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Area 3-Curriculum & Instruction (TED)

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BS Sub- Provision Benchmark Statements Sources of Data/
No BS A (BS) Documents For Exhibit


The curriculum/program of
study meets the requirements CHED Policies and
and standards of CHED, Standards
A.1 Professional Regulations PRC Standards
Commission, Professional Curriculum Checklist of the
Organizations or Societies and program under survey
other related agencies (These Other relevant documents
are advisory bodies to CHED)
RA 7722 and other national
CHED Long Term and
Medium Term Development
Program then highlight the
The curriculum reflects required portion
A.2 national and regional goals Philippines Medium Term
and Institutional vision and Development Plan
mission Regional goals (TESDA,
DOST, Provincial Goals in
line with education, )
Institutional Goals
Bulletin of Information then
highlight the Vision & Mission
of the Institution
Other related documents and
legal bases
The curriculum provides for the
A.3 development of the following
professional competencies:
acquisition of knowledge of rences/culminating activities
A.3.1 theories based on the field of Copies of syllabi then
specialization highlight the required portion
Other relevant documents
Curricular offerings then
highlight the required
Immersion activities of
students in the community
with complete label
Field study outputs
Output of project supported
with syllabus then highlight
A.3.2 learning the application of the the required portion
theories to real problems in the
Culminating activities of
students with complete
supporting documents

Special Topic Outputs

OJT/Internship Portfolios
Pictures (size 3R) with
complete label
Other relevant documents
Pictures of class
demonstration and actual
field work of students (size
A.3.3 demonstrating the skills to 3R)
carry out the application or OJT/Student Teaching
strategy in actual work setting portfolios
Culminating activities
(Pictures, program of
activities, etc)
Other relevant documents
Curriculum checklist
The courses are logically (updated) with pre-requisite
A.4 sequenced and prerequisite subjects
courses are identified. Other relevant documents

Curriculum checklist
(updated) with pre-requisite
The curricular content Updated issues and trends in
responds to the needs of the education and highlight the
A.5 country and recent corresponding
developments in the development/revision in the
profession. curricular content in response
to that specific development
in the profession
Other relevant documents
Curriculum checklist
(updated) with pre-requisite
The curricular content reflects
the depth and breadth of the Note: Highlight the subjects
A.6 professional and technical reflecting immersion and
preparation required of its practical training/OJT
Pictures of culminating
activities(size 3R)
Immersion documents of the
OJT/Internship documents
Documentation of
Comprehensive Review
Other relevant documents
Curriculum checklist
The curriculum integrates (updated) with pre-requisite
A.7 values, reflective of national subjects
customs, culture and tradition Note: Highlight the subjects
in cases where applicable reflecting the required items.

Curriculum checklist
(updated) with pre-requisite
Note: Highlight the subjects
reflecting immersion and
practical training/Practice
The curriculum provides for Teaching
A.8 opportunities for participation
in activities such as Pictures of culminating

immersion/practical training activities(size 3R)

Immersion documents of the
Field Study documents
Samples of student portfolio
Other relevant documents
The following activities are
undertaken to ensure quality in
A.9 the planning, design,
monitoring and review of the
Minutes of meeting w/
attendance on review and
updating of curriculum
A.9.1 periodic review, assessment Attendance record
and updating of the curriculum Pictures of meeting(size 3R)
Copy of resolution or
endorsement letter of
Academic Council to
Approval of curricular
program by the Board of
Trustees and CHED
Other relevant documents
participation in the Minutes of meeting w/
development and revision of attendance record
the curriculum by the: Pictures(size 3R)
A.9.2.1 faculty
A.9.2 A.9.2.2 students
A.9.2.3 alumni
A.9.2.4 representatives from
theindustry/sector and
A.9.2.5 others
Institutional policy in
validating the subject from
A.10 There is a system of validation other school
of subjects taken from other Copy of curriculum checklist
schools from other schools where the
revision of subject was
Other relevant resolutions
The program of study allows Institutional and Department
the accommodation of policy on this regard
A.11 students with special needs Other relevant documents
and assists them to finish the



