Hyper Cvad
Hyper Cvad
Hyper Cvad
A Wong, B.pharm., M.Sc., McGill University Health Centre & A Tseng, Pharm.D., FCSHP, AAHIVP, Toronto General
www.hivclinic.ca Page 1 of 5 May 2014
Antiretroviral-Chemotherapy Interactions: Hyper CVAD regimen
One study evaluated the use of hyper-CVAD for patients with HIV-associated Burkitts
leukemia/lymphoma. A total of 6/7 (86%) patients receiving a PI based cART achieved complete
response and remained alive (median 29 month follow-up). HIV viral load remained undetectable for all
adherent patients who received cART. For the 6 patients who did not receive cART during the entire
chemotherapy treatment, 1 (17%) patient survived at 33 months follow-up with the use of cART (started
after chemotherapy). The authors concluded that hyper-CVAD was highly effective within this context.
Although no direct comparisons between patients receiving cART and those not receiving cART were
made, they also stated that the use of cART with chemotherapy may be associated with a favorable
outcome and that the administration of cART was not associated with any identifiable increase in
toxicity. (11)
Data available from other regimens including similar antineoplastic agents are presented below.
One study evaluated the clinical impact of co-administration of cART with CHOP (cyclophosphamide
750 mg/m2, doxorubicin 50 mg/m2, vincristine 1.4 mg/m2 [max 2 mg], prednisone 100 mg/m2) in the
context of treatment for non-Hodgkins lymphoma. In comparison to hyper CVAD, vincristine and
cyclophosphamide doses per cycle are lower though doxorubicin dose is the same. They did not observe
any difference in response rates, dose intensity or number of cycles of chemotherapy when CHOP was
co-administered in 24 patients with a PI based cART (saquinavir, indinavir or ritonavir) in comparison to
80 patients on CHOP alone. They did observe, however, an increased risk of grade 3 or 4 anemia and
autonomic neurotoxicity when CHOP was co-administered with a PI based cART in comparison to
CHOP alone. No difference was noted in regards to leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, mucositis or nausea.
(7) It is important to note, however, that 58% of patients receiving cART had zidovudine in their regimen,
likely explaining the increased risk of anemia.
Several studies regarding the concomitant use of CDE (cyclophosphamide 1 200 mg/m2; doxorubicin 50
mg/m2; etoposide 240 mg/m2 continuous infusion over 4 days q4weeks) and antiretroviral therapy were
available. Cyclophosphamide dose is higher in comparison to hyper CVAD; however doxorubicin dose is
the same. One study in 46 patients who received CDE for treatment of AIDS related lymphoma compared
those who received a PI based cART to those who received a non-PI based cART. The groups showed
similar overall response and survival rates; however, an increased risk of severe infections (48% vs
25%; p<0.01) and neutropenia (54% vs 38%; p =0.05) was observed in patients on a PI based cART
compared to those on a non-PI based cART(12). Another study in 12 patients showed an increased risk
of severe mucositis (67% vs 12%; p<0.01) when patients received a saquinavir-based cART in
comparison to a historical cohort not on cART(13).
Pharmacokinetic studies
Two studies evaluated the influence of cART on the pharmacokinetics of doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 in the
context of CHOP for the treatment of non-Hodgkins lymphoma. One study in 19 patients reported no
significant difference in doxorubicin pharmacokinetic parameters when patients used saquinavir,
nelfinavir or indinavir in addition to two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (14). Another study in
29 patients showed similar clearance rates of doxorubicin when administered with an indinavir-based
cART (8). The same study evaluated the pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide 750 mg/m2 (lower dose
than hyper CVAD) in the context of CHOP showed a decrease of cyclophosphamide clearance from 70
mL/min/m2 to 41-46 mL/min/m2 when administered with an indinavir-based cART. This however, did not
translate into excessive toxicity. (8) Considering the higher dose used in hyper CVAD, closely monitor
for increased cyclophosphamide toxicity.
A Wong, B.pharm., M.Sc., McGill University Health Centre & A Tseng, Pharm.D., FCSHP, AAHIVP, Toronto General
www.hivclinic.ca Page 2 of 5 May 2014
Antiretroviral-Chemotherapy Interactions: Hyper CVAD regimen
Case report
One case report described increased vincristine toxicity in the context of co-administration of CODOX-
M (vincristine 4 mg IV, doxorubicin 40 mg/m2 IV, cyclophosphamide 1600 mg/m2 IV, cytarabine
140 mg IT, methotrexate 6720 mg/m2 IV and methotrexate 15 mg IT per cycle) and lopinavir/ritonavir.
