Course Syllabus (TTL1)
Course Syllabus (TTL1)
Course Syllabus (TTL1)
1. Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they e-portfolio In this required output, the students are expected to
impact on the teaching-learning process Blog Entries/Posts in the Freedom organize their reflections and insights using a Reflection
2. Identify learning theories and principles wall/Tweets in the Classroom-Made Twitter Guide Model ( e.g. Gibb’s REFLECTION Model.)
applied in the design and development of Ideas, and opinions on the topic discussed during sessions
which may be posted in blogs can also be included in the
lessons through appropriate media and
ePortfolio. A selection Rubrics by Smaldino, S. et al.
technologies for teaching and learning (2008) can be used as criteria for grading.
Different outputs made in the class,filing them all together
3. Integrate media and technology in various A Lesson Plan Integrating Technology can done in a portfolio or in an electronic portfolio such as
content areas.
In this task, students are expected to create a lesson plan
4. Formulate teaching-learning experiences and Midterm and Final Examinations showing clearly the integration of appropriate and
assessment tasks using appropriate and innovative technologies in the teaching-learning activities
innovative technologies and assessment tasks using the ASSURE Model. The
criteria in the rubrics shall focus on the integration of
technologies and the ability to demonstrate ethical and
5. Demonstrate social, ethical and legal
legal responsibilities in the use of resources.
responsibility in the use of technology tools
and resources These tasks are given to evaluate the students’ knowledge
and understanding of concepts and principles of
technology integration in instruction and appropriate
attitudes and values in becoming a teacher. These are
given to validate the results of their pract6ical activities
and to prepare them for the licensure examination.
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Activities (TLA’s) of Tasks Materials Table
1.2 Enumerate the Unit 2. ICT Policies and Safety Anderson,J.(2010).ICT Forum With Resource Person: Posting of Freedom Wall
National ICT Issues in Teaching and Learning Transforming Education A Invite a resource person to talk comments in the
Policies affecting Regional Guide.UNESCO on ICT national and ICT policies classroom/Blo
classroom A. ICT National or International Bangkok Asia and Pacific international policies applied to in Freedom g Created and
practices Policies That Are Applicable Regional Bureau for Education teaching and learning Wall/Blog Administered
Teaching and Learning
by the Teacher
1 week
1.3 Describe the B. Safety Issues in ICT Lucido,P. & Corpuz, B Group Interviews: Organize Checklist on Accomplished
Implementations (2012).Educational small groups to conduct the practices of Checklist
ICT policies in technology 2. Quezon City, PH: interviews and observations on that address
Teaching-learning Lorimar Publishing Co. practices that address safety safety issues Powerpoint
issues in ICT for teaching and Presentations
Documents learning
The Philippines ICT
DePED Five-Year
Information and
Technology for
Education Strategic
Plan (DepED ICT4E
Strategic Plan)
Executive Summary
Desired Learning Course Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Content/Subject Matter Activities (TLA’s) Tasks (AT’s) Materials Table
(2010) Report Status of ICT
Integration in Education
Asian Countries
1.4 Identify ICT C. Uses of ICT Policies in Individual
policies the Research:Encourage Accomplished Class
that are incorporated to Teaching and Learning students to research on other Observation guide Observation
the design and Environment school ICT Policies and best Guide on the
implementation practices Learners’written utilization of
of teaching-learning description and ICT policies in
activities Class Observation (Field opinions on their the classroom
Study): newly crafted ICT
Observe how ICT policies are Classroom policies
utilized in the classroom.
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Activities (TLA’s) Tasks (AT’s) Materials Table
2 TPACK TPACK in Two Minutes Image Analysis:Students Restricted Essay Video Clip 1.5
(Technology,Pedagogy and analyze hours
Content Knowledge) =FagVSQIZELY And explain the Multimedia
image/diagram.The teacher Projector
Heinich,R.(2003).Instructional synthesizes.
media and technologies for Computer
learning(7th Edition).Upper A brief lecture on TPACK
saddle,New York:Menil Prentice
Roblyer,M.D. (2003).Integrating
educational technology into
teaching (3rd Edition) Upper
Saddle, New York: Merrice
Prentice Hall
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Tasks Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Activities (TLA’s) (AT’s) Materials Table
ASSURE Model (Analyze Smaldino,S. et al.(2005) (Active Learning in a Brief
Learners,State Objectives, Instructional technology Lecture given by the
Select Methods,Media & And media for learning, 8th ed. teacher)The FishBowl
Materials,Utilize Media & New Jersey:Pearson Prentice Activity: Learners are given Metacards
Materials,Require Learner
Hall pp. 53-65 metacards and asked to write
Participation,Evaluate and
a question of clarification
About the topic (i.e.questions Fish Bowl
concerning the application of Container 1
the topic to practical week
concepts).Teacher draws Checklist on the
these questions from the Elements included in a
bowl and answers the lesson using the
questions or asks the class to ASSURE Model and
answer them.(This could be the rating scale.
