Millbrae Officials Eye Community Center Tax: Trump Travel Ban
Millbrae Officials Eye Community Center Tax: Trump Travel Ban
Millbrae Officials Eye Community Center Tax: Trump Travel Ban
Study: Taxes
would climb
for over 13M
Millions of moderate-income American
households will see tax hike from Senate bill
By Marcy Gordon toward the first
of the tax sys-
WASHINGTON Promoted as tem in some 30
needed relief for the middle class, years.
the Senate Republican tax over- Barging into
haul actually would increase taxes the carefully
for some 13.8 million moderate- calibrated work
income American households, a that House and
ANNA SCHUESSLER/DAILY JOURNAL nonpartisan analysis showed Donald Trump S e n a t e
Zulma Valdivia, owner of Divia Express Insurance Agency at 3000 Middlefield Road, works with her employee, Monday. R e p ub l i c a n s
Marcela Solorio (left).Valdivia was one of 11 business owners who participated in a county pilot program aimed The assessment by Congress have done, President Donald
at helping Middlefield Road businesses in North Fair Oaks develop strategies for expanding their businesses. Joint Committee on Taxation Trump called for a steeper tax cut
emerged as the Senates tax-writ- for wealthy Americans and pressed
South San Francisco police seek help identifying driver who killed woman Rock and roll
A bicyclist threw a rock at a business
STAFF AND WIRE REPORT Francisco police Lt. Scott Campbell. said police hope the description of the per- front window and it broke on Beacon
Were actively following leads and we son can help them identify the driver. Street in South San Francisco, it was
South San Francisco police are looking hope to identify the suspect soon, If someone knows something, we con- reported at 5:58 a.m. Wednesday, Oct.
for help identifying a hit-and-run suspect Campbell said. tinue to ask the public for their assistance, 4.
investigators say is responsible for killing Police were first called just before mid- Campbell said.
a 44-year-old woman who was struck while night Saturday, Nov. 11, by a witness who The victims daughter Andy Marie
walking across El Camino Real Saturday reported a car had struck a pedestrian in the Gonzales created a Gofundme campaign SAN MATEO
night. southbound lanes on the 200 block of El where she wrote her mother always wanted Vandal i s m. A vehicle was damaged on
The San Mateo County Coroners Office Camino Real. Officers located Gonzales, to be by the ocean and the proceeds from the Trollman Avenue, it was reported at 8:58
identified the victim as South San Francisco unconscious in the street. She was trans- fundraiser would go toward funeral and cre- a.m. Monday, Oct. 29.
resident Teresa Gonzales. ported to a local hospital where she was mation expenses.
Vandal i s m. A rock was thrown at a resi-
Police initially released a description of later pronounced dead, according to police. The daughter described her mother as a dences living room window on Shoreview
a suspect vehicle as a black Toyota or Police released a description of the sus- single mother of two who loved her family Avenue, it was reported at 2:23 a.m. Sunday,
Lexus made around 1998-2000 that likely pect vehicle, which caught the attention of and friends and lived her life to the absolute
Oct. 29.
had mild to moderate damage. On Monday, another witness who was nearby shortly fullest. She was a firecracker and was so full
of life, she was a friend to all and had the Burg l ary. A vehicles window was found
they announced a tip had come in since after the accident. A person reported they
were sitting in their car in a San Bruno park- sweetest, most gentle soul according to the smashed on Hack Ross Avenue, it was
details about the case were first released. A
ing lot when a man pulled in, got out of his website. reported at 7:53 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 28.
person of interest is now described as a
white man in his 30s, between 5 feet 8 car and began examining his vehicle. As As of Monday evening, the site at Burg l ary . A businesss front window was
inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing soon as the suspicious man noticed the g o fun dme. co m/ t eres a-g o n zal es -fun eral - found broken on Pacic Avenue, it was
approximately 220 pounds with a pencil other person, he jumped back in the car and costs had raised $7,870. reported at 7:19 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 28.
mustache and short faded haircut. The man fled, according to police. Anyone with information about the fatal Burg l ary . Someone broke into a vacant
was last seen in a San Bruno parking lot After gathering evidence at the scene, collision is urged to call South San house and stole tools from the garage by
near the 1100 block of Cherry Avenue, investigators determined the car likely sus- Francisco police at (650) 877-8900. Tips prying open the garage door on West Poplar
about a quarter mile from where Gonzales tained damage to hood and the front right can be left anonymously at or Avenue, it was reported at 7:11 a.m. Friday,
was fatally struck, said South San headlight cover may be busted. Campbell (650) 952-2244. Oct. 27.
Resources and services from all of San Mateo Countyover 40 Exhibitors
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4 Tuesday Nov. 14, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL
Man charged with attempted them, noting he was an Though details of the argument have not
Local briefs essential witness to the been disclosed, Enriquez allegedly said her
murder after jealous fight allegedly drove the car into the man who case, according to the brother was getting in her face and would-
A Redwood City man was charged with had punched him and subsequently collided San Mateo County nt stop so she stabbed him, according to
attempted murder Monday after a fistfight with a parked car. When Cervantes got out District Attorneys prosecutors. Her brother was taken to a
at Hoover Park over another mans girl- of his car, he told the man he shouldnt Office. local hospital with non-life threatening
friend took a violent turn, according to the have punched him in the face and walked Enriquez previously injuries, according to prosecutors.
San Mateo County District Attorneys away, according to prosecutors. pleaded not guilty to
Office. Cervantes was arrested after he allegedly charges including Redwood City man arrested on
called 911 to report that he had been Evelynn assault with a deadly suspicion of vehicular burglary
Christian Cervantes, 31, is in custody
punched in the face and then ran somebody weapon and battery,
on $1 million bail after he allegedly drove Enriquez A Redwood City man was arrested on
over. He is also facing charges for misde- according to prosecu-
his car into a man who had punched him in suspicion of burglarizing a vehicle
meanor hit-and-run for hitting the parked tors.
the face in a jealous rage Friday afternoon, Thursday in San Bruno, police said.
car and fleeing the scene. He is scheduled San Mateo police were called just before
according to prosecutors. Cervantes At 6:48 a. m. , officers went to the
in court Nov. 21 for appearance of a desig- 9 p.m. Aug. 15 to the Shell Gas Station at
actions left the other man with two broken Caltrain parking lot at 833 San Mateo
nated court-appointed lawyer and entry of 2901 S. Norfolk St. after receiving a
legs, according to prosecutors. Ave. in San Bruno after someone called to
plea, according to prosecutors. report about a verbal argument between
The two men allegedly got into a fight two women and a man escalating into a report a burglary in progress.
after Cervantes flirted with the mans girl- Police said that when officers arrived
friend around 3:45 p.m. Nov. 10 at the
Sister accused of stabbing brother stabbing, according to police.
they found 46-year-old Matthew Spessard
Enriquez was identified as the assailant
Redwood City park. Though the two men let go after he refuses to testify as well as the sister of the victim, who was inside a vehicle that he allegedly burglar-
didnt know each other previously, An Oregon woman arrested for allegedly allegedly stabbed multiple times. She fled ized. An investigation revealed that
Cervantes allegedly knew the girlfriend, stabbing her brother outside a San Mateo the scene in her car but was caught by Spessard allegedly broke one of the vehi-
who arrived at the park to join her gas station in August is out of custody Foster City police soon after, according to cles windows to get inside, police said.
boyfriend at a barbecue with friends and after her brother refused to testify against San Mateo police. Spessard was arrested on suspicion of
family, according to prosecutors. her, according to the San Mateo County The investigation determined Enriquez vehicle burglary and possession of drug
After getting punched, Cervantes left District Attorneys Office. and her brother were both intoxicated and paraphernalia.
the park for some 10 minutes then came Prosecutors dismissed their case against traveling with friends from Santa Cruz Anyone with more information related
back in his car, pulling into the parks lot Evelynn Enriquez, 30, due to insufficient back to Oregon when they stopped at the to the burglary is asked to get in touch
at an estimated 40 mph and making a U- evidence Monday after her brother, also an gas station where the stabbing occurred, with San Bruno police at (650) 616-7100
turn right in front of another person near- Oregon resident, refused to cooperate with according to police. or sbpdtipline@sanbruno. ca. gov.
by, according to prosecutors. He then Information can be left anonymously.
James Edward Hensel California, he graduated held at noonSunday, Nov. 19, at the San
from San Mateo High Obituary Carlos American Legion, 1159 Bush St.,
James Edward Hensel, born in School and went on to many passions. San Carlos.
Pennsylvania June 13, 1935, died peace- San Jose State Jim was a founding member in 1953 of
fully on Oct. 30, 2017. University, where he the Juggers Racing Team. Most recently As a public serv ice, the Daily Journal
Jim was married for 52 years to the late enjoyed playing foot- he was involved in building a race car to prints obituaries of approx imately 200
Mary Elizabeth Hensel, who died earlier ball. He was an auto run at the Bonneville Salt Flats with the words or less with a photo one time on a
this year. He is survived by his daughter, mechanic, and since Juggers. His expertise with cars will be space av ailable basis. To submit obituar-
Kari Hensel. retiring 20 years ago he missed by many. He also was passionate ies, email information along with a jpeg
enjoyed pursuing his about sailing model yachts with the San
A longtime resident of Redwood City, photo to news@smdaily Free
Francisco Model Yacht Club.Jim could fix obituaries are edited for sty le, clarity,
anything and was always quick to lend a length and grammar. If y ou would lik e to
hand. hav e an obituary printed more than once,
He was an exceptionally kind, gentle longer than 200 words or without editing,
man whose loss will be felt by all that please submit an inquiry to our adv ertising
knew him. A celebration of life will be department at ads@smdaily
Supreme Court adds anti-abortion Around the nation
New sex assault allegation
counseling to free-speech lineup hits Moore; he calls it false
WASHINGTON A second woman emerged Monday to
By Mark Sherman accuse Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her as a teenager in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the late 1970s, this time in a locked car,
further roiling the Alabama Republicans
WASHINGTON The Supreme candidacy for an open Senate seat. Moore
Court will hear a free speech challenge strongly denied it, even as his own
to a California law that targets anti- partys leaders intensified their efforts to
abortion crisis pregnancy centers, push him out of the race.
adding to a term that is loaded with Senate Majority Leader Mitch
First Amendment disputes. McConnell took a remarkably personal
The justices said Monday they will swipe at his partys candidate for a Senate
review the centers complaint that the Roy Moore seat the GOP cannot afford to lose. I
new law, pushed by an abortion-rights believe the women, he said, marking an
group, forces them to provide infor- intensified effort by leaders to ditch Moore before a Dec. 12
mation about abortion and other serv- special election that has swung from an assured GOP victory
ices. to one that Democrats could conceivably swipe.
