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(Libro) Arellano - Panel Data Econometrics 2003

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The text discusses various econometric models and techniques for panel data analysis, including fixed effects models, error components models, dynamic models, and estimation approaches like GLS, ML, GMM.

The text discusses fixed effects models, error components models, dynamic models, autoregressive models, and simultaneous equation models among others.

Estimation techniques discussed include GLS, ML, various GMM estimators, 2SLS, 3SLS and within and between estimation.

Advanced Texts in Econometrics

General Editors
Manuel Arellano Guido Imbens Grayham E. Mizon
Adrian Pagan Mark Watson
Advisory Editors
C. W. J. Granger
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Panel Data Econometrics

Manuel Arellano
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP
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Manuel Arellano 2003
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To Olympia, Manuel, and Jaime
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Preface xi
1 Introduction 1
IStatic Models 5
2 Unobserved Heterogeneity 7
2.1 Overview 7
2.2 Fixed Effects Models 11
2.2.1 Assumptions 11
2.2.2 Within-Group Estimation 14
2.3 Heteroskedasticity and Serial Correlation 18
2.3.1 Robust Standard Errors for Within-Group Estimators 18
2.3.2 Optimal GLS with Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation of Unknown Form 20
2.3.3 Improved GMM and Minimum Distance Estimation under Heteroskedasticity and
Autocorrelation of Unknown Form 20
2.4 Likelihood Approaches 23
2.4.1 Joint Likelihood 24
2.4.2 Conditional Likelihood 24
2.4.3 Marginal (or Integrated) Likelihood 25
2.5 Nonlinear Models with Additive Effects 27
2.5.1 Nonlinear Regression 27
2.5.2 Linear Structural Equation 28
2.5.3 Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations 29
3 Error Components 31
3.1 A Variance Decomposition 31
3.2 Error-Components Regression 34
3.2.1 The Model 34

3.2.2 GLS and ML Estimation 35

3.2.3 GLS, Within-Groups, and Between-Groups 36
3.3 Testing for Correlated Unobserved Heterogeneity 37
3.3.1 Specication Tests 38
3.3.2 Robust Alternatives 41
3.4 Models with Information in Levels 42
3.5 Estimating the Error Component Distributions 44
4 Error in Variables 47
4.1 An Introduction to the Standard Regression Model with Errors in Variables 47
4.2 Measurement Error Bias and Unobserved Heterogeneity Bias 49
4.3 Instrumental Variable Estimation with Panel Data 51
4.4 Illustration: Measuring Economies of Scale in Firm Money Demand 53
IITime Series Models with Error Components 55
5 Covariance Structures for Dynamic Error Components 57
5.1 Introduction 57
5.2 Time Effects 60
5.3 Moving Average Autocovariances 64
5.4 Estimating Covariance Structures 67
5.4.1 GMM/MD Estimation 68
5.4.2 Using Transformations of the Original Moments 70
5.4.3 Relationship between GMM and Pseudo ML 71
5.4.4 Testing Covariance Restrictions 73
5.5 Illustration: Testing the Permanent Income Hypothesis 75
6 Autoregressive Models with Individual Effects 81
6.1 Assumptions 82
6.2 The Within-Group Estimator 84
6.3 Instrumental Variable Estimation 88
6.4 Initial Conditions and Heteroskedasticity 91
6.4.1 Estimation under Stationarity 91
6.4.2 Unrestricted Initial Conditions 96
6.4.3 Time Series Heteroskedasticity 107
6.4.4 Time Effects in Autoregressive Models 108
6.5 Mean Stationarity 110
6.6 Unit Roots 113
6.7 Estimating and Testing VARs for Firm Employment and Wages 116

IIIDynamics and Predeterminedness 127

7 Models with both Strictly Exogenous and Lagged Dependent Variables 129
7.1 The Nature of the Model 129
7.2 An Example: Cigarette Addiction 130
7.3 GMM Estimation 133
7.3.1 2SLS Estimation from a Large T Perspective 133
7.3.2 Optimal IV Estimation in a Small T, Large N Context 134
7.3.3 GMM with the Number of Moments Increasing with T 135
7.3.4 Explanatory Variables Uncorrelated with the Effects 137
7.3.5 Enforcing Restrictions in the Covariance Matrix 137
7.4 Maximum Likelihood 138
7.4.1 Estimation with Unrestricted Covariance Matrix 138
7.4.2 MLE with Covariance Restrictions 140
7.4.3 MLE with Correlated xs 141
8 Predetermined Variables 143
8.1 Introduction and Examples 144
8.1.1 Partial Adjustment with Feedback 145
8.1.2 Euler Equation for Household Consumption 145
8.1.3 Cross-Country Growth and Convergence 148
8.2 Large T Within-Group Estimation 149
8.3 Small T GMM Estimation 151
8.3.1 Moments and Weight Matrices 151
8.3.2 The Irrelevance of Filtering 152
8.4 Optimal Instruments 155
8.5 Instruments Uncorrelated with the Effects 159
8.5.1 System Estimators 159
8.5.2 Stationarity Restrictions 161
8.5.3 Illustration: A Dynamic Evaluation of Job Training 162
8.5.4 Time-Invariant Explanatory Variables 164
8.5.5 Levels Moments Implied by Lack of Serial Correlation 164
8.6 Estimating the Effect of Fertility on Female Labour Participation 165
8.7 Other Estimation Methods 169
IVAppendices 175
AGeneralized Method of Moments Estimation 177
A.1 Method of Moment Estimation Problems 177
A.2 General Formulation 180
A.3 Examples: 2SLS and 3SLS 181
A.4 Consistency of GMM Estimators 184

A.5 Asymptotic Normality 185

A.6 Estimating the Asymptotic Variance 188
A.7 Optimal Weight Matrix 190
A.8 Testing the Overidentifying Restrictions 192
BOptimal Instruments in Conditional Models 199
B.1 Introduction 199
B.2 Linear Regression 200
B.3 Nonlinear Regression 203
B.4 Nonlinear Structural Equation 204
B.5 Multivariate Nonlinear Regression 206
B.6 Nonlinear Simultaneous Equation System 208
References 215
Index 227
The objective of this book is to review some of the main topics in panel data econometrics. It deals with linear static
and dynamic models, and it is aimed at a readership of graduate students and applied researchers. Parts of the book
can be used in a graduate course on panel data econometrics, and as a reference source for practitioners.
I have tried to survey as many modelling ideas as possible, rather than trying to present them with the greatest
generality. Modelling ideas are often the key input in applied econometrics, and although the book is concerned with
econometric methodology, an effort has been made to motivate techniques in the context of applications.
Familiarity with linear regression analysis and basic concepts in probability theory is required. For the most part I
adopt a generalized method of moments (GMM) approach, and I make frequent use of instrumental variable
arguments. When available, I also present likelihood approaches drawing links to their regression or GMM
counterparts. Since the degree of exposure of economists to GMM varies with cohort and style of undergraduate
training, I have included two appendices, one on GMM and another on optimal instruments, in order to make the
book reasonably self-contained. These two appendices are a revised version of the notes I have used over the years in
teaching graduate students at CEMFI.

I started writing this book in the Winter of 2000 during a stay at the Faculty of Economics and Politics, University of
Cambridge, whose hospitality I am pleased to acknowledge. It was nished at CEMFI two years later, and I gratefully
thank my colleagues for their forbearance. Its existence owes much to Andrew Schuller's belief that I was capable of
writing at book length on panel data; my warmest thanks to him for his encouragement and patience. Over the years I
have been fortunate to be close to teachers, colleagues, and students that provided decisive stimulus to my work. My
teachers and mentors, Steve Nickell and David Hendry, and especially my Ph.D. adviser, Denis Sargan, greatly
inuenced my understanding of econometrics. I have enormously beneted from close interaction with Richard

Blundell, Steve Bond, Olympia Bover, Costas Meghir, and Enrique Sentana. Martin Browning, Gary Chamberlain, and
Whitney Newey had particularly large intellectual impacts in my views on the subject of this book. My former research
students Lola Collado, Csar Alonso-Borrego, Victor Aguirregabiria, Raquel Carrasco, and Javier Alvarez have also
been a constant source of fruitful interaction. I am also pleased to acknowledge my co-authors, notably Bo Honor, as
I have drawn heavily on our joint work. I am most grateful to Javier Alvarez, Jess Carro, Tony Lancaster, Francisco
Pearanda, and Frank Windmeijer, who read parts of the manuscript and made valuable comments, and to James
Davidson for his advice on the technical composition of the manuscript. Special thanks are due to Pedro Albarrn,
Olympia Bover, and Enrique Sentana for their comments, help, and willingness to discuss every aspect of the
preparation of the book throughout. I am, of course, solely responsible for the failings that remain. Finally, my deepest
gratitude to Olympia, Manuel, and Jaime for their staunch support.
Madrid, July 2002
1 Introduction
At one time exotic, the use of economic data with both time series and cross-sectional variation has now become
common place in modern econometric practice. The term panel data is used for a wide variety of situations in
econometrics. It refers to any data set with repeated observations over time for the same individuals. Individuals can
be workers, households, rms, industries, regions, or countries, to name a few.
If we pool together the national accounts of several countries we obtain a country panel. Data of this kind have been
prominent, for example, in recent research on models of growth and convergence. Moreover, much interest has been
directed to cross-country or cross-state panels because these data can sometimes provide exogenous variation in
institutions or policies that facilitate the identication of parameters of economic interest.
Not surprisingly, some of the econometric issues arising in this context are closely related to time series econometrics.
In aggregate panels, the cross-sectional and time series dimensions are often of a similar magnitude. A central
modelling issue is how best to accommodate heterogeneity across units. A central statistical issue is the impact of
cross-sectional variation for the choice and sampling properties of estimators.
Another class of data sets are household or rm level panels, which are based on surveys, census, administrative
records, or company balance accounts. These are usually referred to as micropanels. Typically, these panels consist of
large cross-sections of individuals observed for short time periods. Examples are the Michigan, Essex, and European
Community household income panels,1 or the rotating panels on household expenditures conducted in the US and
some European countries.

The Panel Study of Income Dynamics of the University of Michigan (PSID), the British Household Panel Survey of the University of Essex (BHPS), and the European
Community Household Panel Survey (ECHS).

Interest in the latter, originally evolved from cross-sectional econometrics in such areas as labour economics, demand
analysis, and the analysis of cost and production functions. In this context a number of specic techniques for large N
and small T panels have been developed (although there are also panels where neither N is very large nor T is very
small). It is important, nevertheless, to bear in mind that from a substantive point of view it is not T itself that matters
but the nature of the variation over the period, or the relevance of the frequency of the observations for the analysis
(quarterly, annual, etc.).
Household or rm level data sets may overcome aggregation problems in identifying individual agents' rules of
behaviour. Moreover, panel data may provide the exogenous variation that is required for the identication of
structural parameters through comparisons across periods covering policy changes. These remarks would be also true
of data consisting of time series of independent cross-sections. What is specic about panel data is the possibility of
following the same individuals over time, which facilitates the analysis of dynamic responses and the control of
unobserved heterogeneity.
In the econometrics of panel data there tends to be an emphasis in the modelling and implications of heterogeneity,
which is not surprising given that we are dealing with different units. Aside from that, the eld has expanded to cover
almost any aspect of econometrics. Structural equations, dynamics, time series models, discrete choice, selectivity, unit
roots: all the standard econometric tools have been reassessed for use with panel data. Thus, it is increasingly more
difcult to regard panel data analysis as a special topic within econometrics having a unied theme. Rather, most
econometric developments are potentially relevant for panel data. Furthermore, given the variety of existing panel data
sets and the diversity of objectives economists may have in using them, there is no such thing as the methodology for
analysing panel data, but a collection of disparate techniques that have accumulated from a series of heterogeneous
motivations in theoretical and applied econometrics.
This book has two main concerns. One is the analysis of econometric models with non-exogenous explanatory
variables. This includes strictly exogenous variables that are correlated with unobserved permanent effects, variables
subject to measurement error, and variables that are predetermined or endogenous relative to time-varying errors.
The other main concern is dynamic modelling and, more specically, the problem of distinguishing empirically
between dynamic responses and unobserved heterogeneity in panel data models.
Static and dynamic linear models are covered. With the exception of error-in-variable problems, most results can be
made extensive to nonlinear models with additive errors, and I make this extension explicit at times. However,
nonlinear models with non-additive errors are outside the scope of this book. Some of these models, like discrete
choice and sample selection models, are important tools in empirical work. Unfortunately, very little is known about
nonlinear panel data models with explanatory variables that are predetermined,

endogenous, or measured with error. A review of recent work on nonlinear panel data models can be found in
Arellano and Honor (2001).
The main text is divided into three parts. Part I deals with static models and Parts II and III with dynamic models. Part
II discusses pure time series models, whereas dynamic conditional models are considered in Part III. In the
econometrics of panel data two different types of motivations have converged. One is the desire to control for
unobserved heterogeneity; the other is the possibility of modelling dynamic responses and error components. The
three parts of the book are organized around these two themes and their interrelations.
Finally, Part IV contains two appendices that review the main results in the theory of generalized method of moments
estimation, and optimal instrumental variables.
The introductory material in each of the chapters will be useful to anyone interested in panel data analysis. Many topics
are discussed from both small and long T perspectives, and I present empirical illustrations for both micro and macro
panels. There is, however, an emphasis in the econometrics of micro panels. This emphasis is reected in both the
organization of the material and the choice of topics.
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Part I Static Models
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2 Unobserved Heterogeneity
The econometric interest on panel data, specially in microeconometric applications, has been the result of at least two
different types of motivation.
First, the desire of exploiting panel data for controlling unobserved time-invariant heterogeneity in cross-
sectional models.
Second, the use of panel data as a way of disentangling components of variance and estimating transition
probabilities among states, and more generally to study the dynamics of cross-sectional populations.
These motivations can be loosely associated with two strands of the panel data literature labelled xed effects and random
effects models. We next take these two motivations and model types in turn. First in the context of static models in Part
I, and then in the context of dynamic models in Parts II and III.

2.1 Overview
A sizeable part of econometric activity deals with empirical description and forecasting, but another part aims at
quantifying structural or causal relationships. Structural relations are needed for policy evaluation and often for testing
The regression model is an essential statistical tool for both descriptive and structural econometrics. However,
regression lines from economic data often cannot be given a causal interpretation. The reason being that in the relation
of interest between observables and unobservables we might expect explanatory variables to be correlated with
unobservables, whereas in a regression model regressors and unobservables are uncorrelated by construction.

There are several instances in which we would expect correlation between observables and unobservables. One is the
classical supply-and-demand simultaneity problem due to time aggregation and market equilibrium. That is, a
regression of quantity on price could not be interpreted as a demand equation because we would expect an
unobservable exogenous shift in demand to affect not only purchases but also prices through the supply side effect of
quantities on prices.
Another is measurement error: if the explanatory variable we observe is not the variable to whom agents respond but
an error ridden measure of it, the unobservable term in the equation of interest will contain the measurement error
which will be correlated with the regressor.
Finally, there may be correlation due to unobserved heterogeneity. This has been a pervasive problem in cross-
sectional regression analysis. If characteristics that have a direct effect on both left- and right-hand side variables are
omitted, explanatory variables will be correlated with errors and regression coefcients will be biased measures of the
structural effects. Thus researchers have often been confronted with massive cross-sectional data sets from which
precise correlations can be determined but that, nevertheless, had no information about parameters of policy interest.
The traditional response of econometrics to these problems has been multiple regression and instrumental variable
models. Regrettably, although the statistical theory of the problem is well understood, we often lack data on the
conditioning variables or the instruments to achieve identication of structural parameters in that way.
A major motivation for using panel data has been the ability to control for possibly correlated, time-invariant
heterogeneity without observing it.
Suppose a cross-sectional regression of the form

such that E(vi1 | xi1, i) = 0. If i is observed can be identied from a multiple regression of y on x and . If i is not
observed identication of requires either lack of correlation between xi1 and i, in which case

or the availability of an external instrument zi that is uncorrelated with both vi1 and i but correlated with xi1, in which

Suppose that neither of these two options is available, but we observe yi2 and xi2 for the same individuals in a second
period (so that T = 2) such that

and both vi1 and vi2 satisfy E(vit | xi1, xi2, i) = 0. Then is identied in the regression in rst-differences even if i is not
observed. We have:



A Classical Example: Agricultural CobbDouglas Production Function (Mundlak,

1961; Hoch, 1962; Chamberlain, 1984)
Suppose equation (2.1) represents a production function for an agricultural product. The index i denotes farms and t
time periods (seasons or years). Also:
yit = Log output.
xit = Log of a variable input (labour).
i = An input that remains constant over time (soil quality).
vit = A stochastic input which is outside the farmer's control (rainfall).
Suppose i is known by the farmer but not by the econometrician. If farmers maximize expected prots there will be a
cross-sectional correlation between labour and soil quality. Therefore, the population coefcient in a simple regression
of yi1 on xi1 will differ from . If were observed by the econometrician, the coefcient on x in a multiple cross-
sectional regression of yi1 on xi1 and i will coincide with . Now suppose that data on yi2 and xi2 for a second period
become available. Moreover, suppose that rainfall in the second period is unpredictable from rainfall in the rst period
(permanent differences in rainfall can be made part of i), so that rainfall is independent of a farm's labour demand in
the two periods. Thus, even in the absence of data on i the availability of panel data affords the identication of the
technological parameter .

A Firm Money Demand Example (Mulligan, 1997; Bover and Watson, 2000)
Suppose rms minimize cost for a given output sit subject to a production function sit = F(xit) and to some transaction

, where x denotes a composite input, m is demand for cash, is labour employed in transactions, and a represents the
rm's nancial sophistication. There will be economies of scale in the demand for money by rms if c 1. The
resulting money demand equation is

Here k is a constant, R is the opportunity cost of holding money, w is the wage of workers involved in transaction
services, and v is a measurement error in the demand for cash.2 In general a will be correlated with output through the
cash-in-advance constraint. Thus, the coefcient of output (or sales) in a regression of log m on log s and log(R/ w) will
not coincide with the scale parameter of interest. However, if rm panel data is available and a varies across rms but
not over time in the period of analysis, economies of scale can be identied from the regression in changes.

An Example in Which Panel Data Does Not Work: Returns to Education

Structural returns to education are important in the assessment of educational policies. It has been widely believed in
the literature that cross-sectional regression estimates of the returns could not be trusted because of omitted ability
that if correlated with education attainment would bias returns (cf. Griliches, 1977). In the earlier notation:
yit = Log wage (or earnings).
xit = Years of full-time education.
i = Unobserved ability.
= Returns to education.
The problem in this example is that xit typically lacks time series variation. So a regression in rst-differences will not be
able to identify in this case. In this context data on siblings and cross-sectional instrumental variables have proved
more useful for identifying returns to schooling free of ability bias than panel data.
This example illustrates a more general problem. Information about in the regression in rst-differences will depend
on the ratio of the variances of v and x. In the earningseducation equation, we are in the extreme situation
where Var( x) = 0, but if Var( x) is small regressions in changes may contain very little information about
parameters of interest even if the cross-sectional sample size is very large.

Econometric Measurement versus Forecasting Problems

The previous examples suggest that the ability to control for unobserved heterogeneity is mainly an advantage in the
context of problems of econometric measurement as opposed to problems of forecasting. This is an important
distinction. Including individual effects we manage to identify certain coefcients at the expense of leaving part of the
regression unmodelled (the one that only has cross-sectional variation).
Note that the part of the variance of y accounted by x could be very small relative to and v (5, 80, and 15 per cent
would not be an unrealistic situation

Writing the rm's cost as , equation (2.5) results from the rst-order condition Cit / mit = 0 or

in, for example, intertemporal labour supply models of the type considered by Heckman and MaCurdy (1980)).3 In a
case like this it is easy to obtain higher R2 by including lagged dependent variables or proxies for the xed effects.
Regressions of this type would be useful in cross-sectional forecasting exercises for the population from which the data
come (like in credit scoring or in the estimation of probabilities of tax fraud), but they may be of no use if the objective
is to measure the effect of x on y holding constant all time-invariant heterogeneity.
An equation with individual specic intercepts may still be useful when the interest is in forecasts for the same
individuals in different time periods, but not when we are interested in forecasts for individuals other than those
included in the sample.

Non-Exogeneity and Random Coefcients

The identication of causal effects through regression coefcients in differences or deviations depends on the lack of
correlation between x and v at all lags and leads (strict exogeneity). If x is measured with error (Chapter 4) or is
correlated with lagged errors (Chapter 8), regressions in deviations may actually make things worse.4
Another difculty arises when the effect of x on y is itself heterogeneous. In such case regression coefcients in
differences cannot in general be interpreted as average causal effects. Specically, suppose that is allowed to vary
cross-sectionally in (2.1) and (2.2) so that

In these circumstances, the regression coefcient (2.4) differs from E(i) unless i is mean independent of xi2. The
availability of panel data still affords identication of average causal effects in random coefcients models as long as x
is strictly exogenous. However, if x is not exogenous and i is heterogeneous we run into serious identication
problems in short panels.5

2.2 Fixed Effects Models

2.2.1 Assumptions
Our basic assumptions for what we call the static xed effects model are as follows. We assume that {(yi1, . . . , yiT, xi1,
. . . , xiT, i), i = 1, . . . , N} is a random sample and that


Since x and are potentially correlated, the variance of y need not coincide with the sum of the variances of x , and v.
See Griliches and Mairesse (1998) for a cautionary tale on xed effects solutions, and an assessment of empirical production functions based on rm panel data.
Chamberlain (1992a) considers the estimation of random coefcients models with strictly exogenous variables. The problem of identication from short panels with non-
exogenous x is discussed in Chamberlain (1993), and Arellano and Honor (2001). Estimation from long heterogeneous panels is considered in Pesaran and Smith

together with
Assumption A1:

where vi = (vi1, . . . , viT) and xi = (xi1, . . . , xiT). We observe yit and the k 1 vector of explanatory variables xit but not i,
which is therefore an unobservable time-invariant regressor.
Similarly, we shall refer to classical errors when the additional auxiliary assumption holds:
Assumption A2:

Under Assumption A2 the errors are conditionally homoskedastic and not serially correlated.
Under Assumption A1 we have

where yi = (yi1, . . . , yiT), is a T 1 vector of ones, and Xi = (xi1, . . . , xiT) is a T k matrix. The implication of (2.8) for
the expected value of yi given xi is

Moreover, under Assumption A2

which implies

A weaker set of assumptions is
Assumption A1:

Assumption A2:

Although we shall often rely on the weaker assumption E(vit | xi) = 0 for conveniencesince many results of interest
can be obtained with itin many

applied instances it will be difcult to imagine how E(vit | xi) = 0 would hold without E(vit | xi, i) = 0 also holding.6
Another possibility is to replace mean independence assumptions by lack of correlation assumptions, but similar
remarks apply: in practice it may be difcult to imagine the linear projection conditions E*(vit | xi) = 0 or E*(vit | xi, i) =
0 holding without the stronger mean independence conditions also holding. Nevertheless, lack of correlation may still
be a convenient way of providing a focus for the presentation of essential identication results.
Notice that under Assumptions A1 and A2 we have the same expression for E(yi | xi) as in (2.9) but a different one
for Var(yi | xi) since i and vi may be conditionally correlated given xi:


A1 (or A1) is the fundamental assumption in this context. It implies that the error v at any period is uncorrelated with
past, present, and future values of x (or, conversely, that x at any period is uncorrelated with past, present, and future
values of v). A1 is, therefore, an assumption of strict exogeneity that rules out, for example, the possibility that current
values of x are inuenced by past errors. In the agricultural production function example, x (labour) will be
uncorrelated with v (rainfall) at all lags and leads provided the latter is unpredictable from past rainfall (given
permanent differences in rainfall that would be subsumed in the farm effects, and possibly seasonal or other
deterministic components). If rainfall in period t is predictable from rainfall in period t 1 which is known to the
farmer in tlabour demand in period t will in general depend on vi(t1) (Chamberlain, 1984, 12581259). Conditional
models without strictly exogenous explanatory variables will be considered in Part III.
Assumption A2 is, on the other hand, an auxiliary assumption under which classical least-squares results are optimal.
However, lack of compliance with A2 is often to be expected in applications. Here, we rst present results under A2,
and subsequently discuss estimation and inference with heteroskedastic and serially correlated errors.
As for the nature of the effects, strictly speaking, the term xed effects would refer to a sampling process in which the
same units are (possibly) repeatedly sampled for a given period holding constant the effects. In such context one often
has in mind a distribution of individual effects chosen by the researcher.

Note that a formally even weaker assumption would be

since this would be equivalent to saying that E (vit | xi ) could be an arbitrary function of xi which does not vary with t. However, if E (vit | xi ) = (xi ) for any t, we could
always redene i and vit as and , respectively, so that would still be xed over time and .

Here we imagine a sample randomly drawn from a multivariate population of observable data and unobservable
effects. This notion may or may not correspond to the physical nature of data collection. It would be so, for example,
in the case of some household surveys, but not with data on all quoted rms or OECD countries. In those cases, the
multivariate population from which the data are supposed to come is a hypothetical one. Moreover, we are interested
in models which only specify features of the conditional distribution f (yi | xi, i). Therefore, we are not concerned with
whether the distribution that generates the data on xi and i, f (xi, i) say, is representative of some cross-sectional
population or of the researcher's wishes. We just regard (yi, xi, i) as a random sample from the (perhaps articial)
multivariate population with joint distribution f (yi, xi, i) = f (yi | xi, i) f (xi, i) and focus on the conditional distribution
of yi. So in common with much of the econometric literature, we use the term xed effects to refer to a situation in
which f (i | xi) is left unrestricted.

2.2.2 Within-Group Estimation

With T = 2 there is just one equation after differencing. Under Assumptions A1 and A2, the equation in rst-
differences is a classical regression model and hence ordinary least-squares (OLS) in rst-differences is the optimal
estimator of in the standard least-squares sense. To see the irrelevance of the equations in levels in this model, note
that a non-singular transformation of the original two-equation system is

Since E (i | xi) is an unknown unrestricted function of xi, knowledge of the function E (yi1 | xi) is uninformative about
in the rst equation. Thus no information about is lost by only considering the equation in rst-differences.
If T 3 we have a system of T 1 equations in rst-differences:

which in compact form can be written as

where D is the (T 1) T matrix rst-difference operator

Provided each of the errors in rst-differences are mean independent of the xs for all periods (under Assumption A1
or A1) E(Dvi | xi) = 0, OLS estimates of in this system given by

will be unbiased and consistent for large N. However, if the vs are homoskedastic and non-autocorrelated classical
errors (under Assumption A2 or A2), the errors in rst-differences will be correlated for adjacent periods with

Following standard regression theory, the optimal estimator in this case is given by generalized least-squares (GLS),
which takes the form

Moreover, note that in this case GLS itself is a feasible estimator since DD does not depend on unknown coefcients.
The idempotent matrix D (DD)1D also takes the form7

The matrix Q is known as the deviations-from-time-means or within-group operator because it transforms the original time
series into deviations from time means: , whose elements are given by

To verify this, note that the T T matrix

is such that , so that also or


with . Therefore, can also be expressed as OLS in deviations from time means

This is probably the most popular estimator in panel data analysis, and it is known under a variety of names including
within-group and covariance estimator.8
It is also known as the dummy-variable least-squares or xed effects estimator. This name reects the fact that since
is a least-squares estimator after subtracting individual means to the observations, it is numerically the same as the
estimator of that would be obtained in a OLS regression of y on x and a set of N dummy variables, one for each
individual in the sample. Thus can also be regarded as the result of estimating jointly by OLS and
the realizations of the individual effects that appear in the sample.
To see this, consider the system of T equations in levels

and write it in stacked form as

where y = (y1, . . . , yN) and v = (v1, . . . , vN) are NT 1 vectors, X = (X1, . . . , XN) is an NT k matrix, C is an NT
N matrix of individual dummies given by C = IN , and = (1, . . . , N) is the N 1 vector of individual specic
effects or intercepts. Using the result from partitioned regression, the OLS regression of y on X and C gives the
following expression for estimated

which clearly coincides with since INT C(CC)1C = IN Q.
The expressions for the estimated effects are


We do not need to go beyond standard regression theory to obtain the sampling properties of these estimators. The
fact that is the GLS for the system of T 1 equations in rst-differences tells us that it will be unbiased

The name within-group originated in the context of data with a group structure (like data on families and family members). Panel data can be regarded as a special case of
this type of data in which the group is formed by the time series observations from a given individual.

and optimal in nite samples. It will also be consistent as N tends to innity for xed T and asymptotically normal
under usual regularity conditions. The will also be unbiased estimates of the i for samples of any size, but being time
series averages, their variance can only tend to zero as T tends to innity. Therefore, they cannot be consistent
estimates for xed T and large N. Clearly, the within-group estimates will also be consistent as T tends to innity
regardless of whether N is xed or not.
Fixed effects or analysis-of-covariance models have a long tradition in econometrics. Their use was rst suggested in
two Cowles Commission papers by Hildreth (1949, 1950), and early applications were conducted by Mundlak (1961)
and Hoch (1962). The motivation in these two studies was to rely on xed effects in order to control for simultaneity
bias in the estimation of agricultural production functions.

Orthogonal Deviations
Finally, it is worth nding out the form of the transformation to the original data that results from doing rst-
differences and further applying a GLS transformation to the differenced data to remove the moving-average serial
correlation induced by differencing (Arellano and Bover, 1995). The required transformation is given by the (T 1)
T matrix

If we choose (DD)1/2 to be the upper triangular Cholesky factorization, the operator A can be shown to take the form
A = diag[(T 1)/T, . . . , 1/2]1/2A+ where

Therefore, a T 1 time series error transformed by A, will consist of T 1 elements of the form

where . Clearly, AA = Q and AA = IT 1. We then refer to this transformation as forward orthogonal
deviations. Thus, if Var(vi) = 2IT we also have . So orthogonal deviations can be regarded as an alternative
transformation, which in common with rst-differencing eliminates individual effects but in contrast it does not
introduce serial correlation in the transformed errors. Moreover, the within-group estimator can also be regarded as
OLS in orthogonal deviations. In terms of the

within-group algebra it makes no difference whether forward or backward orthogonal deviations are used. However,
forward orthogonal deviations will turn out to be specially useful in the discussion of dynamic models.

2.3 Heteroskedasticity and Serial Correlation

2.3.1 Robust Standard Errors for Within-Group Estimators
If Assumption A1 holds but A2 does not (that is, using orthogonal deviations, if but ), the
ordinary regression formulae for estimating the within-group variance will lead to inconsistent standard errors. Such
formula is given by

where X* = (IN A)X, y* = (IN A)y, and is the unbiased residual variance


However, since

and , the right-hand side of the previous expression is a scaled sample average of zero-mean random variables
to which a standard central limit theorem for multivariate iid observations can be applied for xed T as N tends to

Therefore, an estimate of the asymptotic variance of the within-group estimator that is robust to heteroskedasticity and
serial correlation of arbitrary forms for xed T and large N can be obtained as

with (Arellano, 1987). For large T and xed N, however, such an estimate of the variance would not be
consistent and an alternative estimate will be required. We next discuss this case.

Robust Standard Errors for Large T and Fixed N

The previous distribution theory for small T and large N allowed for arbitrary time series dependence but relied on
cross-sectional independence. With large T and xed N we can allow for arbitrary cross-sectional dependence by
relying on sufciently weak time series dependence.
Let denote the within-group estimator of and , and let wit = (xit, di) where di is a N 1 vector with one in
the i-th position and zero elsewhere. Moreover, let

or equivalently


A positive semi-denite estimator of V of the type suggested by Newey and West (1987) takes the form

where (, m) = 1 [/ (m + 1)],

and . The effect of the weight function (, m) is to smooth the sample autocovariance function by
assigning declining weights to sample autocovariances as increases.
Provided the data are a mixing sequence, and the bound m on the number of autocovariances used to form is chosen
as a suitable function of T, can be shown to be a consistent estimator of V as T for xed N using Newey and
West's Theorem 2.
Therefore, an estimate of the asymptotic variance of the within-group estimator of and that is robust to cross-
sectional dependence, heteroskedasticity, and serial correlation of arbitrary forms, for mixing data with large T and
xed N can be obtained as


2.3.2 Optimal GLS with Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation of Unknown

Returning to a large N and xed T environment, if where (xi) is a symmetric matrix of order T
containing unknown functions of xi, the optimal estimator of will be of the form

This estimator is unfeasible because (xi) is unknown. A feasible semi parametric GLS estimator would use instead a
nonparametric estimator of based on within-group residuals. Under appropriate regularity conditions and a
suitable choice of nonparametric estimator, feasible GLS can be shown to attain for large N the same efciency as
using the results in Robinson (1987).
A special case which gives rise to a straightforward feasible GLS (for small T and large N), rst discussed by Kiefer
(1980), is one in which the conditional variance of is a constant but non-scalar matrix: . This assumption
rules out conditional heteroskedasticity, but allows for autocorrelation and unconditional time series heteroskedasticity
in the original equation errors vit. In this case, a feasible GLS estimator takes the form

where is given by the orthogonal-deviation WG residual intertemporal covariance matrix


2.3.3 Improved GMM and Minimum Distance Estimation under Heteroske-

dasticity and Autocorrelation of Unknown Form
The basic condition implies that any function of xi is uncorrelated to and therefore a potential instrumental
variable. Thus, any list of moment conditions of the form

for given functions ht(xi) such that is identied from (2.35), could be used to obtain a consistent GMM estimator of

Under (xi) = 2IT1 the optimal moment conditions are given by

in the sense that the variance of the corresponding optimal method-of-moments estimator (which in this case is OLS
in orthogonal deviations, or the WG estimator) cannot be reduced by using other functions of xi as instruments in
addition to (2.36).9
For arbitrary (xi) the optimal moment conditions are

which gives rise to the optimal GLS estimator given in (2.32).
The k moment conditions (2.37), however, cannot be directly used because (xi) is unknown. The simpler, improved
estimators that we consider in this section are based on the fact that optimal GMM from a wider list of moments than
(2.36) can be asymptotically more efcient than WG when (xi) 2IT1, although not as efcient as optimal GLS. In
particular, it seems natural to consider GMM estimators of the system of T 1 equations in orthogonal deviations (or
rst-differences) using the explanatory variables for all time periods as separate instruments for each equation:

Note that the k moments in (2.36) are linear combinations of the much larger set of kT(T 1) moments contained in
(2.38). Also, it is convenient to write (2.38) as

where Zi = (IT1 xi). With this notation, the optimal GMM estimator from (2.38) or (2.39) is given by

Optimality requires that the weight matrix AN is a consistent estimate up to a multiplicative constant of the inverse of
the variance of the orthogonality conditions .
Under Assumption A2 , and therefore an optimal choice is AN = (iZiZi)1. In such a case the resulting
estimator is numerically the same as the within-group estimator because the columns in are linear combinations of
those in Zi.