done during or after the
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Activities (TLA’s) Tasks (AT’s) Materials Table
3.Integrate media and Unit 4. ICT in Various
Technology in Content Areas
various K to 12 Curriculum Guides Brief Lecture: Explain 21st Oral Examination Multimedia
content areas A.21 Century Literacy (DepEd,2012) century literacy skills with Projector 2
Skills emphasis on digital literacy weeks
3.1 Review teaching Lucido,P. & Corpuz, B skills Laptop
Plans that require Digital Literacy Skills (2012).Educational
learners to Media technology 2. Quezon City, PH: Teacher-made/
connect the content of Information Lorimar Publishing Co. Teacher-prepared
the lesson to society ICT literacy samples of
B. Instructional Design Anderson,,J. (2010).ICT
Models Transforming Education A
Gagne’s Nine Regional Guide.UNESCO Research on Instructional
Events Bangkok Asia and Pacific Design Models and
Bloom’s Revised Regional Bureau for Education Collaborative Work on
Taxonomy designing an infographics or a
ADDIE Williams,M. (2000).Integrating visual image of the assigned
Merill’s Principles technology into teaching and instructional Design Model to
of Instruction learning:An Asia Pacific be presented in class
UNESCO(2013).Training Guide
on ICT Multimedia Integration
for Teaching and Learning pp. 56-
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Activities (TLA’s) Tasks (AT’s) Materials Table
3.2 Introduce sample C. Technology Enhanced Smaldino,S. et al.(2005) Inquiry-Based Approach:Introduce Lesson A Lesson
technology-enhanced Teaching lesson Exemplars Instructional technology at technology-enhanced teaching exemplar exemplar
sessions to support And media for learning, 8th ed. lesson exemplar analysis output
learning New Jersey:Pearson Prentice
Hall Analysis of teaching plan
- Identifying the elements in
designing a lesson and
discussing the possibilities Checklist
of technology integration Demonstration Focusing
Guide on how
Demonstration: Demonstrate a Technolog
sample technology-enhanced y is
lesson integrated
in the
3.3 Select ICT and D. ICT and Conventional https://www.educatorstechnology. Group research and presentation of Presentation of
conventional learning Learning Materials to Enhance Com/2012/06/33-digital-skills- the digital learning materials selected Multimedi 3
Materials designed to Teaching Learning every-21st century.html identified as appropriate and instructional a week
enhance teaching- feasible in a given teaching- Media equipment s
learning 1.Digital Learning Resources learning context Appropriate for
a. Google Docs
b. Survey Monkey
the teaching
c. Others and learning
2.Conventional Learning
a. Flip charts
c. Others
Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Assessment of Resource Tim
(DLO) Matter Learning Activities Tasks (AT’s) Materials e
(TLA’s) Tabl
3.6 Identify flexible learning E. Distance Learning Anderson,,J. (2010).ICT Transforming Forum-Discussion: KWL Chart Teacher-made
through online Education A Regional Guide.UNESCO Conduct a forum on What I Class site(e.g.
communications(synchronous/ Bangkok Asia and Pacific Regional Distance Learning know google site
Asynchronous modality) Bureau for Education What I weebly, etc.)