Lower courts had allowed the law to Moore abruptly called a news conference in Gallant,
take effect. Unlicensed centers also Alabama, after a tearful Beverly Young Nelsons detailed the
must inform clients of their status. new allegations to reporters in New York.
Two other new cases the justices
added Monday also involve free- Rand Paul back in the
speech claims, by opponents of a
A general view of the U.S. Supreme Court building.
Senate, walking gingerly after assault
Minnesota law banning any political
attire at polling places and a Florida WASHINGTON Walking gingerly, Sen. Rand Paul
Amendment guarantees the right to he should not be compelled to create a returned to the Senate on Monday following an attack in his
man who contends police arrested him free speech. cake for a same-sex wedding.
in retaliation for voicing his views. yard that left him with six broken ribs.
Even before Monday, the justices Early next year, the justices will The Kentucky Republican cast votes
In those cases as well, courts reject- had major free speech cases on their take up an appeal from a government
ed the challengers constitutional with his arms at his sides, finding it diffi-
agenda. worker in Illinois who says his rights cult to execute the customary Senate step
claims. A fight over the politically motivat- are violated by a state requirement that
First Amendment lawyer Floyd of raising a hand and signaling yes or no.
ed reshaping of electoral districts, a he pay fees to the labor union that rep- He simply expressed his decision to a
Abrams said in an email that the major case argued last month, could resents public employees.
courts decision to hear three cases in Senate clerk before chatting briefly with
turn on whether the court finds that The concentration of cases fits into several senators.
one term in which distinct First Republican-drawn districts in a broader pattern that has marked the
Amendment claims had been made and As Paul arrived in the Capitol, a smil-
Wisconsin penalize Democratic vot- court under Chief Justice John ing Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., extended
rejected in the lower courts certainly ers because of their political beliefs, Roberts, including the bitterly divided Rand Paul
illustrates its intense focus on cases his hand to Paul, but he declined to shake
in violation of the First Amendment. Citizens United decision in 2010 and it, indicating even that minor motion would cause discom-
in which freedom of expression is cen- Next month, the court will hear the related cases that struck down cam-
ter stage. The Constitutions First fort.
appeal of a Colorado baker who says paign finance limits. While Im still in a good deal of pain, I will be returning
to work in the Senate today, ready to fight for liberty and
Colleges draw fewer foreign students but avoid crisis so far help move forward with tax cuts in the coming days and
weeks, Paul posted on his Twitter account earlier in the day.
By Collin Binkley While 45 percent of schools saw puses to boost their recruiting efforts, N.Y. Gov. Cuomo heads to California for fundraisers
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS declines in international enrollment, while some launched marketing cam-
nearly a third said their numbers have paigns meant to make foreign students ALBANY, N.Y. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is head-
BOSTON International enroll- increased since last year, the survey feel welcome. Despite the improved out- ing west for two fundraisers in California.
ments at U.S. colleges have fared better found. The remaining 24 percent said look, the survey found that half of the The Democrat is considered a possible
than expected this year, but many they saw no change. 500 colleges still worry the nations contender for the White House in the 2020
schools still fear the countrys political Its definitely a wake-up call, but by atmosphere could discourage potential election but says hes focused on winning
climate, according to a national survey. no means is it a crisis, and it does not students, and 20 percent reported that a third term next year in New York.
The Institute of International come anywhere close to the precipitous the climate has already led some stu- Cuomos official schedule for Monday
Education reported Monday that the decline and plummeting of numbers that dents to leave. shows hell travel to San Francisco. His
number of new students coming from the entire sector had been predicting, We dont know what the trends are office says Cuomo has two fundraising
abroad fell by an average of 7 percent at said Rajika Bhandari, head of research, going to look like for next year, but for events planned for Tuesday, one in San
nearly 500 colleges and universities policy and practice for the nonprofit sure there are concerns, Bhandari said. Francisco and the second in Beverly
surveyed this fall, but said the results group based in New York. The survey offers only a preview of Andrew Cuomo Hills. Cuomo is expected to return to
from school to school are more mixed The White Houses proposed travel this years trends and was released New York late Tuesday.
than many had feared. bans and separate reports of violence alongside the institutes annual Open The governor rarely leaves New York state, though high-
Many schools nevertheless have con- against immigrants had fueled fears of a Doors report, which tracks interna- profile trips to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands fol-
cerns about the U.S. political climate sharp decline in students coming from tional students at 3,000 U.S. schools lowing recent hurricanes have fueled speculation about his
and fear that it could drive students away. abroad. The anxiety spurred many cam- but lags a year behind. political future.
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overnments shouldnt be in corporate tax rate or pursuing other homeostasis a biological stability and comfort between
nomic impacts by inadvertently put-
the business of picking win- 7,500 interdependent parts of the body.
ting the competitors not awarded tax policy changes to improve the states
ners and losers in the econo- Likewise, the deepest wounds to the human spirit are
credits at a signicant competitive business climate generally.
my, yet politicians cant seem to help disadvantage. sensed throughout the body. Just ask anyone who has expe-
themselves from manipulating the Considering the Tax Foundation
While claiming the program could rienced severe depression, heightened anxiety or incessant
markets in order to do just that. ranks Californias corporate taxes fear. Although the esh has not been physically wounded,
be improved if state ofcials wanted, 33rd in the nation in terms of compet-
On Oct. 31, Californias nonparti- the report points out that some prob- the brokenness of the human spirit brings forth a host of
san Legislative Analysts Ofce pre- itiveness, theres clearly opportunity emotions that ripple throughout the core of every human
lems are largely unavoidable, and that
sented its review of one such effort, a better approach is to create a fairer for improvement. being. These emotions produce evident physical manifesta-
the California Competes tax credit system for all businesses. With Californias reputation as a tions from tremors to sleeplessness.
program. Started in 2013, the pro- We recommend that the Legislature state unfriendly to businesses, any Thanks to our advancement in technology, the pharma-
gram has doled out hundreds of mil- end California Competes, the report concerted effort to actually make the ceutical industry has given us the ability to temporarily
lions of dollars in tax credits to com- concludes. In general, broad-based state more competitive with respect silence physical and psychological pains. Wonder drugs are
panies including General Motors and tax relief for all businesses is no cure for the illness, but give the body a false sense of
to its regulatory or litigation envi- relief from the symptoms.
Snapchat. From its start through preferable to targeted tax incentives. ronment is likely to yield positive As a child, I experienced this phenomena rsthand when I
2017-18, up to $780 million in tax We agree. Given that the underlying
credits will have been provided. outcomes. confronted death for the rst
assumption of the tax credit program
Intended to attract or retain busi- is that tax relief can make a signi- Rather than selectively relieving time. After losing my beloved
nesses, the LAO found little evidence cant difference in whether a business businesses of burdensome tax and reg- grandmother to breast cancer, I
the program is serving its purpose. expands here, it only makes sense to ulatory schemes, California should began to feel pain that could not
The report argues that in some cases expand this idea to all businesses, not set a level playing eld, both compet- be cured by the occasional trip to
the program can have negative eco- just those with the best lobbyists and itive and fair. the ice cream parlor or a new
action gure. The pain signi-
cantly affected my eating habits
Letters to the editor and curbed my childlike enthusi-
asm. Nevertheless, with time and
support from family members
Re-opening Francisco or San Jose. time for the Trump administration to undergoing the same loss, the
stop protecting the for-profit college painful wound began to heal.
a Belmont ice rink Liz Handley sector and to begin helping those stu- I have always tried to look
Editor, Belmont
dents who have already suffered at its upon America as envisioned by Jonathan Madison
With the Belmont City Council close hands. We need to loudly encourage the pledge of allegiance: one nation, under God and indi-
to finalizing its General Plan and Forgiving federal loans Secretary DeVos to approve the claims visible. These words describe more than a nation they
Village Specific Plan, I would like to made under the Borrowers Defense reg- describe an interdependent body and network of which you
express my concern about dwindling for for-profit college tuitions ulation. and I are inextricably a part. When I consider the countless
recreational opportunities, specifical- Editor, wounds suffered by our nation, I am deeply troubled by the
ly ice skating. I am a figure skater, As a current graduate student, it is fact that, with each new tragedy, we become less and less
mom and Belmont resident. I moved troubling to hear the U.S. Department John Calandra concerned with our brothers and sisters experiencing the
to Belmont in 2014 to be closer to of Education is creating a plan to only Foster City core of the wound.
