Climate Master Installation Manuals
Climate Master Installation Manuals
Climate Master Installation Manuals
Table of Contents
Model Nomenclature 3 ECM Blower Control 24-25
Storage 4 Blower Data 26-30
Pre-Installation 3 CXM Controls 31
Horizontal Unit Installation 5 CXM Controls Features 32-34
Field Conversion of Air Discharge 7 Unit Start-Up and Operating Conditions 35
Condensate Piping Installation 8 Unit and System Checkout Procedure 36
Duct System Installation 8 Unit Start-Up Procedure 36-37
Vertical Unit Installation 9 Coax Pressure Drop Table 38
Water Connections 11 Operating Conditions 39-43
Ground Loop Applications 11-12 Preventive Maintenance 44
Open Loop - Ground Water Systems 13-14 Troubleshooting 45-46
Water Quality Standards 15 Functional & Performance Troubleshooting 47-48
Hot Water Generator 16-17 Refrigerant Circuit Diagram 49
Electrical - Line Voltage 18-19 Revision Log 52
Power Wiring 19-20
Electrical - Low Voltage Wiring 21
Low Water Temperature Cutout Selection 21
Water Valve Wiring 22
Thermostat Wiring 23
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
TS V 0 1 8 A G C 0 0 C L T S
TT = Tranquility 27TM Two-Stage - S = STANDARD
EarthPure® (R-410A)
TS = Tranquility 20TM Single-Stage
(D N/A for GS Series - See Digit 14) K TOP TSV ECM
G = 208-230/60/1 RETURN AIR:
D = DXM+
Coated Air Coil
Copper Cupro-Nickel
ClimaDry * D N/A
+ = Only Available With ClimaDry Option
0 = NONE
* = Not Available On DownFlow Units 1 = HWG W/INTERNAL PUMP
NOTE: Some options/configurations not available on all series. Please consult Specification Catalogs for model specific options. Rev.: 04/21/08B
NOTE: Above model nomenclature is a general reference. Consult individual specification sections for detailed information.
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 3
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
General Information
Equipment should be stored in its original packaging in a
clean, dry area. Store units in an upright position at all times. CAUTION!
Stack units a maximum of 3 units high.
CAUTION! DO NOT store or install units in corrosive
environments or in locations subject to temperature or
Unit Protection
humidity extremes (e.g., attics, garages, rooftops, etc.).
Cover units on the job site with either the original packaging
Corrosive conditions and high temperature or humidity can
or an equivalent protective covering. Cap the open ends of
significantly reduce performance, reliability, and service life.
pipes stored on the job site. In areas where painting, plastering,
Always move and store units in an upright position. Tilting
and/or spraying has not been completed, all due precautions
units on their sides may cause equipment damage.
must be taken to avoid physical damage to the units and
contamination by foreign material. Physical damage and
contamination may prevent proper start-up and may result in NOTICE! Failure to remove shipping brackets from spring-
costly equipment clean-up. mounted compressors will cause excessive noise, and could
cause component failure due to added vibration.
Examine all pipes, fittings, and valves before installing any of
the system components. Remove any dirt or debris found in
or on these components. CAUTION!
Pre-Installation CAUTION! CUT HAZARD - Failure to follow this caution
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance instructions may result in personal injury. Sheet metal parts may have
are provided with each unit. Horizontal equipment is sharp edges or burrs. Use care and wear appropriate
designed for installation above false ceiling or in a ceiling protective clothing, safety glasses and gloves when
plenum. Other unit configurations are typically installed handling parts and servicing heat pumps.
in a mechanical room. The installation site chosen should
include adequate service clearance around the unit. Before
unit start-up, read all manuals and become familiar with the
unit and its operation. Thoroughly check the system before
4 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Horizontal Installation
NOTICE! Failure to remove shipping brackets from spring- Mounting Horizontal Units
mounted compressors will cause excessive noise, and could Horizontal units have hanger kits pre-installed from the
cause component failure due to added vibration. factory as shown in figure 1. Figure 3 shows a typical
horizontal unit installation.
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 5
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Horizontal Installation
Return Air
Wiring Stainless steel braid hose
with integral "J" swivel
Power Wiring
Optional Balancing Valve
6 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Return Air
It is best to field convert the unit on the ground before Side Discharge
hanging. If the unit is already hung it should be taken down
for the field conversion. Connection End
Side to Back Discharge Conversion Return Air
other components.
5. Reinstall top panel and screws noting that the location Water
Connection End
Replace Screws
may be possible to rotate the entire unit 180 degrees if the Return Air
Return Air
Discharge Air
Back Discharge
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 7
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Horizontal Installation
Install condensate trap at each unit with the top of the trap Vent (below top of
drain line)
positioned below the unit condensate drain connection as
shown in Figure 6. Design the depth of the trap (water-seal) *3/4" IPT
based upon the amount of ESP capability of the blower
Trap Depth
(where 2 inches [51mm] of ESP capability requires 2 inches 1.5" [38mm]
Min 1.5"
[51mm] of trap depth). As a general rule, 1-1/2 inch [38mm]
trap depth is the minimum. 3/4" PVC or 1/4" per foot
Copper by others (21mm per m)
Each unit must be installed with its own individual trap and drain slope
connection to the condensate line (main) or riser. Provide
a means to flush or blow out the condensate line. DO NOT * Some units include a painted drain
connection. Using a threaded pipe or
install units with a common trap and/or vent. similar device to clear any excess paint
accumulated inside this fitting may
ease final drain line installation. Rev.: 10/26/06D
Always vent the condensate line when dirt or air can collect
in the line or a long horizontal drain line is required. Also vent
when large units are working against higher external static
pressure than other units connected to the same condensate
main since this may cause poor drainage for all units on the
line. WHEN A VENT IS INSTALLED IN THE DRAIN LINE, IT CAUTION! Ensure condensate line is pitched toward
MUST BE LOCATED AFTER THE TRAP IN THE DIRECTION drain 1/4” per foot [21mm per m] of run.
8 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Vertical Installation
all applicable codes. It is the responsibility of the installing transition duct to reduce
contractor to determine and comply with ALL applicable
codes and regulations.
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 9
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Vertical Installation
3/4" PVC
(21mm per m)
Water Alternate
Connections Condensate
10 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
External Flow Controller Mounting The female locking ring is threaded onto the pipe threads
The Flow Controller can be mounted beside the unit as which holds the male pipe end against the rubber gasket,
shown in Figure 12. Review the Flow Controller installation and seals the joint. HAND TIGHTEN ONLY! DO NOT
manual for more details. OVERTIGHTEN!
from the system, the level will drop only 1-2 inches (2.5 minimum expected entering loop temperature, the leaving
- 5 cm) in a 10” (25 cm) diameter PVC flush tank (about a loop temperature would be 25 to 22°F [-4 to -6°C] and freeze
half gallon [2.3 liters]), since liquids are incompressible. If protection should be at 15°F [-10°C]. Calculation is as
the level drops more than this, flushing should continue follows:
since air is still being compressed in the loop fluid. 30°F - 15°F = 15°F [-1°C - 9°C = -10°C].
Perform the “dead head” procedure a number of times.
Note: This fluid level drop is your only indication of All alcohols should be premixed and pumped from a
air in the loop. reservoir outside of the building when possible or introduced
5. Consult ClimaDry AOM for flushing instructions for units under the water level to prevent fumes. Calculate the
equipped with ClimaDry Whole House Dehumidification total volume of fluid in the piping system. Then use the
option. percentage by volume shown in Table 1 for the amount
of antifreeze needed. Antifreeze concentration should be
Antifreeze may be added before, during or after the flushing checked from a well mixed sample using a hydrometer to
procedure. However, depending upon which time is chosen, measure specific gravity.
antifreeze could be wasted when emptying the flush cart
tank. See antifreeze section for more details. Low Water Temperature Cutout Setting
CXM or DXM Control
Loop static pressure will fluctuate with the seasons. When antifreeze is selected, the FP1 jumper (JW3) should
Pressures will be higher in the winter months than during be clipped to select the low temperature (antifreeze 13°F
the cooling season. This fluctuation is normal and should [-10.6°C]) set point and avoid nuisance faults (see “Low
be considered when charging the system initially. Run the Water Temperature Cutout Selection” in this manual). NOTE:
unit in either heating or cooling for a number of minutes to Low water temperature operation requires extended range
condition the loop to a homogenous temperature. This is equipment.
a good time for tool cleanup, piping insulation, etc. Then,
perform final flush and pressurize the loop to a static Table 1: Approximate Fluid Volume (gal.) per 100' of Pipe
pressure of 50-75 psi [345-517 kPa] (winter) or 35-40 psi
[241-276 kPa] (summer). After pressurization, be sure to
Fluid Volume (gal [liters] per 100’ [30 meters) Pipe)
loosen the plug at the end of the Grundfos loop pump
motor(s) to allow trapped air to be discharged and to insure Pipe Size Volume (gal) [liters]
the motor housing has been flooded. This is not required 1” 4.1 [15.3]
for Taco circulators. Insure that the Flow Controller provides
Copper 1.25” 6.4 [23.8]
adequate flow through the unit by checking pressure drop
across the heat exchanger and compare to the pressure 2.5” 9.2 [34.3]
drop tables at the back of the manual. Rubber Hose 1” 3.9 [14.6]
3/4” IPS SDR11 2.8 [10.4]
In areas where minimum entering loop temperatures drop 1” iPS SDR11 4.5 [16.7]
below 40°F [5°C] or where piping will be routed through 1.25” IPS SDR11 8.0 [29.8]
areas subject to freezing, antifreeze is required. Alcohols
1.5” IPS SDR11 10.9 [40.7]
and glycols are commonly used as antifreeze; however Polyethylene
your local sales manager should be consulted for the 2” IPS SDR11 18.0 [67.0]
antifreeze best suited to your area. Freeze protection should 1.25” IPS SCH40 8.3 [30.9]
be maintained to 15°F [9°C] below the lowest expected
1.5” IPS SCH40 10.9 [40.7]
entering loop temperature. For example, if 30°F [-1°C] is the
2” IPS SCH40 17.0 [63.4]
Unit Heat Exchanger Typical 1.0 [3.8]
10” Dia x 3ft tall
Flush Cart Tank 10 [37.9]
[254mm x 91.4cm tall]
Table 2: Antifreeze Percentages by Volume
12 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Unit Power
Hose Kit
P/T Plugs
Rev.: 06/10/05D
ASP30 Air Pad or
Extruded polystyrene Do not install bricks or
insulation board blocks under air pad.
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 13
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
applications should be considered for the inherent energy the discharge line. Slightly closing the valve will spread the
savings and smaller expansion tank requirements. pressure drop over both devices, lessening the velocity noise.
NOTE: When EWT is below 50°F [10°C], a minimum of 2
Water Control Valve gpm per ton (2.6 l/m per kW) is required.
Note the placement of the water control valve in figure 13.
Always maintain water pressure in the heat exchanger by Water Coil Low Temperature Limit Setting
placing the water control valve(s) on the discharge line For all open loop systems the 30°F [-1.1°C] FP1 setting
to prevent mineral precipitation during the off-cycle. Pilot (factory setting-water) should be used to avoid freeze
operated slow closing valves are recommended to reduce damage to the unit. See “Low Water Temperature Cutout
water hammer. If water hammer persists, a mini-expansion Selection” in this manual for details on the low limit setting.
tank can be mounted on the piping to help absorb the excess
hammer shock. Insure that the total ‘VA’ draw of the valve
can be supplied by the unit transformer. For instance, a slow
closing valve can draw up to 35VA. This can overload smaller
40 or 50 VA transformers depending on the other controls CAUTION!
in the circuit. A typical pilot operated solenoid valve draws
approximately 15VA (see Figure 21). Note the special wiring CAUTION! Units with ClimaDry Modulating Reheat option
diagrams for slow closing valves (Figures 23 & 25). installed in an open loop (well water) application require an
internal bronze pump. The cupro-nickel heat exchanger
Flow Regulation option (which includes a bronze pump) must be used for
Flow regulation can be accomplished by two methods. One these applications. Failure to select this option could result in
method of flow regulation involves simply adjusting the ball premature equipment failure. ClimaDry is not recommended
valve or water control valve on the discharge line. Measure the for applications with poor water quality (see water quality
pressure drop through the unit heat exchanger, and determine guidelines). The copper heat exchanger with cast iron pump
flow rate from tables 8a through 8c. Since the pressure is (standard ClimaDry option) is designed for closed loop
constantly varying, two pressure gauges may be needed. systems.
