Optical Fiber Communication: Industrial Training Report ON
Optical Fiber Communication: Industrial Training Report ON
Optical Fiber Communication: Industrial Training Report ON
Kuldeep Mishra
In the last, through every care has been undertaken to elucidate the
minutest detail of the problem arising there into, yet we anticipate some errors or
short comings may have crept into the task done. We shall be highly obliged if
the same or pointed out to us for, which we shall remain grateful.
1. Introduction of BSNL
7. Signaling System
Transmission Sequence
Information is encoded into Electrical Signals.
Electrical Signals are converted into light Signals.
Light Travels down the Fiber.
A Detector Changes the Light Signals into Electrical Signals.
Electrical Signals are decoded into Information.
The refractive Index profile describes the relation between the indices of the core
and cladding. Two main relationships exists.
Step Index
Graded Index
The step index fiber has a core with uniform index throughout. The profile
how’s a sharp step at the junction of the core and cladding. In contrast, the
graded index has a non-uniform core. The Index is highest at the center and
gradually decreases until it matches with that of the cladding. There is no sharp
break in indices between the core and the cladding.
Cabling is an outer protective structure surrounding one or more fibers.
Cabling protects fibers environmentally and mechanically from being damaged
or degraded in performance. Important considerations in any cable are tensile
strength, ruggedness, durability, flexibility, environmental resistance,
temperature extremes and even appearance. Evaluation of these considerations
depends on the application.
MULTIFIBRE CABLE :-It often contain several loose buffer tubes, each
containing one or more fibers. The use of several tubes allows identification of
fiber by tube, since both tubes and fibers can be colour coded. These tubes are
stranded around a central Strength member of steel or fiber glass rod. The
stranding provides strain relief for the fibers when the cable is bent.
1 - Blue
2 - Orange
3 - Green
4 - Brown
5 - Slate
6 - White
7 - Red
8 - Black
9 - Yellow
10 - Violet
11 - Blue/ Black
12 - Orange/ Black
OFC Splicing
Splices are permanent connection between two fibers. The splicing involves
cutting of the edges of the two fibers to be spliced.
Splicing Methods
The following three types are widely used :
1. Adhesive bonding or Glue splicing.
2. Mechanical splicing.
3. Fusion splicing.
3. Fusion Splicing
The fusion splicing technique is the most popular technique used for
achieving very low splice losses. The fusion can be achieved either through
electrical arc or through gas flame. The process involves cutting of the fibers
and fixing them in micro–petitioners on the fusion splicing machine. The fibers
are then aligned either manually or automatically core aligning (in case of S.M.
fiber) process. Afterwards the operation that takes place involve withdrawal of
the fibers to a specified distance, preheating of the fiber ends through electric
arc and bringing together of the fiber ends in a position and splicing through
high temperature fusion. If proper care taken and splicing is done strictly as per
schedule, then the splicing loss can be minimized as low as 0.01 dB/joint. After
fusion splicing, the splicing joint should be provided with a proper protector to
have following protections:
(a) Mechanical protection
(b) Protection from moisture.
Sometimes the two types of protection are combined. Coating with Epoxy
resins protects against moisture and also provides mechanical strength at the
joint. Now a days, the heat shrinkable tubes are most widely used, which are
fixed on the joints by the fusion tools.
The fusion splicing technique is the most popular technique used for
achieving very low splice losses. The introduction of single mode optical fiber for
use in long haul network brought with it fiber construction and cable design
different from those of multimode fibers.
The splicing machines imported by BSNL begins to the core profile
alignment system, the main functions of which are :
Auto active alignment of the core.
Auto arc fusion.
Video display of the entire process.
Indication of the estimated splice loss.
The two fibers ends to be spliced are cleaved and then clamped in
accurately machined v–grooves. When the optimum alignment is achieved, the
fibers are fused under the microprocessor control, the machine then measures
the radial and angular off–sets of the fibers and uses these figures to calculate a
splice loss. The operation of the machine observes the alignment and fusion
processes on a video screens showing horizontal and vertical projection of the
fibers and then decides the quality of the splice.
