Qwikmd Tutorial
Qwikmd Tutorial
Qwikmd Tutorial
July 12 2017
QwikMD Developers:
Joao V. Ribeiro
Rafael C. Bernardi
Till Rudack
A current version of this tutorial is available at
1 Introduction 3
1.1 NAMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 QwikMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Required programs 4
2.1 For Linux/Mac Users: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 For Windows Users: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Getting Started 5
9 Closing Remarks 40
1 Introduction
The relationship between structure and function of proteins is directly connected
to atomistic aspects of protein dynamics. As a major methodology in structural
biology, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations permit the exploration of the
physical mechanism underlying the function of proteins by examining their dy-
namical behavior. Although the advances in MD simulations are leading to a
new level of knowledge of macromolecular complexes, reaching the million-to-
billion atom regime, the vast majority of MD users are interested in straightfor-
ward MD simulations of relatively simple proteins. To assist both experimental-
ists and any novice to MD to overcome the initial learning curve barrier of MD
simulation software, we developed a VMD-NAMD plugin, QwikMD, that con-
nects the widely employed and user-friendly molecular graphics program VMD
to the widely used MD program NAMD. By employing QwikMD, one is able to
setup an MD simulation in just a few minutes, allowing quick studies of point
mutations, partial deletions and even atomic force microscopy experiments. The
plugin makes it easy for a new user to perform MD simulations, while it also
servers as a learning tool. Many info buttons provide the theoretical background
underlying the MD procedures carried out in modern MD simulations. The info
button windows also provide links to more complete explanations in our website
or in some of our publications. Dont forget to use these buttons to learn more
about QwikMD and MD simulations.
QwikMD in an automatic tool! QwikMD is an automatic tool
that aims to prepare as many different biological system as possible,
however covering all possible systems that are studied employing
MD simulations is a hard quest. Please inspect the system prepared
by QwikMD carefully before starting the MD simulations. We are
working hard to develop new features and extend QwikMD applica-
bility and if you have suggestions to improve QwikMD please contact
1.1 NAMD
NAMD, recipient of a 2002 Gordon Bell Award and a 2012 Sidney Fernbach
Award, is a parallel molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance
simulation of large biomolecular systems. Based on Charm++ parallel objects,
NAMD scales to hundreds of cores for typical simulations and beyond 500,000
cores for the largest simulations. NAMD uses the popular molecular graphics
program VMD for simulation setup and trajectory analysis, but is also file-
compatible with AMBER, CHARMM, and X-PLOR. NAMD is distributed free
of charge with source code.
In order to run any MD simulation, NAMD requires at least four files:
a Protein Data Bank (pdb) file which stores atomic coordinates and/or
velocities for the system. PDB files are available for many proteins at
http://www.pdb.org, or can be generated using various structure mod-
eling programs.
1.2 QwikMD
QwikMD is a VMD plugin that aims on helping the user to start and analyze
MD simulations. The plugin helps, in particular scientists that are starting to
perform MD simulations to prepare the necessary files to run these simulations
from desktop machines all the way to large supercomputers. All the necessary
steps - from loading the PDB to generating the NAMD configuration files -
are performed automatically but giving the user all the information necessary
to reproduce the system created and the simulations performed. The Live
View option allows for the visualization and analysis of the simulation on the
fly, helping new users to learn more about MD simulations and expert users
to test their simulations before submitting them to run in a supercomputer.
QwikMD integrates VMD and NAMD, two widely used software developed by
the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group at University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign.
2 Required programs
The following programs are required for this tutorial:
3 Getting Started
Tutoral Files: The simulations produced during the following sections
and all the files necessary to conclude this tutorial are available for down-
load at http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Training/Tutorials/#qwikmd.
4.2 QwikMD
QwikMD: QwikMD is included in VMD in version 1.9.3 and later.
4.3 NAMD
You can build NAMD yourself or download binaries for a wide variety of plat-
forms. To run QwikMD you need NAMD installed in your machine and available
in your path.