Adjust the valve until the desired flow of 1.5 to 2 gpm per ton
[2.0 to 2.6 l/m per kW] is achieved. A second method of flow
control requires a flow control device mounted on the outlet of
the water control valve. The device is typically a brass fitting
with an orifice of rubber or plastic material that is designed CAUTION! Many units installed with a factory or field
to allow a specified flow rate. On occasion, flow control supplied manual or electric shut-off valve. DAMAGE WILL
devices may produce velocity noise that can be reduced by OCCUR if shut-off valve is closed during unit operation. A
applying some back pressure from the ball valve located on high pressure switch must be installed on the heat pump
side of any field provided shut-off valves and connected to
the heat pump controls in series with the built-in refrigerant
Figure 13: Typical Open Loop/Well Application circuit high pressure switch to disable compressor operation
if water pressure exceeds pressure switch setting. The field
installed high pressure switch shall have a cut-out pressure
of 300 psig and a cut-in pressure of 250 psig. This pressure
switch can be ordered from ClimateMaster with a 1/4”
internal flare connection as part number 39B0005N02.
Unit Power
Water Flow
CAUTION! Refrigerant pressure activated water regulating
Control Regulator
valves should never be used with ClimateMaster equipment.
Water Out
Water In
Air Pad or Thermostat Valve
Extruded Wiring Optional
polystyrene Filter
insulation board
P/T Plugs Drains
14 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 15
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
The HWG (Hot Water Generator) or desuperheater option It is always advisable to use water softening equipment on
provides considerable operating cost savings by utilizing domestic water systems to reduce the scaling potential and
excess heat energy from the heat pump to help satisfy lengthen equipment life. In extreme water conditions, it may
domestic hot water requirements. The HWG is active be necessary to avoid the use of the HWG option since the
throughout the year, providing virtually free hot water when potential cost of frequent maintenance may offset or exceed
the heat pump operates in the cooling mode or hot water at any savings.
the COP of the heat pump during operation in the heating
mode. Actual HWG water heating capacities are provided in R-410 systems inherently have a lower hot gas temperature
the appropriate heat pump performance data. than R-22 systems because the equipment is more efficient
(i.e. less waste heat is available). It is possible that energy
Heat pumps equipped with the HWG option include a built- could be transferred from the water heater to the hot gas line
in water to refrigerant heat exchanger that eliminates the instead of from the hot gas line to the water heater during
need to tie into the heat pump refrigerant circuit in the field. certain times of the year. To prevent this from occuring,
The control circuit and pump are also built in for residential a temperature switch will deactivate the pump at those
equipment. Figure 14 shows a typical example of HWG conditions that typically occur in the cooling mode with
water piping connections on a unit with built-in pump. This entering water temperatures of less than 50°F [10°C].
piping layout minimizes scaling potential.
Figure 15: HWG Double Tank Installation
Electric water heaters are recommended. If a gas, propane,
or oil water heater is used, a second preheat tank must be Hot Outlet to
installed (Figure 15). If the electric water heater has only a house
Cold Inlet
Cold Inlet from
single center element, the dual tank system is recommended Hot Outlet
Domestic supply
connection fitting eliminates the need to tie into the hot water
tank cold water piping, but is more susceptible to scaling. The
optional concentric fitting (part # S69619804) is available from
your equipment supplier and should be installed as shown in
Figure 16 for applications with low scaling potential or where Field Supplied 3/4” brass nipple and “T”
a water softener is used. Consult Table 3 for scaling potential Insulated water lines - 5/8” OD, 50 ft maximum
[16mm OD, 15 meters maximum]
Cold Inlet
Cold Supply Hot Outlet
to home
Shut-off Valve #2 Shut-off Valve #
16 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 17
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
WARNING! To avoid possible injury or death due to CAUTION! Use only copper conductors for field installed
electrical shock, open the power supply disconnect switch electrical wiring. Unit terminals are not designed to accept other
and secure it in an open position during installation. types of conductors.
026 10.3 52.0 1 0.40 4.0 4.3 19.0 21.6 30 10 86 (26.2) 0.8 19.8 22.4 30 10 82 (25.2)
038 16.7 82.0 1 0.40 4.0 4.3 25.4 29.6 45 10 63 (19.1) 0.8 26.2 30.4 45 8 97 (29.6)
049 21.2 96.0 1 0.40 4.0 7.0 32.6 37.9 50 8 78 (23.8) 1.07 33.7 39.0 60 8 76 (23.1)
064 25.6 118.0 1 0.40 4.0 7.0 37.0 43.4 60 6 108 (32.9) 1.07 38.1 44.5 70 6 105 (32.1)
072 27.2 150.0 1 0.40 4.0 7.0 38.6 45.4 70 66 103 (31.4) 1.07 39.6 46.4 70 6 101 (30.8)
018 9.0 48.0 1 0.40 4.0 1.0 14.4 16.7 25 0.8 15.2 17.5 25
024 12.8 60.0 1 0.40 4.0 1.1 18.3 21.5 30 10 86 (26.3) 0.8 19.1 22.3 35 10 83 (25.4)
030 13.5 61.0 1 0.40 4.0 1.4 19.3 22.7 35 10 81 (24.9) 0.8 20.1 23.5 35 10 78 (24.1)
036 14.7 72.5 1 0.40 4.0 2.1 21.2 24.9 35 10 74 (22.7) 0.8 22.0 25.7 40 10 72 (22.0)
042 15.4 83.0 1 0.40 4.0 2.1 21.9 25.8 40 10 72 (21.9) 0.8 22.7 26.6 40 10 70 (21.3)
048 20.5 109.0 1 0.40 4.0 3.0 27.9 33.0 50 8 90 (27.3) 1.07 29.0 34.1 50 8 87 (26.4)
060 26.9 145.0 1 0.40 4.0 4.9 36.2 42.9 60 6 109 (33.3) 1.07 37.3 44.0 70 6 106 (32.4)
070 30.1 158.0 1 0.40 4.0 5.8 40.3 47.8 70 6 98 (29.9) 1.07 41.4 48.9 70 6 96 (29.2)
018 9.0 48.0 1 0.40 4.0 4.3 17.7 20.0 25 0.8 18.5 20.8 25
024 12.8 60.0 1 0.40 4.0 4.3 21.5 24.7 35 10 75 (22.9) 0.8 22.3 25.5 35 10 72 (22.2)
030 13.5 61.0 1 0.40 4.0 4.3 22.2 25.6 35 10 72 (22.1) 0.8 23.0 26.4 35 10 70 (21.4)
036 14.7 72.5 1 0.40 4.0 4.3 23.4 27.1 40 10 69 (20.9) 0.8 24.2 27.9 40 10 66 (20.3)
042 15.4 83.0 1 0.40 4.0 4.3 24.1 27.9 40 10 66 (20.2) 0.8 24.9 28.8 40 10 64 (19.6)
048 20.5 109.0 1 0.40 4.0 7.0 31.9 37.0 50 8 80 (24.5) 1.07 33.0 38.1 50 8 78 (23.7)
060 26.9 145.0 1 0.40 4.0 7.0 38.3 45.0 70 6 104 (31.7) 1.07 39.4 46.1 70 6 101 (31.9)
070 30.1 158.0 1 0.40 4.0 7.0 41.5 49.0 70 6 96 (29.1) 1.07 42.6 50.1 80 6 93 (28.5)
18 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
024 10.3 56.0 1 0.4 4.0 1.1 15.8 18.4 25 10 100 (30.7)
070 28.8 148.0 1 0.4 4.0 4.9 38.1 45.3 70 6 103 (31.5)
060 25.0 148.0 1 0.4 4.0 7.4 36.8 43.1 60 6 108 (33.1)
Electrical - Line Voltage
WARNING! Disconnect electrical power source to prevent All field installed wiring, including electrical ground, must
injury or death from electrical shock. comply with the National Electrical Code as well as all
applicable local codes. Refer to the unit electrical data for
fuse sizes. Consult wiring diagram for field connections that
must be made by the installing (or electrical) contractor.
CAUTION! All final electrical connections must be made with a length of
CAUTION! Use only copper conductors for field installed flexible conduit to minimize vibration and sound transmission
electrical wiring. Unit terminals are not designed to accept other to the building.
types of conductors.
General Line Voltage Wiring
Be sure the available power is the same voltage and phase
shown on the unit serial plate. Line and low voltage wiring
must be done in accordance with local codes or the National
Electric Code, whichever is applicable.
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 19
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Power Connection Figure 18: GS Single Phase Line Voltage Field Wiring
Line voltage connection is made by connecting the incoming
line voltage wires to the “L” side of the contactor as shown
in Figures 17 and 18. Consult Tables 4a through 4c for
correct fuse size.
Contactor -CC
208 Volt Operation
All residential 208-230 Volt units are factory wired for 230
Volt operation. The transformer may be switched to the 208V
tap as illustrated on the wiring diagram by switching the red L2 L1 Grnd
(208V) and the orange (230V) wires at the contactor terminal. Unit Power Supply
See electrical table for
breaker size
Transformer Voltage
Rev.: 5/17/01 B
jumper should
Circ Brkr be clipped for
Loop PB1 HWG PB2 low temperature
Contactor - CC CXM PCB operation
CXM Control
Low Voltage
Rev.: 3/24/00
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 21
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Accessory Connections
A terminal paralleling the compressor contactor coil has Figure 26 illustrates piping for two-stage solenoid valves.
been provided on the CXM control. Terminal “A” is designed Review figures 23-25 for wiring of stage one valve. Stage
to control accessory devices, such as water valves. Note: two valve should be wired between terminal “Y2” (ECM
This terminal should be used only with 24 Volt signals board) and terminal “C.” NOTE: When EWT is below 50°F
and not line voltage. Terminal “A” is energized with the [10°C], a minimum of 2 gpm per ton (2.6 l/m per kW) is
compressor contactor. See Figure 23 or the specific unit required.
wiring diagram for details.
Figure 24: AMV Valve Wiring
Figure 23: Accessory Wiring
1 3
Heater Switch Taco Valve
water installations to shut off flow to the unit when the C
compressor is not operating. A slow closing valve may be
required to help reduce water hammer. Figure 23 shows
typical wiring for a 24VAC external solenoid valve. Figures
24 and 25 illustrate typical slow closing water control valve Figure 25: Taco SBV Valve Wiring
wiring for Taco 500 series (ClimateMaster P/N AVM…)
and Taco ESP series valves. Slow closing valves take
approximately 60 seconds to open (very little water will flow
before 45 seconds). Once fully open, an end switch allows
the compressor to be energized. Only relay or triac based
electronic thermostats should be used with slow closing
valves. When wired as shown, the slow closing valve will
operate properly with the following notations:
CAUTION! Units with CXM or DXM board and ECM fan motor, utilizing ECM dehumidification
mode (without ClimaDry option)
CAUTION! Refrigerant pressure activated water regulating
valves should never be used with ClimateMaster equipment. Notes:
1) Units with whole house dehumidification option have slightly different
thermostat wiring.Terminal DH at the thermostat is connected to terminal H at
the DXM board
2) ECM dehumidification mode slows down fan speed in the cooling mode when
Thermostat Installation dehumidification output from thermostat is active. Normal heating and cooling fan
The thermostat should be located on an interior wall in a speeds are not affected.