The splice loss indicated by the splicing machine should not be taken as a final
value as it is only an estimated loss and so after every splicing is over, the splice
loss measurement is to be taken by an OTDR (Optical Time Domain
Reflectometer). The manual part of the splicing is cleaning and cleaving the
fibers. For cleaning the fibers, Dichlorine Methyl or Acetone or Alcohol is used
to remove primary coating. With the special fiber cleaver or cutter, the cleaned
fiber is cut. The cut has to be so precise that it produces an end angle of less
than 0.5 degree on a prepared fiber. If the cut is bad, the splicing loss will
increase or machine will not accept for splicing. The shape of the cut can be
monitored on the video screen, some of the defect noted while cleaving are listed
below :
(i) Broken ends. (ii) Ripped ends. (iii) Slanting cuts. (iv) Unclean ends.
Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
The Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) is a technology used in
telecommunications networks to transport large quantities of data over digital
transport equipment such as fibre optic and microwave radio systems. The term
plesiochronous is derived from Greek plesio, meaning near, and chronos, time,
and refers to the fact that PDH networks run in a state where different parts of
the network are nearly, but not quite perfectly, synchronised.
PDH allows transmission of data streams that are nominally running at the
same rate, but allowing some variation on the speed around a nominal rate. By
analogy, any two watches are nominally running at the same rate, clocking up
60 seconds every minute. However, there is no link between watches to
guarantee they run at exactly the same rate, and it is highly likely that one is
running slightly faster than the other.
The European and American versions of the PDH system differ slightly in
the detail of their working, but the principles are the same. The European
E-carrier system is described below.
The exact data rate of the 2 Mbit/s data stream is controlled by a clock in the
equipment generating the data. The exact rate is allowed to vary some
percentage (+/- 50 ppm) on either side of an exact 2.048 Mbit/s. This means that
different 2 Mbit/s data streams can be (probably are) running at slightly
different rates to one another.
In order to move multiple 2 Mbit/s data streams from one place to another, they
are combined together, or "multiplexed" in groups of four. This is done by
taking 1 bit from stream #1, followed by 1 bit from stream #2, then #3, then #4.
The transmitting multiplexer also adds additional bits in order to allow the far
end receiving multiplexer to decode which bits belong to which 2-Meg data
stream, and so correctly reconstitute the original data streams. These additional
bits are called "justification" or "stuffing" bits.
Because each of the four 2 Mbit/s data streams is not necessarily running at the
same rate, some compensation has to be made. The transmitting multiplexer
combines the four data streams assuming that they are running at their
maximum allowed rate. This means that occasionally, (unless the 2 Mbit/s really
is running at the maximum rate) the multiplexer will look for the next bit but it
will not have arrived. In this case, the multiplexer signals to the receiving
multiplexer that a bit is "missing". This allows the receiving multiplexer to
correctly reconstruct the original data for each of the four 2 Mbit/s data streams,
and at the correct, different, plesiochronous rates.
The resulting data stream from the above process runs at 8,448 kbit/s (about
8 Mbit/s). Similar techniques are used to combine four x 8 Mbit/s together,
giving 34 Mbit/s. Four x 34 Mbit/s, gives 140. Four x 140 gives 565.
565 Mbit/s is the rate typically used to transmit data over a fibre optic system for
long distance transport. Recently, telecommunications companies have been
replacing their PDH equipment with SDH equipment capable of much higher
transmission rates.
SDH Concepts And Principle
It is an international standard networking principle and a multiplexing method.
The name of hierarchy has been taken from the multiplexing method hitch is
synchronous by nature. The evolution of this system will assist in improving the
economy of operability and reliability of a digital network.