Belmont Iceland and raise my chil- partially forgive federal loans for stu- Consider the 59 lives taken in the deadly Las Vegas
dren in a city that had diverse recre- dents defrauded by for-profit colleges shooting on Oct. 1. Remember the 26 men, women and
ational opportunities. When Belmont now defunct.Under the Obama admin- Tax deform children murdered by a lone gunman during a worship serv-
Iceland shut its doors in 2016, istration, all federal loans obtained by Editor, ice at a small church in rural Texas last week. Consider the
Belmont lost a recreational and social students previously attending now- Contrary to the optimistic claims by deadly vehicle attack that claimed the lives of eight individ-
hub for its residents and those in defunct for-profit colleges were fully the current Trump administration, the uals in lower Manhattan. From the deadly Sandy Hook
neighboring communities. The folks forgiven. proposed tax rate reductions will, shooting of 20 children to the Orlando massacre of 48 indi-
who walked through the doors for 60 Is President Trump looking out for according to economic analysts, viduals, our nation has suffered far more wounds than any
years were socially diverse, racially the interests of his for-profit college undoubtedly result in budgetary short- nation should bear.
diverse, economically diverse and industry colleagues?Earlier this year, falls. Higher budgetary deficits, and the Today, our nations leaders and the news media only
athletically diverse. A few minutes Trump paid a $25 million settlement to resulting increased federal debt, will be briey acknowledge the lives lost in such tragic events.
inside the building or on the ice and students of his now defunct real estate a burden on the next administration, Take the Texas shooting for example. Merely 12 hours fol-
you could feel the positive energy and for-profit college, to avoid litigation. which likely will be Democratic, lowing coverage of the event, news media and our nations
sense of community. I implore the Is he and his administration trying to unless the Republicans again succeed leaders became consumed with the hot topic of gun control
Belmont City Council to prioritize stem the bleeding for similar diploma in voter suppression, gerrymandering and forthcoming legislation. Within moments, it seems,
positive and diverse recreational mills still standing? and other undemocratic tricks, domes- empathy for the dead was replaced with selsh ambition for
opportunities by including an ice After everything these students have tic or foreign. political opportunity. Instead of honoring the dead and
rink. Zoning for an ice rink can be been through, it is unjust to only par- The next Democratic administration attending to the wounds of fellow Americans gripped with
put in place and an ice rink could fea- tially forgive their student loans. The unimaginable grief, we quickly placed the grief aside. Do
will then be blamed for the
sibly be re-opened at the former sacrifice and hard work to attain a not take my word for it. Consider that today marks eight
Republican-generated deficit and subse-
Belmont Iceland location. The city degree, only to see the institution shut days following the horric event, and a brief look at your
quent debt increase, and even more so
may alternately grant the developers down, has delivered enough heartbreak local paper or news station will tell you that our nation has
when it becomes necessary to raise
of the Iceland lot a condition of to these individuals. moved on even faster than it did following the Las Vegas
taxes again to reduce future deficits. In
approval. In that case, the approval According to the Chicago Tribune, a shootings.
the meantime, the wealthiest benefici-
of any proposed development would federal regulation known as Borrowers If we are truly one body and one nation with indivisible
aries of the tax reductions have made character, we must tend to our deepest wounds as one body.
be conditional upon inclusion of an Defense has existed since the 1990s.
ice rink within those plans. On out nicely at the expense of future Just as the many interdependent parts of the human body
This regulation allows students defraud-
Tuesday, Nov. 14, the decisions made generations. What a scheme for Trump tirelessly work to heal a small wound, so too must we work
ed by for-profit colleges to have their
by the Belmont City Council will to tweet about. to heal the wounds of our nation. Whether the wound is in
loans completely forgiven.
shape the landscape of the city for Since entering office in February, Texas, Las Vegas, Florida, Connecticut or here in
decades to come. Please re-open an Secretary DeVos has not approved a Jorg Aadahl California, as a nation, we must work to heal the source of
ice rink and make Belmont more than single claim for federal loan forgive- San Mateo the wound.
a city folks pass on the way to San ness from over 65,000 applicants. It is Like the human body, there is a pharmaceutical wonder
drug for the wounds we experience as a nation: apathy. Too
often, we take the pill of apathy following a tragedy that
OUR MISSION: warrants tears and remorse from us all. Instead of empathiz-
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for ing with our fellow Americans, we take the drug and see
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. strangers instead of counterparts. Consequently, we focus
By combining local news and sports coverage, our attention on divisive political debates that do nothing
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, to heal the broken hearted.
Michael Davis Charles Gould lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Greg Miller Paul Moisio provide our readers with the highest quality Put simply, gun control and targeted legislation alone
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza information resource in San Mateo County. will not prevent evil from nding a way to cause tragic
Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we wounds in our nation. Only a nation that uses an arsenal of
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: choose to reflect the diverse character of this love and empathy as its tools will overcome the unprece-
Nicola Zeuzem, Production Manager Renee Abu-Zaghibra Robert Armstrong dynamic and ever-changing community.
Charlie Chapman Jim Clifford dented forms of evil we are witnessing. Together, we can
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Elizabeth Cortes Curtis Driscoll extend our support for the victims of these tragedies by
Samantha Weigel, Senior Reporter
Talia Fine Robert Hutchinson SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM stepping out of our routine gestures. We can send letters of
Priscilla Jin Tom Jung
REPORTERS: Connor Lin Laurel Lujan Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: encouragement, owers and gifts to the victims of these
Terry Bernal, Anna Schuessler, Austin Walsh Jeanita Lyman Brian Miller tragedies. We can establish fundraisers and volunteer to
Brigitte Parman Sophie Penn
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Nick Rose Andrew Scheiner repair the devastation in broken communities.
Joel Snyder Gary Whitman Online edition at
As Dr. Martin Luther King once said: Darkness cannot
Dave Newlands, Production Assistant
drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot
drive out hate. Only love can do that.
Letters to the Editor Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy
Should be no longer than 250 words. The Daily Journal corrects its errors.
Perspective Columns Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily A nativ e of Pacica, Jonathan Madison work ed as profes-
Should be no longer than 600 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at sional policy staff for the U.S. House of Representativ es,
Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107 Committee on Financial Serv ices, from 2011-2013.
Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal Jonathan work s as an attorney and can be reached v ia email
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
10 Tuesday Nov. 14, 2017 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Qualcomm rejects
Broadcoms $103 billion offer
NEW YORK Qualcomm rejected an
unsolicited, $103 billion offer from
Business briefs
tive subpoena to the tech giant to gather
information. Asked whether his Senate bid
Budget deficit up sharply
to $63.2 billion in October
influenced his decision to investigate, he
Broadcom, saying that the proposal is sig- said the goal is to protect the people of
nificantly undervalued and that a tie-up Missouri.
between the massive chipmakers would face Hawleys office is checking into what
substantial regulatory resistance. Google does with the user information it By Martin Crutsinger Congress is considering and hurricane
Qualcomm said Monday that its in a collects and allegations that it inappropri- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS relief.
unique position to grow on its own. ately scrapes information from competi- The Congressional Budget Office estimat-
We are highly confident that the strategy tors websites. Its also looking into allega- WASHINGTON The federal government ed in June that the deficit for the current
(CEO Steve Mollenkopf) and his team are tions that the company manipulates search began its new budget year with an October budget year, which runs from Oct. 1 to Sept.
executing on provides far superior value to results to favor its own websites over com- deficit of $63.2 billion, up sharply from a 30, would fall to $563 billion. However,
Qualcomm shareholders than the proposed petitors, which has been the subject of year ago. that estimate did not include money for a tax
offer, said Tom Horton, Qualcomm direc- recent scrutiny in Europe. The Treasury Department reported cut being pushed by the Trump administra-
tor. Monday that the October deficit was 37.9 tion and GOP lawmakers. It also did not
Broadcoms bid last week represented a 28 Light at the end of GEs tunnel? percent higher than the $45. 8 billion include increased spending to deal with
percent premium over the closing price of Lighting, more, may be gone deficit recorded in October 2016. three devastating hurricanes that have hit
Qualcomm shares on November 2, but ana- Both government receipts and spending the U.S. mainland and territories.
lysts were expecting Qualcomm to reject the NEW YORK General Electric slashed its
were up for the month, with receipts climb- Taking those developments into account,
$70-per-share bid. dividend in half and will attempt to vastly
ing 14.3 percent to $235.3 billion, a record economists at JPMorgan Chase estimate
Broadcom said Monday that it remains narrow its focus to three key sectors avi-
ation, health care and energy as the con- for the month of October. The larger spend- that the deficit in the current budget year
committed to pursuing a deal. ing figure was up a sizable 11.6 percent to could climb to $675 billion, with the deficit
glomerate with early ties to Thomas Edison
$298.6 billion. in 2019 rising even higher to $909 billion.
Missouri attorney considers shedding even its historic light-
The deficit for the 2017 budget year, Lawmakers passed a budget resolution that
ing business.
general investigating Google The company also pulled back on profit which ended on Sept. 30, totaled $666 bil- would provide for $1.5 trillion in additional
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. Missouris expectations Monday and shares slumped lion, up 13.7 percent from a 2016 deficit of deficits over the next decade to reflect the
attorney general announced Monday that 7.2 percent, their biggest one-day loss $586 billion. lost revenue from the pending tax cuts. The
his office is investigating Google for since the financial crisis was roiling the Many forecasters believe the deficit will Trump administration contends the tax cuts
potential violations of the states con- stock market in early 2009. rise higher in the current budget year, will end up generating increased economic
sumer-protection and antitrust laws. New Chairman and CEO John Flannery reflecting the impact of proposed tax cuts activity and will not be that expensive.
Republican Attorney General Josh said the company is weighing the future of
Hawley, who also is running for Democratic
U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskills seat in 2018,
told reporters that he issued an investiga-
its transportation, industrial, and lighting
businesses so that it can focus more intent-
ly on its most profitable divisions.
Oil prices are up now, but
surge might be short-term
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Those are sharp increases since mid-June
about 35 percent for U.S. crude, nearly 40
Oil prices have jumped by about one-third percent for Brent.
since the summer on signs of stronger eco- That means slightly higher inflation,
nomic growth around the world and fear of but were not talking about unmanageable
instability in the Middle East. prices, said Diane Swonk, chief economist
So far, however, the run-up isnt setting of DS Economics. If it got back to $100 a
off alarm bells. Prices remain far below barrel, then we would have a real problem.
their 2014 peaks. And U.S. producers are Swonk said discretionary spending by
pumping at a record rate, leading some consumers seems to be holding up despite
experts to bet that the higher prices wont the increase that has already shown up at the
last long. pump. In her mind and those of other econ-
At midday Monday, Brent crude, the omists, we are in better shape to manage
benchmark international price, was down higher energy prices for many reasons
27 cents to $63.25, while the standard for including a stronger economy and job
U.S. oil was up 10 cents to $56.84. growth.
