Ghost by Jason Reynolds
Ghost by Jason Reynolds
Ghost by Jason Reynolds
Lesson Plan--
Pre-Lesson Handout:
Students need to be caught up and at least on chapter nine for this lesson because that will be part
of the lesson. Because of this, students will be given soft start to read and get caught up at the
beginning of class.
SWBAT identify external and internal conflict.
SWBAT describe when and why external and internal conflict is seen in a text and film.
Teacher Will:
Turn soft start music on
Explain worksheet
Pair up students for read pair share
Explain Assignment
Help students when necessary
Students Will:
Silently read
Ask questions if need help
Work with partner
Common Core:
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details;
provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as
how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
Soft Start
Novel Ghost by Jason Reynolds
Soft Start (5 min):
Students should walk into the classroom and pull out their copy of Ghost by Jason
Reynolds. They have to be at least to chapter nine for todays lesson because one of the questions
will be about chapter eight and nine.
Directions (5-7 min)
Explain read pair share to students and what their objectives are for today. Explain that
they will be using the terms internal and external conflict, that they talked about the day before,
when answering the worksheet. If they have questions about what Internal and External conflict
remind them to refer to their Springboard Worksheet on page 54.
The evaluation will be the worksheet students will be turning in at the end of the class
Keep reading.
Reynolds, J. (2016) Ghost. Simon & Schuster Childrens Publishing Division.
Springboard English Language Arts. College Board, 2014.
Chapter 1: pg. 1-7
Describe the setting of this opening section.
What type of conflict is seen here? How does
the setting reflect the conflict?