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Comprehension Week Lesson Plan

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Comprehension Weekly Lesson Plans

Name: Megan Woodford Student Grade Level: 3rd- 4th Grade

Based on Bradys (pseudonym) QRI, he is on grade level for reading development. When he was asked questions after the readings, he was hesitant to answer and
seemed uninterested, but for the most part he gave accurate answers. Brady did a wonderful job, even if sometimes not specific when identifying the characters,
setting, and main problem in the story. However, when it came to identifying the supporting details and cause-and-effect within the story, he often had the urge to go
back and look or inaccurately answer the question. The week of comprehension lesson plans for a group, at the same level as he is 3-4 grade level, will be focused on
comprehending a story through context clues, inferences, sequencing and summarizing.
Objective for the week: The students will use context clues to infer, sequence, summarize, and overall comprehend the story.

SOL for the week: SOL 3.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts.

Technology Integration: iPads with the iMovie App

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Topic: Yeh-Shen by: Karen Phelps Topic: Yeh-Shen by: Karen Phelps Topic: Toad Bridegroom by: Topic: Toad Bridegroom by: Topic: Yeh-Shen and Toad
Standards: 3.5 The student will Standards: 3.5 The student will Karen Phelps Karen Phelps Bridegroom by: Karen Phelps
read and demonstrate read and demonstrate Standards: 3.5 The student will Standards: 3.5 The student will Standards: 3.5 The student will
comprehension of fictional texts. comprehension of fictional texts. read and demonstrate read and demonstrate read and demonstrate
e) Summarize plot events g) Ask and answer questions comprehension of fictional texts. comprehension of fictional texts. comprehension of fictional texts.
h) Draw conclusions using the about what is read. e) Summarize plot events g) Ask and answer questions b) Make connections between
text for support h) Draw conclusions using the h) Draw conclusions using the about what is read. reading selections.
g) Ask and answer questions text for support. text for support h) Draw conclusions using the Objectives:
about what is read. Objectives: g) Ask and answer questions text for support. The students will use
Objectives: Materials: about what is read. Objectives: the comprehension
Materials: Group set of books Objectives: Materials: skills used throughout
Group set of books IPads (iMovie App) Materials: Group set of books the week to compare
Prediction worksheet Activity: Group set of books Graphic Organizer the two stories
for each student Discuss different things Activity: Activity: Materials:
Activity: that happened in the Picture-walk altogether Discuss what happened Comparison chart of
Picture-walk altogether story. Before we before reading the in the story. different fairy tale
before reading the continue, I would like us story. Now that we have elements
story. Before we begin to summarize what we There are a few reviewed the story, lets Group set of books
our reading, we are read yesterday. vocabulary words that work on sequencing the Activity:
going to take a picture In groups of two, the we should review most important things Both of these stories
walk and make students will create a before reading the that happened in the had similar story
predictions about what movie/PowerPoint of story. Does anyone story using this graphic elements in them since
we think the story line is the story using think they know what organizer. This will help they are both fairy
going to be. sequencing words like the word ______ us learn how to best tales. Lets compare
Reviewing big new First, next, then, means? Reviewing big sequence events in a them both using this
words within the story last. new words within the story using key words chart to help us.
as a group: gobbling, Share the story as a group: starve, like; first, next, then, Students complete the
conversing, gorgeous, movie/PowerPoint consumed, shrieked, and last. Students comparison chart
instructed, radiant, Assessment: hideous, persevered, complete a sequencing worksheet
enraged, terrified. Sequencing Movie on misfortune, feast, graphic organizer. Read aloud of the Yeh-
Have students predict the iPad request. Review the organizer as Shen trade book or
what the story is going Have students predict a group Cinderella
to be about (they will what the story is going Assessment: Discussion about the
share with the group) to be about. Collect graphic differences between
Students will Students will organizer the trade book and the
individually read the individually read the Discussion about the one they read.
story, stopping at each story. graphic organizer Assessment:
page and making Assessment: Discussion Questions
predictions about what Discussion about 1. What did you notice
is going to happen next predicting what the between the two
on worksheet story will be about. different books?
(attached). Asking comprehension 2. Which one did you like
Assessment: questions: Who were better and why?
Collect predictions the main characters in 3. Were the story plots
worksheet the story? Which different at all?
Asking comprehension characters changed in 4. What made them
questions: Who was the the story? How did they different?
main character in the change? Which Collect the comparison
story? Who helped the character had magical chart worksheet
main character? Which powers? What were the
character was evil in magical powers? How
this story? What did the were these powers
evil character do? used?
Which character had
magical powers? What
were the magical
powers? How were
these powers used?
How did this story end?

I was very grateful to be able to teach the entire week of my comprehension plans because I really got to experience the different happenings that each day brought
and I got to experience changing plans last minute due to every day obstacles that came about. Overall I was really happy with the way my week of literacy lessons went and I
think that the students really enjoyed and learned from the week as well. On Monday, my plan was to have the student make predictions about what was going to happen
during the story as they were reading. What I did not know was that the students had already seen a movie in 2 nd grade about the story we were reading, so it was hard for them
to get past the idea of making predictions since they already knew the main plot from the movie. Once the students informed me of this, I decided to change the plans to having
them think about what they thought could be different from the story plot that they knew or making predictions of different things that could happen that were not the same as
the plot they knew. This change that I decided to make was still using the same techniques that they wouldve been using because the students still had to use context clues
from the book, to help them think of other predictions that they thought could be possible to fit into the plot. As far as Tuesday goes, the students were so engaged and loved
the idea of sequencing the story using the iPads. Since they had used this app before and were very fluent at using iPads, I simply explained my expectations and then stepped
back and let them use their creativity. I was there if they needed any kind of support or explanation, but they really blew me away with some of the ideas they came up with. For
instance, the story was about a Chinese princess and one student took a picture of a dress from China that we have hanging around our room, cropped it, then drew a person on
it as the pictures they used. Others really liked the idea that they didnt have to write or type but instead use their voice recording, which really added a lot of personality to a lot
of the books that were put together. Towards the end, the students posted their books to their student class seesaw so their parents and Mrs. Strawderman could see them.
Those that finished early were given permission to share their book with others who were done, which they loved doing! The students really liked this activity altogether and
they were working on both summarizing and sequencing while doing it. Once Wednesday rolled around, the students were fluent with this book and really understood the plot
and it was time to move on to a new story before they were too bored. I also had found out before I began this lesson that we would not have time for groups on Friday because
they each needed to do an assessment that would take the whole literacy time, therefore, I decided to have the students do the sequencing graphic organizer after they read
through the story twice and then we reviewed it as a group so then on Thursday, the students would complete the story comparison chart. The students seemed to really
understand how to sequence by the end of Thursday and if they finished before the others, I had them draw pictures in the correct sequence of when the events occurred.
Thursdays comparison chart went well and the students enjoyed talking about both books and how they were different. I heard some conversations during this time about why
the stories differed and how it affected the stories in different ways. While I wanted this time to be independent work, I couldnt help but allow the students to talk about these
different things because they were good conversations that I didnt have to prompt. Overall, I think that this week of literacy plans went really well and helped students
understand how to comprehend the text in a different way. These lessons also really went well with the school wide theme of inferring that they discussed throughout that
specific week because they were making inferences to figure out their predictions. I was really happy with how everything turned out even with all of the changes that had to be
made and feel confident that I am able to conquer a week of lessons that I plan.
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