Fisher Fieldvue Dvc6200F Digital Valve Controller PST Calibration and Testing Using Valvelink Software
Fisher Fieldvue Dvc6200F Digital Valve Controller PST Calibration and Testing Using Valvelink Software
Fisher Fieldvue Dvc6200F Digital Valve Controller PST Calibration and Testing Using Valvelink Software
PST Calibration
This document covers the basic PST calibration, as well as details for making adjustments to the normal end, using
Advanced Settings (see figure 11).
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Additional ramp
rates for the
incoming stroke
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List of parameter
values being
downloaded to
the device
If you need to make adjustments to the normal end default settings, select Advanced Settings, as shown in figure 11,
and make the necessary adjustments.
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Figure 11. Select Advanced Settings to Make Adjustments to the Normal End
Defines the
end of travel
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After successfully calibrating the valve for PST go to the Detailed Setup FST/ PST tab and verify that the values for the
parameters in the Valve Stroke Test group box are correct. Then go to the Partial Stroke group box and enable any of
the behaviors required for the PST.
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Once the PST has been setup and calibrated go to the VST Abnormal Criteria group box and select the criteria to be
used to evaluate PST after they are run. Then, select the criteria to be used to abort a PST immediately on initiation,
and the criteria to be used to prohibit a PST before initiation.
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Categorize the stroke alerts from the Valve Stroke Alerts tab into one of the Field Diagnostic Alert categories and
suppress them if publishing on the segment is not desired.
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To run a manual PST select the Partial Stroke Test icon as shown in figure 21.
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Outgoing Stroke
Incoming Stroke
PST Result
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A PST Diagnostic can be run with Minimum PST Pause Time disabled, as shown in the figure below. When Minimum
PST Pause Time is disabled the pause time will be in effect when the valve reaches the desired test point, resulting in a
slower PST.
Figure 27. Disable Minimum PST Pause Time in FST/PST Partial Stroke
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Figure 28. Resulting Press/Tvl Graph Results with Minimum Pause Time Disabled
Figure 29. Resulting Tvl/Time Graph Results with Minimum Pause Time Disabled
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Figure 30. PST Analyzed Data with Minimum Pause Time Disabled
Select a PST style, either with or without Minimize PST Pause Time, and standardize on that style, as the data may be
difficult to compare between the two styles. If the desire is to minimize the amount of time the valve is away from the
normal end, then enabling Minimize PST Pause Time is recommended. If the amount of time away from the normal
end is not a concern, then disabling Minimize PST Pause Time will cause the set point to pause at the end of the
outgoing stroke for the travel to catchup to the set point. The results of the test with the Minimize PST Pause Time
disabled will be similar to the PST as offered in earlier versions of SIS instruments.
A valve stroke test is the process of taking the valve from the normal end to another target position at a preconfigured
ramp rate before returning to the normal end while gathering data. The data is analyzed to evaluate the condition of
the valve assembly against a set of user defined thresholds. A valve stroke test is only run if everything is normal in the
instrument. A safety demand signal will always take precedence over a valve stroke test.
DValve Stroke Test, select Partial Stroke Test, Full Stroke Test, or Disable to select the test to run when the test is
initiated using the VST_COMMAND parameter.
DPartial Stroke Start Point defines the normal end of the valve. The valve needs to be at this end for a PST to be
initiated. When a FST is initiated the valve will be moved by the test to this end before being ramped to the opposite
end and ramped back. Setting this value to Not Configured will disable partial stroke tests.
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DTravel Open End defines, in percent (%) of calibrated travel, the point above which the valve is considered to have
reached the high end.
DTravel Closed End defines, in percent (%) of calibrated travel, the point below which the valve is considered to have
reached the low end.
DTest Pause Time is the time between the outgoing and incoming strokes of the test. The default value is 5 seconds.
Pause Time will not be used if Minimum PST Pause Time is enabled. The outgoing stroke is from the normal end to
the PST target and the incoming stroke is the return stroke to normal. See figure 31.