3) ECM board DIP switch SW9 must be in dehumid. mode for
larger room, away from supply duct drafts. DO NOT locate ECM dehumidification mode.
the thermostat in areas subject to sunlight, drafts or on
external walls. The wire access hole behind the thermostat
may in certain cases need to be sealed to prevent erroneous
temperature measurement. Position the thermostat back Figure 28: Typical Thermostat 2 Heat/1 Cool (PSC Fan)
plate against the wall so that it appears level and so the
thermostat wires protrude through the middle of the back Connection to CXM Control
plate. Mark the position of the back plate mounting holes
ATM21U01 Thermostat CXM
and drill holes with a 3/16” (5mm) bit. Install supplied
anchors and secure plate to the wall. Thermostat wire must Compressor Y Y
be 18 AWG wire. Wire the appropriate thermostat as shown
Heating Stage 2 Y2/W W
in Figures 27 and 28 to the low voltage terminal strip on the
CXM (units with PSC motor) or ECM control board (units Reversing Valve O O
with ECM motor). Practically any heat pump thermostat will Fan G G
work with these units, provided it has the correct number of 24Vac Hot R R
heating and cooling stages. 24Vac Common C C
Fault LED L AL1
NOTICE: Units with ClimaDry whole house dehumidification
option require a separate humidistat or thermostat part
number ATP32U02 (See ClimaDry AOM for more details).
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 23
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
The ECM fan is controlled by an interface board that CFM Adjust Settings: The CFM adjust setting allows
converts thermostat inputs and field selectable CFM four selections. The NORM setting is the factory default
settings to signals used by the ECM motor controller. position. The + or – settings adjust the airflow by +/- 15%.
Units manufactured before July 2005 have version I (P/N The +/- settings are used to “fine tune” airflow adjustments.
69243707). Units manufactured after July 2005 have version The TEST setting runs the ECM motor at 70% torque, which
II (P/N 17B0019N01). Fan speeds are selected with jumpers causes the motor to operate like a standard PSC motor, and
for version I or via a nine position DIP switch for version II. disables the CFM counter.
To take full advantage of the ECM motor features, a multi-
stage thermostat should be used (2-stage heat/2-stage Dehumidification Mode Settings: The dehumidification
cool or 3-stage heat/2-stage cool). mode setting provides field selection of humidity control.
When operating in the normal mode, the cooling airflow
Note: Power must be off to the unit for at least three settings are determined by the cooling tap setting above.
seconds before the ECM motor will recognize a speed When dehumidification is enabled there is a reduction in
change. The motor will recognize a change in the CFM airflow in cooling to increase the moisture removal of the
Adjust or dehumidification mode settings while the unit is heat pump. Consult submittal data or specifications catalog
powered. for the specific unit series and model to correlate speed
tap to airflow in CFM. The dehumidification mode can be
There are four different airflow settings from lowest airflow enabled in two ways.
rate (speed tap 1) to the highest airflow rate (speed tap 4). 1. Constant Dehumidification Mode: When the
The charts below indicate settings for both versions of the dehumidification mode is selected (via DIP switch or
ECM interface board, followed by detailed information for jumper setting), the ECM motor will operate with a
each setting. multiplier applied to the cooling CFM settings (approx.
20-25% lower airflow). Any time the unit is running in
Cooling Settings: The cooling setting determines the the cooling mode, it will operate at the lower airflow
cooling (normal) CFM for all units with ECM motor. to improve latent capacity. The “DEHUM” LED will be
Cooling (normal) setting is used when the unit is not in illuminated at all times. Heating airflow is not affected.
dehumidification mode. This setting also determines the NOTE: Do not select dehumidification mode if cooling
heating CFM for Genesis (GS) units. Tap 1 is the lowest setting is tap 1.
CFM setting, while tap 4 is the highest CFM setting. To 2. Automatic (Humidistat-controlled) Dehumidification
avoid air coil freeze-up, tap 1 may not be used if the Mode: When the dehumidification mode is selected
dehumidification mode is selected. Consult submittal data (via DIP switch or jumper setting) AND a humidistat is
or specifications catalog for the specific unit series and connected to terminal DH (version II) or HUM (version
model to correlate speed tap setting to airflow in CFM. I), the cooling airflow will only be reduced when the
humidistat senses that additional dehumidification is
Heating Settings: The heating setting determines the required. The DH (or HUM) terminal is reverse logic.
heating CFM for Tranquility 27™ (TT) and Tranquility 20™ Therefore, a humidistat (not dehumidistat) is required.
(TS) units. This setting is not used for Genesis (GS) units. The “DEHUM” LED will be illuminated only when
Tap 1 is the lowest CFM setting, while tap 4 is the highest the humidistat is calling for dehumidification mode.
CFM setting. Consult submittal data or specifications Heating airflow is not affected. NOTE: Do not select
catalog for the specific unit series and model to correlate dehumidification mode if cooling setting is tap 1.
speed tap setting to airflow in CFM.
24 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Cooling settings: TT, TS, GS units* Heating settings: TT, TS units* Aux/Emerg Heat settings: TT, TS, GS units*
Version I Version II Version I Version II Version I Version II
69243707 17B0019N01 69243707 17B0019N01 69243707 17B0019N01
Tap HP CFM DIP Switch Tap DELAY DIP Switch Tap AUX CFM DIP Switch
Setting Jumper SW1 SW2 Setting Jumper SW3 SW4 Setting Jumper SW5 SW6
1 1 ON ON 1 1 ON ON 1 1 ON ON
2 2 ON OFF 2 2 ON OFF 2 2 ON OFF
3 3 OFF ON 3 3 OFF ON 3 3 OFF ON
*GS units use the same settings for *This table not used for GS units. *Residential units
both cooling (normal) CFM and heating CFM.
CFM Adjust settings: TT, TS, GS units Dehum Mode settings: TT, TS, GS units
Version I Version II Version I Version II
69243707 17B0019N01 69243707 17B0019N01
Tap CFM Adj DIP Switch Tap Dehumid DIP Switch
Setting Jumper SW7 SW8 Setting Jumper SW9
TEST 1 ON ON NORM pins 1,2 ON
- 2 ON OFF Dehumid pins 2,3 OFF
+ 3 OFF ON
Figure 29a: ECM Version II Interface Layout Figure 29b: ECM Version I Interface Layout
1/4" Spade
Connections 1/4" Spade
to CXM or Thermostat
DXM Board Input LEDs A L
to CXM or
G G G G R A L DXM Board
G Y1 Y2 O W1 EM C R
Y2 Y1 G O W C R DH AL1 A
Input LEDs
1 2 3 4 5
Connections Y CFM
ECM Motor
ECM Motor
J01 Low Voltage
Low Voltage
Connector Connector
7 8 9 10
1 2
Norm 1
2 3
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 25
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Airflow in CFM with wet coil and clean air filter Units Only
Max Fan Cooling Mode Dehumid Mode Heating Mode Aux/
Model ESP Motor Emerg
Setting Stg 1 Stg 2 Fan Stg 1 Stg 2 Fan Stg 1 Stg 2 Fan CFM
(in. wg) (hp) Mode
0.50 1/2 4 810 950 475 630 740 475 920 1060 475 4 1060
0.50 1/2 3 725 850 425 560 660 425 825 950 425 3 950
0.50 1/2 2 620 730 370 490 570 370 710 820 370 2 820
0.50 1/2 1 520 610 300 600 690 300 1 690
0.50 1/2 4 1120 1400 700 870 1090 700 1120 1400 700 4 1400
0.50 1/2 3 1000 1250 630 780 980 630 1000 1250 630 3 1350
0.50 1/2 2 860 1080 540 670 840 540 860 1080 540 2 1350
0.50 1/2 1 730 900 450 730 900 450 1 1350
0.75 1 4 1460 1730 870 1140 1350 870 1560 1850 870 4 1850
0.75 1 3 1300 1550 780 1020 1210 780 1400 1650 780 3 1660
0.75 1 2 1120 1330 670 870 1040 670 1200 1430 670 2 1430
0.75 1 1 940 1120 560 1010 1200 560 1 1350
0.75 1 4 1670 2050 1020 1300 1600 1020 1860 2280 1020 4 2280
0.75 1 3 1500 1825 920 1160 1430 920 1650 2050 920 3 2040
0.75 1 2 1280 1580 790 1000 1230 790 1430 1750 790 2 1750
0.75 1 1 1080 1320 660 1200 1470 660 1 1470
0.75 1 4 1620 2190 1050 1270 1650 1050 1690 2230 1050 4 2230
0.75 1 3 1500 1950 980 1170 1520 980 1600 2100 980 3 2100
0.75 1 2 1400 1830 910 1100 1420 910 1400 1850 910 2 1870
0.75 1 1 1320 1700 850 1240 1620 850 1 1670
Factory shipped on Tap Setting 2
During Auxiliary operation (residential units only) the CFM will run at the higher if the heating (delay jumper) or AUX settings
Airflow is controlled within +/- 5% up to Max ESP shown with wet coil and standard 1” fiberglass filter
Do not select Dehumidification mode if HP CFM is on setting 1
All units ARI/ISO/ASHRAE 13256-1 rated HP (Cooling) Delay (Heating) CFM Setting 3
26 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Fan Rated Min Airflow (cfm) at External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Speed Airflow CFM 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
HI 600 450 704 708 711 702 693 692 690 683 675 658 640 598 515
018 MED 600 450 602 601 599 590 581 583 585 579 573 560 547 492
LOW 600 450 531 529 527 522 517 512 506 501 495 479 462
HI 850 600 965 960 954 943 931 923 914 898 882 862 842 794 725 635
024 MED 850 600 841 833 825 817 809 800 790 777 763 747 731 686 623
LOW 850 600 723 715 707 703 698 689 680 668 656 642 627
HI 950 750 1271 1250 1229 1207 1185 1164 1143 1118 1093 1061 1029 953 875 753
030 MED 950 750 1048 1037 1025 1016 1007 994 981 962 943 915 886 822
LOW 950 750 890 887 884 879 874 865 855 842 829 809 789
HI 1250 900 1411 1407 1402 1390 1378 1370 1361 1326 1290 1248 1205 1083 942
036 MED 1250 900 1171 1164 1156 1145 1133 1113 1092 1064 1035 997 958
HI 1400 1050 1634 1626 1618 1606 1594 1583 1571 1539 1507 1464 1420 1265 1078
042 MED 1400 1050 1332 1323 1314 1298 1282 1263 1243 1206 1169 1115 1060
LOW 1400 1050 1130 1109 1088 1086 1084 1066 1048 1052 1055
HI 1600 1200 1798 1781 1764 1738 1711 1688 1665 1630 1595 1555 1514 1420 1239
048 MED 1600 1200 1384 1382 1379 1375 1371 1356 1341 1318 1294 1261 1227
HI 1950 1500 2311 2306 2300 2290 2279 2268 2257 2233 2209 2175 2140 2088 1990 1901 1856 1752
060 MED 1950 1500 2058 2049 2039 2028 2016 2000 1983 1966 1949 1935 1920 1874 1807 1750 1670 1582
LOW 1950 1500 1868 1863 1858 1858 1858 1848 1838 1822 1806 1799 1792 1749 1699 1636 1570
HI 2100 1800 2510 2498 2486 2471 2455 2440 2424 2401 2377 2348 2318 2247 2161 2078 1986 1855
