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3 Estimating

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C e r t a i n Te e d S h i n g l e A p p l i c a t o r s M a n u a l

Estimating Roof Covering

To estimate the amount of roof covering Consider the gable roof in Figure 3-1. The area of this roof is made
needed for a job, it is necessary to know: up of two rectangles. The area of each rectangle is A x B. Therefore
The area of the roof by measuring A and B directly the area of the gable roof is:
Area = 2 x A x B
The length of eaves, ridges,
hips, rakes, and valleys. B

Most roofers use rules of thumb to estimate roofing. There is
nothing wrong with that approach if you understand the foundation
for the rule of thumb. This chapter presents both the detailed
calculation for a shingle estimate and also a useful rule of thumb
approach. When you understand the details you will be able to
develop estimating shortcuts of your own.
However, remember that estimating is not selling. This chapter
shows you how to estimate the number of shingles you will need.
However, that is seldom the whole job. More important, it says Figure 3-1: Direct Measure
nothing about the selling proposition, the selling of your services and
products to the homeowner. The homeowner needs to trust you to WORKING FROM A PLAN VIEW
give you the work. Showing him the calculations is one way to add a However, we can describe the roof in another way. Suppose we walk
level of trust. With a computer it is easy to produce a detailed estimate around the building and measure the length and width of the build-
on a spread-sheet. The worksheets laid out in this chapter can be used ing. We can now draw a flat representation of the building at the
for computer spreadsheets. They will produce a detailed estimate as ground level called the plan view. We have projected the inclined
fast as you can collect the dimensions and plug them in. Use a spread roof onto a horizontal surface to get the area shown in Figure 3-2.
sheet as an integrated part of your closing strategy. The dimension B, the rake, now appears as Y on the plan view.


Roof areas can be broken down into several basic shapes:
Trapezoid (rectangle, triangle, and parallelogram)

There are several ways to obtain the dimensions of the roof.

These include:
1. Climb the roof and make direct measurements on the roof.
2. Observe the roof from the ground. Use various techniques we Y A

describe to break down the area into rectangles and triangles. Y

Make a plan view.

Figure 3-2: Plan View
3. Use existing plans of the building to obtain dimensions of the roof.
In this view, the projected length of the eaves and the projected
length of the ridge (both A), are correct actual lengths. However,
Y does not equal B. To use Y to determine the actual length of B we
need the concept of slope.
American Shingles - Australian Distributor & Supplier Telephone: 1300 131 881
SLOPE OF A GABLE ROOF Three other measurements required to estimate materials for the
gable roof are:
In the cross section of the roof shown in Figure 3-3 (a projection
ridge length
onto a horizontal plane), we can see the difference in length
eaves length
between B and Y.
rake length
We know the ridge and eaves length (35 ft. each).
To find the length of the rake, multiply the run (y) by the slope factor:
12 x 1.083 = 12.9 ft.
To calculate drip edge:
Rakes: 4 x 12.9 = 51.6 ft.
Eaves: 2 x 35.0 = 70.0 ft.
a b c
Y 121.6 ft.
Keep in mind that .6 ft. is NOT 6", but rather 6/10 of a ft., or just over 7".
bd rise
Slope = = Span = ac
bc run
Figure 3-3
The second roof discussed is the hip roof shown in a horizontal plan
The slope of the roof is defined as the rise of the roof (bd in Figure projection in Figure 3-5. All four sides of a conventional hip roof
3-3) divided by the run of the roof. (bc in Figure 3-3). A 5" rise with have the same slope. Note how the plan view is made up of two end
a 12" run is said to have a 5/12 slope. The slope measures how steep triangles and two trapezoids. The trapezoid can be broken into two
the roof is. If we know the rise of the roof and the run of the roof, triangles and a rectangle. By breaking up the trapezoid, you can
we can calculate B (B=Y x slope factor) which is the actual rake determine the length of the ridge. (See "Useful Estimating
length from Y, and easily figure the area. Techniques" on the next page to find the "run" of a hip.)
Below is a table of slope factors to make the calculation of the Y slope (7/12)
rake length (B) easy. If we know the rise in elevation of the roof for
every foot of run, then we multiply the area of the horizontal plane
(2Y x A in Figure 3-2) by the corresponding slope factor in Table 1 X slope
to get the actual area.

Table 1 26'

Rise inches/ft Slope factor

4 1.054
5 1.083 13' 13'
6 1.118 (Hip run) (Hip run)

7 1.157 Figure 3-5: Conventional Hip Roof Plan View.