If you start your first MD simulation with QwikMD you will be asked to
specify the path to your NAMD installation. The automatic path assignment
might fail on some operating systems due to individual permission settings. In
case the automatic path assignment fails please set the path manually using
the following instructions.
Setting the Path: To start to use QwikMD you will need to add the namd2
directory to your path in order for the operating system to locate it. To perform
that, add to your .bashrc (Linux) or .Profile (Mac) in your home folder the
following line:
export PATH=complete.path.for.namd:$PATH
Where (complete.path.for.namd) is the complete path to the actual folder
where the namd2 executable is available.
export PATH=/usr/local/NAMD 2.10:$PATH
If you are new to Linux, visit our guide at:
For Windows users:
Setting the Path: To start to use QwikMD you will need to add the namd2
directory to your path in order for Windows to locate it. This can be accom-
plished by right-clicking Computer or This PC on the Desktop and selecting
Properties Advanced system settings Advanced Environment Variables
(the precise procedure may vary depending on your version of Windows). Un-
der System variables, scroll down and select Path and then Edit. At the end
of the long line in Variable Value, add a semi-colon ; then the full path to
the directory containing namd2 (but do NOT add the executable namd2 at the
end). Click OK. Also make sure that you (and not only root) have permission to
execute namd2. Now open a new command prompt. Regardless of the directory
you are in, you should be able to type namd2 and run it.
3 Load the PDB by typing the PDB code in the blank space and clicking
Load. For this tutorial we are going to work with Ubiquitin, PDB code:
Implicit Solvent
5 Lets first run a Live Simulation with standard protocols. Mark the
Live View box under the Simulation Setup option and click Prepare.
You will have to select a folder where the input file (.qwikmd) will be
saved. During this step the autopsf function of VMD is called to create
the necessary files to run the MD simulation. QwikMD will also create
the necessary NAMD configuration files.
NOTE:! If you want to run Live Simulation, make sure you have
the Live View box checked before you click Prepare.
7 First, lets analyze how the Kinetic and Potential energies evolve during
the initial phase of the simulation. Expand the Energies section by
clicking on the I symbol, check the Kinetic and Potential boxes and
then press Calculate. The plot is displayed in the Plots section of
the tab. Each plot can be exported and saved using one of the options
available under the File menu of each individual plot.
3 Load the PDB by typing the PDB code in the blank space and clicking
Load. For this tutorial we are going to work with Ubiquitin, PDB code:
excess charge. In that case, the number of ions should be chosen to make the
system neutral. The ions present will shield the regions of the protein, which
carry the charge, and make the entire system more stable. They should be
placed in regions of potential minima, since they will be forced to those regions
during the simulation anyway. The psf file contains the charge of each atom
and may be used to determine the charge of the total system or parts of it.
One must set the desired salt concentration when preparing the simulation
with QwikMD. The default Salt Concentration is 0.15 mol/L. Even if the Salt
Concentration is set to ZERO, QwikMD will add ions to neutralize the total
charge of the system. Remember, in a MD simulation with periodic boundary
condition the total charge of the system should be ZERO.
5 Perform a simulation in explicit solvent is not an easy task for your com-
puter. Change the Simulation Time, under the protocol drop arrow, to
0.1 ns, to be able to perform this tutorial simulation in a more realistic
time. Depending on the processing power of your machine, this simulation
may still take some time. Please notice that Simulation time refers to
the production MD protocol step.
6 To run a simulation in background, make sure the Live View box is de-
select and click Prepare. You will have to select a folder where the files
will be saved. During this step the autopsfgen function of VMD is called
to create the necessary files to run the MD simulation. QwikMD will also
create the necessary NAMD configuration files.
Analyzing Trajectories
To analyze a simulation executed outside of QwikMD, one can load the file with
.qwikmd extension. If any trajectory was generated, meaning if the files with
the extension .dcd exists in the run folder, QwikMD will load the trajectories
into VMD.