Historical Overview
In February 1988, an agreement was reached at CCITT (now ITU-
TS) study group XVIII in Seoul, on set of recommendations, for a synchronous
digital hierarchy representing a single world wide standard for transporting the
digital signal. These recommendations G-707, G-708, G-709 cover the functional
characteristic of the network node interface, i.e. the bit rates and format of the
signal passing over the Network Node Interface (NNI). For smooth
transformation from existing PDH, it has to accommodate the three different
country standards of PDH developed over a time period. The different standards
of PDH are given in Fig.1. The first attempt to formulate standards for Optical
Transmission started in U.S.A. as SONET (Synchronous Optical Network). The
aim of these standards was to simplify interconnection between network
operators by allowing interconnection of equipment from different vendors to
the extent that compatibility could be achieved. It was achieved by SDH in 1990,
when the CCITT accepted the recommendations for physical layer network
interface. The SONET hierarchy from 52 Mbit per second rate onwards was
accepted for SDH hierarchy.
Merits of SDH
Simplified multiplexing/demultiplexing techniques.
Direct access to lower speed tributaries, without need to
multiplex/demultiplex the entire high speed signal.
Enhanced operations, Administration, Maintenance and provisioning
Easy growth to higher bit rates in step with evolution of transmission
Capable of transporting existing PDH signals.
Capable of transporting future broadband (ATM) channel bit rates.
Capable of operating in a multi-vendor and multi-operator environment.
Multi-vendor environment (mid span meet) : Prior to 1988 international
on SDH all vendors used proprietary nonstandard techniques for
information on fiber. The only way to interconnect was to convert to the
transmission standards (G702/703/704). The cost and complexity levels
very high.
Synchronous networking : SDH supports multi-point or hub
configurations whereas, asynchronous networking only supports point-to-
point configurations.
Enhanced OAM&P : The telecoms need the ability to administer, surveil,
provision, and control the network from a central location.
Positioning the network for transport on new services : LAN to LAN,
HDTV, interactive multimedia, video conferencing.
HUB : A hub is an intermediate site from which traffic is distributed to 3
or more spur. It allows the nodes to communicate as an angle network,
thus reducing the back-to-back multiplexing and demultiplexing.
S.D.H. Evolution
S.D.H. evolution is possible because of the following factors :-
Fiber Optic Bandwidth
Technical Sophistication
Customer Service Needs
S.D.H. Standards
The S.D.H. standards exploit one common characteristic of all PDH networks
namely 125 micro seconds duration, i.e. sampling rate of audio signals (time for
1 byte in 64 k bit per second). This is the time for one frame of SDH. The frame
structure of the SDH is represented using matrix of rows in byte units as shown
in Figs. 2 and 3. As the speed increases, the number of bits increases and the
single line is insufficient to show the information on Frame structure.
Therefore, this representation method is adopted. How the bits are transmitted
on the line is indicated on the top of Fig.2.
The Frame structure contains 9 rows and number of columns depending upon
synchronous transfer mode level (STM). In STM-1, there are 9 rows and 270
columns. The reason for 9 rows arranged in every 125 micro seconds is as
follows : For 1.544 Mbit PDH signal (North America and Japan Standard),
there are 25 bytes in 125 micro second and for 2.048 Mbit per second signal,
there are 32 bytes in 125 micro second. Taking some additional bytes for
supervisory purposes, 27 bytes can be allotted for holding 1.544 Mbit per second
signal, i.e. 9 rows x 3 columns. Similarly, for 2.048 Mbit per second signal, 36
bytes are allotted in 125 micro seconds, i.e. 9 rows x 4 columns. Therefore, it
could be said9 rows are matched to both hierarchies.
Basic Definitions
(vii) Pointer
An indicator whose value defines frame offset of a VC with respect to thee frame
reference of transport entity, on which it is supported.
(x) Concatenation
The procedure with which the multiple virtual container are associated with one
another, with the result their combined capacity could be used as a single
container across which bit sequence integrity is maintained.
Network Elements in SDH
Before the evolution of the standards covering synchronous transmission
systems, networks had to be built up from separate multiplex and line terminal
equipment. These are characterized by defined formats and electrical interfaces
at each level of the transmission hierarchy; whereas optical interfaces were
entirely proprietary. This gave rise to large amounts of multiplex and separate
optical line equipment.