Appendix B provides a review of results on optimal instruments in conditional models.

More generally, an optimal choice under heteroskedasticity and serial correlation of unknown form is given by

The resulting estimator, say, will be asymptotically equivalent to WG under Assumption A2 but strictly more
efcient for large N when the assumption is violated. It will, nevertheless, be inefcient relative to . The
relationship among the large sample variances of the three estimators is therefore

with equality in both cases when Assumption A2 holds.

Minimum Distance
Estimators of the previous type were considered by Chamberlain (1982, 1984) who motivated them as minimum
distance (MD) estimators from a linear projection of yi on xi:


Under the model's specication E(yi | xi, i) = Xi + i. Thus

where denotes the Tk 1 vector of slope coefcients in the linear projection of i on xi and is the intercept, so that
0 = and


Chamberlain considered MD estimators of and based on unrestricted OLS estimates of , which are equivalent to
the GMM estimators given in (2.40).10 To see this note that can be transformed into A and (/T) with the latter
being unrestricted moments:


Thus, all the information about in is contained in *. An unrestricted OLS estimate of * is given by
Let p be a vector of coefcients that satisfy a set of parameter restrictions p = p (), and let be an unrestricted estimator of p. An MD estimator of minimizes
for some weight matrix AN .

and an optimal MD estimator of minimizes the criterion

where is a consistent estimate of the large sample variance of .
The equivalence to GMM follows from noting that

and that takes the form

Thus the MD estimator that minimizes (2.47) coincides with the WG estimator when AN = (iZiZi)1, and with
when AN equals the robust choice (2.41).11

2.4 Likelihood Approaches

The within-group estimator can be regarded as the Gaussian maximum likelihood estimator under three different
likelihood approachesjoint, conditional, and marginalrelative to the individual effects. This is a special feature of
the static linear model. In other models, different likelihood approaches give rise to different estimators. Nevertheless,
regardless of their maxima, the alternative likelihood functions for the static model that we discuss in this section may
be of interest in their own right from a Bayesian perspective.

If were replaced by with

that is, OLS with unrestricted intercepts in (2.42), we obtain the same equivalence with WG and, in the robust case, an equivalence with a GMM estimator that in addition
to xi uses period-specic intercepts as instruments.

2.4.1 Joint Likelihood

Under the normality assumption:

the log conditional density of yi given xi and i takes the form


where vi = (yi Xi i). Thus, the log likelihood of a cross-sectional sample of independent observations is a
function of , 2, and 1, . . . , N:

In view of our previous discussion and standard linear regression maximum likelihood (ML) estimation, joint
maximization of (2.50) with respect to , , and 2 yields the WG estimator for , the residual estimates for given in
(2.22), and the residual variance without degrees of freedom correction for 2:

where .
Unlike (2.25) will not be a consistent estimator of for large N and small T panels. In effect, since
, we

Thus has a negative (cross-sectional) large sample bias given by 2/T. This is an example of the incidental parameter
problem studied by Neyman and Scott (1948). The problem is that the maximum likelihood estimator need not be
consistent when the likelihood depends on a subset of (incidental) parameters whose number increases with sample
size. In our case, the likelihood depends on , 2 and the incidental parameters 1, . . . , N. The ML estimator of is
consistent but that of 2 is not.

2.4.2 Conditional Likelihood

In the linear static model, is a sufcient statistic for i. This means that the density of yi given xi, i, and yi
does not depend on i


To see this, note that, expressing the conditional density of yi given yi as a ratio of the joint and marginal densities, we

and that under (2.48)

so that

Subtracting (2.53) from (2.49) we obtain:


which does not depend on i because it is only a function of the within-group errors.
Thus the conditional log likelihood

is a function of and 2 which can be used as an alternative basis for inference. The maximizers of (2.55) are the WG
estimator of and

Note that contrary to (2.51), (2.56) is consistent for large N and small T, although it is not exactly unbiased as (2.25).

2.4.3 Marginal (or Integrated) Likelihood

Finally, we may consider the marginal distribution of yi given xi but not i:

where F (i | xi) denotes the conditional cdf of i given xi. One possibility, in the spirit of the MD approach discussed in
the previous section, is to assume

but it is of some interest to study the form of f (yi | xi) for arbitrary F (i | xi).

Let us consider the non-singular transformation matrix

Note that

but since |det (H)| = T1/2 is a constant it can be ignored for our purposes. Moreover, since12

given normality we have that the conditional density of yi factorizes into the between-group and the orthogonal
deviation densities:

Note in addition that the orthogonal deviation density is independent of i

and in view of (2.52) it coincides with the conditional density given yi

Thus, either way we have

If F (i | xi) is unrestricted, the second term on the right-hand side of (2.63) is uninformative about so that the
marginal ML estimators of and 2 coincide with the maximizers of , which are again given by the WG
estimator and (2.56). This is still true when F (i | xi) is specied to be Gaussian with unrestricted linear projection of i
on xi, as in (2.57), but not when i is assumed to be independent of xi (i.e. = 0), as we shall see in Chapter 3.

Note that

Specically, suppose that F (i | xi) is as in (2.57), then f (yi | xi) corresponds to

where = + ( /T) and . If and are free parameters, and 2 are uninformative about and 2.
Note that even if (2.57) is replaced with

that is, if we assume that = a/T,13 the distribution of yi given xi remains uninformative about and 2.

2.5 Nonlinear Models with Additive Effects

So far we have focused on linear regression models. Nevertheless, the arguments presented in this chapter generalize in
a straightforward way to the case of conditional moment restriction models with additive effects. This class includes
nonlinear regression models, and linear and nonlinear simultaneous equations models with additive effects. We rst
describe nonlinear regressions and linear instrumental-variable models, and conclude by considering the general case.
The crucial feature of the models in this section is that the unobservable variables are additive terms. This excludes
generalized linear regression models of the form E (yit | xi, i) = g (xit + i) where g (.) is some nonlinear link function
(as in exponential, logit, and probit regression), and structural equations with non-additive errors, like discrete choice
models with endogenous explanatory variables (panel data models with nonlinear effects are surveyed in Arellano and
Honor, 2001).

2.5.1 Nonlinear Regression

The model considered is a nonlinear version of (2.7)

which can be stacked over time for individual i to give yi = g(xi, ) + i + vi. Under Assumptions A1 and A2, the
optimal estimator is nonlinear least-squares in orthogonal deviations or nonlinear within-groups:


If A1 holds but A2 does not, so that , the optimal estimator is of the form

A specication of this type was rst considered by Mundlak (1978).

which is a nonlinear version of the unfeasible GLS estimator given in (2.32).

2.5.2 Linear Structural Equation

In the standard xed effects model all the endogeneity of x in the relationship between y and x is captured by the
correlation between x and , since x and the time-varying error v are assumed to be uncorrelated at all lags and leads.
We now consider an instrumental variable xed effects model in which x may also be correlated with v, but a vector of
instruments zi = (zi1, . . . , ziT) is available (possibly overlapping with some of the components of x) which may be
correlated with but not with v. The form of the model is therefore

together with

In common with the standard case, the levels are uninformative about in this model because E(i | zi) is an unknown
unrestricted function of zi. Thus, the basic condition is and the unfeasible optimal instrumental-variable
estimator is

where B(zi) denotes the (T 1) k matrix of optimal instruments given by (cf. Newey, 1993, and Appendix B):

and .
Feasible approaches to optimal estimation can be based on an estimator of B(zi). Alternatively, in parallel with the
development in Section 2.3.3 we may consider GMM estimators based on the orthogonality conditions

The form of these estimators is the same as in (2.40) with Zi = (IT 1 zi). Using the inverse of (iZiZi) as weight
matrix, we obtain the 2SLS-type estimator


If (zi) = 2IT1 and E(Xi | zi) is linear in zi, then and are asymptotically equivalent. On the other hand, if
zit = xit the statistic boils down to the ordinary within-group estimator.

2.5.3 Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations

Finally, we consider a system of g nonlinear simultaneous equations with additive effects. The previous models can be
regarded as special cases of this one with g = 1. We have:


which can be stacked over time for individual i to give the gT-equation system (xi, ) = ( i) + vi. In this model i
denotes a g 1 vector of additive effects, and vi is a vector of errors for different equations and time periods of
dimension gT.
We consider estimation from the orthogonal-deviation conditional moment restrictions where . The
unfeasible optimal instrumental variable estimator in this case solves the estimating equations

where B(zi) is now the g(T 1) k matrix of optimal instruments

and is a g(T 1) g(T 1) covariance matrix. As before, feasible approaches include the use of estimated
optimal instruments, and GMM estimation based on a particular choice of unconditional moment restrictions.
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3 Error Components

The analysis in the previous chapter was motivated by the desire of identifying regression coefcients that are free
from unobserved cross-sectional heterogeneity bias. Another major motivation for using panel data is the possibility of
separating out permanent from transitory components of variation.

3.1 A Variance Decomposition

The starting point of our discussion is a simple variance-components model of the form

where is an intercept, , and i and vit are independent of each other. The cross-sectional variance of
yit in any given period is given by . This model tells us that a fraction of the total variance corresponds
to differences that remain constant over time while the rest are differences that vary randomly over time and units.
Dividing total variance into two components that are either completely xed or completely random will often be
unrealistic, but this model and its extensions are at the basis of much useful econometric descriptive work. A
prominent example is the study of earnings inequality and mobility (cf. Lillard and Willis, 1978). In the analysis of
transitions between earnings classes, the model allows us to distinguish between aggregate or unconditional transition
probabilities and individual transition probabilities given certain values of the permanent characteristics represented by
Indeed, given i, the ys are independent over time but with different means for different units, so that we have

whereas unconditionally we have



Thus the unconditional correlation between yit and yis for any two periods t s is given by

with .
In this model individual transition probabilities given i are independent of the state of origin:

but not so unconditionally:


where and . This is so because Ft,t1(b,d) Ft(b) Ft1(d) due to the correlation
between yit and yi(t1) induced by the permanent effects. In effect, letting G (.) be the cdf of we have:


Thus, decomposition (3.1) allows us to distinguish between probability statements for individuals with a given value of
from (aggregate) probability statements for groups of observationally equivalent individuals.

Estimating the Variance-Components Model

One possibility is to approach estimation conditionally given i. That is, to estimate the realizations of the permanent
effects that occur in the sample and 2. Natural unbiased estimates in this case would be



where and . However, typically both and 2 will be parameters of interest. To obtain an
estimator of note that the variance of yi is given by

Therefore, an unbiased estimator of can be obtained as the difference between the estimated variance of yi and :

A problem with this estimator is that it is not guaranteed to be non-negative by construction.
The statistics (3.8) and (3.10) can be regarded as Gaussian ML estimates under . To see this, note that using
transformation (2.58) in general we have:

Hence, under normality the log density of yi can be decomposed as

so that the log likelihood of (y1, . . . , yN) is given by



Clearly the ML estimates of 2 and 2 are given by (3.8) and the sample variance of yi, respectively.14 Moreover, the ML
estimator of is given by (3.10) in view of the invariance property of maximum likelihood estimation.
Note that with large N and short T we can obtain precise estimates of and 2 but not of the individual realizations i.
Conversely, with small N and large T we would be able to obtain accurate estimates of i and 2 but not

Note that .

of , the intuition being that although we can estimate the individual i well there may be too few of them to obtain a
good estimate of their variance.
For large N, is just-identied when T = 2 in which case we have .15

3.2 Error-Components Regression

3.2.1 The Model
Often one is interested in the analysis of error-components models given some conditioning variables. The
conditioning variables may be time-varying, time-invariant or both, denoted as xit and fi, respectively. For example, we
may be interested in separating out permanent and transitory components of individual earnings by labour market
experience and educational categories.
This gives rise to a regression version of the previous model in which, in principle, not only but also and 2 could
be functions of xit and fi. Nevertheless, in the standard error-components regression model is period-specic and
made a linear function of xit and fi, while the variance parameters are assumed not to vary with the regressors. The
model is therefore

together with the following assumption for the composite vector of errors ui = (ui1, . . . , uiT):

where wi = (xi1, . . . , xiT, fi).
This model is similar to the one discussed in the previous chapter except in one fundamental aspect. The individual
effect in the unobserved-heterogeneity model was potentially correlated with xit. Indeed, this was the motivation for
considering such a model in the rst place. In contrast, in the error-components model i and vit are two components
of a regression error and hence both are uncorrelated with the regressors.
Formally, this model is a specialization of the unobserved-heterogeneity model of the previous chapter under
Assumptions A1 and A2 in which in addition



To reconcile the notation used in the two instances, note that in the unobserved heterogeneity model, the time-
invariant component of the regression

With T = 2, (3.10) coincides with the sample covariance between yi1 and yi2 .

fi is subsumed under the individual effect i. Moreover, in the unobserved-heterogeneity model we did not specify an
intercept so that E(i) was not restricted, whereas for the error-components model E(i) = 0, and fi will typically
contain a constant term.
Note that in the error-components model is identied in a single cross-section. The parameters that require panel
data for identication in this model are the variances of the components of the error and 2, which typically will be
parameters of central interest in this context.
There are also applications of model (3.16)-(3.17) in which the main interest lies in the estimation of and . In these
cases it is natural to regard the error-components model as a restrictive version of the unobserved heterogeneity model
of Chapter 2 with uncorrelated individual effects.

3.2.2 GLS and ML Estimation

Under the previous assumptions, OLS in levels provides unbiased and consistent but inefcient estimators of and :

where , and = (, ).
Optimal estimation is achieved through GLS, also known as the BalestraNerlove estimator:16

This GLS estimator is, nevertheless, unfeasible, since depends on and 2, which are unknown. Feasible GLS is
obtained by replacing them by consistent estimates. Usually, the following are used:


where , and denotes the between-group estimator, which is given by the OLS regression of yi on wi:

cf. Balestra and Nerlove (1966).


Alternatively, the full set of parameters , , 2, and may be jointly estimated by maximum likelihood. As in the case
without regressors, the log likelihood can be decomposed as the sum of the between and within log likelihoods. In this
case we have:

so that under normality the error-components log likelihood equals:





Separate maximization of LW and LB give rise to within-group and between group estimation, respectively. Thus, the
error-components likelihood can be regarded as enforcing the restriction that the parameter vectors that appear in LW
and LB coincide. This immediately suggests a (likelihood-ratio) specication test that will be further discussed below.
Moreover, in the absence of individual effects so that 2 = 2/T. Thus, the OLS estimator in levels (3.21) can be
regarded as the MLE that maximizes the log-likelihood (3.27) subject to the restriction 2 = 2/T. Again, this suggests a
likelihood-ratio (LR) test of the existence of (uncorrelated) effects based on the comparison of the restricted and
unrestricted likelihoods. Such a test will, nevertheless, be sensitive to distributional assumptions.

3.2.3GLS, Within-Groups, and Between-Groups

We have motivated error-components regression models from a direct interest in the components themselves.
Sometimes, however, correlation between individual effects and regressors can be regarded as an empirical issue. We
shall address the testing of such hypothesis in the next section. Now we note the algebraic connections between within-
groups, between-groups, and the BalestraNerlove GLS estimators.

Transforming the original system by H as in (3.26) we obtain Hyi = HWi + Hui or


The usefulness of this transformation is that the complete system is divided into two conditionally independent sub-
systems. Namely, T 1 within-group equations which are free from individual effects, and one average equation which
is not. Therefore, in terms of the transformed model, can be written as a weighted least-squares estimator of the

where 2 is the ratio of the within to the between error variances 2 = 2/2, , and wi = T1Wi. Thus can be
regarded as a matrix-weighted average of the within-group and between-group estimators (cf. Maddala, 1971). The
statistic (3.31) is identical to (3.22).17 For feasible GLS, 2 is replaced by the ratio of the within to the between sample
residual variances . For maximum likelihood, 2 corresponds to the ratio of residual variances evaluated at the
MLE itself. 18

3.3 Testing for Correlated Unobserved Heterogeneity

Sometimes correlated unobserved heterogeneity is a basic property of the model of interest. An example is a -
constant labour supply or demand equation where i, is determined by the marginal utility of initial wealth, which
according to the underlying life-cycle model will depend on wages or prices in all periods (cf. MaCurdy, 1981;
Browning, Deaton, and Irish, 1985). Another example is when a regressor is a lagged dependent variable, as in the
autoregressive models discussed in Part II. In cases like this, testing for lack of correlation between

When 2 = T (or ) (3.31) boils down to the OLS in levels estimator (3.21), whereas if then 2 0 and tends to within-groups.
18 2 2 2
Although estimates of and will be non-negative by construction (and hence also those of ), estimates of may be negative. The ML estimator that enforces the
constraint may exhibit a boundary solution. This problem was discussed by Maddala (1971).

regressors and individual effects is not warranted since we wish the model to have this property.
On other occasions, correlation between regressors and individual effects can be regarded as an empirical issue. In
these cases testing for correlated unobserved heterogeneity can be a useful specication test for regression models
estimated in levels. Researchers may have a preference for models in levels because estimates in levels are in general
more precise than estimates in deviations (dramatically so when the time series variation in the regressors relative to the
cross-sectional variation is small), or because of an interest in regressors that lack time series variation.

3.3.1 Specication Tests

We have already suggested a specication test of correlated effects from a likelihood ratio perspective. This was a test
of equality of the coefcients appearing in the WG and BG likelihoods. Similarly, from a least-squares perspective,
we may consider the system


where b, c, and i are such that E* (i | xi, fi) = 0, and formulate the problem as a (Wald) test of the null hypothesis19


The least-squares perspective is of interest because it can easily accommodate robust generalizations to
heteroskedasticity and serial correlation as we shall see below.
Under the unobserved-heterogeneity model

so that (3.32) can be regarded as a specication of the alternative hypothesis of the form

with b = + 1 and c = + 2. H0 is, therefore, equivalent to 1 = 0. Note that H0 does not specify that 2 = 0, which is
not testable.
Under (3.35) and the additional assumption , the error covariance matrix of the system (3.32)-(3.33) is given
by Var(i | wi) = 2,

Indeed under the assumptions of the error-components model b = , c = , and i = ui .

, and . Thus the optimal LS estimates of (b, c) and are the BG and the WG estimators,
respectively. Explicit expressions for the BG estimator of b and its estimated variance matrix are:


where M = I F (F F)1F, F = (f1, . . . , fN), X = (x1, . . . , xN), and y = (y1, . . . , yN). Likewise, the estimated variance
matrix of the WG estimator is

Moreover, since , the Wald test of (3.34) is given by


Under H0, the statistic h will have a 2 distribution with k degrees of freedom in large samples. Clearly, h will be
sensitive to the nature of the variables included in fi. For example, H0 might be rejected when fi only contains a constant
term, but not when a larger set of time-invariant regressors is included.
Hausman (1978) originally motivated the testing of correlated effects as a comparison between WG and the
BalestraNerlove GLS estimator, suggesting a statistic of the form



Under H0 both estimators are consistent, so we would expect the difference to be small. Moreover, since is
efcient, the variance of the difference must be given by the difference of variances. Otherwise, we could nd a linear
combination of the two estimators that would be more efcient than GLS. Under H1 the WG estimator remains
consistent but GLS does not, so their difference and the test statistic will tend to be large. A statistic of the form given
in (3.40) is known as a Hausman test statistic. As shown by Hausman and Taylor (1981), (3.40) is in fact the same
statistic as (3.39). Thus h can be regarded both as a Hausman test or as a Wald test of the restriction 1 = 0 from OLS
estimates of the model under the alternative (Arellano, 1993).

Figure 3.1: Within-group and between-group lines

Fixed Effects versus Random Effects

These specication tests are sometimes described as tests of random effects against xed effects. However, according
to the previous discussion, for typical econometric panels, we shall not be testing the nature of the sampling process
but the dependence between individual effects and regressors. Thus, for our purposes individual effects may be
regarded as being random without loss of generality. Provided one has an interest in partial regression coefcients
holding effects constant, what matters is whether the effects are independent of the observed regressors or not.20

More generally, the econometrics literature has tended to regard statistical models with incidental parameters (Neyman and Scott, 1948) as semi-parametric random effects
models in which the conditional distribution of the effects given some conditioning variables is left unspecied (Chamberlain, 1992a, 1992b, and discussion in Lancaster,

Figure 3.1 provides a simple illustration for the scatter diagram of a panel data set with N = 4 and T = 5. In this
example there is a marked difference between the positive slope of the within-group lines and the negative one of the
between-group regression. This situation is the result of the strong negative association between the individual
intercepts and the individual averages of the regressors.

3.3.2 Robust Alternatives

Robust Wald Testing

If the errors are heteroskedastic and/or serially correlated, the previous formulae for the large sample variances of the
WG, BG, and GLS estimators are not valid. Moreover, WG and GLS cannot be ranked in terms of efciency so that
the variance of the difference between the two does not coincide with the difference of variances.
Following the least-squares Wald approach, Arellano (1993) discussed a generalized test which is robust to
heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation of arbitrary forms. To describe this procedure, it is convenient to write system
(3.32)-(3.33) in the following matrix form


In this format, OLS estimation of directly provides the difference together with and : (3.43)

A robust estimate of the asymptotic variance of can be obtained using White's formulae (cf. White, 1984): (3.43)

where and d = b . Hence, a generalized Wald test of the null (3.34) that is robust to heteroskedasticity
and autocorrelation is given by


GMM Estimation and Testing

Under the null of uncorrelated effects we may consider GMM estimation based on the orthogonality conditions21



In parallel with the development in Section 2.3.3, the resulting estimates of and will be asymptotically equivalent to
Balestra-Nerlove GLS with classical errors, but strictly more efcient when heteroskedasticity or autocorrelation is
present. However, under the alternative of correlated effects, any GMM estimate that relies on the moments (3.46) will
be inconsistent for . Thus, we may test for correlated effects by considering an incremental test of the over identifying
restrictions (3.46). Note that under the alternative, GMM estimates based on (3.47)-(3.48) will be consistent for but
not necessarily for .
Optimal GMM estimates in this context minimize a criterion of the form

where are some one-step consistent residuals. Under uncorrelated effects the instrument matrix Zi takes the form

whereas under correlated effects we shall use


3.4 Models with Information in Levels
Sometimes it is of central interest to measure the effect of a time-invariant explanatory variable controlling for
unobserved heterogeneity. Returns to schooling holding unobserved ability constant is a prominent example. In those

We could also add:

in which case, the entire set of moments can be expressed in terms of the original equation system as:

When fi contains a constant term only, this amounts to including a set of time dummies in the instrument set.

as explained in Chapter 2, panel data is not directly useful. Hausman and Taylor (1981) argued, however, that panel
data might still be useful in an indirect way if the model contained time-varying explanatory variables that were
uncorrelated with the effects.
Suppose there are subsets of the time-invariant and time-varying explanatory variables, f1i and x1i = (x1i1, . . . , x1iT)
respectively, that can be assumed a priori to be uncorrelated with the effects. In such case, the following subset of the
orthogonality conditions (3.46)-(3.48) hold




The parameter vector will be identied from the moments for the errors in deviations (3.54). The basic point noted
by Hausman and Taylor is that the coefcients may also be identied using the variables x1i and f1i as instruments for
the errors in levels, provided the rank condition is satised.
Given identication, the coefcients and can be estimated by GMM. With classical errors, optimal GMM
estimation based on the orthogonality conditions (3.52)-(3.54) leads to

where mi = (x1i, f1i). Note that with mi = (xi, fi), (3.55) coincides with the Balestra-Nerlove GLS estimator (3.31)
because the variables in wi are linear combinations of those in (xi, fi).
Hausman and Taylor did in fact consider (3.55) with mi = (x1i, f1i). Additional estimators of this type were considered
by other authors. Bhargava and Sargan (1983) and Amemiya and MaCurdy (1986) suggested that a weaker
identication condition and further efciency could be achieved by using as instruments the full set of lags and leads of
the x1it variables instead of their time means, as described in our presentation. Moreover, Bhargava and Sargan (1983)
and Breusch, Mizon, and Schmidt (1989) suggested to use deviations from time means of correlated time-varying
regressors as additional instruments on the assumption of constant correlation with the effects. Finally, Arellano and
Bover (1995) presented a GMM formulation for models containing instruments for errors in levels, and derived the
information bound for these models.
The notion that a time-varying variable that is uncorrelated with an individual effect can be used at the same time as an
instrument for itself and for

a correlated time-invariant variable is potentially appealing. Nevertheless, the impact of these models in applied work
has been limited, due to the difculty in nding exogenous variables that can be convincingly regarded a priori as being
uncorrelated with the individual effects. For example, Chowdhury and Nickell (1985) attempted to estimate returns to
education using union status, sickness, and past unemployment variables as candidates for possible time-varying
variables uncorrelated with the effect, but concluded that the instruments were either invalid or ineffective within their
PSID sample.

3.5 Estimating the Error Component Distributions

If the motivation for using an error-components model is to study transition probabilities or rst passage times,22 the
emphasis on the variances seems misplaced since knowledge of the distributions is required in order to evaluate
probabilities. Empirical work on earnings mobility often assumed a normal distribution for the components of log
earnings errors, but the distributions can also be nonparametrically estimated using deconvolution techniques.
Horowitz and Markatou (1996) proposed estimators along these lines which we describe next.23
Let us consider the error-components model (3.16)-(3.17):

together with the assumption that vit is iid and independent of i, and both are continuous random variables.
Let hu(), h(), h(), and hv() denote the characteristic functions (cf) of u, u, , and v, respectively. We then have


where (when not used as a subscript for individuals) and || denotes the modulus of the complex variable .
Under the assumption that v has a symmetric distribution (so that hv() > 0 and real for all ), we have


For a given integer > 0, the probability that the rst passage time for threshold y* exceeds is (, y* ) = Pr(yi1 < y* , . . . , yi < y* ).
In addition, Bayesian exible estimators of error component distributions have been considered by Chamberlain and Hirano (1999), Geweke and Keane (2000), and
Hirano (2002).


Now, using the inversion formulae for characteristic functions, the densities of v and can be obtained from their cfs


Turning to inference, under suitable regularity conditions, hu() and h() are consistently estimated by the empirical cfs
of consistent residuals and :


However, the densities fv(r) and f(r) cannot be estimated by replacing hu() and h() by their empirical counterparts in
(3.60) and (3.61), because the corresponding integrals do not exist in general. To avoid this problem, Horowitz and
Markatou convoluted v and with a suitable continuous random variable that becomes degenerate as N .24 Let us
consider the variables


where is a random variable with known, bounded, real cf g(), and {vN} and { N} are sequences of positive constants
such that vN 0 and N 0 as N . Thus, the cf of v is given by hv()g (vN) and the cf of is h()g ( N).
The idea is to use the inversion formulae to estimate the pdfs of v and , on the grounds that since vN and N tend to
zero the resulting estimators

This procedure is similar to introducing a kernel smoothing of the empirical distributions of and .

converge to the pdfs of v and . Therefore, the estimators proposed by Horowitz and Markatou are of the form



They showed that these estimators are consistent but converge very slowly, something that is, nevertheless, in the
nature of the approach. Horowitz and Markatou also considered a small-sample bias correction, and extensions to
serially correlated and asymmetric v (see also Horowitz, 1998, 4.2). Finally, they estimated conditional rst passage
times for PSID earnings, showing that assuming normality leads to substantial overestimation of the probability that an
individual with low earnings will become a high earner in future.

A Graphical Test of Normality of Individual Effects

The estimated characteristic function of the individual effects can be used to perform an informal graphical diagnostic
of normality. If is normally distributed

On the other hand, an unrestricted estimate of log h () is given by

where and are the empirical cfs (3.62) and (3.63).
Thus, Horowitz and Markatou suggested to plot against 2 as a graphical test of normality. If the distribution
of is normal the plot will be a scatter around a straight line. These authors found that in their PSID earnings data,
possible departures from normality of were small. They did nd, however, evidence of non-normality in the
distribution of v. Its tails were thicker than those of the normal distribution but thinner than those of a Cauchy
4 Error in Variables

4.1 An Introduction to the Standard Regression Model with Errors in

Let us consider a cross-sectional regression model


Suppose we actually observe yi and xi, which is a noisy measure of subject to an additive measurement error i


We assume that all the unobservables , and i are mutually independent with variances , and . Since vi is
independent of is given by the population regression coefcient of yi on :

but since is unobservable we cannot use a sample counterpart of this expression as an estimator of .
What do we obtain by regressing yi on xi in the population? The result is

where . Note that since is non-negative by construction, the population regression coefcient of yi on xi will
always be smaller than in absolute value as long as .

This type of model is relevant in at least two conceptually different situations. One corresponds to instances of actual
measurement errors due to misreporting, rounding-off errors, etc. The other arises when the variable of economic
interest is a latent variable which does not correspond exactly to the one that is available in the data.
In either case, the worry is that the variable to which agents respond does not coincide with the one that is entered as a
regressor in the model. The result is that the unobservable component in the relationship between yi and xi will contain
a multiple of the measurement error in addition to the error term in the original relationship:


Clearly, the observed regressor xi will be correlated with ui even if the latent variable is not.
This problem is often of practical signicance, specially in regression analysis with micro data, since the resulting biases
may be large. Note that the magnitude of the bias does not depend on the absolute magnitude of the measurement
error variance but on the noise to signal ratio . For example, if = 1, so that 50 per cent of the total variance
observed in xi is due to measurement errorwhich is not an uncommon situationthe population regression
coefcient of yi on xi will be half the value of .
As for solutions, suppose we have the means of assessing the extent of the measurement error, so that or are
known or can be estimated. Then can be determined as

More generally, in a model with k regressors and a conformable vector of coefcients

with and :

In this notation, xi will include a constant term, and possibly other regressors without measurement error. This
situation will be reected by the occurrence of zeros in the corresponding elements of .
The expression (4.9) suggests an estimator of the form

where denotes a consistent estimate of .

Alternatively, if we have a second noisy measure of

such that the measurement error i is independent of i and the other unobservables, it can be used as an instrumental
variable. In effect, for scalar xi we have

Moreover, since also

there is one overidentifying restriction in this problem.
In some way the instrumental variable solution is not different from the previous one. Indirectly, the availability of two
noisy measures is used to identify the systematic and measurement error variances. Note that since

we can determine the variances of the unobservables as



In econometrics the instrumental variable approach is the most widely used technique. Thus, the response to
measurement error bias in linear regression problems is akin to the response to simultaneity bias. This similarity,
however, no longer holds in the nonlinear regression context. The problem is that in a nonlinear regression the
measurement error is no longer additively separable from the true value of the regressor (see Hausman, Newey, and
Powell, 1995, for discussion and references on nonlinear regression models with errors in variables).

4.2 Measurement Error Bias and Unobserved Heterogeneity Bias

Let us consider a cross-sectional model that combines measurement error and unobserved heterogeneity


where all unobservables are independent, except and i. The population regression coefcient of yi on xi is given by


Note that there are two components to the bias. The rst one is due to measurement error and depends on . The
second is due to unobserved heterogeneity and depends on . Sometimes these two biases tend to offset each
other. For example, if > 0 and , the measurement error bias will be negative while the unobserved
heterogeneity bias will be positive. A full offsetting would only occur if , something that could only happen
by chance.

Measurement Error Bias in First-Differences

Suppose we have panel data with T = 2 and consider a regression in rst-differences as a way of removing unobserved
lieterogeneity bias. In such a case we obtain

where .
The main point to make here is that rst-differencing may exacerbate the measurement error bias. The reason is as
follows. If it is an iid error then . If is also iid then = , and the measurement error bias in levels and
rst-differences will be of the same magnitude. However, if is a stationary time series with positive serial correlation

and therefore > .25
A related example of this situation in data with a group structure arises in the analysis of the returns to schooling with
data on twin siblings (Taubman, 1976a, 1976b; Goldberger, 1978; Ashenfelter and Krueger, 1994). Regressions in
differences remove genetic ability bias but may exacerbate measurement error bias in schooling if the siblings'
measurement errors are independent but their true schooling attainments are highly correlated (Griliches, 1977, 1979).
Under the same circumstances, the within-group measurement error bias with T > 2 will be smaller than that in rst-
differences but higher than the measurement error bias in levels (cf. Griliches and Hausman, 1986).

Note that, as explained in Chapter 3, the cross-sectional covariance between , and will also be positive in the presence of heterogeneity, even if the individual time
series are not serially correlated.

Therefore, the nding of signicantly different results in regressions in rst-differences and orthogonal deviations may
be an indication of the presence of measurement error.

4.3 Instrumental Variable Estimation with Panel Data

The availability of panel data helps to solve the problem of measurement error bias by providing internal instruments
as long as we are willing to restrict the serial dependence in the measurement error.
In a model without unobserved heterogeneity the following orthogonality conditions are valid provided the
measurement error is white noise and T 2:


Note that this situation is compatible with the presence of serial correlation in the disturbance term in the relationship
between y and x. This is so because the disturbance is made of two components:

and only the second is required to be white noise for the validity of the moment conditions above.
Also note that identication of from the previous moments requires that xit is predictable from its past and future
values. Thus, the rank condition for identication would fail if the latent variable was also white noise.
In a model with unobserved heterogeneity and a white noise measurement error, we can rely on the following
moments for the errors in rst-differences provided T 3:26

In this discussion we use rst-differences to remove individual effects. Note that the use of forward orthogonal deviations would preclude the use of future values of x as


Moments of this type and GMM estimators based on them were proposed by Griliches and Hausman (1986). See also
Wansbeek and Meijer (2000), and Wansbeek (2001) for further discussion and some extensions.
With T = 3 we would have the following two orthogonality conditions:



As in the previous case, if were white noise the rank condition for identication would not be satised. Also, if
was a random walk then Cov(xi1, xi3) = 0 but Cov(xi3, xi2) 0. Note that these instrumental variable methods can be
expected to be useful in the same circumstances under which differencing exacerbates measurement error bias.
Namely, when there is more time series dependence in than in it.
If measured persistence in is exclusively due to unobserved heterogeneity, however, the situation is not different
from the homogeneous white noise case and the rank condition will still fail. Specically, suppose that

where it is iid over i and t, and independent of i. Then Cov(xi1, xi3) = Cov(xi3, xi2) = 0, with the result that is
unidentiable from (4.24) and (4.25). This situation was discussed by Chamberlain (1984, 1985) who noted the
observational equivalence between the measurement error and the xed effects models when the process for is as in
Finally, note that the assumptions about the measurement error properties can be relaxed somewhat provided the
panel is sufciently long and there is suitable dependence in the latent regressor. For example, it could be allowed to be
a rst-order moving average process in which case the valid instruments in the rst-difference equation for period t
would be


4.4 Illustration: Measuring Economies of Scale in Firm Money

As an illustration of the previous discussion, we report some estimates from Bover and Watson (2000) concerning
economies of scale in a rm money demand equation of the type discussed in Chapter 2.
The equations estimated by Bover and Watson are of the general form given in (2.5):


The scale coefcient c(t) is specied as a second-order polynomial in t to allow for changes in economies of scale over
the sample period. The year dummies b(t) capture changes in relative interest rates together with other aggregate
effects. The individual effect is meant to represent permanent differences across rms in the production of transaction
services (so that = log a), and v contains measurement errors in cash holdings and sales. We would expect a non-
negative correlation between sales and a, implying Cov (log s, ) 0 and a downward unobserved heterogeneity bias in
economies of scale.
Table 4.1 Firm Money Demand Estimates Sample period 19861996
OLS Levels OLS Orthog- OLS 1st-diff. GMM 1st- GMM 1st- GMM Levels
onal devia- diff. diff. m. error m. error
Log sales .72 (30.) .56 (16.) .45 (12.) .49 (16.) .99 (7.5) .75 (35.)
Log sales -.02 (3.2) -.03 (9.7) -.03 (4.9) -.03 (5.3) -.03 (5.0) -.03 (4.0)
Log sales .001 (1.2) .002 (6.6) .001 (1.9) .001 (2.0) .001 (2.3) .001 (1.4)

Sargan (p-val- .12 .39 .00

All estilude year dummies, and those in levels also include industry dummies. t-ratios in brackets robust to heteroskedasticity & serial
correlation. N = 5649. Source: Bover and Watson (2000).