8 1.202
9 1.250 The slope for this roof is 7 inches per foot.
To calculate the total area of this roof, multiply the length x the width
10 1.302
x the slope factor:
11 1.356
Area = (13 ft. + 26 ft. + 13 ft.) x 26 ft. x (7" rise slope factor)
12 1.414
= 1352 ft. x 1.157
For example, if the rise is 5 inches per foot, then the area of the roof = 1564 square ft.
in Figure 4-2 is:
Area = (Area on plan view) x (5 inch rise slope factor) SLOPE FACTOR FOR HIPS AND VALLEYS
= (2 Y x A) x (1.083)
Finding the hip length in Figure 3-5 is a different matter. To find
Let us calculate the area of a simple gable roof like Figure 3-4. a hip length, we must multiply the run of the hip (13 ft. in
A Figure 3-5) by the appropriate hip/valley factor in Table 2.

Table 2

Rise inches/ft Hip/Valley factor
4 1.452

5 1.474

6 1.500
7 1.524
8 1.564
Figure 3-4: Plan view with dimensions. 9 1.600
Area = 2 x Y x A x (5 inch slope factor) 10 1.642
= 24 ft. x 35 ft. x 1.083 11 1.684
= 909.72 square ft. (910 sq. ft.) 12 1.732

24 Chapter 3 C E R T A I N T E E D S H I N G L E A P P L I C A T O R S M A N U A L
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Heres a TipAlways order one extra square of material per job in case some of the material becomes damaged due to rough
transportation or rough handling on the job during loading and unloading.
(Thanks to Martin Kuypers of Sunderland, Ontario, Canada)

Therefore we find one hip length as follows: 12" Bubble

One hip length = (Run of the hip) x (Hip/Valley factor

for a 7 inch slope)

= 13 ft x 1.524

= 19.8 ft. (20 ft,)

Total hip length = 4 x 20 ft = 80 ft.




When estimating the area of a hip roof, it is important to know the
base of the hip triangle. It is also important to be able to determine
the slope of the hip roof.

Here are two methods for finding the length of triangular shapes
A. TO FIND THE RUN OF A HIP ON THE ROOF: This method uses simple tools: a flat board,
METHOD 1 can be used on a bare deck or a shingled roof. a bubble level and a ruler (Figure 3-6 ).
Place board on slanted roof.
Stand on the ground, far enough back from the roof so that you
can see the triangular shape easily. Locate one edge of the bubble level on board at high,
Take a plumb bob and align the end of the string with the top up-slope end.
of the hip or peak of the triangular shape. Mark bubble level one foot from up-slope end.
Note where the bob hangs in relation to objects on the side Center bubble in level.
of the house. Use window or shrubbery locations as a marker. Place ruler vertically at the one foot mark of the bubble level
Measure the actual distance from this marker to the position of (down-slope end).
the corner of the building plus the overhang (the lower corner Measure distance in inches from roof to bottom of the
of the triangular shape). bubble level.
The slope is then the rise (9") the run (12"), i.e. 9/12.
METHOD 2 can be used when there are shingles on the roof.
From the top of the hip, follow the nearest tab cutout or shingle
joint down the roof slope to the eaves edge.
Count tabs across the lower hip edge. VALLEYS IN ELL ROOF

Calculate length based on the length of the tabs (12 inches for
a three tab shingle or 36 inches for a no cut-out shingle). In Figure 3-7 we show an ell roof in plan view. This plan presents
two common estimating problems when you work from plan
FROM THE GROUND: The Sight Card is used to determine roof 1.The ell roof forms two valleys between roof planes with different
slope from the ground. To find the slope: slopes. The common approach to calculate valley lengths between
roof planes with different slopes is to figure lengths for each slope
Hold card so that the side with arrows is facing you.
and then average the two.
Hold card at arms length and, standing in line with the roof
2.To find the roof area of the ell that joins the main roof we have to
peak, align an arrow with the roof peak.
break the plan view into a rectangle and a triangle. To find the area
For gable roofs, hold the card vertical. For hip roofs, slant card of the triangle we have to use some basic geometry.
toward the building with the same slant as the roof.
You will see that using plan view measurements makes it easy to
Rotate the card from arrow to arrow until the sides of the card figure different slope situations.
coincide with the sloping edges of the roof. The slope is listed
under the arrow.

C E R T A I N T E E D S H I N G L E A P P L I C A T O R S M A N U A L Chapter 3 25
American Shingles - Australian Distributor & Supplier Telephone: 1300 131 881
To find "a" Use this formula: a2 = v2 b2
(The formula for a right angle triangle is v2 = a2 x b2, or a2 = v2 b2)
a2 = (18.74)2 (12.5)2
a2 = 351.19 156.25

a2 = 194.94
7/12 slope a = the square root of a2. (Most hand calculators can do this.) =
5/12 13.96'
a = 14' (rounded up)
25' 35'
The area of the triangle is (a x 2b)/2

(14 x 25)/2 = 175 sq. ft.

