4 d
Av 77.4 51.0 36.1 26.6 63.9 42.9
Analysis of variance
Cultivation practice (CP) ** ** **
Nitrogen level (N) ** ** **
CP N ** ** **
Mean values followed by different letters denote significant (P<0.05) difference between treatments by DMRT
**significant at P<0.01
Plant Soil
one-third less. PFP from applied N did not vary between reproductive stage of the crop (Table 5). SRI flag leaves
60 and 90 kgN ha1 rates for either SRI or TFR. The had 17.6 and 30.1 % higher N-concentration at MG and
interaction effect of cultivation systems and N applica- LR stages, respectively, compared to TFR leaves.
tion rates was significant for N uptake, ANUE and PFP, Similarly, fourth leaves of SRI plants contained 9.5
indicating that applied N fertilizer was already effective and 53.2 % higher N compared to TFR leaves at the
at lower rates under SRI than for TFR. MG and LR crop stages, respectively. As expected, the
Under SRI the increased rates of exudation and N concentration in the leaves decreased with ripening
quantities of exudates, as well as total uptake of nitro- (from MG to LR stage); but importantly, the decrease
gen were achieved by a far lower number of plants was more rapid in TFR plants as compared with SRI
than was present under TFR, which underscores the plants: respectively, 20.1 % vs. 11.5 % in the flag leaf,
greater physiological efficiency of low plant densities. and 48.7 % vs. 28.2 % in the fourth leaf.
Chlorophyll content generally decreases as rice
Leaf-nitrogen, leaf-chlorophyll, and rate leaves age and as crop growth advances from milk-
of photosynthesis measurements grain stage to late-ripening stage. This is a well-
established relationship, but the decrease was seen to
Applied N fertilizer had direct effects on increasing be more rapid in TFR plants (24 % in flag leaf, and
leaf-N and leaf-chlorophyll contents. This is seen from 33.3 % in fourth leaf) than in SRI plants (17.2 % in flag
the data comparing leaf N and chlorophyll contents as leaf, and 31.6 % in fourth leaf). With increase in N-
well as photosynthetic activity in the flag- and fourth doses, both leaf-N concentration and chlorophyll con-
leaves, both at the milk-grain (MG) stage and at the tents increased significantly up to 90 kgN ha1 dose.
late-ripening (LR) stage 2 weeks later. SRI flag leaves had higher photosynthesis rates
All three parameters were significantly higher in the during MG and LR stages, respectively, 45 % and
leaves of rice plants grown under the SRI cultivation 57 % higher than in TFR flag leaves. Similarly, the
system as compared with TFR plant leaves during the fourth leaves of SRI plants had photosynthesis rates
Table 5 Effects of cultivation practices and N levels on leaf N-concentration, leaf chlorophyll content, and photosynthetic rate of flag
and fourth leaf measured at milk-grain (MG) and late-ripening (LR) stage of the rice crop
ns not significant
* and **significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively
Plant Soil
28.0 % higher at MG stage, and 66.7 % greater at LR and between the leaf nitrogen concentrations and the
stage than in TFR plants. rate of photosynthesis (Fig. 2b). Highly significant
Overall, the major effects of crop management were correlations were recorded between these parameters
recorded in leaves of SRI crop, which had higher N under SRI as well as TFR. The test of homogeneity of
and chlorophyll contents, and a slower decrease of regression coefficients showed that rate of increase in
these contents with leaf-aging than under TFR. leaf chlorophyll content (t=11.3) and photosynthetic
Consequently under SRI compared with TFR, there rate (t=13.3) due to an incremental change in leaf N-
was greater and prolonged photosynthetic activity, due concentration are greater for SRI than for TFR.
to a delay in leaf senescence. Both flag leaf and fourth Close linear relationships were also observed be-
leaf showed similar trends, but it is particularly impor- tween the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate
tant that the fourth leaf, an older leaf, continued to of leaves (Fig. 2c) under both cultivation practices. Here
function physiologically for a prolonged period. too, the slope of the regression line and homogeneity of
regression coefficients (t=14.2) indicated that the rate of
Interrelationships between leaf-N, leaf-chlorophyll, photosynthesis in SRI leaves changed more with
and photosynthetic activity changes in chlorophyll content than in TFR leaves. A
change of 10 mgN concentration g1 leaf dry weight
A close linear relationship was observed between the corresponded to 4.8 and 3.2 molm2 s1 change in the
nitrogen and chlorophyll contents of leaves (Fig. 2a); photosynthesis rate in leaves of SRI and TFR plants,
respectively. Similarly, a unit change in chlorophyll along with exudation rates and quantities of exudates
content of leaves increased 4.45 and 2.82 units in the were significantly increased under SRI management.