Updated Syllabi for all approved

B.1 subjects by the Dean/VPAA with
recent readings and references

B.2 All syllabi must be grouped or
One folder only packaged by general subjects
and major subjects
Must be presented in alphabetical
order and chronological order
from current year backward

Syllabus/Course outline given

to students at the beginning
of the course/classes
The faculty provides a copy of List of students who received
B.5 the syllabus to each student a copy of syllabus/course
and discusses this at the outline
beginning of the course Highlight the portion in the
syllabi where it was
discussed by the teacher
during the beginning of
his/her class
Copies of the syllabi during the Syllabi must be compiled at
term are available at the the Office of the VPAA or
B.6 Deans Office or in any other Dean of Instruction
appropriate repository
There is a provision in the Curriculum checklist then
curriculum for built-in remedial highlight the requirement
B.7 measures to strengthen the Other relevant documents
basic skills in Mathematics and


Classroom instruction is
enriched through the following
Note: Any of these given
teaching strategies should be
observed by the assigned
accreditor during classroom

Copy of syllabus where the

given activities were included
B.8.1 symposia, seminars, as part of the course
workshops, professional Pictures with complete
lectures label(size 3R)
Program of Activities
Culminating activities
Other relevant documents
Copy of syllabus where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
B.8.2 field trips/learning visits/other Pictures with complete
co-curricular activities label(size 3R)
Program of Activities
Communication letter
Submitted outputs of students
Other relevant documents
Copy of syllabus where the
given activities were included
B.8.3 peer teaching/cooperative as part of the course
learning Pictures with complete
label(size 3R)
Other relevant documents
Copy of syllabus where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
Pictures while conducting the
B.8.4 Computer-Assisted Instruction activity
(CAI) and Computer-Assisted CD or output of lectures using

Learning (CAL) ICT

Compiled assigment/s
downloaded from internet
Copy of topics uploaded to
internet or online classroom
Other relevant documents

Instruction is enriched through,

at least ten (10) of the
following techniques
Note: Any of these instructional
techniques should be observed
by the assigned accreditor
during classroom observation.

Copy of syllabus where the

given activities were included
as part of the course
B.9.1 film showing Pictures while conducting the
activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Other relevant documents
Outputs submitted by
B.9.2 projects students
Copy of syllabi where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
B.9.3 group dynamics Pictures while conducting the
activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Other relevant documents
Copy of syllabi where the
given activities were included
B.9.4 case study as part of the course
Outputs submitted by
Pictures while conducting the
activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
B.9.5 workshops given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
B.9.6 simulations Copy of syllabi where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete

narration(size 3R)
B.9.7 dimensional question Copy of syllabi where the
approach given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
B.9.8 brainstorming Copy of syllabi where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
B.9.9 buzz sessions given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
B.9.10 informal creative works given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
B.9.11 interactive learning given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)

Copy of syllabi where the

B.9.12 team teaching given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
B.9.13 micro teaching
given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
B.9.14 macro teaching Copy of syllabi where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
B.9.15 tandem teaching given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
B.9.16 peer teaching given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
B.9.17 multi-media /course narration(size 3R)
wares/teach wares Copy of syllabi where the

given activities were included

as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
B.9.18 experiments given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
B.9.19 problem-solving Copy of syllabi where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
B.9.20 type study methods Copy of syllabi where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
B.9.21 reporting Copy of syllabi where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

B.9.22 Other activities which are not Pictures while conducting the
mentioned above activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
given activities were included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by

faculty members and

students if available
Other relevant documents

B.10 Course requirements (at least

three) that contribute to quality
and independent study such
as the following are used:

