Unit Ii Hardware Interfacing With Intel 8085
Unit Ii Hardware Interfacing With Intel 8085
Unit Ii Hardware Interfacing With Intel 8085
Example 1:
A system requires 16kb EPROM and 16kb RAM. Also the system has 2 numbers of
8255, one number of 8279, one number of 8251 and one number of 8254. (8255 -
Programmable peripheral interface; 8279-Keyboard/display controller, 8251 - USART
and 8254 - Timer). Draw the Interface diagram. Allocate addresses to all the devices. The
peripheral IC should be I/O mapped.
The I/O devices in the system should be mapped by standard I/O mapping. Hence
separate decoders can be used to generate chip select signals for memory IC
and peripheral IC's.
For 16kb EPROM, we can provide 2 numbers of 2764(8k x 8) EPROM.
For 16kb RAM we can provide 2 numbers of 6264 (8k x 8) RAM.
The 8kb memories require 13 address lines. Hence the address lines A0 - A12 are
used for selecting the memory locations.
The unused address lines A13, A14 and A15 are used as input to decoder
74LS138 (3-to-8-deeoder) of memory IC. The logic low enables of this decoder
are tied to IO/ M(low) of 8085, so that this decoder is enabled for memory
read/write operation. The other enable pins of decoder are tied to appropriate
logic levels permanently. The 4-outputs of the decoder are used to select memory
lCs and the remaining 4 are kept for future expansion.
The EPROM is mapped in the beginning of memory space from 0000H to 3FFF.
The RAM is mapped at the end of memory space from C000 to FFFFH.
There are five peripheral IC's to be interfaced to the system. The chip-select
signals for these IC's are given through another 3-to-8 decoder 74LS138 (I/O
decoder). The input to this decoder is A11, A12 and A13
The address lines A13, A14 and A15 are logically ORed and applied to low
enable of I/O decoder.
The logic high enable of I/O decoder is tied to IO / M(low) signal of 8085, so that
this decoder is enabled for I/O read/write operation.
2. For data transfer from processor to output device the following operations are
The memory is made up of semiconductor material used to store the programs and data.
Three types of memory is,
Process memory
Primary or main memory
Secondary memory
A typical semiconductor memory IC will have n address pins, m data pins (or
output pins).
Having two power supply pins (one for connecting required supply voltage (V
and the other for connecting ground).
The control signals needed for static RAM are chip select (chip enable), read
control (output enable) and write control (write enable).
The control signals needed for read operation in EPROM are chip select (chip
enable) and read control (output enable).
It is used to select the memory chip of processor during the execution of a program. No
of IC's used for decoder is,
1. Control logic
8. Cascade buffer.
The data bus and its buffer are used for the following activities.
1. The processor sends control word to data bus buffer through D0-D7.
2. The processor read status word from data bus buffer through D0-D7
3. From the data bus buffer the 8259 send type number (in case of 8086) or the call
opcode and address (in case of 8085) through D0-D7 to the processor.
The processor uses the RD (low), WR (low) and A0 to read or write 8259.
The IRR has eight input lines (IR0-IR7) for interrupts. When these lines go high,
the request is stored in IRR. It registers a request only if the interrupt is
Normally IR0 has highest priority and IR7 has the lowest priority. The priorities
of the interrupt request input are also programmable.
The interrupt mask register (IMR) stores the masking bits of the interrupt lines to
be masked. The relevant information is send by the processor through OCW.
The in-service register keeps track of which interrupt is currently being serviced.
The priority resolver examines the interrupt request, mask and in-service registers
and determines whether INT signal should be sent to the processor or not.
In cascade connection one 8259 will be directly interrupting 8086 and it is called
master 8259.
To each interrupt request input of master 8259 (IR0-IR7), one slave 8259 can be
connected. The 8259s interrupting the master 8259 are called slave 8259s.
Each 8259 has its own addresses so that each 8259 can be programmed
independently by sending command words and independently the status bytes can
be read from it.
1. 8255 PPI
2. 8259 PIC
3. 8251 USART
4. 8279 Key board display controller
5. 8253 Timer/ Counter
6. A/D and D/A converter interfacing.
Pins, Signals and internal block diagram of 8255:
The INTEL 8255 is a device used to parallel data transfer between processor and
slow peripheral devices like ADC, DAC, keyboard, 7-segment display, LCD, etc.
Port-A can be programmed to work in any one of the three operating modes
mode-0, mode-1 and mode-2 as input or output port.