Inner workings
Miranda back on top of playoff bids
ollowing Terra Novas 17-14 win
By Terry Bernal
Athlete of the Week over Burlingame last Thursday
I know, its weird to type
Thursday and football in the same
It was business as usual for Rob Miranda. sentence Tigers head coach Tim Adams
The Menlo School senior has been build- announced to his team, and the media,
ing steadily toward his ultimate goal of that they were, indeed, into the Central
competing as the CIF state cross-country Coast Section playoffs after winning its
championships two days after only league game of the season.
Thanksgiving, Saturday, Nov. 25 at Adams said it was authority, a foregone
Fresnos Woodward Park. conclusion, and I went with it as I hecti-
Even in merely running a clean, tactical cally worked on deadline.
race over the weekend, Saturday, Nov. 11 at Friday, however, I got to thinking:
Toro Park in Salinas, Miranda still proved Terra Nova may have jumped the gun
his Daily Journal Athlete of the Week stuff, because there was assumption made by
capturing the Central Coast Section Adams that Half
Division IV championship with a time of 15 Moon Bay would
minutes, 43.5 seconds. beat Sacred Heart
It wasnt the best run Ive ever had but it Prep Friday after-
was good enough to move on to state, noon in Atherton.
Miranda said. It was more just tactical to go While on paper, it
into state championships with a lot of con- was easy to assume
fidence. the Cougars would
For Miranda, qualifying for the CIF meet beat the Gators, an
marks a refreshing return to the state cham- SHP win would
pionships. As a sophomore, he took ninth have given the
place in the state Division IV race, though Gators a 2-3 record
his time of 15:40.2 was the best of any in PAL Bay
underclassman in the field. Last year, Division play,
though, he was forced to sit out cross-coun- which would have
try season due to injury. jumped them over both Burlingame and
Miranda bounced back strong in the Terra Nova for fourth place and the divi-
spring, celebrating a CCS track-and-field sions nal automatic playoff berth.
championship in the 3, 200 meter run. Fortunately for Adams and the Tigers,
While the triumph wasnt lost on the future things worked out, although SHP made
Ivy Leaguer Miranda is verbally commit- HMB sweat a bit before the Cougars
ted to run at Yale next season it was, in pulled away for a 40-26 victory.
the grand scheme of things, a primer for his That SHP loss, however, clouded the
high school cross-country swan song. playoff picture because now there was a
Interestingly, also competing in the three-way tie for fourth place as
3,200 at the CCS championships May 26, Burlingame, SHP and Terra Nova all had
was Bellarmine star Meika Beaudoin- identical 1-4 records in Bay play. So how
Rousseau, who took third in the event. Like was it that Burlingame and Terra Nova got
Miranda, though, Beaudoin-Rousseaus spe- the nods for CCS with Terra Nova
cialty is cross-country. And the Bellarmine receiving the Bay Divisions fourth bid
senior put forth a blowout performance is and Burlingame making the playoffs as
Saturdays CCS meet, taking first place in an at-large team over SHP?
the boys Division I race with the overall According to Steve Sell, Aragon head
best time of the day at 15:22.6. coach and the PALs representative at the
Earlier this season, Beaudoin-Rousseau CCS seeding meetings, PAL commissioner
cracked the all-time top 10 at Toro Park, MALCOLM SLANEY
Menlo senior Robert Miranda brings home the Central Coast Section Division IV cross-country
See AOTW, Page 12 championship Saturday at Toro Park in Fresno. See LOUNGE, Page 23
Honor roll
Swanns previous mark of 91 Park topped a tie for 22nd at Sierra View Country Club,
the highlight reel in Fridays 31-21 victory site of the Northern California tournament.
over St. Francis to seal the West Catholic Siminoff had two birdies and also eagled the
Athletic League championship outright. par-5 10th hole. Siminoff earned her spot in
Park totaled three catches for a career-high the Nor Cal tournament following a fourth-
140 yards, including touchdowns of 69 and place finish at the CCS championships, fin-
68 yards, a majority of those coming on ishing with a 74.
yards after the catch. As a cornerback, Park Mi l l e r Ge s c h k e , Me n l o S c h o o l
also grabbed an interception. The outright water po l o . Geschke led the Knights with
WCAL title was Serras first since 1969, the three goals in an 8-5 loss to SHP in the CCS
same year Swann set the previous career Open Division championship match.
receptions mark. Ang el o Vel ez, Jeffers o n fo o tbal l . It
Bel l a Bachl er, Sacred Heart Prep didnt take long for Velez to find his footing
water po l o . The Gators got a glimpse of after sitting out the previous week. Velez
the future as the freshman led the Gators didnt play two weeks ago in Jeffs loss to
with a hat trick in their 8-6 loss to Leland in the Kings Academy, with Grizzlies head
the CCS Open Division finals. coach Will Maddux opting to rest his star
Mi chael So ns i ni and Andrew running back for the upcoming playoffs.
Churuki an, Sacred Heart Prep water Last Friday in a 27-24 win over El Camino,
po l o . Sonsini, a senior, and Churukian, a jun- though, Velez took 20 carries for 236 yards
ior, each scored twice to lead the Gators to their and three touchdowns, upping his regular-
Notre Dame-Belmont junior Kendall Peters is seventh consecutive CCS championship, 8-5 season total to 1,525 rushing yards, rank- Aragon senior Gabe Campos collected 226
flying high en route to 18 kills and 13 digs in over longtime rival Menlo School. ing sixth in the CCS, while his 190.6 yards passing yards, including an efficient 8 of 11
the CCS Division IV championship match. Gav i n To mberl i n, Hal f Mo o n Bay per game ranks second only to Carlmonts in the second half, as the Dons downed M-A.
endal l Peters , No tre Dame- fo o tbal l . The senior quarterback had his Demarii Blanks (208 ypg). ners finishing in the top 10, including a
Bel mo nt v o l l ey bal l . The jun- best performance of the season in the May a McCl el l an, Carl mo nt v o l l ey - one-two surge from Medearis and junior
ior outside hitter witnessed her sec- Cougars' 40-26 win over Sacred Heart Prep bal l . The Scots crushing terminator was a Aiden Duncanson (16:38.6). Sophomore
ond CCS Division IV championship in the regular-season finale. Tomberlin force in Saturdays CCS Division I champi- Jake Symonds (16:58.5) took fifth place
Saturday in Notre Dame-Belmonts four-set completed 15 of 20 passes for 211 yards and onship match, scoring a double-double to lead while sophomore Wilser Vasquez (17:16.4)
win over Sacred Heart Prep. Unlike her three touchdowns. He threw a pair to Hayden Carlmont to its third all-time section crown took ninth.
freshman season though, when she did not Von Almen, of 3 and 25 yards, and a perfect with a four-set win over Los Gatos. McClellan Gabe Campo s and Do nav en
play in the title match, this year she was the 23-yard scoring strike to Dylan Williams. totaled 20 kills and 11 digs, adding six assists Ro bi ns o n, Arag o n fo o tbal l . The Dons
player of the game. Peters was all over the He was also second on the team in rushing, and one block. She got even more lethal as the locked up second place in the PAL Bay
court to total 18 kills and 13 digs, and was finishing with 45 yards on eight carries. match wore on, scoring seven kills in a piv- Division with a 21-18 win over reigning
integral on defense in keeping SHP outside Brando n Auel ua, Terra No v a fo o t- otal Game 3, and reeled off three service aces champion Menlo-Atherton, and the air show
hitter Cate Desler who still finished with bal l . The senior running back rushed for a and tabbed four kills in Game 4. of Campos and Robinson carried the weight.
a match-high 20 kills from dominating career-high 144 yards on 19 carries which Ni c k Me de ari s , Cry s t al S p ri n g s Campos was exacting with his passes in the
the match. The result was NDBs third CCS included a 40-scoring burst, in the Tigers' Upl ands bo y s cro s s -co untry. Crystal second half. Overall, he was 13 of 22 for 226
title in four years. 17-14 win over Burlingame, which clinched Springs Uplands boys cross-country took yards, including an 8-of-11 clip in the sec-
Chri s Park, Serra fo o tbal l . While a spot in the CCS playoffs. the CCS Division V championship Saturday ond half. Robinson proved his favorite tar-
Parks wide receiving counterpart Shane So phi e Si mi no ff, Menl o Scho o l at Toro Park in Salinas, with Medearis lead- get as the senior totaled five catches for 133
Villaroman broke Serras all-time record for g o l f. The senior capped her high school ing the charge with a time of 15 minutes, 59 yards, including a clutch 40-yard touchdown
total receptions with 92 breaking Lynn career with a round of 5-over 78 to finish in seconds. Crystal benefitted from four run- grab near the end of the first half.
in a cross-country race, Division IV championship in 15:24.7. entire seven-runner roster of the girls team.
Chen wouldnt mind see- Grover, a sophomore at J. Serra Catholic Menlo freshman Kamran Murray earned the
ing Miranda fueled by High School-San Juan Capistrano, won the final automatic berth in the state meet with a
such top-flight competi- CIF-SS Division IV championship after a sixth-place finish in the CCS Division IV
Continued from page 11 tion. superb preliminary time of 14:57.6 at the race in 16:18.7. While the top five individ-
This was not the case at Riverside City Cross Country Course. ual finishers qualify, fifth-place finisher
the CCS meet, as Miranda Im kind of happy thats happening Henry Loh of Pacific Grove was removed
running it in 15:17 for the seventh-best topped the second-place because it will push Rob to run faster, Chen from the individual standings when his team
time in course history. finisher by better than 24 said of the competiton. That will hopefully won first place, advancing him to state as
If Rob really wanted to, he could have ran
at least 15:30 there, Menlo head coach Rob Minanda seconds. force Rob to run a fast time that will qualify part of the team format. This moved Murray
Im sure he had plenty for the Nike nationals. into fifth on the individual leaderboard.
Jorge Chen said. left, Chen said. He literally didnt have The top five overall times at the state meet, The Menlo girls took third place in the
Chen, though, made certain to give anyone to race with after the halfway point. from all divisions, qualify for the Nike team standings, led by sophomore Charlotte
Beaudoin-Rousseau props as well. Hence the reason the stage is set, if proper- nationals, slated for Dec. 2 in Portland, Tomkinsons fourth-place finish in 19:05.8.
