Analytical Instrumentation: 8.1 Analyzer Application and Selection 1144
Analytical Instrumentation: 8.1 Analyzer Application and Selection 1144
Analytical Instrumentation: 8.1 Analyzer Application and Selection 1144
2003 by Bla Liptk
1128 Analytical Instrumentation
Removing Gas Bubbles from Liquids 1178 Galvanic and Electrolytic Probes 1201
Slipstream and Bypass Filters 1178 Membrane-Covered Probes 1202
Self-Cleaning and Rotary Disc Filters 1179 Amperometry 1202
Keeping Probes Clean 1179 Solid Electrodes 1203
Homogenizers 1180 Polarography 1204
Sample Conditioning 1180 Advantages 1205
Vaporizing Samples 1182 Coulometry 1205
Entrainment Removal 1182 Controlled Potential Coulometry 1205
Selection of Component Materials 1182 Conclusions 1205
Applications 1183 Limitations 1206
Gas Sampling Probes 1183 Advances 1206
Stack Gas Sampling 1183 Reference 1206
Automatic Stack Sampling 1183 Bibliography 1206
Automatic Liquid Samplers 1184
Sampling of High-Pressure
Condensate 1184
Air Quality Monitoring 1207
Chemical Reactor Samplers 1184
Duckbill Samplers 1185 Introduction 1207
Solids Sampling 1185 Air Quality Monitoring Systems 1207
Sampling Difficult Processes 1186 Purpose of Monitoring 1208
Trace Analysis Sampling 1186 Impact of Single Sources 1208
Multistream Switching 1187 Research Needs 1209
References 1188 Monitoring in Urban Areas 1209
Bibliography 1188 Sampling Site Selection 1210
Static Methods of Air Monitoring 1210
Dust-Fall Jars 1211
8.3 Lead Peroxide Candles 1211
Analyzer Sampling: Stack Particulates 1189 Other Static Methods 1211
Introduction 1189 Laboratory Analyses 1211
The EPA Particulate Sampling System 1189 Automatic Monitoring 1212
Microprocessor-Controlled Stack Sensors 1212
Sampling 1189 Data Transmission 1212
The Pitot Tube Assembly 1190 Data Processing 1213
Type S Pitot and the Sampling Probe 1190 Averaging Times 1213
Selecting the Sampling Point 1192 Displays 1213
Traversing Point Locations 1192 Audits 1213
Pitot Tube Calculation Form 1192 Automatic Analyzers 1213
Sampling Velocity for Particle Infrared Spectrometers 1213
Collection 1192 Handheld Indoor Air Quality
Isokinetic Sampling 1192 Monitors 1214
Heated Compartment (Hot Box) 1193 Sampling of Ambient Air 1214
Ice-Bath Compartment (Cold Box) 1193 General Air Sampling Problems 1214
Control Unit 1195 Sampling for Gases and Vapors 1216
Automatic Sampling Trains 1195 Absorption 1217
Sampling for Gases and Vapors 1196 Liquid Absorption 1217
References 1196 Impingers 1217
Bibliography 1197 Fritted Absorber 1217
Adsorption 1218
Freeze-Out Sampling 1218
8.4 Sampling of Particulates 1218
Analyzers Operating on Electrochemical Air Filters 1219
Principles 1198 Fiberglass Filters 1219
Introduction 1199 Impingement and Impaction 1219
Voltametric Analysis 1199 Impactors 1219
Current, Voltage, and Time 1200 Electrostatic Precipitation 1220
Potentiometry 1201 Thermal Precipitators 1220
8.8 8.11
Calorimeters 1235 Chlorine 1251
Introduction 1235 Introduction 1252
Terminology 1236 Residual Chlorine Analyzers 1252
Fluoride Analyzers 1353 8.27
Introduction 1354 Infrared and Near-Infrared Analyzers 1369
Types of Fluoride Compounds 1354 Introduction 1371
Analyzer Types 1355 Principles of IR and NIR Analysis 1371
Gas and Vapor Analyzers 1355 BeerLambert Law 1373
Detector Tubes 1355 Definitions of Terms and Configurations 1374
Electrochemical Cells 1355 IR Instrument Designs 1375
Paper Tape 1356 Single-Beam Configuration 1375
Ion Mobility Spectrometry 1356 Dual-Beam Configuration 1375
Infrared Spectroscopy 1356 Dual-Beam Design for Stacks 1376
Ion-Specific Electrodes 1356 Infrared Analyzers for the Laboratory 1377
Silicon Dioxide Sensors 1356 Grating Spectrophotometers 1377
Laboratory Methods 1356 Filter Spectrometers 1377
Organic Fluoride Analysis 1357 Fourier Transform Spectrometers 1377
Other Methods 1357 Tunable Lasers 1378
Modern process control requires current information on the The process to follow in selecting the appropriate analyzer
state (composition, temperature, pressure, flow rate, etc.) of for an application involves eight steps:
the material being produced. Modern distributed control sys- 1. Problem definition
tems linked to various control elements (valves, pumps, etc.) 2. Information gathering (to understand the problem fully)
require data much more often than the manual control systems 3. Analyzer selection (making sure to consider and balance
of years gone by. While grab samples taken to a modern lab- these criteria)
oratory will be the gold standard for quality control purposes, Specificity
the effort and time it takes to get a sample, transport it to the Accuracy and precision
lab, and wait for the result can add significantly to the costs Calibration
of the process in process output, energy, etc. For many indus- Analysis frequency
tries, the solution is to move the analysis directly to the process. Kind of analyzer
This need for more and better analyzers does not mean 4. Sampling
that their application is, or ever will be, a simple, routine 5. Analyzer location
task. For an analyzer system to fulfill its expectations, careful 6. Handling of the data
planning and evaluation must precede its purchase, and the 7. Maintenance issues
users must realize that if an expensive analyzer is worth 8. Total cost: hardware, installation, maintenance, etc.
purchasing, it must also be worth calibrating and maintaining.
The operators acceptance, which depends largely on training It is not uncommon to cycle back from one step to
and familiarization, is also crucial. New self-diagnosing and another, as more information is needed to assure that the
self-calibrating analyzers are a major contribution to improved proper decisions are made. Installing the wrong kind of ana-
operator acceptance, but people issues are still more impor- lyzer or putting it in the wrong place will not solve the
tant and should not be discounted. problem, and instead of saving money or improving quality,
In this section, a process for the selection of an analyzer money and effort will be wasted.
is presented. The many issues that must be considered are
covered, as is an overview of kinds of analyzers. The latter PROBLEM DEFINITION
material should be viewed only as introductory. Detailed
discussion of the different instruments is covered elsewhere Defining the problem begins with understanding how the
in this volume and in the references. measurement will be used. Is it for closed-loop process con-
The most important aspect of an analyzer application is trol or for information purposes? Is the measurement really
a clear understanding of why the analyzer is needed, what needed on-line, or could 80% of the benefits be obtained
information is needed, and what will be done with the infor- for 20% of the cost and effort by making the measurement
mation. Put another way, the analyzer problem must be clearly at-line in the control room? What is the benefit of the
defined and understood. Too many analyzer applications have measurement? How will the cost be justified? Is this to reduce
failed because the needed measurement was not the one staffing by moving the measurement from the lab to the pipe?
installed in the process. Is it a yield-improvement project? Answers to these questions
In general, the instrument engineer (analyzer engineer, begin to clarify the needed timescale for the measurement. In
process analytical chemist, etc.) is asked by a process control addition, it is important to understand the process to be mon-
engineer to install an analyzer in a process. It is the analyzer itored. What is the response time of the process? Obviously,
engineers duty to his company to push back and insure that if the process takes 60 min to respond to a temperature change
the application is needed and clearly understood. Merely doing (e.g., distillation column), analyzer requirements are quite
what is asked, in many cases, will lead to unnecessary or even different from those of a process that responds in 6 sec. These
failed installations. issues are important and referred to throughout this chapter.
