Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Water-Jug Problem
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Water-Jug Problem
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Water-Jug Problem
Artificial Intelligence(AI)
CS6659 - AI Notes
Syllabus Unit -I Unit -II Unit-III Unit - IV Unit - V Lecture Videos - Collection 1
Start State: (0,0)
Apply Rule 2:
(X,Y | Y<3) -> (X,3)
{Fill 3-gallon jug}
Now the state is (X,3)
Iteration 1:
Current State: (X,3)
Apply Rule 7:
(X,Y | X+Y<=4 ^Y>0) (X+Y,0)
{Pour all water from 3-gallon jug into 4-gallon jug}
Now the state is (3,0)
Iteration 2:
Current State : (3,0)
Apply Rule 2:
(X,Y | Y<3) -> (3,3)
{Fill 3-gallon jug} 1/3
9/26/2017 Artificial Intelligence(AI): Water-Jug Problem
Now the state is (3,3)
Iteration 3:
Current State:(3,3)
Apply Rule 5:
(X,Y | X+Y>=4 ^ (4,Y-(4-X))
Y>0) {Pour water from 3-gallon jug into 4-gallon jug until 4-
gallon jug is full}
Now the state is (4,2)
Iteration 4:
Current State : (4,2)
Apply Rule 3:
(X,Y | X>0) (0,Y)
{Empty 4-gallon jug}
Now state is (0,2)
Iteration 5:
Current State : (0,2)
Apply Rule 9:
(0,2) (2,0)
{Pour 2 gallon water from 3 gallon jug into 4 gallon
Now the state is (2,0)
Goal Achieved.
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9/26/2017 Artificial Intelligence(AI): Water-Jug Problem
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