Outputs submitted by
Copy of syllabi where the
B.10.1 group/individual projects given activity is included as
part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
B.10.2 group/individual reports given activity is included as
part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Outputs submitted by
Copy of syllabi where the
B.10.3 group/individual term papers given activity is included as
part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Pictures while conducting the

activity with complete
narration(size 3R)
B.10.4 performance activities Copy of syllabi where the
given activities are included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Copies of

outputs/examination papers
Copy of syllabi where the
B.10.5 written and oral examinations given activity is included as
part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Outputs submitted by
Copy of syllabi where the
given activity is included as
B.10.6 learning contract
part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Outputs submitted by
Copy of syllabi where the
given activity is included as
B.10.7 portfolio
part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Outputs submitted by
B.10.8 Research Study Copy of syllabi where the
given activity is included as
part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Outputs submitted by
Pictures while conducting the
activity with complete
B.10.9 others narration(size 3R)
Copy of syllabi where the
given activities are included
as part of the course
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Group/Individual activities
Teaching strategies stimulate Samples of written and oral
B.11 the development of the exams

students critical and analytical Researches

thinking, and independent Pictures of activities (size 3R)
learning Evaluation survey rated by
students and faculty member
if available
Other relevant

Pictures of activities showing

individual/group activities
Instructional strategies provide (size 3R) and samples of
B.12 for students individual needs outputs
and multiple intelligences Pictures showing varied
activities dealing with multiple
intelligences (3R)
Evaluation survey rated by
students and faculty member
if available
Other relevant documents

Instruction is conducted with

the following:

B.13.1 submission of approved and Record of submitted syllabi

updated syllabus per course by Chair/Dean
Accomplishment report of
Chair about the submission of
Compilation of syllaby by
category (gen,
and with tableof contents
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Record of classroom
observation done by Dept
Department Action Plan then
B.13.2 regular classroom observation highlight the statement
and supervision Minutes of meeting about
classroom observation
Accomplishment report of
Dept Chair
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Minutes of dept meetings with

attendance record
regular faculty meetings with Pictures of meeting/s (if
B.13.3 the Dean/Department Head possible)(size 3R)
Accomplishment report of
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

PES General Result

B.13.4 regular faculty performance Separate performance
evaluation evaluation administered by
the institution
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

B.14 Instruction is enhanced


Attendance Sheet
Program of Activities
Newsletter/Issues about in-
service training conducted in
the campus
B.14.1 attendance/participation of Annual Report of President
faculty in in-service training then highlight the portion
Program Proposal of VPAA
for the conduct of in-service
Action Plan of VPAA for in-
service trainings
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Documents to prove that CAI,

CAL and other computer
programs and
softwaresespecially with the
aid of internet are utilized in
Copies of syllabus with
conduct of experimental
mentioned activities
classes and adoption of
alternative instructional Proof of online and distance
B.14.2 education programs
delivery modes, or use of
current/updated instructional Documents for conducting
methodologies experimental classes
Pictures(size 3R)
Newsletter mentioning the
learning activities then
highlight the part/s for
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Instructional Materials

Document to prove the usage

of computer programs such
as powerpoint, flash,
slideshow, movie maker etc.
Pictures of laptop, projector,

computer, videophones,
interactive whiteboard,
Varied, multi-sensory materials podcasts, video conferencing
B.15 and computer programs are and other multi-sensory
utilized for instruction materials
Syllabus with mentioned
Pictures(size 3R)
Newsletter mentioning the
learning activities then
highlight the part/s for
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
Other relevant documents

Office memo for the IM

Instructional materials are Accomplishment report of IM
B.16 reviewed and recommended Development Committee
by an Instructional Materials Approval sheet of the IM
Committee List of approved IMs duly
certified by the IM Committee
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available

Office memo for IM making

and development
Minutes of meetings (if
Faculty members are available)
encouraged to produce their Seminar/Workshop/Training
B.17 own instructional materials for IM development
such as modules, software, Portion in the school
visual aids, manuals and newsletter featuring the IM
textbooks. development of faculty then
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Communication letters to
The academic unit maintains other schools
consortia and linkages with List or logbook of linkages
B.18 other learning institutions for List of donations and samples
academic exchange of Evaluation survey rated by
instructional materials. faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

The prescribed textbook/s and Compilation of syllabi

other reference materials are (complete files arranged
B.19 of recent edition (published properly by general subject,
within the last 10 years) and professional and core
reflect recent trends, issues subjects) then highlight the
and content related to the references used
subject/course. Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available


