The Seven Penitential Psalms
The Seven Penitential Psalms
The Seven Penitential Psalms
My eyes are wasted with grief and worn Do not be like horse or mule, which have
away because of all my enemies. no understanding; who must be fitted
with bit and bridle, or else they will not
Depart from me, all evildoers, for God has stay near you."
heard the sound of my weeping.
Great are the tribulations of the wicked;
God has heard my supplication; God but mercy embraces those who trust in the
accepts my prayer. Most High.
All my enemies shall be confounded and Be glad, you righteous, and rejoice in
quake with fear; they shall turn back and God; shout for joy, all who are true of
suddenly be put to shame. heart.
O God, do not rebuke me in your anger; I have become like one who does not hear
do not punish me in your wrath. and from whose mouth comes no defense.
For your arrows have already pierced me, For in you, O God, have I fixed my hope;
and your hand presses hard upon me. you will answer me, O my God.
There is no health in my flesh, because of For I said, Do not let them rejoice at my
your indignation; there is no soundness in expense, those who gloat over me when
my body, because of my sin. my foot slips.
For my iniquities overwhelm me; like a Truly, I am on the verge of falling, and my
heavy burden they are too much for me to pain is always with me.
I will confess my iniquity and be sorry for
My wounds stink and fester by reason of my sin.
my foolishness.
Those who are my enemies without cause
I am utterly bowed down and prostrate; I are mighty, and many in number are those
go about in mourning all the day long. who wrongfully hate me.
My loins are filled with searing pain; there Those who repay evil for good slander me,
is no health in my body. because I follow the course that is right.
I am utterly numb and crushed; I wail, O Holy One, do not forsake me; be not far
because of the groaning of my heart. from me, O my God.
O God, you know all my desires, and my Make haste to help me, O Lord of my
sighing is not hidden from you. salvation.
Indeed, I have been wicked from my Be favorable and gracious to Zion, and
birth, a sinner from my mothers womb. rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
For behold, you look for truth deep within Then you will be pleased with the
me, and will make me understand wisdom appointed sacrifices, with burnt-offerings
secretly. and oblations; then shall they offer young
Purge me from my sin, and I shall be bullocks upon your altar.
pure; wash me, and I shall be clean
Make me hear of joy and gladness, that
the body you have broken may rejoice.
Hide your face from my sins and blot out
all my iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and
renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from your presence and
take not your Holy Spirit from me.
O God, hear my prayer, and let my cry You, O God, will build up Zion, and your
come before you; hide not your face from glory will appear.
me in the day of my trouble.
You will look with favor on the prayer of
Incline your ear to me; when I call, make the homeless; and will not despise their
haste to answer me, for my days drift away plea.
like smoke, and my bones are hot as
burning coals. Let this be written for a future generation,
so that a people yet unborn may praise
My heart is smitten like grass and you, O God.
withered, so that I forget to eat my bread.
For you looked down from your holy place
Because of the voice of my groaning I am on high; from the heavens you beheld the
but skin and bones. earth;
I have become like a vulture in the That you might hear the groan of the
wilderness, like an owl among the ruins. captive and set free those condemned to
die, That they may declare in Zion your
I lie awake and groan; I am like a sparrow, Name, O God, and your praise in
lonely on a house-top. Jerusalem, When the peoples are gathered
together, and the nations also, to serve
My enemies revile me all day long, and
those who scoff at me have taken an oath
against me. You have brought down my strength
For I have eaten ashes for bread and before my time; you have shortened the
mingled my drink with weeping. number of my days.
Because of your indignation and wrath And I said, O my God, do not take me
you have lifted me up and thrown me away in the midst of my days; your years
away. endure throughout all generations.
My days pass away like a shadow, and I In the beginning, O God, you laid the
wither like the grass. foundations of the earth, and the heavens
are the work of your hands.
But you, O God, endure for ever, and your
Name from age to age. They shall perish, but you will endure;
they all shall wear out like a garment; as
You will arise and have compassion on clothing you will change them, and they
Zion, for it is time to have mercy; indeed, shall be changed, but you are always the
the appointed time has come. same, and your years will never end.
For your servants love its very rubble, and The children of your servants shall
are moved to pity even for its dust. continue, and their offspring shall stand
fast in your sight.
The nations shall fear your Name, O God,
and all the rulers of the earth your glory. PSALM 130
Out of the depths have I called to you; O For my enemy has sought my life; has
God, hear my voice; let your ears consider crushed me to the ground; and has made
well the voice of my supplication. me live in dark places like those who are
long dead.
If you were to note what is done amiss, O
God, who could stand? My spirit faints within me; my heart
within me is desolate. I remember the
For there is forgiveness with you; time past; I muse upon all your deeds; I
therefore you shall be feared. consider the works of your hands.
I wait for you, O God; my soul waits for I spread out my hands to you; my soul
you; in your word is my hope. gasps to you like a thirsty land.
My soul waits you, more than sentries for Teach me to do what pleases you for you
the morning, more than sentries for the are my God; let your good Spirit lead me
morning. on level ground.
O Israel, wait upon God, for with God O God, make haste to answer me; my
there is mercy; spirit fails me; do not hide your face from
With God there is plenteous redemption, me or I shall be like those who go down to
the Pit.
God shall redeem Israel from all their sins.
Let me hear of your loving-kindness in the
morning, for I put my trust in you; show
me the road that I must walk, for I lift up
my soul to you.
Deliver me from my enemies, O God, for I
flee to you for refuge.
Teach me to do what pleases you, for you
are my God; let your good Spirit lead me
on level ground.
Revive me, O God, for your Names sake;
PSALM 143 for your righteousness sake, bring me out
of trouble.
O God, hear my prayer, and in your
faithfulness heed my supplications; Of your goodness, destroy my enemies
answer me in your righteousness. and bring all my foes to naught, for truly I
am your servant.
Enter not into judgment with your
servant, for in your sight shall no one
living be justified. Amen