On the other hand in SDH, multiplexers performs both
multiplexing and line terminating functions. Synchronous multiplexers can
accept a wide range of tributaries and offer a number of possible output data
rates. Though the regeneration of signal at repeaters is similar to PDH, there
are some additional equipment in SDH to perform function like cross–
connection and OA&M functions as explained in following sections.
Terminal Multiplexers
Terminal multiplexers are used to combine plesiochronous and synchronous
input signals into higher bit rate STM–N signals as shown in Fig.13 below. On
the tributary side, all current plesiochronous bit rates can be accommodated. On
the aggregate, or line side we have higher bit rate STM–N signals.
Terminal Multiplexer
The role of synchronization plan is to determine the distribution of
synchronization in a network and to select the level of clocks and facilities to be
used to time the network. This involves the selection and location of master
clocks for a network, the distribution of primary and secondary timing through
out the network and an analysis of the network to ensure that acceptable
performance levels are achieved. Improper synchronization planning or the lack
of planning can cause severe performance problems resulting in excessive slips,
long periods of network downtime, elusive maintenance problems or high
transmission error rates. Hence, a proper synchronization plan which optimizes
the performance, is a must for the entire digital network. The status of
synchronization in the BSNL network is as follows : 3 nos. of cesium clocks at
VSNL Bombay provide the Master National Reference Clock (MNRC). The back
up NRC is available at Delhi. The MNRC feeds the reference signal to the VSNL
GDS at Mumbai and from the GDS both the new technology
TAXs at Mumbai are synchronized. From these two TAXs at Mumbai, all the
other TAXs are to be synchronized. Part of this work has already been done.
However, all the Level–I TAXs are yet to be synchronized. A direct
synchronization link is also available between GDS Mumbai and Karol Bagh
TAX at Delhi. For synchronization of the SDH network, it has been decided to
use the clock source available through the TAXs at the major stations. The
synchronization plan is based upon provision of Synchronization Supply Units
(SSUs) which will be deployed as an essential component of the synchronization
network which will support synchronized operation of the SDH network. The
architecture employed in the SDH requires that the timing of all the network
clocks be traceable to Primary Reference Clock (PRC) specified in accordance
with ITU Rec.G.811. The classical method of synchronizing network element
clocks is the hierarchical method (master–slave synchronization) which is
already adopted in the BSNL network for the TAXs. This master–slave
belonging to the transit node level or the local node level as defined in ITU Rec.
G.812. 4.4 The BSNL, therefore, has decided to go in for 10–20 nos. of SSUs to
provide a clean reference primary source for other stations. These SSUs are
basically high stability filter clocks which eliminate phase transients, jitter and
wander and provide the exact sync. signal needed for every network element
T0: System Clock
T1: Line clock Recovered from STM-N input
T2: tributary clock Recovered from tributary input
T3: external G.703 synchronization input.
Synchronous Transport Module( 4 & 16 )
E1, E3, E4, STM-1e (electrical), STM-1o (optical) and 10/100 Mbps
ethernet tributaries
Technical details
GSM is a cellular network, which means that mobile phones connect to it
by searching for cells in the immediate vicinity. GSM networks operate in
four different frequency ranges. Most GSM networks operate in the 900
MHz or 1800 MHz bands. Some countries in the Americas (including
Canada and the United States) use the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz bands
because the 900 and 1800 MHz frequency bands were already allocated.
The rarer 400 and 450 MHz frequency bands are assigned in some countries,
notably Scandinavia, where these frequencies were previously used for first-
generation systems.
In the 900 MHz band the uplink frequency band is 890–915 MHz, and the
downlink frequency band is 935–960 MHz. This 25 MHz bandwidth is
subdivided into 124 carrier frequency channels, each spaced 200 kHz apart.