I guarantee Meika could have ran faster ly executed, for what stands to be the best Oregon. Fellow sophomore Kyra Pretre took sixth in
too, Chen said. race of Mirandas career. When he takes the Im going to try to go out and have my 19:24.2, followed by freshman Marisa
Chen certainly wasnt overtly bragging on state stage in two weeks, he will meet two best race of the year at state and leave it all on Castagna (17th place, 20:26.6); freshman
Miranda. Menlos longtime head coach, like prime contenders from Southern California the field, Miranda said. Gabby Kogler (27th, 21:31.5); sophomore
his star protg, is as down to earth as they in Collin Ullrich and Anthony Grover. Miranda will be joined on the trip to Katie Aufricht (30th, 21:43.4); sophomore
come. And while Miranda and Beaudoin- Ullrich, a senior at Liberty Ranch High Fresno by a slate of eight other Menlo run- Amanda Foster (37th, 21:54.2); and sopho-
Rousseau have never run against one another School-Galt, won the Sac-Joaquin Section ners, one from the boys team including the more Cameron Boom (64th, 23:17.3).
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Tuesday Nov. 14, 2017 13
Raiders place rookie Conley on IR
By Josh Dubow had a setback. hitting the ground running. We
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Conley broke felt really good about him during
up a pass the first the offseason until he got kicked
ALAMEDA Raiders first-round time he was test- and thats the way it is. But he is a
pick Gareon Conley had a disap- ed against the good football player and he will
pointing end to his rookie year New York Jets in have a great career.
when he was placed on injured Week 2. He The Raiders (4-5) return from the
reserve Monday after playing only played 93 snaps bye this week in need of a strong
two games all season. over two games finish to get back to the playoffs. A
Oakland drafted Conley 24th Gareon Conley and recorded four-game losing streak early in the
overall in hopes that the cornerback seven tackles. year set Oakland back and now the
could boost a secondary that strug- With Conley sidelined, the Raiders have little margin for error.
gled a year ago. He showed flashes Raiders have struggled again in They start their home stretch this
of good play during the offseason the secondary with starter David week when they travel to Mexico
program but hasnt been able to stay Amerson missing time with City to play a home game against
healthy since first injuring his shin injuries and Sean Smith having the New England Patriots.
during minicamp in June. his playing time reduced because Oakland also must make trips to
Conley missed all of training of ineffectiveness. first-place Kansas City and JEREMY BREVARD/USA TODAY SPORTS
camp and played just two games in The Raiders are the first team in Philadelphia, as well as Los Panthers running back Christian McCaffrey returns a punt against the
September before being sidelined NFL history to fail to record a single Angeles for the season finale Dolphins at Bank of America Stadium. The former Stanford star went on
again. interception in the first nine games against the Chargers as part of a to score two touchdowns, one rushing and one receiving.
Its just peoples bodies are differ- of the season. Oaklands opponents difficult closing schedule.
ent, when you have those type
injuries, you wait and see if it can
heal and feel better and good enough
have a 110.5 passer rating and have
completed 71.2 percent of their
passes, which both rank as the third
The Raiders reinstated defensive
tackle Darius Latham to the active
roster to take Conleys spot.
Panthers blow out Dolphins
By Steve Reed added 95, including a 69-yard jaunt
to play early in the season, general highest in NFL history. Latham had been suspended four
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS on a read option, as the Panthers
manager Reggie McKenzie said last Theres no question we miss games for violating the leagues
racked up 294 yards on the ground.
week. He was feeling better, then he him, McKenzie said. He came in substance-abuse policy.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. Cam Carolina set a franchise record
Newton threw for 254 yards and four with 548 yards from scrimmage.
think he helped out every side and think you guys could see the whole
was pretty impressive yesterday. team was too, Shanahan said.
Goodwin was clearly emotional
GQ names Kap citizen of year NFL brief
Goodwin left the locker room NEW YORK Free agent quar-
while scoring the long touchdown Sunday without speaking to honored by
Continued from page 11 Sunday. He blew a kiss toward the terback Colin Kaepernick has
reporters to be with his family, the been named GQs magazines the recognition.
sky as he crossed the goal line team said, before the news later The magazine
before falling to his knees in the Citizen of the Year for his
Goodwin told him that his wife, broke hours after the game. activism. s story includes
Morgan, was experiencing complica- end zone. Teammates on the field, comments from
and some from the sideline, ran to No tes : Shanahan said S Adrian Kaepernick began kneeling
tions with the pregnancy. Shanahan Colbert fractured his thumb early in instead of standing during the several of
allowed Goodwin to be with her lift him back to his feet and show Ka e p e r n i c k s
support. the game Sunday and might require national anthem last season to
Saturday night and then heard about surgery. The 49ers next play Nov. protest racial inequality and police supporters and
the news Sunday morning. On Celeks touchdown catch, 26 against the Seahawks following brutality. The demonstration c o n f i da n t s .
He was struggling with it for Goodwins block of an incoming their bye week, and Colberts status sparked a wave of NFL protests by Colin Rapper J. Cole
obvious reasons and he decided to defensive back knocked the wind is unknown. ... San Francisco players during the anthem that Kaepernick says Kaepernick
play, which we were very grateful out of him and he had to be tended to released defensive lineman Tony repeatedly have been denounced by sacrificed his
for, Shanahan said. He did a hell of by trainers. McDaniel Monday, presumably to President Donald Trump. dream to stand for something.
a job for his wife yesterday, being I thought he was hurt until I saw open a roster spot for Tank Kaepernick parted ways with the San Ninety-year-old singer and activist
there for her and helped out his fam- him smiling on the ground trying to Carradine (ankle) to return from Francisco 49ers in March and hasnt Harry Belafonte says seeing people
ily from that aspect. And also breathe. But it was pretty neat and (I injured reserve. Carradine is eligible been signed by another team. like Kaepernick taking action is the
helped out his family here too. I was) very happy for him. And I to play against Seattle. Kaepernick says on Twitter hes greatest reward he could ask for.
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THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Tuesday Nov. 14, 2017 23
Atlantic Division
Atlantic Division
Boys water polo
Italy falls short of World Cup
W L T Pct PF PA W L Pct GB Nor Cal tournament MILAN Four-time champion
Boston 12 2 .857 GP W L OT Pts GF GA
New England 7 2 0 .778 257 195 First round
Buffalo 5 4 0 .556 184 196 Toronto 7 5 .583 4 Tampa Bay 18 14 2 2 30 71 46
Division I
Italy failed to qualify for the World
New York 7 6 .538 4 1/2 Toronto 19 12 7 0 24 72 63
Miami 4 5 0 .444 137 224 Philadelphia 7 6 .538 4 1/2 No. 7 Jesuit (20-9) at No. 2 Sacred Heart Prep (24-4), Cup for the first time in six
N.Y. Jets 4 6 0 .400 201 222 Ottawa 16 8 3 5 21 59 53
Brooklyn 5 8 .385 6 1/2
Detroit 18 8 8 2 18 49 51
6 p.m. decades after losing its playoff to
No. 5 Buchanan (24-4) vs. Menlo School (18-6) at
South Southeast Division Montreal 18 8 9 1 17 46 61 Palo Alto High School, 6 p.m. Sweden 1-0 on aggregate.
Tennessee 6 30 .667 205 213 W L Pct GB Boston 16 6 6 4 16 44 51 They played to a goalless draw
Jacksonville 6 30 .667 226 134 Washington 8 5 .615 Girls water polo
Houston 3 60 .333 236 241 Orlando 8 6 .571 1/2 Buffalo 17 5 9 3 13 40 60 in a quiet San Siro on Monday.
Miami 6 7 .462 2 Florida 16 5 9 2 12 53 62 Nor Cal tournament
Indianapolis 3 70 .300 179 280
Charlotte 5 7 .417 2 1/2 First round It could have been worse for
North Atlanta 2 12 .143 6 1/2 Division I Italy, as Sweden was denied what
Metropolitan Division No. 5 Davis (25-6) at No. 4 Sacred Heart Prep (18-7),
Pittsburgh 7 20 .778 187 148 Central Division New Jersey 17 11 4 2 24 61 54 5 p.m.
looked like two clear-cut penalties
Baltimore 4 50 .444 190 171 W L Pct GB for handballs, first from Matteo
Cincinnati 3 60 .333 149 182 Washington 18 10 7 1 21 53 53
Detroit 10 3 .769
Cleveland 0 90 .000 143 240 Milwaukee 7 6 .538 3 Columbus 18 10 7 1 21 55 50 WEDNESDAY Darmian and then from Andrea
Cleveland 7 7 .500 3 1/2 Pittsburgh 19 9 7 3 21 50 68 Girls volleyball
Indiana 6 8 .429 4 1/2 Nor Cal tournament
West N.Y. Islanders17 9 6 2 20 60 55
Kansas City 6 30 .667 253 208 Chicago 2 9 .182 7 First round Italy had a penalty appeal of its
N.Y. Rangers 18 9 7 2 20 60 59
Raiders 4 50 .444 196 214
WESTERN CONFERENCE Carolina 16 7 5 4 18 46 44
Division I own waved off by referee Antonio
Denver 3 60 .333 166 239 No. 12 Burlingame (22-6) at No. 5 Lick-Wilmerding
L.A. Chargers 3 60 .333 167 172 Southwest Division Philadelphia 17 8 7 2 18 50 45 (24-5), 7 p.m. Mateu Lahoz when Marco Parolo
W L Pct GB
Houston 11 3 .786 was tripped from behind by Ludwig
NATIONAL CONFERENCE San Antonio 8 5 .615 2 1/2 WESTERN CONFERENCE Division II Augsustinsson.
East New Orleans 8 6 .571 3 Central Division No. 16 Analy (21-8) at No. 1 Carlmont (30-4), 7 p.m.
