Introduction To The Oscilloscope: 10.1 1.1.1 Objectives
Introduction To The Oscilloscope: 10.1 1.1.1 Objectives
Introduction To The Oscilloscope: 10.1 1.1.1 Objectives
1.1.1 Objectives:
This handout describes:
1. The simpler skills involved in operating a digital oscilloscope.
2. Some basics about frequency-domain analysis.
1.1.3 Introduction
Unsteady signals are commonly observed with an oscilloscope. Some of the
theory behind the simple analog oscilloscope is described in the next section. The
operation of a digital oscilloscope will then be discussed.
calibrated VOLTS/DIV control sets the gain of this amplifier. The output of the vertical
amplifier is fed through a delay line to the vertical-deflection plates of the cathode-ray
tube. The purpose of the delay line is explained later.
The leading edge of the waveform is used to actuate the trigger circuit. Yet we
may want to observe this leading edge on the screen. Without additional circuitry this
would be an impossibility, since the triggering and unblanking operations require a
measurable time interval, often about 0.25 microsecond. This time interval is introduced
by the delay line in the vertical-deflection channel after the point where the sample of the
vertical signal is tapped off and fed to the trigger circuit, thus allowing the leading edge
of the waveform to be observed. The delay line retards the waveform to the vertical-
deflection plates until the trigger and time-base circuits have had an opportunity to get
the unblanking and horizontal sweep operations underway. In this way, we can view the
leading edge of that waveform even though it was used to trigger the horizontal sweep.
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Figure 3 Aliasing
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[ ]L
n x
L 2
(n n1 )x
sin nx sin 1 = 1 cos
(n + n1 )x
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[ ] n1x
sin L sin L dx =
L (n n1 )x
2 (n n1 ) L
2 n + n
(n + n1 )x
( 1 ) L
If we insert the limits x = 0, x = L, the values of sin(n n1)x/L are all zero. Thus
at first sight it would appear that we had got rid of the right-hand side of the equation
altogether. But then we notice that the quantity (n - n1) appears in the denominator of one
of the integrals. Thus if n = n 1 , we have one integral of the form 0/0. And it at once turns
out that, although all other terms are zero, this one is not. For if n = n1, the integral to be
evaluated is the following:
2 (n1x ) dx = 1 L 1 cos 2n1x dx
sin L 2 0 L
The cosine term contributes nothing between the given limits, but the other part
gives us L/2. Thus we arrive at the following identity:
L ( nx ) L
y( x ) sin L dx = 2 Bn
[ ]
Bn = 2 y ( x ) sin n x dx
L0 L
This equation determines for us the amplitude Bn associated with any given value of n in
the harmonic analysis of y(x).
If y(x) is a purely empirical curve, the evaluation of the Fourier coefficients Bn is
a matter for computers or graphical integration. But if the form of y(x) can be described
by an exact analytic function, we can obtain a general formula for all the Bn's. To
illustrate the procedure, let us take the profile shown in Figure 4(a).
y = kL
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[ ]
Bn = 2 kx sin n x dx
L0 L
[ ]
x cos nx + L cos nx dx
[ ]
Bn = 2 k L
L n L 0 n 0 L
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[ ] [ ]
= 2 k x cos n x + L sin n x
n L 0 n L 0
= 2kL cos n
One recognizes that the values of Bn fall into two categories, according to whether n is
odd or even, because the value of cos n alternates between the values +1 and -1. We
have, in fact,
n odd: Bn = 2kL
n even: Bn = 2kL
If one wishes, however, one can represent both sets by means of the single formula
n+1 2kL
Bn = ( )
It is now an easy matter to tabulate the various amplitudes (Table 1). Thus our
description of the triangular profile becomes:
{ [ ]
L 2 L [ ]
3 L [ ]}
y( x ) = 2 kL sin x 1 sin 2 x + 1 sin 3x ...
TABLE 1: Values of Bn / kL
n Bn/kL
1 = 0.636
2 -1 = - 0.318
3 3 = 0.212
4 - 1 = -0.159
5 5 = 0.127
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The result of synthesizing various numbers of terms, using the numerical coefficients of
which the first five are listed in Table 1 is shown in Figure 4(b)-(d). By including further
terms we can make the fit as good as we have the patience to achieve. And it is quite
remarkable that, with so few terms as we have used, one can simulate the general trend of
a profile that differs so radically from any sine curve - especially one that departs so far
from zero at one end.
