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November 2017

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November 2017

Good, bad and ugly of
wastewater news p. 6


All about
p. 24

Iowa business partners sell off portable restrooms and give away
inspection work to concentrate on a profitable installing niche p. 10

Lake lot
challenges p. 20

New Technology and Installation Tools p. 28
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CONTENTS November 2017

Published monthly by

November 2017

Good, bad and ugly of
wastewater news p. 6

We Need a Laser Focus By David Steinkraus



All about
1720 Maple Lake Dam Rd. PO Box 220
Three Lakes, WI 54562
p. 24

A workload of 50 percent onsite installations and 50 percent installations of Call toll free 800-257-7222;
WE NEED A components for community and municipal wastewater systems has been outside of U.S. or Canada call 715-546-3346
Iowa business partners sell off portable restrooms and give away
inspection work to concentrate on a profitable installing niche p. 10
the key to success for NISS (North Iowa Septic Systems)Excavation. The 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Central time, Mon.-Fri.
NISS Excavationcrew (from left) includes Scott Chapin, Noah Sanders,
Website: www.onsiteinstaller.com

Lake lot

Corey Nichols and Colby Nichols, shown on a work site with a Case TR270
challenges p. 20

Email: info@onsiteinstaller.com Fax: 715-546-3786


skid loader with a Stout Skeleton rock bucket. (Photo by Mark Hirsch)
New Technology and Installation Tools p. 28

A one year (12 issue) subscription to Onsite Installer in the United
States, Canada or Mexico are free to qualified subscribers. A
qualified subscriber is any individual or company in the United
6 Editors Notebook: States, Canada or Mexico that partakes in the installation, design,
maintenance, manufacture, treatment, consulting or sale of onsite
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Wastewater News wastewater treatment systems or supplies. Non-qualified subscriptions
From a dubious choice for a septic tank to a clueless public official, its time to are available at a cost of $60 per year in the United States and $120
per year outside of the United States. To subscribe please visit
share some onsite industry tidbits. onsiteinstaller.com or send company name, mailing address, phone
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Hawaii Continues Effort to Eliminate Cesspools please contact Nicole at nicole.labeau@colepublishing.com.
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Lakefront Lot Leaves No Room to Spare DEADLINE: Classified ads must be received by the first of the month
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An innovative design for a tricky lot enables the expansion of a sports bar in northern Wisconsin. ACCEPTED. Fax to 715-546-3786 only if charging to MasterCard,
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24 Basic Training: PEARS NATIONWIDE AND ON THE INTERNET. Not responsible for
Defining the Absorption Area of a Mound Treatment System errors beyond first insertion.
Pay attention to several critical siting and construction practices when you incorporate DISPLAY ADVERTISING
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By Jim Anderson and David Gustafson ion is misleading, unfair or incompatible with the
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26 States Snapshot: Winnie May
Our Big Challenge Encourage the EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE
Send to Editor, Onsite Installer, P.O. Box 220, Three Lakes, WI,
Next Generation of Wastewater Workers 54562 or email editor@onsiteinstaller.com.
Tony Mendes believes state and national trade associations must follow new technologies REPRINTS AND BACK ISSUES
to help the environment and enhance professionalism. Visit www.onsiteinstaller.com for options and pricing. To order reprints,
call Jeff Lane at 800-257-7222 (715-546-3346) or email jeff.lane@
colepublishing.com. To order back issues, call Nicole at 800-257-
28 Product Focus: 7222 (715-546-3346) or email nicole.labeau@colepublishing.com.
New Technology and Installation Tools CIRCULATION
By Craig Mandli Circulation averages 20,842 copies per month. This figure includes
both U.S. and International distribution.
Copyright 2017 COLE Publishing Inc.
30 Case Study: No part may be reproduced without permission of the publisher.
New Technology and Installation Tools
By Craig Mandli
32 Product News www.twitter.com/OnsiteInstaller

32 Industry News www.youtube.com/OnsiteInstaller

34 Associations List

Water & Wastewater Equipment,

Treatment & Transport Show
Coming in December 2017
FEBRUARY 21-24, 2018
ISSUE FOCUS: System Inspection & Maintenance Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana

Basic Training: Trench rock basics

Contractor Profile: Installing for three generations in Virginia www.wwettshow.com

4 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017


Jet Inc. ................................................................................................35 Simple Solutions Distributing ..............................................35

Alita Industries, Inc. ....................................................................27
Ashland Pump ..................................................................................7

SJE-Rhombus ..............................................................................25
National Precast Concrete Assoc........................................ 9
Bio-Microbics, Inc. ....................................................................... 19

Norweco, Inc. ................................................................................. 15

Brenlin Company, Inc. ...............................................................25 T&T Tools Inc. ................................................................................. 19
Precast, Inc. The Shaddix Company, Inc....................................................35
Polylok, Inc. / Zabel ...................................................................36
Crest Precast, Inc......................................................................... 17

TUF-TITE, Inc. ....................................................................................2

Presby Environmental..................................................................5
Eljen Corporation ......................................................................... 17
UV DISINFECTION Wieser Concrete ..........................................................................25
SALCOR, Inc. ...................................................................................23 WWETT Show................................................................................33
Fergus Power Pump, Inc. ........................................................29

Fuji Clean USA ...............................................................................23 Septic Products, Inc. .................................................................. 17 Enjoy this issue!
Established in 2004, Onsite Installer fosters higher
professionalism and profitability for those who design and install
Sim/Tech Filter Inc. ..................................................................... 8 septic systems and other onsite wastewater treatment systems.
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC ....................................3

November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 5


The Good, the Bad and

the Ugly of Wastewater News
From a dubious choice for a septic tank to a clueless
public official, its time to share some onsite industry tidbits

ith hundreds of emails received every week, constant Google reduction systems now being required in Suffolk County.
alerts, social media and other direct contact with folks in the The income limits for participating in this program are higher than Ive
industry, I compile a barrage of wastewater news tidbits on my ever seen, and I would describe them as eyebrow-raising. As reported at
computer desktop. The web of information grows at an ever-faster pace, www.newsday.com, a property owner with $300,000 or less in annual
creating a long list of items Id like to share with you. income qualifies for 100 percent of installation costs, up to $15,000. A
Every now and then, Ill use this space to talk about a few of the property owner making up to $500,000 qualifies for 50 percent of the cost
positive, the outrageous and the unusual stories I save related to the world of a new system. On top of the grants supported by the towns Community
of onsite installers. I hope you find these dispatches thought-provoking or Preservation Fund, Southampton residents can apply for another $11,000
at least a little entertaining. As always, I invite your response. If you have a grant from Suffolk County. Added together, homeowners can receive up to
comment, write to me at editor@onsiteinstaller.com. Id be glad to share $26,000 toward a new system.
your thoughts on any onsite-related topic right here in the magazine.
Read on.

The onsite industry message is sinking in. (Onsite system grants are) a heck of
A recent report titled 5 Things You Need to Know When Representing
Rural Buyers, from Inman, a website dedicated to educating real estate a deal. If this existed for automobiles, it
agents working in the luxury housing market, listed septic components would mean youd get reimbursement for
and maintenance as the No. 2 topic to review with clients. Writer Maria
Dampman advises real estate professionals about the importance of
inspecting your car and then you get a
discussing onsite system maintenance and the potential cost of repairs. reimbursement for repairing it, too.
A thorough inspection of the system is a necessity, and it should Greg Wichelns
include pumping the tank, excavation and inspection of the distribution
box, and sometimes even running a small camera down the lines to check
for obstruction or damage, she writes. Also, you should know where to
find records to make sure the system is able to handle the number of Ive heard of low-income assistance before, but not high-income
household occupants. assistance like this.
In the past, I have accused some Realtors of turning a blind eye to Virginias Culpeper Soil and Water Conservation District has
septic system inspections because issues they turn up can complicate significantly raised its reimbursement rates for residents who maintain
home sales. Its only fair to point out when real estate agents recognize the their onsite system. The assistance has nearly doubled in several categories:
importance of time-of-sale inspections. $240 for pumpouts, $4,000 for system repairs, $6,400 for full systems and
What were the other four things to review with rural homebuyers? Well up to $19,200 for alternative engineered systems.
system and water safety; covenants and restrictions; land use, conservation The payments to private property owners prompted the districts manager,
and tax benefits; and specific-use needs (Is the property suitable for the Greg Wichelns, to share an analogy to convince homeowners to take part:
buyers lifestyle, hobbies, etc.?). This is a heck of a deal. If this existed for automobiles, it would mean youd
get reimbursement for inspecting your car and then you get a reimbursement
Generous assistance for new systems. for repairing it, too, he said in a report in www.dailyprogress.com.
Towns on New Yorks Long Island have announced some generous Two questions come to mind for installers trying to forecast the demand
grant programs to cover the cost of replacement onsite systems in an effort for their services over the next few years: Will this trend continue across
to clean up watersheds. For example, a Southampton town rebate program the country? And if it does, where are they going to find enough new
raises grant money limits from $10,000 to $15,000 to pay for nitrogen- workers to join their crews?

6 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017

She said what? minimum requirements of the state and county, he said. The informative
My award for the Ignorant Public Official of the Month goes to Melinda article recommended homeowners pump their tanks every three to five years,
Lautner, chairwoman of the Leelanau County, Michigan, board of but Umlauf suggested every two years is a safer bet for many families. O
commissioners. In opposition to an onsite system inspection ordinance for
the county, Lautner had this to say during a board meeting (as reported at
www.record-eagle.com): Send your comments, questions or opinions to Jim Kneiszel at
A great majority of our county, the septic systems sit in well-drained editor@onsiteinstaller.com.
soils. When those systems fail, it doesnt go down to
our groundwater, it actually will rise up and that
person will have a beautiful patch of green grass on
their lawn.
Nothing like trying to put a positive spin on Ashland Pump Sewage Line is
foul-smelling and bacteria-laden puddles that could
sicken a homeowners children, pets and cause
harm for the neighborhood. This is one public ser-
vant who needs to do her homework on the conse-
quences of ignoring failing onsite systems. She
should be listening to her fellow commissioners, Ty
Wessell and Patricia Soutas-Little, who pushed to
form a committee to study the need for inspections,
which are required at the time of sale in surround-
ing communities.
We inspect electrical, we inspect housing, why
/ HP up to 5 HP
1 2

dont we inspect septic systems? We have a

responsibility to do whatever it is to keep our human
waste out of our waters, Wessell told the group. He
said an inspection ordinance in another county
reduced the septic system failure rate from 15 percent
to 9 percent after it was enacted in 1990.