All the estimates in Table 4.1 are obtained from an unbalanced panel of 5649 Spanish rms with at least four
consecutive annual observations during the period 19861996.27
The comparison between OLS in levels and orthogonal deviations (columns 1 and 2) is consistent with a positive
unobserved heterogeneity bias (the opposite to what we expected), but the smaller sales effect obtained by OLS in
rst-differences (column 3) suggests that measurement error bias may be important.
Column 4 shows two-step robust GMM estimates based on the moments E (log sit vis) = 0 for all t and s (in addition
to time dummies). These estimates are of the form given in (2.40) with weight matrix (2.41). In the absence of
measurement error, we would expect them to be consistent for the same parameters as OLS in orthogonal deviations
and rst-differences. In fact, in the case of Table 4.1 the last two differ, the GMM sales coefcient lies between the
two, and the test statistic of overidentifying restrictions (Sargan) is marginal.
Column 5 shows GMM estimates based on

thus allowing for both correlated rm effects and serially independent multiplicative measurement errors in sales.
Interestingly, now the leading sales coefcient is much higher and close to unity, and the Sargan test has a p-value close
to 40 per cent.
Finally, column 6 shows GMM estimates based on

In this case, as with the other estimates in levels, rm effects in (4.28) are replaced by industry effects. Therefore, the
estimates in column 6 allow for serially uncorrelated measurement error in sales but not for correlated effects. The
leading sales effect in this case is close to OLS in levels, suggesting that in levels the measurement error bias is not as
important as in the estimation in differences. The Sargan test provides a sound rejection, which can be interpreted as a
rejection of the null of lack of correlation between sales and rm effects, allowing for measurement error.
What is interesting about this example is that a comparison between estimates in levels and deviations without
consideration of the possibility of measurement error (e.g. restricted to compare columns 1 and 2, or 1 and 3, as in
Hausman-type testing), would lead to the conclusion of correlated effects, but with biases going in entirely the wrong

The use of an unbalanced panel requires the introduction of some modications in the formulae for the estimators, which we do not consider here (see, for example,
Arellano and Bond, 1991).
Part II Time Series Models with Error Components
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5 Covariance Structures for Dynamic Error

5.1 Introduction
The models and methods discussed in this and the next chapter are motivated by an interest in the time series
properties of panel data sets. As in Part I, the emphasis will be on short panels. Such interest may arise for a variety of
reasons. We may be interested in separating out permanent from transitory components of variation as in earnings
mobility studies. In another type of application, we may be able to test theories or identify parameters of policy interest
from the mapping between a time series model and a model of individual behaviour. Examples include Hall and
Mishkin's test of the permanent income hypothesis (Hall and Mishkin, 1982)that we discuss belowand Abowd
and Card's study of earnings and hours of work data in the context of intertemporal labour supply models (Abowd
and Card, 1989). Finally, we may be interested in a predictive distribution for use in some optimization problem under
uncertainty. For example, Deaton (1991) uses a predictive distribution of future earnings given past earnings to derive
optimal consumption paths for consumers who maximize life-cycle expected utility. A theoretic-decision discussion of
this problem is presented by Chamberlain (2000).
A natural extension of the basic error-components model considered in Chapter 3 is to allow for serial correlation
in the time-varying component. This is commonly achieved by specifying a simple homogeneous time series process
(e.g. moving average or autoregressive). We have

and the covariance matrix of the T 1 vector yi is given by:

where V is the T T autocovariance matrix of vit. In the basic case considered in (3.2), V = IT. We shall later discuss
the specication and inference for models of this type. The rest of this introduction is devoted to an informal
discussion of the problem of distinguishing between unobserved heterogeneity and individual dynamics in short
Distinguishing Unobserved Heterogeneity from Genuine Dynamics
Let us consider the identication problem that arises in short panels by considering rst a panel with T = 2. In time
series analysis, given a single time series of size T {y1, . . . , yT} a rst-order autocovariance is calculated as an average of
the T 1 products of observations one period apart: . With panel data of size T = 2, we have N time
series with two observations each. In such a situation calculating individual time series autocovariances is not possible
because the time series averages would have just one observation. We can nevertheless calculate a cross-sectional rst-order
autocovariance for the specic two periods available in the panel. This will take the form of an average of the N products
of the two observations for each individual: . Thus, when we consider population moments in this context
they are to be regarded as population counterparts of cross-sectional moments of the previous type. As for example,

In Chapter 3 we saw that the standard error-components model with white noise vit was identied with T = 2 since


In this model all the observed correlation between rst and second period data is due to heterogeneity, since for a
given individual the sequence of ys is a random white noise process around his specic level i. The point to note here
is that this pure heterogeneity model is observationally equivalent to a homogeneous model with serial correlation. For example, if
the model is


where is a constant, , and , we have


In the heterogeneity model the observed autocorrelation 1 is given by

with , whereas in the homogeneous AR(1) model we have

If, for example, the variance of i is four times the variance of vit in the heterogeneity model, we get 1 = 4/5 = 0.8,
exactly the same observed correlation as we would get with a homogeneous AR(1) model with = 0.8. So there is no
way to distinguish empirically between the two models from the autocovariance matrix when T = 2, as long as 0.
With T = 3 the previous two models are distinguishable and non-nested since the heterogeneity model implies

whereas for the AR(1)

Now the combined model with heterogeneous level and homogeneous AR(1) serial correlation (which allows the
intercept in (5.5) to be individual specic with variance ) is just identied with



Pursuing the previous argument, note that with T = 3 the AR(1) model with heterogeneous mean will be
indistinguishable from a homogeneous AR(2) model. These simple examples suggest that a nonparametric test of
heterogeneity will only be possible for large T and N, and in the absence of structural breaks.
Note that with T = 2 the reduced form autocovariance matrix contains three free coefcients (two variances and one
covariance). Since the model that combines AR(1) errors and heterogeneity also has three parameters , and , the
order condition for identication is satised with equality, but not the rank condition. This is so because the variance
equation for the second period will be either redundant or incompatible.

In general, persistence measured from cross-sectional autocorrelation coefcients will combine two different sources.
In the AR(1) model with heterogeneous mean we have

which particularizes to (5.9) or (5.10) when either or are equal to zero, respectively.
Often with micro data 1 1. Nevertheless, a value of 1 close to one may be compatible with many different values of
and . For example, tting the AR(1) model with heterogeneous mean to annual employment from a short balance
account-based panel of rms we obtained 1 = 0.995, = 0.8, and = 36 (see Section 6.7).
The estimation of autoregressive models with individual effects will be discussed in detail in Chapter 6. In the
remainder of this chapter we consider time effects, moving average models, and inference from covariance structures.
Autoregressive models will also be briey considered in this chapter as an illustration of the advantages of using
transformed covariance structures.
The previous discussion could have been conducted using rst-order moving average instead of autoregressive
processes.28 One advantage of MA over AR processes is that they imply linear restrictions in the autocovariance matrix
(e.g. with T = 3 the pure MA(1) process implies Cov (yi1, yi3) = 0). The advantages of autoregressive representations are
in the possibilities of incorporating certain non-stationary features (like unit roots or nonstationary initial conditions),
and the relationship to regression and instrumental-variable settings.

5.2 Time Effects

Often a time series analysis of individual time series will only be meaningful after conditioning on common features.
For example, in the empirical consumption model of Hall and Mishkin considered below, the time series properties of
consumption and income were investigated after conditioning on trends and demographic characteristics of the
household. In other instances, it may be important to remove business cycle or seasonal effects in order to avoid
confusion between aggregate and individual specic dynamics. One might consider specifying a regression of yit. on
some aggregate variables zt (like GDP growth, the unemployment rate, ination, or functions of time)

together with a time series model for the individual-specic component . Alternatively, the aggregate component
could be specied as a latent common stochastic process :


Except for the fact that a pure MA(1) process restricts the range of possible values of 1 .

One would then specify time series models for both and . If and follows the basic error-components
model, we obtain the two-way error-components model considered by Wallace and Hussain (1969) and Amemiya (1971):

whose covariance matrix is given by

where y = (y1, . . . , yN), and T and N denote vectors of ones of dimensions T and N.29
Stochastic modelling of both and i requires large T and N. In panels with small N and large T the individual effects
are treated as parameters. Tiao and Ali (1971) presented an early likelihood analysis of a regression version of this type
of model in which vit was a white noise error and followed an ARMA(1,1) process.30

Time Dummies in Short Panels

Conversely, with short micro panels, the number of time series observations is too small to attempt a stochastic
modelling of . On the other hand, the cross-sectional sample size is large so that the realizations of that occur in
the sample can be treated as unknown period specic parameters to be estimated. To this end we may specify a set of
T time dummies:

where and dt is a T 1 vector with one in the t-th position and zero elsewhere.
Note that any aggregate variable zt will be a linear combination of the time dummies. Thus, if a full set of time
dummies is included any aggregate variable will be perfectly co-linear with them and hence redundant. If one has a
substantive interest in the effects of macro variables, time dummies would not be employed. Indeed, the specication
for the macro variables can be regarded as a model for the time dummies. If the substantive interest is in the individual
dynamics and the data is sufciently informative, however, time dummies afford a robust control for common
aggregate effects in short panels.

Individual-Specic Trends
In the basic error-components model there is a heterogeneous constant level of the process. This can be generalized to
consider a heterogeneous trend. In the case of a linear trend we have

See Hsiao (1986) and Baltagi (1995) for discussions on estimation of these models, and additional references.
The dynamic factor models used in econometric applications with large T panels can also be regarded as generalizations of models of this type. Examples include the factor
models for stock markets of King, Sentana, and Wadhwani (1994), and the disaggregated business cycle models of Forni and Reichlin (1998).

or in vector notation

where i = (0i, 1i) and S denotes the T 2 matrix

Letting Var (i) = , and assuming that vit iid(0, 2) and independent of i, the T T covariance matrix of yi is given

A necessary condition for identication of and 2 is that T 3. To illustrate the situation, let us consider for T = 3
the covariance matrix of the variables yi1, yi2, and 2yi3 (where 2yi3 = yi3 yi2):



which provides a non-singular transformation of the original covariance matrix . The two covariance matrices
contain the same information, but the transformation simplies the relationship between the model's parameters and
the variances and covariances of the data:

Thus, 2 is determined from the variance and covariances in the last column. Given 2, 11 can be determined from Var
( yi2). Then 01 is determined from Cov (yi1, yi2), and nally 00 is determined from Var (yi1).31
Models for the covariance structure of earnings with individual specic trends were considered by Lillard and Weiss
(1979) and Hause (1980).

With T = 2, the variances of 0i , 1i , and vit are just identied if 0i and 1i are assumed to be uncorrelated.

Individual-Specic Responses to Aggregate Variables

The previous case can be extended to consider individual-specic responses to aggregate variables (like business cycle
movements) of the form

where zt denotes a vector of observable aggregate variables, and i is a vector of individual specic effects of zt on yit.
Note that for S = (z1, . . . , zT) and Var (i) = , the variance matrix of yi is of the same form as (5.24). Identication in
this case will require that zt has sufcient variation and the dimension of i is not too large relative to T.
Model (5.29) could also describe a stochastic seasonal pattern by letting zt represent a vector of seasonal dummies. A model
of this kind was considered by Alvarez (1999) for the analysis of quarterly earnings.

Time Effects Interacted with Individual Effects

Let us now consider a model of the form

This model can be regarded as specifying an aggregate shock t that has individual-specic effects, or a permanent
characteristic i that has changing effects over time. The difference with the previous model is that zt in (5.29) was
known whereas t in (5.30) is not. Therefore, in a short panel = (1, . . . , T) will be treated as a vector of parameters
to be estimated.
Assuming that vit iid(0, 2) and independent of i, the data covariance matrix in this case takes the form

This is the structure of the traditional one-factor model of factor analysis. Some scale normalization is required in
order to determine . Using = 1, it follows that is the largest eigenvalue of and is the corresponding
eigenvector. Moreover, the remaining T 1 eigenvalues of are equal to 2.
Let us illustrate the identication of this type of model by considering a case in which T = 3 and the vit are allowed to
have period-specic variances . With the normalization 1 = 1, the covariance matrix is given by

In this case, subject to compatibility, the parameters are just identied and given by (5.32)




Note that (5.33) and (5.34) can be interpreted as instrumental variable estimating parameters from autoregressive
equations. This is a specially useful perspective when vit itself follows an autoregressive process. Models of this type will
be discussed in the next chapter.

5.3 Moving Average Autocovariances

Stationary Models
We begin by considering stationary models. Covariance stationarity requires that for all t and j, Cov (yit, yi(tj)) does not
depend on t:

Thus, under stationarity, the T T autocovariance matrix of a scalar variable yit depends at most on only T different
coefcients 0, . . . , T1, which implies that it satises T(T + 1)/2 T restrictions.
A stationary moving-average structure of order q MA(q) with individual effects will further restrict the coefcients j
for j > q to take the same value (corresponding to the variance of the individual effect):

The absence of individual effects will be signalled by the additional restriction that the previous coefcients are equal to

Therefore, given stationarity, an MA(T 2) process (with individual effects) or an MA(T 1) process (without them)
will be observationally equivalent saturated models.
A moving average process may also imply inequality restrictions on the elements of the covariance matrix. As an
example, suppose that

where vit is an invertible MA(1) process of the form

with | | 1 and , for all t. We then have



Therefore, the js will satisfy the inequality constraints:32




Nonstationary Models
Nonstationarity, in the sense of failure of condition (5.37), may arise for a variety of reasons. Examples include the
individual-specic trends and responses to aggregate variables considered above,33 or non-stationary initial conditions
(as discussed for autoregressive models in the next chapter). Moreover, nonstationarity may also arise as a result of unit
roots in autoregressive processes, time-varying error variances (possibly due to life-cycle or aggregate effects), or
ARMA models with coefcients that vary over time (MaCurdy, 1982b).
Provided q < T 1, a nonstationary MA(q) process without permanent effects will satisfy the (T q)(T q 1)/2

In such a model, the elements in the main diagonal of the autocovariance matrix and those in the rst q subdiagonals
will be free coefcients, except for the symmetry and non-negativity restrictions. Similarly, in a nonstationary MA(q)
process with permanent effects the zero elements in the autocovariance matrix will be replaced by a constant

The last inequality restriction arises from the fact that the rst-order autocorrelation of the MA(1) component, given by

cannot exceed 1/2 in absolute value for any real number .

Note, however, that from the point of view of the time series process of a given individual, model (5.22) introduces a deterministic trend, whereas model (5.29) is
compatible with a stationary process for yit provided zt is stationary itself. Thus, the immediate reason why (5.29) is nonstationary in our terminology is because we are
conditioning on the realizations of zt .

An MA process with nonstationary variances provides a tighter specication leading to a nonstationary moving average
autocovariance matrix. One possibility is to consider the following specication:

where is a stationary MA process with iid(0, 1) errors. In this way we can allow for arbitrary heteroskedasticity over
time and at the same time specify a stationary serial correlation pattern for vit (Arellano, 1985). This is so because
and thus for any value of |t s|. This is not the case if we consider instead an
MA process where the variance of the white noise error is varying over time.

Multivariate Models
The previous considerations can be generalized to a multivariate context. Let yit denote an m 1 random vector. Then
the autocovariance matrix of the vector yi = (yi1, . . . , yiT) is of order mT. Under stationarity, for any t and j the m m
block Cov (yit, yi(tj)) does not depend on t:

A stationary vector-MA(q) process with individual effects introduces the restrictions

Moreover, if no variable contains individual-specic intercepts then also

Similar remarks can be made for nonstationary vector-MA specications.
Abowd and Card (1989) presented an empirical analysis of changes in the logs of annual earnings and hours from
three different panels (actually of residuals from regressions of those variables on time dummies and potential
experience). For each data set they found evidence supporting the restrictions implied by a nonstationary MA(2)
bivariate process without individual effects.34 Abowd and Card also considered a three-components model with one
common factor, which can be written as

where yit is a 2 1 vector of growth rates in earnings and hours of work, zit is a scalar MA(2) common component,
and uit and it are bivariate white

Recall that individual effects in the changes of the variables would correspond to individual-specic trends in their levels.

noise processes, accounting for measurement errors and permanent shocks, respectively. This was a rationalization of
their bivariate MA representation that was suitable for mapping to life-cycle labour supply models.
The permanent income model of Hall and Mishkin (1982) was also a bivariate model of changes in income and
consumption, which contained a shared component and moving average transitory errors. We shall use this model as
an illustration in Section 5.5.

Covariance Matrices of Levels and First-Differences

Abowd and Card (1989) and Hall and Mishkin (1982) did not consider the covariance structure of the levels of their
variables. They focused on the implications of the time series properties of changes in the variables for life-cycle labour
supply and consumption models.
To examine the relationship between the covariance structures in levels and rst-differences, let us consider the
covariance matrix of the transformed series


The matrix * is a non-singular transformation of the covariance matrix in levels (so that knowledge of one implies
knowledge of the other), and is the covariance matrix in rst-differences. Therefore, a model of is equivalent to
a model of the covariance matrix in levels that leaves the coefcients unrestricted. This equivalence requires
that both * and are nite. If is nite but yit contains an additive individual effect with innite variance, it will be
appropriate to conduct covariance analysis in rst-differences but not in levels.
When the variance matrix of the levels is nite, the terms may be informative about the structural parameters in .
If yit follows an MA(q) process with individual effects, yit will be an MA(q + 1) process without individual effects. In
such a case even if initial conditions are assumed to be nonstationary we would expect

Enforcing these restrictions will in general lead to more efcient estimates of parameters in the structure for .

5.4 Estimating Covariance Structures

The previous models all specify a structure on a data covariance matrix. It is of some interest to approach
identication and inference with reference to a covariance structure, especially when the interest is in estimating the

in the structure as opposed to a substantive interest in the probability distribution of the data. In some cases,
restrictions on higher-order moments may add identication content, but it is still often useful to know when a
parameter of interest in a time series model may or may not be identied from the data covariance matrix alone.

5.4.1 GMM/MD Estimation

Abstracting from mean components for simplicity, suppose the covariance matrix of a p 1 time series yi is a function
of a k 1 parameter vector given by

If yi is a scalar time series its dimension will coincide with T, but in the multivariate context p = mT.
Vectorizing the expression and eliminating redundant elements (due to symmetry) we obtain a vector of moments of
order r = (p + 1)p/2:

where the vech operator stacks by rows the lower triangle of a square matrix.35
If r > k and H() = ()/ has full column rank, the model is over identied. In that case a standard optimal
GMM or MD estimator solves:

where s is the sample mean vector of si:

and is some consistent estimator of V = Var(si).36 A natural choice is the sample covariance matrix of si:

The rst-order conditions from the optimization problem are


If we were interested in considering mean restrictions of the form E (yi ) = () jointly with covariance restrictions, we could proceed in the same way after redening the
vectors si and () as si = (y i , [vech (yiy i )]) and () = ( (), [vech ()]), respectively.
Since s is a sample average, (5.56) is both an MD and a GMM objective function.

The two standard useful results for large sample inference are, rst, asymptotic normality of the scaled estimation error

and, second, the asymptotic chi-square distribution of the minimized estimation criterion (test statistic of overidentifying

The estimation and testing of covariance structures from panel data has been considered amongst others by Jreskog
and Srbom (1977), MaCurdy (1982b), Chamberlain (1982), Abowd and Card (1989), and Arellano (1990). See Aigner,
Hsiao, Kapteyn, and Wansbeek (1984) for a comprehensive survey and references on latent variable modelling in
Example: Fitting a Homogeneous MA(1) Model with T = 3
In such a case r = 6 and k = 2 with = (0, 1) and

We could alternatively parameterize using instead of (0, 1) as in (5.41)-(5.42) with , but the restrictions in
terms of the latter are linear and there is a one-to-one mapping between the two once we restrict ourselves to invertible
solutions. Thus we have

and (5.63)

Since the restrictions are linear, an explicit expression for the GMM estimator is available:

Thus, can be obtained as a GLS regression of s on H using as weight matrix. Note that this estimator will not
impose the inequality restrictions 0 0 and | 1/0 | 1/2, which may be an especially undesirable feature in some

A review of the theory of the generalized method of moments is in Appendix A.

5.4.2 Using Transformations of the Original Moments

Sometimes using a (possibly parameter-dependent) transformation of the original moments may lead to a simpler
estimation problem. One simplication arises when the transformed moments are linear in the parameters whereas the
original moments are nonlinear. Another simplication is when a subset of the transformed moments are unrestricted,
so that one can concentrate on smaller sets of moments and parameters without loss of efciency.
The general idea is to replace the original moments (5.55) with the transformed moments

where A() is a non-singular transformation matrix, and consider a GMM estimator based on (5.66):


As long as plim , the GMM estimator based on the transformed moments (5.67) will be asymptotically
equivalent to the one based on the original moments (5.56). The result follows from inspection of the corresponding
optimal GMM asymptotic covariance matrices, after noting that the expected gradient of the transformed moments
evaluated at the true parameter values is given by38


Example: An AR(1) Model with Individual Effects

As an example, let us consider the stationary AR(1) model with individual effects described in Section 5.1. This model
implies the nonlinear restrictions

The point to note is that these restrictions can be equivalently written as

where and . Thus, for , we consider the transformed moments that use
Note that the derivatives are

and that the expected value of the second term at c = vanishes.


where I is an identity matrix, and is a 0 1 matrix that maps the vector () of elements st into a vector with
elements equal to s(t1) for s < t and equal to zero for s = t (cf. Arellano, 1990).
The resulting T(T + 1)/2 transformed orthogonality conditions are linear in and can be written as:


Thus, in this example the estimator (5.67) is linear whereas the one based on the original moments is not.
The disadvantage of (5.67) is that a preliminary consistent estimate of is required to obtain a consistent estimate of
V* = A()V A().
For later reference notice that by suitable differencing of the (T 1)T/2 moments in (5.72), they can be expressed as
the (T 2)(T 1)/2 moments:

together with the (T 2) moments:

and the single moment

The last set of moments illustrates another potential benet of transformation. Namely, since (5.76) is an unrestricted
moment, optimal GMM estimates of and based on (5.73)(5.75)with the exclusion of (5.76)are
asymptotically efcient.39

5.4.3 Relationship between GMM and Pseudo ML

If , the maximum likelihood estimator of solves40

If the distribution of yi is not assumed to be normal, can be regarded as a Gaussian pseudo maximum likelihood
estimator (PML).

The irrelevance of unrestricted moments is discussed in section A.8.
In a model with heterogeneous level and homogeneous autocorrelation of the form yi = i + vi , unconditional joint normality of yi can be regarded as the result of both
conditional normality given i , namely , and normality of the , so that .

Dening the selection matrix , the rst-order conditions for this problem are

which are of the same form as those for the GMM problem above given in (5.59).41
Under normality, fourth-order moments are functions of second-order moments. Specically, the elements of E(sisi)
are of the form:

and indeed it can be shown that42

Thus, under normality an alternative optimal GMM estimator could use some consistent estimate of as
weight matrix. Such estimator does not coincide with because in the latter the weight matrix is continuously
updated as a function of c in (5.78), but the two can be proved to be asymptotically equivalent with or without
normality. Under non-normality, they remain consistent and asymptotically normal but they are inefcient for large N
relative to the GMM estimator that uses as weight matrix.
A PML or Gaussian-weight-GMM estimator may still be preferable even under non-normality on the grounds of
better nite sample properties (which may be the case if fourth-order moments are large relative to N), but in such
case it is important to base inference on a distributional result that is robust to non-normality. A result of this type
takes the form:



This and similar results follow from the rules for the differentials of the inverse and log determinant:

and the properties of the vec operator (stacking by rows):

For proofs and additional results see Magnus and Neudecker (1988).
See, for example, Richard (1975).


Continuously Updated GMM Estimation

An inconvenience of GMM estimation relative to PML is lack of invariance to parameter-dependent transformations
of the moment conditions. An alternative method that provides both asymptotic efciency under non-normality and
invariance is the continuously updated GMM estimator suggested by Hansen, Heaton, and Yaron (1996). In our case it
takes the form:


This estimator will be clearly invariant to transformations of the moments such as those considered in (5.66).
An estimator that is closely related to continuously updated GMM is the following alternative PML:

This statistic is an unlikely candidate for maximum likelihood estimation since it would require the vector si (which
consists of squares and cross-products of the original variables) to be jointly normally distributed. It is, nevertheless,
asymptotically equivalent to optimal GMM regardless of non-normality of the original variables or their squares. The
corresponding rst-order conditions are

which can be regarded as a robust counterpart to (5.78). Note that the rst-order conditions from (5.84), in addition to
(5.86), will include a second term containing derivatives with respect to the weight matrix. Since this extra term will
only vanish asymptotically, and are asymptotically equivalent but numerically different estimators.

5.4.4 Testing Covariance Restrictions

Testing Nested Restrictions Using Incremental Sargan Tests

The test statistic of overidentifying restrictions (5.61) can be used as an overall test of specication against the
unrestricted data covariance matrix. Sometimes, however, we are interested in testing additional constraints within a
particular covariance structure. For example, we may wish to test for the absence of random effects in a stationary
moving average model, or to test for a stationary

moving average against a nonstationary one.43 Testing of nested restrictions of this kind can be accomplished using
incremental statistics of overidentifying restrictions.44
Let us express the additional constraints under test by the condition

where is another set of parameters of order s 1 (s < k) and each element of g is a twice differentiable function.
Then the GMM/MD estimator of is

so that the estimator of subject to the restrictions (5.87) is . Moreover, for the corresponding test statistic of
overidentifying restrictions we have

Finally, the incremental Sargan or LR-type test statistic S has a limiting chi-square distribution with k s degrees of

and is independent of S in their joint asymptotic distribution. A proof of this result can be found in Chamberlain
(1982, Proposition 8).45 Thus, large values of S will lead to rejection of the restrictions (5.87).

Fragility of LR Tests of Covariance Restrictions to Non-Normality

A Gaussian LR test statistic or a Sargan test statistic based on a Gaussian weight matrix like (5.82) will not have a
limiting chi-square distribution unless (5.79) holds, regardless of the validity of the restrictions. In fact, under non-
normality both statistics have the same asymptotic distribution. This is given by a linear combination of independent 2
variables with one degree of freedom (cf. Arellano, 1985). Although this distribution can be numerically evaluated, a
simpler procedure is to rely on the test statistics that are robust to non-normality.
An illustration of this point is in the work of Abowd and Card (1989, p. 426), who showed how overlooking non-
normality leads to spurious rejections of covariance structures for PSID earnings and hours of work.

These examples also involve inequality restrictions. When using two-sided tests of the type described below they are ignored, which in some cases may cause a substantial
loss of power.
Asymptotic tests of non-nested covariance restrictions can be developed along the lines of Vuong (1989) using Schwarz adjusted Gaussian LR Statistics, or Schwarz
adjusted empirical likelihood LR statistics.
See also section A.8 in the Appendix for a review of incremental Sargan tests in a related context.

5.5 Illustration: Testing the Permanent Income Hypothesis

Hall and Mishkin (1982) used food consumption and labour income from a PSID sample of N = 2309 US households
over T = 7 years to test the predictions of a simple permanent income model of consumption behaviour. We use their
work as an empirical illustration of dynamic panel covariance structures.
Hall and Mishkin specied individual means of income and consumption changes as linear regressions on age, age
squared, time, and changes in the number of children and adults living in the household.46 Thus, they were implicitly
allowing for unobserved intercept heterogeneity in the levels of the variables, but only for observed heterogeneity in
their changes. Deviations from the individual means of income and consumption, denoted yit and cit respectively, were
specied as follows.

Specication of the Income Process

Hall and Mishkin assumed that income errors yit were the result of two different types of shocks, permanent and

They also assumed that agents were able to distinguish one type of shock from the other and respond to them
The permanent component was specied as a random walk

and the transitory component as a stationary moving average process


A signicant limitation acknowledged by Hall and Mishkin is the lack of a measurement error component in observed
income. That is, a component to which agents' consumption does not respond at all. This is specially important in this
case since there is evidence that measurement error in PSID income is large. Identication in the presence of such a
component, however, would require the use of additional indicators of permanent income.47
The previous process has an equivalent representation in which the rst difference of yit follows a third-order moving
average process. For simplicity,

Removing means as functions of the number of family members prior to the analysis amounts to taking these household composition variables as being strictly exogenous.
A point to which we shall return in Chapter 8.
Altonji and Siow (1987) tested the life-cycle consumption model allowing for measurement error in income. To do so they relied on independent measures of determinants
of income such as wage rates, layoffs, quits, promotions, and hours unemployed.

let us consider the relationship between the two representations in the case of 1 = 2 = 0 (so that yit follows an MA(1)

This implies , and Cov(yit, yi(tj)) = 0 for j > 1. Now write

so that we have , and Cov(yit, yi(tj)) = 0 for j > 1. Clearly, needs to be negative.
Matching coefcients from the two representations we obtain and .48

Specication of the Consumption Process

Turning to the consumption function, Hall and Mishkin specied mean deviations in consumption changes as
responding one-to-one to permanent income shocks and by a fraction to transitory shocks. The magnitude of will
depend on the persistence in transitory shocks (measured by 1 and 2) and on real interest rates. It will also depend on
age, but the analysis was simplied by treating it as a constant. This model can be formally derived from an
optimization problem with quadratic utility (an unattractive specication of attitudes towards risk), and constant
interest rates that are equal to the subjective discount factor. Since only food consumption is observed, an adjustment
was made by assuming a constant marginal propensity to consume food, denoted by . With these assumptions we


In addition, Hall and Mishkin introduced a stationary measurement error in the level of consumption (or transitory
consumption that is independent of income shocks) with an MA(2) specication:


The implication is that

where is the ratio of the variance of the permanent component to the transitory component. The invertible solution for equals

The Resulting Bivariate Covariance Structure

Therefore, the model that is taken to the data consists of a joint specication for mean deviations in consumption and
income changes as follows:


The three innovations in the model are assumed to be mutually independent with constant variances , , and (i.e.
no heterogeneity in individual risk). Thus, the model contains nine unknown coefcients:

The model species a covariance structure for the 12 1 vector:

Let us look in some detail at the form of various elements in (). We have


and also



A fundamental restriction of the model is lack of correlation between current consumption changes and lagged income
changes, as captured by terms like (5.103). The model, nevertheless, predicts correlation between current consumption
changes and current and future income changes, as seen from (5.102) and (5.104).
Instrumental Variable Interpretation
Identication of can also be given an instrumental variable interpretation. To see this in a simple way, let

us consider a stripped down version of the model with = 1 and 1 = 2 = 0. In such a case

Thus, future changes in income are used as an instrumental variable in identifying a linear relationship between current
consumption and income changes. The relationship is given by

Note that the instrumental variable yi(t+1) = i(t+1) + i(t+1) it is uncorrelated to the equation's error but correlated to yit
as long as (i.e. provided there is a transitory income component).

Empirical Results
Hall and Mishkin estimated their model by Gaussian PML. In the calculation of standard errors no adjustment was
made for possible non-normality. Since PSID income exhibits non-normal kurtosis, their inferencesin particular the
rejection of the permanent income hypothesis (PIH)may have been affected by this fact.49 They estimated ,
which given their estimates of 1 and turned out to be consistent with the model only for unrealistic
values of real interest rates (above 30 per cent). Moreover, they estimated the marginal propensity to consume food as
, and the moving average parameters for transitory income as and . The variance of the permanent
income shocks was twice as large as that of the transitory shocks: and .
Finally, they tested the covariance structure focusing on the fundamental restriction of lack of correlation between
current changes in consumption and lagged changes in income. They found a negative covariance which was
signicantly different from zero. They did not consider overall tests of overidentifying restrictions.50 As a result of this
nding they considered an extended version of the model in which a fraction of consumers spent their current income
(Keynesian consumers).

