Trajectory Tracking of Mobile Robots Based On Model Predictive Control Using Primal Dual Neural Network
Trajectory Tracking of Mobile Robots Based On Model Predictive Control Using Primal Dual Neural Network
Trajectory Tracking of Mobile Robots Based On Model Predictive Control Using Primal Dual Neural Network
Abstract: Mobile robots motion is constrained by the maximum velocity its actuators can provide, when it tracks a reference
trajectory which imposes demanding requirements on the robots driving capabilities. In this paper, a model predictive control
(MPC) scheme is proposed for trajectory tracking control of two-wheel mobile robots. Based on the derived tracking-error kine-
matics of the robot, the proposed MPC approach can be iteratively formulated as a quadratic programming (QP) problem, which
can be solved using a linear variable inequality based primal-dual neural network (LVI-PDNN) over a nite receding horizon.
The applied neural networks are both stable in the sense of Lyapunov and globally convergent to the exact optimal solutions of
reformulated convex programming problems. The smoothness of the robot motion is improved, a reasonable magnitudes of the
robot velocities and a better tracking performance are achieved. Simulation and experimental results are provided to demonstrate
the effectiveness and characteristics of the proposed LVI-PDNN based MPC approaches to trajectory tracking control.
Key Words: Model Predictive Control (MPC), Quadratic Programming (QP) Problem, LVI-based Primal-dual Neural Network
(LVI-PDNN), Trajectory Tracking
linear MPC to compute the exact optimal solution. In [12], Redening the control signals
a dual neural network was applied for multivariable general-
ized predictive control. In [14], the echo state network was u1 vr cos e v
ue = = (5)
used to model the unknown nonlinear autoregressive exoge- u2 r
nous (NARX) systems and the simplied dual network was Then, the error state dynamic model (4) becomes
applied for solving the reformulated quadratic optimization
problems in MPC. xe
In this paper, considering the physical constraints on mo- xe = ye
bile robots motion, when it tracks a reference trajectory e
which imposes demanding requirements on the robots driv-
0 0 xe u1
ing capabilities, a model predictive control (MPC) scheme is
= 0 0 ye + r sin e (6)
proposed for trajectory tracking control of two-wheel mo-
0 0 0 e u2
bile robots. The proposed MPC approach can be itera-
tively formulated as a quadratic programming (QP) problem, To analyze the local stability for the error state dynamic
which can be solved using a linear variable inequality based model (4), the linearized error state model of (6) can be ob-
primal-dual neural network (LVI-PDNN) over a nite reced- tained as follows:
ing horizon. Simulation and experimental results are pro-
vided to demonstrate the effectiveness and characteristics of 0 r 0 1 0
the proposed LVI-PDNN based MPC approaches to trajec- x e = r 0 r xe + 0 0 ue (7)
tory tracking control. 0 0 0 0 1
2 Kinematics of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots The tracking problem for the mobile robot (1) has been
converted to a stabilization problem for the tracking error
The investigated mobile robot is a typical nonholonomic dynamics model (7). The control objective is to steer the po-
mobile robot, which has two driving wheels and two castors, sition errors to the origin with inputs u1 and u2 . It is worth
which is shown in Fig. 4. The speed control of the two pointing out that the error dynamics equation (7) is a nonlin-
driving wheels (l and r ) leads to the control of linear speed ear afne system.
= (l + r )/2, and angular speed = (l r )/B, where
B is the distance of two wheels. The state of the robot can 3 Model Predictive Control Scheme
be described by its position (x, y), and its orientation . The Consider a discrete nonlinear afne system in the general
kinematics equation is written as follows: form [17]
x cos cos 0 x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) + g(x(k))u(k) (8)
x = y = sin = sin 0 u (1)
0 1 subject to constraints
The state and control signal vectors are denoted as x = x(k) X , k = 1, 2, . . . , N (9)
(x, y, )T and u = (, )T . u(k) U , k = 1, 2, . . . , Nu (10)
The reference trajectories can also be described by a refer-
ence state vector xr = (xr , yr , r )T and a reference control where x Rn is the state vector, u Rm is the input vector,
signal vector ur = (r , r )T and have the same constraints f () and g() are continuous nonlinear functions, f (0) = 0,
as (1) X Rn and U Rm are compact sets and contain the
origin in their interiors, and N and Nu are prediction horizon
xr r cos r cos r 0 1 N and control horizon 0 Nu N , respectively.
xr = yr = r sin r = sin r 0 ur (2) MPC is an iterative optimization technique: at each sam-
r r 0 1 pling time, measure or estimate the current state, and opti-
mize a cost function to obtain an optimal input vector. It-
The kinematic errors xe can be dened as follows: eratively solving an optimization problem online makes the
key difference between MPC and standard control strategies
xe cos sin 0 xr x where the control laws are obtained a priori. Assume that the
xe = ye = sin cos 0 yr y (3) control objective for system (8) in MPC is to steer the state
e 0 0 1 r to the origin, then the cost function for MPC can be dened
By using the error state and its dynamic model, the track-
ing control problem is converted into a regulation problem.
The error state chosen in a rotated coordinate frame (3) can J(x, u) = L(x(j), u(j)) + F (x(k + N )) (11)
simplify the dynamic model. The error state dynamic model j=k
is derived as follows: where L(x, u) is the stage cost and is assumed to satisfy
L(0, 0) = 0. From a theoretical point of view, an innite
xe = ye + r cos e
prediction and control horizon, i.e., N = Nu = in stage
ye = xe + r sin e cost L is desirable as it will guarantee stability. As a re-
e = r (4) sult, the terminal cost F (x(k +N )) and a terminal constraint
x(K + N ) , where is a region in the neighborhood g(xe (k|k 1)u(k 1))
g(xe (k + 1|k 1))u(k 1)
of origin, are incorporated to MPC optimization problem to
have better closed-loop performance. g = .. R3N .
As a result, the following standard quadratic form of
g(xe (k + N 1|k 1))u(k 1)
J(x, u) without terminal constraint and terminal region is
most often used in practice: Hence, the original optimization problem (12) subject to
constraint (14)(16) becomes
u 1
J(k) = x(k + j|k)2Q + u(k + j|k)2R (12) minGu(k) + f + g2Q + u(k)2R (23)
j=1 j=0
1 0.6
desired trajectory error of x(m)
actual trajectory error of y(m)
0.8 0.4 error of angle(rad)
y coordinate(m)
0.8 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
x coordinate(m) time(s)
Fig. 1: Tracking a eight-shaped reference trajectory. Fig. 2: Error of tracking a eight-shaped trajectory.
decision vector for (29), and its upper/lower bounds d are 0.25
the current moment optimal control input increment
+h+ h
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
desired trajectory
actual trajectory
y coordinate(m)
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5
x coordinate(m)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x 10
2 0.03
error of x(m)
error of y(m)
1 0.025
error of angle(rad)
the vector of optimal control input increment
0 0.02
1 0.015
2 0.01
3 0.005
4 0
5 0.005
Fig. 8: Convergent behaviors of the primal-dual neural net- Fig. 10: Error of tracking lane-change curve.
work for tracking circle.
4 the current moment optimal control input increment
x 10
1 the current moment optimal control input increment
the next moment optimal control input increment
0 the next moment optimal control input increment
7 2
y coordinate(m)
6 5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
x coordinate(m)
Fig. 11: Convergent behaviors of the primal-dual neural net-
Fig. 9: Tracking a lane-change curve. work for tracking lane-change curve.