Philadelphia 8 1 0 .889 283 179 Memphis 7 6 .538 3 1/2 No. 15 Rocklin (17-17) at No. 2 Notre Dame-Belmont But the Azzurri struggled to carve
Dallas 5 4 0 .556 233 205 Dallas 2 12 .143 9 St. Louis 19 13 5 1 27 62 51
Winnipeg 16 9 4 3 21 52 46
(30-14), 7 p.m. out clear chances against a solid
Washington 4 5 0 .444 207 232 No. 14 Del Oro (18-14) at No. 3 Sacred Heart Prep
N.Y. Giants 1 8 0 .111 150 238 Northwest Division Nashville 16 9 5 2 20 45 46 (25-8), 7 p.m.
Sweden side, and really tested
W L Pct GB Dallas 17 9 8 0 18 48 48 goalkeeper Robin Olsen only
South Minnesota 8 5 .615
New Orleans 7 20 .778 268 165 Denver 8 6 .571 1/2 Chicago 18 8 8 2 18 53 49 THURSDAY once.
Portland 7 6 .538 1 Colorado 16 8 7 1 17 54 55 Girls volleyball
Carolina 7 30 .700 213 180 Oklahoma City 6 7 .462 2 Nor Cal tournament
The last major competitions
Atlanta 5 40 .556 197 179 Minnesota 16 7 7 2 16 46 44
Tampa Bay 3 60 .333 173 208
Utah 6 8 .429 2 1/2 First round Italy missed were the 1984 and
Pacific Division Open Division 1992 European Championships. It
Pacific Division
North W L Pct GB No. 6 Menlo School (29-5) at No. 3 Turlock (33-8), 7
Warriors 11 3 .786
Los Angeles 17 11 4 2 24 55 41 p.m. has participated in every World
Minnesota 7 20 .778 217 165
Detroit 5 40 .556 244 210 L.A. Lakers 6 8 .429 5 Vegas 16 10 5 1 21 57 46 Cup since failing to qualify for the
Green Bay 5 40 .556 204 207 L.A. Clippers 5 8 .385 5 1/2 Sharks 16 10 6 0 20 44 36 FRIDAY 1958 tournament.
Chicago 3 60 .333 150 194 Phoenix 5 10 .333 6 1/2 Calgary 17 10 7 0 20 51 50 Football
Sacramento 3 10 .231 7 1/2 CCS playoffs
Vancouver 17 8 7 2 18 43 46
West Mondays Games Anaheim 17 7 7 3 17 48 50 First round U.S. to host Bosnia in Carson
L.A. Rams 7 20 .778 296 162 Washington 110, Sacramento 92 Open Division I
Seattle 6 30 .667 211 165 Edmonton 17 6 9 2 14 38 52 CHICAGO The retooling U.S.
Cleveland 104, New York 101 No. 5 Menlo-Atherton (6-4) at No. 4 San Benito (6-
Arizona 4 50 .444 155 223 Arizona 19 2 14 3 7 45 75
Milwaukee 110, Memphis 103 4), 7 p.m. soccer team will open its 2018
49ers 1 90 .100 174 260 New Orleans 106, Atlanta 105
L.A. Lakers 100, Phoenix 93 Mondays Games Open Division III schedule with an exhibition
Thursdays Games Minnesota 109, Utah 98 Carolina 5, Dallas 1 No. 8 Burlingame (6-4) at No. 1 Half Moon Bay (10- against Bosnia-Herzegovina on
Seattle 22, Arizona 16 Portland 99, Denver 82
Golden State 110, Orlando 100 Calgary 7, St. Louis 4 0), 7 p.m. Jan. 28 at Carson, California.
Sundays Games No. 7 Terra Nova (5-5) at No. 2 Aptos (7-3), 7 p.m.
New Orleans 47, Buffalo 10 Philadelphia 109, L.A. Clippers 105 Tuesdays Games The match, announced Monday,
Tuesdays Games Buffalo at Pittsburgh, 4 p.m.
Green Bay 23, Chicago 16 Boston at Brooklyn, 4:30 p.m. Division V will follow the annual January
Tampa Bay 15, N.Y. Jets 10 Toronto at Houston, 5 p.m. Dallas at Florida, 4:30 p.m. No. 5 Sobrato (8-2) at No. 4 Hillsdale, 7 p.m.
Detroit 38, Cleveland 24 San Antonio at Dallas, 5:30 p.m. Columbus at Montreal, 4:30 p.m. training camp the Americans have
Pittsburgh 20, Indianapolis 17 Wednesdays Games Philadelphia at Minnesota, 5 p.m. held since 2004. The roster figures
Minnesota 38, Washington 30 Sacramento at Atlanta, 4:30 p.m. SATURDAY
Tennessee 24, Cincinnati 20 Utah at New York, 4:30 p.m. Arizona at Winnipeg, 5 p.m. Football to be drawn mostly from players in
Jacksonville 20, L.A. Chargers 17, OT Washington at Miami, 4:30 p.m. Washington at Nashville, 5 p.m. CCS playoffs Major League Soccer.
L.A. Rams 33, Houston 7 Chicago at Oklahoma City, 5 p.m. Vegas at Edmonton, 6 p.m. First round
Atlanta 27, Dallas 7 Cleveland at Charlotte, 5 p.m. Open Division II The U.S. failed to qualify for
Detroit at Milwaukee, 5 p.m. Vancouver at Los Angeles, 7:30 p.m.
San Francisco 31, N.Y. Giants 21
Indiana at Memphis, 5 p.m. Wednesdays Games
No. 8 Mitty (5-5) at No. 1 Serra (8-2), 1 p.m. next years World Cup, ending a
New England 41, Denver 16 No. 7 Westmont (7-3) at No. 2 Aragon (9-1), 1 p.m.
Open: Kansas City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Oakland
San Antonio at Minnesota, 5 p.m. Calgary at Detroit, 4:30 p.m. streak of seven straight appear-
Toronto at New Orleans, 5 p.m.
Mondays Games Orlando at Portland, 7 p.m. N.Y. Rangers at Chicago, 5 p.m. Division V ances at soccers top event that
Carolina 45, Miami 21 Philadelphia at L.A. Lakers, 7:30 p.m. Boston at Anaheim, 7 p.m. No.7 Jefferson (8-2) at No.2 Menlo School (6-4),1 p.m. started in 1990.
everyone was the same, then its Burlingame, which it did, and Division championship game, techincally not a save jump-
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THE DAILY JOURNAL HEALTH Tuesday Nov. 14, 2017 25
Study: Women less
likely to receive CPR
from a bystander
By Marilynn Marchione
adults have high blood pressure 350,000 Americans each year suffer one in settings other
than a hospital. About 90 percent of them die, but CPR can
double or triple survival odds.
By Marilynn Marchione Association conference in Anaheim. diabetes, should be treated if their top This is not a time to be squeamish because its a life and
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS number is over 130, the guidelines death situation, Abella said.
WHAT THE CHANGES MEAN say. For the rest, whether to start med- Researchers had no information on rescuers or why they
ANAHEIM New guidelines lower The guidelines set new categories ication will no longer be based just on may have been less likely to help women. But no gender
the threshold for high blood pressure, and get rid of prehypertension: the blood pressure numbers. The deci- difference was seen in CPR rates for people who were
adding 30 million Americans to those Normal: Under 120 over 80 sion also should consider the overall stricken at home, where a rescuer is more likely to know
who have the condition, which now Elevated: Top number 120-129 and risk of having a heart problem or the person needing help.
plagues nearly half of U.S. adults. bottom less than 80 stroke in the next 10 years, including The findings suggest that CPR training may need to be
High pressure, which for decades has Stage 1: Top of 130-139 or bottom factors such as age, gender and choles- improved. Even that may be subtly biased toward males
been a top reading of at least 140 or a of 80-89 terol, using a simple formula to esti- practice mannequins (theyre not called woman-nequins)
bottom one of 90, drops to 130 over Stage 2: Top at least 140 or bot- mate those odds. are usually male torsos, Blewer said.
80 in advice announced Monday by a tom at least 90 Those without a high risk will be All of us are going to have to take a closer look at this
dozen medical groups. That means 46 percent of U.S. adults advised to improve their lifestyles gender issue, said the Mayo Clinics Dr. Roger White, who
The change means an additional 14 have high pressure (stages 1 or 2) ver- lose weight, eat healthy, exercise co-directs the paramedic program for the city of
percent of U.S. adults have the prob- sus 32 percent under the old levels. more, limit alcohol, avoid smoking. Rochester, Minnesota. He said he has long worried that
lem, but only an additional 2 percent How common it is will roughly Its not just throwing meds at some- large breasts may impede proper placement of defibrillator
will need medication right away; the triple in men under 45, to 30 percent, thing, said one primary care doctor pads if women need a shock to restore normal heart
rest should try healthier lifestyles, and double in women of that age, to 19 who praised the new approach, the rhythm.
which get much stronger emphasis in percent. Mayo Clinics Dr. Robert Stroebel. If The Heart Association and the National Institutes of
the new advice. Poor diets, lack of For people over 65, the guidelines people continue bad habits, They can Health funded the study.
exercise and other bad habits cause 90 undo a controversial tweak made three kind of eat and blow through the medi- Men did not have a gender advantage in a second study
percent of high blood pressure. years ago to relax standards and not cines, he said. discussed on Sunday. It found the odds of suffering cardiac
I have no doubt there will be con- start medicines unless the top number The guidelines warn about some arrest during or soon after sex are very low, but higher for
troversy. Im sure there will be people was over 150. Now, everyone that old popular approaches, though. Theres men than women.
saying We have a hard enough time should be treated if the top number is not enough proof that consuming gar-
getting to 140, said Dr. Paul over 130 unless theyre too frail or lic, dark chocolate, tea or coffee helps,
Whelton, a Tulane University physi- have conditions that make it unwise. or that yoga, meditation or other
cian who led the guidelines panel. The evidence with this is so solid, behavior therapies lower blood pres-
But the risk for heart disease, stroke so convincing, that its hard to argue sure long-term, they say.