Alternative Income Processes

Testing of the PIH crucially hinges on the way observed income is broken down into anticipated and unanticipated

Note that they modelled the levels of income and consumption (as opposed to their logs), which would be expected to be unconditionally asymmetric and non-normal.
Their assumption was in fact the more plausible one of conditional normality given the set of regressors used in subtracting individual means from the variables.
Mariger and Shaw (1993) tested Hall and Mishkin's income process and found evidence that the process was not time-invariant.

components. Abstracting from family composition and age terms, Hall and Mishkin's model for income can be written

Therefore, at t 1 an individual's income forecast for period t will be given by


Short panel data allows us to identify b, , and under the assumption that for a given individual
permanent and transitory shocks are uncorrelated, and both types of shock are uncorrelated across individuals.
The previous model species heterogeneous initial conditions, but homogeneous income growth captured by b. In an
alternative model, one could allow for a heterogeneous trend as well (i.e. a time-invariant individual effect in the
equation for income changes). The model would be

We could assume a bivariate distribution for as in model (5.22). If such heterogeneity is present, Hall and
Mishkin's estimates of will be biased, hence misrepresenting the extent of permanent innovations in the model.
Typically, the result will be that the econometrician assumes that agents' income forecasts are worse than in fact they
are. The reason being that agents construct forecasts using individual specic income growth rates, whereas the
econometrician uses an average growth rate. These two models are likely to produce different answers to the question
of how much uncertainty is present in the income growth process.
Another aspect that has received much attention in this literature refers to the possibility of correlation between shocks
for different individuals. If common shocks are not captured entirely by time dummies there will be a cross-sectional
correlation between anticipated income and innovationsas found by Hall and Mishkinwhich would not occur in
the case of time series correlations (Deaton, 1991, 12441246, elaborates formally on this point). This situation has
fostered an interest in long T panels or pseudo panels for testing life-cycle consumption models (e.g. Browning,
Deaton, and Irish, 1985).
The previous comments reect the fragility of tests of the PIH to statistical assumptions about income processes. It is
unlikely that decisive progress can be made on these issues purely on the basis of univariate time series models for
income even if T is reasonably large. Major income shocks arise as a result of

If there is an individual specic intercept, it will be subsumed in . Hall and Mishkin specied a linear trend for income changes. This implies a quadratic trend in levels,
but here it is omitted for simplicity.

job loses, job changes, etc. There may be large variations in the (subjective) probabilities of these events across
households and for a given household over time. To some extent, such probabilities depend on observable
characteristics like type of contract or job tenure. In these cases progress can be expected from using individual
information other than income history in constructing predictive income distributions.

Relationship to Error-Components Models

Hall and Mishkin's model can be regarded as a bivariate error-components model. Let si be the 12 1 vector of
observed changes in consumption and labour income: si = ( ci yi), say. The model in terms of the original
variables can be written as



where Xi is the matrix of regressors used in specifying individual means (trend, and age and family composition
variables), and as before wi = ( ci yi).
Note that the parameters of interest in Hall and Mishkin's study were not the regression coefcients , but the
coefcients parameterizing the restrictions in the residual covariance matrix.
6 Autoregressive Models With Individual Effects

In this chapter we discuss the specication and estimation of autoregressive models with individual specic intercepts.
To simplify the presentation we focus on rst-order processes, since the main insights generalize in a straightforward
but tedious way to higher-order and multivariate cases.
We begin by considering the properties of the within-group estimator. In contrast with the xed effects model of Part
I, WG has a small T bias which does not disappear as N becomes large.
Next, we consider instrumental variable estimators that are consistent for panels with small T and large N. These
estimators use lagged observations as instruments for errors in rst-differences.
In the next three sections we study the role in short panels of assumptions about initial conditions, homoskedasticity,
and whether the parameter space includes the possibility of unit roots or not. The various versions of the model that
we consider imply specic covariance structures with nonlinear restrictions. Thus, given covariance identication, they
can all be estimated by minimum distance or PML methods. We also discuss, however, alternative representations of
the restrictions that can be obtained by transformation along the lines suggested in the previous chapter. These
representations are useful as a way of clarifying the efciency properties of the IV estimators, and for suggesting
alternative GMM estimators of autoregressive parameters.
Finally, the last section provides a detailed discussion of various aspects of inference with VAR panel data models in
the context of an empirical illustration using rm level data on employment and wages.
In the development below we assume that yi0 is observed, so that for each individual we have T + 1 observations. This
is just a matter of convention, but one that helps to simplify the presentation.

6.1 Assumptions
We assume that {(yi0, yi1, . . . , yiT, i), i = 1, . . . , N} is a random sample with nite rst- and second-order moments, and

together with
Assumption B1:

where . We observe but not the individual intercept i, which can be regarded as a missing time-
invariant variable with E(i) = and .52
B1 is the fundamental assumption specifying the conditional mean of the variable yit given its past and a value of i. An
implication of the assumption is that the errors vit are conditionally serially uncorrelated. Namely, for j > 0 we have

and therefore by the law of iterated expectations E (vitvi(tj)) = 0 as well.
Another implication of B1 is lack of correlation between i and vit for all t. For xed T it is, nevertheless, possible to
imagine an alternative autoregressive data generating process such that i and vit are correlated. This suggests the
possibility of considering the conditional mean assumption

instead of B1, as a less restrictive condition. However, mean independence of vit with respect to {yi(t1), . . . , yi(tJ)} implies
lack of correlation between vit and i in the limit as J . This is so because

Thus, for a process that started at we would have orthogonality between i and vit, and more generally any
correlation between individual effects and shocks will tend to vanish as t increases.

Assumption B1 also implies that E (vit) = 0 cross-sectionally for any t, but does not restrict the variance of vit. That is,

Given B1, assuming that the joint distribution of has nite rst- and second-order moments implies that i also has nite mean and variance.

conditional variance may be some period-specic non-negative function of and i

and the unconditional variance may change with t

Thus, we may consider two different homoskedasticity assumptions. One is an assumption of conditional homoskedasticity:
Assumption B2:

while the other is an assumption of time series homoskedasticity:

Assumption B3:

Note that B2 and B3 may hold in conjunction, but any of them may also occur in the absence of the other.
Assumption B3 is also compatible with a model having individual-specic error variances of the form .
Moreover, since we may not wish to think of as being exclusively a function of i, the latter could be replaced in the
model's conditioning set by a larger vector of individual-specic components, leaving the argument unaffected.

Finally, let us consider conditions for stationarity. Having assumed that the autoregressive coefcient lies inside the unit
circle, | | < 1, guarantees that the process is stable but not necessarily stationary. Stationarity also requires that the
process started in the distant past or, equivalently, that the distribution of initial observations coincides with the steady
state distribution of the process.
Solving equation (6.1) recursively we obtain

Furthermore, B1 implies

which for | | < 1 and large t tends to i = i/(1 ). We shall refer to i as the steady state mean for individual i. Thus,
stationarity in mean requires the assumption

Assumption B4:

in which case all E (yit | i) are time-invariant and coincide with the steady state mean.
Similarly, under B1-B3, for j 0 we have

which for | | < 1 and large t tends to the steady state j-th autocovariance for individual i given by j2/(1 2). Thus,
under homoskedasticity, covariance stationarity requires
Assumption B5:

in which case all Cov (yit, yi(tj) | i) are time-invariant and coincide with the steady state autocovariances.

6.2 The Within-Group Estimator

In this section we consider the WG estimator of the autoregressive model. Following Chapter 2, this is given by the
slope coefcient in an OLS regression of y on lagged y and a full set of individual dummy variables, or equivalently by
the OLS estimate in deviations from time means or orthogonal deviations.
Letting yi = (yi1, . . . , yiT) and yi(1) = (yi0, . . . , yi(T1)), the WG estimator for is

where Q is the WG operator of order T.
The autoregressive equation (6.1) is of the same form as the xed effects model (2.7) with xit = yi(t1), but it does not
satisfy the strict exogeneity assumption A1 of Chapter 2 because vit is correlated with future values of the regressor.
Indeed, for any value of T

since yi(t1) is correlated with the average error vi through the terms vi1 . . . vi(t1). As a consequence, is inconsistent for
xed T as N tends to innity. The bias will nevertheless tend to zero as T increases since plimT vi = 0. Thus, in
common with standard time series autoregression, least-squares estimation is biased but consistent as T tends to
innity (Hurwicz, 1950). The problem is that when T is small biases may be very large regardless of the value of N.

The properties of these biases were studied in the Monte Carlo work of Nerlove (1967, 1971) and the analytical
calculations of Nickell (1981).

The Nickell Bias

Let us study the form of these biases when there are individual-specic intercepts. This is important in order to have
information about the environments in which WG can be expected to perform well.
For xed T as N tends to innity, the bias is given by

Under assumptions B1 and B3 it can be shown that53 (6.12)

where (6.13)

Moreover, if B4 and B5 also hold, the denominator of (6.12) satises (6.14)

Thus, the specic form of the bias depends, through the denominator, on the assumption about initial conditions.
The form of the bias as given by Nickell (1981) is therefore:

The WG bias is of order 1/ T, so that it vanishes as T , but it may be important for small values of T.
When T = 2 the bias under stationarity is given by

which coincides with the bias of OLS in rst-differences.
The following table shows the Nickell bias for several values of and T.

See, for example, Alvarez and Arellano (1998).

Table 6.1WG Bias under Strict Stationarity

T\alpha 0.05 0.5 0.95
2 0.52 0.75 0.97
3 0.35 0.54 0.73
10 0.11 0.16 0.26
15 0.07 0.11 0.17

If > 0 the bias is always negative, and massive with the very small values of T. It becomes smaller in absolute value as
T increases, but even when T = 15 the bias is still substantial (e.g. 22 per cent with = 0.5).

The Bias Under Nonstationarity

To illustrate the effect of initial conditions upon the bias, let us consider various situations for T = 2. In such a case
WG coincides with OLS in rst-differences. In the absence of specic assumptions about the distribution of yi0 | i, we
have the following expression for the bias:


Under B4 (mean stationarity) and , so that the bias becomes


where .54 If B3 and B5 also hold, then and , and we obtain the bias given in (6.17). On
the other hand, if Var(yi0) = Cov(yi0, i) = 0 (i.e. a xed start of the process) we get


This bias goes to zero as (a point noted by Chamberlain, 2000). In fact as long as there is lack of mean
stationarity we shall have b 0 as . This result suggests that even for very small values of T, a combination of
nonstationary initial conditions and large individual effect variances could make WG to be approximately unbiased.

We have used the variance decomposition Var (yi0 ) = Var [E (yi0 | i )] + E [Var (yi0 | i )].

Likelihood Conditional On i

In general, the likelihood for one individual conditional on i can be sequentially factorized as

If we assume that is normally distributed with conditional mean and variance given by assumptions B1, B2,
and B3, so that

the log-likelihood conditional on i and yi0 is given by

Clearly, the maximizer of with respect to , 2, and 1, . . . , N gives rise to the WG estimator, which is therefore
the Gaussian MLE of (conditional on yi0) estimated jointly with the individual-specic intercepts. Given the large-N-
xed-T inconsistency of WG, this can be regarded as another example of Neyman and Scott's incidental parameter
problem introduced in Chapter 2.
Despite the small T inconsistency of WG, it is still possible to obtain xed effects consistent ML estimates by
considering the likelihood conditioned on ML estimates of the individual effects (approximate conditional
likelihood). Estimates of this kind will be discussed in Section 6.4.
Asymptotic Distribution Of WG as N/T Tends To a Constant
Even if the WG estimator is consistent as T , its asymptotic distribution may contain an asymptotic bias term
when N , depending on the relative rates of increase of T and N.
Under assumptions B1B5 together with (6.22), it can be shown that as both N and T tend to innity, provided N/T
k < and N/T3 0 we have

If lim(N/T) = 0 (which includes N xed) there is no asymptotic bias, but if lim(N/T) > 0, the bias term in (6.24)
cannot be neglected. The asymptotic bias will contain additional terms for lower relative rates of increase of T. For
example, if lim(N/T3) 0 but lim(N/T5) = 0, the bias will include a T2 term.
These results have been found by Alvarez and Arellano (1998) and Hahn and Kuersteiner (2002). Nickell (1981) noted
that the term T1(1 + ) could

be used as a simple approximation to the WG bias for reasonably large values of T.

6.3 Instrumental Variable Estimation

The WG estimator is inconsistent for xed T because taking differences or deviations to eliminate the effects creates a
negative correlation between lagged ys and errors in the transformed equation. However, values of y lagged two
periods or more are valid instruments in the equations in rst-differences (or forward orthogonal deviations).
Specically, an implication of B1 is that the following (T 1)T/2 linear IV moment restrictions hold:


This gives rise to a system of T 1 equations with cross-equation restrictions and different instruments valid for
different equations, which can be estimated by linear GMM.
Simple IV estimators of this type were rst proposed by Anderson and Hsiao (1981, 1982). Their proposal was to
consider a single moment of the form

or alternatively

Since (6.26) and (6.27) are linear combinations of (6.25), for large N and xed T, the AndersonHsiao IV estimates will
be asymptotically inefcient relative to GMM based on (6.25). IV estimates based on a constant number of moments,
however, will remain well dened and will be consistent regardless of whether T or N or both tend to innity.
GMM estimators that used all the available lags at each period as instruments for the equations in rst-differences
were proposed by Holtz-Eakin, Newey, and Rosen (1988) and Arellano and Bond (1991).
A GMM estimator based on the IV moment conditions (6.25) takes the form

where , and


According to standard GMM theory, an optimal choice of the inverse weight matrix VN is a consistent estimate of the
covariance matrix of the orthogonality conditions E(Zi vi viZi). Under conditional and time series homoskedasticity
(assumptions B1, B2, and B3):55

where D is the (T 1) T rst-difference matrix operator. Thus, a one-step GMM estimator uses

whereas a two-step GMM estimator uses the robust choice

where are one-step GMM residuals.
A heteroskedasticity-robust estimate of the asymptotic variance of one-step GMM can be calculated as

where . Furthermore, an estimate of the asymptotic variance of two-step GMM is given by

Sargan test statistics of the overidentifying restrictions can also be obtained from the minimized two-step GMM
criterion as follows:

In our case, S will have a limiting chi-square distribution with [(T 1)T/2] 1 degrees of freedom. These statistics are
widely used as useful specication diagnostics.
As we shall see below, (6.25) are not the only restrictions on the data second-order moments implied by the conditional
mean independence and homoskedasticity Assumptions B1B3, but they are the only ones that are valid in the absence
of homoskedasticity or lack of correlation between i and vit.

Note that under B1B3 a typical block of E (Z i vi v iZi ) satises

Neither of these estimators, however, achieves asymptotic efciency, not even relative to the information bound
corresponding to the weaker conditional moment restriction (6.3). The reason is that the use of nonlinear functions of
the lagged dependent variables as additional instruments might result in efciency improvements. This would be the
case in the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity or nonlinear dependence between the individual effects and the yit
variables. This problem will be addressed in Chapter 8 in the context of more general models with sequential moment

Asymptotic Distribution Of GMM as T/N Tends To a Constant

WG is consistent as T tends to innity, but is inconsistent for xed T and large N. On the other hand, GMM
estimators based on (6.25) are consistent for xed T but the number of orthogonality conditions increases with T. In
panels in which the value of T is not negligible relative to N (such as the PSID household panel in the US, or the
balance sheet-based company panels that are available in many countries), the knowledge of the asymptotic behaviour
of the estimators as both T and N tend to innity may be useful in assessing alternative methods.
Alvarez and Arellano (1998) showed that under B1B5, as both N and T tend to innity, provided T/N c < , one-
step GMM is consistent and asymptotically normal with


The consistency result for GMM1 contrasts with those available for structural equations, where 2SLS is known to be
inconsistent when the ratio of number of instruments to sample size tends to a positive constant (e.g. Bekker, 1994).
Here the number of instruments, which is given by T(T 1)/2, increases very fast and yet consistency is obtained. The
intuition for this result is that in our context as T tends to innity the endogeneity bias tends to zero, and so
closeness of GMM1 to OLS in deviations (i.e. within-groups) becomes a desirable property.
Result (6.36), in conjunction with (6.24), provides an interesting comparison between GMM1 and WG. When T/N
0 the xed T results for GMM1 remain valid, but WG, although consistent, has an asymptotic bias in its asymptotic
distribution (which only disappears if N/T 0). However, when T/N tends to a positive constant, both WG and
GMM1 exhibit negative biases in their asymptotic distributions. Moreover, for T < N the GMM1 asymptotic bias is
always smaller than the WG bias (GMM1 is only well dened for (T 1) N).

The Crude GMM Estimator In First-Differences

Alvarez and Arellano (1998) also showed that the crude GMM estimator (CIV) that neglects

the autocorrelation in the rst-differenced errors (i.e. one-step GMM in rst-differences with weight matrix equal to
(ZZ)1) is inconsistent as T/N c > 0, despite being consistent for xed T. The result is:

The intuition for this result is that the endogeneity bias of OLS in rst-differences (unlike the one for WG) does not
tend to zero as T . Thus, for xed T both GMM1 and CIV are consistent, whereas as T increases the former
remains consistent but the latter is inconsistent. Moreover, notice that the bias may be qualitatively relevant. The xed-
T large-N GMM theory would just describe the CIV estimator as being asymptotically less efcient than GMM1 as a
consequence of using a non-optimal choice of weight matrix.

6.4 Initial Conditions and Heteroskedasticity

In this section we examine the role of assumptions about initial conditions and heteroskedasticity in the estimation of
AR models from short panels. We consider three different types of covariance structures. Type 1 relies on stationarity
assumptions (B1 and B3B5). Type 2 is the covariance structure assuming an unrestricted joint distribution of yi0 and i,
and time series homoskedasticity (B1 and B3). Finally, Type 3 is the least restrictive covariance structure which allows
for both unrestricted initial conditions and time series heteroskedasticity (Assumption B1 only).56 The choice of
auxiliary assumptions is important since there is a sharp trade-off between robustness and efciency in this context.

6.4.1 Estimation Under Stationarity

Under assumptions B1, B3, B4, and B5 the rst- and second-order moments of are functions of the four parameters
, and of the form


where , and ts is the (t, s)-th element of the covariance matrix of given by


In the next section we shall discuss one further covariance structure that relies on mean stationarity but allows for nonstationary variances.

Method Of Moments Estimation

The parameters can be estimated by nonlinear GMM using (6.38) and (6.39). In Chapter 5 we used this model (with
= 0) to illustrate how moments that are nonlinear in the parameters can be converted into linear moment equations
by transformation and reparameterization. Assuming that yi0 is observed and is unknown, these moments can be
restated as:





where and . Thus, , , 2, and can be estimated by linear GMM using (6.41a)-(6.41e).
Original parameters can be recovered by undoing the reparameterization. The two sets of GMM estimates will be
asymptotically equivalent for optimal choices of the weight matrices.
The orthogonality conditions (6.41a) coincide with those in (6.25) and are reproduced here for convenience. The
moments (6.41b) also have a straightforward instrumental variable interpretation: they state that yi(t1) has zero mean
and is orthogonal to i + vit; (6.41c) and (6.41d) state the unconditional stationarity of the rst and second moments,
respectively, and (6.41e) is an unrestricted moment that determines the variance of the individual effect.
Marginal PML Estimation Under Stationarity
The integrated likelihood marginal on i is given by

where G(i) is the cumulative distribution function of i.
The normal log likelihood conditional on yi0 and i was given in (6.23). If in addition to (6.22) we assume that yi0 | i is
normally distributed with mean and variance given by assumptions B4 and B5, so that

and also

the log of takes the form


where denotes a (T + 1) 1 vector of ones, and is a covariance matrix of order T + 1 with elements ts given in
(6.40). So we can write:


where the (t, s)-th element of V is |ts|/(1 2).

When the log density of is given by (6.45), the statistic that maximizes is the ML estimator, which is
asymptotically equivalent to optimal GMM. Otherwise it is just a PML estimator that remains consistent as long as the
moment conditions (6.41a)-(6.41e) are satised, but it is less efcient asymptotically than optimal GMM (see
discussion in Chapter 5).57
Lack of joint normality of may result from a variety of circumstances. For example, the presence of conditional
heteroskedasticity (failure of Assumption B2), together with conditionally normal yits and normal is, would cause the
unconditional distribution of the yits to be non-normal.58 Furthermore, a non-normal distribution of will result in
general from non-normality of either i, the shocks vit, or the distribution of initial conditions.

Conditional PML Under Stationarity

Joint ML estimation of the common parameters and the realizations of the effects may lead to inconsistent estimates
when T is small. Examples include the joint MLE of the error variance in the static regression model (Section 2.4.1)
and the WG estimator of the autoregressive parameter (Section 6.2). In some cases, consistent estimates can be
obtained by maximizing a conditional likelihood given sufcient statistics for the effects (Andersen, 1970). An example
is the conditional likelihood interpretation of WG in the static regression model (Section 2.4.2).
When a sufcient statistic for the effects is not available, it may still be possible to obtain consistent estimates based on
the conditional likelihood given ML estimates of the effects, as long as the effects and the common parameters are
orthogonal (i.e. their scores are uncorrelated), or have been orthogonalized by transformation (Cox and Reid, 1987).
We now turn to examine conditional PML estimation59 of the AR model under stationarity given estimates of the
effects (regarded as functions of the common parameters). The log density of given i is given by

We do not consider implications for higher-order moments that might provide efciency increases under non-normality. Efciency increases of this kind were considered by
MaCurdy (1982a), and are discussed here in Section B.6 of the Appendix.
Conversely, if were jointly normally distributed, all conditional variances of the form would be constant.
Or approximate conditional PML estimation; if we reserve the term conditional PML for a likelihood conditioned on a sufcient statistic.

Moreover, the rst derivative with respect to i is (6.47)

Hence, the MLE of i for given is (6.48)

As noted by Lancaster (2002), for this model the score for i (6.48) is uncorrelated to the score statistics for and 2.
This can be seen from the expected values of the corresponding cross-terms in the hessian, both of which vanish:


Information orthogonality between i and (, 2) suggests that it may be possible to obtain consistent estimates of
and 2 by maximizing the likelihood conditioned on . This can be easily obtained by considering the following non-
singular transformation matrix of order T + 1:

which transforms to , where D denotes the T (T + 1) rst-difference matrix operator. Since is normal,
so is . Moreover,

so that and are conditionally independent. Therefore,

This is so because is independent of i and the fact that for any non-singular matrix V, .60

To see this, let q = ( V1 )1 V1 so that

Moreover, since q = 1 and it follows that .


The implication is that the likelihood conditional on does not depend on i and coincides with the likelihood for the
data in rst-differences:61

The log likelihood in rst-differences for one individual is given by (6.54)

Thus, an (approximate) conditional MLE for this problem is the maximizer of . To the extent that the
restrictions in the covariance matrix of are satised, this estimator will be consistent and asymptotically normal for
xed T.62

Comparing Conditional and Marginal PML

The comparison with marginal PML can be made using the factorization:


which comes from expression (6.53) and . Thus, the log density of the data in levels is the sum of the
log density of the data in rst-differences and the log density of the MLE of the effects.
Estimates based on the rst-differences of the data do not exploit the lack of correlation between and , which
only depends on the boundedness of second-order moments for (see also the discussion in Section 5.3).
The rst two unconditional moments of are and , say. If i is normally distributed so is
, in which case the relationship between the marginal and the conditional score statistics for can be written as


Since the two scores will tend to coincide for large values of , the additional information about contained in the
marginal likelihood will tend to vanish as the variance of the effects becomes large. In principle, the efciency gain

A similar result was given by Kiefer (1980) in the context of a regression model with xed effects and unrestricted error autocovariance matrix.
Estimates for stationary autoregressive models using rst-differences have been considered by Kruiniger (1998), Hsiao, Pesaran, and Tahmiscioglu (2002), and Lancaster

from using the marginal likelihood can be empirically assessed, since whether the effects have innite variance or not is
something that can be explored by analysing the distribution of the data in levels.
From a GMM perspective, even if yit is normally distributed but i is not, as long as the i are independent draws
from some distribution with bounded variance, PML (or GMM) estimates based on the rst-differences alone will
never be more efcient than the optimal GMM estimator based on the full covariance structure for the data in levels.

6.4.2 Unrestricted Initial Conditions

In the time series context whether a stationary AR model is estimated conditional on the rst observation or not does
not matter for robustness or asymptotic efciency. We obtain different estimates in each case but both have similar
properties when T is large.
With short panels the situation is fundamentally different. An estimator of obtained under the assumption that yi0 | i
follows the stationary unconditional distribution of the process will be inconsistent when the assumption is false.63 This
is therefore an instance of a trade-off between robustness and efciency, since in short panels the assumption of
stationary initial conditions may be very informative about .
The question to ask is whether initial conditions at the start of the sample are representative of the steady state
behaviour of the model or not. In the analysis of country panel data, Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995) described some
exampleslike data sets that start at the end of a war or other major historical eventin which one would not expect
initial conditions to be distributed according to the steady state distribution of the process. In the case of micro panels,
the starting point of the sample may be much closer to the start of the process for some units than others. For
example, for young workers or new rms initial conditions may be less related to steady state conditions than for older
ones (see Hause, 1980, p. 1021).

An AR(1) Model With Unrestricted Initial Conditions

Taking these considerations into account, a more robust specication would be one in which the distribution of yi0
given i (or i) is left unrestricted.64 In particular, we drop assumptions B4 and B5 and let E(yi0 | i) and Var(yi0 | i) be
arbitrary functions of i, while retaining the basic stable specication of equation (6.1).
To analyse this case it is convenient to introduce the following notation for the linear projection of yi0 on i:


where i0 is the linear projection error. By construction E(i0) = 0 and Cov(i0, i) = 0. Moreover, let .
Clearly, under Assumptions B4 and B5 we have that 0 = 0, = 1 and .
In view of (6.7) and (6.58), this model can be written as


Although we emphasize models with individual-specic intercepts, this would also be true for homogeneous models estimated from short panels.
Note that the moving average models of Chapter 5 assumed stationary initial conditions by specifying yi0 = i + vi0 .

So this specication gives rise to a mean-covariance structure that has three additional parameters relative to the
stationary model of the previous section. Means, variances, and covariances take now period-specic values given by


and for s t:


The model with unrestricted initial conditions nests various situations of potential interest, some of which were
discussed by Anderson and Hsiao (1981). These include:
yi0 follows the stationary unconditional distribution of the process (0 = 0, = 1 and ).
yi0 random but uncorrelated to i ( = 0).
yi0 xed .
yi0 mean stationary ( unrestricted).

GMM Estimation
As a result of nonstationarity, none of the moment conditions (6.41b)-(6.41d) hold so that GMM or PML estimators
based on them will be inconsistent in general. Consistent estimates of the nonstationary model can be obtained by
nonlinear GMM from (6.60) and (6.61).
Alternative representations of the moment conditions for models with unrestricted initial conditions were studied by
Ahn and Schmidt (1995). Lack of correlation between errors and lagged ys implies that for s < t

where cs = Cov (yis, i). Moreover, lack of correlation between the individual effects and the errors implies that65

First-differencing (6.62) for given cs gives the standard linear IV moment conditions (6.25). In addition, substituting
(6.62) into (6.63) we have


Under stationary initial conditions , so that cs is constant for all s.


which can be rst-differenced to obtain quadratic moment conditions that only depend on .
The validity of (6.62) and (6.63) depends exclusively on Assumption B1. It turns out that all the restrictions implied by
B1 on the covariance matrix and mean vector of the data can be represented as



In addition, time series homoskedasticity (Assumption B3) implies

where .
Finally, the following four unrestricted moments determine the rst and second moments of yi0, c0 and c1




In this representation of the moment conditions, the coefcients related to initial conditions and the individual effect
variance can be ignored since they only appear through unrestricted moments. Thus, optimal GMM estimates of ,
and can be obtained from the moment conditions (6.66a) to (6.67) alone. This is useful because it facilitates optimal
nonlinear GMM inference on a smaller set of parameters and moments when the main interest is in testing the
covariance structure or in estimating autoregressive parameters.
Given the coefcients in the previous parameterization, the variance of the effects and the initial condition parameters
can be determined from




The IV moments for errors in levels (6.41b), which we used in the stationary case, are not valid in the absence of mean
stationarity since they require the constancy of cs. To see the connection with the current restrictions, note that under
mean stationarity c0 = c1, so that from (6.68c)-(6.68d) E [ yi1 (yi2 yi1 )] = 0, which together with (6.66a)-(6.66b)
imply (6.41b).
Marginal PML With Unrestricted Initial Conditions
We now consider the integrated MLE under (6.22), which specied that is distributed as , and the
assumption that the pair (yi0, i) is jointly normally distributed with unrestricted mean vector and covariance matrix.
Thus, we retain the assumption of normal effects (6.44), but relax the initial condition assumption (6.43) by

In order to derive the likelihood function it is convenient to write model (6.1) using the following stacked notation:

where B is a T T matrix given by

and yi = (yi1, . . . , yiT), di = (1, 0, . . . , 0), uit = i + vit, and ui = (ui1, . . . , uiT).
The conditional density of yi given yi0 can then be written as

but since B is triangular , so that the densities of yi | yi0 and ui | yi0 coincide. Moreover, (6.72)

where H is the transformation matrix (2.58) that yields the average series and the orthogonal deviations: . The
determinant of the transformation satises , which is an irrelevant constant for our purposes.

Under the assumptions of the model, Hui is normally distributed as:


where 0, 1, and 2 are the linear projection coefcients of ui on yi0.66 Therefore,

where and denote orthogonal deviations of yi and yi(1), respectively.67
Thus, the Gaussian log likelihood given yi0 can be decomposed into a withingroup and a between-group component.
Note that this is an integrated likelihood that is marginal on i but conditional on yi0:

So, the maximizer of i log f (yi | yi0) can be regarded as the MLE conditional on yi0 under the assumption that G(i | yi0)
is normal with linear conditional mean and constant variance.
The ML estimates of 2, 0, 1, and 2 as functions of the MLE of are


Thus, 0 and 2 are related to and by the expressions:

and 0 = 1E (yi0 ).
Recall that the WG and the orthogonal-deviations residual sum of squares coincide:


where and fi = (1, yi0).
By substituting (6.78)(6.80) into (6.76), we obtain a concentrated likelihood that only depends on , so that the MLE
can be shown to solve

where S0 = IN F(FF)1F, F = (f1, . . . , fN), , , y = (y1, . . . , yN), and y(1) = (y1(1), . . . , yN(1)).
The rst term in the (negative) concentrated likelihood (6.81) corresponds to the WG criterion, and the second term,
of order (T 1), can be regarded as providing a small T correction for the WG bias. The estimator and criterion (6.81)
were considered by Alvarez and Arellano (1998).68
Having estimated the parameters in f(yi | yi0), these can be combined with the sample mean and variance of yi0, y0 and
, to obtain the ML estimates of and from


The resulting estimate of does not impose non-negativity. ML estimates that enforce can be obtained by
parameterizing the joint likelihood of (as opposed to ) in terms of , and .69
In the absence of normality, (6.81) is just a PMLE that will remain consistent as long as the restrictions implied by the
model on the unconditional covariance matrix of hold. Thus, for xed T and large N, (6.81) is robust to conditional
heteroskedasticity but not to time series heteroskedasticity.

Arellano (2000) contains a similar result for VAR processes.
A concentrated full likelihood which is only a function of and is given by Alvarez and Arellano (1998).

A GLS Estimator
The log likelihood (6.76) has been written in terms of the transformed system


OLS estimates of in (6.84) set to zero the sample moments and are therefore inconsistent because

However, a GLS or weighted least-squares estimator that sets to zero is consistent (as long as is consistent
for ) because it is solving the ML equations for a xed value , whose population counterpart is given by


The form of the GLS estimator of estimated jointly with the coefcients in the linear projection of i on yi0 is

where , and is a diagonal matrix containing consistent estimates and .
This type of GLS estimator was considered by Blundell and Smith (1991) and has been further discussed by Blundell
and Bond (1998). The problem with the GLS estimates of and based on preliminary estimates of 2 and 2 is that
they are only consistent if based on consistent estimates of 2 and 2, and they are only asymptotically equivalent to ML
if based on asymptotically efcient estimates of 2 and 2. Moreover, estimation of 2 and 2 requires preliminary
estimates of , whose properties will in general affect those of the variance parameters. This problem arises generally in
the GLS estimation of triangular systems (e.g. Lahiri and Schmidt, 1978; Arellano, 1989b).

Conditional PML With Unrestricted Initial Conditions

The log likelihood for individual i conditional on i and yi0, as given in (6.23), takes the form

where = (, 2). In Section 6.2 we saw that the MLE of jointly estimated with 2 and the i coincides with the WG
estimator and is therefore inconsistent for xed T.
The same is true of the maximizer of the log likelihood conditioned on the MLE of i, since this is also the WG
estimator. To see this, note that the MLE of i for given is

so that has a normal distribution with mean i and variance 2/T. Hence, the log likelihood conditioned on is
given by

which does not depend on i, and has the same form as the WG likelihood (2.54) that we discussed in Chapter 2 for
static regression models.
This situation is in contrast with the result we found under stationarity. Namely, that the likelihood conditioned on
was the same as the likelihood of the data in rst-differences (6.54), so that conditional PML estimates of and 2 were
consistent for xed T.
In the stationary case, however, and the effects were information orthogonal, whereas they are not so when initial
conditions are unrestricted. Now we have70

whose rst term is different from zero. In fact it can be shown that71

70 2 2 2 2 2 4 2
The required derivatives are ( i / i ) = Tvi , ( i / i ) = Tyi(1) , and ( i / i ) = Tvi . For later use, note also that ( i / i i ) =
From (6.7) we have that

The result then follows from taking expectations and adding up the series.

where hT() is given in (6.14).
So, following Lancaster (2002), we look for an orthogonal transformation of the effects i = (, i), such that the
reparameterized log likelihood

satises (6.93)

We wish to examine the xed T properties of estimates of that maximize a pseudo likelihood conditioned on the
PMLE of the orthogonalized effects i.
Since we have

and72 (6.95)

the function (, i) must satisfy the partial differential equations

or equivalently


Therefore, (, i) depends on but not on 2.
Note that because of the invariance of ML estimation, the MLE of i satises . Therefore, the conditional log
density given is related to that given by

so that f(yi | yi0, i, ) is also independent of i. Thus, in order to obtain an approximate conditional likelihood we do
not need an explicit expression for (, i), but only the log of the Jacobian term | i/ i|.

Note that there is a term that vanishes: (2 i / i ) E ( i / i | yi0 , i ) = 0.

Moreover, the conditional scores are given by


or, specically,


This is so because from (6.98) it turns out that73

Thus, the conditional PML estimates of and 2 coincide with the GMM estimator based on the following moment


Condition (6.106) corresponds to the expression for the numerator of the WG bias in (6.13), which was derived under
Assumptions B1 and B3 only. So the resulting estimates will be consistent and asymptotically normal for xed T and
large N as long as these two moments are satised.
An explicit expression for the conditional log likelihood given is

where the log Jacobian is given by (6.108)

To see this, note that from (6.98) we have

or equivalently,

This term is obtained by integrating the function hT (), as we have

where a0 is some value of .
The discussion of orthogonalization for the AR model with unrestricted initial conditions is due to Lancaster (2002),
who also considered Bayesian inference integrating the orthogonalized effects out with respect to a uniform prior.
Comparison Between Conditional and Marginal PML
We can compare marginal PML with conditional PML using the factorization

where the rst term on the right-hand side corresponds to (6.108) and the second is

If (yi0, i) are jointly normally distributed, , so that

in which case the resulting expression for log f (yi | yi0) in (6.111) coincides with (6.76).
Marginal PML is equivalent to a GMM estimator that, in addition to (6.106)-(6.107), uses the moments


Therefore, the situation is similar to the one discussed for the stationary case. If the (i, yi0) are independent draws from
some bounded variance distribution, there is additional information about contained in the marginal likelihood.
Nevertheless, this additional information will tend to vanish as the variance of the effects (and hence 2) becomes

Finally, it is of some interest to compare expression (6.81) for marginal PML with the corresponding expression for
conditional PML. Concentrating 2 out of the (approximate) conditional likelihood (6.108), the conditional PML
estimator of can be expressed as


Both (6.81) and (6.116) are modied WG criteria with correction terms of order (T 1). However, whereas marginal
PML uses a data-based correction that employs the levels of the data, conditional PML relies exclusively on the
Jacobian term bT (a).