The program of studies

C.1 provides for the evaluation of
student performance through a
combination of the following:

Sample copies of formative

tests e.a. quizzes and unit
formative tests such as
C.1.1 Portion in the class record
quizzes, unit tests
then highlight the quizzes and
unit test
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Sample copies of midterm

and final exam
a. test papers should be
arranged chronologically
b. examination papers
C.1.2 summative tests such as mid- should be patterned after
term and final examinations the arrangement of

Evaluation survey rated by

faculty members and
students if available

Samples of best outputs

C.1.3 project and/or term papers Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Samples of questions used in

practicum test (if available)
Pictures with complete
C.1.4 practicum and performance label(size 3R)
tests Culminating activities with
complete label
Evaluation sheet for final
demonstration teaching
Other sample copies of
rubrics for this purpose
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Other evaluation toolsor

rubrics for other performance
C.1.5 other course requirement tests
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and

students if available

C.2 The summative tests

administered are:

One folder only

C.2.1 Table of Specifications and
1. comprehensive exam to copy of examination
test the different levels of
Evaluation survey rated by
cognitive skills and
faculty members and
knowledge of content; and
students if available
2. based on Table of Other relevant documents
C.2.2 Specifications(TOS)

C.3 Varied evaluation measures

are used such as:

Samples of students
C.3.1 portfolio portfolios
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Sample copies of rubric

assessment used in
evaluatinbg the performance
C.3.2 rubric assessment of students in conducting
activities including the given
grades or samples of form
with grade
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Copies of pattern/task or
activity card used in skills
demonstration if available
C.3.3 skills demonstration Program of activities if
conducted for the purpose of
Pictures of activities with
complete label
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Samples of test papers (quiz,

unit test, chapter test etc)
Samples of output in arts can
C.3.4 paper and pencil tests be used
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Samples of questions used in

oral examination if available
C.3.5 Photocopy the portion in the
oral examinations
class record where grades for
recitation are shown the
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Used evaluation tool/rubricfor

group or individual report
C.3.6 group/individual reports Hard and soft copies of report
Pictures with complete
description of activity (size
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Copies of research abstract

including approval sheet
chronologically arranged
C.3.7 group/individual research Research Journal of
study department/college/institute if
there s any
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Exhibit other outputs required

by faculty members to
C.3.8 others students
Copy of syllabus then
highlight the portion for
course requirements

C.4 Evaluation tools/instruments

are reliable:

Documents showing that the

faculty members had
undergone trainingin using
different test evaulation tools
C.4.1 Faculty members are trained in (test and measurement
test construction and seminar-workshop/training)
measurement Outputs used for the
evaluation on students
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Minutes of meeting for the

Evaluation tools/instrument are review and updating of
C.4.2 measurement tools
reviewed periodically and
revised, if necessary Updated evaluation tool if
theres any
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and school
officials if available
Other relevant documents

Individual reseach
Oral and written examination
Newsletter with issues
regarding the statement
Pictures of activities(size 3R)
The academic unit encourages
with complete description of
C.5 and supports assessment for
individual differences and
Minutes of meeting in the
multiple intelligences.
then highlight the needed
Communication letters
encouraging competitions for
multiple intelligences
Different competitions
(singing, drawing, dancing,
computation, dramatization,
playing musical instruments,
biblical, literary competitions
and other related
activities/contests in the
Other activities focussing on
the total development of the
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, students
and school officials if
Other relevant dcouments

Proof that academic outputs

such as test papers, projects
and other course
requirements are returned to
Course and test requirements Documents should be
are returned to students after alphabetically arranged
results are checked, recorded following the names of faculty
and analyzed. members in the
department/program and
chronologically arranged from
the current year backward
Accomplishment report of
Dept. Chair highlight the
Evaluation form rated by
students then highlight the

Other relevant dcouments

The system of student

C.7 evaluation and grading is
defined, understood, and
disseminated to:

Office memo
Copy of orientation/general
assembly meetingwhere
grading system was
discussed then highlight the
C.7.1 needed part
academic administrators
College/University Code
Bulletin of Information where
approved rating system is
Evaluation survey rated by
school officials if available
Other relevant documents