2003 by Bla Liptk
8.1 Analyzer Application and Selection 1145
TABLE 8.1a
Sample Analyzer Specification Form
Project: ................................................................................................... Date: ..................................................................................................................
Specification no.:................................................................................................... Code:...................................................................................................
Information compiled by:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. Plant:................................................................................................... 2. Unit: ..................................................................................................................
3. Process: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. Ambient temperature range:........................................ to ..................................................... Normal ................................................................................
2. Protected from weather: Yes No
3. Unusual ambient conditions ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
(Corrosive or explosive atmosphere, excessive moisture, dust, etc.)
4. Power available: ........................................................................................... V .......................................................................................................... Hz
(a) Voltage variation: ........................................................................................ to ........................................................................................................ V
(b) Frequency variation: .................................................................................. to ........................................................................................................Hz
(c) Grounding facilities available: Yes No
5. Lighting level: Good Average Poor
(a) Front of instrument ................................................ ..................................................... ...............................................
(b) Back of instrument ................................................ ..................................................... ...............................................
(c) Direct sunlight will strike instrument: Yes No
6. Steam lines near location: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Instrument air available:
(a) Pressure range: from ........................................................ to ......................................................... Normal ........................................................ PSIA
(b) Temperature range: from ................................................ to .......................................................... Normal .................................................. C F
(c) Contaminants: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................
(d) Size of header: ............................................................................................ Volume: .......................................................................................ft /min.
(Use separate page for each stream to be analyzed.)
1. Form of sample: Gas Liquid Other ....................................................................................................................................................
2. Temperature range: from ........................................................ to ........................................................... Normal .................................. C F
3. Pressure range: from ............................................................... to ........................................................... Normal .................................................... PSIA
4. Dew point: ...................................................................... C At ............................................................................................................................... PSIG
5. Quantity available: ............................................................................................................................................................................................... per hour
6. Low-pressure return line available:
Yes No Back-pressure .............................................................................................................................................................. PSIG
7. Specific gravity: ..................................................................................................
8. Contaminants in sample:
Oil Wax Solids Particle Size ......................................................................................................................................................................
(Include identity and concentration in list of components below.)
9. Corrosive nature: Acidic Basic Other ................................................................................................................................................
10. Other data (viscosity, unusual surges, etc.): .....................................................................................................................................................................
11. Materials of construction that may be used in contact with sample: .................................................................................................................................
12. Distance from sample tap to analyzer location: ............................................................................................................................................................ ft
measure the same thing(s)? Of course, the most important TECHNIQUE OR ANALYZER SELECTION
question is, Will this measurement method provide the infor-
mation needed by the process engineer or customer? The most important factors that must be weighed by the
Frequently, while gathering information, one must return instrument engineer are discussed in the remainder of this
to problem definition and seek clarification. This is an itera- chapter and in the chapters that follow. Unfortunately, no
tive process. It is not uncommon for the problem definition single analyzer combines all the desirable features of provid-
to change as you learn more about the possible measurement ing on-stream, specific, continuous, unattended high-sensitivity
approaches and share these learnings with your customer. readings without drift, noise, or need for a sampling system.
Finally, you feel you have enough clarity regarding the Therefore, the selection is always a compromise, which is
problem and can move forward to the technique or analyzer likely to give satisfactory results only if it is preceded by
selection step in the process. careful evaluation.
If the problem has been defined as one requiring the added importance. Often, the terms do not have industry-wide
measurement of one material in the presence of another, it is significance, so the definition should be agreed upon with each
necessary first to look for the handle or unique property of supplier. (Note: With proper calibration, an analyzer will be
the material to be measured. Usually, a first step in determin- accurate.)
ing the suitable methods of analysis is to investigate labora- In general, in process measurement, precision or repeat-
tory methods used to determine the desired property. As ability is more important than accuracy. Since the measure-
previously noted, a meeting with laboratory personnel is a ment is being made continuously or repeatedly, we are much
good first step. Industry methods are another good starting more interested in changes in a value than whether that value
point. For example, the American Society for Testing Mate- is absolutely correct or accurate. Changes in the process are
rials (ASTM) has established certain test methods for the what we are trying to measure and understand (and control).
determination of various properties and materials. Their For the purpose of this discussion, precision is defined
methods are widely available in book form and on the web. as the ability of an analyzer to produce the same output each
Other organizations such as the American Oil Chemists Soci- time the sample contains the same quantity of component or
ety (AOCS) and the Technical Association of the Pulp and property being measured. The terms stability, reliability, and
Paper Industry (TAPPI) have also published compendia of reproducibility are sometimes used synonymously with
analytical methods. Suppliers of the material to be analyzed repeatability. However, reliability is also used to describe the
are possible sources of information for methods of analysis, instruments up time and should not be used as a synonym
as are suppliers of on-line analyzers. for precision. Lack of repeatability may be caused by the
Once prospective methods of analysis have been selected, analyzer, the sampling system, or the effects of temperature,
the search for appropriate hardware begins. Ordinarily, details power supply, composition, pressure, and flow rate. Poor
of the desired measurement are given to the potential analyzer precision or low repeatability can come in two forms: short
suppliers, and estimates of performance are obtained. The term and long term. Short term may mean the measurement
analysis system can often be purchased on a guaranteed- system has lots of randomness (noise). Such random noise
performance basis. For proprietary installations, the user him- degrades the utility of any given reading, but may be tolerable
self must determine how the general analyzer specifications since many data points are collected. Long-term drift can be
apply for the particular application, and since the user is a more significant problem requiring frequent instrument
buying hardware only, the supplier will guarantee only the recalibration or adjustment. Repeatability and inaccuracy are
quality of materials and workmanship. Alternatively, once a normally expressed either as a percentage of the full mea-
single supplier has been selected, a confidentiality agreement surement range or as a percentage of the actual reading.
can be signed allowing information sharing by both par- When discussing specifications for an analyzer, especially
tiesa true partnership to assure a successful installation. with prospective vendors, be very careful to define all tech-
When comparing different analysis approaches, the fol- nical terms and understand exactly what the literature or the
lowing criteria are critical. sales engineer means by terms such as accuracy, drift, preci-
sion, etc. If there is any doubt, ask for a clarifying example with
actual numbers, such as, The refractometer is stable to 1%
Specificity (Selectivity)
of the actual reading over 14 days, without any adjustments.
Specificity is the characteristic of responding only to the prop- That is, it will read 1.102 0.1 for 2 weeks, if the temperature
erty or component of interest. The specificity of the analyzer changes no more than 5C. Sales literature is notorious for
will not exceed that of the analysis. Specificity is often a specifications that are unclear and frequently misleading.
function of the range to be measured, the sample background,
and the process conditions (solid, liquid, or gas; pressure and
temperature). The more selective a measurement is, the less
we need be concerned with interferences from other constit- The ability to calibrate an analyzer properly usually depends
uents of the sample matrix. Obtaining a high degree of selec- on the availability of a reliable reference sample, or the ability
tivity frequently means compromising other analytical to perform reliable laboratory analysis on the actual sample
attributes. For example, a gas chromatographic separation that is entering the analyzer. Never lose sight of these inherent
with baseline resolution of the analyte of interest may require difficulties (challenges) in calibration: 1) Samples can change
a longer analysis time than is desired or allowable. after removal from the process and hence are different when
they reach the lab. 2) Highly variable process streams, in which
Accuracy and Precision the lag time between the process measurement point and the
sampling valve cause the sample drawn from the stream and
Frequently, absolute accuracy of a process measurement can- the sample measured in the process to be different. (In some
not be established owing to the lack of a suitable calibration cases, the sample itself may be inhomogeneous, which fur-
standard or the inability to draw an unchanged sample from ther complicates comparison measurements.) 3) The two
the process and analyze it by an official laboratory method. measurement methods may not be measuring the identical
For this reason, other terms, such as repeatability, take on analyte. For example, a near-infrared moisture analyzer may
be calibrated against a loss-on-drying lab method, but these the most widely used technique in process analysis, with the
are not identical, and there may be a bias between them caused possible exception of pH.