2 Load the file Ubiquitin.qwikmd from the tutorial files using the Load
button in the Simulation Setup.
Once the frames are loaded into VMD, one can performed the analysis
present in both Basic and Advanced tabs.
Image Rendering
QwikMD offers a very simple way to render your VMD scene and save it as a
picture, however the options available are limited. For more advanced rendering
options, please follow the VMD Images and Movies Tutorial in our website:
http : //www.ks.uiuc.edu/Training/Tutorials/.
4 To render the current VMD scene displayed in the VMD display, select the
Basic Analysis tab and beneath the Thermodynamics you can select
the option for the image render.
5 Select the image resolution and the image processing method (render) to
be use to produce the image.
6 Press Render and select the location and filename to save the image.
A warning will appear that one or more residues could not be identified. To
prepare the MD simulation of the Ras protein we need to introduce the correct
parameters for the GTP molecule into QwikMD. The Structures in the PDB
often times consist of not only standard amino acids but also DNA, ligands or
other small molecules. If the structure loaded contains non-standard molecules
for which the CHARMM force field parameters are not included in QwikMD,
you will not be able to prepare the MD simulation without further modifica-
tion. If no parameters exist in the literature, you will need to parameterize
the molecule. Alternatively you can delete the non-identified part if it is not
relevant for structural properties or function. But usually this is not the case.
The non-identified parts are colored with throbbing colors in your structure and
highlighted in red in the Structure Manipulation/Check window. In case of
Ras the ligand GTP could not been identified.
3 Reload the Ras structure and now all molecules of the structure should
be recognized correctly by QwikMD. Beside the hetero atoms of GTP
Figure 2: In the Topology & Parameters Selection window one can add miss-
ing topology and parameters information for non-standard residues.
4 Now the structure is ready to set up the simulation. Following the same
steps as in section 4.1.1 for ubiquitin you can prepare a live simulation of
GTP bound Ras. For time reasons just choose implicit solvent. Note, if
you want to run a scientific relevant simulation you should consider to use
explicit solvent as solvation effect are in general mechanistically crucial,
in particular to explain mutational effects.
Analyzing Trajectories
5 Once you start the equilibration run, navigate to the analysis tab in the
top. Here, you can choose to interactively calculate and plot some im-
portant properties during the MD simulation, like RMSD, energies, and
temperature. Open an analysis window that will plot the RMSD of the
backbone atoms by checking the Backbone option in the RMSD panel and
clicking on Calculate. Uncheck Total and check Kinetic and Potential
in the Energies panel and then press Calculate to open a window for the
kinetic and potential energy plot. In order to generate a plot to follow the
temperature press the Plot button in the Conditions panel.
8 Run a simulation for the Ras G12V mutant in the same manner as for
the wild type but choose a different work directory. After finishing the
simulation press Reset and close QwikMD. Then navigate to the run folder
in the G12V work directory and preform the same steps described before
to generate the pdb file to Ras G12V equil.pdb.
You can observe that there are almost no overall structural differences be-
tween the inactive oncogenic G12V Ras mutation (red) and the active Ras wild
type structure (green). In addition the site chain atoms added by introducing
valine instead of glycine do not have an effect on the structure or positioning
of the GTP. This reveals that the G12V mutant has no influence on the GTP
bound state and implies that it has to have an effect on the intermediate state.
So far there is no experimental method available to resolve the structure of the
intermediate state.
to analyze the structure in the bound and unbound state. The HIV-1 protease
flaps are a two very distinctive loops that enclose the substrate in the binding
site and are very stable in the presence of the substrate (bound state). How-
ever, in the absence of the substrate (unbound state), the flaps become very
flexible, were the backbone can move as larger as 7 A (Miller et al. Science,
246, pp: 1149-1152, 1989.).
4 A warning will appear that one or more residues could not be identified.
Always make a visual check by rotating and looking at details of the
molecular system. In the Display window, molecules with throbbing colors
were not identified by QwikMD. Fig. 3
5 To facilitate visualizing the complex structure, on can turn off the rep-
resentation of water molecules present in the crystallographic structure.