We will use this area when we calculate the ell roof, too.
Now, calculate the plan area of the main hip roof.
Figure 3-7 = (36 x 85) plan area of the triangle = 3,060 175 = 2,885 sq. ft.
NOTE: The slope of the hip roof is 7/12, the slope of the ell is 5/12. Convert plan area to actual area.
= 2,885 sq. ft. x slope factor (7/12)
MAIN ROOF = 2,885 sq. ft. x 1.157
It's a fairly simple matter to calculate the area of the main roof = 3,338 sq. ft. (rounded up)
(length x width) except that you must subtract the portion of the Remember: on a complex roof, if the slopes on the hips were not all
main roof, a triangle, that is overlapped by the ell. So, let's work on the same, you would have to calculate each separately.
that triangle first.
By doing the initial calculations in the plan view, conversion to 5/12
slope is not difficult.
Calculate plan area of the ell roof without the triangle.
= (25 x20)
= 500 sq. ft.
v v
Add the plan area of the triangle we figured above.
b b 500 + 175 = 675 sq. ft.
Figure actual roof area of the ell.
= 675 sq. ft. x 1.083 (5/12 slope factor) = 731 sq. ft.

Figure 3-8: Valley Length (v), ell roof
To find the length of one valley:
1. Measure the front of the ell (25').
Divide by 2 to find b (b = 25/2 = 12.5). a
2. Calculate for the ell roof with a 5/12 slope.
v = 12.5 x 1.474 = 18.425
b b
3. Calculate for the main roof with a 7/12 slope.:
v = 12.5 x 1.524 = 19.05
4. Average the two slopes. v = (18.425 + 19.05)/2 = 18.74


Figure 3-10

Roof area of ell and main roof:

Main roof 3,338 sq. ft.
Ell roof 731 sq. ft.
Sum 4,069 sq. ft. = 41 sqs. (1 sq. = 100 sq. ft.)
b b

Figure 3-9
26 Chapter 3 C E R T A I N T E E D S H I N G L E A P P L I C A T O R S M A N U A L
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Table 4
Approximate percent to use for waste

The total quantity of shingles required includes shingles for Area of roof Gable Roof Hip Roof
(sq. ft) percent percent
The starter course 600 8 17
The hip and ridge sections 1200 6 13
The cutting-waste at rakes, hips and valleys 1500 5 11
The waste due to crew error 2000 4 9
3200 3 8
The starter course is made of shingles from which the lower five inch
tabs have been removed. If 36 inch-long shingles are used, the SAMPLE ESTIMATES
number of starter course shingles is calculated from:
Number of starter shingles = Total length of eaves in feet 3 ft. GABLE ROOF (SIMPLE)
Carefully include the required starter shingles in your total order for Consider estimating the shingles required for the gable roof shown in
shingles. Underestimating can cause extra expense and delay on the job. Figure 3-11. The slope is 6 inches per foot.


Assuming the use of 3 ft. x 1 ft. strip shingles, the cutting waste at
rakes in square feet per linear foot of rake is calculated using the

waste factor in Table 3. Other style shingles will have different waste
and salvage factors.
Table 3
Waste and salvage factors for 3-tab shingles (sq. ft/ft)
Type Waste Factor Salvage factor Figure 3-11
Rake 0.3 1.0
Hip 0.7 0.5 Roof Area = 38 ft x 28 ft x slope factor, 6 in/ft
Open Valley 1.5 2.0 = 38 ft x 28 ft x 1.118 = 1190 sq. ft (rounded up)
Closed Valley 2.2 1.0 Additional Area = Starter course + Rake Cutting Waste +
Woven Valley 3.0 0 Allowance (ridge)
= 76 ft starter course + Rake Cutting Waste +
NOTE: On hip units you will require more units than will be salvaged. (Salvage Required at ridge)
On the other hand, on gable roofs you will salvage more shingles than
needed. This result requires that the salvaging is done very carefully. Rake Cutting Waste = rake length x slope factor x waste factor
= 56 ft x 1.118 x 0.3
= 19 sq. ft (rounded up)

Allowance = Salvage at rakes Required at ridge

= 56 ft x 1.118 x 1.0 sq. ft/ ft 38 ft x 1 sq. ft/ft
= 24.6 sq. ft
A. RULE OF THUMB: One way to avoid detailed calculations is to
add 10% to the quantity of shingles for a gable roof and 15% for Total Area = 1190 sq. ft + 76 ft Starter Course +
a hip roof. However, since the waste varies with size of the roof, 19 sq. ft (Rake Waste) + 24.5 sq. ft Allowance
10% (or 15%) will be too high for larger roofs. = 1233.6 sq. ft + 76 ft Starter Course
B. IMPROVED RULE OF THUMB: However, a more accurate
This is equivalent to 1233.6 sq. ft (or 12.34 squares) plus the 76 ft
estimate of waste, which depends on the size of the roof, can be
Starter Course.
made with Table 4.
NOTE: This approach is an approximation always round up
to be safe.

