Yao Et Al., 2023
Yao Et Al., 2023
Yao Et Al., 2023
Objective: To investigate if the addition of bedaquiline and clofazimine to a treatment regimen
for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) could improve patient outcomes.
Methods: A prospective, randomized, controlled study was conducted in patients with
MDR-TB. Treatment was for 18 months. Patients in the experimental group received bedaquiline
and clofazimine in addition to their regular treatment regimen whereas patients in the control
group did not.
Results: 68 patients with MDR-TB were randomised to treatment, 34 to each group. At the end
of treatment, cure rates were statistically significantly greater for the experimental group com-
pared with the control group (82% vs. 56%). There was no difference between groups in the
number of severe adverse events (3[9%]) in both groups and none were skin-related.
Conclusions: The addition of bedaquiline and clofazimine to the treatment regimen significantly
improves outcomes for patients with MDR-TB. Clinicians should be aware of the clinical benefits
of this addition but be mindful of contraindications and adverse effects.
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Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits
non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed
as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
2 Journal of International Medical Research
Bedaquiline, clofazimine, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
Date received: 17 August 2022; accepted: 12 December 2022
and patient data were anonymized prior to For levofloxacin, patients 45 kg received
analysis. 750 mg qd and patients >45 kg received
1000 mg qd. For linezolid, patients re-
Study procedures ceived 600 mg qd. For cycloserine, pa-
tients 45 kg received 250 mg bid and
Randomization was conducted using a
patients >45 kg received 250 mg in the
computer generated random-number table.
morning and 500 mg in the evening. For clo-
When the researchers determined that a
patient was eligible, basic information was fazimine, patients received 100 mg qd. For
transmitted by telephone to central ran- protionamide, patients 45 kg received
domization system staff who assigned the 300 mg bid and patients >45 kg received
patient to a group based on a random- 400 mg bid. For ethambutol, patients 45 kg
number table and relayed this information received 750 mg qd and patients >45 kg
to the researcher. Neither the researchers received 1000 mg qd. In addition, vitamin B6
nor the patients were aware of the assigned was added to all treatment regimens to pre-
treatment. vent any neurotoxicity.
Patients were randomized to an experi- Patients’ signs, symptoms and adverse
mental or control group for 18 months. events were assessed monthly. Pre-
Patients in the experimental group received treatment and then at monthly intervals
bedaquiline, levofloxacin, linezolid, cyclo- the following tests were obtained: routine
serine and clofazimine for six months. blood and urine; liver and kidney function;
(Figure 1). For the next 12 months they electrolyte levels; thyroid function; electro-
received the same treatment regimen with- cardiogram (ECG); sputum smear micros-
out bedaquiline. Patients in the control copy; sputum TB culture; TB drug
group received bedaquiline, levofloxacin, sensitivity; visual acuity; colour vision.
linezolid, cycloserine and protionamide for Chest computed tomography (CT) scans
six months. Ethambutol was used instead of were taken pre-treatment and then every
protionamide in cases of drug sensitivity or three months during treatment. Changes
intolerance. For the next 12 months they in CT lesions were defined as absorption,
received the same treatment regimen with- invariance or deterioration. Absorption
out bedaquiline. was further classified as, ‘effective’ or ‘inef-
For bedaquiline, patients received fective’ (i.e., unchanged/worsened).
400 mg qd for two weeks, followed by For TB sputum culture, at least two con-
200 mg qd three times weekly for 22 weeks. secutive negative samples, 30 days apart,
Figure 1. All patients received 18 months of daily treatment. Patients in the experimental group received
bedaquiline (Bdq); levofloxacin (Lfx); linezolid (Lzd); cycloserine (Cs); clofazimine (Cfz) for the first six
months. For the next 12 months they received: Lfx; Lzd; Cs; Cfz. Patients in the control group received: Bdq;
Lfx; Lzd; Cs; protionamide (Pto) for 6 months. For the next 12 months they received: Lfx; Lzd; Cs; Pto.
Ethambutol (EMB) was used instead of Pto in cases of drug sensitivity or intolerance.
4 Journal of International Medical Research
was considered a negative result. The time Data were described as mean standard
taken for the first sputum sample to be deviation (SD). The student’s t-test and
recorded as negative was taken as ‘negative Wilcoxon U test were used for normally
time’. Treatment outcomes for patients with and non-normally distributed variables,
MDR-TB were defined according to WHO respectively. Counting data were expressed
guidelines:22 They were as follows: as percentages and compared using v2 test.