The patient received one cycle of CODOX-M (vincristine 2 mg on D1 and D8) for treatment of Burkitts
lymphoma while on lopinavir/ritonavir based cART. Administered vincristine dose is identical to that
administered with hyper CVAD. On Day 12, the patient developed paralytic ileus which lasted for 10
days. Two weeks after recovery, IVAC (ifosfamide 7.5 g/m2; etoposide 300 mg/m2; cytarabine 8 g/m2)
was administered with no complications though cytarabine dose is lower than that used in cycle 2 of
hyper CVAD. Two months after the first cycle, the patient was given CODOX-M; however, the
vincristine component was changed to etoposide. This regimen was well tolerated and included similar
doxorubicin dose and IT methotrexate dose; higher IV methotrexate, IV cyclophosphamide and IT
cytarabine doses compared to hyper CVAD. (6)
Two cases described good tolerability of dose-adjusted EPOCH (etoposide 200 mg/m2, vincristine 1.6
mg/m2, cyclophosphamide 748 mg/m2, doxorubicin 40 mg/m2 continuous infusion over 4 days,
prednisone 60 mg/m2 daily for 5 days) when administered with lopinavir/ritonavir for treatment of
anaplastic large-cell lymphoma. Compared to hyper-CVAD, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide doses
are similar though the administered vincristine dose per cycle is lower. (15)
A Wong, B.pharm., M.Sc., McGill University Health Centre & A Tseng, Pharm.D., FCSHP, AAHIVP, Toronto General
www.hivclinic.ca Page 3 of 5 May 2014
Antiretroviral-Chemotherapy Interactions: Hyper CVAD regimen
Vincristine CYP 3A4 Possibility of increased levels leading to increased Possible increased risk of autonomic
toxicity (peripheral neuropathy, myelosuppression) with neurotoxicity when administered with a PI
CYP 3A4 inhibitors. based regimen. (6, 7)
Possibility of decreased levels with 3A4 inducers. Good tolerability in 2 cases with
lopinavir/ritonavir and DA-EPOCH for
treatment of anaplastic large-cell
lymphoma. (15)
Doxorubicin Aldoketoreductase and NADPH- Enzyme inhibitors may decrease reduction to free No change. Doxorubicin
dependent cytochrome reductase. radicals via inhibition of cytochrome P450 which may pharmacokinetics (context of CHOP) not
Resulting aglycone derivatives (inactive decrease both antineoplastic and cytotoxic properties; affected by PI administration.(8, 14)
metabolites) conjugated to a sulfate or however, they may also increase intracellular
glucuronide metabolite. Enzymes of accumulation of doxorubicin via inhibition of PgP,
cytochrome P450 involved in free which may enhance cytotoxic effects and/or systemic
radical generation in vitro; substrate of toxicity.
PgP which may influence intracellular Enzyme inducers may do the opposite.
concentrations; clinical significance
Cyclophosphamide Transformation to active metabolite: Ritonavir, nelfinavir, efavirenz and nevirapine may Decreased clearance of cyclophosphamide
CYP2B6, 2C19 increase the amount of active metabolites formed by when administered with protease-
Transformation to inactive and possibly induction of CYP 2B6 leading to increased efficacy and inhibitors. No excess toxicity observed.(8)
toxic metabolites: CYP 3A4 toxicity of cyclophosphamide.
Inhibition of 3A4 may increase drug availability for
hydroxylation route thereby leading to increased
efficacy and toxicity of cyclophosphamide.
Induction of CYP 3A4 may increase neurotoxicity.
Cytarabine Transformation to active metabolite by Potential additive toxicity with other agents such as No cytarabine toxicity reported in one case
cytidine deaminase in the liver tenofovir (renal toxicity). where CODOX-M/IVAC was
administered with lopinavir/ritonavir for
treatment of Burkitts lymphoma (6)
Methotrexate Almost all drug is excreted unchanged Increased monitoring of renal function with No methotrexate toxicity reported in one
in urine. concomitant tenofovir administration. case where CODOX-M/IVAC was
administered with lopinavir/ritonavir for
treatment of Burkitts lymphoma. (6)
Please consult http://hivclinic.ca/main/drugs_interact.html for more updated information
A Wong, B.pharm., M.Sc., McGill University Health Centre & A Tseng, Pharm.D., FCSHP, AAHIVP, Toronto General Hospital
www.hivclinic.ca Page 4 of 5 May 2014
Antiretroviral-Chemotherapy Interactions: Hyper CVAD regimen
1. Retrovir. Product monograph. GlaxoSmithKline; 2009.
2. Combivir. Product Monograph. GlaxoSmithKline; 2007.
3. Trizivir. Product Monograph. GlaxoSmithKline; 2008.
4. Zerit. Product monograph. Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada; 2010.
5. Videx Ec. Product monograph. Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada; 2010.
6. Leveque D, Santucci R, Pavillet J, Herbrecht R, Bergerat JP. Paralytic ileus possibly associated with interaction
between ritonavir/lopinavir and vincristine. Pharm World Sci. 2009 Dec;31(6):619-21.