The sine curves in terms of which the Fourier analysis is made represent an
example of what are called orthogonal functions. The description "orthogonal" belonged
originally, of course, to geometry. The orthogonality of two sine functions in Fourier
analysis is described by the result
n1 x n2 x
L sin L dx = 0
sin for n1 n2 (1)
This may at first sight appear to have no connection with the geometrical condition, but it
is not so far removed as one might think. For if we have two vectors, A and B, the
condition that they are orthogonal (perpendicular) to each other is that their scalar
product be zero. In terms of their components this can be written:
Ax Bx + Ay B y + Az Bz = 0
Now if we replaced the continuous integral of equation (1) by a summation over a very
large number, N , of separate terms (as we might do if we were evaluating the integral by
numerical methods), a particular value of x could be written as xp , where
xp =
Thus, equation (1) would be replaced by the following statement:
L N n p n p
sin 1 sin 2 = 0 for n1 n2
N p=1 N N
If we write the condition for orthogonality of two ordinary vectors in the form
Ap Bp = 0 for A B
p =1
we see that, in a purely formal sense, the difference between the two statements is merely
that one of them involves quantities that are completely described by just three
components, whereas the other needs N components (and, in the limit, infinitely many).
The possibility of analyzing an arbitrary function of terms of a set of orthogonal
functions (not necessarily sines or cosines) is one of the most important and widely used
techniques in engineering.
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1.1.8 Examples of the Use of the LeCroy Oscilloscope for Spectral Analysis
Figure 6 Screen Image for a high pitched whistle into the microphone
Fig. 6 is a screen-image for a high-pitched whistle into a microphone. The upper trace is
the signal, the second trace is an expanded portion, the 3rd trace is the FFT, and the 4th
trace is an average of 10 FFTs (which begins to approach the `power spectrum). Note
the peak in the FFTs at the whistle frequency, and the presence of other peaks.
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Fig. 7 is a screen-image for a low-pitched hum. More frequencies are present, for the
tone is not as clean.
1.1.9 Summary
In this handout instructions on the use of the oscilloscope were given. The
instructions describe and demonstrate how to use the various functions on the
Lab Procedure
2. Any periodic function y(t) can be expressed in terms of a sum of sines and cosines of
various frequencies, through a process known as Fourier analysis (see Background).
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This process is often used in experimental analysis to discuss the so-called `frequency
content' of a signal. In this problem, you can compute theoretical results that you
may later compare to experiment. It is adapted from French, Vibrations and Waves,
MIT Press, 1971, p. 191. Consider a periodic function y(t) that consists of a square
wave, which repeats with period 2T. Between 0 and T, y = V. Between T and 2T, y
= -V. Because of the symmetry of this function, it can be shown that y can be
represented in terms of an infinite series of sines:
y( t ) = B n sin ( n t ) (1)
n =1
Using the properties of sines and cosines, it is easy to show that
Bn = 2 y ( t ) sin ( n t )dt .
T 0 T
a) Sketch the square wave, labeling important points on both axes.
b) By evaluating equation 2 for the given function y(t), find the formula for the
coefficients Bn of the Fourier series representation of the square wave.
Evaluate Bn /V for the first five coefficients.
c) Let T be 0.5 millisecond, so that the basic frequency of the square-wave
function is 1 kHz. B1 is then the amplitude of the 1kHz component of the
wave. Find the amplitude of the Fourier component that has frequency 3kHz,
as a fraction of the amplitude at 1kHz. Do the same thing for the Fourier
components with frequency 5, 7, 9, and 11kHz.
1.1.11 Introduction
After this experiment the student should be able to operate the LeCroy 9304AM digital
oscilloscope using continuous signals. The square-wave calibration output on the
LeCroy is first examined. The real-time Fourier analysis capability of the scope is used
to look at power spectra.
3. Follow the procedure in the handout Getting to Know the LeCroy 9310
Dual-Channel Digital Oscilloscope. This handout applies also to the
9314AM (with some minor differences), and will introduce you to the scope.
4. The FFT of the square wave can be computed. The peaks in the FFT are the
Fourier components of the square wave. Using the cursors, record the
amplitude and frequency of the first 11 Fourier components of the square
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wave. You may compare these amplitudes to the values computed in your
prelab. Make two or three screendumps of your FFT to document your results.
The scope provides the amplitudes in units of decibels (dBm). These can be
converted to volts using a formula given in the 9304 manual, dBm = 10
2 2
log10( Vmag /Vref ), where Vref = 0.316 volts.
5. You can dump an image of the screen to a TIF file on a floppy disk, if youve
brought one, for later inclusion into your report. To do this, access
HARDCOPY SETUP through the UTILITIES menu, and set the destination
and format accordingly. Then push the SCREENDUMP button, which will
save a file of format Dnnnn.TIF. Youll need to keep track of the conditions
under which the file numbers were saved. If you want a paper copy, youll
have to reset the HARDCOPY SETUP to the Centronics (or printer) port, and
to the type of printer being used (HP Deskjet B/W, usually).