6.4.3 Time Series Heteroskedasticity

In the time series context standard estimators of autoregressive models under the assumption of homoskedasticity
remain consistent estimators when the homoskedasticity assumption is false. This is not so, however, in short panels.
GMM or PML estimators of in any of the two previous models will be inconsistent for xed T as N tends to innity
if the unconditional variances of the errors vary over time.
PML estimators of the conditional mean parameters obtained under the assumption of conditional homoskedasticity,
however, are robust to conditional heteroskedasticity in short panels, as long as the restrictions implied by the pseudo
likelihood on the unconditional covariance matrix of the data are satised. The same will, of course, be true of GMM
estimates of the corresponding covariance structures.
Therefore, unless one has a substantive interest in the modelling of conditional variances, robust estimates of can be
obtained in conjunction with the unconditional variances of the errors. Conversely, if one is interested in modelling
dispersion in the conditional distributions of , the use of estimators of (possibly time-varying) unconditional
error variances as estimates of the conditional variances may result in mis-specication.
Time series heteroskedasticity may arise as a result of the presence of aggregate effects in the conditional variance of
the process. Thus, time-varying 's may occur in conjunction with a stationary idiosyncratic process, and even with a
stationary aggregate effect. In the latter situation, time series heteroskedasticity would just reect the fact that in a short
panel we condition on the values of the aggregate effects that occur in the sample, and these enter the conditional
variance (time effects are discussed in Section 5.2 and later on in this section).
So we also consider a model in which the unconditional variances of the errors are allowed to vary over time in an
arbitrary way, hence relaxing Assumption B3. In combination with unrestricted initial conditions, this gives

rise to a covariance structure characterized by the (T + 4) 1 parameter vector , and so the number of
parameters increases with T.
Controlling for time series heteroskedasticity by means of unrestricted coefcients is particularly desirable when T is
short relative to N. For larger values of T, the homoskedastic model with possibly unrestricted initial conditions
becomes more appealing, both because it has a xed number of parameters (so that it can be expected to perform well
under a variety of sample congurations), and because as T increases the homoskedastic PML estimator (6.81) tends to
become robust to time series heteroskedasticity (Alvarez and Arellano, 1998).

GMM Estimation
In terms of the moment conditions (6.66a) to (6.68d) the only modication is that (6.67) now becomes a set of
unrestricted moments


where , so that the only restrictions implied by the model are (6.66a)-(6.66c).
An optimal GMM estimator of based on the orthogonality conditions (6.66a)-(6.66c) will be asymptotically
equivalent to the optimal GMM/MD estimator of jointly estimated with the remaining parameters in the full
parameter vector. This setting is specially convenient when is the parameter of interest since it can be estimated
without having to estimate simultaneously the other parameters in the covariance structure.

Relationship to Linear IV Estimation

The moments (6.25) used by the linear IV estimators of Section 6.3 are the only restrictions implied on the data
covariance matrix by a conditional moment specication of the form (6.3). As explained in Section 6.1, the difference
with Assumption B1 is that (6.3) does not rule out correlation between the error vit and the individual effect i.
Therefore, (6.63) is not valid in this case and all the covariances ct = Cov(i, yit) should be treated as free parameters. The
result is a covariance matrix characterized by a 2(T + 1) 1 parameter vector .
When T = 2 the models based on B1 and (6.3) are indistinguishable on the basis of the data covariance matrix, but for
T > 2 the model based on B1 satises the quadratic restrictions (6.66b) while the model based on (6.3) does not.

6.4.4 Time Effects In Autoregressive Models

Suppose yit can be written as the sum of an aggregate component and an individual-specic component as in (5.18):

If follows an AR(1) process with individual specic intercepts, using the previous notation we would have


In this model one can set E(i) = 0 without lack of generality, since a non-zero mean would be subsumed in t.
The basic moment equations allowing for time effects, unrestricted initial conditions, and time series heteroskedasticity
are given by the following straightforward modication of (6.66a)-(6.66c):74

These moments can be used to obtain GMM estimates of and 1, . . . , T, and for testing the restrictions implied by
the model. The remaining parameters are determined from unrestricted moment equations that are similar to (6.68a)-
(6.68d) and (6.117), except for the addition of time-varying intercepts.
Time-Varying Autoregressive Linear Projections
A more general nonstationary specication for autoregressive equations was considered by Holtz-Eakin, Newey, and
Rosen (1988). Their framework was originally motivated by the problem of testing for Granger non-causality
conditional on an individual effect (Chamberlain, 1984).
Holtz-Eakin et al. considered period-by-period linear projections of a variable on its own lags, lags of other variables,
and an individual effect. No restrictions were placed except for the assumption that projections on the entire past were
only a function of a xed number of lags. To test for Granger non-causality one would then test for the joint
signicance of the lags of other variables. Clearly, the use of nonstationary projections works against the possibility of a
spurious nding of failure of Granger non-causality, but at the expense of potential loss of power.
A scalar rst-order version of this model is given by

Since the coefcient of i is period-specic, this model contains an interaction of time and individual effects similar to
the single-factor model (5.30) discussed in Section 5.2.

Further discussion on models with time effects is contained in Crepon, Kramarz, and Trognon (1997).

Letting t = t/t 1, individual effects can be eliminated by taking the following quasi-differences


where ct = t t t 1.
Thus, the model implies the following orthogonality conditions


which satisfy the order condition for identication of the parameters c3, . . . , cT, 2, . . . , T, and 3, . . . , T as long as
T 4.

6.5 Mean Stationarity

We have seen that assumptions about initial conditions present a trade-off between robustness and efciency in the
context of short panels. The trade-off is particularly acute for autoregressive models with roots close to the unit circle,
since in such a case the IV moment conditions (6.25) may be very weak.
Here we discuss a model that enforces mean stationarity but leaves the initial and subsequent variances unrestricted.
That is, we assume that Assumptions B1 and B4 hold but not necessarily B2, B3, or B5. So that we have

This implies that 0 = 0 and = 1 in the model with unrestricted initial conditions and time series heteroskedasticity of
the previous section.
As an example, suppose there are a variety of workers indexed by i. The life-cycle earnings of each type follow a stable
process (around some common trend) with steady state mean earnings given by i. Our mean stationarity assumption
does not refer to the (possibly unobservable) start of an individual's process, but to the rst observations in the actual
sample. Therefore, in a sample of mature workers it could be reasonable to assume stationary initial conditions,
regardless of the nature of the distribution of earnings of the workers at the outset of their working lives. However, if
there are young workers in the data, the assumption of mean stationarity requires that, on average, workers of a given
type do not do systematically better or worse at the beginning of their careers relative to their steady state earnings.
Under mean stationarity the covariance between yit and i does not depend on t, so that , and yit is
uncorrelated with i. In view of the discussion in the previous section, the implication is that for this model both sets
of IV conditions (6.41a) and (6.41b) for errors in differences and levels, respectively, are valid. Adding the mean
conditions (6.41c), the full

list of restrictions implied by mean stationarity on the data rst and second moments is:75




Note that (6.125)(6.127) require that = 1, but still hold if 0 0, in which case (6.128) would become an
unrestricted moment. So we may consider a slight generalization that allows for aggregate nonstationarity in mean:

while relying on the moments (6.125)(6.127). Permitting 0 0 could be useful in a case where the discrepancy
between the distribution of initial observations and the steady state distribution is due to a major event that inuenced
all units in a similar way.
So full covariance-information linear estimation of is possible for this model using a GMM estimator that combines
instruments in levels for equations in differences with instruments in differences for equations in levels. This estimator
and the corresponding moments were proposed by Arellano and Bover (1995), and have been further discussed by
Ahn and Schmidt (1995) and Blundell and Bond (1998).
Levels & Differences GMM Linear Estimators
Moments (6.125)(6.127) can be written in compact form as

where ui = yi yi(1), Zi is the matrix of instruments given in (6.29) for equations in differences, Z i is the matrix of
instruments for equations in levels that takes the form


Mean stationarity also implies

but these moments are redundant given (6.125) and (6.126) since they are linear combinations of them.

is the (2T 1) T selection matrix , where D is the (T 1) T rst-difference matrix operator, and is a
block diagonal matrix with blocks Zi and Z i. We can think of the model as specifying different instruments for a
system of T 1 equations in rst-differences followed by T equations in levels.
Letting Xi = (yi(1), ), a GMM estimator of and will be of the form:

An optimal two-step choice for AN can be obtained from the inverse of a consistent estimate of the moment
covariance matrix . However, unlike in the case of the IV estimators in differences (6.28), this matrix
depends on unknown parameters even under conditional homoskedasticity (i.e. it is not just a function of data
moments up to a multiplicative constant). The intuition is that since some of the instruments for the equations in levels
are not valid for those in differences, and conversely, not all the covariance terms between the two sets of moments
will be zero. As a result, when combining levels and differences no one-step GMM estimator is available that achieves
asymptotic efciency under classical auxiliary assumptions about the errors.76

Interpreting Initial Condition Bias In Short Panels

The initial condition bias is the result of assuming that the initial observations follow the steady state unconditional
distribution of the process when the assumption is false. Given the simplicity of the moment conditions (6.126) it is
convenient to focus on mean stationarity. We examine the asymptotic bias of a simple IV estimator based on (6.126)
when 1 and T = 2. We have


Since (6.125) and (6.127) remain valid under nonstationarity, (6.126) will be the only source of bias. Therefore, the
asymptotic bias of an estimator based on all the moments available will be of the same sign as (6.134) but of a

An arbitrary but convenient choice of one-step weight matrix is given by the inverse of .

smaller magnitude. The bias can take either sign, but inspection of the formula suggests that if there is a bias it will
tend to be positive when analysing short panels of households or companies.
The expression for the denominator of the bias term is

Under full stationarity (i.e. = 1 and ), so that it is always positive. More generally, it will
remain positive provided 0 < 1 and , in which case the bias will also be positive. If > 1 the sign of
the bias will depend on the relative magnitudes of the variances of the individual effects and the random errors.
If yi0 is xed the bias is always positive and given by

Finally, if yi0 and i are perfectly correlated (i.e. yi0 = 0 + i), so that and = y0/, where y0 denotes the standard
deviation of yi0, the bias will be positive whenever y0 . That is, provided there is no more dispersion in initial
conditions than in the distribution of steady state levels of the process (-divergence in the context of the empirical
growth literature). The bias may still be positive under -convergence, but the sign will depend on the relative
magnitudes of the parameters.
Mean Stationarity Conditional On Time Effects
If yit consists of an additive aggregate shock plus a mean stationary AR(1) idiosyncratic component , the mean
stationarity condition for the observed data becomes

That is, we assume mean stationarity conditional upon an aggregate effect (which might be stationary or
The orthogonality conditions in (6.125)-(6.127) remain valid in this case with the addition of a time-varying intercept:




6.6 Unit Roots

So far we have considered stable models (with autoregressive roots inside the unit circle) or models in which a unit
root is a feature of the specication,

like the integrated moving average process used by Hall and Mishkin (1982) to model household income (see
Section 5.5). In Hall and Mishkin's example the random walk component is the device used to model permanent
income shocks. In such a context the empirical interest is in measuring how large the random walk component is
relative to the stationary component, rather than testing for its presence.
Sometimes the presence or absence of unit roots is a central feature of the economic model of interest so that unit root
testing is not warranted. Unit roots are not properties of the data, but properties of models that may or may not be of
interest depending on the objectives of the research. In this section, however, we take for granted an interest in testing
the unit root hypothesis, and examine the nature of the problem in short panels with unobserved heterogeneity.
First of all, the null and alternative hypotheses need to be specied. We begin by considering, as the alternative
hypothesis, the stable AR model with unrestricted initial conditions and time series heteroskedasticity. As for the
specication of the null, we consider a random walk without drift. The model is



Thus, when = 1 we have


so that heterogeneity only plays a role in the determination of the starting point of the process. The implication is that
when = 1 only the variance of yi0 is identied in the covariance matrix of (yi0, i).
An alternative specication of the null would be a random walk with an individual-specic drift


but this is a model with heterogeneous linear growth that would be more suited for comparisons with stationary
models including individual trends.
Under the null H0 : = 1, pooled OLS in levels is a consistent and asymptotically normal estimator of in (6.142) for
xed T and large N.77 Therefore, a standard t-ratio statistic can be used to perform a xed-T-large-N one-sided test of
the unit root hypothesis against the alternative of a stable process.78 Nevertheless, given the upward bias of OLS in
levels under the alternative,

Harris and Tzavalis (1999) obtained the xed-T -large-N limiting distributions of pooled OLS, WG, and WG with individual trends, under the null of a unit root and
normally distributed errors.
The OLS t -ratio will only have an asymptotic normal distribution as N for xed T. For large T the distribution will be nonstandard. See Phillips and Moon (2000)
for a survey and references on unit root asymptotic results for panels with large T and N.

such a test may have little power to reject the null when the variance of i is large. To illustrate the situation, recall that
under stationarity the rst-order autocorrelation can be written as (equation (5.16))


where . Therefore, for any value of , 1 can be made arbitrarily close to one for sufciently large , and as a
consequence indistinguishable from a unit root in a nite sample.

The IV Estimator With Unit Roots and Highly Persistent Data

When = 1 the rank condition of the IV moments (6.25) for errors in rst-differences fails. Basically, the variables in
are uncorrelated with yi(t 1) when = 1 since in that case yi(t 1) is the innovation in period (t 1). That is, for j
2 we have

Hence, when = 1, the IV moments (6.25) are not only satised for the true value of , but also for any other value.
The implication is that GMM estimators of based on (6.25) are inconsistent when = 1.79
Given this situation it is of some interest to examine the identication content of the orthogonality conditions (6.25)
with highly persistent data. This can be done by calculating the asymptotic variance of the optimal GMM estimator
based on these moment conditions. Here we reproduce the calculations reported by Arellano and Honor (2001)
under stationarity. The idea is to see how the information about in (6.25) changes as T and change for values of 1
close to one.
The lower bound on the asymptotic variance of a GMM estimator of based on (6.25) when the process generating
the data is the fully stationary model is given by


According to (6.144), for any 0 1 there is a value of or equivalently of = /such that 1 equals a pre-
specied value.80 Thus, Table 6.2 contains the values of T for various values of T and for different pairs (, ) such that
1 = 0.99. Also, the bottom row shows the time series asymptotic standard deviation, evaluated at T = 14, for

Tests of underidentication in autoregressive models with individual effects are discussed by Arellano, Hansen, and Sentana (1999).
Under stationarity the relation between the two ratios is 2 = (1 )/(1 + ).

Table 6.2 Asymptotic Standard Deviation Bound For (T) 1 = 0.99

0 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.99
9.9 7.2 4.0 1.4 0.7 0
T = 2 14.14 15.50 17.32 18.97 19.49 19.95
T = 3 1.97 2.66 4.45 8.14 9.50 10.00
T = 4 1.21 1.55 2.43 4.71 5.88 6.34
T = 9 0.50 0.57 0.71 1.18 1.61 1.85
T = 14 0.35 0.38 0.44 0.61 0.82 0.96
0.27 0.26 0.23 0.17 0.11 0.04

Table 6.2 shows that with 1 = 0.99 there is a very large difference in information between T = 2 and T > 2. So T = 2
seems to be a very special case. Moreover, for given T there is less information on the closer is to 1. Often, there
will be little information on with T = 2 and the usual values of N. Additional information may be acquired from
using some of the additional restrictions discussed above. Particularly large gains can be obtained from employing
mean stationarity assumptions, as suggested from the Monte Carlo simulations reported by Arellano and Bover (1995)
and Blundell and Bond (1998), and the information bound calculations by Hahn (1999).

Mean Stationarity and Unit Roots

Let us now consider a model that species mean stationarity when || < 1 and a random walk without drift when =
1. This is model (6.141a)(6.141b) with the restriction = 1, which gives rise to


In this model and are not separately identied when = 1, but the rank condition from moments (6.125)-(6.126)
is satised. As noted by Arellano and Bover (1995), the reason is that when = 1 we have

which will be non-zero as long as . So the IV moments for the errors in levels (6.126) ensure the determination of
when equals one. The implication is that GMM estimators of the mean stationary model remain consistent when
= 1, and can be used to perform a test of the unit root hypothesis against the mean stationary alternative.

6.7 Estimating and Testing Vars For Firm Employment and Wages
In this section we discuss various aspects of inference with autoregressive models in the context of an empirical
illustration. We consider autoregressive employment

and wage equations estimated from the panel of rms used by Alonso-Borrego and Arellano (1999). This is a balanced
panel of 738 Spanish manufacturing companies, for which there are available annual observations for the period
19831990. We consider various specializations of a bivariate VAR(2) model for the logs of employment and wages,
denoted nit and wit respectively. Individual and time effects are included in both equations. The form of the model is



Univariate AR Estimates For Employment

We begin by obtaining alternative estimates of a univariate AR(1) model for employment (setting 2 = 1 = 2 = 0).81
Table 6.3 compares OLS estimates in levels, rst-differences, and within-groups with those obtained by GMM using as
instruments for the equation in rst-differences all lags of employment up to t 2. The results are broadly consistent
with what would be expected for an AR data generation process with unobserved heterogeneity, in light of our
previous discussion of biases. Taking GMM estimates as a benchmark, OLS in levels is biased upwards, and WG and
OLS in differences are biased downwards, with a much larger bias in the latter.
The one- and two-step GMM estimates in the 4-th and 5-th columns, respectively, are based on the sample moments
bN() = (b3N, . . . , b8N), where is the 7 1 parameter vector = (, 3, . . . , 8) and

bN() contains 27 orthogonality conditions in total, so that there are 20 over identifying restrictions. These are tested
with the Sargan statistic. There is a contrast between the value of the one-step Sargan statistic (35.1), which is too high
for a chi-square with 20 degrees of freedom, and the robust two-step statistic which is much smaller (15.5). This
should not be taken as evidence against the overidentifying restrictions, but as an indication of the presence of
conditional heteroskedasticity (the one-step Sargan statistic would not be distributed as a 2 in large samples when the
errors are conditionally heteroskedastic even if the overidentifying restrictions hold).
Column 6 in Table 6.3 reports two-step GMM estimates of an AR(2) model. Since one cross-section is spent in
constructing the second lag, the two orthogonality conditions in b3N are lost, so we are left with 25 moments. There

All the estimates reported in this section were calculated using DPD (Arellano and Bond, 1988).

is a second autoregressive coefcient but 3 is lost, so the total number of parameters is unchanged.
Finally, the last column in Table 6.3 presents continuously updated GMM estimates of the AR(2) model (cf. Hansen,
Heaton, and Yaron, 1996). They use the same moments as GMM2, but the weight matrix is continuously updated (as
opposed to GMM2 which evaluates it once for all at one-step estimates).82 The two estimators are asymptotically
equivalent, but in nite samples CU-GMM has been found to have less bias and a higher probability of outliers
than GMM2. Indeed Alonso-Borrego and Arellano (1999) simulated data as close as possible to the AR(2)
employment equation and found evidence that GMM2 was somewhat downward biased in this setting (with a true
value of 1 = .813 the median of GMM2 estimates over 1000 replications was .72).
Table 6.3 Univariate AR Estimates For Employment
OLS-levels OLS-dif. WG GMM1 GMM2 GMM2 CU GMM2
ni(t 1) 0.992 0.054 0.69 (0.025) 0.86 (0.07) 0.89 (0.06) 0.75 (0.09) 0.83 (0.09)
(0.001) (0.026)
ni(t 2) 0.04 (0.02) 0.03 (0.02)
Sargan (d.f.) 35.1 (20) 15.5 (20) 14.4 (18) 13.0 (18)
m1 2.3 0.6 9.0 8.0 7.6 6.0
m2 2.2 2.3 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3
N = 738, T = 8, 19831990. Heteroskedasticity robust standard errors in parentheses. Time dummies included in all equations.

From the orthogonality conditions above only rst-differences of time effects are directly estimated. The initial time
effect can be estimated as


Thus, whereas GMM2 solves

for continuously updated GMM we have

Note that, unlike GMM2, CU-GMM solves a nonlinear optimization problem even if the moment conditions bN () are linear in .

and, given estimates of their changes, the rest can be estimated recursively from . Given the large
cross-sectional sample size, the realizations of the time effects in the data can be accurately estimated, but with only 6
time series observations we do not have enough information to consider a stochastic model for t. On the other hand,
individual effects can be estimated as

where . Here the situation is the reverse. Since the are averages of just T 2 = 6 observations,
they will typically be very noisy estimates of realizations of the effects for particular rms. However, the variance of i
can still be consistently estimated for large N. Optimal estimation of and the requires consideration of the data
covariance structure, but noting that the errors in levels uit i + vit satisfy and , simple
consistent estimates can be obtained as:


where and denote cross-sectional sample variances and covariances. For the AR(2) employment equation
Alonso-Borrego and Arellano reported and . Thus, variation in rm-specic intercepts was
approximately 4 times larger than the average random error variance.
In this example time dummies are important for the model to be accepted by the data. Without time dummies, GMM2
estimates of the AR(2) employment equation in rst-differences yielded a Sargan statistic of 59.0 (d.f. = 18) without
constant, and of 62.7 (d.f. = 18) with constant (i.e. a linear trend in levels).83 Thus, implying a sound rejection of the
overidentifying restrictions. For the rms in our data set, average growth of employment during the seven-year period
198490 is 1 per cent, but this is the result of almost no growth in the rst two years, 1 per cent growth in 1986, 2 per
cent in 198789 and zero or negative growth in 1990. Given such a pattern, it is not surprising that we reject the
restrictions imposed by the cross-sectional orthogonality conditions with a common intercept or a linear trend.

Bivariate VAR Estimates For Employment and Wages

For the rest of the section we focus on the bivariate model (6.148)(6.149) since it allows us to illustrate a richer class
of problems. Table 6.4 presents OLS in levels and

The corresponding parameter estimates were and in the model without constant, and and in the model with

GMM2 in differences for employment (columns 1 and 2), and wages (columns 4 and 5). The table also contains GMM
estimates that combine levels and differences, but these will be discussed below in conjunction with testing for mean
Table 6.4VAR Estimates
Employment Wages
OLS-levels GMM2 dif. GMM2 lev. OLS-levels GMM2 dif. GMM2 lev.
&dif. &dif.
ni(t 1) 1.11 (0.03) 0.84 (0.09) 1.17 (0.03) 0.08 (0.03) 0.04 (0.10) 0.08 (0.03)
ni(t 2) 0.12 (0.03) 0.003 (0.03) 0.13 (0.02) 0.07 (0.03) 0.05 (0.03) 0.06 (0.02)
wi(t 1) 0.14 (0.03) 0.08 (0.08) 0.13 (0.02) 0.78 (0.03) 0.26 (0.11) 0.78 (0.02)
wi(t 2) 0.11 (0.03) 0.05 (0.02) 0.11 (0.02) 0.18 (0.03) 0.02 (0.02) 0.08 (0.02)
41.7 7.2 43.7 26.1 3.3 10.4
p-value 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.006
Sargan (d.f.) 36.9 (36) 61.2 (48) 21.4 (36) 64.2 (48)
p-value 0.43 0.096 0.97 0.06
m1 0.6 6.8 8.0 0.05 5.7 9.5
m2 1.6 0.2 1.3 2.7 0.5 0.6
N = 738, T = 8, 19831990. Heteroskedasticity robust standard errors in parentheses. Time dummies included in all equations. is a
Wald test statistic of the joint signicance of cross-effects.

In line with the univariate results for employment, the OLS estimates in levels for both equations are markedly
different to GMM2 in differences, and imply a substantially higher degree of persistence, which is consistent with the
presence of heterogeneous intercepts (a test of unobserved heterogeneity is discussed below). The GMM estimates
use as instruments for the equations in rst-differences all the available lags of employment and wages up to t 2.
With T = 8, a second-order VAR and time dummies, there are 36 overidentifying restrictions for each equation. As can
be seen in Table 6.4, neither of the Sargan test statistics provide evidence against these restrictions.
Although not pursued here, it may be possible to improve the efciency by jointly estimating the two equations.
Optimal joint GMM estimates would use a weight matrix that takes into account the correlation between the moment
conditions of the employment and wage equations.

Testing For Residual Serial Correlation

If the errors in levels are serially independent, those in rst-differences will exhibit rst- but not second-order serial
correlation. Moreover, the rst-order serial correlation coefcient should be equal to 0.5. In this regard, an informal
but often useful diagnostic is provided by the inspection of the autocorrelation matrix for the errors in rst-differences.
Serial correlation matrices for employment and wages based on GMM residuals in rst-differences are shown in Table
6.5, broadly conforming to the expected pattern.
Table 6.5
(a) GMM1 (dif.) Residual Serial Correlation Matrix for Employment

(b) GMM1 (dif.) Residual Serial Correlation Matrix for Wages

Formal tests of serial correlation are provided by the m1 and m2 statistics reported in Table 6.4 for the VAR model (and
also in Table 6.3 for the univariate results). They are asymptotically distributed as under the null of no
autocorrelation, and have been calculated from residuals in rst-differences (except for OLS in levels). So if the errors
in levels were uncorrelated, we would expect m1 to be signicant, but not m2, as is the case for the GMM2-dif.
estimates for both the employment and wage equations.
The mj statistics were proposed by Arellano and Bond (1991) and they are moment tests of signicance of the average
j-th order autocovariance rj:

where rtj = E ( vit vi(t j)). Their null is therefore H0 : rj = 0 and they are given by


where is the sample counterpart of rj based on rst-difference residuals and .84

To obtain an explicit expression for the standard error used in Table 6.4, we need to introduce some notation. Let
us write down the relation between residuals and true errors as , where xit and denote the vectors
of right-hand-side variables and parameter estimation errors, respectively. Moreover, the latter can be written as
. Using this notation the estimated residual autocovariance can be written as:85



Thus, under rj = 0, from a standard large-N central limit theorem we may conclude that has a
distribution with

and hence also asymptotically, with

The estimates in Table 6.4 are based on the assumption that given individual and time effects nit and wit only depend on
the past two observations. Provided1

Alternatively, we could consider a (T 3 j ) degrees of freedom test of the joint hypothesis

The op (1) remainder in the expression for is given by

T is sufciently large, the mj statistics can be used to test assumptions on lag length.86

Testing For Stationarity In Mean Of Initial Observations

We turn to consider GMM estimates that combine levels and differences, as shown in columns 3 (employment) and 6
(wages) of Table 6.4. For the employment equation, estimates are based on the following 40 moments for errors in

together with 6 moments for the period-specic constants:

and 12 additional moments for errors in levels:

The moments are functions of the 10 1 parameter vector

so that there are 48 overidentifying restrictions. The estimates for the wage equation were obtained in exactly the same
manner.87 We report two-step

Holtz-Eakin, Newey, and Rosen (1988) paid particular attention to the specication of lag lengths, and Pakes and Griliches (1984) considered similar issues in the context
of distributed lag models with exogenous variables.
Employment and wage changes lagged two periods or more are not used as instruments for the equations in levels because they are redundant given those already included.
To see this note that, for example, we have

where zit = (nit , wit ) and


robust estimates whose weight matrix is based on the kind of one-step residuals described above.
Note that, contrary to what we would expect under mean stationarity, the combined levels & differences GMM
estimates in both equations are closer to the OLS-levels estimates than to GMM in differences. A test of the moment
restrictions (6.161) is a test of whether, given an aggregate time effect, the mean of the distribution of initial
observations and the mean of the steady state distribution coincide. This can be done by computing incremental
Sargan test statistics.88 Specically, under the null of mean stationarity, the difference between the lev.& dif. and the dif.
Sargan statistics would be asymptotically distributed as a 2 with 12 degrees of freedom. Since we obtain Sn = 24.3 (p-
val. 0.0185) for employment, and Sw = 42.8 (p-val. 0.00) for wages, the null is rejected for the two equations, although
somewhat more marginally so in the case of employment.

Testing For the Presence Of Unobserved Heterogeneity

In the absence of unobserved heterogeneity OLS in levels are consistent estimates, but more generally estimation
(e.g. of the employment equation) could be based on the following 60 sample moments


Given the 46 moments in (6.159) and (6.160), (6.162) adds the following 14 moments:



Thus a test for the validity of the moments (6.163) and (6.164) can be regarded as testing for the presence of
unobserved heterogeneity. This can

See Section A.8 in the Appendix.

be done by calculating combined GMM estimates based on (6.159), (6.160), (6.163), and (6.164)or equivalently
levels-GMM estimates based on (6.162)and obtaining the corresponding incremental Sargan tests relative to GMM
in differences. Testing procedures along these lines were suggested by Holtz-Eakin (1988) and Arellano (1993).
The resulting estimates for employment and wages are very close to OLS, and both incremental tests reject the absence
of unobserved heterogeneity. The incremental Sargan statistics (d.f. = 14) take the values (p-val. 0.001) for
employment, and (p-val. 0.00) for wages.

Testing For Granger Non-Causality With and Without Heterogeneity

The hypothesis that employment does not Granger-cause wages conditional on individual and time effects imposes the
restrictions 1 = 2 = 0. Conversely, to test whether wages Granger-cause employment we would examine the validity of
the restrictions 1 = 2 = 0 (cf. Granger, 1969).89 The testing of these restrictions is of some interest in our example
because a version of model (6.148)-(6.149) in which the wage equation only includes its own lags can be regarded as
the reduced form of an intertemporal labour demand model under rational expectations (as in Sargent, 1978).
Wald test statistics of the joint signicance of cross-effects are reported in Table 6.4 for the two equations. For the
GMM2 estimates in rst-differences we nd that (at the 5 per cent level) wages Granger-cause employment, but
employment does not Granger-cause wages.
An interesting point is that conditioning on individual effects is crucial for this result. As shown in Table 6.4, if the
tests were based upon the OLS estimates in levels, the hypothesis that employment does not Granger-cause wages
would be clearly rejected. This illustrates how lack of control of individual heterogeneity could result in a spurious
rejection of non-causality.
Another aspect of some interest is that Granger non-causality would also be rejected using the estimates that impose
mean stationarity of the initial observations. Thus, in short panels assumptions about initial conditions also matter for
the assessment of non-causality.

As explained in Section 6.4, Chamberlain (1984) and Holtz-Eakin, Newey, and Rosen (1988) considered non-causality tests in a more general setting that allowed for
time-varying coefcients in the projections on lagged dependent variables and individual effects.
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Part III Dynamics and Predeterminedness
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7 Models with Both Strictly Exogenous and Lagged
Dependent Variables

7.1 The Nature of the Model

In Chapters 1 and 2 we considered regression models with strictly exogenous regressors and individual effects. In this
chapter we extend these models to include lags of the dependent variable as additional explanatory variables allowing
for serial correlation of unknown form. The prototypical equation takes the form

together with the assumption


An equation of this type might also contain lags of x and/or additional lags of y, but (7.1) captures the essential feature
of the model that we wish to discuss in this section. Namely, a dynamic effect of x on y for which the speed of
adjustment is governed by the coefcient of lagged y.
Assumption (7.2) implies that x is uncorrelated to past, present, and future values of v, and hence it is a strictly
exogenous variable. It does not rule out correlation between x and the individual effect . Lagged y will be correlated
by construction with the effects and with lagged v, but it may also be correlated with contemporaneous v if v is serially
correlated, which is not ruled out by (7.2). Thus, lagged y is effectively an endogenous explanatory variable in equation
(7.1) with respect to both and v.
Examples include partial adjustment models of rm investment or labour demand, and household consumption or
labour supply models with habits (e.g.

Bover, 1991, or Becker, Grossman, and Murphy, 1994). In these applications the coefcient captures the magnitude
of adjustment costs or the extent of habits. It therefore has a structural signicance. Moreover, there are often reasons
to expect serial correlation in the transitory errors v of the economic model. In those cases lagged y must be treated as
an endogenous explanatory variable. That is, one would not regard equation (7.1) as a linear projection of y on lagged y,
x, and . The reason is that even if = 0 in (7.1) the coefcient of lagged y in the projection will in general be different
from zero if v is serially correlated.
Assumption (7.2) implies that for all t and s

Thus, the model generates internal moment conditions that, subject to a rank condition, will ensure identication in
spite of serial correlation of unspecied form and the endogeneity of lagged y. Essentially, we are exploiting the strict
exogeneity of x in order to use lags and leads of x that do not have a direct effect on yit as instruments for yi(t1).
For example, if the model contains the contemporaneous and rst lag of a scalar variable x and T = 3, we have three
instruments x1, x2, and x3 for the single equation in rst-differences

so that the coefcients , 0, 1 are potentially just identiable from the moment conditions E (xis vi3) = 0, (s = 1, 2, 3).
The models in this chapter should not be regarded as an extension of the autoregressive models of Chapter 6 with the
addition of strictly exogenous variables. The purpose of the AR models was to capture time series dependence, so that
it was natural to start with serially uncorrelated errors. Here, however, lagged y appears in a structural role, and we
consider models where its effect is identied regardless of the form of serial correlation. We shall also consider
inference imposing restrictions on the error autocovariances, but retaining the assumption of identication with
unrestricted autocorrelation.

7.2 An Example: Cigarette Addiction

As an illustration, we consider Becker, Grossman, and Murphy's analysis of cigarette consumption for US state panel
data (1994), extending a similar discussion by Arellano and Honor (2001). The empirical model is

cit = Annual per capita cigarette consumption in packs by state.

pit = Average cigarette price per pack.