want to
know Skype
Types of Online Distance Melton.R.(2002).Planning and What I
Learning Developing Open and Distance learned
Synchronous Learning a Quality Assurance Demonstration and KWL
Asynchronous Approach hands-on exploration Chart template
on the synchronous and asynchronous Checklist
0012/0128463e.pdf online distance
learning using the
class site
3.7 Describe flexible learning F. Technology Tools in Smaldino.S et al.(2005), Instructional Brief Lecture on the Paper and Pencil
environment that enhances Collaborative Classroom technology and media for learning,8th different technology Test Google docs
collaboration with the use of Environment ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall tools in a collaborative
technology tools. classroom 2
environment weeks
Small Group
Discussion Student
3.8 Reflect on the use of G. Relevance and Smaldino.S et al.(2005), Instructional Based on the lesson Reflective Gibb’s
technology and on its relevance Appropriateness in the Use of technology and media for learning,8th demonstrated the class narrative or Reflection
and appropriateness Technology in Teaching and ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall will analyze and Entries in the Cycle
Learning determine the classroom Template
Eayde,M. & Lockyer, M. (2013). appropriateness and Twitter Wall in Online Class
Tools for Learning Retreived use of technology. the Blog or
Principles in Selecting from: (Variation:Based on a classroom/Blog Site/Classroo
Instructional Materials based on Content.cgi?article=1413&context= lesson Plan exemplar) Created and m made
their Appropriateness and administered by Twitter Wall
Feasibility Class presentation of the Teacher
their evaluation of
instruction materials Self or Peer
used in the lesson Evaluation of
their assessment
Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time
(DLO) Matter Learning Activities Tasks (AT’s) Materials Table
Learners and Rubric
Instruction) focusing
Authenticity On the
(Dependable) Appropriate
Interest Ness of the
Cost (Economy) Material
Organization and In
Balance instruction
And other
considerations:Environmental F
Factors, Dynamic Variables
(e.g.sizes of class,attitudes,etc.)
4. Formulate teaching-learning Unit 5. Innovative Smaldino.S et al.(2005), Instructional Students’” research Reporting and Assessment 1
experiences and assessment Technologies technology and media for learning,8th on examples of Feedbacking Tools week
tasks For Teaching-Learning and ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall teachnology-assisted
Using appropriate and Assessment Task tools in assessment in
innovative Victoria State Government(2013) learning
Technologies A. ICT and Assessment in Assessment Tools.Retrieved from:
4.1 Identify Technology- 1. Assessment Tools chool/teachers/support/pages/tools.
Assisted tools in the
Assessment of learning Workshop on the Workshop
B. Tools in evaluating ment formulation of tools to output
appropriate assessment evaluate assessment
tools(ex.checklist,ratin UNESCO(2013).Training Guide on ICT tools
g scale) Multimedia Integration for Teaching
and Learning pp60-6
Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Assessment Resource Time
(DLO) Matter Learning Activities of Tasks Materials Tabl
(TLA’s) (AT’s) e
Angelo, T. & Cross,K.P.(1993).
Classroom Assessment Techniques
2nd Ed. A handbook for College
Demonstrate proficiency in the C. Technology-Enhanced Smaldino.S et al.(2005), Instructional Lesson Planning Rubrics for ASSURE 1
formulation of teaching-learning Lesson using the technology and media for learning,8th assessing Model week
experiences using innovative ASSURE as ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall lesson plans
technologies Technology- Critiquing of
Integration Model
leson plans
Revising of
lesson plans
5.Demonstrate social,ethical,and Unit 6. Social, Ethical and
legal responsibility in the use of Ethical and Legal
technology tools and resources Responsibilities in the Use of
Tools and Resources
5.1 Show, give examples,observe
social,ethical and legal A. Digital Citizenship
Lecture discussion on Writtten Exam Computer
responsibility in the use of Nine Elements the nine elements of
technology tools and resources Of Digital Laptop
digital Citizenship 2
Citizenship socialtech/ Multimedia weeks
Group research on the
B. Social,Ethical and Smaldino, al.(2008).Instructional Rubric
social,ethical and legal
Legal Responsibilities technology and media fir learning,8th
responsibilities in the
in the Use of ed. New Jersey:Pearson Prentice Hall Research Computers
use of technology tools
Technology Tools and and resources by
Resources by Teachers teachers
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Tim
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Activities (TLA’s) of Tasks Materials e
(AT’s) Tabl
Learners are givemn
primarily focusing on
social,ethical and legal
responsibilities in the Use
of technology
Analysis of the different
cases involving
social,ethical and legal
issues on technology use
5.2 Identify examples of C. Intellectual Property Group Research on the Rubrics RA 8293
compliance of IPR in Rights IRRS/ Intellectual Property Rights Assessing Document