Holy Fahrvergngen!
Whats the strangest septic tank youve encoun-
tered during an onsite inspection? For Richard
Umlauf owner of R-N-R Backhoe & Complete Septic
in Edwards, Missouri, it was an old Volkswagen.
Umlauf told the Benton County Enterprise that the
buried Bug had an inlet pipe coming in the rear win-
dow and an outlet to the drainfield going through
the windshield.
It used to be that a lot of weekenders to the area SW300/500 Model
had cabins around lakes, and they put in anything
they could find to act as a holding tank for sewage,
Umlauf told the newspaper. Weve seen water
SWH50/100/150/200 Model
heaters, an ice box and the basement of a house that
burned down used as septic tanks. And when people
SWF100/200 Model
cant get plumbing supplies to repair a system during
a weekend visit, they sometimes use radiator hoses as
lateral lines.
Installers never know what theyll find
underground because the ordinance regulating P U M P
installs wasnt in place before 1991, explained Barry
Pabst, the environmental public health specialist for Honest, Professional, Dependable
the county. My job is to ensure the new systems 1899 Cottage St. Ashland, OH 44805 855 281-6830 ashlandpump.com
being installed and old systems being replaced meet

November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 7

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8 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017


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Iowa business partners sell off portable restrooms and give away
inspection work to concentrate on a profitable installing niche
By David Steinkraus

espite only having a few years of construction-related experience municipal wastewater systems.
between them, Dain Mann and Corey Nichols decided to join The community work comes
forces and form NISS (North Iowa Septic Solutions) Excavation and goes. In 2015, we installed
back in 2006. They were driven by a common goal (one that moti- pipes and tanks for a community
vates many entrepreneurs in the wastewater industry): a burning desire to system in Woden, Iowa, but in 2016,
work for themselves. we didnt do any of that work,
At first, the pair Mann, now 37, and Nichols, 36 chose to broaden Mann says.
their path to profitability, looking to add many revenue streams associated Yet, they have been pushing to
with small wastewater businesses in rural areas like their Mason City, Iowa. expand the share of business from
They performed excavation, system installation, onsite inspections and por- work that serves multiple homes.
table sanitation, among other things. A decade later, theyve honed in on a Single onsite systems are easy:
few specialties as a way to more efficiently build the business. You drive out into the country and
get them when you can. The law
CREATE A SHARPER FOCUS requiring a time-of-sale inspection
Focus didnt happen overnight, nor did it happen by accident. It has changed the market for single-sys-
meant consciously giving up business along the way. For example, until tem work. Previously, people
recently, NISS Excavation did time-of-sale inspections on residential waste- updated onsite systems because a
water systems. But even such a logical diversification wasnt the best position long time had elapsed and it was the
for their business, says Mann. right thing to do, Nichols says. The
If you show up and youre both the inspector and installer, maybe 20 or inspection rule is causing people to
30 percent of the time the client suspects youre favoring yourself and trying look further into the future. They
to sell additional services that arent necessary. From a business standpoint delay work as long as possible because of the inspection cost and fear that a
its a lot more profitable for us to do just one thing instead of trying to be the system will not pass inspection, or they work out a property transfer within
entity that does everything, Mann says. a family so an inspection and system update are not necessary.
All were doing now is uncovering a system for the guy who inspects it, AdvanTex (Orenco Systems) is the main system they use, Mann says.
Nichols adds. Thats also why we sold the portable restroom business. For Theyve used ATUs on small parcels of hunting property and developments
us, theres more profit in being very good at one thing. built on marshes.
Letting go of business still helps their business. The guy who bought the Monitoring advanced systems for individual property owners in rural
NISS Excavation pump truck also acquired a license to do time-of-sale Iowa is challenging, Mann says. Its difficult to charge a single homeowner
inspections. Mann and Nichols now refer business to him, and he does the for a 100-mile round-trip service call generated by a false alarm. However,
same. He also owns a jetter, and when NISS Excavation needs a pipe cleaned its easier to justify a service call to a community system because the cost is
out, they know whom to call. spread over many property owners.
This focus has brought them to a 50-50 business: 50 percent onsite On the municipal end, they install sewer mains, perform pipe rehabili-
installations and 50 percent installations of components for community and tation, replace manholes and do spot repairs.

10 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017

Crew member
Noah Sanders sets up
a Spectra Precision/
Trimblelaser level
during an install job
in Clear Lake, Iowa.
(Photos by Mark Hirsch)

North Iowa
NISS Excavation began as strictly an excavating company. Mann had
worked a few different jobs, but that included time in a plumbing company. Location: Mason City, Iowa
Nichols had about 18 months experience in excavating. Owners: Dain Mann andCorey Nichols
In 2007, they bought a company that provided portable restrooms and
Founded: 2006
pumping services. But their decision to focus on onsite work led them to sell
the restroom business in 2013 as well as the septic service truck and its
Employees: 10
associated business in 2015. Services: Onsite system installation, small
In 2013, they began pursuing community systems and municipal work community systems, municipal
more aggressively. They did one project replacing water mains in Clear sewer work
Lake, Iowa, and then they did a few similar projects. They made it work by Associations: Iowa Onsite Waste Water Association
contacting engineering firms to learn about projects coming up. And, of Website: www.nissexc.com
course, this required a capital investment to acquire larger equipment.

November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 11

Scott Chapin lays out ADS 34-inch by 5-foot low profile septic chambersfrom Advanced Drainage
Systems for a residential septic system.

Scott Chapin, left, and Noah Sanders level pipe during an install job.

In a way, its not difficult

to get to this point. You
do what you say youre
going to do. Dont tell
the customer youll
dig a stump and then
leave without doing it.
Dain Mann

A Case CX160 excavator joined their smaller equipment, a Yanmar ViO75 TEAMWORK COUNTS
excavator and Case 410 skid-steer loader. Keeping the company strong and profitable means keeping a good crew
Each year, they try to do two or three larger projects. It took forever to win together. Technicians receive a uniform allowance and a food allowance.
those first five large projects, but over a decade, sales have never showed any- Supervisors have health insurance, and all employees receive five days of
thing but a steady rise, Mann says. leave per year.
I dont know why we dont use Facebook, but we dont, Nichols says. When you work in a seasonal business, its like going out on a boat in
When they had the portable restroom company, they spent thousands on the ocean. Theres nothing to do but work, but we dont work Saturday and
advertising. Now, they depend on referrals. Sunday. Thats something we pride ourselves on, Mann says.
North Iowa is a small community. We get calls from people who heard Mann or Nichols may come in on a weekend to dig a basement or do
about our work from another customer and want us to work for them, Mann some demolition, and one of the guys may come in to help, but they dont
explains. In a way, its not difficult to get to this point. You do what you say have to. When Mann and Nichols started the business, they were both in
youre going to do. Dont tell the customer youll dig a stump and then leave their 20s and both had children.
without doing it because the customer will remember that you didnt follow Its hard to have time off in this business because you dont know what
through. any day will bring and what may break. But everyone needs reasons to live,
They redesigned the website recently and are happy with its look and their and as a young company, we have younger guys, and one of their reasons for
new logo. What doesnt quite fit is the company name. living is to go home to their families at night, Mann says.
We kind of think of it as North Iowa Site Solutions because we take care of Helping make sure technicians have that weekend time is Georgia
anything your site might need from draining to excavating. If you dont shy away Nichols, who is Coreys mom and the office manager. Over the course of
from hard jobs and those that may put you at a bit of risk, people get to know several years, she learned what technicians need to do their jobs as effi-
you. Now, the big general contractors are reaching out to us, Mann says. ciently as possible.
Smaller communities, for example, may not have the expertise to work That led to a worksheet. Customers want to give you the right informa-
down in trenches. So NISS Excavation will go out with an excavator and a tion, but they dont know what information you need, Mann says. When a
trench box and do that part of a job while municipal employees handle call comes in, a worksheet comes out, and using it means the right ques-
the rest. tions are asked even if everyone is very busy that day.

12 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017

Scott Chapin uses a Spectra
Precision/Trimblelaser level
to measure drainfield depth
as Colby Nichols operates a
Yanmar Vi075 mini-excavator.

Mann and Nichols condensed their needs into two worksheets, one for
onsite projects and one for public works. A sheet will list, for example, impor-
tant contact and permit information, whether a crew is cutting asphalt or
concrete, whether trucking is required to move equipment or materials, and
what size septic tank is required. When a job is done, the supervisor draws
maps of what went in the ground for a good record.

They built the worksheet in Excel, but its a printed copy thats filled out
and placed in a folder that goes out with the crew. Information from the sheet
is not entered into a computer: its enough for technicians to get dirty and
tired during a 12- or 13-hour day without requiring more hours spent on
office work, Nichols says. Some of the technicians are now sending back vid-
eos, and those are stored on the computer and tagged with the job number.
We have a pretty healthy inventory list, too, so our technicians arent
waiting for a tool to be free from another job, Nichols says.
Finding good technicians can still be difficult. The partners insist that
technicians be engaged at work.
Were dealing with life and death every day, Mann says. It may not
seem that way to the average person, but the reality is that the people who
locate utility lines are overworked and underpaid. Every time you put a
bucket in the ground, youre taking a risk. When youre doing that when
youre hauling heavy equipment you need your guys to have their minds
present in the work.

November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 13

Were dealing with life
and death every day.
Every time you put a
bucket in the ground,
youre taking a risk.
When youre doing that
when youre hauling
heavy equipment
you need your guys
to have their minds
present in the work.
Dain Mann

Noah Sanders, left, and Scott

Chapin run PVC pipe from a
distribution box to the drainfield.

The entire crew has a safety meeting every

IOWA NEEDS UNIFORM ONSITE RULES Monday morning. Instead of preparing a lecture,
Mann and Nichols ask their technicians to bring
Like the patchwork of fields that cover most of its land, Iowa is also a patchwork issues. They also ask if technicians have seen
of wastewater rules. And that doesnt provide the best outcome for citizens or
unsafe practices in the field. If a concrete truck
You go to one county, and you dont need a permit, and no one is doing inspections,
came to a job site, and its backup alarm wasnt
says Dain Mann, co-owner of NISS (North Iowa Septic Solutions) Excavation. Two working, we want to know about that, Mann says.
counties away, local officials are extremely tight with regulations. Mann and Nichols have the firsthand experi-
Iowa needs to be unified. Every county has to do the same thing, not this county ence with safety needs. In 2009, Mann lost the tip
does one thing and a mile later another county does something else, says Corey of a finger while hauling snow when his glove
Nichols, the other co-owner of NISS Excavation. became caught in the equipment. A friend of theirs
Many counties have cut funding for local sanitary employees; there are sanitarians, was cutting concrete pipe with a saw on unlevel
he says. These people take it upon themselves to get training and they recognize the ground; the saw bound, jerked, broke his nose and
importance of keeping the environment clean, yet theyre paid part-time or volunteer some teeth; and sent him to a doctor for corrective
their services because their counties do not recognize the importance of the job. surgery. The worst was an employee of their porta-
And in Iowa, Nichols says, any homeowner can legally install his own system as
ble restroom business who drove a company truck
long as he receives a permit. Thats fine with him, but when counties dont have the
same standards, it makes it hard for a business owner to talk to people about why
into an intersection and collided with a semitruck.
they need technical help, he says. He died as a result.
This lack of statewide rules is holding back business. Its why NISS Excavationgave
up on transfer inspections. The changes in rules, or absence of them, made the EQUIPMENT LIST
service too uncertain. The company no longer maintains a vacuum
This isnt saying Iowas system is bad, Mann says, but its not doing the good job it truck or portable restrooms, but it keeps a versatile
could do if there were uniform rules. inventory of earth-moving machines. In addition to
the Yanmar and Case equipment they started out
continued >>
14 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017
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November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 17