Office memo
Copy of orientation/general
assembly meetingwhere
grading system was
discussed then highlight the
needed part
College/University Code
Bulletin of Information where
C.7.2 faculty
approved rating system is
Minutes of meeting in the
en highlight the needed part
Sample copies of syllabi then
highlight the approved
grading system
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Student Handbook
Copy of orientation meeting
or program of activities to
students and parents then
highlight the needed part
Bulletin of Information where
students approved rating system is
C.7.3 displayed
Evaluation survey rated by
students if available
Other relevant documents

Student Handbook
Orientation meeting to
students and parents then

highlight the needed part

C.7.4 parents/guardians Graduation requirements
Communication letters to
PTA minutes of meeting with
attendance sheet and
pictures if possible(size 3R)
then highlight the needed part
Evaluation survey rated by
parents/guardians if available
Other relevant documents

The performance of the PRCofficial result

C.8 program under review in Graphical presentation of LET
government examinations is passers for 3 consecutive
favorably comparable to the years from the date of
national passing percentage. accreditation backward
Other relevant documents

Graduate Tracer and

Majority of the graduates research conducted on
succeed in gaining employability of graduates
C.9 employment in jobs related to Rate of employment within
their education within the the period of two years after
following periods after graduation (maybe presented
graduation. in graph) if possible
Other possible documents


Class record of faculty for

students daily attendance
Admission slip for absences
Referral letter to the guidance
Records of students daily office for habitual
attendance are filed and used absenteeism of particular
for monitoring and student
guidance/counseling purposes. Research studies related to
the statement if available
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other possible documents

Copy of policies on
attendance absences,
tardiness etc.
Copy from the Student
Manual/Handbook then
The policy on students highlight the part
D.2 attendance in classroom and Sample copies of
on other instructional activities admissionSlip for absences
is enforced. Sample copies of excuse
Waiver/Promissiory Note
Other provisions for absences
of students or even faculty

Evaluation survey rated by

faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Documents during general

assembly of faculty,
students and parents where
classroom discipline is
Classroom discipline is Policies on disciplinary
D.3 maintained in consonance with sanctions for every offense
democratic practices. Sample copies of syllabus
where classroom discipline
is explained during the first
day of classes then highlight
the part
Any avaible document/s on
file to prove the existence of
the statement
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Pictures while cleaning the

room and surrounding with
complete label(size 3R) and
attendance record
Report of the department on
Class officers and assigned monthly cleaning program
D.4 students assist in maintaining Department/College/Institute
cleanliness of classrooms newsletter featuring the
laboratories and corridors. cleaning activities of students
then highlight the portion
Pictures with complete
description (size 3R if
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

In classes using lecture and

D.5 other similar methods of
teaching, the number of
students does not exceed 50.

Floor plan of the classrooms

Students population
reportper section from the
D.5.1 30 sqm 25 students Dept Chair
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Floor plan of the classrooms

Students population report
per section from the Dept
D.5.2 56 sqm. - 50 students Chair
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Independent work and

D.6 performance are encouraged
and monitored.

Portion in the class record

then highlight
Copies of syllabi then
highlight the portion
D.6.1 projects/reports Samples of submitted
projects and reports of
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available

Portion in the class record

then highlight
Copies of syllabi then
highlight the portion
Samples of submitted
portfolios and other
supporting documents
Monitoring report (school
D.6.2 practice teaching visitation) for Student
Evaluation form used for daily
classroom teaching, final
demonstration teaching and
the final computation of
grades for student teaching
Grading Sheets
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Copies of syllabi then

highlight the portion for thesis
Samples of submitted
D.6.3 thesis researches and other
supporting documents
Master list f researches
submitted by students duly
signed by subject adviser and
department head/chair
Grading Sheets
Evaluation survey rated by

faculty members and

students if available


Student Handbook
The students are regularly Posting of
E.1 informed of the academic information/announcement on
requirements of their course. the departments bulletin
board and Office of Student
Newsletter item/School
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Portion in the Student