070 MED 2100 1800 2171 2167 2162 2162 2162 2158 2153 2135 2117 2101 2085 2024 1971 1891 1823
LOW 2100 1800 2010 2008 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1992 1977 1962 1947 1892 1851
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 27
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Airflow in CFM with wet coil and clean air filter Units Only
Max Fan Cooling Mode Dehumid Mode Heating Mode Aux/
Model ESP Motor Emerg
Setting Stg 1 Stg 2 Fan Stg 1 Stg 2 Fan Stg 1 Stg 2 Fan CFM
(in. wg) (hp) Mode
4 620 750 380 480 590 380 620 750 380 4 750
3 570 700 350 450 550 350 570 700 350 3 700
018 0.50 1/2
2 510 620 310 400 480 310 510 620 310 2 650
1 430 530 270 430 530 270 1 650
4 780 950 470 610 740 470 870 1060 470 4 1060
3 700 850 420 540 660 420 780 950 420 3 950
024 0.50 1/2
2 630 770 360 490 600 360 670 820 390 2 820
1 550 670 300 570 690 340 1 690
4 920 1130 560 720 880 560 1000 1230 560 4 1230
3 820 1000 500 640 780 500 900 1100 500 3 1100
030 0.50 1/2
2 740 900 450 580 700 450 800 980 450 2 980
1 660 800 400 700 850 400 1 850
4 1150 1400 700 900 1090 700 1150 1400 700 4 1400
3 1020 1250 630 800 980 630 1020 1250 630 3 1350
036 0.50 1/2
2 890 1080 540 690 840 540 890 1080 540 2 1350
1 740 900 450 750 920 450 1 1350
4 1290 1580 790 1010 1230 790 1290 1580 790 4 1580
3 1150 1400 700 900 1090 700 1150 1400 700 3 1400
042 0.50 1/2
2 1050 1280 640 820 1000 640 1020 1240 640 2 1350
1 920 1120 560 900 1080 560 1 1350
4 1420 1730 870 1110 1350 870 1520 1850 865 4 1850
3 1270 1550 780 990 1210 780 1350 1650 775 3 1650
048 0.75 1
2 1180 1440 720 920 1120 720 1190 1450 720 2 1450
1 1050 1280 640 1020 1250 640 1 1350
4 1680 2050 1030 1310 1600 1030 1870 2280 1030 4 2280
3 1500 1830 910 1170 1420 910 1680 2050 910 3 2050
060 0.75 1
2 1400 1700 850 1090 1330 850 1480 1800 850 2 1800
1 1300 1580 790 1270 1550 790 1 1550
4 1830 2230 1100 1420 1740 1100 1830 2230 1100 4 2230
3 1600 1950 980 1250 1520 980 1720 2100 980 3 2100
070 0.75 1
2 1440 1750 880 1120 1360 880 1670 1950 880 2 1950
1 1200 1580 790 1460 1780 790 1 1780
Airflow in CFM with wet coil and clean air filter Units Only
Max Fan Tap Cooling Mode Dehumid Mode Aux/
Model ESP Motor Set- Emerg
Stg 1 Stg 2 Fan Stg 1 Stg 2 Fan CFM
(in. wg) (hp) ting Mode
4 440 540 270 340 420 270 4 540
3 410 500 250 320 390 250 3 500
015 0.50 1/2
2 380 460 230 300 360 230 2 460
1 350 430 210 1 430
4 530 650 320 410 510 320 4 650
3 490 600 300 380 470 300 3 600
018 0.50 1/2
2 460 560 280 360 440 280 2 560
1 420 510 260 1 510
4 710 860 430 550 670 430 4 860
3 660 800 400 510 620 400 3 800
024 0.50 1/2
2 610 740 370 480 580 370 2 740
1 560 680 340 1 680
4 880 1080 540 690 840 540 4 1080
3 820 1000 500 640 780 500 3 1000
030 0.50 1/2
2 760 930 460 590 730 460 2 930
1 700 850 430 1 850
4 1060 1290 650 830 1010 650 4 1290
3 980 1200 600 760 940 600 3 1200
036 0.50 1/2
2 910 1110 560 710 870 560 2 1110
1 840 1020 600 1 1020
4 1230 1510 750 960 1180 750 4 1510
3 1150 1400 700 900 1090 700 3 1400
042 0.50 1/2
2 1060 1300 650 830 1010 650 2 1300
1 980 1190 600 1 1190
4 1410 1720 860 1100 1340 860 4 1720
3 1310 1600 800 1020 1250 800 3 1600
048 0.75 1
2 1210 1480 740 940 1150 740 2 1480
1 1120 1360 680 1 1360
4 1760 2150 1080 1370 1680 1080 4 2150
3 1640 2000 1000 1280 1560 1000 3 2000
060 0.75 1
2 1520 1850 930 1190 1440 930 2 1850
1 1390 1700 850 1 1700
4 2120 2580 1290 1650 2010 1290 4 2580
3 1970 2400 1200 1540 1870 1200 3 2400
070 0.75 1
2 1820 2220 1110 1420 1730 1110 2 2220
1 1670 2040 1020 1 2040
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 29
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Fan Rated MIN Airflow (cfm) at External Static Pressure (in. wg)
Speed Airflow CFM 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
HI 500 375 880 860 840 830 820 800 780 750 730 690 660 610
015 MED 500 375 770 760 750 740 720 710 690 670 640 620 600 520
LOW 500 375 660 660 660 650 640 630 620 600 580 550 520 460
HI 600 450 880 860 840 830 820 800 780 750 730 690 660 610
018 MED 600 450 770 760 750 740 720 710 690 670 640 620 600 520
LOW 600 450 660 660 660 650 640 630 620 600 580 550 520 460
HI 800 600 1130 1110 1090 1060 1040 1010 980 950 920 880 840 720
024 MED 800 600 950 940 930 920 910 880 860 820 790 760 730
LOW 800 600 880 870 860 840 830 810 800 770 730 700 660
HI 1000 750 1260 1230 1200 1180 1160 1120 1090 1050 1000 970 930 850 650
030 MED 1000 750 1180 1150 1120 1090 1070 1030 1000 970 950 910 870
LOW 1000 750 1040 1020 1000 980 960 930 910 870 840 820 790
HI 1150 863 1400 1360 1320 1280 1250 1220 1200 1150 1110 1070 1020 940 850 690
036 MED 1150 850 1260 1240 1220 1190 1170 1130 1100 1070 1040 990 950
LOW 1150 863 1170 1150 1130 1100 1080 1050 1020 990 960 930 900
HI 1400 1050 1670 1630 1600 1570 1540 1510 1440 1380 1290 1130 0
042 MED 1400 1050 1610 1580 1550 1510 1480 1450 1420 1390 1360 1320 1270
LOW 1400 1050 1270 1260 1250 1240 1220 1210 1190 1160 1120 1080 1030
HI 1600 1200 2010 2000 1940 1880 1830 1780 1690 1610 1540 1310 1190
048 MED 1600 1200 1950 1910 1870 1820 1780 1740 1700 1670 1630 1570 1520 1410 1310 1170
LOW 1600 1200 1470 1460 1450 1440 1430 1410 1380 1360 1330 1280 1220 1110 1040
HI 2000 1500 2270 2230 2200 2170 2140 2110 2040 1970 1870 1720 1640
060 MED 2000 1500 2260 2240 2220 2190 2170 2140 2110 2100 2080 2050 2020 1960 1870 1760 1660 1550
LOW 2000 1500 2050 2030 2010 1990 1970 1950 1930 1910 1880 1850 1830 1780 1700 1650 1570 1430
HI 2300 1725 2460 2430 2390 2340 2310 2280 2230 2180 1990 1860 1740
070 MED 2300 1725 2530 2500 2470 2450 2420 2400 2370 2340 2310 2280 2260 2200 2100 1890 1740 1640
LOW 2300 1725 2270 2260 2250 2240 2230 2210 2180 2160 2140 2120 2100 2040 1900 1790 1690 1570
30 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
CXM Controls
CXM Control DDC operation. If set to “DDC Output at EH2,” the EH2
For detailed control information, see CXM/DXM Application, terminal will continuously output the last fault code of
Operation and Maintenance (AOM) manual (part the controller. If set to “EH2 normal,” EH2 will operate as
#97B0003N08). standard electric heat output.
On = EH2 Normal. Off = DDC Output at EH2.
Field Selectable Inputs NOTE: Some CXM controls only have a 2 position DIP switch
Test mode: Test mode allows the service technician to package. If this is the case, this option can be selected by
check the operation of the control in a timely manner. By clipping the jumper which is in position 4
momentarily shorting the test terminals, the CXM control of SW1.
enters a 20 minute test mode period in which all time delays Jumper not clipped = EH2 Normal. Jumper clipped = DDC
are sped up 15 times. Upon entering test mode, the status Output at EH2.
LED will flash a code representing the last fault. For diagnostic DIP switch 5: Factory Setting - Normal position is “On.” Do
ease at the thermostat, the alarm relay will also cycle during not change selection unless instructed to do so by
test mode. The alarm relay will cycle on and off similar to the the factory.
status LED to indicate a code representing the last fault, at
the thermostat. Test mode can be exited by shorting the test
terminals for 3 seconds.
Retry Mode: If the control is attempting a retry of a fault, Table 6a: CXM LED And Alarm Relay Operations
the status LED will slow flash (slow flash = one flash every 2 Description of Operation LED Alarm Relay
seconds) to indicate the control is in the process of retrying. Normal Mode On Open
Normal Mode with UPS Warning On Cycle (closed 5 sec., Open 25 sec.)
Field Configuration Options CXM is non-functional Off Open
Fault Retry Slow Flash Open
Note: In the following field configuration options, jumper Lockout Fast Flash Closed
wires should be clipped ONLY when power is removed from Over/Under Voltage Shutdown Slow Flash Open (Closed after 15 minutes)
the CXM control. Test Mode - No fault in memory Flashing Code 1 Cycling Code 1
Air coil low temperature limit setting: Jumper 2 (JW2-FP2 Test Mode - CO Fault in memory Flashing Code 6 Cycling Code 6
Low Temp) provides field selection of temperature limit Test Mode - Over/Under
Flashing Code 7 Cycling Code 7
setting for FP2 of 30°F or 10°F [-1°F or -12°C] (refrigerant shutdown in memory
temperature). Note: This jumper should only be clipped Test Mode - UPS in memory Flashing Code 8 Cycling Code 8
-Slow Flash = 1 flash every 2 seconds
under extenuating circumstances, as recommended by Test Mode - Swapped Thermistor Flashing Code 9 Cycling Code 9
-Fast Flash = 2 flashes every 1 second
the factory.
-Flash code 2 = 2 quick flashes, 10 second pause, 2 quick
Not Clipped = 30°F [-1°C]. Clipped = 10°F [-12°C].
flashes, 10 second pause, etc.
Alarm relay setting: Jumper 1 (JW1-AL2 Dry) provides field
-On pulse 1/3 second; off pulse 1/3 second
selection of the alarm relay terminal AL2 to be jumpered to
24VAC or to be a dry contact (no connection).
Not Clipped = AL2 connected to R. Clipped = AL2 dry
contact (no connection).
DIP Switches
Note: In the following field configuration options, DIP
switches should only be changed when power is removed
from the CXM control.
DIP switch 1: Unit Performance Sentinel Disable - provides
field selection to disable the UPS feature.
On = Enabled. Off = Disabled.
DIP switch 2: Stage 2 Selection - provides selection of
whether compressor has an “on” delay. If set to stage 2, the
compressor will have a 3 second delay before energizing.
Also, if set for stage 2, the alarm relay will NOT cycle during
test mode.
On = Stage 1. Off = Stage 2
DIP switch 3: Not Used.
DIP switch 4: DDC Output at EH2 - provides selection for
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 31
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
CXM Controls
Safety Features – CXM Control Air coil low temperature (FP2): The FP2 thermistor temperature
The safety features below are provided to protect the must be below the selected low temperature limit setting for
compressor, heat exchangers, wiring and other components 30 continuous seconds during a compressor run cycle to be
from damage caused by operation outside of design recognized as a FP2 fault. The FP2 input is bypassed for the
conditions. initial 60 seconds of a compressor run cycle. FP2 is set at the
Anti-short cycle protection: The control features a 5 minute factory for one try. Therefore, the control will go into lockout
mode once the FP2 fault has occurred.
anti-short cycle protection for the compressor.