Click in VDW representation of water and select OFF. Fig. 4
8 Check the molecules and ions that have missing topologies and parameters,
which are marked in red. The name ACT for Acetate is not the same as
the name in the CHARMM36 force field (Fig. 5)
Figure 3: HIV-1 protease (PDB code 1kjf) loaded into VMD by QwikMD.
During the loading process, QwikMD checks the structure for possible problems
and assign representation schemes for easy structure identification. The protein
is represented in NewCartoon and colored in red, blue and gray, the water
oxygen atoms as VDW and colored in red and the acetate ion molecules is
represented as Licorice and with throbbing colors to mark the unrecognized
9 To rename the Acetate, select Rename and click on the name ACT. A
list of possible substitutes will become available, select Acetate. QwikMD
automatically detects that other molecules have the same name (resname)
and asks if they should all be renamed. Click Yes.
10 Now that QwikMD recognizes the residue, another check routine compares
if the atoms name in the structure correspond with the atom names defined
in the force field for the selected residue name. In this case, none of the
atoms have the correct name, so QwikMD ask if the user wants to assign
the correct name. Click Yes and rename the atoms as shown in the Fig.
11 After renaming ACT to Acetate and change the atoms name, check if
the problems were fixed by clicking the Check button. Here, the Ra-
machandran Outliers can be ignored. Click on Ignore. To learn how to
fix a problem found by QwikMD, click on the hyperlink (in blue) when a
problem is found.
Figure 4: QwikMD main window after loading the HIV-1 protease (PDB code
1kjf). The main table presents the information regarding the different chains
of the structure and the correspondent representation and coloring mode. One
can use this table to change the chain representation by clicking in the value
intended to change and selecting one of the options from the drop-down menu.
Note: To reduce the size of the files generated by NAMD, you can select one
of the protocol steps and click on the Edit button in the protocol table to edit
the configuration files manually and change the saving frequency values. Be
careful when changing the saving frequencies of DCD (trajectory file), energies
or SMD forces, since the amount of data generated can be insufficient for a
proper statistical analysis of the property to be computed.
13 Select the MD protocol step and then click on the + button to extend
the simulation for another 20 ns. Depending on where you are running
your simulations, some time is beneficial to split one big simulation in sev-
eral smaller steps to overcome, for instance, overcrowded supercomputer
queues and clusters walltime limitations.
Figure 6: In the Edit Atom window, one can change the residue identifier num-
ber (Res ID) and the atoms name to match the topology file of the CHARMM
force field. This window also display the topological information found based on
the residue name in the Structure Manipulation/Check window and isolate
the molecule to be edited in VMD OpenGl window with the matching atoms
indexes for reference.
in study.
14 To prepare all the files necessary for the simulation, click Prepare. This
step can take a few minutes.
You prepared the bound state of the HIV-1 Protease. To prepare the un-
bound state, Reset QwikMD and follow steps from 2 to 13. In this next step
we want to delete the substrate, which can be simply done by:
17 Prepare the system with a different name for future comparison between
bound and unbound state.
18 To start the simulation in the local computer, click on the Start Mini-
mization Simulation button.
Analyzing Trajectories
The final results of the simulations prepared previously are located in
the supporting files of this tutorial under HIVProtease folder with
the names of HIVprotease with substrate.qwikmd and HIVpro-
tease without substrate.qwikmd.
Note: The resulting trajectories were stripped of waters and solvent ions
mole for file size reduction. You can remove the water molecules and sol-
vent ions molecules from your simulations by selecting the options Dont
load water molecules and Dont load solvent ion molecules in the Loading
Trajectories window. This process can take a few minutes, however is exe-
cuted once. Options only available for the Unix (Linux & Mac) VMD versions.
In this window, you can also chose to not load all the frames saved in the tra-
jectory files by increasing the Stride number present in the bottom of the
window (available for all platforms).