The academic unit offering the Manual/Student Handbook
program provides a system for (highlight the part)
E.2 student returnees and Grade requirements and
transferees to meet the other policies
residence and other Bulletin of Information (dept)
graduation requirements. Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other available documents

Curriculum checklist for the

program under survey
Masterlist of researches
Graduating students conduct conducted by students duly
research and/or undergo signed by the subject teacher
practicum/OJT or other noted by the Dept. Chair
activities prescribed in the Samples of Approval Sheet
curriculum to enhance Practice teaching documents
learning. MOA for Practice Teaching
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Note: Highlight the subject in the

curriculum for research, Practice
Teaching and others

Policies on discipline and

The college/department of the academic deficiencies
Undergraduate Teacher Communication letter
E.4 Education provides a system Promisory notes/Waiver
to assist graduating students List of academic deficiencies
with academic deficiencies, from Registrar
disciplinary cases, and other Consultation logbook
problems which hinder Provision of the concerned
issuance of clearances. department for graduating
students with deficiencies

Evaluation survey rated by

faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Samples of clearance
accomplished by students
The students are required to Certificate of Completion for
E.5 accomplish clearance for Student Teaching
accountabilities and In-Off Campus Teaching
responsibilities from the clearance
institution before graduation. Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, students
and officials if available
Other required documents for
graduating students


Institutional policy for faculty

attendance in the Faculty
Manual and/or
College/University Code then
highlight only the portion
The institution implements
rules on the attendance of the
Office memo relative to
F.1 punctuality
faculty in their respective
classes. DTR/Monthly Attendance
HRMO record on the
absences of faculty
Performance evaluation sheet
rated by student then
highlight the portion on
attendance to classes
Other relevant documents

Copy of institutional policy on

faculty performance from
There is a periodic faculty College/University Code and
F.2 performance evaluation in Faculty Manual if available
accordance with existing PES of faculty
institutional policies. NBC 461-QCE rating
PMS-OPES if applicable
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Office memo for meetings

F.3 Dialogues involving the Minutes of meetings
administration, faculty and conducted
students are encouraged. Program of Activitiy
Pictures(size 3R if possible)
with complete narration
Newsletter item if theres any
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Portion in the Faculty and

Administrative Manuals,
College/University Code then
There is a system of awards highlight
and recognition for outstanding PRAISE policy and
achievements of the faculty. supporting documents that it
is actually implemented
Othersystem of awards and
implemented/adopted by the
Office Memo for this purpose
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Quality instruction is assured

F.5 through the following

Compilation of approved
syllabiwith table of contents
Office memo from Chair, DI or
F.5.1 requiring a syllabus for each VPAA for the submission of
subject/course duly approved syllbi
by the appropriate authority. Minutes of meeting regarding
the submission of syllabi
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Complete file of examinations

with TOS
requiring the submission of Action plan of dept then
F.5.2 copies of the mid-term and highlight the submission of
final examination questions, midterm and final
including corresponding table examinations
of specifications to the Office Memo from the Chair,
department head or DI
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Calendar of Activities by
institution and department
then highlight the needed
F.5.3 requiring the conduct of portion
summative examinations Copies of documents used in
(departmental examination etc) conducting departmental
where applicable qualifiying exam
Office Memo/Communication
Letter for this purpose
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, students
and other officials if available
Other relevant documents

Chairs and

Program then highlight the
Copy of the observation
F.5.4 conducting supervisory visits sheets done by the Dept
of classes Head and/or Dean/VPAA
Minutes of meetings
regarding the conduct of
supervisiory visits
Accomplishment report of
Dept. Chair on supervisory
visits then highlight the
needed portion
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Minutes of meeting with

attendance record arranged
from the recent ate backward
Pictures of meeting(size 3R)
F.5.5 holding of regular faculty with complete description
meetings by the Office Memo from Chair re:
dean/department chairperson call of meeting
Posting of announcements re:
Dept newsletter informing the
department regarding
meetings conducted if any
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Consultation Form/Logbook
F.5.6 requiring consultations arranged alphabetically
between students and faculty following the names of faculty
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Research Approval Sheet