Hawaii Continues Effort

to Eliminate Cesspools
By David Steinkraus

Estimates say there are 90,000 cesspools in use across the Hawaiian lose his pumping license, said a report from Fox 10 television in Mobile, Ala-
Islands, and now their days are numbered. This spring, the state Legislature bama. Clarence Crook III was found guilty in July by the Alabama Onsite
passed and Gov. David Ige signed a bill that will require most of those cess- Wastewater Board. At a hearing earlier this year, an investigator for the board
pools to be converted to septic systems or ATUs, or require those properties said Crook admitted to dumping wastewater in his pasture. Crook has not
to connect to a municipal sewer system. This must happen by Jan. 1, 2050. had a valid pumping license since 2013.
Act 125 allows for some cesspools to remain. The state health director
may grant exemptions if property owners present documents showing a legit- Ohio
imate reason why conversion would not work. Those reasons include small lot Five northeastern Ohio counties will receive money from the state EPAs
sizes, steep topography, poor soils or problems accessing the site. Water Pollution Control Loan Fund to help owners remedy failing home sep-
Hawaii has had a tax credit program to help people with the cost of replac- tic systems. The goal is to prevent wastewater from contaminating streams
ing cesspool wastewater systems, and to fund it, the Legislature has set aside and groundwater.
$5 million to help 500 people annually. Yet in 2016, the state issued only five Money for the work will come in forgivable loans. Depending on house-
credits, and in the first part of 2017, it issued 12. hold income, borrowers will receive 100, 85 or 50 percent of the cost. The
By early 2018 when the Legislature next convenes, the state Health counties Cuyahoga, Holmes, Lake, Lorain and Portage will identify
Department must prepare a report on the number and location of cesspools homes with failing systems and determine whether the systems should be
throughout the state and set priorities for conversion of the first systems. State replaced or repaired. Residents can apply to their local health departments for
agencies must also look at the feasibility of establishing a grant program to consideration.
help low-income residents convert their cesspools.
News reports have noted a steady increase in the counts of fecal bacteria Minnesota
in Hawaiis nearshore waters. Average beach fecal bacteria counts have greatly In an ongoing case, several members of an Amish community appeared in
increased between 2006 and 2016, according to West Hawaii Today. court last summer to defend themselves against charges that they violated
county orders to install septic systems on their properties. Attorneys for the
Indiana state argued that the Amish should be held in contempt of court for failing to
About 2,000 gallons of wastewater spilled into Holly Creek in Indianapo- follow previous court orders to install septic systems. The core of the Amish
lis in August after a bridge collapsed under a vacuum truck used to empty a defense was their religious beliefs, according to the Rochester Post-Bulletin.
septic tank. When the rear of the truck fell through the bridge deck, the valve Modern, worldly technology is not allowed by their religion, said the
on the back of the tank broke. The 4,000-gallon truck was filled with about defendants. They cited Bible scripture that advises Christians not to
3,000 gallons of wastewater after pumping out a tank at a home, according conform to the world but to transform their minds in order to discern the
to The Indianapolis Star. will of God. We feel that any type of septic system is a way of the world,
The pumping company sent a second truck to the scene, and its operator and we do not conform to the way of the world, says Emery Miller, one of
vacuumed up most of the wastewater. The rest was allowed to flow down- the 15 defendants.
stream and be diluted in the White River. The Amish properties in question get water from a gravity-feed system
Pam Thevenow, head of water quality and hazardous materials manage- and discharge wastewater directly onto the ground.
ment for the Marion County Public Health Department, said it is up to con-
tractors to determine the ability of bridges to handle their loaded vehicles. The South Dakota
department said it would not cite anyone involved in the incident because it The U.S. EPA recently issued a final denial of a wastewater injection per-
was an accident. mit sought by The Lodge at Mount Rushmore. As a result, the 50-room hotel
was prohibited from using its septic system and could not open for the season.
Alabama Septic system issues at the hotel date back to at least 2015, when a neighbor
The police chief of Bay Minette has been found guilty of two counts of ille- complained of smelly water surfacing from a drainfield, according to the Rapid
gally dumping sewage and will be fined $1,000 for each violation. He will also City Journal.

18 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017

Pennington County eventually took the problem to court, and it and the
hotel reached agreement that the hotel would remain closed until it could
obtain all necessary permits. EPA documents said the hotels owner, Winona
Inn Limited Partnership, had not done enough to show the system could be
operated safely.

Undocumented onsite systems along a 25-mile stretch of the Russian River
would be inspected under a plan of the North Coast Regional Water Quality
Control Board, according to Sonoma West Times & News. Inspections would
occur on properties within 600 feet of the river as it flows through northern Cal-
ifornia wine country from Healdsburg to Monte Rio. Concerned real estate bro-
kers asked for a meeting with officials to discuss how property owners would be
affected by the costs needed to repair or replace systems that fail inspections.
A preliminary assessment of properties in Monte Rio six years ago found
no record of wastewater disposal plans or permits for most of them. A plan
proposed two years ago listed that stretch of the river as a priority area where
septic system problems contributed to high bacteria levels in the river. That
plan was abandoned in the face of opposition from residents.

Prince Edward Island

A man who said he couldnt take a certification course was fined $500 for
installing a septic system without a license, according to The Guardian. Allan
Emmett MacDonald, 65, pleaded guilty to the charge in provincial court in
Charlottetown. He told the court he had been in the wastewater business for
40 years and was previously licensed. MacDonald has more than $7,000 in
unpaid fines, including a $200 fine for the same offense in 2015. The judge
also placed MacDonald on probation for two years and added a condition that
he not install any wastewater systems unless he obtains a valid license. O

November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 19


Lakefront Lot
Leaves No
Room to Spare
Site conditions
Soils are loamy sand and sand with a loading rate of 0.7 gallons per
square foot per day. Situated in the Nicolet National Forest, the lot abuts
North Twin Lake to the south and a road to the north. Two neighboring cab-
An innovative design for a tricky lot enables the ins are west along the lake. All the properties are cut into a hill with a 40 to
expansion of a sports bar in north-central Wisconsin 50 percent grade.
By Scottie Dayton
System components
Schlieve designed the system to handle 3,129 gpd. There are several
major components:
Existing 1,255-gallon grease interceptor (single-compartment tanks

he owner of Dublin Sports Bar & Grill in Conover, Wisconsin, by Antigo Block).
wanted to increase the seating capacity to more than 300. The expan- Existing 2,000-gallon septic tank.
sion also entailed a larger parking lot and onsite system. For the lat- PL-625 effluent filter (Polylok Inc. / Zabel).
ter, he called Greg Simac, owner of Simacs Plumbing in Eagle River. Existing 2,000-gallon former pump tank.
It was late autumn with snow on the ground, Simac says. I suggested Two WK-200 White Knight Microbial Inoculator Generators (Knight
he call Dale Schlieve, owner of C.E.C., an engineering firm in Rhinelander. Treatment Systems).
Dales design for the restaurant with three-bedroom home arrived in spring, Dual-compartment (3,000/1,800) concrete pump tank (Wieser
and it used every inch of spare space on the 1.4-acre property. It also incor- Concrete).
porated all of the original system components. Alternating duplex WE20H 2 hp pumps (Goulds Water Technology,
Lot constraints and working only feet from the building made the instal- a Xylem brand).
lation tricky. I probably installed the system in my mind three dozen 72 EZflow geosynthetic aggregate modules (Infiltrator Water
times, Simac says. Because everything had to be right on, I lost sleep over Technologies).
this one. IFS duplex control panel (SJE-Rhombus).

20 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017

The tiny patch of lawn behind the
building contains the original grease
interceptor, septic tank and pump tank
with just enough space for the new
pump tank. Note the large block
retaining wall to the left and the elevation
of the two cabins to the right. A laborer
stacks triple configured EZflow by
Infiltrator modules. (Photos courtesy of
Greg Simac)
Tom Collins, owner of Collins
Excavating Grading, digs the bottom
trench of the second terrace with his
Kobelco SK295LC excavator.

System Profile
Location: Conover, Wisconsin
Facility served: Dublin Sports Bar & Grill
Installer: Greg Simac, Simacs Plumbing,
Eagle River, Wisconsin
Site conditions: Loamy sand and sand, loading rate
0.7 gallons per square foot per day
Type of system: Secondary treatment, time dosed
Hydraulic capacity: 3,129 gpd

System operation
High-strength waste from the kitchen flows to the grease interceptor and
then into the 4-inch PVC house lateral that carries wastewater to the septic
tank. Secondary treatment occurs in the second tank before effluent flows to
the pump tank. From the pump tank, the original 2-inch Styrofoam-insu-
lated PVC force main runs under the parking lot to the west end of the drive-
way. Simac cut the pipe at a 45-degree joint and capped and marked it. He
then connected the new force main running 250 feet up the hill to the 2-inch
manifold. Total lift from the pump to the field is 26 feet, but the rise up the
hill from the connection is 16 feet.
The 2,040-square-foot drainfield receives 10 312.9-gallon doses daily
with 37.49 additional gallons draining back. The two-step field has two
85-by-6-foot trenches per terrace. Each trench holds 16 bundles on 3-foot
centers with 1.5-inch distribution pipes and 1/8-inch holes at 4 oclock.
Every fifth hole faces down.

Enlarging the parking lot was the first order of business. A contractor cut
out 30,000 cubic yards of hill north of the building and then built a large
block wall to retain the face. I needed the parking lot completed to ensure
we had enough room to set the pump tank parallel to the north side of the
building, Simac says. However, we installed the drainfield first to keep the
establishment open.
Needing a large excavator, Simac hired Tom Collins, owner of Collins
Excavating Grading, and his Kobelco SK295LC machine with 2-cubic-
yard bucket. He rumbled 25 feet up the side of the hill to cut and level off
the first shelf. Collins dug the top trench 5 feet deep and the lower trench
Tom Collins, owner of Collins Excavating Grading, uses a Kobelco SK295LC
2 feet deep to maintain the same elevation. He repeated the procedure for excavator to backfill the bottom trench in the second drainfield terrace. Fabric covers
the bottom terrace. the EZflow by Infiltrator modules.