FP2 lockout code = 5
Note: The 5 minute anti-short cycle also occurs at power up. Condensate overflow: The condensate overflow sensor
Random start: The control features a random start upon must sense overflow level for 30 continuous seconds to
power up of 5-80 seconds. be recognized as a CO fault. Condensate overflow will be
Fault Retry: In Fault Retry mode, the Status LED begins monitored at all times.
slowly flashing to signal that the control is trying to recover CO lockout code = 6
from a fault input. The control will stage off the outputs and Over/under voltage shutdown: An over/under voltage
then “try again” to satisfy the thermostat input call. Once the condition exists when the control voltage is outside the range
thermostat input call is satisfied, the control will continue on of 19VAC to 30VAC. Over/under voltage shut down is a
self-resetting safety. If the voltage comes back within range
as if no fault occurred. If 3 consecutive faults occur without
for at least 0.5 seconds, normal operation is restored. This is
satisfying the thermostat input call, the control will go into
not considered a fault or lockout. If the CXM is in over/under
“lockout” mode. The last fault causing the lockout will be voltage shutdown for 15 minutes, the alarm relay will close.
stored in memory and can be viewed by going into test mode. Over/under voltage shut down code = 7
Note: FP1/FP2 faults are factory set at only one try. Unit Performance Sentinel-UPS (patent pending): The UPS
Lockout: In lockout mode, the status LED will begin fast feature indicates when the heat pump is operating inefficiently.
flashing. The compressor relay is turned off immediately. A UPS condition exists when:
Lockout mode can be “soft” reset by turning off the a) In heating mode with compressor energized, FP2 is
thermostat (or satisfying the call). A “soft” reset keeps greater than 125°F [52°C] for 30 continuous seconds, or:
the fault in memory but resets the control. A “hard” reset b) In cooling mode with compressor energized, FP1 is
greater than 125°F [52°C] for 30 continuous seconds, or:
(disconnecting power to the control) resets the control and
c) In cooling mode with compressor energized, FP2 is less
erases fault memory.
than 40°F [4.5°C] for 30 continuous seconds. If a UPS
Lockout with emergency heat: While in lockout mode, if W condition occurs, the control will immediately go to UPS
becomes active (CXM), emergency heat mode will occur. warning. The status LED will remain on as if the control
High pressure switch: When the high pressure switch opens due is in normal mode. Outputs of the control, excluding LED
to high refrigerant pressures, the compressor relay is de-energized and alarm relay, will NOT be affected by UPS. The UPS
immediately since the high pressure switch is in series with the condition cannot occur during a compressor off cycle.
compressor contactor coil. The high pressure fault recognition is During UPS warning, the alarm relay will cycle on and
immediate (does not delay for 30 continuous seconds before de- off. The cycle rate will be “on” for 5 seconds, “off” for 25
energizing the compressor). seconds, “on” for 5 seconds, “off” for 25 seconds, etc.
UPS warning code = 8
High pressure lockout code = 2
Swapped FP1/FP2 thermistors: During test mode, the control
Example: 2 quick flashes, 10 sec pause, 2 quick flashes, 10
monitors to see if the FP1 and FP2 thermistors are in the
sec. pause, etc. appropriate places. If the control is in test mode, the control
Low pressure switch: The low pressure switch must be open will lockout, with code 9, after 30 seconds if:
and remain open for 30 continuous seconds during “on” cycle a) The compressor is on in the cooling mode and the FP1
to be recognized as a low pressure fault. If the low pressure sensor is colder than the FP2 sensor, or:
switch is open for 30 seconds prior to compressor power up it b) The compressor is on in the heating mode and the FP2
will be considered a low pressure (loss of charge) fault. The low sensor is colder than the FP1 sensor.
pressure switch input is bypassed for the initial 60 seconds of a Swapped FP1/FP2 thermistor code = 9.
compressor run cycle.
Diagnostic Features
Low pressure lockout code = 3
The LED on the CXM board advises the technician of the
Water coil low temperature (FP1): The FP1 thermistor current status of the CXM control. The LED can display either
temperature must be below the selected low temperature limit the current CXM mode or the last fault in memory if in test
setting for 30 continuous seconds during a compressor run mode. If there is no fault in memory, the LED will flash Code 1
cycle to be recognized as a FP1 fault. The FP1 input is bypassed (when in test mode).
for the initial 60 seconds of a compressor run cycle. FP1 is set at
the factory for one try. Therefore, the control will go into lockout
mode once the FP1 fault has occurred.
FP1 lockout code = 4
32 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
CXM Controls
T-stat signal
ECM fan ECM fan PSC fan
G Fan only Fan only Fan only
1 3 5
G, Y or Y1 Stage 1 heating Stage 1 heating Stage 1 heating
1 3 5
G, Y1, Y2 Stage 2 heating Stage 2 heating Stage 2 heating
1 3
G, Y1, Y2, W Stage 3 heating Stage 3 heating N/A
G, W Emergency heat Emergency heat Emergency heat
2 4 6
G, Y or Y1, O Stage 1 cooling Stage 1 cooling Cooling
2 4
G, Y1, Y2, O Stage 2 cooling Stage 2 cooling N/A
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 33
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
CXM Controls
Thermostat Signals -
• "Y" and "W" have a 1 second recognition time when
being activated or being removed.
• "O" and "G" are direct pass through signals but are
monitored by the micro processor.
• "R" and "C" are from the transformer.
• "AL1" and "AL2" originate from the alarm relay.
• "A" is paralleled with the compressor output for use
with well water solenoid valves.
• The "Y" 1/4" quick connect is a connection point to the
"Y" input terminal P1 for factory use. This "Y" terminal
can be used to drive panel mounted relays such as the
loop pump relay.
34 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
1. Conditions in Table 8 are not normal or continuous
operating conditions. Minimum/maximum limits are
start-up conditions to bring the building space up to
occupancy temperatures. Units are not designed to
operate under these conditions on a regular basis.
2. Voltage utilization range complies with ARI
Standard 110.
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 35
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Unit and System Checkout Flow Controller pump(s): Verify that the pump(s) is wired
BEFORE POWERING SYSTEM, please check the following: and in operating condition.
System controls: Verify that system controls function and
UNIT CHECKOUT operate in the proper sequence.
Balancing/shutoff valves: Insure that all isolation valves Low water temperature cutout: Verify that low water
are open and water control valves are wired. temperature cut-out controls are set properly
Line voltage and wiring: Verify that voltage is within (FP1 - JW3).
an acceptable range for the unit and wiring and fuses/ Miscellaneous: Note any questionable aspects of
breakers are properly sized. Verify that low voltage wiring the installation.
is complete.
Unit control transformer: Insure that transformer has the
properly selected voltage tap. Residential 208-230V units CAUTION!
are factory wired for 230V operation unless specified
CAUTION! Verify that ALL water control valves are open
and allow water flow prior to engaging the compressor.
Loop/water piping is complete and purged of air. Water/
Freezing of the coax or water lines can permanently
piping is clean.
damage the heat pump.
Antifreeze has been added if necessary.
Entering water and air: Insure that entering water and air
temperatures are within operating limits of Table 8. NOTICE! Failure to remove shipping brackets from spring-
Low water temperature cutout: Verify that low water mounted compressors will cause excessive noise, and could
temperature cut-out on the CXM/DXM control is properly cause component failure due to added vibration.
Unit fan: Manually rotate fan to verify free rotation and
insure that blower wheel is secured to the motor shaft.
Be sure to remove any shipping supports if needed.
DO NOT oil motors upon start-up. Fan motors are pre- CAUTION! To avoid equipment damage, DO NOT
oiled at the factory. Check unit fan speed selection and leave system filled in a building without heat during the
compare to design requirements. winter unless antifreeze is added to the water loop. Heat
Condensate line: Verify that condensate line is open and exchangers never fully drain by themselves and will freeze
properly pitched toward drain. unless winterized with antifreeze.
HWG pump is disconnected unless piping is completed
and air has been purged from the system.
Water flow balancing: Record inlet and outlet water
temperatures for each heat pump upon startup. This
Unit Start-up Procedure
check can eliminate nuisance trip outs and high velocity
1. Turn the thermostat fan position to “ON.” Blower
water flow that could erode heat exchangers.
should start.
Unit air coil and filters: Insure that filter is clean and
2. Balance air flow at registers.
accessible. Clean air coil of all manufacturing oils.
3. Adjust all valves to their full open position. Turn on the
Unit controls: Verify that CXM field selection options are
line power to all heat pump units.
properly set. Low voltage wiring is complete.
4. Room temperature should be within the minimum-
Blower speed is set.
maximum ranges of Table 8. During start-up checks,
Service/access panels are in place.
loop water temperature entering the heat pump should
be between 30°F [-1°C] and 95°F [35°C].
5. Two factors determine the operating limits of water
System water temperature: Check water temperature
source heat pumps, (a) return air temperature, and (b)
for proper range and also verify heating and cooling set
water temperature. When any one of these factors is at a
points for proper operation.
minimum or maximum level, the other factor must be at
System pH: Check and adjust water pH if necessary to
normal level to insure proper unit operation.
maintain a level between 6 and 8.5. Proper pH promotes
a. Adjust the unit thermostat to the warmest setting.
longevity of hoses and fittings (see Table 3).
Place the thermostat mode switch in the “COOL”
System flushing: Verify that all air is purged from the
position. Slowly reduce thermostat setting until the
system. Air in the system can cause poor operation or
compressor activates.
system corrosion. Water used in the system must be
b. Check for cool air delivery at the unit grille within a
potable quality initially and clean of dirt, piping slag,
few minutes after the unit has begun to operate.
and strong chemical cleaning agents. Some antifreeze
Note: Units have a five minute time delay in the
solutions may require distilled water.
control circuit that can be eliminated on the CXM/
DXM control board as shown below in Figure 30. See
controls description for details.
36 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
c. Verify that the compressor is on and that the water 7. If unit fails to operate, perform troubleshooting analysis
flow rate is correct by measuring pressure drop (see troubleshooting section). If the check described
through the heat exchanger using the P/T plugs and fails to reveal the problem and the unit still does not
comparing to Tables 9a through 9c. operate, contact a trained service technician to insure
d. Check the elevation and cleanliness of the proper diagnosis and repair of the equipment.
condensate lines. Dripping may be a sign of a 8. When testing is complete, set system to maintain
blocked line. Check that the condensate trap is filled desired comfort level.
to provide a water seal. 9. BE CERTAIN TO FILL OUT AND RETURN ALL
e. Refer to Table 10. Check the temperature of both WARRANTY REGISTRATION PAPERWORK.
entering and leaving water. If temperature is within
range, proceed with the test. If temperature is outside Note: If performance during any mode appears abnormal,
of the operating range, check refrigerant pressures refer to the CXM section or troubleshooting section of this
and compare to Tables 11 through 13. Verify correct manual. To obtain maximum performance, the air coil should
water flow by comparing unit pressure drop across be cleaned before start-up. A 10% solution of dishwasher
the heat exchanger versus the data in Tables 9a detergent and water is recommended.
through 9c. Heat of rejection (HR) can be calculated
and compared to catalog data capacity pages. The
formula for HR for systems with water is as follows: WARNING!
HR = TD x GPM x 500, where TD is the temperature
difference between the entering and leaving water, WARNING! When the disconnect switch is closed, high
and GPM is the flow rate in U.S. GPM, determined voltage is present in some areas of the electrical panel.
by comparing the pressure drop across the heat Exercise caution when working with energized equipment.
exchanger to Tables 9a through 9c.
f. Check air temperature drop across the air coil when
compressor is operating. Air temperature drop should
be between 15°F and 25°F [8°C and 14°C].
g. Turn thermostat to “OFF” position. A hissing noise
indicates proper functioning of the reversing valve.