C E R T A I N T E E D S H I N G L E A P P L I C A T O R S M A N U A L Chapter 3 27
American Shingles - Australian Distributor & Supplier Telephone: 1300 131 881
HIP ROOF (CONVENTIONAL) The roof area, since the slope is 6 inches/ft, is
Next we estimate the number of shingles required for the conventional Roof Area = [main roof plan view area ell triangle roof
hip roof shown in Figure 3-12. The roof slope is 5/12. plan-view area + ell roof plan-view area] x slope factor.
unusual roof because all slopes are equal and they are all hip roofs.
Sometimes you get lucky. When this is the case the underlying triangle
on the main roof is equal to the overlaying ell triangle. The result being

22' we can ignore the separate calculation of the ell triangles because they
cancel each other.
Roof Area = plan view area x slope factor (6/12 in/ft)
11' 11'
= (48 ft. x 24 ft. + 24 ft. x 12 ft.) x 1.118
Figure 3-12 = 1609.92 sq. ft
Roof Area = 44 ft x 22 ft x 1.083 = 1048 sq. ft To calculate the starter course, find the total length of the eaves.
Total length of eaves = 2 x 48 ft + 2 x 24 ft + 2 x 12 ft = 168 ft
Length of Hip = 11 ft x Hip Factor = 11 ft x 1.474 = 16.21 ft
Total Length of Hips = 4 x 16.21 = 65 ft (rounded up) So the starter course is a 168-ft long starter course.
Cutting Waste at Hips = 65 ft x 0.7 sq. ft/ft
= 46 sq. ft (rounded up) Length of a hip = length of a valley
= 12 ft x Tabel 2 hip/valley factor (6 in/ft)
Hips and Ridge Before Waste and Salvage = 12 ft x 1.5 = 18 ft
= (Hips Length + Ridge Length) x 1 sq. ft./ft
Cutting Waste (hips & valleys)
= (65 ft + 22 ft) x 1 sq. ft/ft = 87 sq. ft
= hips waste + valleys waste
= 6 x 18 ft x Table 3 hip waste factor + 2 x 18 ft
Tabs salvaged at hips = 65 ft x 0.5 sq. ft./ft = 33 sq. ft
x Table 3 valley waste factor
Allowance = Waste at Hips and Ridge
= 108 ft x 0.7 sq. ft/ft + 36 ft x 1.5 sq. ft/ft
= Required Hip & Ridge Shingles Salvage
= 130 sq. ft
= 87 sq. ft 33 sq. ft = 54 sq. ft

Ridge length = 24 ft + 12 ft = 36 ft
Total Shingle Requirement
Hips length = 6 x 18 ft = 108 ft
= starter course + roof area + cutting waste + Allowance
= 132 ft starter course + 1048 sq. ft + 46 sq. ft + 54 sq. ft
Shingles required for hips & ridge
= 1148 sq. ft 100 sq. ft/ square + 132 ft starter course
= Length of hips and ridge x 1 sq. ft/ft
= 12 squares x 3 bundles/square + 132 ft starter course
= (6 x 18 ft + 36 ft) x 1 sq. ft/ft
= 36 bundles + 132 ft starter course
= (108 ft + 36 ft) x 1 sq. ft/ft = 144 sq. ft

HIP ROOF WITH VALLEYS (SIMPLE) Salvage at hips = 108 ft x 0.5 sq. ft/ft (Table3) = 54 sq. ft
Salvage at open valleys = 36 ft x 2.0 sq. ft/ft (Table 3)= 72 sq. ft
The roof depicted in Figure 3-13 has six hips and two valleys with a
6/12 slope. We assume an open valley construction. This example
demonstrates the use of waste factors. Total Shingles Required
= roof area + cutting waste + hips & ridge shingles
salvage + starter course
= 1609.92 sq. ft + 130 sq. ft + 144 sq. ft (54 + 72)
sq. ft + 168/3 starter shingles

= 1758 sq. ft + 56 starter shingles

= 18 squares + 56 starter shingles

12' 12'



Figure 3-13

28 Chapter 3 C E R T A I N T E E D S H I N G L E A P P L I C A T O R S M A N U A L
American Shingles - Australian Distributor & Supplier Telephone: 1300 131 881


Below are two worksheet samples. On the next page is a blank worksheet including all four Tables provided in this chapter. These worksheets are
adaptable to computer spreadsheets. The Rule of Thumb method is shown below the tables. The results are about the same in these cases when
rounded up. (*The percentages used are extrapolated from Table 4 as appropriate to the actual square feet.)