November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 21

I probably installed
the system in my mind
three dozen times.
Because everything
had to be right on,
I lost sleep over
this one.
Greg Simac

In the rain and cold wind, Simac

and a helper carried the triple-config-
ured modules from the parking lot up
the hill and installed them when the
first trench was completed. They cov-
ered the bundles with fabric and set
inspection ports on each end of the
rows. After passing inspection, Col-
lins backfilled with 48 inches of
native soil for the top lateral and 24
inches for the bottom lateral.
We were worn out, but every-
thing went well, Simac says. That
night I did sleep soundly.
The team assembled again the fol-
lowing week to install the 15.25-by-
8.5-by-7.5-foot-high pump tank. The
utility company We Energies dropped
the upgraded overhead power line featured products
that replaced its dead underground The rear two risers mark the 3,000-gallon chamber on the Wieser Concrete pump Goulds Water Technology,
tank, while the closest riser marks the 1,800- gallon compartment. a Xylem brand
counterpart. Utility workers also
located the multiple water, gas and 866/325-4210
telecommunication lines crossing under the parking lot. just too small for the increased
Meanwhile, Simac took down the satellite dishes that were in harms flow, and the steep grade made Infiltrator Water
way, and Mikes Septic Service pumped the tanks buried under a tiny enlarging it impossible. The owner Technologies LLC
patch of lawn against the north side of the building. The area also con- opted to save it for when the cabins 800/221-4436
tained most of the space for the new pump tank, which protruded beyond outdated onsite systems failed or www.infiltratorwater.com
(See ad on page 3)
the low, concrete-block retaining wall and into the driveway. A taller block need replacing. At that time, well
wall protected the north side of the building and a semirecessed bagged put new tanks in front of them and Knight Treatment Systems
ice storage bin. pump to the first drainfield. 800/560-2454
Simac removed the north and west block walls before Collins dug the www.knighttreatment.com

20-by-10-by-14-foot-deep hole. One wrong move could cave in the retain- Maintenance Polylok Inc. / Zabel
ing wall alongside the building or damage the original pump tank, Simac Simac holds the three-year 800/765-9565
says. Tom was excavating right up to both surfaces. Two delivery drivers maintenance contract for the White www.polylok.com
from Wieser Concrete and Simac acted as spotters for Collins. Knight Microbial Inoculator Gener- (See ad on page 36)
Collins brought shoring, but the sandy clay loam and gravel held firm. ators. For his own edification, he
Then, the bucket snagged the first buried power line. Our hearts stopped, sampled the effluent six months 888/342-5753
even though we knew it was dead, Simac says. More wires and old galva- after startup and will then check www.sjerhombus.com
nized pipes followed. Collins dump truck driver hauled away two loads of the systems health annually. The (See ad on page 25)
spoil, while some spoil was used for backfill and sloping on the site. owner understands that if he
While the drivers set the 15,300-pound tank halves, Simac replaced the Wieser Concrete
doesnt take care of it, hes out of
effluent filter in the septic tank, repaired the broken baffles in the second options, Simac says. There is no www.wieserconcrete.com
tank and installed the White Knight Microbial Inoculator Generators. The more land and no plan B. O (See ad on page 25)
original drainfield with Infiltrator chambers is good, Simac says. It was

22 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017

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November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 23

Jim Anderson, Ph.D., and David Gustafson, P.E., are connected
BASIC TRAINING with the University of Minnesota onsite wastewater treatment
education program. David is extension onsite sewage treat-
ment educator. Jim is former director of the universitys Water
Resources Center and is now an emeritus professor. Readers
are welcome to submit questions or article suggestions to Jim
and David. Write to ander045@umn.edu.

Defining the Absorption Area

of a Mound Treatment System
Pay attention to several critical siting and construction practices
when you incorporate mounds into a septic system plan
By Jim Anderson and David Gustafson

ecently, someone asked us how setback distances were determined for
mound systems. In Minnesota, rules state setback distances must be
measured from the original soil absorption area. Absorption area We often see this downslope width get
terminology is not used in a lot of other states. Although when talking about cut off some during the installation process
mounds, it is our opinion that this is the desired approach over other ways of
looking at the width and area necessary under the clean sand layer that in the desire to fit the mound within the
receives effluent. surrounding landscaping. This results in
The width of original soil receiving effluent under the mound must be
capable of absorbing effluent introduced to the infiltration bed (previously
surfacing at the toe of the berm.
called the rock bed layer) of the mound or else surfacing will occur at the toe
of the mound berm. Total absorption area is the product of the length of the sand is placed and the mound is finished.
infiltration bed and the absorption width. The berms on the short ends and We will present an example using Minnesota design numbers, but
the upslope berm are not considered in the total absorption area. recognize the same analysis can be done using your states design numbers for
In direct answer to the question then, setbacks would be measured from mounds. Research on soils in Minnesota has shown that in the upper foot,
the edges of the infiltration bed on the upslope side and edges. Setbacks on the hydraulic conductivity is never less than about 1 centimeter per day.
the downslope side would be determined from the end of the downslope Using this as the bottom design number for heavy textured clay soils, the
absorption width. allowable loading rate (or the expected amount of effluent the soil will absorb)
works out to be 0.24 gallons per square foot per day. Many states we have
LOADING RATES visited use a loading rate number for these types of soils of 0.2 gallons per
Required soil absorption width depends on the allowable loading rate for square foot per day, which makes for easier calculation.
the original soil under the clean sand layer. This is determined by soil analysis
of the top one-foot layer of soil in contact with the clean sand layer. This FINISHING THE MOUND
analysis can be done either by soil evaluation or by percolation rate. For a clean sand infiltration bed, the loading rate is specified as 1.2 gallons
For a mound installed on a level site defined as a slope less than 1 per square foot per day. The original soil under the bed, though, can only
percent the shape of the mound will be symmetrical since the assumption accept 0.24 gallons per square foot per day. This means that 5 times the width
is that effluent will move downward and away from the infiltration bed in of the infiltration bed is necessary for the effluent to infiltrate the original soil
both directions. Absorption width is equal to the width of the infiltration bed (1.2 gallons per square foot per day 0.24 gallons per square foot per day). If
plus the width of mound berms on either side of the bed. As indicated above, the infiltration bed is 10 feet wide and the necessary width is 5 times that (or
the ends are discounted since, while some will flow out the ends, most of the 50 feet), the width of the mound from the downslope edge of the bed is at
flow will be to the sides. least 40 feet to accept the effluent.
When a mound is installed on a sloping site defined as a site with a When finishing the mound, we often see this downslope width get cut off
slope greater than 1 percent effluent is assumed to move downslope, and some during the installation process in the desire to fit the mound within the
the required width is determined from by the width of the infiltration bed and surrounding landscaping. This results in surfacing at the toe of the berm. We
the downslope berm width. advise installers to watch that absorption width during mound construction.
One of the major reasons we have seen for surfacing at the toe of mound It is a key component of proper mound installation.
berms is not allowing adequate width for the effluent applied to the A final note on this issue: The reader should recognize that absorption
infiltration bed to soak in before the end of the berm. This should be width and not absorption area is the terminology that best describes how
accounted for in the design process. However, a check an installer can make to make sure that there is soil under the mound to allow for infiltration of
on site during installation is to make sure there is adequate width when the applied effluent. O

24 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017

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November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 25


Our Big Challenge Encourage the

Next Generation of Wastewater Workers
Tony Mendes believes state and national trade associations must follow
new technologies to help the environment and enhance professionalism
Compiled by Betty Dageforde

In States Snapshot, we visit with a member of a state, provincial or national Benefits of belonging to the association:
trade association in the decentralized wastewater industry. This time, we learn Education opportunities; having a voice in influencing regulations and
about a member of the Nebraska Onsite Waste Water Association. changes within the state and the industry; fellowship; and the opportunity to
share experiences, gripe, and (at some point) realize that many of us in the
industry share the same problems and experiences, and utilize these
experiences in solving some of our common work issues.

Biggest issue facing your association right now:

Membership maintaining and growing the membership as well as
getting and developing the next (younger) generation of professionals within
the industry.

More on the NOWWA crew:

Nebraska is a geographically large state with a relatively small population.
The active leadership of the organization is voluntary and has been historically
filled by a great group of committed individuals. But, we decided at its
inception that NOWWA would require professional management, not just to
get through the day-to-day aspects of the organization, but also to guide us
through the maze of reporting, regulations and bureaucracy along with the
Tony Mendes, owner (semiretired) day-to-day business functions. We were extremely fortunate in having been
able to draw upon the experience of Lee Orton and his management group
from day one. Through their input and leadership, we have been able to
Business: Tony Mendes Excavating, Scottsbluff, Nebraska
(sold business to stepson, and now operating under Larry
develop a very professional industry organization, conduct training across the
Kessler Construction) state (along with our University of Nebraska and Nebraska Department of
Age: 68 Environmental Quality partners), present a very successful annual three-day
Years in the industry: 25 conference (along with our Nebraska Well Drillers Association partners), be
involved in the legislative issues within the state, and have input into the
direction our industry is taking. Jason Orton, Cindy Kreifels and Diane Snapp
Association involvement: (now retired) have shouldered the burden of keeping our association on track
Nebraska Onsite Waste Water Association (NOWWA) founding and helping us refocus when we wanted to stray off course. At times, it was
board member, past president, current board member and education probably like herding cats.
Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Onsite Wastewater Typical day on the job:
Advisory Committee appointed member Most of my time is now spent in front of a computer or a windshield. Even
National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA) board though I am semiretired, I still get up early, get to my desk and sort through
member and respond to correspondence, work on training and education details, and
Member of National Association of Wastewater Technicians participate in numerous individual and conference calls pertaining to my
(NAWT) education committee various industry involvements. When not at home, I spend a considerable

26 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017

amount of time driving to and from various state activities and meetings. And increases throughout the industry. It seems to be a common problem
in a state that is about 450 miles across, with us living in the far western part nationally that even when regulations are implemented without an
of the state and most of our population and activity occurring in the far adequate enforcement effort, the new regs are ignored. They end up putting
eastern part of the state, drive time can be considerable. the compliance operators at a competitive disadvantage; customers are being
misled, and environmental problems are continuing. I think you see the
The job Ill never forget: results in jurisdictions that have well-established, effective enforcement
A septic system replacement at Scotts Bluff National Monument, our local involvement where there is a mutual respect for the regulatory group and the
historic site and national monument. The installation of the new system was on-site professional.
fairly straightforward. The problem arose when I realized I didnt have nearly
large enough equipment to remove the old concrete septic tanks. As I was still Best piece of small business advice Ive heard:
a one-man shop and this was my first government bid project, I was getting From a supervisor I had many years ago in the corporate world: he said
very worried that I had taken on more than I could handle, both physically that whenever you are having a discussion or are in a meeting, try to talk and
and financially. Fortunately, having a great working relationship with our listen in equal parts. It makes no difference if this is a sales talk, problem-
local Caterpillar dealership, Nebraska Machinery Company (NMC), I was solving or teaching. Dont lose sight of other individuals input, questions or
able to get a large excavator and jackhammer on site without breaking the opinions. Although I was told this nearly 50 years ago, it seems that this may
bank. The job was completed without any other setbacks. be an appropriate message for today.