= A measure of the extent of addiction (for > 0).
= Discount factor.
Becker et al. are interested in testing whether smoking is addictive by considering the response of cigarette
consumption to tax-induced exogenous changes in cigarette prices.
Equation (7.5) can be obtained as an approximation to the rst-order conditions of utility maximization in a life-cycle
model with certainty and habits, in which utility in period t depends on cigarette consumption in t and t 1. The
degree of addiction is measured by , which will be positive if smoking is addictive. Furthermore, the price coefcient
should be negative due to concavity of the utility. With certainty, the marginal utility of wealth is constant over time
but not cross-sectionally. The state specic intercept i is intended to capture such variation, although according to the
theory would also be a function of the marginal utility of wealth. Finally, the ts represent aggregate shocks, possibly
correlated with prices, which are treated as period specic parameters.
Equation (7.5) captures the fact that addictive behaviour implies that past consumption increases current
consumption, holding the current price and the marginal utility of wealth xed. Moreover, a rational addict will
decrease current consumption in response to an anticipated decrease in future consumption.
The errors vit represent unobserved life-cycle utility shifters, which are likely to be autocorrelated. Therefore, even in
the absence of addiction ( = 0) and serial correlation in prices, we would expect to nd dependence over time in cit. As
spelled out below, current consumption depends on prices in all periods through the effects of past and future
consumption, but it is independent of past and future prices when ci(t 1) and ci(t + 1) are held xed. Exploiting this fact, the
strategy of Becker et al. is to identify , , and from the assumption that prices are strictly exogenous relative to the
unobserved utility shift variables, which enables them to use lagged and future prices as instrumental variables. The
required exogenous variation in prices comes from changes in cigarette tax rates. A crucial ingredient of this
identication arrangement is the assumption that agents are able to anticipate future prices without error.
Becker, Grossman, and Murphy use annual US state data over the period 19551985 (N = 50, T = 31). Price variation
arising from differences in excise taxes on cigarettes across states and time is an essential source of exogenous variation
in this exercise. In addition, thanks to the panel nature of the data, the aggregate component of the errors can be held
xed through the use of time dummies. For these reasons a similar exercise with aggregate time series data, although
technically possible, would lack the empirical justication for using prices as instruments that the state-level analysis
has. On the other hand, individual-level panel data, while potentially useful in characterizing heterogeneity in the degree
of addiction, would not add identifying content to the

model if the only source of exogenous price variation remained state-level differences in scal policies.

Relation to the Joint Process of Consumption and Prices

Finally, it is instructive to consider the statistical nature of model (7.5) and its relation to the bivariate autoregressive
representation of the joint process of cit and pit. Letting uit be the composite error term in (7.5), and L and L1 denote the
lag and forward operators, respectively, the equation can be written as


where is the stable root of the equation 2 + = 0. Thus, we can express current consumption as a function
of past and future prices of the form

where the coefcients j are functions of and .
Equation (7.8) is a regression of cit on past and future prices of the type considered by Sims (1972). Becker et al.s
model is effectively placing a set of restrictions on the coefcients of this regression. Aside from stationarity, the error
process is left unrestricted, and so is the price process. In conjunction with univariate processes for u and p one can
obtain the autoregressive or moving average representations of the joint process of cit and pit.
It is interesting to note that while p is a strictly exogenous variable relative to v in equation (7.5), it is nevertheless
Granger-caused by c. What is meant by this is that, regardless of the form of the univariate process of p, as long as j
0 for some j > 0 the projection of p on lagged p and lagged c will have non-zero coefcients on some lagged c (Sims,
1972). Therefore, p would not be described as strictly exogenous according to Sims's statistical denition, even if it is
strictly exogenous relative to v in model (7.5).90 Granger non-causality and statistical strict exogeneity will only occur if
= 0, in which case j = 0 for all j > 0, which corresponds to the model with myopic habits also considered by
Becker et al.

Another example of this situation is provided by Arellano and Honor (2001, pp. 32403241).

7.3 GMM Estimation

7.3.1 2SLS Estimation from a Large T Perspective
Becker et al. treated the individual effects in (7.5) as parameters to be jointly estimated with the remaining coefcients.
They employed 2SLS estimators using pi(t 1), pit, pi(t + 1), and state and time dummies as instrumental variables. This is a
natural perspective given the sample size of the state panel they used where N = 50 and T = 31. It is nevertheless
useful to relate this type of estimator to estimators in deviations in order to exhibit some equivalences and the
connection with the perspective adopted in small T large N environments.
Let the stacked form of a generic model that includes (7.1) and (7.5) as special cases be

where is an N 1 vector of individual effects and C = IN T is an NT N matrix of individual dummies. The NT-
row matrix of explanatory variables W will contain observations of yi(t 1) and xit in model (7.1), and of ci(t 1), ci(t + 1), pit, and
time dummies in model (7.5). Moreover, let Z be an NT-row matrix of instrument with at least as many columns as W.
In a version of Becker et al.s example Z contains pi(t 1), pit, pi(t + 1), and time dummies, whereas in model (7.1) it may
contain observations of xit, xi(t 1), . . . , xi(t j) for some given j, and the actual value of T will be adjusted accordingly.
A 2SLS estimator of (, ) in (7.9) using Z and the individual dummies as instruments, Z = (Z, C) say, is given by

where W = (W, C) and denotes the tted value of W in a regression on (Z, C).
The estimator is numerically the same as the within-group 2SLS estimator based on all variables y, W, and Z in deviations
from time means:

where Q = IN Q and Q is the within-group operator introduced in (2.18).

We can see this by taking into account that Q = INT C (C C) C and using the result from partitioned regression:


Since is the tted value in a regression of W on Z and C, it turns out that is the tted value in a regression of QW
on QZ, which is given

by . Substituting this expression in (7.12), the equivalence with (7.11) follows.

The estimator will be consistent as T as long as E (zitvit) = 0, so that it will retain time series consistency even if
zit is only predetermined. Consistency as N for xed T, however, requires that

Such condition will be satised if zit is strictly exogenous for vit as it is the case in both models (7.1) and (7.5). In what
follows we consider the estimation of model (7.1) from a small T, large N perspective. This will let us provide further
discussion of the link with the within-group 2SLS estimator (7.11).

7.3.2 Optimal IV Estimation in a Small T, Large N Context

Let us rewrite model (7.1)-(7.2) with an explicit intercept as



where wit = (yi(t 1), xit), 1 = (, ), and 0 denotes a constant term, so that the individual effect i has been redened to
have zero mean. Also = (0, 1) and xi = (xi0, . . . , xiT). Moreover, for notational convenience we assume that yi0 and
xi0 are observed. Thus, we start with a panel with T + 1 time series observations, but we only have T observations of
the vector wit for individual i.
Without further restrictions, this model is a special case of the linear structural equation discussed in Section 2.5.2 in
which yi(t 1) is the endogenous explanatory variable and xi is the vector of instruments. Namely, letting vi = (vi1, . . . , viT),
yi = (yi1, . . . , yiT), and Wi = (wi1, . . . , wiT), the unfeasible optimal instrumental-variable estimator of 1 based on the
conditional moment restriction for the errors in orthogonal deviations is

where and A denotes the (T 1) T orthogonal deviations transformation matrix
introduced in Section 2.2.2. A feasible counterpart requires estimates of and (xi).

The within-group 2SLS estimator corresponding to (7.11) can be written as


and is a matrix of instruments in orthogonal deviations.91 Thus, is an estimator of the form of (7.17) with and
an identity matrix in place of and (xi), respectively.
For example, if contains and , the instruments used by consist of the sample counterparts of the linear

with the same coefcients for all t. However, in a panel with large N and small T we may consider estimators based on
less restrictive projections of the form

with unrestricted coefcients for each t. In contrast with (7.20), the projection (7.21) not only depends on all lags and
leads of x, but also the coefcients are period-specic. Naturally, in a large T, xed N environment it would not be
possible to obtain consistent estimates of the coefcients of (7.21) without restrictions. Next we turn to consider
estimators of this kind.

7.3.3GMM with the Number of Moments Increasing with T

Let us consider GMM estimators based on the moment conditions . This runs in parallel to a similar
discussion for static models in Section 2.3.3. Letting Zi = I(T 1) xi, these estimators take the form

where AN is a weight matrix that needs to be chosen.
The model can be regarded as an incomplete system of (T 1) simultaneous equations with T endogenous variables
, a vector of instruments

To go from deviations-from-time-means to orthogonal deviations note that, as explained in Section 2.2.2.Q = A A.

given by xi, and cross-equation restrictions (since the same coefcients occur in the equations for different periods).
From this perspective, a 2SLS estimator of the system uses

The difference between this 2SLS estimator and (7.18) is that the latter uses (7.20) to form predictions of , whereas
the former uses period-specic projections on all lags and leads as in (7.21).
Similarly, a three-stage least-squares estimator (3SLS) is based on

where and the are 2SLS residuals. Finally, a weight matrix that is robust to both heteroskedasticity and
serial correlation is

The latter gives rise to Chamberlain's (1984) robust generalization of 3SLS for model (7.1).
Estimating the Intercept
Having estimated 1, a consistent estimate of 0 can be obtained as

Alternatively, we may consider the joint estimation of 0 and 1 by GMM from the moment conditions

or equivalently

where and H = (IT, A). This leads to estimators of the form


where and .

Expression (7.30) is similar to the levels & differences or system estimator for AR models discussed in Section
6.5, in the sense that both combine moment conditions for errors in levels and deviations. The same argument can be
used to estimate coefcients on time-invariant explanatory variables that are assumed to be uncorrelated with the

7.3.4 Explanatory Variables Uncorrelated with the Effects

The previous setting also suggests a generalization to a case where a subset of the xs are uncorrelated with the effects.
Suppose that a subset x1i = (x1i1, . . . , x1iT) of xi are uncorrelated with the effects whereas the remaining x2i are
correlated, as in the static Hausman and Taylor models of Section 3.4. In such case we obtain a GMM estimator of the
same form as (7.30), but using an augmented matrix of instruments given by


If all xs are uncorrelated with the effects, the second block of moments in orthogonal deviations drops out and we are
just left with the moments in levels

where Z i = (IT x i), x i = (1, xi) and W i = (T, Wi).

7.3.5 Enforcing Restrictions in the Covariance Matrix

Let the marginal covariance matrix of ui be E (uiui) = . The general form of is

which is not restrictive if E (vivi) is unrestricted. However, we may consider restricting by restricting the time series
properties of vi. For example, by considering the standard error components structure

or some other ARMA process for vi, so that can be expressed as a function of a smaller set of coefcients ().
We may consider estimating imposing the constraints in . Even if does not depend directly on , enforcing the
covariance restrictions in will in general lead to more efcient but less robust estimates of . This is so because the
model is a simultaneous system as opposed to a multivariate regression (Rothenberg, 1973).92 It may also help
identication in a way that we shall pursue in the next section.

See also section B.6 in the Appendix.

The set of moments is now


and this can be used as the basis for covariance restricted GMM estimators for models with all, part, or none of the xs
correlated with the effects, something which will be reected in the choice of as explained above.
The covariance structures to be considered in the present context are of the type we discussed in Chapter 5, so that the
discussion in that chapter is relevant here, both in terms of possible models and characterization of restrictions.
It is possible that some of the covariance restrictions may be expressed as simple instrumental variable restrictions. For
example, if it is serially uncorrelated then the error in orthogonal deviations in period t is not only orthogonal to xi
but also to yi0, . . . , yi(t 1), which suggests the use of GMM estimators with an increasing number of instruments of the
type discussed in Section 5.4.2 and Chapter 6.

7.4 Maximum Likelihood

7.4.1 Estimation with Unrestricted Covariance Matrix
Bhargava and Sargan (1983) considered Gaussian ML estimators of model (7.1) under the assumption of lack of
correlation between x's and the effects. They completed the model with a linear reduced form equation for yi0:

and the conditional normality assumption for :


The full system can be expressed as

where = (, 1), 1 = (0 T, 0, IT 1), and B = {bjk} is a lower triangular matrix such that bjj = 1, bj(j 1) = , and
bjk = 0 for all other j and k. The log likelihood, apart from a constant term, is given by


where f10 = 10 / 00 and

Moreover, since B is triangular and all its diagonal elements are equal to one, log det B = 0, and therefore the Jacobian
term will not occur here.93
The ML estimator of is given by

where X is a matrix with N rows whose i-th row is given by x i = (1, xi), y0 = (y10, . . . , yN0), and U = (u1, . . . , uN).
Letting M = IN X (X X) 1X and concentrating the likelihood with respect to , we obtain the following expression
that will be used below:

Further concentrating the likelihood with respect to f10, 00, and , aside from constant terms, we obtain94

The maximum likelihood estimator of is therefore given by (7.44)

93 00 11 1 00
We have made use of the following formulae for the determinant and the inverse of a partitioned matrix: det = (det ) / and = + f10f01 .
To see this note that substituting the MLE we get

Furthermore, using the formulae for the determinant of a partitioned inverse, this equals

Since is constant, the result follows.


Asymptotic Equivalence to 3SLS

Regardless of normality, can be shown to be asymptotically equivalent to the 3SLS estimator based on the
moments (7.32). The 3SLS estimator in this case minimizes

with bN = i (ui x i) = vec (U X) and , where denote 2SLS residuals.
It is of some interest to compare the rst-order conditions of ML with those of 3SLS. The former are

or (7.46)

whereas the 3SLS estimator solves

The rhs of (7.47) is asymptotically negligible and the lhs is similar to (7.48), except that the estimated covariance matrix
is not xed but continuously updated.

7.4.2MLE with Covariance Restrictions

If the partial adjustment model started in the distant past, it implies

so that the error term in Bhargava and Sargan's equation for yi0 (7.37) takes the form

This is generally true for any linear-in-variables simultaneous system without covariance restrictions (Sargan, 1964).

where i is the error in the prediction of based on xi:


Thus, the variance of ui0 is unrestricted since so is the variance of i, but the covariances between ui0 and subsequent uit
are given by

If the autocovariances of the vit process are unrestricted, the terms E (ui0uit) will be unrestricted as well. However,
restrictions in E (vi(k)vit) may imply restrictions in E (ui0uit). In particular, if vit is white noise then for t = 1, . . . , T:

Bhargava and Sargan considered estimation by ML subject to (7.53) and the error components structure (7.34). To do
so, they maximized the concentrated likelihood (7.43) as a function of , and the variance of i.
Under normality the covariance-restricted ML estimator of BhargavaSargan is asymptotically equivalent to the
optimal GMM estimator based on the moments



However, under non-normality the MLE will be suboptimal relative to the optimal GMM estimator for the reasons
explained in the context of the estimation of covariance structures in Chapter 5. Minimum distance estimators and
specication tests for this type of model under non-normality were considered in Arellano (1989a,b, 1990).

7.4.3 MLE with Correlated xs

In the likelihood model (7.37)-(7.39) the effects are independent of the xs. This can be relaxed by assuming




The previous development can then be repeated after redening as

which leads to a correlated random effects likelihood that can be maximized with or without imposing covariance
restrictions in the error process
To see the form of the concentrated likelihood without covariance restrictions that only depends on 1, it is useful to
write the full system of T + 1 equation as follows:



That is, we have changed the parameterization from (including an intercept) to the coefcients 1 of the reduced
form equation for yi1, and transformed the remaining T 1 equations in orthogonal deviations.
Using similar arguments as before, the concentrated likelihood as a function of 1 alone is therefore

where is an N (T 1) matrix of errors in orthogonal deviations. Moreover, the maximizier of is
asymptotically equivalent to the correlated effects 3SLS estimator (7.22)-(7.24).
8 Predetermined Variables

In Chapter 2 we considered regression models with regressors that could be correlated with a time-invariant
unobserved heterogeneity component, but that were strictly exogenous in the sense of being uncorrelated to past,
present, and future time-varying errors.
In Section 2.5.2 we considered the extension to structural equations by relying on external instruments. The situation
there was that endogenous regressors could be correlated with time-varying errors at all lags and leads, and the
instruments were strictly exogenous. Both instruments and endogenous explanatory variables were allowed to be
correlated with the effects. Chapter 7 was devoted to a prominent special model of this kind. Namely, a dynamic model
containing both lags of the dependent variable and strictly exogenous explanatory variables. The lagged dependent
variable was treated as an endogenous variable since we allowed for unrestricted serial correlation, and the strict
exogeneity assumption was key to identication.
These all-or-nothing settings may be too restrictive in a time series environment, since it is possible to imagine
situations in which explanatory variables may be correlated with errors at certain periods but not at others, and such
patterns may provide essential information for the identication of parameters of interest.
We have already encountered examples of this type of situation. One is the measurement error model of Chapter 4 in
which mismeasured regressors were correlated with contemporaneous errors but not with lagged or future errors, as
long as measurement errors were not serially correlated. Another example is the autoregressive model of Chapter 6 in
which the lagged dependent variable can be regarded as a regressor that is correlated to past errors but not to current
or future errors. In the two examples, regressors were correlated with the effects.
In this chapter we consider models in which the time-varying errors are uncorrelated with current and lagged values of
certain conditioning variables but not with their future values, so that they are predetermined with respect

to the time varying errors. Some of these variables may be explanatory variables included in the equation or lags of
them, but others may be external predetermined instruments. Moreover, the equation may contain explanatory
endogenous variables whose lags may or may not be part of the conditioning set.
Autoregressive models and dynamic regressions (partial adjustment with feedback) in which lagged dependent
variables and other regressors are treated as predetermined are specic examples. The main emphasis in this chapter,
however, is in an incomplete model that species orthogonality conditions between a structural error and
predetermined instruments. In our context, predeterminedness is dened relative to a specic structural error. By
predetermined variables we just refer to variables that are potentially correlated to lagged values of the structural
error but are uncorrelated to present and future values.
An alternative approach to models with predetermined and/or endogenous regressors is to consider complete
systems. For example, by considering VAR versions of the models discussed in Chapter 6, or structural
transformations of those VAR models. In this chapter, however, we have in mind situations in which a researcher is
interested in modelling certain equations but not others. Thus, we focus on incomplete models with unspecied
feedback processes, and restrictions specifying that errors are mean independent to certain variables in a sequential

8.1 Introduction and Examples

The previous chapter considered econometric models with lagged dependent variables whose errors were mean
independent of past and future values of certain variables zit

and referred to these variables as strictly exogenous with respect to vit. We now consider models whose errors satisfy
sequential moment conditions of the form


Autoregressive Processes
An example of (8.2) is the AR model with individual effects that we discussed in Chapter 6. In this case

and E (vit | yi0, . . . , yi(t 1), i) = 0, so that (8.2) is satised with zit = yi(t 1).
In what follows we present several other instances that illustrate the scope of sequential moment assumptions.

8.1.1 Partial Adjustment with Feedback

Another example is a sequential version of the partial adjustment model. The equation is the same as (7.1):

but in this instance the errors are assumed to satisfy

so that equation (8.3) is regarded as a parameterization of the regression function .
There are two main differences between the behaviour of the vs and xs that is assumed in this model and that of (7.1)-
(7.2). Firstly, (8.4) implies lack of autocorrelation in vit since lagged vs are linear combinations of the variables in the
conditioning set, whereas (7.2) by itself does not restrict the serial dependence of the errors. Secondly, in contrast with
(8.4), Assumption (7.2) implies that y does not Granger-cause x, in the sense that forecasts of xit given , and
additive effects are not affected by . Thus, (7.2) rules out the possibility of feedback from lagged y to current xs,
whereas feedback is allowed in (8.4).
Without further restrictions the two models are not nested. This situation can be illustrated using the example with
T = 3 given in (7.4) (cf. Arellano and Honor, 2001, p. 3237):

Under Assumption (7.2) the coefcients , 0, 1 are potentially just identiable from the moment conditions

Under Assumption (8.4) the three parameters are also potentially just identiable from

but the two models only have two moment restrictions in common, which in this example are not enough to identify
the three parameters.

8.1.2Euler Equation for Household Consumption

The next example is an intertemporal consumption model with uncertainty of the type developed by Zeldes (1989),
who used individual after-tax returns and

food consumption from the PSID (as Hall and Mishkin, 1982, did).96 Suppose each period t a family i chooses
consumption cit and portfolio shares to maximize the expected value of a time-separable life-cycle utility function. In
the absence of liquidity constraints, optimal consumption must satisfy the following Euler equation

where Uit(.) denotes the marginal utility of consumption, Et1 (.) is a conditional expectation given information available
at time t 1, i is a household-specic rate of time preference, and rit is the rate of return of a riskless asset.
Equivalently, we can write

where it is an expectational error that satises Et1 (it) = 0 and is therefore uncorrelated with information known to
the consumer at time t 1.
Suppose the utility of consumption has constant relative risk aversion coefcient

and it captures differences in preferences across families and time, which are specied as

In Zeldes's model, the vector xit contains age and family size variables, and i, t, and it are, respectively, family, time,
and residual effects. With this specication the log of (8.8) is given by

where i = log (1 + i), t = t and vit = it. Moreover, using a second-order Taylor approximation ,
we can write

where by construction Et1 (eit) = 0. The conditional variance Vart1 (it) may contain additive individual and time effects
that would be subsumed into

Zeldes used this framework to derive and test implications for consumption in the presence of borrowing constraints, which we ignore. See also Runkle (1991) and Keane
and Runkle (1992).

t and i, but otherwise it is assumed not to change with time t 1 variables. Hence, the basic empirical equation


Thus, the equation's error term uit, net of individual and time effects, is made of two components: the unobservable
change in tastes vit and the expectational error eit.97
In this model both returns and consumption growth at time t can be correlated with eit, and are therefore treated as
endogenous variables. Zeldes's identifying assumption is of the form of (8.2) with the instrument vector zit containing
xit, lagged income, and marginal tax rates.
Lagged es should be uncorrelated to current es as long as they are in the agents' information sets, but vs may be serially
correlated (unless is a random walk). So serial correlation in u cannot be ruled out. Moreover, lagged consumption
may be correlated to v even if it is not correlated to e. Thus, the presence of the taste shifter v rules out lagged
consumption variables as instruments. Lack of orthogonality between lagged c and u in this model does not necessarily
imply a violation of the Euler condition.
Finally, note that the model's martingale property Et1eit = 0 implies that for a variable zit in the information set a time
average of the form

as T . However, the cross-sectional average need not converge to zero as N if eit contains aggregate
shocks (cf. Chamberlain, 1984, p. 1311, Zeldes, 1989, p. 318, and our discussion of Hall and Mishkin's model in
Section 5.5). The cross-sectional limit will only vanish if the es are independent idiosyncratic shocks, that in model
(8.13) requires us to assume that aggregate shocks affect all households in the same way and can be captured by time
Related examples that feature similar expectational errors are Euler-equation models for labour supply (MaCurdy,
1985), rm employment (Arellano and Bond, 1991, Schiantarelli and Sembenelli, 1993), and investment (Bond and
Meghir, 1994). In the investment literature, company panel relationships between investment and q have also been
identied through sequential moment restrictions by Hayashi and Inoue (1991), and Blundell, Bond, Devereux, and
Schiantarelli (1992).

Without the approximation, the model is nonlinear in variables and it has multiplicative individual effects.

8.1.3 Cross-Country Growth and Convergence

Our last example is a cross-country panel equation of the determinants of growth of the type considered by Caselli,
Esquivel, and Lefort (1996). These authors estimated ve 5-year period growth equations for 97 countries of the form

where yit denotes log per-capita GDP in country i in year t, si(t 5) is a vector of stock variables measured in year t 5
(including human capital indicators such as the log- secondary school enrolment rate), fi(t 5) is a vector of ow variables
measured as averages from t 5 to t 1: fi(t 5) = (fi(t 5) + . . . + fi(t 1)) /5 (such as the rates of investment, population
growth, and government expenditure), t captures global shocks, and i is a country effect that may represent
differences in technology.
Caselli, Esquivel, and Lefort completed the specication with the following identifying assumptions:


That is, the country-specic time-varying shock in year t, vit, is uncorrelated to the stock variables dated t 5 or earlier,
including the output variable yi(t 5), and to the average ow variables dated t 10 or earlier. Thus, the stock variables
dated t 5 are treated as predetermined for vit, whereas the ow variables dated t 5 are predetermined for vi(t+5), and
the assumptions restrict the dependence over time of vit. Moreover, all explanatory variables are allowed to be
correlated with the country effects i.
Islam (1995) considered an equation similar to (8.15) and allowed for correlation between the country effects and the
determinants of growth in s and f, but treated them as strictly exogenous for v. Islam's identifying assumptions did not
restrict the form of serial correlation in v. However, as argued by Caselli et al., except for indicators of a country's
geography and climate, strict exogeneity assumptions do not seem very useful in the growth context. Variables like the
investment rate or the population growth rate are potentially both effects and causes of economic growth.
The models of Caselli et al. (1996) and Islam (1995) illustrate our earlier discussion of the contrast between the partial
adjustment equations with and without strictly exogenous variables in (7.1)-(7.2) and (8.3)-(8.4).
If is negative, equation (8.15) can be regarded as a description of the convergence of output from an initial level to a
steady state level, and it is

broadly consistent with a variety of neoclassical growth models (see Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1995). The variables s, f
and are therefore interpreted as determinants of a country's steady state level of income. The smaller the value of
the faster the (conditional) convergence to the steady state. If on the contrary = 0 then there is no convergence, and
s, f, and measure differences in steady-state growth rates.
Panel data analyses of growth and convergence were preceded by cross-sectional analyses in which growth over the 25-
year interval 19601985 was related to 1960 income and other determinants (as in Mankiw, Romer, and Weil, 1992).
These studies typically found a negative but small effect of initial income, that implied a convergence rate in the range
of 23 per cent.
Caselli et al. and others (e.g. Benhabib and Spiegel, 2000; Forbes, 2000; and Levine, Loayza, and Beck, 2000)
considered panel analyses over 5- or 10-year subperiods as a way of controlling for unobserved constant differences in
steady state growth, and lack of exogeneity of the observed determinants. Growth over long time spans of at least 5
years is chosen as a way to abstract from business cycle effects.
The GMM panel estimates of reported by Caselli, Esquivel, and Lefort are also negative but of a larger magnitude
than the cross-sectional estimates, implying a 10 per cent convergence rate.98 Nevertheless, an open question is the
extent to which these estimates are affected by nite sample biases in the GMM estimates (e.g. Bond, Hoefer, and
Temple, 2001).
From a substantive point of view, however, explaining the uncovered heterogeneity in steady state income levels seems
at least as crucial as nding good estimates of the convergence coefcient.

8.2 Large T Within-Group Estimation

Let us consider a generic linear model that includes the previous examples as special cases:

so that the errors satisfy condition (8.2), which for covenience we rewrite as

for some vector zit and .
If T is large, the sample realizations of the effects i may be treated as parameters that are jointly estimated with the
common parameter vector . Thus, if all the variables in wit are predetermined (i.e. if the wit are functions

The coefcient can be regarded as approximating (1 e
), where is the convergence rate and = 5, so that (1 / ) ln (1 + ).

of the variables in the conditioning set ), the within-group OLS estimator of is consistent as T :

where as usual starred variables denote forward orthogonal deviations. An example in which all wit are predetermined is
the partial adjustment regression model (8.3)-(8.4).
Large T consistency of hinges on the condition E (witvit) = 0. This estimator, however, is not unbiased for xed T
since . Moreover, the bias does not tend to zero as N increases. Intuitively, as N the cross-sectional
sample average

approaches , but it does not get closer to zero for a given value of T. Therefore, is inconsistent in a xed T,
large N setting (detailed expressions for the bias in the case of a pure autoregressive model are given in Section 6.2,
and illustrative calculations provided in Table 6.1).
If some of the wit are endogenous explanatory variables (that is, if they are not functions of ), subject to identication,
a within-group 2SLS estimator of the type described in (7.11) or (7.18) is consistent for large T:

The vector denotes the estimated linear projection of on for some pre-specied maximum lag value J:

Examples with both endogenous and predetermined explanatory variables are the consumption Euler equation and
cross-country growth models.
In parallel with the previous case, large T consistency of requires that E (zi(tj)vit) = 0 for j = 1, . . . , J, a condition
that is satised under the model's assumptions. But xed T large N consistency would require , which does
not hold because zit is only a predetermined variable relative to vit.

8.3 Small TGMM Estimation

8.3.1 Moments and Weight Matrices
GMM estimators of in (8.18) based on the moments for the errors in rst-differences

or in orthogonal deviations

are consistent for large N and xed T. The orthogonality between and is due to the fact that is a forward
deviation that only depends on current and future values of the errors. Backward deviations or standard deviations

from time means could not be used to express moment conditions of this type.
A generic compact expression that encompasses (8.23) and (8.24) is

where Zi is a block-diagonal matrix whose t-th block is given by , yi = (yi1, . . . , yiT), Wi = (wi1, . . . , wiT), ui = (ui1, . . . ,
uiT), and uit = i + vit. Moreover, K represents any (T 1) T upper-triangular transformation matrix of rank (T 1),
such that K = 0, where is a T 1 vector of ones.
Orthogonality between K and ensures that the transformation eliminates any xed effects, whereas by being upper
triangular the transformed vector of errors K ui may depend on present and future errors but not on lagged ones. Note
that both the rst-difference matrix operator and the forward orthogonal deviations operator satisfy these
The form of a GMM estimator of based on (8.25) is

Given identication, is consistent and asymptotically normal as N for xed T (Hansen, 1982). An optimal
choice of the weight matrix AN is a consistent estimate of the inverse of E (Zi K uiui K Zi) up to scale.
We consider three alternative estimators depending on the choice of AN. Firstly, a one-step weight matrix given by


This type of moment conditions was introduced by Arellano and Bover (1995). A closely related transformation was used by Hayashi and Sims (1983) for time series

This choice is optimal under conditional homoskedasticity and lack of autocorrelation for j > 0,
since in this case we have

A second, more general, two-step choice of AN is given by

where , and is a vector of one-step residuals.100 This choice is optimal if conditional variances and
autocovariances are constant:


Thirdly, the standard two-step robust choice is

which is an optimal weight matrix even if the conditional variances and auto-covariances of the errors are not constant.
In contrast, the two-step estimator based on (8.29) does not depend on the data fourth-order moments but it is
asymptotically less efcient than the estimator that uses (8.32) unless (8.30) and (8.31) are satised, in which case they
are asymptotically equivalent (Arellano and Bond, 1991, p. 279).
The GMM estimators for autoregressive models that we discussed in Section 6.3 can be regarded as a special case of
those presented here.
It is also useful to compare the estimator in (7.22) for dynamic models with strictly exogenous variables with that in
(8.26). In both cases we have a system of transformed equations for different periods, but while in (7.22) the same
instruments are valid for all equations (as in a standard simultaneous equations model), in (8.26) different instruments
are valid for different equations, and we have an increasing set of instruments available as time progresses. Clearly, it is
possible to combine features of the two settings (e.g. a model containing both predetermined and strictly exogenous

8.3.2 The Irrelevance of Filtering

Arellano and Bover (1995) showed that a GMM estimator of the form given in (8.26) is invariant to the choice of K,
provided K satises the required

Note that is a consistent estimate of = E (uiui ), but not of E (vivi ). However, is a consistent estimate of KE (vivi ) K .

conditions, and AN depends on K as in (8.27), (8.29), or (8.32). Another requirement of the invariance result is that all
the available instruments are used each period, so that Zi is a block-diagonal matrix with an increasing number of
instruments per block as indicated above.
To see this, rst note the invariance of a GMM criterion function to linear transformations of the moments and the
weight matrix. We have

for and , where F is a xed non-singular transformation matrix. Thus, the GMM estimator that
minimizes the left-hand side of (8.33) is numerically the same as the one that minimizes the right-hand side.
Next, let us rearrange the moments in Zi K ui as follows:

where Ks is the (T s 1) T submatrix that results when the rst s rows of K are eliminated, is an identity matrix
of the same order as the vector zis, and C is a selection matrix such that


With this notation the estimator (8.26) can be regarded as the minimizer of the rhs of (8.33) with

The one-step estimator with weight matrix (8.27) corresponds to (8.36) with i = IT, whereas the two-step weight
matrices (8.29) and (8.32) correspond to i =idetilde and , respectively.

Now, any other valid transformation K* can be written as K* = K with = K*K (KK)1. Similarly, the submatrix
can be written as with . Therefore, the resulting and will be of the form Fi () and FVNF
with F given by

which proves that all the estimators of the form (8.26) are identical regardless of the choice of K.

Some Convenient Filters

Despite the irrelevance of ltering, specic choices of K may be computationally advantageous. Recall that we obtained
the forward orthogonal deviations operator as

where D is the rst-difference operator, so that AA = I(T1) (see Section 2.2.2). Therefore, for K = A, the one-step
weight matrix (8.27) simply becomes . Hence, the one-step GMM estimator can be obtained as a matrix-
weighted average of cross-sectional IV estimators:

where , , and . This is a useful computational feature of orthogonal deviations when
T is not a very small number.
Similarly, for K given by

where denotes the upper-triangular Cholesky decomposition of , the two-step weight matrix (8.29) also
becomes . Thus, the corresponding two-step GMM estimator can also be written in the form of (8.38) after
replacing orthogonal deviations by observations transformed according to (8.39). This type of GLS transformation
was suggested by Keane and Runkle (1992) and it removes serial correlation from the rst differenced errors when the
errors in levels have estimated covariance matrix .

8.4 Optimal Instruments

Let us consider the form of the information bound and the optimal instruments for model (8.18)-(8.19) in a small T
context. Since is unrestricted, all the information about is contained in for t = 1, . . . , T 1.
For a single period the information bound is

where and (cf. Chamberlain, 1987, and Appendix B). Thus, for a single period the
optimal instrument is mit = dit/it, in the sense that under suitable regularity conditions the unfeasible IV estimator

satises .
If the transformed errors were conditionally serially uncorrelated, the total information would be the sum of the
information bounds for each period. In Section 2.2.2 we obtained forward orthogonal deviations as a lter applied to
the differenced data that removed the moving average serial correlation induced by differencing when vit is iid.
Generalizing this idea we can obtain a forward lter that removes conditional serial correlation to arbitrary rst-
differenced errors that satisfy sequential moment restrictions. This is achieved by the following recursive
transformation proposed by Chamberlain (1992b):

for t = T 2, . . . , 1, where

The interest in this transformation is that it satises the same conditional moment restrictions as the original errors in
rst-differences, namely

but additionally it satises by construction the lack of dependence requirement:101

To see that this is the kind of conditional lack of serial correlation that is required, notice that and imply, respectively, that so that the
information bound for any ht (.) and ht+j (.) is the sum of the information bounds for each period.