Time division multiplexing is used to allow eight full-rate or sixteen half-rate
speech channels per radio frequency channel. There are eight radio timeslots
(giving eight burst periods) grouped into what is called a TDMA frame. Half
rate channels use alternate frames in the same timeslot. The channel data rate is
270.833 kbit/s, and the frame duration is 4.615 ms.
GSM has used a variety of voice codecs to squeeze 3.1 kHz audio into between
5.6 and 13 kbit/s. Originally, two codecs, named after the types of data channel
they were allocated, were used, called Half Rate (5.6 kbit/s) and Full Rate
(13 kbit/s). These used a system based upon linear predictive coding (LPC). In
addition to being efficient with bitrates, these codecs also made it easier to
identify more important parts of the audio, allowing the air interface layer to
prioritize and better protect these parts of the signal.
GSM was further enhanced in 1997[11] with the Enhanced Full Rate (EFR)
codec, a 12.2 kbit/s codec that uses a full rate channel. Finally, with the
development of UMTS, EFR was refactored into a variable-rate codec called
AMR-Narrowband, which is high quality and robust against interference when
used on full rate channels, and less robust but still relatively high quality when
used in good radio conditions on half-rate channels.
There are five different cell sizes in a GSM network—macro, micro, pico, femto
and umbrella cells. The coverage area of each cell varies according to the
implementation environment. Macro cells can be regarded as cells where the
base station antenna is installed on a mast or a building above average roof top
level. Micro cells are cells whose antenna height is under average roof top level;
they are typically used in urban areas. Picocells are small cells whose coverage
diameter is a few dozen meters; they are mainly used indoors. Femtocells are
cells designed for use in residential or small business environments and connect
to the service provider’s network via a broadband internet connection. Umbrella
cells are used to cover shadowed regions of smaller cells and fill in gaps in
coverage between those cells.
Cell horizontal radius varies depending on antenna height, antenna gain and
propagation conditions from a couple of hundred meters to several tens of
kilometers. The longest distance the GSM specification supports in practical use
is 35 kilometres (22 mi). There are also several implementations of the concept
of an extended cell, where the cell radius could be double or even more,
depending on the antenna system, the type of terrain and the timing advance.
Indoor coverage is also supported by GSM and may be achieved by using an
indoor picocell base station, or an indoor repeater with distributed indoor
antennas fed through power splitters, to deliver the radio signals from an
antenna outdoors to the separate indoor distributed antenna system. These are
typically deployed when a lot of call capacity is needed indoors, for example in
shopping centers or airports. However, this is not a prerequisite, since indoor
coverage is also provided by in-building penetration of the radio signals from
nearby cells.
GSM security
GSM was designed with a moderate level of security. The system was designed to
authenticate the subscriber using a pre-shared key and challenge-response.
Communications between the subscriber and the base station can be encrypted.
The development of UMTS introduces an optional USIM, that uses a longer
authentication key to give greater security, as well as mutually authenticating
the network and the user - whereas GSM only authenticated the user to the
network (and not vice versa). The security model therefore offers confidentiality
and authentication, but limited authorization capabilities, and no non-
repudiation. GSM uses several cryptographic algorithms for security. The A5/1
and A5/2 stream ciphers are used for ensuring over-the-air voice privacy. A5/1
was developed first and is a stronger algorithm used within Europe and the
United States; A5/2 is weaker and used in other countries. Serious weaknesses
have been found in both algorithms: it is possible to break A5/2 in real-time with
a ciphertext-only attack, and in February 2008, Pico Computing, Inc revealed its
ability and plans to commercialize FPGAs that allow A5/1 to be broken with a
rainbow table attack [1]. The system supports multiple algorithms so operators
may replace that cipher with a stronger one.
Signaling System
Signaling System 7 (SS7) is an architecture for performing out-of-band
signaling in support of the call-establishment, billing, routing, and information-
exchange functions of the public switched telephone network (PSTN). It
identifies functions to be performed by a signaling-system network and a
protocol to enable their performance.
As users of the PSTN, we exchange signaling with network elements all the time.