My favorite piece of equipment: If I wasnt working in the wastewater

When I was actively installing, our Caterpillar backhoes. Being a small industry, I would:
one- or two-person operation meant trying to keep capital investment to a Probably be rich! Just kidding. The business has been good to us, and we
minimum. We could generally do anything we needed to do with that enjoy trying to give back. I have always enjoyed designing and building things,
equipment. Today, I would have to say my computer and smartphone. The so I would probably still be contracting and building or doing some type of
ability to react to problems and opportunities as well as develop and share residential design work.
information has probably changed how most of us are doing business.
This is my outlook for the wastewater industry:
Most challenging site Ive worked on: Advances in technology will allow us to gain a better understanding of the
The next one it seems that no matter how much planning and hows and whys of system performance so we can train both professionals and
preparation would go into a proposal, each project presents its own unique consumers in the appropriate operation and service of new and existing septic
set of problems to solve. systems. Advances in technology will open us up to better systems and
equipment to help us solve current and future environmental problems. They
The craziest question Ive been will also give us the ability to be more efficient in our business operation and,
asked by a customer: hopefully, more profitable. O
You mean I was supposed to look at all of that information you gave us?
Although not that crazy, it seems to be a recurring theme. This had generally
been preceded by the comment: Yeah, I know my system is 10 years old, but Would you like to see someone in your state or provincial
you mean I needed to have it pumped? Historically, with our bill for services, wastewater trade association profiled in Snapshot?
we have religiously provided site drawings and technical information along Send your suggestions to Jim Kneiszel at editor@onsiteinstaller.com.
with an explanation regarding their installed system. Having been around
long enough to experience follow-up calls on many of these systems proves
the old adage about leading a horse to water. As an industry, we need to ALITA LINEAR AIR PUMP

expand the efforts to get information to the homeowner/consumer.

 Full range of efficient and reliable aeration
pumps for Aerobic Treatment Unit
If I could change one industry
regulation, it would be:  Low energy cost and quiet operation
Not one thing but two. First, remove the term flushable from all wipes  3 Years Manufacturer Limited Warranty
and products with the potential of being put down the drain. Having owned  Parts and repair available for variety of
a septic pumping business for several years, we have been able to experience brands of linear air pumps
firsthand the damage and problems these products can create.  Call 626-962-2116 for more information
Second, I dont think it would be a specific regulation because regs are in
constant flux as technologies and equipment change and we are constantly ALITA INDUSTRIES, INC.
US P.O. Box 660923, Arcadia, CA 91066-0923, USA
playing catch-up, but I would find a way for the regulatory groups to be UL certified in compliance to USA and Canada phone: (626) 962-2116 fax: (626) 962-2177
adequately staffed, trained and financed so that the level of active enforcement safety standards for outdoor air compressors on-line: www.alita.com e-mail: sales@alita.com

November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 27


New Technology
and Installation Tools
By Craig Mandli

EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT cubic yards. It includes a thumb bracket, large dozer blade, hydraulic quick
coupler, attachment-ready auxiliary piping and auto two-speed function. Its
boom swing enables the operator to offset the boom 75 degrees left and 50
Case Construction degrees right, enabling close work alongside foundations and in congested
Equipment SV340 areas. 877/509-2254; www.hceamericas.com.
The SV340 skid-steer from Case Con-
struction Equipment is rated at 3,400 HAND/POWER TOOLS
pounds operating capacity and has a bucket
breakout force of 9,531 pounds. It offers
optional high-flow (38.7 gpm at 3,450 psi) Crust Busters agitator
and enhanced high-flow (35 gpm at 4,000 The hand-held power agitator from Crust Busters has an
psi) auxiliary hydraulics for power and 80-inch shaft and two- or three-blade propeller designed to
attachment versatility. It is compatible with more than 250 attachments, mix a 1,000-gallon septic tank in five minutes. Options
including the new Case sectional snow pushes, buckets, forks, brooms, include 2-, 4-, 6- and 9-foot extensions and a short three-
rakes and more. It is powered by a 90 hp FPT engine with selective cata- blade shaft that adapts to the two-blade unit.
lytic reduction that eliminates the need for a diesel particulate filter and 763/878-2296; www.crustbusters.com.
the associated downtime of other systems that require regeneration.
866/542-2736; www.casece.com. Jet Inc. BAT Media Cleaning Tool
The BAT Media Cleaning Tool from Jet Inc. allows
Ditch Witch SK1550 efficient compressed air delivery below the effluent sur-
The SK1550 mini skid-steer loader from face while service technicians remain above grade. The
Ditch Witch is powered by a 44 hp Tier 4 original swivel design can be used with readily available,
Yanmar diesel engine and directs 34.5 hp to off-the-shelf air pumps, vacuum trucks, or the Jet Catalog
the attachment, allowing the machine to compressor. Proper service removes accumulated solids
complete tasks including tree handling and with course bubbles, without a washing wand or harsh
sod transfer that are typically suited for tra- chemicals. The biologically treated solids then settle in
ditional loaders. It offers a 1,558-pound- the aeration chamber to reveal more BAT Media surface area for a new bio-
rated operating capacity to lift heavier loads and is equipped with a 94-inch logical colony to form. 800/321-6960; www.jetincorp.com.
hinge-pin height, providing flexibility for loading and unloading material on
a wide range of dump sites. The 4.7 mph ground drive speed, in forward and PROBE
reverse, increases job cycle times. Optional dual-auxiliary connections can
use attachments for better productivity for heavier loads, such as logs, trees
and sod. 800/654-6481; www.ditchwitch.com. T&T ToolsMighty Probe
The Mighty Probe from T&T Tools has a 3/8-inch hex
Hyundai Construction rod (approximately 20 percent stiffer than a round rod) or a
Equipment Americas R35Z-9A 7/16-inch hex rod (approximately twice as stiff as the
The R35Z-9A zero-tail-swing excavator standard round rod). Stiffer hex rods bend less to make the
from Hyundai Construction Equipment probe easier to push into the ground, especially when probing
Americas is powered by a 23.7 hp Yanmar at deeper depths. Lengths are available from 36 to 78 inches
engine. Its maximum digging depth is 10 in 6-inch increments. When the probe is combined with a
feet 3 inches, and bucket breakout force is slide adapter, an integrated mini slide-hammer probe is
6,900 ft-lb. With a standard canopy, the unit has an operating weight of created, allowing the technician to pound through difficult
7,800 pounds. Its also available with a cab. Standard bucket capacity is 0.14 spots. 800/521-6893; www.mightyprobe.com.

28 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017

PUMPS for the rotating face and ceramic for the stationary face. All elastomers are
Buna-N, and the hardware is 300 Series stainless steel. It has a 20-foot UL/
CSA-listed power cable thats suitable for submersible service and fitted with
Ashland Pump AGP-HC200 a three-prong plug. 888/765-9565; www.polylok.com.
grinder pump
The AGP-HC200 grinder pump from Ashland Webtrol Pumps MVPS-RE1
Pump has a radial portion that grinds waste into fine The MVPS-RE1 drop-in package for existing pro-
slurry and a cutting-edge axial portion that cuts and gressive cavity systems from Webtrol Pumps has a pro-
chops stringy solids and other forms of nonhuman waste gressive cavity pump at its center, providing reliable
into pieces small enough to pass through the small-diam- operation and nearly constant flow, and it is easily able
eter discharge pipe. Fibrous materials get chopped and to adjust for pressure variations in any system setting,
cut, while the soft solids become slurry, minimizing according to the maker. The package is powered by a 1
downstream solids and preventing clogging. The engi- 1/2 hp motor, spinning at 1,750 rpm to provide grind-
neered design prevents wrapping at the inlet, which clogs grinders. The cut- ing torque. With all package parts readily available and
ters are made of case-hardened 440 stainless steel and are easy to sharpen easily replaceable, it can quickly and easily be serviced
and adjust clearances. 855/281-6830; www.ashlandpump.com. in the field. 800/769-7867; www.webtrol.com.

Clarus Environmental Model 5054 SLUDGE SAMPLING EQUIPMENT

The Model 5054 from Clarus Environmental is
designed for high head applications. The high-efficiency,
semivortex impeller prevents any hang-ups that may Sim/Tech Filter TruCore
occur. It produces a maximum flow of 70 gpm at 20 feet The TruCore from Sim/Tech Filter is a large-diameter, accu-
TDH and can reach 114 feet at shut-off. It is powder- rate, user-friendly sludge sampler thats designed for use in the
coated, has cast-iron housing, has a 1 1/2-inch NPT dis- thicker sludge common to septic tanks. It allows samples to be
charge and can pass 3/4-inch spherical solids. taken quickly without creating excessive turbulence, as there are
800/928-7867; www.clarusenvironmental.com. no restrictions caused by valves, stoppers or flaps. With a 1 3/8-
inch I.D., the capacity per foot is almost 10 ounces. The straight-
Flygt-a Xylem Brand Concertor through design allows the sample to be effortlessly returned to
The Concertor smart, interconnected wastewater- the tank. The unit is made of a polycarbonate sampling tube
pumping system from Flygt - a Xylem Brand senses (marked every foot) and PVC fittings. It comes as a single-piece,
the operating conditions of its environment, adapts its 8-foot unit or as two 4-foot units that slip together. Custom sizes
performance in real time, and provides feedback to and configurations are also available. A simple and customizable
pumping station operators. It offers energy savings of extension kit is available for deeply buried tanks. 888/999-3290;
up to 70 percent compared to a conventional pumping www.simtechfilter.com. O
system; it also reduces inventory by up to 80 percent
due to flexible performance. Clog-free pumping operation and clean wet
wells can save up to 80 percent in vacuum cleaning costs. Its compact
design reduces cabinet size by up to 50 percent. It offers a wide perfor-

Duel Power Lid

mance field to choose the right operating point, making it simple and facili-
tating performance fine-tuning. 855/995-4261; www.xylem.com.

Polylok, Inc. / ZabelPL-CPE5A Plugs, Lids & Adaptor Rings

18", 24",
The Polylok, Inc. / Zabel PL-CPE5A is a submersible Sizes Available:
1/2 hp, 115-volt, single-phase effluent pump with a 2-inch

30" & 36"

NPT vertical discharge. It has a maximum head of 48 feet
and a maximum flow of 64 gpm. It is designed with a
3,450 rpm, oil-filled permanent split-capacitor motor and Fergus Power Products
has an amp rating of 8.5 for 115 volts, cast-iron housing, Providing Environmental Products
and volute equipped with a cast-iron vortex impeller capa- The Company who maintains a pulse on the environment!
ble of passing 3/4-inch-diameter solids. The stainless steel shaft is supported Toll Free 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 4 3 - 7 5 8 4
by two single-row, oil-lubricated ball bearings. The shaft seal is an inboard E-mail fpproducts@prtel.com
design with a secondary exclusion V seal. Construction materials are carbon www.FergusPowerProducts.com

November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 29


Featured In
New Technology An Article?
and Installation We provide reprint options
By Craig Mandli
Build systems for
trouble-free service installerprole Bobby Maxwell, left, owner of
Maxwell Precast Septic Tanks,
TM Page 16February 2013

www.promonthly.com oN locAtIoN
lowers the tank into place with the

help of equipment operator Cliff
School launches a tHe Kendall. (Photos
JoB: Oregon by Harris Hatcher)
Green Machine locAtIoN: Sweet Home, Ore.
Page 22
tHe PRo: Bucks Sanitary Service
Check out latest
pump technology

a Bow
<<< Susie Sieg, of Bucks Sanitary Service,
Page 30 unloads a Satellite Industries Maxim 3000
restroom at the Oregon Jamboree.
(Photos by Peter Krupp)

At the oregon Jamboree

music festival, the crew
the teaM
at Bucks Sanitary Service
Lisa and Scott Weld, owners of Bucks
provides service that sings Sanitary Service in Eugene, Ore., have a
BY BettY dAGeFoRde sta of 10 an office worker, yard worker,
part-time mechanic and seven drivers.
Lisa works in the office answering phones
and managing the creative and marketing

side while Scott fills in on everything
from management to running routes to

New technology eliminates Taking

maintenance. Five people worked on the
Oregon Jamboree along with the Welds

Do It Better
and their three children, Maren, 9; Milah,
13; and Sten, 17; who are accustomed to

a Bow TO
helping out at events.