Therefore, in terms of the transformed errors the information bound can be written as

where and . The variables and denote the corresponding transformations to the rst-
differences of wit and yit such that .
Thus, the optimal instruments for all periods are , in the sense that under suitable regularity conditions the
unfeasible IV estimator

satises .102
The optimal IV estimator (8.46) is unfeasible on two accounts. Firstly, it uses a data dependent lter whose weights are
unknown functions of the conditioning variables. Secondly, the optimal instruments depend on unknown
conditional expectations of the ltered data.
A feasible estimator that achieves the bound could be potentially constructed by replacing the unknown functions with
nonparametric regression estimators. Alternatively, one could use a GMM estimator based on an expanding set of
instruments as N tends to innity. Hahn (1997) showed that a GMM estimator that uses an increasing number of
instruments attains the efciency bound in a model with sequential moment restrictions. Moreover, he discussed the
rate of growth of the number of instruments that is required for semi-parametric efciency when using Fourier and
polynomial series.
Lack of Serial Correlation
Suppose that the original errors are conditionally serially uncorrelated so that

and for any functions ht (.) and ht+j (.). If then

The optimality result can be extended in a straightforward way to multi-equation and nonlinear contexts as long as the effects and the time-varying errors enter additively.
The general formulation is in Chamberlain (1992b).

This is, for example, a property of the partial adjustment regression model (8.3)-(8.4), but not necessarily of Zeldes's
Euler equation (8.13) since unobserved taste changes may be serially correlated.
In this case the weights (8.42) are equal to zero for j > 1 and the optimal lter becomes

where and .
If the conditional variances are constant but there is unconditional time series heteroskedasticity, so that and
, we have



Other Special Cases

If the vits are conditionally homoskedastic and serially uncorrelated, so that and for j > 0, the
boil down to ordinary forward orthogonal deviations:

where . In such a case the optimal instrument is so that



where we have introduced the notation

If we further assume that the conditional expectations are linear:



which coincides with the inverse of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the standard GMM estimator (8.26) under the
stated assumptions.
Note that the one-step GMM estimator is of the form of (8.50) with the unrestricted sample linear projection in
place of . On the other hand, the within-group OLS and 2SLS estimators (8.20) and (8.21) are also of the form
of (8.50), but in place of they use or , neither of which are in the admissible set of instruments for xed T,
large N consistency.
If we assume that the conditional variances and autocovariances are constant, but we allow for constant
autocorrelation and unconditional time series heteroskedasticity, as in (8.30) and (8.31), the are equivalent to the
population counterpart of the Keane and Runkle lter (8.39). Note that this lter can also be expressed as a GLS
transformation of the errors in orthogonal deviations (instead of rst-differences):

Thus, in this case


where .
Note that we do not consider the question of the impact on the bound for of assuming conditional homoskedasticity,
lack of serial correlation, and linearity of . Here, we have merely particularized the bound for based on
to cases where the additional restrictions happen to occur in the population but are not used in the calculation of the

A Comparable Expression for the General Case

The transformation that was presented in (8.41) as a forward lter applied to the rst-differences can also be expressed
in terms of orthogonal deviations.
A matrix formulation that goes in parallel to the special cases discussed above is as follows. Let us consider the

and let be the upper-triangular matrix such that


By conditional Cholesky factorization, is given by

where , which are just orthogonal-deviation counterparts of (8.42).

Thus, the optimal estimator in the general case (8.46) can be written as

and the information bound is



8.5 Instruments Uncorrelated with the Effects

8.5.1 System Estimators
We have already discussed system estimators that combined moment restrictions in levels and deviations (or
differences) in various contexts. We considered

models that contained a subset of strictly exogenous variables that were uncorrelated with the effects in both static
(Section 3.4) and dynamic settings (Section 7.3.4). Moreover, we also considered mean-stationary autoregressive
models in which lagged dependent variables in rst-differences were valid instruments for the equation errors in levels
(Section 6.5). The use of moment restrictions in levels may afford large information gainsbut also biases if the
restrictions are violatedand this has been shown in several instances.103
We now consider instrumental variables that are uncorrelated with the effects in the context of sequential moment
conditions. Let us suppose as before that

but in addition a subset z1it of the predetermined instruments in zit are assumed to be uncorrelated with the effects:

where = E (i). The implication is that for s t:


Given the basic moment restrictions for the errors in rst-differences considered earlier

and the moments involving the levels' intercept

Assumption (8.64) adds the following restrictions in levels104


These two sets of moments can be combined using the Arellano and Bover (1995) GMM estimator. A generic
compact expression for the full set of moments is

See Arellano and Bover, 1995; Blundell and Bond, 1998; and Hahn, 1999.
Note, for example, that E [z1i(t1) (yit wit )] = 0 is not an extra restriction since it follows from two existing restrictions:

where ui, K, and Zi are as in (8.25), Z i is the following block-diagonal matrix

and = (, ). With these changes, the form of the GMM estimator is similar to that of (8.26):


The standard robust choice of AN is the inverse of an unrestricted estimate of the variance matrix of the moments
for some preliminary consistent residuals . The difference in this case is that, contrary to GMM
estimators based exclusively in moments for the errors in differences, an efcient one-step estimator under restrictive
assumptions does not exist. Since depends on the errors in levels, at the very least it will be a function of the
ratio of variances of i and vit. Moreover, as explained in Section 6.5, since some of the instruments for the equations in
levels are not valid for those in differences, and conversely, not all the covariance terms between the two sets of
moments will be zero.

8.5.2 Stationarity Restrictions

A leading case of uncorrelated predetermined instruments are rst-differences of predetermined instruments that
exhibit constant correlation with the effects (Arellano and Bover, 1995). Suppose that we can partition

such that the variables in zAit have constant correlation with the effects over time, in which case

Constant correlation over time will be expected when zAit is conditionally stationary in mean (Blundell and Bond, 1998).
That is, when

This situation leads to a list of orthogonality conditions of the form (8.69) with z1it = zAit, z2i1 = zi1, and z2it = zBit for
t > 1.
Blundell and Bond (2000) employed moment restrictions of this type in their empirical analysis of Cobb-Douglas
production functions using rm panel data. They found that moment conditions for the production function in rst-
differences of the form (8.66) were not very informative, due to the fact that rm output, capital, and employment
were highly persistent. In contrast, the rst-difference instruments for production function errors in levels turned out
to be informative and empirically valid.

8.5.3 Illustration: A Dynamic Evaluation of Job Training

We next consider as an illustration of the use of stationarity restrictions, an evaluation of training example discussed by
Chamberlain (1993) and Arellano and Honor (2001).
Suppose that denotes latent earnings of worker i in period t in the absence of training, and that there is a common
effect of training for all workers. Actual earnings yit are observed for t = 1, . . . , s1, s+1, . . . , T. Training occurs in
period s (1 < s < T), so that is observed for all workers in the pre-training period:

and is unobservable while training takes place105.

We wish to measure the effect of training on earnings in subsequent periods, denoted by s+1, . . . , T:

where wi is a dummy variable that equals 1 in the event of training.
We assume that follows a stable AR(1) process with a stationary individual-specic mean:

so that and .
We also assume that wi depends on lagged earnings yi1, . . . , yi(s1) and i, but conditionally on these variables it is
randomly assigned. That is, we assume that wi is independent of after-training earnings shocks vis, vi(s+1), . . . , viT.
Then we have:


Let us now consider the orthogonality conditions implied by the model in the absence of the stationarity restriction.
Firstly, as long as we observe
Actually, is a censored variable that may be available for workers that do not experience training, but we ignore this possibility.

at least three pre-training periods (s 4), the autoregressive parameter of the earnings process can be determined from
the pre-training data using the standard moment conditions for the errors in rst-differences:

Secondly, upon substitution of i = yi(s1) yi(s2) vi(s1) in (8.76) we obtain the following moments that are informative
about the short-run effect of training s+1:

The construction of these moments requires one post-training period and at least two pre-training periods.
Nevertheless, unless we have at least three pre-training periods, and s+1 cannot be separately identied from (8.78)
and (8.79).
Next, dividing (8.76) by (1 + ) and subtracting the result from equation (8.77) at t = s + 2, we obtain a transformed
residual that gives rise to the moments

Given and s+1, these moments are informative about the effect of training after two periods (s+2).
Finally, the effects of training for the remaining periods (s+3), . . . , T are identied from the moments:

The additional orthogonality conditions implied by mean stationarity are:



We would expect E ( yi(s1)wi) < 0, since there is evidence of a dip in the pre-training earnings of participants
(Ashenfelter and Card, 1985). Thus, (8.83) can be expected to be more informative about s+1 than (8.79). Moreover,
the stationarity restrictions make it possible to identify both and s+1 from data containing just two pre-training
periods and one post-training period combining the moments (8.79) and (8.83).

8.5.4 Time-Invariant Explanatory Variables

Sometimes the effect of a vector of time-invariant explanatory variables is of interest, a parameter vector , say, in a
model of the form


where for convenience we assume that i contains an intercept and therefore E (i) = 0 without lack of generality. If i is
orthogonal to (i + vit) then and can be jointly estimated using a system GMM estimator that combines the
moments (8.66) with

However, if the components of i (other than the intercept) are not orthogonal to (i + vit), the corresponding elements
of cannot be identied from the basic moments because the time-invariant explanatory variables are absorbed into
the individual effect.
In principle, the availability of predetermined instruments that are uncorrelated with the effects might help to identify
such parameters. Indeed, this was the motivation Hausman and Taylor (1981) had for considering uncorrelated strictly
exogenous variables (see Section 3.4). However, moments in levels that are derived from stationarity restrictions, as in
(8.72), are unlikely to serve that purpose. The problem is that if E(i zAit) = 0 holds we may expect that E(i zAit) = 0
will also hold, in which case changes in zAit would not help the identication of .

8.5.5 Levels Moments Implied by Lack of Serial Correlation

The basic model with sequential moment conditions that we consider in this chapter, as shown in (8.18)-(8.19), may or
may not restrict the serial correlation properties of the errors depending on the nature of the variables in the
conditioning set. Moreover, restriction (8.19) does not rule out the correlation between the errors vit and the effects i.
Sometimes, a natural starting point for an empirical analysis will be the stronger assumption

which implies (8.19) and also lack of correlation between vit and i. If zit includes yi(t1) and wi(t1) then (8.87) implies that
the vit are not autocorrelated. Examples of this situation are the autoregressive models of Chapter 6 and the partial
adjustment model in (8.3)-(8.4).

The point we wish to make here is that if the vit are serially uncorrelated and have constant (or lack of) correlation with
the effects, then vi(t1) can be used as an instrument for the errors in levels:

In effect, we have

as long as the vs are not autocorrelated and E (viti) does not vary with t.106
Condition (8.88) is the type of quadratic moment restriction considered by Ahn and Schmidt (1995) for autoregressive
models (see Section 6.4.2). In principle, their use makes the estimation problem nonlinear, although an alternative is to
evaluate vi(t1) using a preliminary consistent estimator of , and use the resulting residual as an instrument for the
levels equation as part of a system estimator of the type described earlier.
Note that if yi(t1) and wi(t1) belong to zit and they are mean stationary in such a way that

then the moment condition (8.88) becomes redundant given (8.89). The reason is that since vi(t1) = yi(t1) wi(t1),
(8.88) is a linear combination of (8.89).

8.6 Estimating the Effect of Fertility on Female Labour Participation

In this section we illustrate various aspects of inference from sequential moment restrictions in the context of an
empirical illustration. We consider the relationship between female labour force participation and fertility, discussing
several variations on the estimates reported by Carrasco (2001) for a linear probability model. Our discussion extends a
similar illustration in Arellano and Honor (2001).
The data come from the PSID for the years 198689. The sample consists of 1442 women aged between 18 and 55 in
1986, that are married or cohabiting. The dependent variable is a binary indicator of participation in year t (dened as
positive annual hours of work). Fertility is also a dummy variable, which takes the value one if the age of the youngest
child in t + 1 is 1. The equation also includes an indicator of whether the woman has a child aged between 2 and 6, and
individual effects.

If the v s are uncorrelated with the effects it is also true that E (vi(t1)uit ) = 0, but vi(t1) cannot be used as an instrument since it depends on the unobservable individual

Individual effects capture tastes for work, and the permanent components of market wage and household income. The
time-varying errors include idiosyncratic labour market shocks to participation (like a job promotion or a dismissal).
Since these shocks are also likely to affect fertility decisions, the fertility indicator is treated as an endogenous
explanatory variable, in the sense of being correlated not only with the effects but also with the contemporaneous time-
varying errors. The presence of a child aged 26 is the result of past fertility decisions, and so it should be treated as a
predetermined variable that is correlated with the effects.
An indicator of whether a woman has two children of the same sex is used as an external instrument for fertility. The
choice of this instrument is motivated by the fact that, in the PSID sample, women with two children of the same sex
have a signicantly higher probability of having a third child (Angrist and Evans, 1998). Note that we would expect the
same sex instrumental variable to be correlated with the xed effect. The reason is that it will be a predictor of
preferences for children, given that the sample includes women with less than two children. Moreover, it may be
affected by past labour shocks through past fertility decisions, and so it may be treated as a predetermined but not
strictly exogenous instrument. Therefore, provided we use a linear specication, the relationship of interest ts in the
framework of sequential moment conditions introduced in the earlier sections of this chapter.107
Table 8.1 reports the results for two versions of the model with and without lagged participation as an additional
explanatory variable, using DPD (Arellano and Bond, 1988). If there are xed costs of work, we would expect lagged
participation to affect current participation other things being equal.
The last three columns present GMM estimates in orthogonal deviations that treat fertility as endogenous, and the
kids 26 and same sex indicators as predetermined variables. Column 5 contains the estimates based on the basic
set of moments, whereas columns 6 and 7 use additional predetermined instruments for the errors in levels. Columns
14 report the results from other methods of estimation for comparisons. The estimated equations without individual
effects also include a constant, age, race, and education dummies (not reported).
There is a noticeable difference between the OLS and 2SLS estimated effects of fertility, both of which neglect
unobserved heterogeneity. Since we expect the fertility, kids 26, and same sex variables to be all correlated with
the effects, the relative magnitudes of the OLS and 2SLS biases are unclear a priori. Notice also the evidence from the
serial correlation statistics m1 and m2 of persistent positive autocorrelation in the residuals in levels, which is consistent
with the presence of xed effects (these test statistics are asymptotically distributed

See Carrasco (2001) for further discussion and additional estimates of linear and nonlinear models.

as a under the null of no autocorrelation, and they are similar to those discussed in the context of autoregressive
models in Section 6.7).
Table 8.1 Female Labour Force Participation Linear Probability Models (N = 1442, 1986-1989)
Variable OLS 2SLS1 WG GMM St. GMM Pred3 GMM AB4 GMM AS5
Fertility 0.15 (8.2) 1.01 (2.1) 0.06 (3.8) 0.08 (2.8) 0.13 (2.2) 0.14 (2.4) 0.16 (2.8)
Kids 26 0.08 (5.2) 0.24 (2.6) 0.001 (0.04) 0.005 (0.4) 0.09 (2.7) 0.08 (3.1) 0.08 (2.9)
Sargan (d.f.) 48. (22) 18. (10) 26. (19) 73. (15)
m1 19. 5.7 10. 10. 10. 9.6 10.
m2 16. 12. 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5
Models in-
lagged par-
Fertility 0.09 (5.2) 0.33 (1.3) 0.06 (3.7) 0.09 (3.1) 0.14 (2.2) 0.18 (3.0) 0.15 (2.4)
Kids 26 0.02 (2.1) 0.07 (1.3) 0.000 0.02 (1.1) 0.10 (3.5) 0.07 (3.1) 0.06 (2.6)
Partic (1) 0.63 (42.) 0.61 (30.) 0.03 (1.7) 0.36 (8.3) 0.29 (6.3) 0.42 (14.) 0.37 (11.)
Sargan (d.f.) 51. (27) 25. (15) 43. (27) 30. (20)
m1 7.0 5.4 13. 14. 13. 16. 15.
m2 3.1 2.8 1.3 1.5 1.2 2.0 1.8
Heteroskedasticity robust t-ratios shown in parentheses.
External instrument: Previous children of same sex.
IVs: All lags and leads of kids 26 and same sex variables.
IVs: Lags of kids 26 and same sex up to t 1. GMM IVs in bottom panel also include lags of partic. up to t 2.
Add. IVs for levels: First diff. of kids 26 and same sex.
Add. IV for levels: First diff. of lagged residual.

The within-groups estimator in column 3 controls for unobserved heterogeneity, but in doing so we would expect it to
introduce biases due to lack of strict exogeneity of the explanatory variables. Note also the expected contrast between
the very small WG estimate of the effect of lagged participation and the very large ones in the rst two columns.
The GMM estimates in column 4 deal with the endogeneity of fertility and control for xed effects, but treat the kids
26 (kit) and same sex (sit) variables as strictly exogenous. Specically, the estimates without lagged

participation are based on the 24 1 vector of moments108

where zit = (kit, sit).
The GMM estimates in column 5 treat kit and sit as predetermined. Those in the top half are based on the following
subset of 12 moments:


The estimates that include lagged participation add one coefcient to the estimation error and use the level of the
endogenous variable lagged two periods or more as additional instruments, that adds 6 moments to either (8.90) or
(8.91) (since yi1985 is observed in our data set).
Treating the instruments as strictly exogenous (column 4) we obtain a smaller effect of fertility on participation (in
absolute value) than treating the variables as predetermined (column 5). Moreover, the hypothesis of strict exogeneity
of kit and sit is rejected at the 5 per cent level from the difference in the Sargan statistics in both panels. To see this, note
that bdN contains a subset of the moments in beN. If the additional 12 moment restrictions used in beN are valid we would
expect the difference in Sargan tests to be approximately distributed as a chi-square with 12 degrees of freedom.
This is a very unlikely event, however, in view of the large values of the incremental Sargan statistics, which are 48.
18. = 30. and 51. 25. = 26. for the top and bottom panels, respectively.109
The m1 and m2 statistics have been calculated from residuals in rst-differences for the within-group and GMM
estimates. So if the errors in levels were uncorrelated, we would expect m1 to be signicant, but not m2, as is the case
here (cf. Arellano and Bond, 1991). Nevertheless, the values of both m2 and the Sargan statistics for the GMM
estimates that treat instruments as predetermined are somewhat marginal, possibly indicating that the data do not sit
well with the linear probability specication.

These moments can be written indistinctly in rst-differences or orthogonal deviations without altering the form of the estimator.
The GMM estimates in columns 4 and 5 are one-step, but all test statistics reported are robust to heteroskedasticity.

Using Predetermined Instruments for the Errors in Levels

The last two columns of Table 8.1 report two-step GMM estimates that in addition to the moments used in column 5
employ some predetermined instruments for the errors in levels.110 The system GMM estimates in the top half of
column 6 are based on bdN and the following moments in levels:

The estimates for the model with lagged participation in the bottom half of column 6 include both zit and yi(t1) as
instruments for the errors in levels.
The validity of zit as an instrument for the errors in levels depends on whether the correlation between zit and the
effects changes over the four-year period covered by the sample or not. The incremental Sargan tests do not reject the
additional moment restrictions in the comparisons between columns 5 and 6.
Finally, the estimates in column 7 use moments in levels of the same type as (8.92), but in place of zit they use the
lagged residual in rst-differences (e.g. for the model without lagged participation the instrument is
). The validity of this instrument requires lack of serial correlation and lack of correlation
between errors and effects. In the comparison between columns 5 and 7, the incremental Sargan tests clearly reject the
restriction for the top half estimates, but not for those that include lagged participation.
Despite the low values of the incremental Sargan statisticswhich may be due to lack of powerthe validity of the
levels restrictions in our example is suspect, since we found that the two-step system estimates differed noticeably from
the preliminary ones (not reported) used in calculating the weight matrix.

8.7 Other Estimation Methods

IV Estimation When T/n Tends to a Constant
We have discussed OLS and 2SLS within-group estimators of models with predetermined variables that are consistent
for large T but not for large N and xed T. On the other hand, we have also considered GMM estimators that are
consistent for xed

The two-step weight matrix depends on one-step system GMM residuals that use as weights, in the notation of (8.71). We report two-step estimates in this
case because the one-step weights are not optimal even with iid errors.

T and large N, and under certain assumptions achieve the information bound. However, we may be concerned with
the properties of these estimators when T/ N is not negligible. Indeed, we saw in Chapter 6 that GMM estimators of
autoregressive models are asymptotically biased when T/ N tends to a non-zero constant (Alvarez and Arellano,
1998), and we may expect similar results to extend to other models with predetermined variables.
An instrumental variable estimator of the form

will be consistent for large N, xed T as long as is only a function of , and the rank condition is
satised. Ordinary one-step GMM estimators are like (8.93) with

and . That is, they use as instruments the cross-section specic unrestricted linear projections of
on . Thus, when T is not xed, the instruments depend on an increasing number of estimated coefcients, which may
cause the estimates to be asymptotically biased if T and N increase at the same rate.
Consistency and lack of asymptotic bias for large N, large T or both will be ensured if only depends on a xed
number of estimated coefcients. An example is a stacked IV estimator that uses the rst J lags zi(t1), . . . , zi(tJ) to form a
common instrument for all periods:

where is the rst-difference matrix operator, and

Note that in the calculation of this estimator the rst J cross-sections are lost.111

The Anderson-Hsiao estimators of AR models discussed in Section 6.3 are stacked IV estimators of this type.

Alternatively, we may use an estimator of the form (8.93) that sets

where is an estimate of the projection matrix t subject to the restrictions derived from a stationary specication
of the joint process of wit and zit. In this way, the resulting estimator may still achieve the xed T information bound
under a certain set of assumptions (cf. Arellano, 2000).

LIML Analogue Estimators

The conclusion from a sizeable Monte Carlo literature on the nite sample properties of GMM in the dynamic panel
data context, is that GMM estimators that use the full set of moments available for errors in rst-differences can be
severely biased, specially when the instruments are weak and the number of moments is large relative to the cross-
sectional sample size (Arellano and Bond, 1991; Kiviet, 1995; Ziliak, 1997; Blundell and Bond, 1998; and Alonso-
Borrego and Arellano, 1999, amongst others).
This has prompted consideration of alternative estimation criteria that give rise to estimators that are asymptotically
equivalent to GMM as N for xed T, but may have very different nite sample properties.
From the simultaneous equations literature, it is known that the effect of weak instruments on the distributions of
2SLS and limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) estimators differs substantially, in spite of the fact that
both estimators have the same asymptotic distribution. While LIML is approximately median unbiased, 2SLS is biased
towards OLS, and in the case of lack of identication it converges to a random variable with the OLS probability limit
as its central value. In contrast, LIML has no moments, and as a result its distribution has thicker tails than that of
2SLS and a higher probability of outliers (cf. Phillips, 1983). Moreover, numerical comparisons of the distributions of
the two estimators tended to favour LIML. Thus, it is natural to consider LIML analogues in the panel data context,
and compare their nite sample properties with those of GMM estimators.
Following Alonso-Borrego and Arellano (1999), a non-robust LIML analogue minimizes a criterion of the form

where starred variables denote orthogonal deviations, , and M = Z(ZZ)1Z. The
resulting estimator is

where is the minimum eigenvalue of the matrix * M*(* *)1, and * = (y*, W*).

Despite its name, this estimator does not correspond to any meaningful maximum likelihood estimator. It is only a
LIML analogue estimator in the sense of the minimax instrumental variable interpretation given by Sargan (1958) to
the original LIML estimator, and generalized to robust contexts by Hansen, Heaton, and Yaron (1996).112
The robust LIML analogue , or continuously updated GMM estimator in the terminology of Hansen et al.
(1996), minimizes a criterion of the form

where . Note that LIML2, unlike LIML1, does not solve a standard minimum eigenvalue problem, and
requires the use of numerical optimization methods (an illustration for autoregressive models was provided in
Section 6.7).
The Monte Carlo results and the empirical illustrations for autoregressive models reported by Alonso-Borrego and
Arellano showed that GMM estimates can exhibit large biases when the instruments are poor, while LIML and
symmetrically normalized GMM estimators (proposed in the same paper) remained essentially unbiased. However,
these estimators always had a larger interquartile range than GMM, although the differences were small except in the
almost unidentied cases.
For an autoregressive model, Alvarez and Arellano (1998) showed that under the same conditions used to establish
(6.36), as T/N c

Therefore, as T and N tend to innity the non-robust LIML estimator has a smaller asymptotic bias than the
corresponding GMM estimator.

Empirical Likelihood Estimation

An alternative one-step method that achieves the same (rst-order) asymptotic efciency as robust GMM is provided
by maximum empirical likelihood estimation (cf. Qin and Lawless, 1994; and Imbens, 1997).
The maximum empirical likelihood estimator maximizes a multinomial pseudo likelihood function subject to the
orthogonality conditions. The procedure works because the multinomial pseudo likelihood (or empirical likelihood) is

See Arellano (2002) for a survey of Sargan's work on instrumental variable estimation and its connections with GMM.

not restrictive. Letting pi be the probability of observation i, the multinomial log likelihood of the data is given by

The empirical likelihood estimator maximizes this function subject to the restrictions , and

The Lagrangian is given by

where and are Lagrange multipliers. Taking derivatives of with respect to pi, we obtain the rst-order conditions:

Multiplying by pi and adding equations we nd that = N, so that the constrained probabilities are

Therefore, the multipliers of the moment conditions can be determined as implicit functions () solving the
following system of equations subject to for a given value of :

The concentrated likelihood function for is

so that the estimator is given by


A test of overidentifying restrictions is provided by the pseudo likelihood ratio statistic

which is asymptotically distributed as 2 with as many degrees of freedom as the number of overidentifying restrictions.
Empirical likelihood estimators will also be invariant to normalization due to the invariance property of maximum
likelihood estimators. Other one-step estimators with an information-theoretic interpretation can be considered by
minimizing alternative concepts of closeness between the estimated distribution and the empirical distribution. An
appealing member of this class is the exponential tilting estimator discussed by Imbens (1997) and Imbens, Spady, and
Johnson (1998). The higher-order asymptotic biases of empirical likelihood and related estimators have been studied
by Newey and Smith (2002).
Imbens (1997) reported GMM and empirical likelihood estimates for an autoregressive covariance structure with
random effects and a white noise measurement error, using PSID earnings. Nevertheless, little is known as yet on the
relative merits of these estimators in panel data models, concerning computational aspects and their nite sample
Part IV Appendices
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A Generalized Method of Moments Estimation

In the next two appendices we review the basic estimation theory of the generalized method of moments (GMM) and
optimal instrumental variables. For the most part, we restrict attention to iid observations.

A.1 Method of Moment Estimation Problems

Linear Regression
Economists often use linear regression to quantify a relationship between economic variables. A linear regression
between y and x is a relationship of the form

where and are chosen in such a way that is uncorrelated with x (which typically includes a constant term). Thus,
the parameter vector satises

If E (xx) has full rank then (A.2) has a unique solution


An important property of linear regression is that it is an optimal predictor of y given x in the following sense:

That is, it minimizes the expected squared linear prediction error. This is why x is called a best linear predictor or
linear projection.

Moreover, if the conditional expectation of y given x is linear it turns out that it coincides with the linear predictor. If
on the other hand E (y | x) is nonlinear, the linear projection is an optimal approximation to it in the sense that

This is why sometimes the notation E* (y | x) = x is used, which emphasizes the proximity of the linear projection
and conditional expectation concepts (e.g. Goldberger, 1991).113
Therefore, is a useful quantity if we are interested in a linear prediction of y given x, or if we are interested in studying
how the mean of y changes for different values of x, and we think that E (y | x) is linear or approximately linear.
Linear regression may also be of interest as a structural or causal relationship between y and x if we have a priori
reasons to believe that the unobservable determinants of y are uncorrelated with x.

Instrumental Variables
If we are interested in a structural relationship between y, x, and an unobservable variable u

such that u is correlated with at least some of the components of x, clearly in general.
In many situations of interest in econometrics, can be regarded as the solution to moment equations of the form

where z is a vector of instrumental variables that a priori can be assumed to be uncorrelated with u.114
If E (zx) has full rank, the system of equations (A.7) has a unique solution. Moreover, if z and x are of the same


Examples of (A.7) include an equation from the classical supply and demand simultaneous system, and a regression
model with measurement errors in the regressors.
Equations (A.2) and (A.7) can be described as moment problems because the parameters of interest solve moment

Nevertheless, whereas E (y | x ) is a characteristic of the conditional distribution of y given x, E* (y | x ) is a characteristic of the joint distribution. That is, if we keep
constant the distribution of y | x but change the marginal distribution of x, E (y | x ) remains constant while E* (y | x ) changes unless E* (y | x ) = E (y | x ).
The vectors x and z may have elements in common. For example, a constant term.

The Analogy Principle

According to the analogy principle, given a representative sample , we choose as a candidate estimator for a
population characteristic, the same characteristic dened in the sample (Manski, 1988). In this way, the sample linear
regression coefcients solve

giving rise to the standard OLS formula:

Similarly, the simple instrumental variable estimator, with as many instruments as explanatory variables, solves



Generalized Moment Problems

Suppose now that the number of instruments in z exceeds the number of explanatory variables in x. Let z and x be of
orders r and k, respectively, and let d = (y, x). If we assume that r > k, the truth of (A.7) requires that the r (k + 1)
matrix E (zd) has reduced rank k. Otherwise it could not be the case that

and at least some of the moment conditions would not hold.
However, even if E (zd) has reduced rank in the population, its sample counterpart

will not have reduced rank in general because of sample error. Therefore, there will be no single value that satises
the r equations (A.11), and different estimates of will be obtained from the solution to different subsets of k
This situation modies the nature of the estimation problem and makes assertion (A.7) empirically refutable. Following
Sargan (1958), we consider

estimators that solve k linear combinations of the r sample moment equations (A.11):

for an optimal choice of the k r matrix of coefcients N. Moreover, we can test the overidentifying restrictions by
testing whether the rank of the matrix is signicantly greater than k.
These issues are addressed in the following section in the context of a more general class of moment problems.

A.2 General Formulation

We consider parameters that are dened by a set of moment equations (or orthogonality conditions) of the form

w is a p 1 random vector,
is a r 1 vector of functions,
is a k 1 vector of parameters such that k r,
is the parameter space (set of admissible values of ).
We have a sample of N observations (w1, . . . , wN) and estimation of is based on the sample counterpart of (A.15)
given by

We choose as an estimator of the value of c that minimizes the quadratic distance of bN (c) from zero: (A.16)

where AN is an r r, possibly random, non-negative denite weight matrix, whose rank is greater than or equal to k.
The statistic is a GMM estimator of .
If the problem is just identied we have that r = k, the weight matrix is irrelevant, and solves


A.3 Examples: 2SLS and 3SLS

Two Stage Least-Squares (2SLS)
Let us consider the single equation model

together with the assumption

where zi is an r 1 vector of instruments and r > k. Thus, in this example wi = (yi, xi, zi), (wi, ) = zi (yi xi), and the
sample moment conditions are

where we are using the notation y = (y1, . . . , yN), X = (x1, . . . , xN), and Z = (z1, . . . , zN). This is the example that was
used in the introductory section. Since r > k there is no solution to the system bN (c) = 0.
The 2SLS estimator of minimizes the GMM objective function

for AN = (ZZ/N)1. This choice of weight matrix will be motivated later in the GMM context. Let us note now that
since the rst-order conditions from ( A.22) are

the form of the 2SLS estimator is

Moreover, this equals

where is the matrix of tted values in a multivariate regression of X on Z:

with .
Thus, following the classic interpretation of 2SLS that justies its name, in the rst stage X is regressed on Z to obtain

, whereas in the second stage we obtain as a regression of y on .

Note also that we have

That is, the 2SLS estimator can also be interpreted as the simple IV estimator that uses as instrument. Specically, it
solves the k moment equations:

where . So, 2SLS uses as instruments the linear combinations of the zi that best predict xi.

Three Stage Least-Squares (3SLS)

We turn to consider a system of g equations

whose errors are orthogonal to a common r0 1 vector of instruments zi. Thus, in this example there are r = gr0
moment conditions given by

Convenient compact notations for these moments are: (A.30)

where ui = (u1i, . . . , ugi), Zi = Ig zi, yi = (y1i, . . . , ygi), = (1, . . . , g), and

Accordingly, the sample orthogonality conditions are


where Z = (z1, . . . , zN) is an N r0 matrix similar to that used in the 2SLS example, and we analogously dene y1, . . . ,
yg and X1, . . . , Xg. Moreover, y = (y1, . . . , yg) and X is a block diagonal matrix with blocks X1, . . . , Xg.
The 3SLS estimator of minimizes the GMM criterion

with weight matrix given by

where is the 2SLS residual covariance matrix:

and .


Moreover, in parallel with the earlier development for 2SLS, the 3SLS formula can be written as

where is a block diagonal matrix with blocks and


with .

Expression (A.37) corresponds to the interpretation of 3SLS on which its name is based. Namely, the rst two stages
coincide with those of 2SLS for each of the g equations, whereas in the third stage we obtain as GLS of yi on
weighted by the inverse of . Note that replacing by an identity matrix in (A.37) we obtain a compact expression for
the 2SLS estimators of all the .
Finally, we also have

so that can also be interpreted as a simple IV estimator of the full system that uses as instrument and solves
the moment conditions


A.4 Consistency of GMM Estimators

A general method for establishing consistency in the case of estimators that minimize a continuous function is
provided by the following theorem of Amemiya (1985). Precursors of this type of theorem were employed by Sargan
(1959) in his analysis of the asymptotic properties of nonlinear in parameters IV estimators, and by Jennrich (1969) and
Malinvaud (1970) in their proofs of the consistency of nonlinear least-squares. A comprehensive discussion can be
found in Newey and McFadden (1994).

Consistency Theorem
Let us assume the following:
(a) The parameter space is a compact subset of Rk such that .
(b) The estimation criterion sN (w1, . . . , wN, c) = sN (c) is a continuous function in c for all (w1, . . . , wN).
(c) sN (c) converges uniformly in probability to a nonstochastic function s (c), which has a unique minimum at c = ,

Let us dene an estimator as the value that minimizes sN (c): (A.41)

Then . (Proof: See Amemiya, 1985, p. 107.)


Application to GMM Estimators

In this case we have

with .
The previous theorem can be applied under the following assumptions:
1. is compact, and (w, c) is continuous in c for each w.
2. and A0 is positive semi-denite.
3. E [ (w, c)] exists for all c and A0E[ (w, c)] = 0 only if c = (identication condition).
4. bN (c) converges in probability uniformly in c to E[ (w, c)].
Note that with these assumptions

which has a unique minimum of zero at c = .
Condition 4 states that bN (c) satises a uniform law of large numbers, and it ensures that the uniform convergence
assumption of the theorem is satised. More primitive conditions for stationary or iid data are discussed by Hansen
(1982), and Newey and McFadden (1994).