According to sample size calculations, if the
• Cure: the patient completed the course of probability of making type I error was
treatment without evidence of treatment 5%, the probability of making type II
failure and had 3 consecutive negative error was 10%, and the two groups were
sputum cultures at least 30 days apart required to have the same number of cases;
after the intensive phase. at least 24 patients were required in each
• Treatment completed: the patient complet- group. However, 34 patients were enrolled
ed the course of treatment without evi- in each group and so an effective sample
dence of treatment failure, and there was size was achieved.
no evidence of negative sputum cultures in
3 consecutive sputum cultures at least Results
30 days apart after the intensive phase.
• Treatment failed: patients had to stop In total, 68 patients with MDR-TB were
treatment or permanently change their randomised to treatment, 34 to the experi-
regimen (more than two drugs) for the mental group and 34 to the control group
following reasons: (a) at the end of the (Figure 2). One patient was lost to follow-
intensive phase, TB sputum culture was up in each group and so 33 patients in each
positive; (b) TB sputum culture became group completed the 18-month study.
negative and then returned to positive in There were no statistically significant differ-
the continuation phase; (c) evidence of ences between groups in demographic or
resistance to fluoroquinolones or second- clinical characteristics (Table 1). Across
line injectable drugs; (d) severe adverse both groups, 51 (75%) patients had previ-
drug reaction. ously received anti-TB treatment, with a
• Death: The patient died from any reason median treatment duration of 19 months
during the course of treatment. (range 2–120 months). Drug resistance
• Lost to follow-up: the patient stopped characteristics of both groups are shown
treatment for two months or more for in Table 2. Most patients had shown resis-
any cause. tance to two or three TB drugs. At the end
of treatment, the rates of sputum TB cul-
These outcomes were subsequently clas- tures turning negative in the experimental
sified as either favourable (i.e., cure) or and control groups were 82% (28/34) and
adverse (i.e., treatment failure, death, or 56% (19/34), respectively (Table 3). This
difference was statistically significant (v2
lost to follow-up).
test, 5.58; P < 0.025). At the end of treat-
ment, the rates of ‘effective’ absorption of
Statistical analyses pulmonary lesions as assessed on CT scans
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS were 82% (28/34) and 56% (19/34), in the
software (version 22.0 for WindowsVR ; SPSS experimental and control groups, respec-
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A P-value <0.05 tively (Table 4). The difference between
was considered to indicate statistical groups was statistically significant (v2 test,
significance. 5.58; P < 0.025).
Yao et al. 5
At the end of treatment, cure rates (i.e., cases per annum.23 Moreover, as shown in
favourable rates) were 82% (28/34) and this study, a significant proportion of patients
56% (19/34) in the experimental and con- have no history of TB treatment. This sug-
trol groups, respectively (Table 5). The dif- gests that many patients acquire MDR-TB
ference between groups was statistically infection through human-to-human transmis-
significant (v2 ¼ 5.58, P < 0.025). In addi- sion.24 This discovery emphasizes the impor-
tion, there were statistically significantly tance of rapid diagnosis, effective treatment
less adverse outcomes in the experimental and source control of MDR-TB.
group compared with the control group Compared with sensitive TB, MDR-TB
(6 [18%] vs 15 [44%]; v2 ¼ 5.58, P < 0.025). is associated with a high treatment cost and
There was no difference between groups in poor treatment effect, which has had a seri-
the number of severe adverse events in both ous negative impact on families and socie-
groups (i.e., 3 [9%]; Table 6). ty.25 In this study, we found that the cure
rate of patients with MDR-TB was signifi-
Discussion cantly improved by the addition of beda-
China is a global ‘hotspot’ for MDR-TB, quiline and clofazimine to their treatment
with an estimated incidence of 110,000 regimen (i.e., 82% vs. 56%). In addition,
6 Journal of International Medical Research
Age, years 43 14 46 13 ns
Sex, male 19 (56) 18 (53) ns
Body mass index, kg/m2 20.3 3.3 19.5 2.8 ns
Lung lesions
Unilateral 12 (35) 14 (41) ns
Bilateral 22 (65) 20 (59) ns
Lung cavities
Yes, n (%) 28 (82) 26 (76) ns
No, n (%) 6 (18) 8 (24) ns
Sputum smear TB positive 12 (35) 10 (29) ns
Sputum culture TB positive 30 (88) 31 (91) ns
Sputum GenoType MTBDRplus assay positive 31 (91) 30 (88) ns
Treatment history of TB
New cases 8 (24) 9 (26) ns
Previously treated 26 (76) 25 (74) ns
Duration of previous TB treatment, months 20.4 22.3 16.8 18.9 ns
Data are expressed as mean standard deviation or n (%).