Port-C (8-pins) has different assignments depending on the mode of port-A and
If port-A and B are programmed in mode-0, then the port-C can perform any one
of the following functions.
The individual pins of port-C can be set or reset for various control applications.
The read/write control logic requires six control signals. These signals are given
1. RD (low): This control signal enables the read operation. When this signal is low, the
microprocessor reads data from a selected I/O port of the 8255A.
2. WR (low): This control signal enables the write operation. When this signal goes low,
the microprocessor writes into a selected I/O port or the control register.
3. RESET: This is an active high signal. It clears the control register and set all ports in
the input mode.
4. CS (low), A0 and A1: These are device select signals. They are,
Interfacing of 8255 with 8085 processor:
A simple schematic for interfacing the 8255 with 8085 processor is shown in fig.
The 8255 can be either memory mapped or I/O mapped in the system. In the
schematic shown in above is I/O mapped in the system.
Using a 3-to-8 decoder generates the chip select signals for I/O mapped devices.
The address lines A4, A5 and A6 are decoded to generate eight chip select signals
(IOCS-0 to IOCS-7) and in this, the chip select IOCS- 1 is used to select 8255.
The address line A7 and the control signal IO/M (low) are used as enable for the
The data lines D0-D7 are connected to D0-D7 of the processor to achieve parallel
data transfer.
The I/O addresses allotted to the internal devices of 8255 are listed in table.
The Read/Write Control logic interfaces the 8251A with CPU, determines the
functions of the 8251A according to the control word written into its control
This section has three registers and they are control register, status register and
data buffer.
The active low signals RD, WR, CS and C/D(Low) are used for read/write
operations with these three registers.
When C/D(low) is high, the control register is selected for writing control word or
reading status word.
When C/D(low) is low, the data buffer is selected for read/write operation.
When the reset is high, it forces 8251A into the idle mode.
The clock input is necessary for 8251A for communication with CPU and this
clock does not control either the serial transmission or the reception rate.
Transmitter section:
The transmitter section accepts parallel data from CPU and converts them into
serial data.
The transmitter section is double buffered, i.e., it has a buffer register to hold an
8-bit parallel data and another register called output register to convert the parallel
data into serial bits.
When output register is empty, the data is transferred from buffer to output
register. Now the processor can again load another data in buffer register.
The clock signal, TxC (low) controls the rate at which the bits are transmitted by
the USART.
Receiver Section:
The receiver section accepts serial data and convert them into parallel data
The receiver section is double buffered, i.e., it has an input register to receive
serial data and convert to parallel, and a buffer register to hold the parallel data.
When the RxD line goes low, the control logic assumes it as a START bit, waits
for half a bit time and samples the line again.
If the line is still low, then the input register accepts the following bits, forms a
character and loads it into the buffer register.
The CPU reads the parallel data from the buffer register.
When the input register loads a parallel data to buffer register, the RxRDY line
goes high.
The clock signal RxC (low) controls the rate at which bits are received by the
MODEM Control:
The 825 1A can be either memory mapped or I/O mapped in the system.
Using a 3-to-8 decoder generates the chip select signals for I/O mapped devices.
The address lines A4, A5 and A6 are decoded to generate eight chip select signals
(IOCS-0 to IOCS-7) and in this, the chip select signal IOCS-2 is used to select
The address line A7 and the control signal IO / M(low) are used as enable for
The RESET and clock signals are supplied by the processor. Here the processor
clock is directly connected to 8251A. This clock controls the parallel data transfer
between the processor and 8251A.
The output clock signal of 8085 is divided by suitable clock dividers like
programmable timer 8254 and then used as clock for serial transmission and
The TTL logic levels of the serial data lines and the control signals necessary for
serial transmission and reception are converted to RS232 logic levels using
MAX232 and then terminated on a standard 9-pin D-.type connector.
In 8251A the transmission and reception baud rates can be different or same.
The device which requires serial communication with processor can be connected
to this 9-pin D-type connector using 9-core cable
The signals TxEMPTY, TxRDY and RxRDY can be used as interrupt signals to
initiate interrupt driven data transfer scheme between processor and 8251 A.
The cascade pins (CAS0, CAS1 and CAS2) from the master are connected to the
corresponding pins of the slave.
For the slave 8259, the SP (low) / EN (low) pin is tied low to let the device know
that it is a slave.
In non-buffered mode it is used as input signal and tied to logic-I in master 8259
and logic-0 in slave 8259.
In buffered mode it is used as output signal to disable the data buffers while data
is transferred from 8259A to the CPU.