and other problems drops as blood with the targets, said Dr. Jackson The government no longer writes EXAMINATIONS
pressure improves, and the new advice Wright, a guidelines panel member heart guidelines, leaving it to medical and
is more honest about how many peo- groups. Unlike previous guideline TREATMENT
from University Hospitals Cleveland of
ple have a problem, he said. Medical Center. Older people have a panels, none on this one have recent
financial ties to industry, although Diseases & Disorders
Currently, only half of Americans 35-to-50-fold higher risk of dying of a of the Eye
with high blood pressure have it under heart attack or stroke compared to some on a panel that reviewed and
control. younger people. commented on them do. EYEGLASSES
The upper threshold for high blood But the Cleveland Clinics Dr. The guidelines were published in two and
pressure has been 140 since 1993, but journals Hypertension and the DR. ANDREW C. SOSS CONTACT LENSES
Steven Nissen said hes worried. OD, FA AO
a major study two years ago found heart Some more vulnerable patients who Journal of the American College of
risks were much lower in people who Cardiology. GLAUCOMA Evening and Saturday appts
get treated very aggressively may have STATE BOARD CERT also available
aimed for 120. Canada and Australia trouble with falls because too-low
lowered their cutoff to that; Europe is pressure can make them faint, he said. HOW AND WHEN TO CHECK IT 1159 BROADWAY 650-579-7774
still at 140 but is due to revise its guid- Blood pressure should be checked at BURLINGAME
ance next year. WHO NEEDS TREATMENT least once a year by a health profes-
The guidelines were announced Provider fo r VSP and most major medical
Certain groups, such as those with
Monday at an American Heart See RISK, Page 26 insurances including Medicare and HPSM
the GOP preserving its majorities at the a relatively small minority of taxpayers her vote on the tax bill. Im going to see
polls next year. could see a slight increase in their taxes. what the Finance Committee winds up with
With few votes to spare, Republican lead- The committees senior Democrat, Sen. and what we do on the (Senate) floor, said
ers hope to finalize a tax overhaul by Ron Wyden of Oregon, said the legislation Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.
Continued from page 1 Christmas and send the legislation to Trump has become a massive handout to multina- Collins did say she opposed Trumps idea
for his signature. tional corporations and a bonanza for tax of reducing the top tax rate for the wealthi-
GOP leaders to add a contentious health care The key House leader on the effort, Rep. cheats and powerful political donors. est earners.
change to the already complex mix. Kevin Brady, said hes very confident that The analysis found that the Senate meas- Among the biggest differences in the two
Trumps latest tweet injected a dose of Republicans do and will have the votes to ure would actually increase taxes in 2019 for bills that have emerged: the House bill
uncertainty into the process as the pass the measure this week. 13.8 million households earning less than allows homeowners to deduct up to $10,000
Republicans try to deliver on his top leg- Brady, chairman of the House Ways and $200,000 a year. That group, about 10 per- in property taxes while the Senate proposal
islative priority. He commended GOP lead- Means Committee, said he doesnt expect cent of all U.S. taxpayers, would face tax unveiled by GOP leaders last week elimi-
ers for getting the tax legislation closer to major changes to the bill as it moves to a increases of $100 to $500 in 2019. There nates the entire deduction. Both versions
passage in recent weeks and then said, Cut final vote in the House. Still, he said also would be increases greater than $500 would eliminate deductions for state and
top rate to 35% w/all of the rest going to Trumps call for removing the requirement for a number of taxpayers, especially those local income taxes and sales taxes.
middle income cuts? to have health insurance as part of the tax with incomes between $75, 000 and Senate Majority Leader Mitch
That puts him at odds with the House leg- agreement remains under consideration. $200,000. By 2025, 21.4 million house- McConnell, R-Ky. , asked whether the
islation that leaves the top rate at 39.6 per- Trump and the Republicans have promot- holds would have steeper tax bills. Senates proposed repeal of the property tax
cent and the Senate bill as written, with the ed the legislation as a boon to the middle The analysts previously found a similar deduction could bring higher taxes for some
top rate at 38.5 percent. class, bringing tax relief to people with magnitude of tax increases under the House middle-class Americans, acknowledged
Trump also said, Now how about ending moderate incomes and boosting the econo- bill. there would be some taxpayers who end up
the unfair & highly unpopular individual my to create new jobs. Neither bill includes a repeal of the so- with higher tax bills.
mandate in (Obama)care and reducing taxes This bill is not a massive tax cut for the called individual mandate of Barack Any way you cut it, there is a possibility
even further? wealthy. ... This is not a big giveaway to Obamas Affordable Care Act, the require- that some taxpayers would get a higher
Overall, the legislation would deeply cut corporations, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, ment that Americans get health insurance or rate, McConnell told reporters after a
corporate taxes, double the standard deduc- chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, face a penalty. Several top Republicans forum in Louisville, Kentucky, with local
tion used by most Americans, and limit or insisted as the panel had its first day of have warned that including the provision, business owners and employees. You cant
repeal completely the federal deduction for debate on the Senate measure. as Trump wants, would draw opposition and craft any tax bill that guarantees that every
state and local property, income and sales Hatch also downplayed the analysis by make passage tougher. single taxpayer in America gets a tax break.
taxes. It carries high political stakes for congressional tax experts showing a tax A key moderate Republican in the Senate What Im telling you is the overall majority
Trump and Republican leaders in Congress, increase for several million U.S. house- said its too early to say whether including of taxpayers in every bracket would get
who view passage of tax cuts as critical to holds under the Senate proposal. Hatch said repeal of the insurance mandate would cost relief.
Continued from page 25
Home monitoring also is recommended;
devices cost as little as $40 to $60.
Redwood City. Free one-on-one help ed with any clothing, toiletries, etc. community meetings designed to col- operate temporarily.
regarding laptops, E-readers, tablets that they may require. Cost $15. For lect feedback on the preferred design Holober said while he is pleased the
and mobile phones. Meets in Small more information call 787-5595.
Conference Room on the first floor. and amenities offered at the new facili- interim space will be able to offer a
For more information contact Healthy and Beautiful Smile. 10 ty. portion of the services formerly avail- a.m. to 11 a.m. San Mateo Senior Continued from page 1
Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas, Holober said he expects the City able at the previous center, he too
Holiday Stress. 11 a.m. to noon. San San Mateo. Admission is free and Council to review a proposal for new would like Millbrae to ultimately
Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Alameda open to seniors. For more informa- to move the project forward and con- facility plans in the coming weeks, again enjoy a new, vibrant building.
de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Discuss tion call 522-7490.
sider ballot options in both June and generating an even greater need for Everyone knows we need a perma-
strategies for joyous but low stress
holidays. Registration is required. For Archangel Holiday Boutique 2017. November of 2018, it is recommended officials to continue fleshing out nent, dedicated center that will be an
more information call 522-7490. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 599 Jefferson Ave., that the city proceed as soon as possi-
Redwood City. Boutique raises financing options. upgrade over the center we had previ-
San Mateo Professional Alliance awareness of and funds for local fos- ble to execute an agreement, accord- There is a lot of excitement and ously, he said.
Networking Lunch. Noon. Mimis ter children. All donations benefit ing to the report.
Cafe, 2208 Bridgepointe Parkway, San Child Advocates of Silicon Valley. For enthusiasm in the community, but at To that end, Holober said he is pre-
Mateo. Meet new business connec- more information contact The financing discussion comes the same time there is a hefty price tag pared to move ahead with the initial
tions. New speakers each week. For more than one year after the former
more information call 430-6500. and we need to identify potential fund- step in gathering the money needed to
Turkey Lunch and music with Rick Community Center was destroyed by a ing sources to rebuild the new center, afford a state-of-the-art center.
Community Coffee in East Palo Keane. 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. San Bruno four-alarm fire which a subsequent he said. A bond is a good starting point to
Alto with Assemblyman Marc Recreation Center, 251 City Park Way,
Berman. 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Express San Bruno. For more information call investigation discovered was started Initial indications are the new center determine if the public would support
thoughts on community and legisla- 616-7150. accidentally by teen arsonists. could cost about $1,000 per square it, so that is the point of doing the
tive matters. Coffee provided. East Officials announced in July the
Palo Alto City Hall, 2415 University Senior Center Thanksgiving foot to construct, officials have said, poll right now, he said.
Ave., East Palo Alto. For more infor- Luncheon. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. San Association of Bay Area which would push the total price tag up In other business at the meeting, the
mation call 691-2121. Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Alameda
de las Pulgas, San Mateo. $16. Governments, which insured the previ- to at least the $40 million mark if a City Council will also consider a pro-
NAMI SMC General Meeting. 6:15 Registration is required. For more ous facility, will pay $6.2 million to larger building complete with a fitness posal to ban recreational as well as
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 100 S. San Mateo information call 522-7490. replace the building that was built
Drive, San Mateo. Live music by
studio, cafe, game room and gymnasi- medicinal marijuana sales and cultiva-
TEHYA. For more information call Crafternoon at the Library: nearly 50 years ago. um, plus space for as many as 200 tion to grant time for further examina-
638-0800. Stamped Leaf Clay Bowls. 1 p.m. Following the settlement, officials
840 W. Orange Ave., South San parking spaces, is sought. Officials tion of the commercial drug industry
Holiday Concert with Classical Francisco. Learn simple tricks for acknowledged the insurance payout have not yet determined the potential legalized by Proposition 64. In previ-
Guitarist Peter Fletcher. 7 p.m. San working with clay. Free. For more was insufficient to cover the cost of cost of the tax measure which may be ous discussions, officials showed little
Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San Carlos. information contact ssfpladm@plsin-
For more information call 591-0341. constructing a new, modern facility, pursued. to no interest in allowing such busi-
fueling discussions over the need for As financing plans develop, offi- nesses in Millbrae.
Open Mic. 7 p.m. Byington Los Altos Kick Off the Holiday Season with
Eighth Annual Tree Lighting at additional tax revenue. cials are moving ahead with establish-
Tasting Room, 21850 Bear Creek
Road, Los Gatos. Reserve a table. For Hillsdale Shopping Center. 5:30 Concurrent to the financing discus- ment of a modular facility in a parking The Millbrae City Council meets 7
more information call (408) 354- p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Hillsdale Shopping
1111. Center, Nordstrom Court, 60 31st sions, the architecture firm hired to lot near City Hall where the Millbrae p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14, at City Hall,
Ave., San Mateo. Free. For more infor- rebuild the center hosted a series of Parks and Recreation Department can 621 Magnolia Av e.