The very day we found out wed

have to move our shop, somebody

Do It Better
the crew at Bucks Sanitary Never satised, Dart Kendall modies equipment and installation came through the door and said,

labor and materials costs

provides service that sings to save time, cut costs, and deliver reliable, long-lastingItDo you want to buy Bucks back?
was really a door closing, door
for oregon Music Festival

By Scottie Dayton opening, all in the same day.
Page 10 Scott Weld

Never satisfied, Dart Kendall modifies

coMpany history
or 30 years, Dart Kendall worked as a firefighter with the Cobb County During slow periods, Kendall, wife Becky, and son Cliff brainstormed
equipment and installation techniques (Ga.) Fire Department 24 hours on, 48 hours off. He filled his spare about how to work more efficiently.In They
April rearranged
2012, Lisa trucks,
and Scott Weld
modifi ed
save time, cut costs, and deliver time remodeling homes (including the lieutenant governors), building
and landscaping high-end houses, and installing septic tanks.
equipment, or custom-built machinery
drip system in one day. When that
that they
at it was
the second
to a in
install time.
crawl, when
a complete
turned to
Entertainment: Just an Ole Boy Page 16 | Expo Eats: 10 to Try Page 38 | Attractions: Tip a Frosty Mug Page 30
reliable, long-lasting systems PAGE 8 In 1985, he opened his own business in Acworth. The uncertain con-
struction industry pushed Kendall into specializing in installing and repair-
father heard the 20-year-old business was
having problems. The family made an oer
February 25 - 28, 2013, Indiana Convention Center to the founder and operated it for four
ing residential and commercial onsite systems. It also prompted him to
Advanced Septic, Acworth, Ga.

Starting At
years as an add-on to their trash and septic
service business. In 1999, when Welds

OWNERS: Dart father
and Becky Kendall
retired, they sold it to a national
I was raised to always prepare for bad times, then
YEARS IN BUSINESS: 27 solid waste company. Weld went to work
do the best I could to get through them. That training
The White
for that company, then 10 years later tried
enabled me to survive when so many others have not. his hand again at self-employment in the

Glove Test
MARKET AREA: 200-mile
trash radius

business. A few challenges cropped
Dart Kendall ANNUAL REVENUE: $850,000up, but they turned out to be fortuitous,

says Lisa Weld.
cleanliness means success for SPECIALTY: Installation and repair of residential
North carolinas teS Group name the company Advanced Septic. As drip emitter systems replaced and commercial onsite systems
Page 18 gravel-and-pipe drainfields, he kept a log detailing installation problems, AFFILIATIONS: Georgia Onsite Wastewater Association
then used the patterns he saw to change installation techniques, increase
WEBSITE: www.adseptic.com (continued)
efficiency, improve peace of mind, and make customers happier.

Problem: Brady Rett-

pumping tanks and repairing sys-
tems to stay busy. Lets roLL
An opportunity to install Eight times, Sunday through Wednesday, a caravan of three trailers
20,000 gpd or larger systems in made the hour-long drive up Interstate 5 from the companys yard to the
east Tennessee helped Kendall Its easier to send a driver Jamboree site to deliver units. Two of their 15-year-old company-built
diversify into a wastewater utility trailers held 16 units each and a third trailer carried 20 (also company-built,
called Aqua Green Utility. I was to pick up toilets if theyre using an Explorer receiver from McKee Technologies, Inc.). The company
raised to always prepare for bad used service vehicles to pull the trailers.
all in one spot. I probably
times, then do the best I could to Weld tried a new approach for the removal process. Sunday night

kowski of Done-Rite Septic

get through them, says Kendall, spent a little bit extra labor, and continuing Monday, the team pumped and moved all units to a single
56. That training enabled me staging area, which he felt simplified the job. Its easier to send a driver to
to survive when so many others but at least you dont pick up toilets if theyre all in one spot, he explains. I probably spent a little
have not. bit extra labor, but at least you dont have to send somebody with a map to
have to send somebody go to this campground, get these six, go to another campground, get these
Roller coaster eight. Then you start leaving sinks behind and the (handicap unit) doesnt
As environmental issues gained with a map to go to this ABOVE: Cliff
fit. Its just Kendall gets
a logistics more PVC
nightmare pipe
trying fromthe
to get one of the
loads compartments
to work on
out. During
their truck they
the week, outfitted to haul
grabbed supplies.
units RIGHT:permitted.
as schedules Worker Barry Little installs a Poly-
traction and onsite systems became lok PL-68 effluent filter in a septic tank.
more complex, Kendall enjoyed the campground, get these six,
challenge of finding proper solu- keepin it cLean

in Hermiston, Oregon,
tions. He spent days at trade shows
go to another campground,
Digging with care
Jamboree organizers required someone be on site and available by
talking to vendors and taking get these eight. radio
all times
Weld, his sonpressure
entering and another member
supply mainsofduring
the team stayed in
installation, ^^^ Satellite Industries Tufway restrooms are lined up and ready to go before the
classes on new technologies and a motor mounted
Kendall home at one of the campgrounds.
screw-down caps on the ends, removed them to flush the Oregon Jamboree, complete with lighting strung in the front of the units.
products, then upgrading the busi- Scott Weld pipe Venue
when the system
units werewent online,
serviced andnight
each replaced
fromthe11 caps. That
p.m. to eliminated
2 a.m. At 6:30
ness. Kendall earned state installer trash blocking
a.m. they the pressure-relief
started valves, K-Rain
in on the campground units,indexing valves,
finishing and9:30
around pressure
licenses for residential, commercial regulators, he says.
During the day, they pumped out 20 RVs and 19 holding tanks 10 at the
and drip emitter systems, and two shower facilities and the balance for the food vendors.
received Pumper I and II licenses.
We did a lot of new construc-
Joining theirvehicles
Five service state onsite association
were used: is one335
A 2010 Peterbilt of the
and best
a 2008
International 4300, both built out by Progress Vactruck with 1,500-gallon

was tasked with the

tion during the housing boom things contractors
waste/500-gallon canaluminum
freshwater do to improve
tanks; abusiness
2001 Isuzuand
because it was easy, profitable and <<< The Bucks team includes, from
left, Milah Weld, Susie Sieg, Josh
in business.Truck
Workmate/FMI The Sales
day &they think
Service with they know waste/350-gallon
an 850-gallon everything
fast, says Kendall. Id bid a subdi- freshwater steel tank; and two 2000 International 4700s built out by Lely
vision, the developer would fax
Cliff Kendall installs aggregate from ICC Technologies using the Bullseye 5+ machine Wooley,control
Weld,receiver from
Scott Weld Apache
and is the day they begin falling behind.
Manufacturing Inc. with 750-gallon waste/350-gallon freshwater steel tanks. Joining their state onsite association is one of the best things contractors
Technologies. The RL-H4C laser from Topcon Positioning Systems is on the tripodEric Brownrigg.
in the background.
eight or 10 permits, and we would Dart Kendall
All have Masport pumps. can do to improve business and stay in business, says Kendall. The day they
install the systems a 1,000-gallon think they know everything is the day they begin falling behind.
Waste was transported to the companys yard each night and transferred
tank with 250 feet of drainfield. They initially used nipple couplings to attach drip lines to supply lines, Meanwhile, Kendall coaches Cliff, 31, for the day when he assumes
to a 20,000-gallon tank. From there, another pumping contractor picked up
The very
When day weoffound
the advent out
aerobic wed have
treatment to move
units (ATUs) our shop, somebody
enabled developers country
Fightingmusicbackfestival. Surprisingly, Wynonna Judd said yes and the festival but some always broke off during settling in the rocky soil. Kendall switched
the waste and disposed of it by land application.
responsibility for the company. I stress planning for when things go from bad
to buildthrough thewith
on sites doortooand said,
much Do
clay foryou want to buy
conventional Bucks back?
drainfields, KendallIt has As
attracted top talent
the housing bubbleever since. Inin2012,
exploded the 9,000
late 2008, residents
Kendall listed welcomed
upcoming to compression couplings from the drip irrigation industry. If they settle too to worse, he says. Its not how fast you leverage yourself. Sustainable growth
was really a door closing, door opening, all in the geosynthetic
chose same day. They quickly
aggregate 40,000
jobs onvisitors
a board August
in the3-5,
shopmost of whomhis
to apprise camped out. Judd was
eight employees back
of the to help
situation. much, the tubing pulls out, he says. We just cut it, add an extension, and is through steady plodding. O

replacement of a failed
jumped at the chance. celebrate the Jamborees 20th anniversary, along with Rascal Flatts, Dierks saMe
shove But
it into thedifferent
coupling. Its an easy fix.
from ICC Technologies and They talked up business and kept us going a lot longer, says Kendall. When
Today their business is exclusively portable Bentley, the Charlie Daniels Band, and enough performers for 22 shows on Careful
In one trench
sense, excavation
Weld was an ensures that
old pro atsoil
event, sothe tubing
it was as it leaves
pretty much
became arestrooms, serving and
certified installer the the work ran out, I had to let them go. That really hurt. He also sold off excess
100-mile-wide Willamette Valley. Theyve got about 1,500
distributor forSatellite
Delta Industries
two stages. Other attractions included beer and wine gardens, merchandise
equipment and made the last payment on a new backhoe, entering the reces- the supplyaslines,
business reducing
usual, the chance
he says. On the that it will
other hand,cometheout.
and scopealso uses
units gray Tufways and Maxims (and a few whiteProducts
ones for weddings, booths and a kids zone. The event is held in a no-facilities, 20-acre park-like flexible
changedtubing for air lines
significantly over because
the yearsit
theirinstead of breaking
first year, as it settles
they brought in 60
mental (Pentair). and
He sion debt-free. Apache Technologies Pentair
setting near the edge of the picturesque town. around
units forATUonetanks.
venue and four campgrounds. That was the most difficult Milah Weld helps out her fathers crew, keeping
^^^800/874-6253 restrooms and hand-wash
green units for their University of Oregon tailgating;
even boughtquack shacks,
molds andthey call
precast Kendall and son Cliff, who joined the company in 2002, expanded into 888/416-9513
thing keep inlet
me, heand outlet
says. So Itees
hadfrom twisting
to get my actortogether.
breaking Heoff during
got his stations stocked with soap and paper products
www.trimble.com at the Oregon Jamboree, includ-
them after the Oregon Ducks mascot), several tanks ADA-compliant
to ensure structuralFreedomsand installing drip emitter systems for large warehouse complexes. The work
armscrew members
around level the
it. Youve gotbottoms of tank your
to just scratch holeshead
with the
kick to ensure
it in gear that
and ing these Wave sinks from Satellite Industries.
and wheelchair-accessible Liberties anwatertight
Ameri-Can Engineering
integrity Crowd
lastedthe nuMBers
18 months. They
the teesdidnt
go. We align with
stop the pipes.
moving allThen they excavate
weekend. the trenches, leaving the vir- Brentwood Industries Polylok/Zabel
Pleaser restroom trailer, and two smaller Comfort Station trailers from 610/236-1100
or Whitewater ATUs. returned to residential
The company brought in 265 units (20 Maxims, 10 Freedoms, 20 Environmental
systemRoomBranching into
Advanced Containment Systems, Inc. About 50 percent of their work is gin soil supporting the lines. They also excavate smaller tank holes to reduce www.brentwoodprocess.com
Pumping helped the com- pumping one
Liberties, andStanding Only urinal unit, balance Tufways), 877/765-9565
backfill settling.