It can be either memory mapped or I/O mapped in the system. The interfacing of
8259 to 8085 is shown in figure is I/O mapped in the system.
The low order data bus lines D0-D7 are connected to D0-D7 of 8259.
The 8259 require one chip select signal. Using 3-to-8 decoder generates the chip
select signal for 8259.
The control signal IO/M (low) is used as logic high enables for decoder and the
address line A7 is used as logic low enable for decoder.
4. Masking of interrupts.
5. Priority of interrupts.
If the previous interrupt is completed and if the current request has highest
priority and unmasked, then it is serviced.
For servicing this interrupt the 8259 will send INT signal to INTR pin of 8085.
When the processor accepts the interrupt, it sends three INTA (low) one by one.
In response to first, second and third INTA (low) signals, the 8259 will supply
CALL opcode, low byte of call address and high byte of call address respectively.
Once the processor receives the call opcode and its address, it saves the content of
program counter (PC) in stack and load the CALL address in PC and start
executing the interrupt service routine stored in this call address.
The four major sections of 8279 are keyboard, scan, display and CPU interface.
Keyboard section:
The keyboard section consists of eight return lines RL0 - RL7 that can be used to
form the columns of a keyboard matrix.
It has two additional input : shift and control/strobe. The keys are automatically
The two operating modes of keyboard section are 2-key lockout and N-key
In the 2-key lockout mode, if two keys are pressed simultaneously, only the first
key is recognized.
In the N-key rollover mode simultaneous keys are recognized and their codes are
stored in FIFO.
The keyboard section also have an 8 x 8 FIFO (First In First Out) RAM.
The FIFO can store eight key codes in the scan keyboard mode. The status of the
shift key and control key are also stored along with key code. The 8279 generate
an interrupt signal when there is an entry in FIFO. The format of key code entry
in FIFO for scan keyboard mode is,
Display section:
The display section has eight output lines divided into two groups A0-A3 and B0-
The output lines can be used either as a single group of eight lines or as two
groups of four lines, in conjunction with the scan lines for a multiplexed display.
The output lines are connected to the anodes through driver transistor in case of
common cathode 7-segment LEDs.
The cathodes are connected to scan lines through driver transistors.
The display can be blanked by BD (low) line.
The display section consists of 16 x 8 display RAM. The CPU can read from or
write into any location of the display RAM.
Scan section:
The scan section has a scan counter and four scan lines, SL0 to SL3.
In decoded scan mode, the output of scan lines will be similar to a 2-to-4 decoder.
In encoded scan mode, the output of scan lines will be binary count, and so an
external decoder should be used to convert the binary count to decoded output.
The scan lines are common for keyboard and display.
The scan lines are used to form the rows of a matrix keyboard and also connected
to digit drivers of a multiplexed display, to turn ON/OFF.
The CPU interface section takes care of data transfer between 8279 and the
This section has eight bidirectional data lines DB0 to DB7 for data transfer
between 8279 and CPU.
It requires two internal address A =0 for selecting data buffer and A = 1 for
selecting control register of8279.
The control signals WR (low), RD (low), CS (low) and A0 are used for read/write
to 8279.
It has an interrupt request line IRQ, for interrupt driven data transfer with
The 8279 require an internal clock frequency of 100 kHz. This can be obtained by
dividing the input clock by an internal prescaler.
The RESET signal sets the 8279 in 16-character display with two -key lockout
keyboard modes.
Keyboard scanning
Key debouncing
Key code generation
Sending display code to LED
Display refreshing
A typical Hexa keyboard and 7-segment LED display interfacing circuit using
8279 is shown.
The circuit can be used in 8085 microprocessor system and consist of 16 numbers
of hexa-keys and 6 numbers of 7-segment LEDs.
The 7-segment LEDs can be used to display six digit alphanumeric character.
The 8279 can be either memory mapped or I/O mapped in the system. In the
circuit shown is the 8279 is I/O mapped.
The clock signal for 8279 is obtained by dividing the output clock signal of 8085
by a clock divider circuit.
The chip select signal is obtained from the I/O address decoder of the 8085
system. The chip select signals for I/O mapped devices are generated by using a
3-to-8 decoder.
The address line A7 and the control signal IO/M (low) are used as enable for
The I/O address of the internal devices of 8279 are shown in table.