photosynthetic rate in SRI and TFR leaves, respectively. Consequently, the SRI practices produced 64 kg of
These results point to a significantly greater photosyn- grain in response to the provision of 1 kgN fertilizer,
thetic efficiency in SRI than in TFR plants. while only 43 kg of grain resulted from giving 1 kg of
N fertilizer under conventional flooded cultivation.
The maximum yield under SRI was 6.31 tha1 with
Discussion 90 kgN ha1, while under TFR, the maximum yield
was 31 % less, 4.37 t ha 1 with 120 kg N ha 1 .
The kinds of physiological changes that are reported Experiments in China employing nitrogen rates up to
above are likely to have contributed to the yield 240 kgN/ha also registered a similarly lower optimum
improvements registered with SRI crop management N fertilisation rate around 80 kgN/ha under SRI (Zhao
in many countries (Kassam et al. 2011). Various indi- et al. 2009). This rate was two-thirds less than the
vidual practices associated with SRI management 240 kgN/ha commonly used under flooded conditions
have already been identified as conducive for increas- with conventional crop management in China.
ing rice yields under irrigated production systems, i.e., In spite of the far lower plant population under SRI
single seedlings hill1 (San-oh et al. 2006), young and the lower quantity of roots per unit area, root
seedlings (Menete et al. 2008; Pasuquin et al. 2008), functionality in terms of the amounts of exudates per
and moderate wetting and drying (moist) soil condi- unit area and the transportation rates from roots to
tions (Yang et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2009; Yang and stems were significantly superior as compared with
Zhang 2010; Wang et al. 2011). With SRI the trans- TFR (Table 3). By avoiding hypoxic soil conditions
planting of young seedlings results in a prolonged from flooding during the vegetative stage, the efficien-
period (by nearly 2 weeks) for more root development cy of SRI root systems in taking up nutrients as well as
and tillering. Moreover, with young seedlings the moisture from the soil will be enhanced.
transplanting shock will be minimal, while greatly- Additional observations on root morphology show
reduced plant density (25 in SRI vs. 150 plants/m2 in that approximately 50 % of the roots under TFR had
TFR) favours the development of a distinctly different degenerated (as judged by their black color); by con-
plant phenotype. The present data show that this phe- trast, 80 % of SRI roots were whitish and functional at
notype functions physiologically more efficiently, the same stage of crop development (data not shown).
leading to substantially increased grain yields. A similar result was reported by Chapagain and
In the present study, SRI practices -on average across Yamaji (2010), who recorded that the average propor-
the different N-treatments enhanced grain yield by tion of functional to decaying roots was higher (74:26)
49 %. This was a significant increase in comparison to in SRI compared to conventionally flooded rice
conventionally grown flooded rice. However, in terms (46:54). The maintenance of root activity (see the
of straw production the difference between the two sets xylem exudation rates in Table 3) at significantly
of cultural practices was not significant, which meant a higher levels under SRI therefore is likely to have
notable increase in the Harvest Index for SRI plants. contributed to an increase in the biomass productivity
This indicates that SRI practices enhanced the translo- of individual hills (22.56 g hill1 in SRI vs. 10.86 g
cation processes of assimilates from source to sink, hill1 in TFR).
leading to gains in yield that were supported and Together these features have translated into gains
explained by the recorded physiological data. both in the number of grains and in heavier individual
SRI practices cause distinct changes in the plants grains. Further evidence for the enhanced transloca-
growing environment, thereby enhancing both root tion process is provided by significant improvements
and tiller development. As a result, the overall effi- in the performance of individual hills, both in terms of
ciencies of N uptake and use, as well as of the photo- root growth and above-ground physiological perform-
synthetic process are raised, which had led to ances. Thus, SRI plants had far more extensive root
increased yields from the same rate of nitrogen applied systems and enhanced xylem exudation rates, which
(Fig. 1). In spite of the reduced number of plants per Soejima et al. (1995) and Samejima et al. (2004) have
unit area, total N uptake, as well as in ANUE and PFP, presented earlier as a useful index of root activity.
