What You Know About Carcosa
What You Know About Carcosa
What You Know About Carcosa
- There are 13 'races'. They are: Black Men, Blue Men, - The largest political unit is the Village-state, with a
Bone Men, Brown Men, Dolm Men, Green Men, Jale Men, population of less than 500.
Orange Men, Purple Men, Red Men, Ulfire Men, White
Men, and Yellow Men. These are not the skin tones of the - Childhood ends in the pre-teen years, (10 12) and is in
ethnicities of Earth, but are colors pronounced and vivid. no way idealized. Old Age is likewise a vulnerable time.
- "Ulfire to be wild and painful, and jale dreamlike, - Governments are absolutist, with excess servility toward
feverish, and voluptuous. (David Lindsay, A Voyage a ruler, who is usually an egomaniac (all the rulers are
to Arcturus, chapter 6: Joiwind) Qadaffis, or Neros) with vast pretensions.
- Dolm stand[s] in the same relation to jale as green to - Carcosan Men exist at a subsistence level of hunting and
red. It is a compound of ulfire and blue. (David Lindsay, gathering. Agriculture is rare and pitiful when it occurs.
A Voyage to Arcturus, chapter 18: Haunte)
- Most Carcosans are insectivores, whose diet is mainly
- Bone Men are transparent, with only their bones made up of insects.
- Arms and Armor technology is very advanced,
- Facial features are mostly identical, most resembling comparatively. Assume a 1300 AD level of arms
Native Americans or a mix of Asian/Caucasian features. technology for the villages. Other technology is more like
the early Dark Ages, circa 500 - 700 AD.
- The races cannot interbreed.
- Villages can mint coins and produce jewelry.
- The different races shun each other out of fear of being
enslaved and/or sacrificed. - Carcosan Village agriculture is confined to roots, tubers
and various ugly squashes. They have to be cooked
- Bone Men are more shunned than most. extensively to be palatable.
- Jale Men are said to have a talent for sorcery. - The only alcoholic beverage is a type of mead, made
from the honey of certain cultivated bee-like insects. It is
- There are beings called the Great Old Ones. Some fantastically expensive and intended for the elite.
worship them as Gods, and are called Men of Chaos, or
Chaotic. Some fear and hate them, and see men (and the - Drug use, through herbs or ground-up insects, is the main
laws of men) as morally superior. They are called the Men intoxicant of the non-elite. Such drug use makes you more
of the Laws, or Lawful passive and lethargic, and is frowned on by the elites. Drug
use among the elites is confined to stimulants and exotic
- There are many other races on Carcosa, most of which hallucinogens.
are dying out. They are sometimes called such things as
Old Ones, Elder Ones and such. Few know much about - Dinosaur meat is very highly prized, but dangerous to
them. hunt and sometimes to consume, if it is tainted by toxins.
Crustaceans and eels from the seas, ditto.
- There are also monsters and demons, which can be
summoned by sorcerers. - Carcosan housing relies on adobe like brick.
Hemispheres are a common architectural design. Most
- Men see themselves as weak and as less knowledgeable homes consist of single domes or, for the elite, halls or
than other races, and are inclined to fatalism. square buildings with an interior courtyard.
- Actual historical knowledge is limited. - All Carcosan languages of men are derived from the
same root and are mutually intelligible, though with thick
- Curiosity is considered dangerous, and sometimes un- accents (nearly dialects) among the 13 races.
- Because of the impossibility of inbreeding, slaves from
- From a 21st century perspective, Carcosan culture seems other races are desirable as concubines, as they produce no
degraded (like the Natives of Skull Island in the recent heirs. Purple-men women are highly prized for this
version of King Kong). purpose, as are Green-men women. There is an active slave
trade, perhaps more than any other sort of product.
- There are roughly three types of culture among men:
Barbarians, Villagers, Nomads. Villagers are the vast - The society of Carcosan men is highly sexist and
majority. patriarchal. Women are regarded as property, (albeit highly
valued) who have few, if any, rights. Exceptions can and do