The circuit has 6 numbers of 7-segment LEDs and so the 8279 has to be
programmed in encoded scan. (Because in decoded scan, only 4 numbers of 7-
segment LEDs can be interfaced)
In encoded scan the output of scan lines will be binary count. Therefore an
external, 3-to-8 decoder is used to decode the scan lines SL0, SL1 and SL2 of
8279 to produce eight scan lines S0 to S7.
The decoded scan lines S0 and S1 are common for keyboard and display.
The decoded scan lines S2 to S5 are used only for display and the decoded scan
lines S6 and S7 are not used in the system.
Anode and Cathode drivers are provided to take care of the current requirement of
The anode drivers are called segment drivers and cathode drivers are called digit
The 8279 output the display code for one digit through its output lines (OUT A0
to OUT A3 and OUT B0 to OUT B3) and send a scan code through, SL0- SL3.
The display code is inverted by segment drivers and sent to segment bus.
The scan code is decoded by the decoder and turns ON the corresponding digit
driver. Now one digit of the display character is displayed. After a small interval
(10 milli-second, typical), the display is turned OFF (i.e., display is blanked) and
the above process is repeated for next digit. Thus multiplexed display is
performed by 8279.
The keyboard matrix is- formed using the return lines, RL0 to RL3 of 8279 as
columns and decoded scan lines S0 and S1 as rows.
A hexa key is placed at the crossing point of each row and column. A key press
will short the row and column. Normally the column and row line will be high.
During scanning the 8279 will output binary count on SL0 to SL3, which is
decoded by decoder to make a row as zero. When a row is zero the 8279 reads the
columns. If there is a key press then the corresponding column will be zero.
If 8279 detects a key press then it wait for debounce time and again read the
columns to generate key code.
In encoded scan keyboard mode, the 8279 stores an 8-bit code for each valid key
press. The keycode consist of the binary value of the column and row in which the
key is found and the status of shift and control key.
After a scan time, the next row is made zero and the above process is repeated and
so on. Thus 8279 continuously scan the keyboard.
ADC 0809
The ADC0809 has a total unadjusted error of 1 LSD (Least Significant Digit).
The ADC0808 is also same as ADC0809 except the error. The total unadjusted
error in ADC0808 is 1/2 LSD.
The 8-channel multiplexer can accept eight analog inputs in the range of 0 to 5V
and allow one by one for conversion depending on the 3-bit address input. The
channel selection logic is,
The End-Of-Conversion (EOC) will go low between 0 and 8 clock pulses after the
positive edge of START pulse.
The ADC can be used in continuous conversion mode by tying the EOC output to
START input. In this mode an external START pulse should be applied whenever power
is switched ON.
The 256'R resistor network and the switch tree is shown in fig.
The 256R ladder network has been provided instead of conventional R/2R ladder
because of its inherent monotonic, which guarantees no missing digital codes.
Also the 256R resistor network does not cause load variations on the reference
In ADC conversion process the input analog value is quantized and each
quantized analog value will have a unique binary equivalent.
DAC 0800
The DAC will accept a digital (binary) input and convert to analog voltage or
Every DAC will have "n" input lines and an analog output.
The DAC require a reference analog voltage (Vref) or current (Iref) source.
The smallest possible analog value that can be represented by the n-bit binary
code is called resolution.
The resolution of DAC with n-bit binary input is 1/2nof reference analog value.
For example, consider an 8-bit DAC with reference analog voltage of 5 volts. The
analog values for all possible digital input are as shown.
The DAC0800 is an 8-bit, high speed, current output DAC with a typical settling
time (conversion time) of 100 ns.
The DAC0800 require a positive and a negative supply voltage in the range of
5V to 18V.
It can be directly interfaced with TTL, CMOS, PMOS and other logic families.
For TTL input, the threshold pin should be tied to ground (VLC = 0V).
The reference voltage and the digital input will decide the analog output current,
which can be converted to a voltage by simply connecting a resistor to output
terminal or by using an op-amp I to V converter.
In this schematic the DAC0800 is interfaced using an 8-bit latch 74LS273 to the
system bus.
The 3-to-8 decoder 74LS 138 is used to generate chip select signals for I/O
The address line A7 and the control signal IO/M (low) are used as enable for
The decoder will generate eight chip select signals and in this the signal IOCS-7 is
used as enable for latch of DAC.
In order to convert a digital data to analog value, the processor has to load the
data to latch.
The latch will hold the previous data until next data is loaded.
The DAC will take definite time to convert the data. The software should take
care of loading successive data only after the conversion time.
The DAC 0800 produces a current output, which is converted to voltage output
using Ito V converter.