6. Allow five (5) minutes between tests for pressure to CAUTION! Verify that ALL water control valves are open
equalize before beginning heating test. and allow water flow prior to engaging the compressor.
a. Adjust the thermostat to the lowest setting. Place the Freezing of the coax or water lines can permanently
thermostat mode switch in the “HEAT” position. damage the heat pump.
b. Slowly raise the thermostat to a higher temperature
until the compressor activates.
c. Check for warm air delivery within a few minutes after
the unit has begun to operate. Figure 30: Test Mode Pins
d. Refer to Table 10. Check the temperature of both
entering and leaving water. If temperature is within Short test pins
range, proceed with the test. If temperature is outside together to enter Test
of the operating range, check refrigerant pressures Mode and speed-up
and compare to Tables 11 through 13. Verify correct timing and delays for
water flow by comparing unit pressure drop across
20 minutes.
the heat exchanger versus the data in Tables 9a
through 9c. Heat of extraction (HE) can be calculated
and compared to submittal data capacity pages. The
formula for HE for systems with water is as follows:
HE = TD x GPM x 500, where TD is the temperature
difference between the entering and leaving water,
and GPM is the flow rate in U.S. GPM, determined
by comparing the pressure drop across the heat
exchanger to Tables 9a through 9c.
e. Check air temperature rise across the air coil when
compressor is operating. Air temperature rise should
be between 20°F and 30°F [11°C and 17°C].
f. Check for vibration, noise, and water leaks.
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 37
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Table 9a: TT Coax Water Pressure Drop Table 9b: TS Coax Water Pressure Drop
Pressure Drop (psi) Pressure Drop (psi)
Model GPM Model GPM
30°F 50°F 70°F 90°F 30°F 50°F 70°F 90°F
4.0 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 2.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2
6.0 3.1 2.6 2.3 2.1 018 4.1 2.1 1.7 1.4 1.1
7.0 4.1 3.4 3.0 2.7 5.5 3.5 2.8 2.4 2.0
8.0 5.1 4.3 3.8 3.4
4.0 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0
4.0 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 024 6.0 3.1 2.6 2.3 2.1
6.0 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.1 8.0 5.1 4.3 3.8 3.4
8.0 4.5 4.2 4.0 3.7
9.0 5.7 5.2 4.8 4.4 4.0 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0
030 6.0 3.1 2.6 2.3 2.1
5.5 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 8.0 5.1 4.3 3.8 3.4
8.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.8
049 4.5 1.7 1.3 1.1 0.9
11.0 3.9 3.6 3.2 3.1
12.0 4.5 4.2 3.8 3.5 036 6.8 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.6
9.0 5.7 5.2 4.8 4.4
7.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1
10.5 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 5.5 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7
064 042 8.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.8
14.0 3.9 3.5 3.2 2.9
15.0 4.8 4.3 3.9 3.5 11.0 3.9 3.6 3.2 3.1
7.5 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.3 6.0 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9
11.3 3.9 3.4 3.0 2.8 048 9.0 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.2
072 12.0 4.5 4.2 3.8 3.5
15.0 6.9 6.0 5.4 5.0
17.0 8.9 7.7 6.9 6.5
7.5 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2
060 11.3 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.8
Table 9c: GS Coax Water Pressure Drop 15.0 4.8 4.3 3.9 3.5
Pressure Drop (psi) 8.3 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.6
Model GPM 070 12.4 5.2 4.5 4.0 3.8
30°F 50°F 70°F 90°F
16.5 8.0 7.0 6.3 6.0
1.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5
015 2.8 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8
3.8 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2
2.2 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 Table 10: Water Temperature Change Through Heat
018 3.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 Exchanger
4.5 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.5
Sjtf-!Dppmjoh Espq-!Ifbujoh
3.0 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5
Xbufs!Gmpx-!hqn!)m0n* ¢G!)¢D* ¢G!)¢D*
024 4.5 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 Gps!Dmptfe!Mppq;!Hspvoe!Tpvsdf!ps!Dmptfe!Mppq
:!.!23 5!.!9
6.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.5 )6!.!7/8* )3/3!.!5/5*
38 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
1.5 118-128 159-179 25-30 9-14 16.7-18.7 19-25 72-83 273-293 6-11 3-8 5.9-7.9 16-22
30 2.25 118-128 146-166 25-30 7-12 12.3-14.3 20-26 75-85 275-295 6-11 3-8 4.2-6.2 17-23
3 118-128 132-152 25-30 7-12 7.9-9.9 20-26 78-88 277-297 6-11 3-8 2.7-4.7 18-24
1.5 128-138 186-206 18-23 8-13 16.3-18.3 19-25 102-112 302-322 8-12 6-11 8.9-10.9 22-28
50 2.25 128-138 172-192 18-23 6-11 12.1-14.1 20-26 106-116 303-323 8-12 6-11 6.7-8.7 23-29
3 128-138 158-178 18-23 6-11 7.8-9.8 20-26 110-120 305-325 8-12 6-11 4.5-6.5 23-29
1.5 136-146 281-301 7-12 7-12 15.7-17.7 19-25 128-138 330-350 10-15 8-13 11.3-13.3 27-34
70 2.25 136-146 267-287 7-12 5-10 11.6-13.6 19-25 134-144 332-352 10-15 8-13 8.5-10.5 28-35
3 136-146 253-273 7-12 4-9 7.6-9.6 19-25 141-151 334-354 10-15 8-13 5.8-7.8 28-35
1.5 139-149 368-388 6-11 7-12 14.9-16.9 18-24 162-172 367-387 14-19 10-15 14.4-16.4 33-41
90 2.25 139-149 354-374 6-11 5-10 11-13 18-24 166-176 372-392 15-20 10-15 10.8-12.8 34-42
3 139-149 340-360 6-11 5-10 7.2-9.2 18-24 171-181 377-397 17-22 10-15 7.1-9.1 34-42
038 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Subcooling Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Subcooling Temp Drop
Rise °F DB
1.5 120-130 156-176 25-30 9-14 22.1-24.1 18-24 69-79 293-313 7-12 14-19 8.9-10.9 17-23
30 2.25 119-129 148-168 25-30 8-13 16.8-18.8 19-25 73-83 297-317 7-12 14-19 6.7-8.7 18-24
3 119-129 138-158 25-30 8-13 10.5-12.5 19-25 76-86 300-320 7-12 14-19 4.5-6.5 19-25
1.5 129-139 225-245 15-20 10-15 21.9-23.9 18-24 96-106 322-342 10-15 17-22 12.2-14.2 23-29
50 2.25 128-138 211-231 15-20 9-14 16.1-18.1 19-25 100-110 326-346 10-15 17-22 9.3-11.3 24-30
3 128-138 197-217 15-20 9-14 10.3-12.3 19-25 105-115 331-351 10-15 17-22 6.4-8.4 24-30
1.5 136-146 302-322 9-14 13-18 21.5-23.5 18-24 123-133 352-372 11-16 19-24 15-17 28-35
70 2.25 135-145 283-303 9-14 12-17 15.8-17.8 19-25 129-139 358-378 11-16 19-24 11.6-13.6 29-36
3 135-145 265-285 9-14 12-17 10-12 19-25 135-145 364-384 11-16 19-24 8.2-10.2 30-37
1.5 140-150 390-410 7-12 13-18 20.5-22.5 17-23 157-167 390-410 13-18 18-23 21-23 36-44
90 2.25 140-150 369-389 8-13 8-13 14.9-16.9 17-23 169-179 399-419 13-18 16.5-21.5 15.5-17.5 37-45
3 140-150 349-369 8-13 8-13 9.3-11.3 17-23 181-191 408-428 14-19 15-20 10.5-12.5 39-47
049 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Subcooling Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Subcooling Temp Drop
Rise °F DB
1.5 112-122 187-207 22-27 14-19 20.7-22.7 18-24 66-76 286-306 7-12 8-13 8-10 18-24
30 2.25 111-121 167-187 22-27 12-17 15.5-17.5 18-24 69-79 289-309 7-12 9-14 6-8 19-25
3 111-121 147-167 23-28 11-16 10.2-12.2 18-24 72-82 292-312 7-12 9-14 4-6 19-25
1.5 125-135 242-262 13-18 10-15 20.9-22.9 19-25 93-103 314-334 8-13 10-15 11.5-13.5 23-29
50 2.25 123-133 224-244 13-18 9-14 15.6-17.6 19-25 98-108 320-340 8-13 10-15 8.7-10.7 24-30
3 122-132 205-225 14-19 7-12 10.2-12.2 19-25 103-113 326-346 8-13 10-15 5.9-7.9 25-31
1.5 133-143 310-330 8-13 8-13 20.5-22.5 19-25 123-133 344-364 9-14 9-14 15-17 28-35
70 2.25 132-142 290-310 8-13 7-12 15.2-17.2 19-25 130-140 354-374 9-14 9-14 11.5-13.5 29-36
3 131-141 270-290 9-14 5-10 9.9-11.9 19-25 137-147 361-381 9-14 9-14 7.9-9.9 30-37
1.5 138-148 396-416 7-12 7-12 19.2-21.2 18-24 165-175 390-410 13-18 8-13 19.6-21.6 37-45
90 2.25 137-147 374-394 7-12 6-11 14.3-16.3 18-24 175-185 401-421 15-20 8-13 15-17 38-46
3 136-146 352-372 7-12 4-9 9.3-11.3 18-24 185-195 413-433 17-22 8-13 10.3-12.3 39-47
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 39
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Table 11: TT Series Typical Unit Operating Pressures and Temperatures: Continued
064 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 117-127 170-190 27-32 15-20 18.2-20.2 17-23 66-76 282-302 10-16 9-14 8-10 19-25
30 2.25 116-126 143-163 28-33 13-18 12.6-14.6 17-23 69-79 285-305 10-16 9-14 6-8 19-25
3 115-125 135-155 29-34 12-17 7-9 17-23 72-82 289-309 10-16 10-15 4-6 20-26
1.5 128-138 238-258 16-21 14-19 20.5-22.5 21-27 90-100 310-330 11-17 12-17 11.3-13.3 24-30
50 2.25 126-136 222-242 21-26 13-18 14.9-16.9 21-27 95-105 313-333 11-17 12-17 8.5-10.5 25-31
3 125-135 205-225 26-31 12-17 9.2-11.2 21-27 99-109 316-336 11-17 12-17 5.7-7.7 26-32
1.5 135-145 315-335 10-15 14-19 21-23 22-28 115-125 337-357 12-18 14-19 14-16 28-35
70 2.25 134-144 296-316 12-17 13-18 15.5-17.5 22-28 120-130 341-361 12-18 14-19 10.6-12.6 29-36
3 133-143 276-296 15-20 11-16 10-12 22-28 126-136 345-365 12-18 15-20 7.3-9.3 30-37
1.5 139-149 408-428 10-15 15-20 20.1-22.1 21-27 157-167 390-410 15-20 14-19 18.2-20.2 37-45
90 2.25 138-148 386-406 10-15 13-18 14.8-16.8 21-27 161-171 394-414 15-20 14-19 13.9-15.9 38-46
3 138-148 364-384 10-15 11-16 9.5-11.5 21-27 166-176 398-418 15-20 15-20 9.6-11.6 39-47
072 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 119-129 155-175 25-30 17-22 18-20 21-27 61-71 292-312 11-16 13-18 7.2-9.2 19-25
30 2.25 117-127 150-170 25-30 17-22 13.2-15.2 21-27 65-75 296-316 11-16 14-19 5.4-7.4 20-26