19 Load the HIVprotease with substrate.qwikmd file using the Load but-
ton in the Simulation Setup section.
21 Calculate the RSMD, with the Align Structure option on and the selec-
tion (chain A B) and protein for both RMSD calculation and alignment
entries, and export the plot using the option Export to ASCII matrix
under the File menu in the plot window.
22 Perform the same analysis for the unbound state by loading the HIVpro-
tease without substrate.qwikmd. You can perform this analysis in the
same VMD session or opening another VMD so more analysis can be
performed to both systems simultaneously.
23 Plot both calculations for better comparison using your favorite plotting
The RMSD analysis returns larger RMSD values and large amplitude of the
RMSD values for the unbound state when comparing to the bound state. You
can isolate the RMSD calculation only to the flaps region (residues numbers
35 to 57 of the chain A and B) by using the selection (resid 35 to 57) and
protein in the RMSD calculation atom selection. You can also calculate the
RMSF (Root Mean Square Fluctuation) to have an insight of which residues
are more flexible.
Bacteriorhodopsin simulation
1 Restart VMD.
8 Reset QwikMD.
14 Rename the residue LYS 216 to LYR by checking the Rename option (on
the top right corner of the window) and clicking on LYS next to Res ID
216 and choose LYR from the drop-down menu.
16 Press Yes when prompt to change the atoms names to match CHARMM
18 Press Ok.
19 Change the table option to Type to change the residue type of Res ID 300
from hetero to protein.
25 To delete the lipids, check the circle next to Delete and select the lipids
(Res NAME PH1) and press Apply.
26 Also delete the water molecules that are not internally bound to the pro-
tein, which are RES ID 405 and RES IDs 410 to 444.
27 In the same window, open the Membrane menu on the right panel and for
the Box dimensions choose 100x100. Click on Box to display the borders
of the membrane and make sure the protein is placed reasonably in the
membrane (See Fig. 9). You can use Translate and/or Rotate and the
, , +, ++ buttons to adjust the box to the protein transmembrane
region. Click on Generate once you are satisfied with the boxs position.
Figure 8: The Stucture Manipulation window once all the topologies and
parameters exist.
Note: When the protein is inserted in the membrane, QwikMD selects the
solvent model Explicit Solvent and disables the Minimal Box option, since
the solvent box for membrane complexes is created in a slightly different way.
To create the effect of a infinite membrane, the periodic boundary conditions
are defined to be the limits of the membrane (in the membrane axis) and any
water molecules is added to the membrane axis. The solvent molecules are only
placed above and beneath the membrane, with a buffer of the value selected by
the user.
31 You can either run the simulation on your machine by pressing Start
MD Simulation in the Simulations Control. QwikMD automatically
recognizes the maximum number of processors and uses them as default
but you can use fewer if you want. Press OK to start the simulation. A
note will pop up stating that the simulation is run in the background so
the VMD winow will freeze. Proceed with Yes. Alternatively you can
start each of the steps, for example Minimization, Annealing, Equilibra-
tion, ... in the terminal by going to the run folder and execute NAMD
with the command: namd2 +p <Number of CPUs to parallelize to>
Filename.conf > Filename.log & . Make sure that you execute the
protocol steps in the same order as they appear in the protocol table,
since every step is dependent on the files of the previous step. Note that
whether you start through VMD or the terminal you will have to restart
each of the steps manually. It does not happen authomatically. Running
10 ns for all the systems could take a couple of days, so if you do not want
to wait until the simulations are done you can continue right away with
the analysis using the supporting files of this tutorial, under the Bac-
theriorhodopsin. Note that the dcd writing frequency was set to 100000
steps (every 200 ps) just for practical reasons of the tutorial to avoid pro-
ducing large dcd files. For a real simulation the dcd file should be written
more frequently. One can always remove steps of the trajectory or parts
of the simulation system like the solvent (or hydrogen atoms) during the
trajectories loading process in QwikMD as explained in the section 6.2.