Notes length width sub total factor sub total extension Square Ft. Squares
Roof area 44 22 968 1.083 1048.344 1048.344 10.48344
Starter course lineal feet 44 22 66 2 132 0
Hip shingles 1 sq/sq ft. 11 1.474 16.214 4 64.856 0.64856
Ridge shingles 22 1 22 0.22
Hip waste 16.214 0.7 11.3498 4 45.3992 0.453992
Valley waste none
Hip salvage 16.214 -0.5 -8.107 4 -32.428 -0.32428
Total 1148.1712 11.481712
Order 12 sqs. plus 44 (132/3) starter shingles

Improved Rule of Thumb Method sq ft hip roof factor adj sq/ft Order
(see page 26) 1048.344 12%* = 126 sq.ft. 1174.344 12 sqs. (rounded up)


Notes length width sub total factor sub total extension Square Ft. Squares
Roof area Main 48 24 1152 1.118 1287.94 12.88
Ell 24 12 288 1.118 321.98 3.22
Starter course (Lineal Ft.) 168 0
Hip shingles 6" rise 12 1.5 18 6 108 1.08
Ridge shingles Main 24 24 0.24
Ell 12 12 0.12
Hip waste 18 0.7 12.6 6 75.6 .76
Valley waste 18 1.5 27 2 54 0.54
Hip salvage 18 -0.5 -9 6 -54 -0.54
Valley salvage 18 -2.0 -36 2 -72 -0.72
Total 1757.52 17.58
Order 18 sqs. plus 56 (168/3) starters

Improved Rule of Thumb Method sq ft hip roof factor adj sq/ft Order
(see page 26) 1609.92 10%* = 161 sq.ft. 1771 18 sqs. (rounded up)

Here Are Teddy Payne of Petersburg, VA suggests carrying an instant camera to all estimate/measuring appointments.
Some It comes in handy when trying to explain to customers existing problems, as well as potential problems.
Tips Customers can actually see what you are trying to explain to them and what needs to be done.

A simplified method for calculating the area and waste for a hip roof:
Consider a hip roof section with the following dimensions: 40' eave, 20' ridge, and 30' from eave to ridge. The average
of the eave and ridge is 30 ft. (40 ft plus 20 ft divided by 2 equals 30 ft.) The area for this hip section is then 30 ft.
times 30 ft or 900 square ft. (9 squares.) For waste we add one shingle for each three feet of hip. The hip length is the
square root of 1000 (100 plus 900) or approximately 32 ft. Therefore we add 32/3rds (10.67) shingles for each hip.
Thanks to Scott Wilson from Westerville, OH.

C E R T A I N T E E D S H I N G L E A P P L I C A T O R S M A N U A L Chapter 3 29
American Shingles - Australian Distributor & Supplier Telephone: 1300 131 881
Notes length width sub total factor sub total extension Square Ft. Squares
Roof area

Starter course (L/Ft.)

Hip shingles

Ridge shingles

Hip waste

Valley waste

Hip salvage

Valley salvage


Table 1 Table 2
Rise inches/ft Slope factor Rise inches/ft Hip/Valley factor
4 1.054 4 1.452
5 1.083 5 1.474
6 1.118 6 1.500
7 1.157 7 1.524
8 1.202 8 1.564
9 1.250 9 1.600
10 1.302 10 1.642
11 1.356 11 1.684
12 1.414 12 1.732
Table 3 Table 4
Waste and salvage factors for 3-tab shingles (sq. ft/ft) Approximate percent to use for waste
Type Waste Factor Salvage factor Area of roof Gable Roof Hip Roof
Rake 0.3 1.0 (sq. ft) percent percent
Hip 0.7 0.5 600 8 17
Open Valley 1.5 2.0 1200 6 13
Closed Valley 2.2 1.0 1500 5 11
Woven Valley 3.0 0 2000 4 9
3200 3 8

30 Chapter 3 C E R T A I N T E E D S H I N G L E A P P L I C A T O R S M A N U A L
American Shingles - Australian Distributor & Supplier Telephone: 1300 131 881

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