3 115-125 144-164 28-32 17-22 8.4-9.4 22-28 68-78 300-320 10-15 15-20 3.5-5.5 21-27
1.5 131-141 210-230 10-15 12-17 18.5-20.5 22-28 89-99 327-347 10-15 19-24 10.9-12.9 26-32
50 2.25 130-140 205-225 11-16 12-17 14-16 23-29 98-108 337-357 10-15 14-19 8.3-10.3 28-34
3 129-139 200-220 13-18 12-17 9.5-11.5 24-30 106-116 348-368 10-15 9-14 5.7-7.7 30-36
1.5 135-145 300-320 10-15 15-20 17.6-19.6 23-29 119-129 365-385 10-15 21-26 14.7-16.7 33-39
70 2.25 131-141 295-315 11-16 14-19 13.8-15.8 23-29 132-142 380-400 10-15 16-21 11.3-13.3 36-42
3 128-138 290-310 13-18 14-19 10-12 23-29 144-154 395-415 10-15 11-16 7.9-9.9 38-44
1.5 139-149 390-410 10-15 16-21 16.7-18.7 22-28 162-172 418-438 10-15 19-24 19.4-21.4 43-49
90 2.25 137-147 370-390 10-15 14-19 12.6-14.6 22-28 172-182 430-450 10-15 19-24 14.7-16.7 45-51
3 135-145 350-370 10-15 13-18 8.5-10.5 22-28 182-192 444-464 11-16 19-24 10.1-12.1 47-53
018 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 120-130 155-175 27-32 11-16 16.9-19.9 16-22 73-83 268-288 8-13 4-9 6.1-8.1 15-21
30 2.25 120-130 142-162 27-32 9-14 12.5-14.5 17-23 75-85 270-290 8-13 4-9 4.4-6.4 16-22
3 120-130 128-148 27-32 9-14 8.1-10.1 17-23 78-88 272-292 8-13 4-9 2.9-4.9 16-22
1.5 137-147 220-240 16-21 10-15 17-19 16-22 102-112 295-315 8-13 8-13 9.1-11.1 20-26
50 2.25 137-147 206-226 16-21 8-13 12.6-14.6 17-23 106-116 297-317 8-13 8-13 6.9-8.9 21-27
3 137-147 192-212 16-21 8-13 8.4-10.4 17-23 110-120 299-319 8-13 8-13 4.7-6.7 21-27
1.5 142-152 287-307 7-12 10-15 15.9-17.9 16-22 131-141 324-344 9-14 10-15 12.1-14.1 25-33
70 2.25 142-152 273-239 7-12 8-13 11.8-13.8 17-23 137-147 326-346 9-14 10-15 9.3-11.3 26-34
3 142-152 259-279 7-12 8-13 7.8-9.8 17-23 144-154 328-348 9-14 10-15 6.6-8.6 26-34
1.5 146-156 375-395 6-11 10-15 14.9-16.9 16-22 174-184 360-380 10-15 12-17 15.8-17.8 32-40
90 2.25 146-156 361-381 6-11 8-13 11-13 17-23 180-190 367-387 11-16 12-17 11.9-13.9 33-41
3 146-156 347-367 6-11 8-13 7.2-9.2 17-23 187-197 374-394 12-17 12-17 8-10 33-41
40 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Table 12: TS Series Typical Unit Operating Pressures and Temperatures: Continued
024 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 115-125 154-174 40-45 8-13 16.5-18.5 19-25 73-83 283-303 8-12 6-11 5.9-7.9 16-22
30 2.25 115-125 141-161 40-45 6-11 12.1-14.1 20-26 75-85 285-305 8-12 6-11 4.2-6.2 17-23
3 115-125 127-147 40-45 6-11 77.7-9.7 20-26 78-88 287-307 8-12 6-11 2.7-4.7 18-24
1.5 115-120 209-229 24-29 10-15 15.7-17.7 18-24 102-112 313-333 8-12 8-13 8.9-10.9 22-28
50 2.25 115-120 195-215 24-29 8-13 11.6-13.6 18-24 106-116 314-334 8-12 8-13 6.7-8.7 23-29
3 115-120 181-201 24-29 8-13 7.6-9.6 18-24 110-120 316-336 8-12 8-13 4.5-6.5 23-29
1.5 136-146 275-295 6-11 6-11 15.7-17.7 18-24 128-138 340-360 9-14 9-14 11.3-13.3 27-34
70 2.25 136-146 261-281 6-11 5-10 11.6-13.6 18-24 134-144 342-362 9-14 9-14 8.5-10.5 28-35
3 136-146 247-267 6-11 4-9 7.6-9.6 18-24 141-151 344-364 9-14 9-14 5.8-7.8 28-35
1.5 140-150 361-381 6-11 6-11 14.9-16.9 18-24 162-172 370-390 14-19 9-14 14.4-16.4 32-40
90 2.25 140-150 347-367 6-11 5-10 11-13 18-24 166-176 376-396 15-20 9-14 10.8-12.8 34-42
3 140-150 333-353 6-11 4-9 7.2-9.2 18-24 171-181 383-403 16-21 9-14 7.1-9.1 34-42
030 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 116-126 146-166 27-32 7-13 19.6-21.6 16-22 69-79 275-295 7-12 6-11 7.2-9.2 16-22
30 2.25 115-125 138-158 27-32 6-11 14.3-16.3 17-23 73-83 277-297 7-12 6-11 5.4-7.4 17-23
3 115-125 128-148 27-32 6-11 8-10 17-23 76-86 279-299 7-12 6-11 3.5-5.5 17-23
1.5 129-139 217-237 12-17 6-11 20.8-22.8 17-23 96-106 300-320 10-15 9-14 10.5-12.5 21-27
50 2.25 128-138 203-223 12-17 5-10 15-17 18-24 100-110 304-324 10-15 9-14 7.6-9.6 22-28
3 128-138 189-209 12-17 5-10 9.2-11.2 18-24 105-115 309-329 10-15 9-14 4.8-6.8 22-28
1.5 132-142 293-313 9-14 6-11 20.1-22.1 17-23 123-133 327-347 11-16 11-16 13.2-15.2 25-32
70 2.25 131-141 274-294 9-14 5-10 14.4-16.4 18-24 129-139 333-353 11-16 11-16 9.8-11.8 26-33
3 131-141 256-276 9-14 5-10 8.6-10.6 18-24 135-145 339-359 11-16 11-16 6.4-8.4 27-34
1.5 137-147 383-403 7-12 5-10 19.4-21.4 16-22 155-165 355-375 13-18 11-16 16.8-18.8 30-38
90 2.25 137-147 362-382 7-12 5-10 13.8-15.8 16-22 162-172 362-382 14-19 11-16 12.7-14.7 31-39
3 137-147 342-362 7-12 5-10 8.2-10.2 16-22 169-179 369-389 16-21 11-16 8.6-10.6 32-40
036 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 117-127 142-162 33-38 8-14 19.1-21.1 15-22 69-79 276-296 10-15 10-15 7.2-9.2 17-23
30 2.25 116-126 134-154 33-38 7-12 13.8-15.8 15-22 73-83 278-298 10-15 10-15 5.3-7.3 18-24
3 116-126 124-144 33-38 7-12 7.4-9.4 15-22 76-86 280-300 10-15 10-15 3.5-5.5 18-24
1.5 136-146 211-231 11-16 6-11 20.6-22.6 17-23 99-109 302-322 10-15 13-18 10.6-12.6 22-28
50 2.25 136-146 197-217 11-16 5-10 14.8-16.8 17-23 103-113 306-326 10-15 13-18 7.7-9.7 23-29
3 136-146 183-203 11-16 5-10 9-11 17-23 108-118 311-331 10-15 13-18 5-7 23-29
1.5 137-147 275-295 9-14 10-15 19-21 18-24 127-137 332-352 10-15 15-20 13.5-15.5 27-34
70 2.25 137-147 260-280 9-14 9-14 13.8-15.8 19-25 133-143 338-358 10-15 15-20 10.1-12.1 28-35
3 137-147 245-265 9-14 9-14 8-10 19-25 139-149 344-364 10-15 15-20 6.7-8.7 29-36
1.5 142-152 373-393 7-12 10-15 19.5-21.5 17-23 164-174 365-385 11-16 15-20 17.4-19.4 34-42
90 2.25 142-152 352-372 8-13 6-11 13.9-15.9 17-23 172-182 372-392 11-16 15-20 13.2-15.2 35-43
3 142-152 332-352 8-13 6-11 8.3-10.3 17-23 181-191 379-399 12-17 15-20 9-11 36-44
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 41
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Table 12: TS Series Typical Unit Operating Pressures and Temperatures: Continued
042 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 114-124 170-190 27-32 10-15 17.2-19.2 17-23 69-79 286-306 5-10 5-10 4.5-6.5 16-22
30 2.25 113-123 150-170 27-32 9-14 12.7-14.7 17-23 72-82 289-309 5-10 6-11 3.9-5.9 17-23
3 113-123 131-151 27-32 7-12 8.2-10.2 17-23 75-85 292-312 6-11 6-11 3.2-5.2 18-24
1.5 130-140 226-246 10-15 6-11 17.8-19.8 20-26 100-110 315-335 7-12 6-11 9-11 22-28
50 2.25 129-139 208-228 10-15 5-10 13.3-15.3 20-26 105-115 322-342 8-13 6-11 7-9 23-29
3 129-139 190-210 10-15 4-9 8.8-10.8 20-26 110-120 330-350 10-15 7-12 5-7 24-30
1.5 132-142 290-310 6-11 6-11 17.3-19.3 19-25 131-141 347-367 11-16 6-11 13.4-15.4 29-35
70 2.25 131-141 273-293 6-11 5-10 12.8-14.8 19-25 138-148 358-378 13-18 8-13 10-12 30-36
3 131-141 255-275 6-11 4-9 8.3-10.3 19-25 145-155 369-389 16-21 9-14 6.9-8.9 31-37
1.5 136-146 370-390 6-11 6-11 16-18 17-23 175-185 393-413 19-24 7-12 17.6-19.6 36-42
90 2.25 135-145 350-370 6-11 5-10 11.8-13.8 17-23 177-187 401-421 20-25 9-14 13.2-15.2 37-43
3 135-145 330-350 6-11 4-9 7.6-9.6 17-23 180-190 409-429 22-27 12-17 8.7-10.7 38-44
048 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 108-118 180-200 27-32 12-17 19.8-21.8 19-25 65-75 293-313 7-12 9-14 8.2-10.2 17-23
30 2.25 107-117 161-181 28-33 10-15 14.8-16.8 19-25 68-78 297-217 8-13 9-14 6.2-8.2 18-24
3 107-117 142-162 29-34 9-14 9.8-11.8 19-25 72-82 301-321 9-14 9-14 4.2-6.2 19-25
1.5 123-133 236-256 16-21 8-13 20.2-22.2 21-27 92-102 321-341 10-15 11-16 11.6-13.6 23-29
50 2.25 122-132 218-238 17-22 7-12 15.2-18.2 21-27 100-110 330-350 11-16 11-16 8.9-10.9 24-30
3 122-132 200-220 17-22 6-11 10.2-12.2 21-27 108-118 340-360 12-17 11-16 6-8 26-32
1.5 130-140 305-325 10-15 8-13 20-22 20-26 122-132 353-373 12-17 11-16 15-17 29-35
70 2.25 129-139 285-305 11-16 6-11 15-17 20-26 133-143 365-385 14-19 11-16 11.5-13.5 31-37
3 129-139 265-285 11-16 5-10 10-12 20-26 144-154 378-398 16-21 11-16 8-10 33-39
1.5 133-143 390-410 8-13 8-13 19-21 19-25 166-176 397-417 16-21 9-14 19.5-21.5 37-43
90 2.25 132-142 368-388 9-14 6-11 14-16 19-25 173-183 407-727 18-23 9-14 14.7-16.7 38-44
3 132-142 345-365 9-14 5-10 9-11 19-25 181-191 417-437 19-24 10-15 9.9-11.9 40-46
060 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 98-108 160-180 40-45 12-17 20-22 19-25 62-72 276-296 6-11 6-11 8-10 17-23
30 2.25 97-107 149-169 41-46 12-17 14.3-16.3 19-25 66-76 280-300 6-11 6-11 6-8 18-24
3 96-106 137-157 42-48 11-16 8.5-10.5 20-26 70-80 284-304 7-12 6-11 4-6 19-25
1.5 118-128 225-245 36-41 11-16 21.2-23.2 19-25 88-98 306-326 10-15 8-13 11-13 23-29
50 2.25 117-127 210-230 37-42 10-15 15.7-17.7 20-26 94-104 311-331 10-15 8-13 8.3-10.3 24-30
3 115-125 195-215 38-43 9-14 10.2-12.2 21-27 100-110 317-337 11-16 9-14 5.5-7.5 25-31
1.5 135-145 300-320 12-17 9-14 20.3-22.3 21-27 112-122 333-353 12-17 10-15 14-16 28-34
70 2.25 133-143 285-305 14-19 8-13 15-17 21-27 122-132 342-362 14-19 10-15 10.5-12.5 30-36
3 132-142 270-290 16-21 7-12 10-12 22-28 130-140 351-371 15-20 11-16 7.3-9.3 32-38
1.5 139-149 390-410 8-13 7-12 19.3-21.3 20-26 147-157 369-389 15-20 10-15 17.7-19.7 36-42
90 2.25 138-148 370-390 8-13 6-11 14.3-16.3 21-27 154-164 377-397 18-23 10-15 13.4-15.4 37-43
3 138-148 350-370 8-13 6-11 9.3-11.3 21-27 160-170 385-405 19-24 11-16 9-11 38-44
42 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Table 12: TS Series Typical Unit Operating Pressures and Temperatures: Continued
070 Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water Suction Discharge Water Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Subcool- Subcool- Air Temp
Water Flow Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Rise Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing ing Rise °F DB
1.5 110-120 177-197 36-41 15-20 20.2-22.2 21-27 61-71 290-310 12-18 9-14 8-10 19-25