Protecting Your Home From mation call (415) 227-9700.
Wilderness. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de Holiday Movie Series: How the
Grinch Stole Christmas. 5:30 p.m. to A
las Pulgas, Belmont. The Belmont Fire 1 D ? 7 [TccTabd_S^f]bXSTc^bXSTP]SSXPV^]P[[hfaXcX]Vf^aSb
Protection District is hosting this 8:30 p.m. Burlingame Recreation ^]PQ[P]ZbWTTc^U_P_TaH^d\Ph^][hdbTTPRW[TccTaQ^g
informational session. For more Center, 850 Burlingame Ave., F > 8 B ^]RTfXcWX]PbX]V[Tf^aS?[PhfXcWPUaXT]SP]SR^\_PaT
information call 591-8286. Burlingame. For more information 6 > : 4 f^aSUX]SbRa^bbX]V^dcR^\\^]f^aSb
call 855-7300.
0 6 ;
1 D A
!, 0\PcTda
Call for details or to sign up to partic- '[TccTab, _^X]cb
City. Free admission. Service include
senior services, free flu vaccines and ipate. ([TccTab, $_^X]cb ,
blood sugar testing. For more infor-
Fairy-tale Comedy for Kids. 7 p.m.
mation call 344-5200.
to 9 p.m. 828 Chestnut St., San Carlos.
= > 8
Performance of The Princess Who
AARP. 11 a.m. Beresford Recreation FT_dcb_TRXP[QaPX]QdbcX]Vf^aSbX]c^cWTVaXS
center, 2909 Alameda de las Pulgas, Had No Name. Cost $14 students, ^U[TccTab2P]h^dUX]ScWT\.
San Mateo. 11 a.m. is social hour and $19 adults. Free for children under 3.
noon is the business meeting, fol- For more information contact 5X]S0C;40BCB8GF>A3BA4;0C43
lowed by John Siracusa who will C>6>;5X]cWTVaXS^U[TccTab
sing. For more information call (540)
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SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Consider your offer solutions that dont involve your time, money or situations get to you. Concentrate on your work, would be a good place to start.
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straight before you make a move. Dont let anyone charm ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Emotions will skyrocket time to get into a sensitive discussion. Take care of COPYRIGHT 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
you into undertaking something that will be stressful. when dealing with relationship issues. Stay calm, use your needs first.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Stay calm and do your imagination and look for solutions that will benefit LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Plan a short trip, or get
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decisions you make. Think matters through. arguing with someone who doesnt share your beliefs. someone takes over or forces you to make a move.
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ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403 11/7/17, 11/14/17, 11/21/17, 11/28/17).
316 clothes garage sales 620 automobiles 625 classic cars 645 Boats 670 auto service
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tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo. 670 auto service $50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
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THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Tuesday Nov. 14, 2017 35
depending on coordination between utility ruptions could jeopardize their survival.
providers in the area. He added that the
Second Avenue parking lot is nearing com- Exchange of ideas,
Continued from page 1
pletion, with the contractor expected to some worries remain
open the lot for use in December.
Though Calderon and the legal and busi- Vice Chair Beatriz Cerrillo encouraged
would walk by during construction. ness experts involved with the pilot have county officials to consider creating oppor-
I personally was worried for like two received positive feedback from business tunities for local business owners to
years or three, thinking like how am I owners so far, Calderon is looking forward exchange ideas on whats working for their
going to be able to make payroll happen? to assessing the impact of the services businesses during the time of change and
she said. Those things were just really offered in the pilot, which he said the coun- how they might adjust their approach if
stressing me out for a while. ty hopes to eventually offer to other busi- things are not going as well.
But after spending the last few months nesses on the corridor. Though Valdivia In the end, they are particularly by them-
updating a website for her business with owns the lot where her business stands, selves on Middlefield Road so they have to
members of the San Mateo Small Business Calderon said many business owners partic- make sure that they are comfortable work-
Development Center, a county partner in ipating in the pilot lease space and reviewed ing together, she said.
the pilot, Valdivia said she feels more at or negotiated new leases with the help of Calderon said such meetings could be
peace with the planned changes. Though legal experts at the Lawyers Committee for included the countys next steps if business
Valdivia had already created a website for her Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area. owners show interest in convening, and
business, she learned about new templates added that a marketing strategy for the corri-
According to Shoffner, one business dor was another idea county officials are
and features that could make her website
more engaging for users and are easier for
Help with leases owner said the pilot transformed the way he considering as they assess the pilots suc-
her to use. Hopeful a more interactive web- Sushil Jacob, a senior economic justice does business and that others were apprecia- cess.
site will attract new customers and better attorney with the committee, said attorneys tive the advisors spoke Spanish and had Valdivia acknowledged that while many of
illustrate the different types of insurance worked with business owners to review leas- years of experience running their own busi- her concerns have been eased since she par-
and vehicle services her business provides, es, discuss ways to negotiate better leases nesses. He expects the advisors to continue ticipated in the pilot, some business owners
Valdivia is more confident about the future or discuss best employment practices in 45- working with several business owners to still harbor worries about the upcoming
should construction pick up, adding that minute sessions and are planning to do fol- bring their websites to life and rethink the changes. She said many are feeling pressure
participating in the pilot opened her mind low-up sessions with them before the pilot way they approach other areas, such as their to pay their employees more as they cope
to new ways of doing business. ends Dec. 31. finances. with the rising cost of living, but increas-
I think at this point it feels like they are Theres multiple challenges that we find When Calderon updated the North Fair ing the price of the goods they offer has pre-
giving a lot of support, she said, of the in general with small businesses, he said, Oaks Community Council on the pilots sented some challenges as well, with some
county officials focused on the work adding that many dont have their own legal progress at its Oct. 26 meeting, coun- customers turning to competitors. So the
planned for the area. counsel when they agree to lease terms and cilmembers cautioned county officials to additional changes even though they
Since June, Nicholas Calderon, a real are vulnerable to landlord-friendly rental proceed carefully with the construction acknowledge the benefits of an improved
property manager with San Mateo County, practices. projects. Calderon said the county would pedestrian experience can be viewed as a
has coordinated online workshops and one- Jacob said some business owners had consider several options for phasing in the burden to them.
on-one sessions with business owners like expired lease agreements with their land- construction in a way that minimizes the Though road improvements are one source
Valdivia and members of the Lawyers lords, meaning they could be considered impact, such as building temporary side- of change for the neighborhood, the many
Committee for Civil Rights of the San holdover tenants and their leases could be walks and access points for pedestrians. The residential and office buildings going up in
Francisco Bay Area and the San Mateo Small terminated with just a 30-day notice. Not community council is an advisory group to Redwood City and other nearby cities have
Business Development Center, who are pro- knowing when they might have to find a the Board of Supervisors since the area is in come with their own changes as residents
viding pro bono legal and business advice new location or not knowing the status of unincorporated San Mateo County. and business owners face rising rents, said
and instruction for pilot participants. their leases altogether, Jacob said, put Chair Everardo Rodriguez said business Valdivia. Weighing the effect of the changes
Working with owners of furniture stores, those business owners in a very precarious owners who struggled to make ends meet on businesses and residents, Valvidia
restaurants and a tax preparation business, situation. He said many of the business during a previous construction project on acknowledged that only time will tell how
among other types of businesses, Calderon owners the committees attorneys worked Fifth Avenue have reminded him of the the neighborhood adapts.
is hopeful the countys efforts will mitigate with through the pilot will be receiving threat a construction project can pose to the At the end, its going to be nicer to kind
the impact of construction. Also expected ongoing services. narrow profit margins many of the business of work here and live around here, but it is
to alleviate concerns some have expressed owners make each month. going affect the rest of the rents as well,
about parking constraints during and after Meetings Id just like to remind you that these are
very small businesses, he said. These dis-
she said. Lets see what happens.
construction is a new 40-spot parking lot at Robert Shoffner, director of the San
the intersection of Second Avenue and Mateo Small Business Development Center,
Middlefield Road, said Calderon. said the pilots focus on helping businesses
Offering these new opportunities is develop an online presence came out of one
something were really excited about, he of the first few meetings advisors with the
said. centers had with business owners. He said
advisors found that many of the pilot partic-
Work set to begin next winter ipants either did not have a website or were
Jim Porter, San Mateo Countys Public not using online tools and social media to
Works director, said work on the road spread the word about their businesses.
improvements and efforts to underground Learning one business owner was paying
the roads utilities, which will move over- close to $200 a month for web services
head power lines, telephone lines and inter- inspired instructors to develop a series of
net-related fiber optic materials under- workshops focused on the impact having an
ground, could start as early as December of online presence can have on businesses as
2018 and is expected to last 12 months, well as the best tools to use.
36 Tuesday Nov. 14, 2017 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL
the nation by announcing his resignation Mohammed bin Salman, widely known
from the Saudi capital on Nov. 4, gave an by his initials, MBS, has garnered a reputa-
NO PROBLEMS, ONLY SOLUTIONS interview in which he backed off his stri- tion for being decisive, as well as impul-
dent condemnation of the Lebanese militant sive.
Hezbollah, saying he would return to the At just 32 years old and with little experi-
(.9,,4,5;: country within days to seek a settlement ence in government, he has risen to power
*647(5@-694(;065 with the Shiite militants, his rivals in his in just three years to oversee all major
)<:05,::4(5(.,4,5;0::<,: coalition government. aspects of politics, security and the econo-
The two developments suggest that Saudi my in Saudi Arabia. As defense minister, he
:THSSLYMPYT Arabias bullish young crown prince, is in charge of the Saudi-led war in Yemen.
Mohammed bin Salman, may be trying to He also appears to have the support of
@V\YTH[[LY^PSSUV[IL pedal back from the abyss of a severe President Donald Trump and his son-in-law,
regional escalation. senior adviser Jared Kushner, who visited
TION This represents de-escalation by the the Saudi capital earlier this month.
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