Examples of signaling between a telephone user and the telephone network
include: dialing digits, providing dial tone, accessing a voice mailbox, sending a
call-waiting tone, dialing *66 (to retry a busy number), etc.
SS7 is a means by which elements of the telephone network exchange
information. Information is conveyed in the form of messages .
Out-of-Band Signaling
Out-of-band signaling is signaling that does not take place over the same path as
the conversation.
We are used to thinking of signaling as being in-band. We hear dial tone, dial
digits, and hear ringing over the same channel on the same pair of wires. When
the call completes, we talk over the same path that was used for the signaling.
Traditional telephony used to work in this way as well. The signals to set up a
call between one switch and another always took place over the same trunk that
would eventually carry the call. Signaling took the form of a series of
multifrequency (MF) tones, much like touch tone dialing between switches.
Out-of-band signaling establishes a separate digital channel for the exchange of
signaling information. This channel is called a signaling link. Signaling links
are used to carry all the necessary signaling messages between nodes. Thus,
when a call is placed, the dialed digits, trunk selected, and other pertinent
information are sent between switches using their signaling links, rather than
the trunks which will ultimately carry the conversation. Today, signaling links
carry information at a rate of 56 or 64 kbps. It is interesting to note that while
SS7 is used only for signaling between network elements, the ISDN D channel
extends the concept of out-of-band signaling to the interface between the
subscriber and the switch. With ISDN service, signaling that must be conveyed
between the user station and the local switch is carried on a separate digital
channel called the D channel. The voice or data which comprise the call is
carried on one or more B channels.
Each SSP has two links (or sets of links), one to each STP of a mated pair. All
SS7 signaling to the rest of the world is sent out over these links. Because the
STPs of a mated pair are redundant, messages sent over either link (to either
STP) will be treated equivalently.
The STPs of a mated pair are joined by a link (or set of links).
Two mated pairs of STPs are interconnected by four links (or sets of links).
These links are referred to as a quad.
SCPs are usually (though not always) deployed in pairs. As with STPs, the SCPs
of a pair are intended to function identically. Pairs of SCPs are also referred to
as mated pairs of SCPs. Note that they are not directly joined by a pair of links.
Signaling architectures such as this, which provide indirect signaling paths
between network elements, are referred to as providing quasi-associated
C Links
C links are links that interconnect mated STPs. As will be seen later, they are
used to enhance the reliability of the signaling network in instances where one
or several links are unavailable. "C" stands for cross (7–8, 9–10, and 11–12 are
C links). B links, D links, and B/D links interconnecting two mated pairs of
STPs are referred to as either B links, D links, or B/D links. Regardless of their
name, their function is to carry signaling messages beyond their initial point of
entry to the signaling network towards their intended destination. The "B"
stands for bridge and describes the quad of links interconnecting peer pairs of
STPs. The "D" denotes diagonal and describes the quad of links
interconnecting mated pairs of STPs at different hierarchical levels. Because
there is no clear hierarchy associated with a connection between networks,
interconnecting links are referred to as either B, D, or B/D links (7–11 and 7–12
are examples of B links; 8–9 and 7–10 are examples of D links; 10–13 and 9–14
are examples of interconnecting links and can be referred to as B, D, or B/D
E Links
While an SSP is connected to its home STP pair by a set of A links, enhanced
reliability can be provided by deploying an additional set of links to a second
STP pair. These links, called E (extended) links provide backup connectivity to
the SS7 network in the event that the home STPs cannot be reached via the A
links. While all SS7 networks include A, B/D, and C links, E links may or may
not be deployed at the discretion of the network provider. The decision of
whether or not to deploy E links can be made by comparing the cost of
deployment with the improvement in reliability. (1–11 and 1–12 are E links.)
F Links
F (fully associated) links are links which directly connect two signaling end
points. F links allow associated signaling only. Because they bypass the security
features provided by an STP, F links are not generally deployed between
networks. Their use within an individual network is at the discretion of the
network provider. (1–2 is an F link.)