by other volatile constituents of the sample. In all chromatographic techniques, a small portion of the
Interferences with the analysis can be caused by physical sample stream is injected into a flowing carrier fluid that
or chemical effects that cause a deviation in the analyzer passes through a column in which it contacts a separation
output. If the effect of the interfering substance remains con- medium prior to reaching a detector. In gas chromatography,
stant, a compensation factor can usually be applied in the the sample is vaporized, if it is a liquid, and carried with
calibration procedure. During checkout of the installed sys- helium or nitrogen (most commonly) through the column.
tem, one should verify the effect of interference by calibrating The column may be a tube packed with adsorbent media or
the analyzer for each suspected substance. a thin capillary column coated with an appropriate phase to
When interferences cannot be predetermined, it may be cause a separation. If the sample was a gas to begin with, it
both necessary and practical to send known samples to pro- is carried through the column without the need for vaporiza-
spective suppliers for evaluation. In any case, known and sus- tion. Depending on the analytes to be separated, one chooses
pected interferences and their concentrations should be made the appropriate length of column and coating or packing
known to prospective suppliers when requesting quotations. material. Many different separation materials are available.
Both the method of calibration and the accuracy of the Similarly, many different gas chromatography detectors exist
calibration procedure must be established before one pur- to provide specificity or broad detectabilty. For fixed gases,
chases a process analyzer. the thermal conductivity detector (TCD) is mandatory; for
organic compounds, either the TCD or the flame ionization
detector (FID) is acceptable, but the FID is more sensitive.
Analysis Frequency
Added sensitivity (lower detection limits) comes at a price:
As discussed in the Problem Definition section, one should the FID needs additional gases and extra safety precautions.
first determine whether continuous analysis, automatic-repet- Later chapters will address these subjects in more detail. In
itive batch sampling, or an occasional spot check is required. liquid chromatography, the sample is injected into a flowing
The information from the analyzer and the rate of the stream of solvent (mobile phase), separated, and detected.
dynamic changes in the sample are the main factors to be Common detectors include the refractive index (RI) detector,
considered. which monitors the eluting mobile phase for RI changes;
The need for process control suggests either a continuous absorbance detectors, which monitor the spectral absorbance
analyzer or an analyzer with a continuous output signal, because of the mobile phase at one or more wavelength, commonly
a continuous analyzer provides a better chance for the system in the ultraviolet (UV) or visible (Vis) areas of the spectrum;
to reach and maintain equilibrium with the sample. Also, the and the electrochemical detector, which monitors an electro-
mechanical design of a continuous analyzer ordinarily is less chemical property such as conductance of the mobile phase.
complicated than that of a discontinuous system. However, the Other chromatographic techniques that are available for
discontinuous analyzer may be more attractive if automatic zero process measurement include ion chromatography, which can
checks are frequently needed, if reagents are blended with the measure either the anions or cations of a stream; gel perme-
sample, or if the sample is corrosive. Some analyzers, for exam- ation chromatography, which measures the molecular weight
ple, chromatographs, are inherently discontinuous. distribution, typically of polymer samples; and supercritical
The rate at which the measured variable changes in the fluid chromatography, which operates in the pressure and
process is an important factor in determining the frequency of temperature regime where a carrier fluid, such as carbon
discontinuous analyses. If the sample has to be withdrawn and dioxide, is neither liquid nor vapor.
transported to the analyzer, the time lag factor must also be The disadvantages of the chromatographic techniques are
considered. If several different samples are to share the analyzer the length of time many of the separations take, the fact that
(e.g., stream switching), additional time allowances are required. these are not continuous techniques (samples are injected only
after the previous run is complete and the system has stabi-
Kinds of Analyzers lized), aging of the columns, consumption of gases or sol-
vents, and maintenance of the frequently complex and costly
Analytical techniques suitable for process measurement may sampling systems. In fact, the cost of the chromatograph itself
be organized into several arbitrary categories. No one approach can be less than half of the total installation cost and, if the
is inherently superior to another, although for a specific project, expense of maintenance is also included, the fraction of the
the constraints covered previously will narrow the choice. instruments cost is reduced even further. Some reports indi-
cate that for every successful chromatograph installation in
Separation Techniques the chemical industry, one has failed and been abandoned. For
this reason, some engineers favor simple inexpensive chro-
Separation techniques literally involve the separation of dif- matographs, monitoring one component in a single sample to
ferent components in the sample with appropriate detection. increase reliability. Proponents maintain that an overburdened
Gas chromatography, which dates to the 1950s, is probably chromatograph is more a liability than an asset, and that even
TABLE 8.1b
Absorption/Emission of Electromagnetic Energy Useful for Measurements
Type of Radiation Wavelength Range Characteristic Process Probed
Gamma-rays <10 m Nuclear transitions
X-rays 1 nm1 pm Inner-shell electron transitions in atoms
UV 400 nm1 nm n, (valence) electron transitions in molecules
Vis 750 nm400 nm n, (valence) electron transitions in molecules
NIR 2.5 m750 nm Molecular vibrations
IR 25 m2.5 m Molecular vibrations
Microwaves 1 mm25 m Rotations in molecules
Radio waves >1 mm Rotations in molecules, electron spin flips
NMR uses a magnetic field to split the energy levels and the Rf energy to probe the spin state.
when it is operating, the volume of information generated is respect to light transmission, but linear with absorption and
more likely to swamp than to assist the operator. Therefore, concentration.)
their target is to achieve a degree of standardization and sim-
plicity similar to that found in flow or temperature detectors. A = abc = log 8.1(1)
It is reported that these simple chromatographs can accom- I
modate the majority of present applications. where
New developments in the simplification of sampling sys- A = absorbance
tems may reduce their cost and complexity while increasing a = molar absorption or extinction coefficient (a constant
reliability. Recent developments in the field of sampling sys- for any given compound and wavelength)
tems using a small, industry standard platform of modular b = sample path length
components show much potential. Recent research in the c = absorber (sample) concentration
use of chemometrics to extract information from poorly I0 = incident radiation
resolved peaks may provide advantages in analysis time by I = radiation leaving sample
allowing faster run times. Parallel columns of different sep-
aration power combined with chemometrics will provide The region of the spectrum used for the measurement
additional benefits. Chemometrics can help address the issue varies with the kind of compound and information desired
of swamping the operator with information. (Table 8.1b). In addition, the instrument itself will be quite
different in specific components since the properties of the
Other Separation Techniques light vary. Instruments to make these measurements can vary
from single-wavelength photometers to grating instruments
Developments in nonchromatographic separation techniques, to multiplex designs, depending on the spectral region and
such as capillary electrophoresis, in which an applied electric the needs of the measurement.
potential is used to drive the separation of charged species,
are occurring rapidly. The combination or merger of chro- Ultraviolet and Visible
matography and flow injection analysis (FIA) is also on the
horizon. These regions of the spectrum are similar and are generally
grouped together. In fact, most laboratory instruments for this
region include both. The energy of this region corresponds to
Spectroscopic or Radiant Energy Techniques electronic transitions in compounds. In the UV, compounds
with double bonds, such as those in Table 8.1c, are commonly
This family of sensors uses the interaction of electromagnetic measured. Other functional groups with electrons are also
radiation with matter. Most commonly, the technique operates excellent absorbers (Table 8.1d). Vis absorbers are compounds
on either absorption or reflection principles, but fluorescence that are colored to the human eye. Obviously, dyes, inks, etc.
and scattering are also used. are readily measured in the visible portion of the spectrum.