7. Vaccher E, Spina M, di Gennaro G, Talamini R, Nasti G, Schioppa O, et al. Concomitant cyclophosphamide,
doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone chemotherapy plus highly active antiretroviral therapy in patients with
human immunodeficiency virus-related, non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Cancer. 2001 Jan 1;91(1):155-63.
8. Ratner L, Lee J, Tang S, Redden D, Hamzeh F, Herndier B, et al. Chemotherapy for human immunodeficiency
virus-associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in combination with highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Clin
Oncol. 2001 Apr 15;19(8):2171-8.
9. Antoniou T, Tseng A. Potential interactions between antineoplastics and antiretrovirals. In: Tseng A, Foisy M,
editors. Handbook of HIV drug therapy. 2010 ed. Toronto2010. p. 373-92.
10. Antoniou T, Tseng AL. Interactions between antiretrovirals and antineoplastic drug therapy. Clin
Pharmacokinet. 2005;44(2):111-45.
11. Cortes J, Thomas D, Rios A, Koller C, O'Brien S, Jeha S, et al. Hyperfractionated cyclophosphamide,
vincristine, doxorubicin, and dexamethasone and highly active antiretroviral therapy for patients with acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome-related Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia. Cancer. [Clinical Trial Research Support,
Non-U.S. Gov't]. 2002 Mar 1;94(5):1492-9.
12. Bower M, McCall-Peat N, Ryan N, Davies L, Young AM, Gupta S, et al. Protease inhibitors potentiate
chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Blood. 2004 Nov 1;104(9):2943-6.
13. Sparano JA, Wiernik PH, Hu X, Sarta C, Henry DH, Ratech H. Saquinavir enhances the mucosal toxicity of
infusional cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and etoposide in patients with HIV-associated non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma. Med Oncol. 1998 Apr;15(1):50-7.
14. Toffoli G, Corona G, Cattarossi G, Boiocchi M, Di Gennaro G, Tirelli U, et al. Effect of highly active
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of doxorubicin in patients with
HIV-associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Ann Oncol. 2004 Dec;15(12):1805-9.
15. Nagajothi N, Dham SK, Gelfand Y, Sanmugarajah J. Treatment of AIDS-associated anaplastic large-cell
lymphoma with dose-adjusted EPOCH chemotherapy. J Natl Med Assoc. [Case Reports]. 2007 Jul;99(7):799-
Enzyme inhibitors include protease inhibitors (PIs): Crixivan (indinavir), Invirase (saquinavir), Kaletra
(lopinavir/ritonavir), Norvir, Norvir sec (ritonavir), Prezista (darunavir), Reyataz (atazanavir), Telzir
(fosamprenavir), Viracept (nelfinavir); and the integrase inhibitor elvitegravir/cobicistat: available as a
coformulated product with tenofovir/emtrictabine (Stribild); pharmacokinetic enhancer cobicistat (Tybost).
Enzyme inducers include non-nucleside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs): Atripla
(efavirenz/tenofovir/emtricitabine), Complera (rilpivirine/tenofovir/emtricitabine), Edurant (rilpivirine),
Intelence (etravirine), Sustiva (efavirenz), Viramune, Viramune XR (nevirapine) and the protease inhibitor
Aptivus (tipranavir)
Enzyme neutral agents include nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) : 3TC (lamivudine),
Combivir (lamivudine/zidovudine), Kivexa (abacavir/lamivudine), Retrovir (zidovudine), Trizivir
(abacavir/zidovudine/lamivudine), Truvada (tenofovir/emtricitabine), Videx EC (didanosine), Zerit
(stavudine); integrase inhibitors Isentress (raltegravir), dolutegravir (Tivicay); entry inhibitors Fuzeon
(enfuvirtide), Celsentri (maraviroc)
A Wong, B.pharm., M.Sc., McGill University Health Centre & A Tseng, Pharm.D., FCSHP, AAHIVP, Toronto General
www.hivclinic.ca Page 5 of 5 May 2014