Plant Soil
The recorded yield responses are further explained in roots and shoots, in leaf photosynthetic rates, as
by the data on leaf-N, leaf-chlorophyll, and photosyn- well as in the activities of key enzymes involved in
thetic rate all of which were significantly higher under sucrose-to-starch conversion in grains (Zhang et al.
SRI management than with TFR practices. With the 2009). Moreover, profuse root systems will also like-
ageing of plants and their leaves, these parameters wise greatly enhance the opportunities for beneficial
normally decrease. However, the rate of decrease over interactions / associations with soil micro-organisms
time was more rapidly under TFR than under SRI. as elaborated by Naher et al. (2009); a subject that so
Under SRI, leaf senescence therefore is delayed and far has received limited attention from research.
photosynthetic processes are prolonged. This was con- Apart from better root growth and functioning,
firmed and illustrated by the steeper regression curves another factor responsible for decreased nitrogen loss
presented in Fig. 2. The prolonged and greater photo- and increased nitrogen efficiency under SRI might be
synthetic activity in SRI leaves will have contributed that less water drains away and less stagnant water
to larger panicles (more spikelets per panicle), better remains in the field. Wang et al. (2011) reported that
grain setting (higher percentage of filled grains), compared to flood irrigation, shallow water depth with
heavier individual grains (higher 1,000-grain weight), wetting and drying decreased vertical NH4+-N and
and ultimately higher grain yield. total nitrogen leaching. TFR plants, on the other hand,
As root system development and above-ground shoot were under continuously hypoxic conditions. This
growth are highly interdependent, the prolonged physi- limited the ability of the roots to respire, thereby slow-
ological activity of the leaves will also affect root ing down N-uptake and transport and slowing also the
growth and its functions through material cycling be- rate of metabolism and growth (Lin et al. 2006).
tween roots and shoots (Wang et al. 2006). In rice plants, SRI practices have enhanced the uptake of nitrogen,
the main supply of carbohydrates for the roots is derived thereby minimizing losses to the environment and
from the plants lower leaves (Osaki et al. 1997). To providing economic benefits to farmers. Apart from
maintain high levels of root activity, sufficient amounts more efficient utilization of N, SRI also permits farm-
of carbohydrates must be produced by the shoots and ers to economize on the use of increasingly scarce
subsequently transported to the roots. However, the supplies of irrigation water. However, the effects of
carbohydrate present in the shoots that is potentially alternate wetting and drying method of irrigation in
available for the roots decreases during maturation, be- combination with greatly reduced plant densities as
cause of competition for carbohydrates from the followed under SRI, and their effects on N-losses via
panicles. In the present study, the increased photosyn- processes of nitrification-denitrification deserve fur-
thetic rate of the lower leaves of SRI plants will have ther investigation.
contributed to a greater transport of photosynthates to-
wards the roots, thereby supporting and extending the
roots metabolic activities. Simultaneously, the exten- Conclusions
sive root systems of SRI plants might be responsible for
an increased transport of cytokinins to the shoots as The results of this study indicated that under SRI
illustrated by the data on xylem exudates (Table 3), management grain yields could be increased signifi-
which might explain the delayed leaf senescence and cantly, while at the same time greatly economizing on
increased leaf N concentration. The effects of cytokinins the use of N fertilizer than those raised in conventional
on the inhibition of leaf senescence and on the promo- flooded rice culture. These responses were attributed
tion of biomass productivity and grain yield have been to a significantly better root development and a more
clearly demonstrated in rice (Ookawa et al. 2004; efficient physiological functioning due to changes in
San-oh et al. 2006; Soejima et al. 1995). the plants morphological structure resulting from a
Alternate wetting and moderate drying soil water modified crop management.
regimes, as followed in SRI practice, besides enhanc- It should be emphasized, however, that the set of SRI
ing root development (Thakur et al. 2011; Yang et al. practices will require adaptation / fine-tuning in re-
2004; Zhang et al. 2009) also facilitate a host of other sponse to local weather / climate and soil fertility con-
physiological processes. Among these are increases in ditions. Further adjustments according to the plant
root oxidation activities, in concentrations of cytokinin characteristics of different varieties and other aspects
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