chamber system utilizing

special events, including, in 2012, the U.S. Olympic track-and-field trials. MORE INFO www.polylok.com
pany bridge the hard times. Ken- repairs,
three growing
restroom bothand 73
trailers, service
hand-wash enabled
stations us
pay bills Industries I dont mind fixing something, but its a point of pride to do it correctly Haulmark Industries, Inc. (See ad page 40)
dall bought a 1994 GMC vacuum businesses.
Waves from Inthe 2008,
companyswe inventory, the rest PolyPortables, Inc. Tag Alongs Advanced Containment
800/348-7530 Masport, Inc. Progress Vactruck
Making connections truck with a 1,800-gallon steel were installing
rented eight resi-
from a colleague). during the worst slowdowns. the first time, says Kendall. Advanced Septic has won two customer service
Systems, Inc.
www.haulmark.com 800/228-4510 800/467-5600
Topcon Positioning
awards from Angies List. 800/927-2271 www.masportpump.com www.progressvactruck.com
tank and Becker pump from dential
Somesystems per week
115 units, including Dart Kendall
five handicap-accessible, were set up at the www.acsi-us.com Systems, Inc.
The Welds live in Sweet Home so theyve always had the hometown ICC Technologies 925/245-8300
advantage for the Jamboree and Bucks has Keith
it sinceBranching intoina
its beginning and three
main venue commercial
a few at bus stops, the hospitality center, and parking lots, Stepping stones 877-422-3569 McKee Technologies - Satellite Industries
pumping enabled Ameri-Can Engineering Explorer Trailers (See ad page800/328-3332
1996. They feel confident theyll retain the work as long as theyus to paygood
provide bills systems
but a month,
the bulk in large Kendall
alongToday theto
with six company installs only
eight hand-wash 10 residen-
stations, were Early in his career, Kendall joined the Georgia Onsite Wastewater www.iccflowtech.com
574/892-5151 866/457-5425
service and a reasonable price. during the worst slowdowns, tial andattwo
placed the commercial
four cornerssystems per year,
of the facility. Theand those
crew numbers
placed could
the ACSI have
trailers Association to get as much training as possible and to network with experts. www.ameri-can.com www.mckeetechnologies.com (See ad page 27)
he says. been the
lower.forSome of the current
the is a result of Engineering
competitors going
trailerout K-Rain Vermeer
near the performers Ameri-Can in Eventually, he was asked to give presentations at onsite conferences and to www.krain.com
(See ad page 46)
of business.
the food court/beer garden, along with the urinal unit. serve on the GOWA board of directors he became president in 2012. With Lely Manufacturing, Inc. Workmate/FMI Truck
the Main event 800/334-2763 PolyPortables, Inc. Sales & Service
In 2009,units
Kendall branched into installing 20,000- to 50,000-gpd sys- association lobbyist Bruce Widener and Assistant Environment Protection Keith Huber, Inc.

pressure distribution. The

Thirty and six hand-wash stations were arranged in two banks www.lelyus.com 800/241-7951 800/927-8750
Cliff Kendall levels the septic tank tems for schools and exclusive Division Director Jim Ussery, Kendall is working to reverse revenue-killing 800/334-8237
In the early 90s, when Sweet Home came up with an idea to help at a smaller, adjacent venue. subdivisions
The rest of the in Tennessee
inventory (see
was sidebar).
taken toThe 23 www.polyportables.com
www.keithhuber.com (See ad page 33)
using an RL-H4C auto-leveling,
fund civic projects, this little town asked aslope-matching
big star to perform massive scale ofThirteen
the projects
units enabled himto toindividual
hire Barrycampsites.
Little, who had lost restrictions on land application of septage.
their Top-
first campgrounds. were rented
his job at the local wastewater treatment plant. Kendall designs the (continued)
con Positioning Systems.

Reprinted with permission from PRO / February 2013 / 2013, COLE Publishing Inc., P.O. Box 220, Three Lakes, WI 54562 / 800-257-7222 / www.promonthly.com

Build systems for

drainfield failed because

trouble-free service

Page 16

School launches a

Sizes: 24" x 30" & 36" x 45"

Green Machine
Page 22

Check out latest

ground-burrowing rodents
installerprole pump technology Bobby Maxwell, left, owner of
2013 PROMOTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT QUALITY AND PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE www.onsiteinstaller.com Page 30 Maxwell Precast Septic Tanks,
lowers the tank into place with the
help of equipment operator Cliff
Kendall. (Photos by Harris Hatcher)

had managed to pack the

chambers full of sand.
This is a common problem in our area with any drainfield system A WAY TO A WAY TO
that doesnt use rock, Rettkowski says. With his original drainfield Do It BetterDo It Better Never satisfied, Dart KendallNever
satised, Dart Kendall modies equipment and installation techniques
equipment and installation techniquesto save time, cut costs, and deliver reliable, long-lasting systems

destroyed, the homeowner was adamant that he was not going to LASER
to save time, cut costs, and deliver By Scottie Dayton
reliable, long-lasting systems PAGE 8

or 30 years, Dart Kendall worked as a firefighter with the Cobb County During slow periods, Kendall, wife Becky, and son Cliff brainstormed
(Ga.) Fire Department 24 hours on, 48 hours off. He filled his spare about how to work more efficiently. They rearranged trucks, modified

accept anything but genuine rock and pipe for his new drainfield.
time remodeling homes (including the lieutenant governors), building equipment, or custom-built machinery so that they could install a complete
and landscaping high-end houses, and installing septic tanks. drip system in one day. When that work slowed to a crawl, they turned to

In 1985, he opened his own business in Acworth. The uncertain con- (continued)
struction industry pushed Kendall into specializing in installing and repair-
ing residential and commercial onsite systems. It also prompted him to
Advanced Septic, Acworth, Ga.
OWNERS: Dart and Becky Kendall
I was raised to always prepare for bad times, then
do the best I could to get through them. That training EMPLOYEES: 2
enabled me to survive when so many others have not.

Starting At
MARKET AREA: 200-mile radius
Dart Kendall ANNUAL REVENUE: $850,000
SPECIALTY: Installation and repair of residential

Solution: Rettkowski deployed the BH 2412 leach line-extrusion

name the company Advanced Septic. As drip emitter systems replaced and commercial onsite systems

gravel-and-pipe drainfields, he kept a log detailing installation problems, AFFILIATIONS: Georgia Onsite Wastewater Association

then used the patterns he saw to change installation techniques, increase
WEBSITE: www.adseptic.com
efficiency, improve peace of mind, and make customers happier.

pumping tanks and repairing sys-

machine from Rockslide Technologies. The unit can place gravel,

tems to stay busy.
An opportunity to install
20,000 gpd or larger systems in
east Tennessee helped Kendall
diversify into a wastewater utility
called Aqua Green Utility. I was
raised to always prepare for bad
times, then do the best I could to

pipe and fabric in a single pass down an excavated trench. He started

get through them, says Kendall,
56. That training enabled me
to survive when so many others
have not.

Roller coaster
As environmental issues gained

a flat trench on-grade and then placed and filled the unit with 1 1/2-
traction and onsite systems became
more complex, Kendall enjoyed the
challenge of finding proper solu-
tions. He spent days at trade shows
talking to vendors and taking
classes on new technologies and
products, then upgrading the busi-

inch round rock and 1 1/4-inch HDPE pipe. The machine was then
ness. Kendall earned state installer
licenses for residential, commercial ABOVE: Cliff Kendall gets more PVC pipe from one of the compartments on
and drip emitter systems, and their truck outfitted to haul supplies. RIGHT: Worker Barry Little installs a Poly-
lok PL-68 effluent filter in a septic tank.
received Pumper I and II licenses.
We did a lot of new construc-
tion during the housing boom
because it was easy, profitable and Digging with care

intermittently pulled along the trench bottom with a backhoe to

fast, says Kendall. Id bid a subdi- To keep trash from entering pressure supply mains during installation,
Cliff Kendall installs aggregate from ICC Technologies
Kendall mountedusing the Bullseye 5+caps
screw-down machine control
on the ends,laser receiver
removed themfromto Apache
flush the
vision, the developer would fax Technologies. The RL-H4C laser from Topcon Positioning Systems is on the tripod in the background.
eight or 10 permits, and we would pipe when the system went online, and replaced the caps. That eliminated
install the systems a 1,000-gallon trash blocking the pressure-relief valves, K-Rain indexing valves, and pressure
tank with 250 feet of drainfield. regulators, he says.
When the advent of aerobic treatment units (ATUs) enabled developers Fighting back
to build on sites with too much clay for conventional drainfields, Kendall Joining theirbubble
As the housing stateexploded
onsite association is onelisted
in late 2008, Kendall of the best

deposit the gravel and pipe on-grade. Because he was constructing

chose geosynthetic aggregate jobs on a board in the shop to apprise his eight employees of the situation.
from ICC Technologies and things
They talked contractors
up business and can
keptdo to improve
us going business
a lot longer, says Kendall. and stay
became a certified installer and inwork
the business.
ran out, I hadTheto day they
let them think
go. That they
really know
hurt. He alsoeverything
sold off excess
distributor for Delta Environ- equipment and made the last payment on a new backhoe, entering the reces-
mental Products (Pentair). He
is the day they begin falling behind.
sion debt-free. Joining their state onsite association is one of the best things contractors
even bought molds and precast Dart Kendall
Kendall and son Cliff, who joined the company in 2002, expanded into can do to improve business and stay in business, says Kendall. The day they
tanks to ensure structural and installing drip emitter systems for large warehouse complexes. The work think they know everything is the day they begin falling behind.