ns, not statistically significant; TB, tuberculosis.
Table 3. Negative sputum tuberculosis cultures at clofazimine has been shown to have
each timepoint. good antibacterial activity against slow-
Experimental group Control group multiplying M. tuberculosis.35,36 These slow-
Month n ¼ 34 n ¼ 34 multiplying bacteria are responsible for
biofilm and granuloma formation; therefore,
1 4 (12) 3 (9) the inhibitory effect of clofazimine may
2 13 (38) 9 (27) facilitate the contact between bedaquiline
3 24 (71) 15 (44)
and M. tuberculosis and so enhance the
4 26 (77) 17 (50)
anti-tuberculosis activity of bedaquiline.
5 27 (79) 18 (53)
6 28 (82) 19 (56) This hypothesis may explain the results
7 28 (82) 20 (59) from this present study that showed superi-
8 28 (82) 20 (59) or efficacy of the experimental group com-
9 28 (82) 20 (59) pared with the control group. Nevertheless,
10 28 (82) 20 (59) clofazimine has been reported to cause skin
11 28 (82) 20 (59) colour and skin ichthyosis changes which
12 28 (82) 19 (56) may influence compliance with treatment.
13 28 (82) 19 (56) Although, these changes have been found
14 28 (82) 19 (56) to decrease following drug withdrawal
15 28 (82) 19 (56)
they may take 1–2 years to clear up
16 28 (82) 19 (56)
17 28 (82) 19 (56)
18 28 (82) 19 (56) In this present study, there was no differ-
ence between groups in the number of
Data are expressed as n (%). serious adverse events and none were skin-
related. Furthermore, we found that 82%
Table 4. Number of patients with ‘effective’ patients in the experimental group had neg-
absorption of lung lesions as assessed by CT scan*. ative TB culture after six months and
Experimental group Control group this rate remained constant for the next
Month n ¼ 34 n ¼ 34 12 months. This finding suggests that a
short course of this new treatment regimen
3 25 (74) 16 (47) may be effective which will undoubtedly
6 30 (88) 20 (59) reduce exposure and the possibility of
9 30 (88) 21 (62)
potential side effects.
12 28 (82) 19 (56)
The study had several limitations. For
15 28 (82) 19 (56)
18 28 (82) 19 (56) example, the number of patients was rela-
tively small, which may have led to sample
Data are expressed as n (%). bias. In addition, patients with HIV/AIDS
*Changes in lesions on chest computed tomography (CT)
were not included in this study which may
scans were defined as absorption, invariance or deterio-
ration. Absorption was further classified as ‘effective’ or have limited the applicability of our results.
‘ineffective’ (i.e., unchanged/worsened). Prospective, randomized, controlled studies
with larger sample sizes and the inclusion of
different patient groups are required to con-
DNA. Inhibition of DNA-dependent RNA firm our conclusions.
polymerase, inhibits RNA synthesis which In summary, we have shown that the
in turn inhibits protein synthesis.31 addition of bedaquiline and clofazimine to
Importantly, clofazimine is a moderate to a MDR-TB drug regimen improves patient
potent cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 3A4 outcomes. Clinicians should be aware of the
(CYP3A4) inhibitor.32–34 Furthermore, clinical benefits of adding bedaquiline and
8 Journal of International Medical Research
clofazimine to treatment regimens for the Health and Family Planning Commission of
patients with MDR-TB but be mindful of Wuhan Municipality (Project number:
contraindications and carefully monitor WZ17B09).
patients for signs of adverse effects.
Acknowledgements Ge Yao https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0519-
We wish to thank the patients and their families. 4716
In addition, we thank staff and the management
team at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital.
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