educational setting Applicable to the RepublicAct8293.pdf in the Educational Setting Research An Act
Educational Setting: presentations prescribing
Copyright and Related
Class presentation of and outputs The
Rights Copyright Law (Part
research outputs(e.g.poster, intellectual
infographics,hootboard,etc.) property
code and
for its
powers and
and for
Desired Learning Course Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessmen Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Content/Subject Activities (TLA’s) t of Tasks Materials Tabl
Matter (AT’s) e
5.3 Enumerate D.Digital Safety Rules Four A’s Computer/
digital safety Rule 1: safety Activity: You know the Laptop
rules that Research
ensure child before you Rules(FROM Global Digital
online safety register Citizenship Foundation) Class
and prevent Rule 2: tech044.shtml Learners imagine that they can Formulated
cyberbullyin Discriminat draft three rules that every Guide on
g e digital citizen must follow.What Digital Multimedia
Rule 3: students-in-a-digital -world would they make and why? Safety Projector
Abstraction,Analysis Rules
typing &Application
Rule 4:
Require ID Forum Discussion on the
Rule 5: Digital Safety Rules
Trust your
Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Activities (TLA’s) of Tasks Materials Tabl
(AT’s) e
5.9 Join online expert I. Online Communities of Practicum on sample strategies Rating scale Online
and learning Learning e.g on how to join experts’learning learning
communities Facebook communities. Reflection sites Gibb’s
Twitter Reflective
Instagram Anderson,J.(2010).ICT Cycle
Webinar Transforming Education A Regional template
5.10 Use resources from J. Online Resources e.g. Guide.UNESCO Bangkok Asia and Group Research and Application Checklist
Relevant mailing lists and Opensource Pacific Regional Bureau for of the identified relevant
online journals Multimedia Education mailing list and online journals
resources; video
Finding images
Music and
Locate web
resources by topic
5.11 Describe technology K. Collaborative Projects http.// Student Led-Group Discussion Pencil and Multimedia
tools that are used in i.e The Problem-Based 102112/chapters/What is project-Based Paper Projector
group activities Project or Project-Based Multimedia Learning%C2%A2.aspx Lecture Test
Desired Learning Course Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Content/Subject Activities (TLA’s) of Tasks Materials Tabl
Matter (AT’s) e
5.12 Use technology L. Technology Tools for Lecture Demonstration Practical Internet
tools to collaborate Collaborative Work e.g /20-excellent-free-tools-for-interactive- Test Connectivit
and share resources google drive collaboration-experiences-in-the- Workshop/hands-on y
among communities of Edmodo classroom/ experience on the tools
practice Bubbl us
Wikispace Online Chat Session
Suggested Readings Abushakara,N.(2016).Netiquette:Modern manners for a modern world,The ultimate guide to online etiquette.Create Space Independent Publishing Platfor
and References Anderson,J.(2010).ICT Transforming Education A Regional Guide.UNESCO Bangkok Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education
Angelo,T. and Cross,K.P.(1993).Classroom Assessment Techniques 2nd Ed. A handbook for College Teachers
Chiles, D. (2014) Internet Etiquette:Netiquette Fundamentals,rules and optimization
Diaz,C.G and Declaro, R.A. (2013).UNESCO training guide in ICT multimedia integration for teaching and learning.Retrieved from Creative
Commons License
Heinich,R.(2003).Instructional media and technologies for learning.(7th Edition).Upper Saddle/New York: Merril Prentice Hall
http.// is project-BasedMultimedia Learning%C2%A2.aspx
https://www.educatorstechnology.Com/2012/06/33-digital-skills-every-21st century.html
Lucido,P. & Corpuz, B (2012).Educational technology 2. Quezon City, PH: Lorimar Publishing Co.
Melton.R.(2002).Planning and Developing Open and Distance Learning a Quality Assurance Approach
Newby,T.J. (2011). Educational technology for teaching and learning.(4th Ed) Boston:Pearson Education,Inc.
Roblyer,M.D. (2003).Integrating educational technology into teaching (3rd Edition) Upper Saddle, New York: Merrice Prentice Hall
Smaldino.S et al.(2005), Instructional technology and media for learning,8th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall
Smaldino, al.(2008).Instructional technology and media fir learning,8th ed. New Jersey:Pearson Prentice Hall
Tuffley,D.(2014).Email Etiquette:Netiquette for the Information age.Altiora Publications
TPACK in Two Minutes
UNESCO(2013).Training Guide on ICT Multimedia Integration for Teaching and Learning pp. 56-59
Williams,M. (2000).Integrating technology into teaching and learning:An Asia Pacific perspective.Singapore:Prentice Hall
OurICT http://www.outrict.couk/Ten Best Assessment Tools (Posted April 1, 2015) Retrieved from -assessment tools/
The Philippine ICT Roadmap
DepED Five-year Information and Communication Technology for Education Strategic Plan (DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan) Executive Summary
SEAMEO INNOTECH(2010) The Report on the Status of ICT Integration in Education Southeast Asia
K to 12 Curriculum Guides (DepED, 2012)
Senior High School Curriculum Guides retrieved from