33 You can choose the parts of the simulation you want to load in the Loading
Trajectory window. As the trajectory files could become very big you
can reduce the size of data loaded in by the stride option or by filtering
out the parts of the system like solvent molecules or hydrogen atoms.
35 You can go through the trajectory by using the slider in the VMD main
36 Go to the Basic Analysis tab in QwikMD window and open the RMSD
menu. Check the Align Structure box and press Calculate. Then open
the Plot menu and you can analyze the RMSD there. You can export the
plot to an postscript file, an xmgrace file or to an ASCII matrix or vector
file for further analysis in any plot program.
37 In order to prepare the systems in both cases follow steps 1 to 25. Fol-
low step 26 for the vacuum simulation but not for the explicit solvent
the deviation from the initial structure which in this case was the crystal
structure 1QHJ. In order to grasp the most natural conformation for Bac-
teriorhodopsin, which is a membrane protein, the protein was expressed
in a lipid environment for crystallography. Therefore, the simulation of
membrane-embedded Bacteriorhodopsin results in a more similar struc-
ture to the crystal structure (i.e. smaller RMSD values) than the the
structures obtained from simulations in vacuum or water environment
(i.e. larger RMSD values).
SMD atoms: The VMD display now shows the amino acid residues that
are your pulling atoms and your anchoring atoms.
11 Since we are running the simulation in implicit solvent and the system in
study is relative simple, we will skip the Equilibration and MD and
execute the SMD in the first place. Deselect the steps Equilibration
and MD under the protocol section and leave only the SMD selected.
Note: The SMD forces profile is strictly connected with the intra-molecular
interactions of the different residues. Make sure that you start a SMD simulation
from a well equilibrated structure, particularly if explicit solvent model is used.
12 To run a Live Simulation, make sure the Live View box is selected and
click Prepare. You will have to select a folder where the files will be
saved. During this step the autopsf function of VMD is called to create
the necessary files to run the MD simulation. QwikMD will also create
the necessary NAMD configuration files.
13 To run the simulation click in the Start Simulation Button. Interactive
Molecular Dynamics (IMD) used in the Live Simulation may take a few
seconds to start. In the console window is possible that the message mes-
sage ERROR) Error connecting to localhost on port 3000 shows
up until the connection between VMD and NAMD is established.
NOTE:! The connection between VMD and NAMD during the
initiation process of an IMD simulation may take from a few sec-
onds to minutes, particularly in explicit solvent simulations. If the
connection is never established, you may want to make sure the
network port 3000 is not blocked by the firewall definitions or if any
errors were introduced during the preparation phase by checking the
simulation log file in the run folder.
1000 times slower: Prepare the same simulation, but this time select a pulling
speed 1000 times slower, meaning 1 A/ns and execute the simulation in the back-
ground (Live View option off). Analyze the forces profile and compare with
the simulations performed previously. You can find the final results for this
simulation in the supporting files for this tutorial, under the SMD folder,
Deac-alanine.qwikmd. You can read more about Deca-alanine SMD experi-
ments in the paper also located in the supporting files for this tutorial.
3 Load the PDB by typing the PDB code in the blank space and clicking
Load. The ultrastable cellulosomal Cohesin:Dockerin complex that we are
studying here can be loaded from PDB code: 4iu3
4 A warning will appear that one or more residues could not be identified.
In the Display window, a few ions and small molecules with throbbing
colors were not identified by QwikMD.
6 Calcium ions are presented as CA, which is the CHARMM name for alpha-
carbons. In the right-hand side, click in Rename and then click in the CA
and change the Res NAME to Calcium. QwikMD will offer to change the
other molecules with same name that are also marked in RED. If you are
confident about it click Apply.
10 We will run the simulation with similar parameters that were used in
the Nature Communications manuscript described above. For that, select
Explicit Solvent, at 0.075 mol/L of Salt and 27C.
SMD atoms: The VMD display now shows the amino acid residues that
are your pulling atoms and your anchoring atoms.