A.5 Asymptotic Normality

One way to establish the asymptotic normality of GMM estimators is to proceed as in the analysis of consistency. That
is, to treat GMM as a special case within the class of estimators that minimize some objective function (extremum
estimators). A general theorem for extremum estimators adapted from Amemiya (1985) is as follows.

Asymptotic Normality Theorem for Extremum Estimators

Let us make the assumptions:
(a) We have such that , where sN (c) has rst and second derivatives in a neighbourhood of ,
and is an interior point of .
(b) Asymptotic normality of the gradient:115


We use the notation sN ()/ c as an abbreviation of

(c) Convergence of the Hessian: for any such that

where H is a non-singular non-stochastic matrix.

Proof. We can proceed as if were an interior point of since consistency of for and the assumption that is
interior to implies that the probability that is not interior goes to zero as N .
Using the mean value theorem (and writing for shortness):

where is the -th element of , and denotes a k 1 random vector such that . The expansion has to
be made element by element since may be different for each j.
Note that implies . In view of assumption (c) this implies



Finally, using assumption (b) and Cramer's theorem the result follows.
Note that this theorem requires twice differentiability of the objective function. However, asymptotic normality for
GMM can be easily proved when bN (c) only has rst derivatives if we directly use the rst-order conditions. An
alternative specic result for GMM along these lines is as follows.

Asymptotic Normality Theorem for GMM

We make the following assumptions in addition to those used for consistency:

5. is in the interior of , and (w, c) is (once) continuously differentiable in .

6. The quantity DN (c) = bN (c) / c converges in probability uniformly in c to a non-stochastic matrix D (c), and
D (c) is continuous at c = .
7. satises a central limit theorem:

8. For D0 = D (), D0A0D0 is non-singular.

where W0 is given by the sandwich formula

Proof. The GMM estimator satises the rst-order conditions

Moreover, in view of condition 6 and the consistency of :

Next, using a rst-order expansion, we have



Finally, from the central limit theorem for the result follows.
Note that the conditions of this result imply the rst two conditions of the asymptotic normality theorem for
extremum estimators but not the third one, which requires twice differentiability of bN (c). From a different angle, the
theorem for extremum estimators can be regarded as a special case of a result

based on GMM-like rst-order conditions with estimating equation given by (cf. Hansen, 1982; Newey and
McFadden, 1994).
As long as the relevant moments exist, V0 is given by

With independent observations, V0 reduces to


and with iid observations


Given our focus on iid observations, in the sequel we assume that V0 is given by (A.62).116 Similarly, we take the r k
matrix D0 to be given by


A.6 Estimating the Asymptotic Variance

To obtain a consistent estimate of W0 we just replace A0, D0, and V0 in (A.54) by their sample counterparts AN, , and
, where the last two are given by


In this way we obtain



Depending on the context we may suppress the i subscript for convenience and simply write E [ (w, ) (w, )].

Thus, the concluding result from the discussion so far is

which justies the approximation of the joint distribution of the random vector by a when N is
The squared root of the diagonal elements of are the asymptotic standard errors of the components of , and
itself is sometimes referred to as the estimated asymptotic variance matrix of .

Example: 2SLS with IID Observations

In this case we have

The expressions for A0, D0, and V0 are given by



and their sample counterparts are



Hence, the estimated asymptotic variance matrix of 2SLS is

where as before with rows .


Homoskedastic Case
Under conditional homoskedasticity is mean independent of zi:

in which case the variance matrix of the 2SLS moment conditions particularizes to:

Hence, in this case


where = E (xizi) [E (zizi)]1.

Therefore, letting the 2SLS residual variance be

an alternative consistent estimate of W0 under homoskedasticity is

which is the standard formula for the 2SLS estimated asymptotic variance matrix.
Standard errors and tests of hypothesis calculated from (A.75) are robust to heteroskedasticity, whereas those
calculated from (A.80) are not. However, depends on fourth-order moments of the data whereas only depends
on second-order moments. This fact may imply that under homoskedasticity, for given N, the quality of the asymptotic
approximation is poorer for the robust statistics. So in practice there may be a nite-sample trade-off in the choice
between (A.75) and (A.80).

A.7 Optimal Weight Matrix

So far we have not considered the problem of choosing the matrix AN, but clearly given the form of the asymptotic
variance of , different choices of A0 will give rise to GMM estimators with different precision (at least in large
It is a matter of deciding which linear combinations of a given set of orthogonality conditions are optimal for the
estimation of . This is a different question from the problem of constructing optimal orthogonality conditions from

conditional moments, which will be considered in Appendix B. The following optimality result takes the specication
of orthogonality conditions as given.
The result is that an optimal choice of AN is such that A0 is equal to up to an arbitrary positive multiplicative
constant k:

For a GMM estimator with such A0, the asymptotic covariance matrix is given by

We can prove that this is an optimal choice showing that for any other A0:117

To see this, note that this difference is equivalent to



Moreover, (A.84) is a positive semi-denite matrix since is idempotent.
Therefore, in order to obtain an optimal estimator we need a consistent estimate of V0 up to scale. In general, this will
require us to obtain a preliminary suboptimal GMM estimator, which is then used in the calculation of an estimate like

Example: 2SLS
Under conditional homoskedasticity, V0 = 2E(zizi), in which case the 2SLS limiting weight matrix (A.69) is a multiple
of , and therefore 2SLS is optimal. Moreover, a consistent estimate of the 2SLS asymptotic variance is given by
However, if the conditional variance of ui given zi depends on zi, then 2SLS is suboptimal in the GMM class, and is
not a consistent estimate of the asymptotic variance of 2SLS.
Under heteroskedasticity, we can still do valid asymptotic inference with 2SLS since in (A.75) remains a consistent
estimate of W0.

The weak inequality notation B 0 applied to a matrix here denotes that B is positive semi-denite.

A two-step optimal GMM estimator is given by


This estimator is of the same form as 2SLS but it replaces the 2SLS weight matrix (ZZ)1 by the robust choice
based on 2SLS residuals (cf. White, 1982).

Semi-Parametric Asymptotic Efciency

We obtained (A.82) as the best asymptotic variance that can be achieved by an estimator within the GMM class. An
interesting theoretical question is whether a different type of estimator based on the same information could be more
efcient asymptotically than optimal GMM. The answer is that no additional efciency gains are possible since, as
shown by Chamberlain (1987), (A.82) is a semi-parametric information bound. That is, (A.82) is the best one can do if
all that is known about the distribution of w is that it satises the moment restrictions in (A.15).
Chamberlain's argument proceeds as follows. Suppose that the wi are iid observations with a multinomial distribution
with known nite support given by {1, . . . , q} and corresponding probabilities 1, . . . , q. Suppose all that is known
about these probabilities is that they add up to one

and that they satisfy the moment restrictions (A.15):


Since this is a parametric likelihood problem, we can obtain the asymptotic Cramer-Rao information bound for .
Chamberlain (1987) showed that this bound corresponds to (A.82). Thus the optimal GMM variance is the lower
bound on asymptotic variance that can be achieved in the multinomial case, regardless of knowledge of the support of
the distribution of w.
Next, Chamberlain argued that any distribution can be approximated arbitrarily well by a multinomial. He used a
formal approximation argument to show that the restriction to nite support is not essential, thus characterizing
(A.82) as a semi-parametric information bound.

A.8 Testing the Overidentifying Restrictions

When r > k there are testable restrictions implied by the econometric model. Estimation of sets to zero k linear
combinations of the r sample orthogonality

conditions bN (c). So, when the model is right, there are r k linearly independent combinations of that should be
close to zero but are not exactly equal to zero.
The main result here is that a minimized optimal GMM criterion scaled by N has an asymptotic chi-square distribution
with r k degrees of freedom:

where is an optimal estimator and is a consistent estimate of V0.
A statistic of this form is called a Sargan test statistic in the instrumental-variable context, and more generally a J or a
Hansen test statistic (cf. Sargan, 1958, 1959; and Hansen, 1982).
As a sketch of the argument, note that factoring , in view of (A.52)

Moreover, letting we have

Now, using a rst-order expansion for and combining the result with (A.92):

Since the limit of is idempotent and has rank r k, , from which (A.90) follows.

Incremental Sargan Tests

Let us consider a partition

where 1 (w, ) and 2 (w, ) are of orders r1 and r2, respectively.
Suppose that r1 > k and that we wish to test the restrictions

taking E1 (w, ) = 0 as a maintained hypothesis.

From the earlier result we know that

where is a consistent estimate of the covariance matrix E [1 (w, ) 1 (w, )], and is the
minimizer of s1 (c).
Then it can be shown that

and that Sd is asymptotically independent of .
Therefore, the incremental statistic Sd can be used to test (A.95), having previously tested the validity of E1 (w, ) = 0
or maintaining their validity a priori.
To prove (A.97), note that in view of (A.93) we have:

where G and C denote the probability limits of and , respectively, and we are using similar denitions of G1, C1, ,
and applied to the rst r1 moments. Thus, we have G = C D0 and G1 = C1 D10, with D0 = (D10, D20).
Next, consider an orthogonal transformation of the two blocks of moments:

where for shortness we are writing i = (wi, ), etc., and


Also, let us denote , and C* = C H1. With these notations, we can rewrite (A.98) as:

Clearly, G is unaffected by the transformation since . Moreover, because of block-orthogonality, C* is
block diagonal with elements C1 and , say. Hence, G1 contains the top r1 rows of G:

Therefore, letting M = Ir G (G G)1G and (A.102)

we can write


Finally, notice that (M M1) is symmetric and idempotent with rank r r1, and also (A.104)

from which (A.97) and the asymptotic independence between Sd and follow.

Example: 2SLS
We may consider a test of the validity of a subset of instruments for the model

where the N r data matrix of instruments is partitioned as is N r1 and Z2 is N r2.


In this example Sd performs a test of the validity of the additional instruments Z2 given the validity of Z1.
If k = 1 and r = 2, xi, z1i, and z2i are scalar variables, and the single parameter satises the two moment conditions

So the Sargan test is testing just one overidentifying restriction, which can be written as the equality of two simple IV
estimating coefcients:


Irrelevance of Unrestricted Moments

Let us suppose that the sample moment vector consists of two components

corresponding to a partition = (1, 2) 1 2 of dimensions k1 and k2, respectively. The rst component of bN ()
depends only on 1 whereas the second depends on both 1 and 2. We assume that r1 k1, but r2 = k2. Moreover, b2N
(c) / c2 is non-singular for all c, so that b2N () are effectively unrestricted moments.
Suppose that we are primarily interested in the estimation of 1. We wish to compare two different GMM estimators of
1. The rst one is a joint estimator of 1 and 2 using all the moments:

The other is a separate estimator of 1 based on the rst r1 moments:

where V11 consists of the rst r1 rows and columns of V.
The result is that as long as b2N () are unrestricted moments:118

Moreover, since , provided V is an optimal weight matrix, the Sargan test statistics of bN () and b1N (1)
To see this, we need to show that coincides with sN (c) concentrated with respect to c2. Let us write


and let be the minimizer of sN (c) with respect to c2 for given c1.

A similar result for minimum distance is in Chamberlain (1982, Proposition 9b).

In general, satises the rst-order conditions

but if b2N (c) are unrestricted, satises

Therefore, the concentrated criterion is given by

which coincides with in view of the formulae for partitioned inverses.
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B Optimal Instruments in Conditional Models

B.1 Introduction
So far the starting point of our discussion has been an r 1 vector of orthogonality conditions of the form

Given these moment restrictions we obtained asymptotically efcient GMM estimators of .
However, we are often interested in models that imply an innite number of orthogonality conditions. In particular,
this is the case with models dened by conditional moment restrictions. For example, the linear regression model

implies that

for any function h such that the expectation exists, and therefore in general an innite set of unconditional moment
Note, however, that the number of restrictions is nite if x is discrete and only takes a nite number of different
values. For example, suppose that x is a single 0 1 binary variable. Let h0 (x) and h1 (x) be the indicator functions of
the events x = 0 and x = 1, respectively, so that h0 (x) = 1 x and h1 (x) = x. Clearly, any other function of x will be a
linear combination of these two. Therefore, in this case (B.2) only implies two moment restrictions:

Similarly, if x is discrete with q points of support (1, . . . , q), the conditional moment restriction (B.2) implies q
unconditional moments:

where hj (x) = 1 (x = j) (cf. Chamberlain, 1987).119
The question that we address here is whether it is possible to nd a nite set of optimal orthogonality conditions that
give rise to asymptotically efcient estimators, in the sense that their asymptotic variance cannot be reduced by using
additional orthogonality conditions.
We begin by solving the problem for the linear regression model which is the most familiar context, and next we use
the same procedure for increasingly more complex models. The most general case that we consider, a set of nonlinear
simultaneous implicit equations, nests all the others as special cases.
In all cases we assume the identication of the parameters that we wish to estimate. Moreover, except in a cursory way,
we do not consider explicitly specic feasible estimators. Instead, the focus of our discussion is in nding the optimal
instruments for each type of model.
We only consider optimal instruments for iid observations. The analysis of optimal instruments for dependent
observations is more complicated. Moreover, the iid assumption is sufciently general to cover panel data models in a
xed T, large N setting.
Amemiya (1977) obtained the optimal instruments for a nonlinear simultaneous equation model with homoskedastic
and serially uncorrelated errors. The form of the optimal instruments for a conditional mean model with dependent
observations was derived by Hansen (1985). Chamberlain (1987) found that the optimal IV estimator attains the semi-
parametric efciency bound for conditional moment restrictions. Newey (1993) provides a survey of the literature and
discussion of nonparametric estimation of the optimal instruments in the iid case.

B.2 Linear Regression

The model is


where y is a scalar variable, and x and are k 1.

We use 1 (A ) to denote the indicator function of event A, such that 1 (A ) = 1 if A is true and 1 (A ) = 0 otherwise.

Let z = z (x) denote a p 1 vector of functions of x such that p k. Then z is a vector of valid instruments since

The optimal GMM estimator based on a given set of orthogonality conditions E (w, ) = 0 and iid observations has
asymptotic variance

where D0 = E [ (w, ) / c] and V0 = E [ (w, ) (w, )] (see Section A.7). In our case (w, ) = z (y x ), and


Hence, the expression for (B.9) is


The optimal instruments in this case are (B.13)

Setting z = z* (x) the asymptotic variance (B.13) for the optimal instruments takes the form120 (B.14)

To show that z* (x) are the optimal instruments we prove that for any other z: (B.15)

Letting x = x/ (x), z = (x) z, and w = (x, z), the lhs of (B.16) can be rewritten as (B.16)

where (B.17)

Clearly, E (ww) 0 since for any a of the same dimension as w, we have a E (ww) a = E (2) 0 with = aw.
Therefore, H E (ww) H 0 also, which shows that (B.15) is a lower bound for variances of the form (B.13).

The optimal choice of instruments is up to a multiplicative constant, since any b (x ) c for constant c 0 does not change the asymptotic variance.

Thus, for example, if we consider an optimal GMM estimator that uses an augmented instrument set

for some h (x), there is no improvement in the asymptotic variance which remains equal to (B.15).
The direct implication of this result is that the estimator that solves

is optimal. Note that the optimal instrument has the same dimension as , so that no further weighting of the moments
is required.
Of course, we have just reviewed the GaussMarkov result and is nothing more than the unfeasible GLS estimator
of :

This estimator is unfeasible because the form of 2 (.) is unknown.

Under homoskedasticity 2 (x) = 2 for all x and the optimal variance (B.15) becomes

The optimal instruments are the x themselves since becomes an irrelevant constant, so that OLS is optimal.
Note that all we are saying is that OLS attains the asymptotic variance bound when 2 (x) happens to be constant, but
this constancy is not taken into account in the calculation of the bound. If we incorporate the homoskedasticity
assumption in estimation the bound for may be lowered as we show later in Section B.6.

Feasible GLS
The efciency result suggests to consider feasible GLS estimators that use estimated optimal instruments
where is an estimate of 2 (xi). If there is a known (or presumed) functional form of the heteroskedasticity 2
(xi, ), we can set using a consistent estimator of . For example, we can use squared OLS residuals to
obtain a regression estimate of of the form

Under correct specication and appropriate regularity conditions, it is well known that feasible and unfeasible GLS
have the same asymptotic distribution.

Alternatively, could be a nonparametric estimator of the conditional variance. A nearest neighbour estimate that
lead to an asymptotically efcient feasible GLS was discussed by Robinson (1987).

B.3 Nonlinear Regression

The model is


where y is a scalar variable, is k 1, and f (x, ) is some differentiable nonlinear function of x and .
As before, we consider an arbitrary vector of instruments z = z (x) and the moments

The only difference with the linear case is that now (B.25)


Therefore, the expression for the asymptotic variance (B.9) is


Following the steps of the linear case, the optimal instruments are

and the corresponding variance

This variance is achieved by the unfeasible IV estimator that solves the nonlinear sample moment equations:

This estimator is unfeasible on two accounts. In common with the linear case, depends on the conditional variance 2
(xi), which is an unknown function of xi.

But it also depends on the vector of partial derivatives f1 (xi, ) evaluated at , which are known functions of xi and the
unknown true values of the parameters. It can be shown that substituting in (B.31) by a consistent estimator we still
get an asymptotically efcient estimator. Alternatively, instead of keeping the optimal instrument xed we can update it
in the estimation. This is precisely what nonlinear least-squares does, which we discuss next.

Nonlinear Least-Squares
The generalized nonlinear least-squares estimator minimizes

and its rst-order conditions are


which are similar to (B.31) except for the replacement of by c in the optimal instruments. It can be easily shown that
the estimator that solves (B.33) is asymptotically equivalent to . Of course, to obtain a feasible estimator one still has
to replace 2 (xi) by an estimate as in the linear case.
Finally, note that in the homoskedastic case, the variance term becomes irrelevant and we obtain the ordinary nonlinear
least-squares formulae.

B.4 Nonlinear Structural Equation

The model is


where now y is a vector of endogenous variables and (., ., .) is a scalar function that usually will only depend on a
subset of the conditioning variables x.
Again, considering an arbitrary instrument vector z = z (x) with moments E [z (y, x, )] = 0 we obtain an expression
for V0 equal to (B.11) and


Note that 1 (y, x, ) may depend on y and hence it is not a valid instrument in general. So we consider instead its
conditional expectation given x


Moreover, by the law of iterated expectations

Now we can argue as in the case of the regression models, so that the optimal instruments are

and the optimal variance

This variance is achieved by the unfeasible IV estimator that satises the sample moment equations:

The difference with nonlinear regression is that now both b (xi) and 2 (xi) are unknown functions of xi. A parametric
approach to feasible estimation is to specify functional forms for b (xi) and 2 (xi), and substitute suitable estimates in
(B.42). 2SLS can be regarded as an example of this approach and this is discussed below. On the other hand, there are
two nonparametric approaches to feasible estimation. One is the plug-in method that replaces b (xi) and 2 (xi) in
(B.42) by nonparametric regression estimates. Another is to consider a GMM estimator based on an expanding set of
instruments as N tends to innity for a pre-specied class of functions (cf. Newey, 1990, 1993, for discussion and

Linear Structural Equation

Letting y = (y1, y2), x = (x1, x2), and w = (y2, x1), we have

where y1 is the (rst) element of y, and w contains the remaining components of y and the conditioning variables that are
included in the equation.
In this case

so that the unfeasible optimal IV estimator is

If E (w | x) is linear and 2 (x) is constant:

where = E (wx) [E (xx)]1, the asymptotic variance (B.41) becomes

which is the 2SLS asymptotic variance under homoskedasticity.121
In effect, 2SLS is the IV estimator that uses the sample linear projection as an estimate of the optimal instrument. It
achieves the variance bound when E (w | x) is linear and 2 (x) is constant, but this information is not used in the
specication of the estimation problem.
We saw in Section A.7 that if there is heteroskedasticity the two-step GMM estimator (A.87) is asymptotically more
efcient than 2SLS. In the current notation two-step GMM solves


Thus, both GMM2 and 2SLS are using linear combinations of x as instruments.122 Under heteroskedasticity, GMM2 is
combining optimally a non-optimal set of orthogonality conditions. So, it is more efcient than 2SLS but inefcient
relative to the IV estimator that uses E (w | x) / 2 (x) as instruments.

B.5 Multivariate Nonlinear Regression

We now consider a multivariate nonlinear regression

with E (uj | x) = 0 (j = 1, . . . , g), or in compact notation


where is k 1, and y, f (x, ), and u are g 1 vectors.

Note that replacing by has no effect on the asymptotic distribution.
is a consistent estimate of the coefcients of a linear projection of E (w | x ) / (x ) on (x ) x :

This is a nonlinear system of seemingly unrelated regression equations (SURE) that places no restrictions on the
second moments of the errors. There may be correlation among the errors of different equations, and their conditional
variances and covariances may be heteroskedastic. Let the conditional variance matrix of u given x be

which we assume to be nonsingular with probability one.
Let Z = Z (x) denote a g p matrix of functions of x such that p k. Then we can form the moment conditions

Proceeding as in the previous cases we have (B.53)

where F1 is the g k matrix of partial derivatives



Therefore, the optimal GMM variance based on (B.53) is

The optimal instruments are (B.57)

in which case the asymptotic variance is


To show that Z* (x) are the optimal instruments we just use a multivariate version of the argument employed in Section
B.2. We need to prove that for any other Z:

Letting , and , the lhs of (B.60) can be rewritten as



Since HE (WW) H 0, (B.59) is a variance bound.123

The unfeasible optimal IV estimator solves

Under homoskedasticity (x) = , but in the multivariate case the error variance still plays a role in the construction
of the optimal instruments.

Multivariate Nonlinear Least-Squares

This estimator minimizes

with rst-order conditions given by


The same remarks we made for the single-equation case apply here. The estimators that solve (B.63) and (B.65) can be
shown to be asymptotically equivalent. Moreover, a feasible estimator replaces (xi) by an estimated variance matrix.
Under homoskedasticity this is simply given by

where the are preliminary consistent residuals.

B.6 Nonlinear Simultaneous Equation System

Finally, we consider a system of implicit nonlinear simultaneous equations

with E (uj | x) = 0 (j = 1, . . . , g). The structural model (B.34) can be regarded as a single equation from this system, so
that the notation in both cases is

123 1
Note that (x ) F1 (x, ) C, where C is any k k non-singular matrix of constants, are also optimal instruments, and that the variance bound does not depend on

similar, i.e. y and x are vectors of endogenous and conditioning variables, respectively. In a compact notation we have


where (y, x, ) and u are g 1 vectors.
As in the multivariate regression case, we take an arbitrary g p instrument matrix Z = Z (x) and form the moments

In this case the expression for V0 is the same as (B.56) and D0 is given by

where P1 (y, x, ) is the g k matrix of partial derivatives

and B (x) denotes their conditional expectations given x:

The components of P1 (y, x, ) are not valid instruments in general because of their dependence on y. So we consider
instead B (x), which are optimal predictors of P1 (y, x, ) given x.
The optimal instruments are

and the corresponding variance bound is

This variance is achieved by the unfeasible IV estimator that satises the sample moment equations:

The optimal IV estimator can also be expressed as the minimizer of a quadratic objective function. Since the number
of moments equals the number of parameters, the choice of weight matrix is statistically irrelevant, but a
computationally useful objective function is


where .
The same comments we made for the single structural equation case regarding strategies to feasible estimation apply
also here, so we shall not elaborate further.

Linear Simultaneous Equation System

The 3SLS estimator considered in Section A.3 is an example of a feasible IV estimator that adopts a parametric
specication of the optimal instruments. In the 3SLS context, (yi, xi, c) is a linear system, B (xi) contains sample linear
projections, and (xi) is replaced by the unconditional covariance matrix of 2SLS residuals.
Specically, we have

where y1 is a g 1 (sub) vector of the endogenous variables y whose coefcients are normalized to one, = (1. . .g)
and W is a g k block diagonal matrix containing both endogenous and exogenous explanatory variables:124

In this case

so that the unfeasible optimal IV estimator solves

If E (W | x) is linear and (x) is constant:

where X = (Ig x) and = [E (XX)]1E (XW), the variance bound (B.74) coincides with the asymptotic variance of

Indeed, the 3SLS estimator solves
If y1 W represents the errors of a complete system then y1 = y, but distinguishing between y and y1 our notation also accommodates incomplete linear systems.

where and is the sample covariance matrix of 2SLS residuals.

Homoskedastic Linear Regression

Nonlinear simultaneous equations are a useful motivation for (B.66), hence the title of this section. However, the
conditional moment restrictions framework has broader applicability. Here we consider a linear regression model
subject to homoskedasticity as an example of (B.66).
The model is



Thus, we have = (, 2) and




If E (u3 | x) = 0, the variance bound becomes

Thus, there is no efciency gain from incorporating the homoskedasticity assumption in estimation since we obtain the
same bound that we got using (B.84) only. However, if E (u3 | x) 0 there is a lower variance bound for than the
one given in (B.21) (cf. MaCurdy, 1982a).

Simultaneous System with Heteroskedasticity of Known Form

Extending the argument in the previous example, let us consider now a nonlinear simultaneous system with a
heteroskedastic conditional covariance matrix of known parametric form.125 The model is



Thus, we have = (, ), c = (b, g), and126

In this case we have 127


and L and K are matrices of constants such that vech (uu) = Lvec (uu), and , respectively. Also,

Note that now in general , since depends on y, and therefore its elements may be correlated with
those of u. This

Note that in our context, homoskedasticity (with or without covariance restrictions) is just a special case of heteroskedasticity of known parametric form.
The vech operator stacks by rows the lower triangle of a square matrix. It is used to avoid redundant elements, given the symmetry of the covariance matrix.
We are using

is in contrast with the regression case, where (y, x, ) = y f (x, ), so that does not depend on y.
Moreover, using the fact that vech (uu) = L (u u),

This matrix is block diagonal if the conditional third-order moments of the us are zero. However, even if E (uu u |
x) = 0, the variance bound is not block diagonal between and because B (x) is not block diagonal. Therefore, there
is an efciency gain from incorporating the conditional covariance restrictions in the estimation of . There is, of
course, a trade-off between robustness and efciency, since estimates of that exploit the covariance restrictions may
be inconsistent if these restrictions turn out to be false.
Finally, note that if the covariance matrix depends on both and , so that

the off-diagonal term of B (x) has an additional non-zero term which is given by vech (x, , ) / b. In such case
there is an obvious efciency gain from incorporating the covariance structure in the estimation of , even if does
not depend on endogenous variables.
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Abowd and Card model, see labour supply
analogy principle, 179
AndersonHsiao IV estimator, 88, 170
ArellanoBond serial correlation test, 121123, 168
ArellanoBover estimator, see GMM, system estimators
asymptotics in T and N; of GMM, 9091; of LIML, 172; of
stacked iv, 169170; of within-groups, 8788
BalestraNerlove GLS estimator, 35
Becker, Grossman, and Murphy model, 130132
best linear predictor, see linear projection
between-group estimator, 35, 37, 39, 41
BhargavaSargan estimator, see MLE
Caselli, Esquivel, and Lefort model, see growth and con-
Chamberlains minimum distance estimator, 2223
Chamberlains optimal forward lter, 155, 159
characteristic function, empirical, 45
conditional MLE, see MLE, conditional likelihood
conditional moment restrictions, 199
constant term, estimation of, 35, 39, 112, 136, 164
consumption models, see also Hall and Mishkin; cigarette
addiction, 130132; Zeldes Euler equation, 145147
continuously updated GMM, 73, 118, 172
correlated effects, tests of; generalized Wald test, 41; Hausman
test, 39; incremental overidentifying restrictions, 42;
likelihood ratio test, 36
country and state panel data, 1, 130132, 148149
covariance restrictions, tests of; in dynamic models, 141;
incremental Sargan, 73; LR tests and non-normality, 74
crude GMM in rst-differences, 9091
DPD program (Dynamic Panel Data), 117, 166
dummy-variable least-squares, 16, see within-group estimators
dynamic factor models, 61
empirical likelihood estimation, 172174
error components; graphical diagnostic of normality,

46; nonparametric density estimation, 4446; variance

estimation, 3233, 35
error in variables, see measurement error bias
Euler equation models, 145147
evaluation of job training, 162163
extremum estimator, 185, 187
female participation and fertility, 165169
fertility, see labour supply; same sex instrument, 166
rm-level panel data; cash holdings, see money demand;
investment and q, 147; VAR, employment and wages,
rst passage times, 44
xed effects, usage of the term, 13
GaussMarkov result, 202
GLS (generalized least-squares), see also BalestraNerlove and
Kiefer; and optimal instruments, 202; feasible GLS, 202;
of AR models, 102; of triangular systems, 102; semi-
parametric, 20; within-groups as GLS, 15
GMM (generalized method of moments), 180; asymptotic
normality, 186188; autoregressive models, 8891;
consistency, 185; covariance structures, 6869; dynamics
with exogenous variables, 135137; irrelevance of unre-
stricted moments, 196197; optimal weight matrix,
190191; predetermined variables, 151152; semi-para-
metric efciency, 192; static xed effects models, 2122;
system estimators, 111112, 159165
Granger non-causality, testing for, 109, 125
Griliches and Hausman estimator, see measurement error bias
growth and convergence, 148149
Hall and Mishkin model, 67, 7580, 114
Hansen J test, 193
Hausmans specication test, see correlated effects, tests of
HausmanTaylor models, 4244, 137, 164
heteroskedasticity; AR conditional heteroskedasticity, 107; of
known form, 212; Sargan tests, 117; time series
heteroskedasticity, 66, 107108optimal lter, 157
heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation; improved GMM and
MD, 20; optimal GLS, 20; robust Wald tests, 41; WG
robust standard errors, 18
homoskedasticity; 2SLS asymptotic variance, 190; conditional
homoskedasticityAR models, 83static models, 12; in linear
regression, 202; optimal instruments, 202, 208, 211; time
series homoskedasticity, 83

incidental parameter problem, 24, 40, 87

incremental Sargan test, 193195
individual effects, estimates of, 16, 32, 33, 119
information orthogonality, 94, see also orthogonal effects
initial conditions, in AR models; initial condition bias,
112113; mean stationarity, 110111and time effects,
113and training evaluation, 162163and unit roots, 116in
conditional models, 161162tests of, 123124; unre-
stricted, 9697
instrumental variables, 8, 178
instruments for errors in levels, see GMM, system estimators,
see HausmanTaylor models
irrelevance of ltering, 152154
Keane and Runkle lter, 154, 158
Kiefer's GLS estimator, 20
labour supply, 11, 37, 147, see also female participation and
fertility; Abowd and Card, 57, 6667, 74; with habits, 129
Lancasters conditional PML estimator, 107
LIML (limited-information maximum likelihood), 171172
linear projection, 177178; autoregressive, 109
linear regression, 177178; and optimal instruments, 200203
measurement error bias, 4748; and identication, 52; and
nonlinear models, 49; and unobserved heterogeneity, 50;
Griliches and Hausman, 52; in rst-differences, 50
minimax instrumental variables, 172
minimum distance estimation, 22, 68, see also Chamberlains
MD estimator
MLE (maximum likelihood estimation); BhargavaSargan
estimator, 138139, 141; conditional likelihood, 25,
9395, 103106; joint likelihood, 24, 87; of covariance
structures, 71; random effects likelihoodof AR with
stationary initials, 93of AR with unrestricted initials,
99101of static correlated effects, 26of static uncorrelated
effects, 33, 36
money demand, 9, 5354
moving average models; in rst-differences, 67; multivariate,
6667; nonstationary, 6566; stationary, 6465, 69,
multinomial distribution, 192
multinomial pseudo likelihood, 172
NeweyWest standard errors for large T, xed N, 19
Nickell bias, 8586
non-normality; in AR models, 93, 141; in PSID earnings, 46,
78; of covariance structures, 7274
nonlinear least-squares; multivariate,

208; univariate, 204

nonlinear regression; and optimal instrumentsmultivariate,
206208univariate, 203204; with xed effects, 27
nonlinear simultaneous equations; and optimal instruments,
208210; with xed effects, 29
nonlinear within-groups, 27
OLS in rst-differences, 15, 50, 54, 85
OLS in levels, 35, 37, 54, 114, 117, 119, 124
one-factor model, 63, 109
orthogonal deviations, 1718, 154; autoregressive densities,
100; normal density, 26, 33, 36
orthogonal effects, 9394, 103106
overidentifying restrictions, tests of, 192193
partial adjustment models, 129, 145
permanent income hypothesis, 75, 7880
PML (pseudo maximum likelihood), 71, 73, see also MLE
predetermined variable, usage of term, 143144
predictive distribution, 57
production function; soil quality bias, 9, 13; with stationarity
restrictions, 162
PSID (Panel Study of Income Dynamics), 1, 44, 46, 74, 75, 78,
146, 165, 174
random coefcients, 11
random walk, 75, see also unit roots
Sargan test, 193, see also incremental Sargan test
seasonal effects, 60, 63
seemingly unrelated regression equations (SURE), 207
sequential moment conditions, 144; information bound, 156
serial correlation, see also heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation;
covariance restricted estimation, 137138, 140141; in
cigarette consumption, 131; in dynamic models, 129,
130; in Euler equations, 147; optimal lter, 155; tests of,
see ArellanoBond test
simultaneous equations; multiple equations, 208211; single
equation, 204206; with known heteroskedasticity,
stacked IV estimator, 170, see also AndersonHsiao estimator
stationarity in AR models, conditions for, 8384, 91
strict exogeneity; and Granger non-causality, 132; and
predetermined variables, 144; in cross-country growth,
148; in dynamic models, 84, 129; in static models, 11, 13
symmetrically normalized GMM, 172
three stage least-squares, 182184; and optimal instruments,
time dummies, 61, 119
time effects, 118, see also time dummies; and mean stationarity,
113; heterogeneous trend, 62, 79; in AR models,
108109; interacted with individual effects, 63, 109
time-invariant explanatory variable, 10, 34, 39, 42, 137, 164

transition probabilities, 32, 44

two stage least-squares, 181182; and IV testing, 195;
asymptotic variance, 189190; optimality, 191
two-way error-components model, 61
unit roots, 113115, see also random walk; and underidenti-
cation, 115116
unrestricted moments, irrelevance of, 196197
VAR models, 116125, 144
wage equations; ability bias, 10, 42, 44, 50; earnings mobility,
31, 44, 57; rm wage dynamics, 120; job training
evaluation, 162163
weak instruments, 115116, 171
within-group 2SLS, 133, 150
within-group estimators; autoregressive models, 8488;
predetermined variables, 149150; robust standard
errors, 1819; static models, 1417
within-group operator, 15

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