If radiation at different wavelengths is passed through a One major thing to watch out for is that compounds that absorb
process material, the amount of absorption may be an indicator in this region may be such strong absorbers that a short path
of sample identity or composition. The output of such an ana- length is needed to get a good response, and only very low
lyzer is related to the absorption of the light in a linear way, concentrations can be measured. Reducing the path length
as shown in Beers law (more correctly, the LambertBeer may help, but too small a path length in a typical process
law) of radiation absorption. (Transmission is logarithmic with stream will act as a filter and cause the measurement to fail.
TABLE 8.1c
Partial List of UV-Absorbing Compounds When radiation of one wavelength is absorbed by a molecule
Acetic acid Formic acid with the appropriate molecular structure, it can be remitted at
Acetone Hydrogen peroxide a higher wavelength (lower energy). This process, called fluo-
rescence, is an extremely useful measurement technique, pro-
Ammonia Hydrogen sulfide
vided that the analyte has the appropriate structure. Molecules
Benzene Iodine
with many double bonds, especially conjugated double bonds,
Bromine Isoprene will fluoresce. Many biomolecules, including some vitamins,
Butadiene (1,3) Mercury proteins, cofactors, and the like, fluoresce, allowing the tech-
Carbon disulfide Naphthalene nique to be used in fermentation and other bioprocessing. Crude
Carbon tetrachloride Nitric acid oil also contains fluorescent molecules; low levels of oil on
water are frequently detected using fluorescence. Table 8.1e
Chlorine Ozone
provides a list of some fluorescent compounds along with their
Chlorobenzene Perchloroethane
excitation and fluorescence (emission) wavelengths maxima.
Crotonaldehyde Phenol
Cumene Phosgene Infrared and Near-Infrared
Cyclohexane Styrene
Infrared (IR) instruments were one of the first analyzers to
Cyclohexanol Sulfur be moved from the laboratory to the pipeline, and the tech-
Cyclohexanone Sulfur dioxide nology is available for use with gas, liquid, or solid samples.
1,3-Cyclopentadiene Sulfuric acid In the absorption mode of operation on liquid samples, the
Ethylbenzene Toluene path length has to be very short, though not as short as in the
UV. Noncontacting backscatter designs readily measure mois-
Fluorine Trichlorobenzene
ture in solids (e.g., conveyor belts of flour) or composition
Formaldehyde Xylene (ortho, meta, and para)
with fiber-optic probes (FOPs) in liquids. The probe version
of the IR analyzer eliminates the need for a sampling system
and can be used in both liquid and gas phase processes. NIR
is widely used for moisture measurement. Probably every
paper machine in the world has an IR or NIR analyzer to
TABLE 8.1d
Absorption Bands of Some UV-Vis Absorbing Chromophores (Functional Groups)
Chromophore Structure Wavelength Maximum (nm) Molar Absorptivity [l/(molcm)]
Aldehyde CHO 280300 1118
Amine NH2 195 2800
Bromide Br 208 300
Carbonyl C O 195, 270285 1000, 1830
Disulfide S S 194, 255 5500, 400
Ester COOR 205 50
Ether O 185 1000
Nitrite ONO 220230 10002000
Oxime NOH 190 5000
Thioether S 194, 215 4600, 1600
Carboncarbon double bonds C C 190 8000
(C C)2 210230 21,000
(C C)3 260 35,000
(C C)4 300 52,000
Carbonyl with C C C C C O 210250 10,00020,000
Benzene Aromatic ring 184, 204, 255 46,700, 6900, 170
Diphenyl Linked aromatic rings 246 20,000
Anthracene Fused aromatic rings 252 199,000
TABLE 8.1e
Partial List of Some Fluorescent Compounds and Their Excitation and Fluorescence Wavelength Maxima
Fluorescence Fluorescence
Excitation (Emission) Excitation (Emission)
Compound Maximum (nm) Maximum (nm) Compound Maximum (nm) Maximum (nm)
Adenine 280 375 Proteins 280 313, 350
Adenosine 285 395 p-Terphenyl 284 338
Adrenaline 285 325 Pyrene 330 382
Anilines 280, 290 344, 360 Pyrene, 4-methyl 338 386
Anthracene 420 430 Quinine 250, 350 450
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 285 395 Salicylic acid 310 435
Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene 370 400 Terramycin 390 520
Estradiol 285 330 Tetracycline 390 515
Folic acid 365 450 Thymol 265 300
Indole 280 355 Tryptophan 285 365
LSD 325 465 Vitamin A (carotene) 325 470
Neosynephrin 270 305 Vitamin B12 (cobalamine) 275 305
Pentabarbital 265 440 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 270, 370, 445 520
Pentothal 315 530 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 340 400
Phenanthrene 252 362 Vitamin E (tocopherol) 285 330
Procaine 275 345
Note: Excitation and fluorescence bands are broad and maxima may shift with pH or solvents.
FIG. 8.1g
Absorption bands of some NIR-absorbing chromophores.
application is in the measurement of moisture in solidswithout is preferred for on-stream applications. In fact, it has practi-
requiring physical contact with the sample. In these wavelength cally replaced the differential refractometer in all but the most
regions, dielectric properties are probed by the radiation; hence demanding applications. It should be noted, though, that the
water, with its high dielectric constant (~78), compared to many critical angle refractometer only measures the RI of that
common organic compounds (<5), is readily determined (e.g., portion of the sample that is in direct contact with the crystal.
moisture in wood). The technique is also used for binary solu- If even a thin coating develops on the surface, the readings
tions. Compared to the previously described spectral regions, will be useless. A variety of cleaning systems may be used
this is a relative newcomer to process measurement. Tables of if this is a problem. Turbulent flow has proven useful in
dielectric constants may be found in References 9 and 10. minimizing fouling. (For a listing of refractive indexes, see
Table 8.1h.)
The RI is a unique property of a chemical compound, based on Turbidity and Particle Size
the fact that light travels at different speeds in different media,
and as such can be used for composition determination in binary As with refractometers, turbidity sensors also work with light,
systems and for various nonspecific concentration measure- but make use of light scattering to measure the suspended solids
ments, e.g., dissolved solids, black liquor, and Brix (sugar). in the liquid. Depending on the concentration of the particles,
Snells law expresses the relationship between RI, the angle of turbidity can be measured at 90, 180, or complete backscatter.
incidence (), and the angle of refraction ( ) as light of a given (Technically, turbidity is the term applied to the straight-
wavelength passes through the interface between two materials. through approach, and nephelometry is used for the scattering
measurement.) In addition to scattered light, some light may
sin be absorbed by the liquid. Since there is a particle size depen-
RI = 8.1(2)
sin dence to light scatter, instruments are also available that use
scattering to measure particle size distribution. Turbidity instru-
Most refractometers use visible light, but at least one uses ments are quite commonly used to monitor filtering systems,
a diode source that emits just beyond the red. Differential centrifuges, etc., for breakthrough, whereas the more expensive
refractometers utilize this relationship by keeping constant; particle size instruments find use monitoring crystallization and
therefore, a measurement of expresses RI. At a critical value polymerization processes.
of , the light is totally reflected; the measurement of this angle
can also be related to RI as follows:
Nuclear Techniques
variable sample RI
critical = arc sin 8.1(3) A variety of techniques utilizing x-rays and other radiation
fixed prism RI
sources are used in process measurements. X-ray fluorescence
Although less sensitive, this latter technique (critical angle (XRF) is widely used to determine metal concentrations in
refractometry) requires no sampling system and, therefore, slurries and to measure silicon coatings on paper. (XRF works
TABLE 8.1h
Refractive Index Table
Several kinds of measurements make direct use of electricity
Compound RI Compound RI in the measurement. These are potentiometric, wherein an
Acetic acid 1.3718 Formic acid 1.3714 electric potential is measured and the solution remains
Acetone 1.3588 Glycerol 1.4729 unchanged; conductive, in which a minute current is mea-
Acrylic acid 1.4224 Glycol 1.4318 sured, but the system is essentially unchanged; and ampero-
Amyl acetate 1.4012 Heptane 1.3876
metric, in which a chemical reaction occurs during the course
of the measurement.
Benzene 1.5011 Hexane 1.3749
The basic principle of their operation for a system in which
Butyl acetate 1.3951 Hexanol 1.4135 a reactant, R, goes to a product, P, is the Nernst equation:
Butyl alcohol 1.3993 Hydrazine 1.470
Butylene 1.3962 Hydrogen chloride 1.256 E = E0 ln 8.1(4)
Carbon disulfide 1.6295 Lead tetraethyl 1.5198 nF CR0
Carbon 1.4631 Menthol 1.458 where
tetrachloride E = applied potential
Chlorobenzene 1.5248 Methyl alcohol 1.3288 E = standard potential for the system (the chemistry of
Chloroform 1.4464 Methyl-ethyl ketone 1.3807 the reaction being measured)
R = the molar gas constant
Cycloheptane 1.4440 Nitric acid 1.397
T = the absolute temperature (K)
Cyclohexane 1.4262 Nonane 1.4055
n = the number of electrons involved in the reaction
Cyclohexanone 1.4503 Octane 1.3975 F = Faraday constant
Cyclopentane 1.4065 Pentane 1.3575 CP0 = the concentration of product at the electrode surface
Decane 1.41203 Perchloroethylene 1.5053 CR0 = the concentration of reactant at the electrode surface
Di-ethyl benzene 1.4955 Phenol 1.5425
Di-ethyl ether 1.3497 Propanol(iso) 1.3776
Di-methyl 1.4972 Propanol(n) 1.3851 The family of analytical sensors that detect the electrical
benzene potential generated in response to the presence of dissolved,
Ethyl acetate 1.3722 Styrene 1.5434 ionized solids in a solution include pH, oxidationreduction
Ethyl alcohol 1.3624 Toluene 1.4969 potential (ORP), and ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) or
Ethylbenzene 1.4952 Water 1.3330 probes. In potentiometric analysis, the potential difference
between two electrodes (reference and measurement) is
Note: All data based on 68F (20C). determined. As these two electrodes must be electrically con-
nected, another potential, the junction potential, is also inher-
ent to the measurement. (In fact, most of the problems of
by exciting an inner-shell electron of an element, causing an process pH measurement occur because of fouling of the
x-ray to be emitted. The energy (wavelength) of the emitted junction.)
x-ray is indicative of the element, and the number of x-rays For these measurements, the Nernst equation can be
is proportional to concentration. The excitation radiation can rewritten to:
come from an x-ray tube or a radioactive source.)
The absorption or backscatter of neutron or gamma radi-
RT z
ation can also be correlated to composition in some systems. E cell = K + ln ai + kij a j j + E LJ 8.1(5)
zi F
Neutrons have been used to measure the moisture content of
solids in processes in which hydrogen is present only in the where
free water and is not bonded to the other molecules (or is Ecell = the measured potential
relatively constant in the nonwater part of the matrix). For K = is a constant for the measurement system (elec-
example, the moisture of wood chips in pulping has been trode, etc.)
determined by this technique. Gamma rays, which are R = the molar gas constant
extremely energetic, are absorbed nonspecifically, and their T = the absolute temperature (K)
attenuation can be used as a measure of density. Since gamma F = Faraday constant
rays can penetrate metallic walls, they can give composition ai = the activity of the analyte ion, i
data for binary systems without contacting the process aj = the activity of an interfering ion, j
stream. These techniques are also used extensively as a non- kij = selectivity coefficient
invasive way to measure tank or pipe level, density within a zi and zj = the charges of ions i and j, respectively
pipe, and the like. ELJ = the liquid junction potential
It can be further simplified in dilute solutions (where determined by the measurement of activity (activity = c,
activity and concentration are approximately equal) to where is the activity coefficient of the ion) only if the other
variables of the equation are constant. To achieve this involves
0.0592 log c scrupulous design; occasionally, it also requires sample prep-
E cell = K + 8.1(6)
n aration. Frequently, in real-world applications, calibration of
the electrode in the matrix, over a limited analyte range, can
where be used to minimize concerns over activityconcentration dis-
c = the concentration of analyte crepancies.
n = charge of the analyte ion Unless the interferences to which ion-selective measure-
0.0592 = the combination of the RT/F at 25C ments are subject can be recognized and eliminated in the
potential installations, misapplications are likely. The avail-
ORP sensors are available in probe designs to detect the able ISEs are listed in Table 8.1i, where they are also grouped
ratio of reducing agent to oxidizing agentan important para- by the type of membrane utilized. Coating or material buildup
meter in effluent treatment controls, for example. on the membranes calls for the same degree of maintenance
ISEs are also based on the Nernst law. If total ionized as required for pH electrodes.
solids (conductivity) are constant, a correlation can be drawn pH sensors are ISEs, sensitive to the activity of hydrogen
between the activity of a specific ion and its concentration ions in the process stream, and as such, reflect the acidity or
in the process stream. The ideal reference electrode pro- alkalinity of the sample. pH is one of the most commonly
duces a constant potential that is independent of the com- made measurements in industry. On the surface, it appears to
position of the solution. A perfect measuring electrode gives be easy to measure pH, since all that is needed is the insertion
a 59-mV change in potential for each tenfold change in the of the probe into the process, but in practice, it is not so simple.
activity of a monovalent ion. It is important to emphasize that Probes may become fouled on the sensing surface; most are
it is the activity of free ions that the electrodes respond to and made of glass and quite fragile; concentrated solutions, or ones
not the concentration. It is important to understand that that are not aqueous, stretch the definition of pH (which is for
according to the Nernst equation, concentration, c, can be dilute aqueous solutions), and high purity water (e.g., boilers)
TABLE 8.1i
Ion-Selective Electrodes: Types and Applications
Type of Lower Detectable
Ion Electrode Limit (ppm) Principal Interferences
Bromide Solid state 0.4 CN , I , S
+ ++ ++ ++ ++
Cadmium Solid state 0.01 Ag , Hg , Cu , Fe , Pb
++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Calcium Liquidion exchange 0.4 Zn , Fe , Pb , Cu , Ni , Sr , Mg , Ba
Chloride Liquidion exchange 0.4 ClO4 , I , OH , NO3 , Br , OAc , HCO3 , F , SO4
Chloride Solid state 1.8 Br , CN , SCN , I , NH3, S
+ ++ +++
Copper (II) Solid state 0.006 Ag , Hg , Fe
Cyanide Solid state 0.3 S,I
Fluoride Solid state 0.02 OH
Fluoroborate (boron) Liquidion exchange 0.11 I , HCO3 , NO2 , NO3 , F , Br , OAc , OH , Cl , SO4
Iodide Solid state 0.007 S , CN , S2O3
+ ++ ++ ++ ++
Lead Solid state 0.02 Ag , Hg , Cu , Cd , Fe
Nitrate Liquidion exchange 0.6 ClO4 , I , ClO3 , S , Br , NO2 , CN , HCO3
Perchlorate Liquidion exchange 1.0 OH , I , NO3 , MnO4 , IO4 , Cr2O
+ + + + + +
Potassium Liquidion exchange 2.0 H , NH4 , Ag , Na , Li , Cs
Redox Solid state Varies All redox systems
Silver Solid state 0.01 Hg
+ + + +
Sodium Solid state 0.02 Ag , H , Li , K
Sulfide Solid state 0.003
Thiocyanate Solid state 0.6 I , S2O3 , Br , CI , NH3
++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Water hardness Liquidion exchange 0.001 Zn , Fe , Cu , Ni , Ba , Sr
requires specially designed probes, if it is to work at all. Recent of process measurements, such instruments are commonly
improvements in electronics have reduced drift, instability, and used to measure oxygen, including both dissolved oxygen in
transmission distance limitations. Combination electrodes liquids and vapor phase oxygen in gas samples. Membrane-
(measurement and reference), gel fill solutions, and the devel- separated amperometric sensors are also used for other gases,
opment of various electrode-cleaning devices, such as air and such as CO, H2S, and Cl2. Sensors using this concept are also
water jets, and mechanical and ultrasonic cleaners have being developed for bioanalytes such as glucose, where a
reduced many of the problems. New nonglass electrodes based specific enzyme is part of the measurement system.
on ion-sensitive field effect transistors (ISFETs) have opened
up new applications where glass has been problematic (e.g.,
food and beverage processes). Automation of the removal, Chemical Techniques
cleaning, and reinsertion of pH probes is now available off-
the-shelf for those applications that require nearly continuous In-process measurement using wet chemical methods can be
pH measurement and cannot tolerate downtime for mainte- performed in two different ways: batch, or discontinuous and
nance. Nevertheless, despite all this activity, pH remains a continuous.
difficult measurement for which installation of standby spare Process autotitrators draw a sample from the process at
sensors and scheduled periodic maintenance are likely to be a regular interval and deliver the sample to a titration vessel.
necessary. Once in the vessel, the sample may be diluted or prepared in
other ways for a titration, very similar to a titration performed
in the lab. An autoburet delivers the titrant until an end point
Conductive is sensed. The titration cell is then drained and rinsed, and a
Conductivity sensors measure a solutions ability to conduct new sample is drawn. Cycle times depend on the chemistry,
electricity, which is a function of all dissolved ionized solids but are typically 5 to 15 min. The end point may be deter-
in the solution. Two basic kinds of conductance measurement mined potentiometrically, conductimetrically, or photometri-
instrument are available: direct contact and inductive. The cally. Methods to measure acid value (number) are common
direct device makes direct, electrical contact with the process examples.
solution with two (or sometimes four) electrodes and mea- In continuously flowing wet chemistry methods, a very
sures the flow of electricity from one electrode to the other. small sample is injected into a flowing stream that can be
Any fouling of the probes, which affects electric contact, a solvent or a reagent. (In some applications, a small por-
requires cleaning of the probes. The inductive type is less tion of the process stream is the carrier and reagent is
sensitive to fouling because it does not make electrical con- injected into it.) Additional reagent(s) can be added, as can
tact with the process fluid. Toroidal (donut shapes are com- heat, mixing, time to allow a reaction, etc., until the reacted
mon) probes use several electric coils to probe the electric sample reaches a detector. Detectors are most commonly
properties of the fluid. The probe is coated with an inert photometers, but flow-through pH and other electrochem-
material such as a fluorocarbon. Another design builds the ical detectors are also available. The flowing system can
inductive probe directly into a pipe spool piece. Inductive be continuous (flow injection analysis), bubble segmented
conductance probes are widely used to measure the concen- (as in autoanalyzers), or a variant of FIA, sequential injec-
tration of strong acid and base solutions. Plots of conduc- tion, in which a rotary valve takes the place of much of the
tivity vs. concentration of various electrolytes are used to tubing.
determine if an application is suitable for these devices.
Conductance data for various compounds are available in
various chemical handbooks and an excellent compilation Miscellaneous Techniques
from a vendor.
Quartz Crystal Microbalances Certain crystals are known
to generate an electric signal when they are deformed; con-
versely, these crystals can be caused to move when a voltage
is applied. These phenomena are known as the piezoelectric
Amperometric, also known as galvanic and polarographic, effect, and it has been used to create sensors. The former
cells induce a reaction in the sample by applying a high effect has been used to detect pressure, acceleration, temper-
enough voltage. The resulting current is measured and is ature, force, and thickness; the latter effect has been applied
proportional to the concentration of the species reacting. The to measure various analytes, including moisture, in gases. The
electrolyte and electrodes are separated from the process frequency of crystal oscillation is affected by the mass of
stream by a membrane, a feature that eliminates the need material on the crystal, so that a crystal coated with an absor-
for a sample system and can perform well if the membrane bent material will vibrate differently when the coating absorbs
is kept clean. (Of course, the analyte molecules must diffuse more or less analyte. If the specificity of the coating is high,
through the membrane into the electrolyte to the electrodes a sensitive and specific analytical sensor can be developed.
if there is to be a reaction and resulting signal.) In the world Surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors, in which the speed of
sound transmission through the coating is affected by the Several chapters of this book are devoted to water mea-
absorbed analyte, can be even more sensitive. surement in more detail.
Mass Spectrometry Previously only available for gas streams, Oxygen Oxygen is an important and unique analyte in
mass spectrometry (MS) is becoming available for liquids as industry. It is measured as the element in both gas and liquid
well. Various approaches to the method are used, but all samples. In the gas phase, it is important for breathing (envi-
require a gaseous sample (vaporized, if necessary) that is ronmental sensing), combustion control, and chemical stabil-
injected into a vacuum and ionized (usually by an electron ity. As mentioned previously, oxygen is paramagnetic and can
beam). The ionized sample molecules and the charged frag- be measured using this property. Such instruments operate
ments of their decomposition are then sorted and measured best in relatively clean, noncondensing environments with
by their mass-to-charge ratio. This last process can be accom- oxygen levels from ~0.5% to ambient levels. Oxygen can also
plished by the time of flight of the ions down an evacuated be measured electrochemically, and several varieties of instru-
tube, their trajectory through a magnetic field, or selection by ments are available using different electrochemical tech-
an electrostatic field. Detection is by electron multipliers or niques. High-temperature catalytic instruments are most
other devices. The most common application of process MS commonly used in combustion control applications where the
is in gas plants, where many gases can be detected simulta- gas stream is already hot and the oxygen level is low. Fuel
neously, or multiple streams can be examined sequentially. cell (amperometric) devices are also available. They require
periodic replacement of the fuel cell, as it is a consumable
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Nuclear magnetic resonance part of the measurement.
(NMR) is an excellent technique for compositional informa- Oxygen dissolved in water (and other liquids) can also
tion. In the laboratory, it is widely used to identify unknown be measured with an electrochemical probe. The oxygen
materials. Its use in process analysis is a relatively recent diffuses through a membrane to the active electrode.
occurrence. NMR makes use of a fundamental property of all One of the parameters of interest in pollution control is
matterits nuclear structure. (Despite the fears of the public, the oxygen demand of the effluent. This is a measure of the
NMR is not a technique involving radiation. If an application organic load in the system, which will potentially use oxy-
is contemplated using NMR, this will need to be explained gen as it is consumed by microorganisms (biological oxygen
to plant personnel.) NMR probes the molecules by applying demand (BOD)) or reacts chemically (chemical oxygen
both a magnetic and Rf field. Depending on the instrument, demand (COD)). Laboratory measurement of BOD takes sev-
this can yield a simple number or a relatively high resolution eral days of incubation and requires the sample to be inocu-
spectrum. NMR can only measure nuclei of atoms with a lated with the appropriate organisms. Instruments are
magnetic moment (caused by an odd number of neutrons or available that can reduce this time. Total organic carbon
protons). Therefore, the technique can only be used to mea- (TOC) analyzers give a close correlation to COD. Several
1 13 14 19 31
sure species containing H, C, N, F, and P. From a different approaches are taken by the commercially available
practical standpoint, process instruments have not yet been instruments. However, in all cases, the sample stream is first
built that are sensitive enough to be used with anything other digested, and then the carbon dioxide formed from this com-
than proton NMR. Low-resolution (wide-band or pulsed) bustion step is measured. The digestion may be strictly chem-
NMR units are useful for the measurement of free (unbound) ical or UV light induced (with catalyst). The resulting CO2
proton-rich compounds such as water or oil. is measured either directly by infrared photometry or by the
change in conductivity of water into which the CO2 is dis-
Analyte-Specific Techniques solved. The entire cycle is completed in a few minutes.
Reflected Light
Bundle Spectrophotometer
for Analysis
Section Transmitted
SMA Connector
Section Light
Six-To-One Probe (Single-Fiber to Annulus Configuration)
Fluorescence Fluid
FIG. 8.1j
Fiber-optic probes can provide data on absorbance, diffuse reflectance, fluorescence, and scattering. (Courtesy of Guided Wave, Inc.,
Probe Cleaners
Stack Gas
Monochromator Shutter Flow
FIG. 8.1n
Probe-type stack gas analyzer. (Courtesy of Monitor Labs, Inc., a subsidiary of Spirent plc, formerly Lear Siegler, Inc., http://www.moni-
Detector AOTF Source
LCD Display
Calculator Display
Microcomputer Microcomputer
Strip Printer
Panel Mounted
Optional IBM Control Room
RS232 Computer for Module
Logging and
Graphic Display
TABLE 8.1q
Selection of Automatic Probe Cleaners
Applicable Choice of Probe Cleaner
Mechanical Chemical
Hydrodynamic Acoustical
Brush Rotary Scraper Acid Base Emulsifier (Self-Cleaning) Ultrasonic
Oils, fats
Resins (wood, pulp)
Emulsion of latex
Fibers (paper, textile)
Solid suspensions
Crystalline precipitation
Amorphous precipitations
Material of construction Stainless Stainless steel PVC PVC PVC Stainless steel Polypropylene,
steel (brush stainless steel
pH 714)
Temperature F 40140 40140 40140 40140 40140 40250 40195
C 460 460 460 460 460 4120 490
Probe cleaner suppliers:
ThermoAnderson (Teflon brush,
Branson Cleaning, a subsidiary of Emerson (ultrasonic cleaners,
Fetterolf Corp. (spray rinse valve,
Helios Research Corp. (tank spray washers,
Polymetron, Division of Danaher Corp. (probe cleaners,
Spraying Systems Co. (tank spray washers,
Toftejorg Inc. (tank spray washers,
Gamajet Cleaning Systems (tank spray washers,
Many or most vendors of electrodes can provide self-cleaning or auto-cleaning capability for their systems. Many operate on a timer, cleaning the
electrode periodically. Some can automatically extract a probe from the process, clean, and even recalibrate before reinserting it into the line. For
example, pH, ORP, and ISE probe vendors GLI (Great Lakes, and Foxboro ( have a
variety of systems to clean electrodes, including ultrasonic, brushes, and Teflon balls.
process is not opened when the electrode is cleaned, or auto- of the measured value, or of diagnostic information should
matically. Automatic probe-cleaning devices may be pressur- be considered. Quality of the electrical power can be critical,
ized liquid or gas jets, or thermal, mechanical, or ultrasonic as many microprocessors in analyzers can be reset or dam-
cleaning and scraping devices. aged by voltage spikes.
If a sampling system is used, variation in pressure in
ANALYZER LOCATION vents and drains, and oil or moisture, or both, in air lines can
wreak havoc on the system. The temperature and humidity
The location of the analyzer can be critical to the success of of the atmosphere surrounding the analyzer may also con-
the installation. If the instrument is to be installed at some tribute to unreliable performance.
distance from the process, the lines bringing the sample to Fire and explosion are the major safety hazards of analyzer
the instrument must be considered. Many questions will need installations (See Table 8.1r). The safety of analyzer houses
to be answered. For example, what is the lag time to reach is also a consideration. (See Sidebar 8.1s by Georg Erk.) The
the instrument? Do the lines need heat tracing? Will the sam- inability of most laboratory instruments to meet electrical
ple be returned to the process? requirements limits their use in on-line applications. Often,
Ambient conditions for the analyzer must be considered. however, purging an analyzer that is not explosion-proof
Should the instrument or several instruments be housed in allows it to be used in hazardous areas. Samples or stored
an analyzer house or shelter? Instruments require power and reagents containing toxic, flammable, or noxious substances
other utilities that must be included in the planning. Access are also safety hazards. This can be a major issue when con-
to the instrument for maintenance, local readout or display sidering liquid chromatography analyzers, for example.
Sidebar 8.1s
Safety of Analyzer Houses (by Georg Erk)
With major input from the U.S. National Delegation and under its leadership, the International Technical Commission issued the document Safety
of Analyser Houses, IEC 61285 Ed. 1.0.b: 1994.
This document discusses all aspects of the safety of analyzer houses. It is recommended that the reader obtain the full document for detailed
information, specifications, and documentation for the design and installation of analyzer houses and their components. It is available from:
Customer Service
American National Standards Institute
25 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 19936
Telephone: 212 642-4980
Fax: 212 302-1286
TABLE 8.1t
Summary of Some Attributes of Major Analyzer Approaches
Use this table as a basic guide. It provides you with a starting point, to help you think about the analytes measurable attribute. Usually, several methods
will be applicable to any given analyte, depending on concentration, matrix, etc.
Sample Sampling
Technique Cost Complexity Calibration Phase System Selectivity Mode Range
Gas chromatography 2, 3 2, 3 1 1, 2 3 1 1a, 3 1, 2, 3
Liquid chromatography 3 3 1 2 3 1 1a, 3 1, 2, 3
IC 3 3 1 2 3 1 1a, 3 1, 2, 3
Filters (12 wavelengths) 1 1 1 1, 2 1 1, 2, 3 1a, 2 1, 2, 3
Full spectrum 2, 3 1 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1 1, 2, 3 1a, 2 1, 2, 3
Fluorescence (filter) 2 1 2 2, 3 1 1, 2 1a 1, 2
Filters (26 wavelengths) 2 1 2 2, 3 1, 2 2 1a, 2 2, 3
Full spectrum 3 2, 3 3 2, 3 1, 2 2 1a, 1b, 2 2, 3
Filters (26 wavelengths) 2 1 2 1, 2, 3 1, 2 1, 2 1a, 1b, 2 2, 3
Full spectrum 3 2, 3 3 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1a, 1b, 2 2, 3
Raman, with fiber optics 3 2, 3 2, 3 2 2 2 1b, 2 2, 3
Microwave/Rf 2, 3 2 2 2, 3 2 3 1a, 1b, 2 2, 3
RI 1, 2 1 1 2 1 3 1b, 3 2, 3
Turbidity 1, 2 2 1 2 1 3 1b, 2 2, 3
Particle size 3 2 1 1, 2, 3 1, 2 3 1b, 2, 3 N/A
XRF 3 3 1 2, 3 1, 2 1 1a, 1b, 2 2, 3
Potentiometric (pH/ISE/ORP) 1 1 1 2 1, 2 1, 2 1b, 2 1, 2, 3
Conductance 1 1 1 2 1 3 1a, 1b, 2 2, 3
Amperometric (fuel cell, 1 1 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1b, 2 1a, 2, 3
Autotitration 2, 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1, 2, 3
FIA 3 3 2 2 2 2 2, 3 1, 2, 3
MS 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1, 2, 3
NMR 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3
Explanation of Codes:
Attribute Code 1 Code 2 Code 3
Cost <$5000 $500020,000 >$20,000
Complexity Low Moderate High
Calibration 2 points (or does Several points Chemometrics
not need)
Sample Phase Gas Liquid Solid
Sampling System None Simple Complex
Selectivity Specific Varies with Nonspecific
Mode Noninvasive (a); Continuous Intermittent
invasive (b)
Range Trace (<0.1%) 0.15% >5%
Note: N/A = not applicable. As with all generalizations, these comparisons should be taken as a guide. Different installation schemes, different
analytes, etc., can dramatically change costs, complexity, and the other attributes in the above table. The addition of fiber optics to any of the
optical techniques will provide increased accessibility to the process from remote locations and eliminate the need for a sampling system, but the
cost of the fiber, especially in the mid-infrared region, is considerable.
TABLE 8.1u
Analyzer Selection Guide for Some Common Analytes
The analyzers suggested here make use of the main measurement attributes of each analyte, so that, for example, a UV analyzer is suggested for
nitrobenzene, a strong UV absorber. Most organic compounds can be measured using gas or liquid chromatography, so those techniques are not noted
for every analyte in the table. Many additional factors will affect the final analyzer choice, especially concentration and matrix. See the text.
Acetaldehyde 9 Furfural 9
Acetic anhydride 9 Hazardous gases 1
Acetone 9 Hexane 3
Acrylonitrile 9 Hydrazine, ppb 17
Aldehydes 3, 9 Hydrogen chloride 1, 6
Alkyl chloride 1 Hydrogen cyanide 1
Aluminum 6 Hydrogen fluoride 1
Amines, ppm 17 Methane 3
Ammonia 1, 3, 5, 6, 11 Methyl bromide 1
Aniline 9 Methyl chloride 1
Argon 11, 14, 15 Methylene chloride 1, 3
Bromine 9 Nitrogen compounds (e.g., NH3, NO3 , NO2, amines) 6
Butadiene 9, 10 Nitrogen peroxide 9
Butane 2, 7, 8 Nitrous fumes 1
Caffeine 4, 9 Potassium dichromate 9
Carbon disulfide 1, 9 Propylene dichloride 1
Chlorine 1, 5, 6, 9, 12 Proteins 6, 9
Chlorine, residual 1, 5, 6 Residual chlorine 1, 5, 6
Chlorine, ppm 1 Sulfuric acid 2, 5, 6, 19
Chlorobenzene 1 Tetraethyl lead, ppb 17
Chloroform 1 Trichloroethylene 1, 3
Color 9 Trichloroethylene, ppm 17
Cyclohexane 6, 10 Ketones 9
Diolefin vapors 9 Methanol 3
Ethane 3 Nitrobenzene 9
Ethyl bromide 1 Nitrogen dioxide, ppm 14, 15
Ethyl chloride 1 Nitrous oxide 3
Ethylene bromide, ppm 17 Oxygen 1, 6, 11, 13, 16
Ethylene chloride, ppm 17 Propane 3, 14, 15
Ethylene glycol 10 Pyridine 9, 14, 15
Ethylene in % 3, 14, 15 Silicon 18
Ethylene oxide 3, 11 Sulfur dioxide 1, 3, 6, 9, 11
Freon 3, 11 Tetrachloroethylene, ppm 17
Vinyl chloride 1, 3
Code numbers used:
1. Electrochemical (polarographic, amperometric, fuel cell, etc.) 11. Thermal conductivity
2. Conductance 12. Phototape
3. IR 13. Zirconium oxide
4. NIR 14. Mass spectrometer
5. pH, ORP, ISE 15. Chromatography (gas or liquid)
6. Wet chemistry (FIA, autotitration, etc.) 16. Paramagnetic
7. Electrolytic hygrometer 17. Flame ionization
8. Capacitance 18. XRF
9. UV-Vis 19. Density
10. Refractometers 20. Miscellaneous analyte-specific techniques
TABLE 8.1v
Analyzer Selection Guide for Some Common Applications
Use this table as a basic guide. It provides you with a starting point, to help you think about the analytes measurable attribute. Usually, several methods
will be applicable to any given analyte, depending on concentration, matrix, etc.
Acidity (of aqueous solutions) 5, 6 Ethylene in C1C8, H2, CO2 15
Acids in water 2, 5, 6, 10,19 Ethylene oxide in methane, ethane, propane 14, 15
Alcohol in water 10, 19 Fluoride in water 5, 6
Alkalinity of water 6 Freon moisture content 7, 20
Ammonium ions in water 5, 6 Glycerine and salts in water 10, 19
Aromatics in vapors or in water 9 Green, white, or black liquor concentration 10
Benzene in ethanol or cyclohexane 9, 10 Hardness (total) in water 6
Benzene in raffinate or in ethyl alcohol 9 Helium in oxygen, nitrogen 11
Benzene moisture content 4, 8 Helium moisture content 7, 20
Benzotriazole in water, ppm 9 Hexane moisture content 7, 20
Brine concentration 2, 10, 19 Hexavalent chromium 6
Bromide ions in water 5 Humidity (air) 7, 20
Butadiene in butanes and butylenes 9, 15 Hydrazine in water 6
Butadiene in styrene 10, 15 Hydrocarbon in H2S, CO2, air 1, 14, 15
Cadmium ions in water 5, 6 Hydrocarbon vapors in ambient air 17, 11
Caffeine in coffee 4 Hydrogen impurities (in O2, N2, CO, H2O) 14, 15
Caffeine in water or ethylaetate or CH2Cl2 9 Hydrogen in chlorine 9, 11
Calcium ions in water 5, 6 Hydrogen in nitrogen, oxygen, inert gases 11, 15
Carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages 3 Hydrogen sulfide in air 1, 9, 12
Carbon dioxide in gases 1, 3, 6 Hydrogen sulfide in hydrocarbon liquids 6
Carbon dioxide moisture content 7, 20 Hydrogen sulfide in natural gas or in stack gas 1, 9
Carbon monoxide in gases 1, 3 Iodide ions in water 5, 6
Carbon monoxide moisture content 7, 20 Iron (total) in water 6
Carbon tetrachloride in air 1 Isobutane in C5, n-C6, i-C7 hydrocarbons 15
Catsup and tomato paste (solids content) 10, 19 Isobutane in n-butane (liquid) 10
Caustic concentration 2, 6, 10, 19 Isoprene in solvents 9
Chemical oxidation demand 6 Jams, jellies, juices for sugar content (Brix) 10
Chloride ion in aqueous solution 5, 6 Kerosene moisture content 4, 8
Chlorine in air 1, 11 Lead ions in water 5, 6
Chlorine in ethylene dichloride 9 Methane in other gases 3, 11, 14, 15
Chlorine, ppm, in off-gas or phosgene 9 Methane moisture content 4, 7, 20
Chromium in water (hexavalent or total) 6 Methanol in water 10, 19
Citrus juice (Brix, sugar concentration) 10, 19 Natural gas moisture content 3, 7, 8, 20
Combustibles in air 17 Neon moisture content 3, 7, 20
Copper in water 5, 6 Nitrate and nitrite in water 6
Cyanide in water 5, 6 Nitric acid in water 2, 5, 6, 10
Cyclohexane in n-hexane/methylcyclopentane 10 Nitric oxide in air 1
Divalent ions in water 5, 6 Nitrogen (NH3, NO3, NO2, total, etc.) in water 6
Divinyl acetylene in acrylonitrile 9 Nitrogen in argon 14, 15
Ethane moisture content 7, 20 Nitrogen moisture content 3, 7, 20
Ethanol in benzene or in water 10, 19 Octane rating of gasoline 4
Ethyl chloride moisture content 7, 20 Oil (triglyceride) in milk and other foods 4
Ethylene glycol in water 10, 19 Oil in liquid Freon 3, 4
Note: Careful study of this table will show some apparent inconsistencies, but also some patterns. The inconsistencies are not real; they occur when
several techniques are listed because the concentration and details of the application are missing. For example, the concentration vs. conductance
curve for sulfuric acid increases with concentration and then rolls over and decreases. The use of conductance is fine in some ranges, but not in
others. An example of one of the patterns that emerge from the table is the apparent similar utility of three inferential methods of analysis: conductance,
refractive index, and density. As the concentration of some analytes increases, the conductivity, refractive index, and density all change, providing
three relatively simple measurements to consider.
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