pressurized leach lines, Rettkowski later uncovered the lateral pipes

watertight integrity for ECOPOD They initially
lasted 18 months. They used nipple couplings to attach drip lines to supply lines, Meanwhile, Kendall coaches Cliff, 31, for the day when he assumes
or Whitewater ATUs. but sometoalways
returned broke off during settling in the rocky soil. Kendall switched
residential responsibility for the company. I stress planning for when things go from bad
Pumping helped the com- to compression
pumping and couplings
system from Branching intoindustry.
the drip irrigation a pumping If they settle too to worse, he says. Its not how fast you leverage yourself. Sustainable growth
much, the tubing pulls
both out,service
he says. We just cut it, add an extension, and is through steady plodding. O
pany bridge the hard times. Ken- repairs, growing
shove it into
enabled us to pay bills
dall bought a 1994 GMC vacuum businesses. Inthe coupling.
2008, we Its an easy fix.
truck with a 1,800-gallon steel Careful trench
were installing eight excavation
resi- during thesoil
ensures that worst slowdowns.
supports the tubing as it leaves
tank and Becker pump from the supply
dential systems lines,
week the chance
Dart that it will come out. Kendall also uses
Kendall MORE INFO:

at prescribed intervals, drilled distribution orifices, installed orifice

Keith Huber. Branching into a flexible
and threetubing for air lines because it bends instead of breaking as it settles
commercial Apache Technologies Pentair
pumping enabled us to pay bills aroundaATU
systems month,tanks.
Kendall says. Today the company installs only 10 residen- 800/874-6253 888/416-9513
during the worst slowdowns, To keep
tial and inlet and outlet
two commercial tees from
systems twisting
per year, andorthose
breaking off during
numbers couldsettling,
have www.trimble.com www.pentair.com
he says. the even
been crew lower.
members Somelevel
of the
the bottoms of tank
current work is aholes
resultwith the laser to ensure
of competitors that
going out
Brentwood Industries Polylok/Zabel
ofthe tees align with the pipes. Then they excavate the trenches, leaving the vir-
business. 610/236-1100
ginInsoil supporting Environmental
2009, Kendallthe lines. They
branched intoalso excavate
installing smallertotank
20,000- holes to reduce
50,000-gpd sys- www.brentwoodprocess.com 877/765-9565

Cliff Kendall levels the septic tank backfill
tems settling.and exclusive subdivisions in Tennessee (see sidebar). The
for schools www.polylok.com

shields and then covered the rock with filter fabric. The machine
using an RL-H4C auto-leveling, I dont
slope-matching laser from Top- massive scale mind
of thefixing something,
projects enabled buthimits
to ahire
point of pride
Barry Little,towho
do ithad
lost Haulmark Industries, Inc. (See ad page 40)
his jobfirst time,
at the says
local Kendall. Advanced
wastewater treatment Septic has wondesigns
plant. Kendall two customer service
the systems 800/348-7530
con Positioning Systems. www.haulmark.com
awards from Angies List. Topcon Positioning
(continued) Systems, Inc.
ICC Technologies 925/245-8300
Stepping stones 877-422-3569 www.topconpositioning.com
Early in his career, Kendall joined the Georgia Onsite Wastewater www.iccflowtech.com (See ad page 21)
Association to get as much training as possible and to network with experts.
K-Rain Vermeer

eliminated my need for employees, satisfied my clients require-

Eventually, he was asked to give presentations at onsite conferences and to www.krain.com 888/837-6337

serve on the GOWA board of directors he became president in 2012. With www.vermeer.com
association lobbyist Bruce Widener and Assistant Environment Protection Keith Huber, Inc.
Division Director Jim Ussery, Kendall is working to reverse revenue-killing 800/334-8237
restrictions on land application of septage.

ments, and saved me several hundred dollars in material costs ver- Starting At

sus using alternative leach line products, Rettkowski says.
Result: The homeowner is content knowing the new drainfield is
impervious to ground-burrowing rodents. 541/567-7830;
www.rockslidetech.com. O

Order through our website

30 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017
Im proud
of my industry.
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November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 31


Water Cannon Inc. - MWBE

Advanced Drainage skid-style pressure washer
Systems announces The V-belt drive skid-style hot-water pres-
management changes sure washer from Water Cannon Inc. -
Advanced Drainage Systems announced several MWBE is powered by a Kohler diesel engine
leadership changes as part of its previously commu- and has customizable psi ratings from 3,200
nicated succession plan. The board of directors has to 4,000 and power from 4 to 8 gpm. It is self-
named Scott Barbour president and CEO, succeed- contained with dual 15-gallon poly diesel fuel tanks, a 12-volt battery
ing Joe Chlapaty, who has served in that capacity start and a 45-amp charging system, so no external power is required. It
since 2004. Chlapaty will become chairman emeri- Scott Barbour has a stainless steel coil wrap, a burner hood, Beckett burners, a control
tus of the board. The board also named C. Robert panel, an adjustable thermostat and safety pressure release valve controls.
Accessories include a gun/wand assembly, 50-foot high-pressure hose,
Kidder as chairman of the board and Barbour as a director.
Maxi-Flo 20 percent chemical injector, four color-coded spray nozzles and
a color-coded chemical nozzle. An optional wheel kit is offered for porta-
Medo USA announces merger with Nitto Kohki bility. 800/333-9274; www.watercannon.com.
Medo USA has merged with its parent company, Nitto Kohki, to unify
its corporate structure in the U.S. The companys structure, location and Advanced Drainage Systems
contact information will remain the same. The merger will have no effect on Barracuda hydrodynamic separator
pump models, part numbers, and pricing of air compressors and vacuum The Barracuda S4 hydrodynamic separator from
pumps previously purchased from Medo USA. Advanced Drainage Systems removes sediment and other
debris from stormwater runoff, protecting water
Wieser Concrete promotes resources. It is designed with teeth that mitigate turbu-
Winkler to general manager lence in the storage chamber to prevent resuspension of
captured contaminants. The Barracuda is designed to be
Andy Winkler has been promoted to general
used on single manhole jobs and offers multiple pipe con-
manager of the Wieser Concrete headquarters in figurations, flexible inlet and outlet positioning, quick installation, and easy

Maiden Rock, Wisconsin. He will lead the companys inspection and maintenance. 800/821-6710; www.ads-pipe.com. O
safety, marketing, sales, administrative and service
Andy Winkler
HD Supply Waterworks
changes name
HD Supply Waterworks announced it is changing its name to Core &
Main, effective immediately. The company, previously a division of HD Sup-
ply, currently employs about 2,900 associates at 246 branch locations
throughout the U.S. O

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Serving the Industry

Visit your state and provincial trade associations

ALABAMA GEORGIA Maine Association of Granite State Designers and

Alabama Onsite Georgia Onsite Professional Soil Scientists; Installers Association;
Wastewater Association; Wastewater Association; www.mapss.org www.gsdia.org; 603/228-1231
www.aowainfo.org; www.onsitewastewater.org;
334/396-3434 678/646-0379 MARYLAND NEW MEXICO
Maryland Onsite Wastewater Professional Onsite Wastewater
ARIZONA Georgia F.O.G. Alliance; Professionals Association; Reuse Association of
Arizona Onsite Wastewater www.georgiafog.com www.mowpa.org; 443/570-2029 New Mexico;
Recycling Association; www.powranm.org;
www.azowra.org; 928/443-0333 IDAHO MASSACHUSETTS 505/989-7676
Onsite Wastewater Yankee Onsite
ARKANSAS Association of Idaho; Wastewater Association; NEW YORK
Arkansas Onsite www.owaidaho.org; www.maowp.org; 781/939-5710 Long Island Liquid Waste
Wastewater Association; 208/664-2133 Association, Inc.;
www.arkowa.com MICHIGAN www.lilwa.org; 631/585-0448
ILLINOIS Michigan Onsite Wastewater
CALIFORNIA Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association; NORTH CAROLINA
California Onsite Professionals of Illinois; www.mowra.org North Carolina Septic
Wastewater Association; www.owpi.org Tank Association;
www.cowa.org; 530/513-6658 Michigan Septic www.ncsta.net; 336/416-3564
INDIANA Tank Association;
COLORADO Indiana Onsite Waste Water www.msta.biz; 989/808-8648 North Carolina Portable
Colorado Professionals Professionals Association; Toilet Group;
in Onsite Wastewater; www.iowpa.org; 317/889-2382 MINNESOTA www.ncportabletoiletgroup.org;
www.cpow.net; 720/626-8989 Minnesota Onsite 252/249-1097
IOWA Wastewater Association;
CONNECTICUT Iowa Onsite Waste www.mowa-mn.com; North Carolina Pumper Group;
Connecticut Onsite Wastewater Water Association; 888/810-4178 www.ncpumpergroup.org;
Recycling Association; www.iowwa.com; 515/225-1051 252/249-1097
www.cowra-online.org; MISSOURI
860/267-1057 KANSAS Missouri Smallflows OHIO
Kansas Small Flows Organization; Ohio Onsite
DELAWARE Association; www.mosmallflows.org; Wastewater Association;
Delaware On-Site Wastewater www.ksfa.org; 913/594-1472 417/631-4027 www.ohioonsite.org;
Recycling Association; 888/294-0084
Kentucky Onsite Wastewater Nebraska On-site OREGON
FLORIDA Association; Waste Water Association; Oregon Onsite
Florida Onsite www.kentuckyonsite.org; www.nowwa.org; 402/476-0162 Wastewater Association;
Wastewater Association; 855/818-5692 www.o2wa.org; 541/389-6692
www.fowaonsite.com; NEW HAMPSHIRE
321/363-1590 MAINE New Hampshire Association PENNSYLVANIA
Maine Association of Septage Haulers; Pennsylvania Association of
of Site Evaluators; www.nhash.com; 603/831-8670 Sewage Enforcement Officers;
www.mainese.com www.pa-seo.org; 717/761-8648

34 | ONSITE INSTALLER November 2017


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Call Dewayne for a quote!
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VIRGINIA Installers of Manitoba, Inc.; 1.800.321.6960
Virginia Onsite Wastewater www.owsim.com; 204/771-0455 email@jetincorp.com www.shaddix.us
Recycling Association;
www.vowra.org; 540/377-9830 NEW BRUNSWICK

installer classifieds
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WASHINGTON Onsite Wastewater Professionals;
Onsite Installer Marketplace C_EAward.indd 1 3/26/2013 9:23:15 AM
Washington On-Site www.nbaowp.ca; 506/455-5477

Sewage Association; Place your ad online at: www.onsiteinstaller.com

www.wossa.org; 253/770-6594 NOVA SCOTIA
Waste Water Nova Scotia; AERATORS DRAINFIELD
WISCONSIN www.wwns.ca; 902/246-2131 We sell Flagg-Air 340, Secoh, Gast and Medo RESTORATION
Wisconsin Onsite Water Linear, FPZ and Gast Regenerative, Thomas Terralifts - New and Used. Financing avail-
Recycling Association; ONTARIO and Gast Rotary Vane aerators, rebuild kits and able for qualified buyers. For more infor-
www.wowra.com; 888/782-6815 Ontario Onsite alarms at wholesale prices. Septic Services, mation call Dick Crane 800-223-2256 or
Inc. www.septicserv.com 800-536-5564 (iM) aalco@tds.net for electronic brochure. www.
Wastewater Association;
youtube.com/watch?v=t8ApRUOasnY (PBM)
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November 2017 ONSITE INSTALLER | 35

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