14 To run a simulation like this you will need a computer cluster or a su-
percomputer, so make sure the Live View box is deselected and click
Prepare. You will have to select a folder where the files will be saved.
During this step the autopsf function of VMD is called to create the neces-
sary files to run the MD simulation. QwikMD will also create the necessary
NAMD configuration files.
Note: In very long simulations, like the one prepared in this example, one
can split the SMD simulations in several small steps to overcome, for instance,
overcrowded supercomputer queues and clusters walltime limitations. For that,
use the Advanced Run tab and create extensions of the SMD simulations of 10
or 100 ns.
Running your Simulation outside of QwikMD. To run long steered
molecular dynamics simulations with NAMD at least four files are required:
a Protein Data Bank (pdb) file a Protein Structure File (psf), a force field
parameter file and a configuration file. During the preparation steps, where
the system might be solvated, ionized, among other procedures, several files
are created. QwikMD separates the files created in the preparation step in a
setup folder, while files needed to run the MD simulations are in a run
folder. These two folders are created inside the folder defined by the user in
working directory window. With the same name as the folder created by the
user, a file with .qwikmd extension allows the user to load simulations performed
with QwikMD and also previously created preparation steps, like amino acid
residues mutations or salt concentration.
To run a simulation prepared with QwikMD in a computer cluster or super-
computer, one needs to copy only the run folder.
16 To perform the analysis after running in another computer, you use the
saved QwikMD file to load your simulation in QwikMD and perform your
analysis with the same tools as well as any other VMD tools.
4 A warning will appear that one or more potential problems were detected.
Always make a visual check by rotating and looking at details of the
molecular system. In the Display window, molecules with throbbing colors
were not identified by QwikMD. Fig. 11
6 To perform MDFF, click on the MDFF tab. We are using the default values
under the Protocol Option, which means that none of the protein atoms
are fixed and restraints are applied to maintain the secondary structure,
cis piptide bonds, and the chirality during MDFF.
7 Check the Live View and click Prepare to set up a working directory
where the input files for MDFF are created.
8 After that, QwikMD closes and directs you to the MDFF GUI.
9 In the MDFF GUI, click on the MDFF File menu. Add the target density
for the MDFF run. Set up a Grid Scaling Factor of 0.3. After the density
is loaded, click on Generate NAMD files. Fig. 13
10 You may want to change the represenation of the molecule. Open the
Graphical Representaion Window of VMD. Change the representaion fo
the density to an Isosurface drawn as Solid Surface with a Transparent
Material. Fig. 14
Figure 12: The Structure Manipulation window. Check if any problem exists.
Figure 13: In the MDFF GUI, load the density and prepare MDFF simulations.
15 For better comparison, change the Drawing Method to New Cartoon , the
Coloring Method to Color ID and the Color to green (7). Fig. 15
9 Closing Remarks
Computer simulations of biomolecular systems have grown rapidly over the past
few decades, passing from simulating very small proteins in vacuum to simu-
Figure 14: Visualization of the target density (in Isosurface representation) for
the fitting.
Figure 15: Comparison of the MDFF result (blue) with the experimentally
observed model (green).
MD simulations are still limited in two regards, inaccuracy of force fields and
high computational cost. Such limitations can lead to inadequate sampling of
conformational states, which in turn limits the ability to analyze and reveal func-
tional properties of the systems being examined. All relevant states of a system
must be reached in simulations in order for its dynamics and function to be
meaningfully characterized. Molecular dynamics simulations have always been
viewed as a general sampling method for the study of conformational changes
of biomolecules. However, biological molecules are known to have rough energy
landscapes, with many local minima frequently separated by high-energy barri-
ers, making it easy to fall into a non-functional state that is hard to jump out
of in most conventional simulations.
As discussed, when running MD simulations it is very important to run
more than one replica of the same system. Long trajectories usually also
helps one to sample different conformations. Therefore a long simulation is
important if big conformational changes are expected. If you want to learn
more about sampling and molecular dynamics check our group publications at: