A Study On Factors Influences Consumer Buying Behavior of Modular Kitchen in Chennai City
A Study On Factors Influences Consumer Buying Behavior of Modular Kitchen in Chennai City
A Study On Factors Influences Consumer Buying Behavior of Modular Kitchen in Chennai City
A Study on Factors Influences Consumer Buying Behavior of Modular Kitchen in Chennai City
*M. Gomathy
**Dr. K. K. Sabarirajan
Journal of Exclusive Management Science April 2017 - Vol 6 Issue 04 ISSN 2277-5684
Insight into this process is beneficial to marketers in as much as the marketers can design marketing
strategies that appeal to demographic characteristics of different consumers.
Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) observe that friends, neighbours and acquaintances have influence
on consumers buying decisions. For consumers, new products and services may represent increased
opportunities to satisfy personal, social and environmental needs, and add to their quality of life. For
the marketer, new products and services provide an important mechanism for keeping the firm
competitive and profitable. Also, environment or culture is another basic determinant of much of our
decision making as well as buying behaviour.
Kotler and Armstrong (1991) state that individual's interest in selecting goods and services
influenced by nationality, religion, race and geographical background. Tian (2001) explained that
interior objects, including household appliances are often used to attract and impress others. Therefore
the impact of the purchase behaviour on modern house interiors like modular kitchen design and its
retail environment present a major exciting challenge for the future.
Green (1993) buying decision are influenced at most by consumers buying habits, if one has a
habit of always buying name brand items, one may think that other brands are inferior. One should try
to evaluate his or her habits to make sure one is learning to be a careful shopper. Thus the past reviews
have shown that there must be an interesting behaviour of consumer which induces them to go for
purchase. The research includes various factors like the demographic factors and personal factors to
find out the major influence on consumer purchase behaviour of modular kitchen.
The objective of this study is to find out the demographic and personal factors influence on
consumers modular kitchen purchase decision.
H1: There is a significant positive relationship between demographic factors like age, marital status,
educational qualification, income level, occupation, and family size and consumer purchasing Decision.
H2: There is a significant positive relationship between gender and consumer purchasing Decision.
H3: There is a significant positive relationship between personal factors like personality and life style
and consumer purchasing Decision.
This study is to examine the relationship between one factor (a dependent variable) and another
(an independent variable) in a population uses descriptive research design. The study used both
primary data and secondary data to gather necessary information. The population sample for this study
taken from the consumers who visits modular kitchen showroom and were willing to fill up the
questionnaire. Therefore the target respondents of this survey are the consumers who visit modular
kitchen stores for purchase and convenience sampling method was adopted to conduct this study. The
instrument used in this study was a self- developed questionnaire, which contains 27 questions used a
Likert scale to measure responses on factors affecting consumer purchase behaviour. The questionnaire
was administered on a total of two hundred and fourteen respondents (214) which was sample from
modular kitchen showroom. The data collected were analysed using Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS 16).
Analysis and Findings
Factor Analysis
Factor analysis was conducted based on seven question of Consumer purchasing decision,
seven questions on personality and six questions on life style. The overall of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
measure of sampling adequacy was found to be 0.854 exceeding the recommendation value of 0.6
(Kaiser, 1974) and all twenty items have value range of between 0.50 and 0.90. Furthermore, the three
factors with Eigen values more than 1. These factors captured 43.17 percent of the total variance of the
items. Also loadings with 0.50 or greater on one factor are considered. The reliability test with the
Cronbach alphas of the measures shows were all factors exceeds the lower limit of acceptability that is
a> 0.50. The consumer purchase decision with seven items the value is 0.87, the seven items on
personality scored 0.82 and the life style items got the cronbach alphas of 0.77. Hence all the values
were highly reliable and acceptable thus, provides strong support for further analysis.
Journal of Exclusive Management Science April 2017 - Vol 6 Issue 04 ISSN 2277-5684
Kruskal-Wallis analysis
Kruskal Wallis ranked analysis of variance has been computed to test the formulated hypothesis
and the results are presented in following table 1.
Table 1.Kruskal Wallis test for demographic factors
Chi- square p
Demographic factors
value value
Age 11.579 .009
Modular Educational
9.282 .26
kitchen qualification
Marital status 7.493 .24
Occupation 12.419 .002
Income level 26.119 .000
Family size 13.178 .012
From the above table 1, it is clear that the value of chi-square statistics is 11.579, 9.282, 7.493,
12.419, 26.119, and 13.178 with its corresponding p (significance value) values are 0.009, 0.26, 0.24,
0.002, 0.000, and 0.012. Since the value of p 0.05, the null hypothesis is getting rejected. So it is
concluded that there exist a significant difference between the average weightage of purchase decision
given by each factors within their group of respondents.
Also Gender is an important factor to examine there exist a significant relationship between the
purchase decision and of consumer gender difference. Mann-Whitney U-test has been computed to test
the hypothesis and the results are presented in below table.
Table 2.Mann-Whitney U-test for gender difference and purchase decision
Gender N Z value p value
Total 214
The above Mann- Whitney U-Test table shows that the value of Z value -1.621 with a
corresponding p (significance value) = 0.052. Since the value of p 0.05, the null hypothesis is getting
accepted. Hence it is found that irrespective of their gender difference, the average weightage given to
purchase decision by the two different gender group of respondent remains same.
Correlation analysis
Table 3.Correlation of consumer purchase decision with personal factor
Personality Life style purchase decision
The Person correlation coefficient was performed to obtain the relationship between consumers
purchase decision with personal factors. The value of the correlation coefficients indicates the strength
of the relation between the variables. The correlation between these two variables is shown in above
table is more than 0.50 and is considered strongly correlated between variables. This indicates good
associations between these two variables.
The first hypothesis tested that there exist a positive relationship between demographic factors and
consumers' modular kitchen purchasing Decision. The Kruskal-Wallis test procedure was used. The
result indicates that the demographic factors like age, marital status, educational qualification, income
level, occupation, and family size are significantly influences purchase decision of modular kitchen.
Therefore the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. Hence the income level of consumers' decision
to purchase modular kitchen is highest and followed by occupation, family size, occupation, age,
educational qualification, and marital status.
The second hypothesis tested the relationship of gender difference of consumers on purchase
decision of modular kitchen by the respondents. The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to test the
hypothesis. The result indicated that there is no significant relationship between the two variables.
Thus the alternative hypothesis (H2) was rejected. Hence gender difference does not influence their
purchase decision remarkably
The third hypothesis tested the relationship of personal factors of consumers on the purchase
decision of modular kitchen by the respondents. The correlation procedure was used for the test. The
result indicated that there is a significant relationship between the personal factors and purchase
decision. Thus the alternative hypothesis (H3) was accepted. Hence Personality of consumers' has
higher positive relationship with purchase decision of modular kitchen than lifestyle.
Managerial Implications
Based on the above analysis and findings the researcher has made the following implications.
1. Consumers' gender has no effect on consumer purchase decision of modular kitchen, so the
manufacturers and marketers of modular kitchen should design marketing strategies that appeal to
consumers in both male and female alike.
2. Also it was noted that consumers personality highly influences purchase decision. Therefore the
Marketers should establish superior marketing strategies in order to stay connected with happenings in
the market and changes over consumer attitude and perception.
3. The researcher further recommends that marketers need to be aware and cautious of the differences
in the relationship between variables such as gender of a consumer, product perception of consumers,
consumer lifestyle which influences consumers purchasing decision. The result shows fairness between
male and female consumers of their purchase decision of modular kitchen as revealed by analysis is
notable; there may exists benefits in different aspects of marketing to the gender difference.
The objective of this study is to find out the demographic and personal factors influence on
consumers modular kitchen purchase decision in order to assessment the market chance based on the
consumer behaviour. To attain this objective various information from different data sources are
evaluated. Also this research study variables provided noteworthy results, insights, and implications.
This will be useful for the managers in modular kitchen industry to develop new strategies and to
improve their marketing programs to increase sales and market share. Also for researchers who want to
do further research on consumer purchase behaviour relates to modular kitchen which serve as a base
and be useful to them. Finally, this study addressed the most influencing factors of modular kitchen,
which deals with practical issues and are associated with consumer demographic and personal factors.
Findings confirmed that the personal factors were the greatest predictor of consumers purchase
Future Research
The results of this research add valuable insight to marketers about consumers' buying
behaviour toward modular kitchen, as well as their preference and values associated with their product
selection. Furthermore, the results bring direction for further research, which is mentioned below. A
researcher might evaluate consumer attitudes toward modular kitchen products shopping. It would be
Journal of Exclusive Management Science April 2017 - Vol 6 Issue 04 ISSN 2277-5684
more interesting to know which attributes are important to consumers for purchase of modular kitchen
products. Furthermore, psychological and psychographic profile could also be conducted by utilizing
the same survey instrument which would results interesting outputs. Since this research was focused
on the metropolitan Chennai city, comparing this with another metropolitan city would give more
productive results to find out how consumers attitude and their influences on purchase differ.
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