30 2.25 109-119 162-182 37-42 13-18 15-17 21-27 65-75 292-312 12-18 10-15 6-8 20-26
3 107-117 147-167 38-43 11-16 9.7-11.7 22-28 68-78 296-316 12-18 10-15 4-6 21-27
1.5 128-138 246-266 18-23 11-16 21-23 22-28 88-98 320-340 11-17 13-18 11.7-13.7 26-32
50 2.25 128-138 228-248 19-24 9-14 15.6-17.6 23-29 96-106 330-350 11-17 11-16 9-11 27-33
3 127-137 210-230 20-25 6-11 10.2-12.2 24-30 105-115 338-358 11-17 9-14 6-8 29-35
1.5 134-144 305-325 9-14 11-16 20.8-22.8 23-29 118-128 355-375 10-16 14-19 15.2-17.2 33-39
70 2.25 133-143 289-309 9-14 9-14 15.4-17.4 23-29 130-140 368-388 12-18 13-18 11.7-13.7 35-41
3 131-141 273-293 9-14 6-11 10-12 23-29 141-151 380-400 15-21 11-16 8-10 37-43
1.5 140-150 390-410 10-15 11-16 19.6-21.6 22-28 158-168 401-421 9-15 13-18 19.5-21.5 41-47
90 2.25 139-149 373-393 10-15 9-14 14.5-16.5 22-28 168-178 412-432 10-16 12-17 14.8-16.8 43-49
3 138-148 355-375 10-15 6-11 9.3-11.3 22-28 178-188 423-443 12-18 12-17 10-12 45-51
Full Load Cooling - without HWG active Full Load Heating - without HWG active
Entering Water
Water Flow Water
Suction Discharge Air Temp Suction Discharge Water
Temp °F GPM/ton Subcool- Temp Subcool- Air Temp
Pressure Pressure Superheat Drop °F Pressure Pressure Superheat Temp Drop
ing Rise ing Rise °F DB
1.5 75-85 90-105 25-40 12-20 21-24 21-26 34-39 167-186 12-16 1-4 7.6-8.4 14-20
30 2.25 74-84 80-95 25-40 11-18 13-16 21-26 37-43 172-191 12-16 1-4 4.8-5.6 16-22
3 73-83 70-85 25-40 10-16 10-16 21-26 40-46 177-196 12-16 1-4 3.4-4.2 16-22
1.5 75-85 125-155 12-20 10-18 20-23 20-25 50-60 180-210 10-17 1-5 10.8-11.9 23-29
50 2.25 74-84 120-142 12-20 9-16 12-15 20-25 53-62 185-215 10-17 1-5 6.7-8.1 24-30
3 73-83 115-138 12-20 8-14 8-12 20-25 55-65 190-220 10-17 1-5 5.1-5.9 28-31
1.5 75-85 179-198 9-16 8-15 19-22 19-24 71-82 205-230 14-19 1-5 14.0-15.2 28-34
70 2.25 74-84 168-186 9-16 8-14 12-17 19-24 73-85 210-238 14-19 1-5 9.0-10.2 30-37
3 73-83 158-175 9-16 8-12 7-12 19-24 76-88 215-242 14-19 1-5 6.7-7.9 31-38
1.5 75-85 229-251 9-17 8-15 18-21 17-23 85-95 220-260 18-28 2-5 14.4-16.6 32-39
90 2.25 74-84 218-241 9-17 8-14 10-14 17-23 90-100 225-265 18-28 2-5 10.8-12.4 33-41
3 73-83 208-230 9-17 8-12 6-11 17-23 95-105 230-270 18-28 2-5 7.2-8.3 35-42
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 43
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Preventive Maintenance
44 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
The compressor relay is 24VAC and can be verified using a
voltmeter. The fan signal is passed through the board to the
external fan relay (units with PSC motors only). The alarm
relay can either be 24VAC as shipped or dry contacts for use
with DDC controls by clipping the JW1 jumper. Electric heat
outputs are 24VDC “ground sinking” and require a volt meter
set for DC to verify operation. The terminal marked “24VDC”
is the 24VDC supply to the electric heat board; terminal “EH1”
is stage 1 electric heat; terminal “EH2” is stage 2 electric heat.
When electric heat is energized (thermostat is sending a “W”
input to the CXM controller), there will be 24VDC between
terminal “24VDC” and “EH1” (stage 1 electric heat) and/or
“EH2” (stage 2 electric heat). A reading of 0VDC between
“24VDC” and “EH1” or “EH2” will indicate that the CXM board
is NOT sending an output signal to the electric heat board.
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 45
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Failure to disconnect power before servicing can cause
severe personal injury or death.
CXM Functional
Troubleshooting Chart
Did Unit No Check Main
Attempt to power (see power
Start? problems)
Did Unit Yes
Check fault LED code No fault
Lockout at
on control board shown
See “ Unit Yes See See FP1
Unit Short See HP Replace
short LP/LOC Fault
Cycles? Fault CXM
cycles” Fault
See “ Only Yes See FP2 See See Over/
Only Fan
Fan Runs” Fault Condensate Under
Fault Voltage
See “ Only Yes Only
Comp Compressor
Runs” Runs?
Did unit lockout Yes
after a period of
See “ Does No Does unit
not Operate operate in
in Clg” cooling?
Unit is OK!
‘See Performance
Troubleshooting’ for
further help
46 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Functional Troubleshooting
Htg Clg Possible Cause Solution
Insufficient capacity/ X X Dirty Filter Replace or clean
Not cooling or heating X Reduced or no Air flow Check for dirty air filter and clean or replace
properly in heating Check fan motor operation and airflow restrictions
Too high of external static. Check static vs blower table
X Reduced or no Air flow Check for dirty air filter and clean or replace
in cooling Check fan motor operation and airflow restrictions
Too high of external static. Check static vs blower table
Check supply and return air temperatures at the unit and at
X X Leaky duct work distant duct registers if significantly different, duct leaks
are present
X X Low refrigerant charge Check superheat and subcooling per chart
X X Restricted metering device Check superheat and subcooling per chart. Replace.
X Defective Reversing Valve Perform RV touch test
X X Thermostat improperly located Check location and for air drafts behind stat
Recheck loads & sizing check sensible clg load and heat
X X Unit undersized
pump capacity
X X Scaling in water heat exchanger Perform Scaling check and clean if necessary
X X Inlet Water too Hot or Cold Check load, loop sizing, loop backfill, ground moisture.
High Head Pressure X Reduced or no Air flow Check for dirty air filter and clean or replace
in heating Check fan motor operation and airflow restrictions
X Water Temperature out of range Bring water temp within design parameters
X Reduced Air flow Check for dirty air filter and clean or replace
in cooling Check fan motor operation and airflow restrictions
Too high of external static. Check static vs blower table
Too much cold vent air? Bring entering air temp within
X Air Temperature out of range
design parameters
X X Insufficient charge Check for refrigerant leaks
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 47
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Functional Troubleshooting
Performance Troubleshooting
Htg Clg Possible Cause Solution
Insufficient capacity/ X X Dirty Filter Replace or clean
Not cooling or heating X Reduced or no Air flow Check for dirty air filter and clean or replace
properly in heating Check fan motor operation and airflow restrictions
Too high of external static. Check static vs blower table
X Reduced or no Air flow Check for dirty air filter and clean or replace
in cooling Check fan motor operation and airflow restrictions
Too high of external static. Check static vs blower table
Check supply and return air temperatures at the unit and a
X X Leaky duct work distant duct registers if significantly different, duct leaks
are present
X X Low refrigerant charge Check superheat and subcooling per chart
X X Restricted metering device Check superheat and subcooling per chart. Replace.
X Defective Reversing Valve Perform RV touch test
X X Thermostat improperly located Check location and for air drafts behind stat
Recheck loads & sizing check sensible clg load and heat
X X Unit undersized
pump capacity
X X Scaling in water heat exchanger Perform Scaling check and clean if necessary
X X Inlet Water too Hot or Cold Check load, loop sizing, loop backfill, ground moisture.
High Head Pressure X Reduced or no Air flow Check for dirty air filter and clean or replace
in heating Check fan motor operation and airflow restrictions
X Water Temperature out of range Bring water temp within design parameters
X Reduced Air flow Check for dirty air filter and clean or replace
in cooling Check fan motor operation and airflow restrictions
Too high of external static. Check static vs blower table
Too much cold vent air? Bring entering air temp within
X Air Temperature out of range
design parameters
X X Insufficient charge Check for refrigerant leaks
48 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
Troubleshooting Form
Voltage: ________
Comp Amps: _______
°F °F °F
WATER IN WATER OUT Look up pressure drop in
I.O.M. or spec. catalog to
determine flow rate.
Note: Never connect refrigerant gauges during startup procedures. Conduct water-side analysis using P/T ports to determine
water flow and temperature difference. If water-side analysis shows poor performance, refrigerant troubleshooting may be
required. Connect refrigerant gauges as a last resort.
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 49
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
50 W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
w w w. c l i m a t e m a s t e r. c o m 51
Residential H&V - 60Hz R22 &R410A
R e v. : 2 2 D e c , 2 0 0 8
ISO 9001:2000
ST 6
AND 3 25
Phone: 405-745-6000
Fax: 405-745-6058
ClimateMaster works continually to improve its products. As a result, the design and specifications of each product at the time for order may be
changed without notice and may not be as described herein. Please contact ClimateMaster’s Customer Service Department at 1-405-745-6000
for specific information on the current design and specifications. Statements and other information contained herein are not express warranties
and do not form the basis of any bargain between the parties, but are merely ClimateMaster’s opinion or commendation of its products.
The management system governing the manufacture of ClimateMaster’s products is ISO 9001:2000 certified.
© ClimateMaster, Inc. 2006