DVST High Friction Breakout Pressure indicates that the breakout required a higher force than configured by the user.
Refer to figure 31.
DVST Low Friction Breakout Pressure indicates that the breakout required a lower force than configured by the user.
Refer to figure 31.
DAction On a Failed Test defines if the valve should step or ramp back on a failed stroke test.
A partial stroke test is marked as abnormal if it fails one of the following criteria.
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The PST is terminated and the valve is returned to the normal end. The return to the normal end will be per the user
configuration for an aborted test. The abort criteria will only be active if it is added as a criteria to be evaluated during
PST by adding it to the PST Abnormal Criteria.
The device always aborts a PST if the Max Travel displacement is exceeded.
In addition to the above, any of the following can be selected to abort a Partial Stroke Test:
1. Breakout Time
2. Incoming Pressure Threshold
3. High Friction Breakout Pressure
Partial & Full Stroke
DPartial Stroke
PST Max Travel defines how much travel displacement is allowed before the PST aborts (see figure 32).
PST Minimum Travel is the percentage of total span that the valve moves away from its normal operating end of travel
towards its tripped end of travel during the test. The default value is 10%.
Set Point Overdrive defines the extent of the set point overdrive over the Minimum Travel Movement when the early
turn around is enabled. When the early turn around is not enabled it defines the travel target.
Freeze Analog / Discrete Feedback when enabled, freezes the corresponding feedback during a partial stroke test.
Minimum PST Pause Time, when enabled, the incoming stroke is initiated as soon as the travel reaches the minimum
travel movement. Refer to figure 32 for a time series representation of this parameter.
Randomized PST, when enabled the instrument randomizes the target travel, for each PST.
PST Randomization is defined in percent (%) of calibrated travel span, it defines the extent of randomization from the
minimum travel movement towards the normal end. If the user defined randomization is too large the instrument will
cap the max randomization to ensure that there will be at least 1% travel movement away from the defined normal
end. Refer to figure 31.
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Outgoing Ramp Rate is the rate at which the valve will move during the Outgoing stroke of the Partial Stroke test. The
default value is 0.25%/second.
Incoming Ramp Rate is the rate at which the valve will move during the Incoming stroke of the Partial Stroke test. The
default value is 0.25%/second.
PST Return Lead defines the percent (%) change in setpoint to overcome the hysteresis in the valve assembly. The error
between setpoint and actual error is added to this percent change. For example, if the Return Lead is set at 0.5% and
there is a 1% error this will be set at 1.5%
PST Breakout Timeout is the user configured amount of time before which the valve must leave the normal end during
a PST.
VST Outgoing Pressure Threshold defines the actuator pressure at which a partial stroke test will abort during the
outgoing stroke (see figure 31). This prevents the DVC6200f from exhausting (or building) excessive pressure from/to
the actuator in an attempt to move a stuck valve. During PST Calibration, the Partial Stroke Outgoing Pressure
Threshold will be set automatically.
VST Incoming Pressure Threshold defines the actuator pressure at which a partial stroke test will abort during the
incoming stroke (see figure 31). This prevents the DVC6200f from exhausting (or building) excessive pressure from /
to the actuator in an attempt to move a stuck valve.
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DFull Stroke
Full Stroke Ramp Rate is the rate at which the valve will move during the full stroke test.
FST Wait Time is the amount of time to wait for the valve to move to the normal end after initiation of the full stroke
Full Stroke Breakout Timeout is the user configured amount of time before which the valve must leave the normal end
during a full stroke test.
PST Prohibited
A partial stroke test will not be initiated if any of the following user-configurable conditions are active:
1. Check Bit Alert
2. Drive Current
3. Drive Signal
4. Processor Impaired
5. Travel Sensor
6. Output Pressure sensor
7. Supply Pressure Sensor
8. Temperature Sensor
9. Supply Pressure
10. Temperature Limit
11. Travel Deviation
12. Pressure Fallback
13. PST Abnormal
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February 2017 D104217X012
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