F.5.7 encouraging the conduct of and Abstract
studies on academic Office Memos on the conduct
performance of faculty and of research studies
students. Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Action Plan or Supervisiory

Program of Dean/VPAA and
Dept Chair then highlight the
providing for the portion
F.5.8 participation/attendance of the Training Design/Proposal for
faculty in in-service activities. in-service training

Pictures with attendance

record(size 3R)
Program of Activities
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Institutional policy in class

preparation, monitoring and
supervision/monitoring system Action Plan of department
is designed to ensure sufficient head then highlight the
class preparation by the statement regarding teaching
faculty. load
Report of the Dept Head on
load distribution, problems
encountered etc.
Samples of teaching loads
Minutes of meeting regarding
the distribution of teaching
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members if available
Other relevant documents

Periodic faculty performance

F.7 evaluation is done by at least
three of the following:

F.7.1 the academic head/department Copy of evaluation result then

chairperson highlight the needed data
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, students,
head and others if available

Copy of evaluation result then

F.7.2 students highlight the needed data
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, students,
head and others if available

Copy of evaluation result then

F.7.3 the faculty member highlight the needed data
himself/herself Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, students,
head and others if available

Copy of evaluation result then

F.7.4 peers highlight the needed data
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, students,
head and others if available

Copy of evaluation result then

F.7.5 others highlight the needed data

Evaluation survey rated by

faculty members, students,
head and others if available

List of awardees during

Graduating students are given Recognition Day
F.8 fitting recognition for Program of Activities during
exemplary academic and non- Recognition & Graduation
academic performance Days
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students, school officials and
other stakeholders if available
Other relevant documents

Outstanding achievement is
F.9 recognized and encouraged

Copy of Deans List

F.9.1 inclusion in honor roll, Deans List of honor students
list etc Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

List of academic scholars

from OSA duly signed by
OSA Dean/Director
Program of Activities for
awarding of tuition fees
awarding of tuition scholars Attendance Record
F.9.2 Payroll or sample of
vouchers/checks received by
Pictures with complete
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Recognition or Graduation
Programs then highlight the
F.9.3 awarding of honor medals and Pictures during recognition
merit certificates and graduation days(size 3R)
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Policy of the institution

regarding inclusion of
students to honor
societies/star section
F.9.4 inclusion in honor Official list of students in the
societies/honor class/sections honor societies or star section

etc. duly signed by the concerned

school officials
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Policy of the department or

institution regrading the
granting of privileges to honor
student upon enrollment
granting of special privileges (portion from the College or
F.9.5 University Code then
such as opportunities in
leadership and others (except highlight)
exemption from major exams Document to prove that this
on all professional business privilege is existing in the
subjects) institution
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Recognition Program then

granting of awards and highlight the portion
recognition for their Report of the dept chair for
F.9.6 outstanding academic the special awards of
accomplishments e.g. Best deserving students
Thesis, Student Researcher of Pictures (size 3R)
the Year etc. Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members and
students if available
Other relevant documents

Indicators on performance of
F.10 graduates are studied as

analysis of performance of Computation and analysis of

F.10.1 graduates in the the department on the
Undergraduate Teacher performance of students in
Education Licensure LET
Examination Research study for this
purpose if available

Graduate Tracer
F.10.2 employability of graduates Research on the
employability of graduates

Testimony (written
statement/report) of
employers regarding the
performance of graduates
feedback from employers and duly notarized if possible
F.10.3 regarding the performance of Certificate of awards received
graduates by the graduate

Performance evaluation result

for the past three (3)
consecutive years if possible
Research study for this
purpose if available
Other relevant documents

Portion in the Student

Manual/Student Handbook
regarding the policy in giving
of awards to different
Awards and/or recognition are categories then highlight
F.11 given to students for Program of activities during
exemplary academic and/or Recognition Day and other
non-academic performance departmental activities
Faculty meeting regarding the
selection/nominees for the
Research study for this
Evaluation survey rated by
faculty members, school
officials and students if
Other relevant documents

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